The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1913, Page 28, Image 28

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    ;:!"-..;"-',v-y;.-V--"''' V '
8 '
. :Vif,
:.'."' r?M'i''."'-ii'VvO' .' "' ,
Jit":-"!V'rirt''.-.'i''4 ': :'.;('l 'r.- '
The "Most ' Profitable" Branch
of Farming
v ' ,Ar Real. Farm
- 40 acrts, '22 acres cleared and culti
vated, balance slashed -and ' seeded to
pun lure; ui jsvci tana; su lenceaj guuu
rarm hnnn mri arrre. vaaw harn mam
No business ',' known at . the-, -present I for 18 heaid of cattf. E horstM and 43
t.m that combine such large profit I con a of hay, 4 cows, 3 heifers, team. 3
and absolute security, v I wagons, buggy, cream separator, plows
I narrows, cultivators, eta; an ioois ni
I ImnlflmAtita arn with aa.le lota of chick'
i'ujb vrji Tina- biock rancn or iaa acre ens: located in cne nest i arm in a, wwrn
located' midway between Portland and of Clarke oounty; nolle from school
Neattle. with local markets that will and small town, 3 miles from R. R.
take all stock, produced at the Very and i mllea from electric. line. , Prloe
highest pricea Aboet 40 acres of hot- 16500. ! It Is certainly worth' the money;
torn land, nearly all . In cultivation; It $4000 cash, balance to suit Will con
acres In fine clover meadow. 'The en- alder Portland residence up to about
tire tract is the very "best of soil, no $2500. if it is unincumbered and worth
rock or crave!. 180 acres tillable when nt-fc nkil - - -.-
cleared., attundance of good , free- out-1 ELWELL REALTY CO..
'range,-' Fine water supplies. Plenty of Grand Theatre bldg., Vancouver. Wash.
T ri 1 1 1 Vmiu 9 Kama.. tft Cin PnnH I ' ' 1 ' ' 1
Kr veled county road la well settled AN up-to-date meat market, with com.
40 ACRES, 16 miles from Portland" to
traa ior rooming i nous or apart-
. a.- ..jinA w . . '
I iron u w fvvvv,
"$ acres, i miles from Portland, to
trade ior sunurnan noma to ibuuu.
UO acres, hisrhlv improved Wlllam-
ette valley farm. SO miles from Port
land, for stock, ranch, anywhere, valu
Two modern houses, east side, value
S80, mortgage i z&oo, for email rarm
will 'assume,.; ,;!,'.. .,, , -
1675 acres, stock farm, in Doug-las
county, ISO acres under cultivation. 400
acres in grass, good improvements, on
raiiroaii. Burnt biock, ior i-orxianu Drop,
erty. Price $46,000.
' Several stock farms tn trade for city
MAn.Ft ....A... A. m n m vuniin
eieoiion, scnoot - rignt at pisoe, a mueii . i"i ium-i; jviii. .a. tw ijo.uuv.
irom town and witnm o miles or mree "yuiK wni injirusvi -
good sawmill towns. Terms. J00O cash, ufacturing plant, refrigerator, cooling
4 ff A - boxes, showcases, etc. In one of the
rj ' M UU"' ACreS;,V':.-'-'''i best cities in Montana, doing a good
About 10 acres of bottom land.' bal- profitable buainess. f or sal on terms
anc bench land all the best of soil, or will exchange for Portland property;
About 0 acres in cultivation; lo acre "'""TO"11" on yril 1A!M 1 ..IU.. I .
slashed and seeded, Klne water sup. opportuiUtr to acquire t good paying VVlH I radO LaUre HlUrSt LOt
nga Plenty of fruit.' Two housea the BEST STATB IN , THE UNION,
large bara, to. Also fine cowa; 2E where conditions ar, excellent and
tuns of hay, farming tools, etc. .School everybody making money. Go to pros-
ann ' the' place. On county roao. phone I perous juaniana, me treasure lie. ana
r v n i. vi miiM from tnvn in I you urn bound to make money, former
'Very I vwiier ixmuo io.ib ui luuiitjjr in vma'uiai-
ar.ij naa now purenuro I wrg inm
of land and going Into, fanning ajid live
stock raising. '
j. w. tuswrm-iisiss, uwner,
0? Railway Exohange bldg.
' '-' "'' C. U NEWMAN,
' 409 Lewis Bldg., Portland. Ore. .
Phone Main 44.
Price 14300.
the Chehall valley.
eaer terms.
, s80 Acres'-': ,
.All first-class soli. About 5 acres in
cultivation 40 - acres tillable when
. cleared. ; Abundance or good free out
ran ;a -IS acres creek - bottom, fine
creek crosses. Small house. On county j
roao, mues rrom large store ana v. u.
Close to neighbora Pries 1800. . Very
' AO i la" m si A, . . 'i
:;.v; Alvord & Co.
