The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1913, Page 64, Image 64

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'eat- .liljge:::
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04 Things We See the Outside. :
Tti2 Brain Gets Its First Impression
from the Eye, and Through the Eye
Forms Its First Opinion.
Therefore Keep Up Appearances. . To
Look Well Is to Impress Favorably, and
Take One of the Short cuts to Success.
cbt. mi t e M nmmu. & man who can give you w)iat
E live in a world of you want has succeeded, and he is
struggle. Competition a worker. .. . . - - , K
is dying: out at. the'. That. means that fie is BUSY
top, where the tig , He may not have time to hear
men nile' . r vrm ahrnif vnnrsftlf. Hft mav
But at the bottom not have time to read letter of
: 12" A A'
wft have the little man. Jhe em-
ploye struggles for his opp5rtun: that you brin But he has timd ,
ity. Competition down below is TO LOOK AT YOU, and in nine- ,
still almost as keen and deadly as ty cases out of a hundreci that first -lit
.was in the marshes and jungles 00K makcs or mars ,yoUfin his.
a hundred thousand years ago.- estimation. - :
rrif you; can't compete you can't . rcad a letter takes a few sec-.
oicceed. CAW1 Ctt t onds, To hear an application a'
And:yoa can't STILL. few more seconds BiTthe eye is
Evervbodv is coin? either for- . , t!M t ion :
.yard or backward, although he 00miles in Sne second, and the day is EARNESTNESS,' and earn- :
.may not know it. . ; ey tells Jts story to the brain be. estriess is. always quiet. V ; ;: :
: fore you have handed your letter Avoid everything that -is noisy ' i; - - -
. More than one thing must be pf introduction. across the desk or in speechinv mariner, in dress" '
kept in mjnd .by the;ypung .What , you ;.wear, should 'i be" : V
;;ho means to be at the top when Let the hand that : holds put tfie, scrupulously clean, neat, well-
;;the dust of Combat-settlesvVi ; ' JetterJ be fa5 cleans hand; showing made, simple The body is mere-'
-- Industry, sobriety, elf-ontrol, that you respect your a pedestal that holds up the n '
methodical .habits, energy, per- the man tb whom you speak: , : : face. and the5thinkinrbrainthat';- '
tieswe have discussed im.rtc a$;it is the brain, 'the
readers. 1 Today we talk face that a. man hires, let that be
r young men, and to the older men hmh hTiri: anrl riwn Vmn. ' . the conspicuous' thine, not a red
Be neat, clean, trimand ship-' :nf&3
jAvpn.. . . , . iou may consiaer yourseir-arr. ";-v - - - . - "
& tKa ffiat'afas: unrecognized; genius'and -alx SCS' . -
.the man. . V- v , .; '
But it IS t& outside that irtflu-
" details of dress and personal neat- g d.rcss wich is ?nf ;
tiAc - " key. to character, and carrying'
jbacesthefirst opinion of him, who PJve that later, on if you can. . SrtSS " ' T " . " T -
icci tnat man. , ivicauwunc jcmcinucr mai. iauyt . KeeD awav from "friends'? tha
The creat teacher of , the brain a man not a genius has secured a i
'.Is. the human eye. . And we have, good job and got a good
:all been trained through: hundreds cause houses his money for a re-. in business
: of thousands of vears to believe spectableisuitrof -clothesrrdecent Hnnr :
f jvhat the eye tells us. We turn hat, :shoes, collar, ; necktie and " Remember,
away from that which offends the smrt, ana ; tooic : tne troupie the y0lir jjan
- eye; we are drawn toward that night hefore he applied for his job thatyou do
- which pleases the eye. . to straighten out the trousers, fold
; . , ? -. 1 Jul t4ICiU tenor, things
1 V. , ' ...
o '" nT
mattress when he went to bed at
energy;that you can 'store up. for, .
' 32vnSS ili'coh'Ws future -;: -V t ':
. - Pl03!w - higher ; ... yon must know that naturWier-
...sell-goods, -;to;: ask -for vcredit. ?htK'::?f , WiTt- -thrmKrh h,
'K?i?thK?yeB? a"l still -works; by appealing' to
tells huivasheXOOKSiyery of ten pnbesides v the clothing the eve and usinp exterior anDear- -;:
acLuca juja. 7 jruu wcai. i 110 iiucakauu attCeS &3 a most
''.::.ucvc(upins.tjour.nuna sraayxng .uuic:i;,uii.,; scarecrow: ooks . ence
: .thinking, bililding up character on ; miserable.. The best clothine: worn . if V mn
the inside, be careful ito rirtn mmt
-earn and deserve good opinion On press the ecs For the eye at one ,nnnrh a Tia Jfc?n :.v ' - . 1
fvi oeauty or the skv and of the irum uic ucmning me -man, . ine women, nave , cnangeu-iu
;; v i hwvvi aavx. nook gjutn as the
isiiriessijnsideltherieat through1 the r
,n.u4. clothing;: You . must stand erArf At-
mipt Srtd Mrffi . , I T1ia ni4n rfincA frir tife Iia hair n thft hlcrhlv imnrovftd
loresi wimitneim ' rhe world, is made beautiful in -woman wnose appearance - com- proauct xnat;you see arouna you.
d, from the
cracked his '
ate the
maDOveyourneaaana. appearance,- because-eternal. wis- bined oeauty, with goodness and , Man has change
catch ;orie;; if ;you dom knows that beautv is an h purity, i - . J troglodyte, who
tand" monkey, nature. ,v, r .servicesor atirst aassuman ma- spiration. r - . ' Always "OUTSIDE -APPEAR- neighbor's thigh bone and
To - catchy success -yougm Beauty, Outside, appearance, ANCES v with the beginning of marrow, and-used his ne
ivwuw ; mi,uu combined with .goodness, explain courtship. That which was beau- skull for a' drinking cup, to the
QUGHTY vv; v wonderful: progress of ,the tiful, powerful, was chosen. 'That almost civilized person represent-
' kii a"v r v ttv,"- ps.v i & HHfv.vMvv j vnik.wi uiuiiaii . i au; 1 5iiu wn -m inamatre, wmtu was wcait, ugiy,?. uispieas- uj. v u.
to impressing upon your mmd the.uuuu, AtAKAiNUt , a n a and, consequently, .better genera- ing, was left behind, and so with Remember, that to
ct .mat me tirst essential of sue- nasny appearance; , tions.of, nien. .. ' 1 the guidance of appearances the at your best, IS TO
Ti PARAISQR illnfiMnsUriihai Jiimr t rr co has rrogxer ed
look well, be