. Board of Trade.
r ' '15 sores, 10 acres in cultiva
tion, S more half cleared, fam
X lly orchard. 6 room house, other
a buildings fair. This place is on
: electric line only an hour from
center . of Portland. Cut to
$3500. ;. 1 1
.. ' 45 acres 14 miles from city
limits on line of P. E. & B rall-
" road. SS acres In cultivation, new
bulldlnga This place fronts full
length on Willamette river. Has
r been held at $9600; owner must
raise money and will cut price
for quick sale. Look It over and
make offer. , , t ... "
70 seres farm, SO acres In cul
tivation, balance easily cleared.'
:' Fronts on Clackamas river, two
. other streams through place, good
buildings, good family orchard.
This farm must be sold to settle
an estate. Price cut to $6000.
All paid, for well located room
dwelling,' bungalow- preferred,'
about . $2500; win pay some cash;
real . valuer of lot $1200; no In
flated, price considered. . ".
W. A. Barnes Co.-
404-8 Lewis bldg. Cor. 4th-Oak.
Phon Main 208L -
.160 Acres $19 an Acre
Only $500 Cash, or Will Trade
160 acre ranch,, all tillable land, ::'
15 acres la cultivation; fair bous '
and good barn, irrigation ditch ''.
through ranch. - Might coasider a
' city lot as first payment This. '
place is clear of Incurabranoa
Take ss low s $500 cash and .
give long time on balance at 0 per v
Dorr E. Keasey & Co,
2d Fir. Chamber Commerce Bldf. ;
$500 Handles This
75 Acre Ranch $3000
75 acres, all good tillable land,
about 5 acres in cultivation, sont
first-class timber. 6 room houie,
large barn, chicken bouse, rioored
woodshed, water piped to housa
This goes for'JSOO cash, balano
IbOO a year, including Interest
Dorr E. Keasey & Co.
Sd Fir. Chamber Commerce) Bldg.
See what you have In Portland property
to exchange for; a farm, any part of
State. imnrnved or linimnrnved. ' or
stocked, and see our big list of attrac
I tive offers, and it may be that you will
be anxious to be numbered among the
I many trades that we are making. Now
i Is the time to trade for a farm, for you
would lose in waiting for spring. Take
your sensible wife's advice and coma
I around here: .also make up your own
mind for soma lucrative work on a farm,
mil ft jpurur, 113 Aomgton Diflg.
WHAT hav you to exchange for $1(00
equity In a good 10 acre wheat
ranch T 145 acres In cultivation, 8 acres
bottom for alfalfa; good wells, 11 feet
to wster; small house snd barn; tt mile
to scnooi: neis-nbora close, on duoiio
road; izooq mortgage runs I years, s
per cent: f miles from Pendleton, Ore..
4 miles from Sparks R. R. station. WU1
take small nlace partly lmnroved. clear
city lots or good improved relinquish
ment and some cash, .Ernest F. Sonto,
ciem, ore. ' . r
ft""'tE Aft - ESTATE 24 1 b EXCH AKGE--RE A L DijTATB iM'- JCU A y GgmB tit,' KSTATB j '84
$JO0-Kjuity la - fine lrvlngton house
i ana oungatow tn liawtnorne Uls
i, triot, both new, and modern, to
iraae ior small improved farm
, ciose to rortiano, up to $10,000.
$75.00 El 1 c'ftut modern bungalow,
t- uuui tor noma not waier noat,
oak floors, all built In conven
$10,500-i-EiquKy In. two' flat ' build
, Ings, well located, new and
f- modern in every way.' to 4 trade
for small farm in the valley,
close to electric lino. Will as
. sum vp to, $17,500. f MA-;U't.
$11,0001(2 A., fine farm, close to P.
- r--dt-E.-By.. ood soU.falrbldgs1
g I .Want an: Unincumbeo v
lr. 'Srbirm about ' $60,000; ' - haW v a' i'
.'- large. new.-;, fine buMinii huiM. .
; ingr in' Portland, pice $100,000:
es, beautiful fixtures fine f 'present gross income, about $16od -
Lge: Incumbrance $8760 to per nioiitlt; the remainder' of 5 1,:
for good lots, well located, I (40.000 can be arranged at low in-
, 'm. . I terest. 'i .. . : ';; . ? .., i-.n-
small orchard, creek and soring.
, to trade for clear Improved city
property, or will sell on easy
.terms.- -v.;;. .,r't. -f ;
$12,(001 lots in high eloss,1 close In.
resinuiea aisiricv ; suojeoi 10
it A ' "' . '"
i.i nave iir -wneat farm, ,
$JS,600, equipped with stock and ;
S machinery, 630 summerfallow, v
'i fine 40 acre lake on farm, with 60
; V acres sub-irrigated finest of tU; -.. jt.
falfa land owner sick and must i
sell, his equity $24,000; will trade '
"' for any good., clear property.
'Xon't pasa.thls up; it Is . a dandy.
, Elegant wheat farm, over 8000 .
acres, big lot summerfallow, ;' ,;
:; large- farming outfit, fine build-
ings, fine pumping plant. Owner .;
r will consider up to $60,000 t Jnv
M4BJT win, 7VU KUM ItUtl
this place as it is - and : clear
FlNlj home"in"lrVln;tonT 10 rooms with RATMONP. ; Wash. Newest- an.l beet
large grounds. 1'rTce $1M00; clear of 'town of its age, eight years ,-ld. 18 ,
Incumbrance, tii exchlnirej for an lm- miles from ocean, .future manufacturing
proved larm between K'iwbwr and Mc- and commercial ' city of Southweslfi n
Vllnnvin. m Detwn ewoerg ana Wsshlnaton: xffers.snlendld oDuortunt-.
W. H. I, A
Nrt a mri Ai,itn tildf. Itles for mony-maklng investnieiits to
t'fpH a h7iiTZr'y. -H.-'J. i Ait People with limltedi mean; buMnip .
w.....,..,., uiuuci ii wu iroiuw i" I resloAnce lots, and
-acreage; rlvepjCzBa8, .Journal. xtk for ' cas
acreage purcii- i
h or on install mm t
nlnn. meini arood'rnturns in few months..
SSI Town now has. 6000 people, and growing
rspiaiy; nas sirtet car, eim-n ju mus ,
EU1SON phonograph. ,100 records in water and aewerase nvNfain. and fran
J.Jf?Qa,!nalti?.n: "j!.Sr,'tra4a or chlse lust let for new gas plant. Now
pets, Phone Main 1023. . - - h,i..iK'f.iih.ra vv on thai mn,:
WILL trade paltattng, papering or tint- structlon crews are busy with p large
ing for heating stove, medium site, gangs completing the Milwaukee R. 11,
Must be good condition. 0-64a, Journalt to - Raymond, and will make it-a ter-i
WOUJUU like to exchange first , cial "'jLCf tai.rM tJZ
-APh'n .or good, blcy
Portland Phonograph Agency. (SO Alder. Have SDlendld Boat service; - last, year
WXKfr s l j, ' . ' , i .i varioua-mllls and- factories -loaded 2 ksx
V?rS lnA in "i ol,JAM'S vessels and over 8000 carloads. Monthly
'MhnVVlt6A''ASiM pnywll now $lS6.v00.0; i.flrstclasv'
man koflak. labor 117L ' ' ichoolsthurches; banks- and buslnesr
r i nouses, uver ntty 1 years iimoer xe
WANTED HEAL ESTATE : : 8t I draw fromt For full particulars, ad-
$2000, and an Al mortg., for I ,ft $16,000 to $20.000 each, year.
122 acres, 80 acres In cultiva
tion, balance in pasture and Um
ber, 4 miles from the town of
Yamhill on rock road. Price $12.
000, Includes all stock, machin
ery, grain and feed.
Full information on these farms
. St 'Office of
N Ell. AN ft PARKHILL. '
203-5 Stock Exchange bldg. , .
Stock Ranch'
100x123 Corner
' ; For Trade . :
. 100x123 corner, with a modern
(room bouse; price $. and
clear of incumbrance to trade.
This Is firstlaaa property. 1
block from carliae. and reata for
$40 a month. . .:,.
Dorr E. Keasey & Co.
2d Fir. Chamber Commerce Bldg.
We have 87 U acres, dose to Portland.
blocks from good electrlo station,
nearly all in cultivation, some imDrove-
menta, practically level but well drained
and fine for subdivision; price $500 per
acre: could be cut no and sold for that
now; will trade clear for stock farm and
LL EDDEmANN, rulet A CO,
U Chamber of Commerce.
SO ACHES of fine, level valley land, all
in cultivation; cheap buildings; half a
mile from transportation: near Corval-
lis: (160 per acre. : Will sell on terms of
nothing down If you will Improve the
property or wiu' accept, fortland prop
I ertp as part payment
lAJtiliMliiA. THIJST . CO..
51 8-1 Board of Trade Bldg.
In exchange for good combination
wheat and stock ranch in eastern Ore
gon, 620 acres, half wheat land, 37 acres
alfalfa, fair buildings: nrice 116.000:
will take hardware or furniture stock
to $12,000, balance mortgage per cent
2480 acres, less than til : 8 ACRES 14000. r LTJEDDEMANN, RULES' & CO-
sets of huiitiinra inn .iaie. . tt.l Ail In fin atata. iiitivai ; .i1 - (IS Chamber of Commerce. '
fratea; ioo acres Tnore can be set to al-1 M)UMJ and barn, r 1 acre loganberries, 560 ACRES on electric ' now building.
lilt a and Can- ba irrlaratail- nl.nt nf I lenoed. gOOd Well aoroaa thm mm tmm I marantaaul lit nw ! 4ft ..r.
'r ?n all paru of land; 8000 sheep, tion on, the Oregon Electric; want barley, 100 wheat, (0 acres . potatoea
10 head Cattle 14 horaaa SA hum hlxV. I residence In aOOd localitv niauar nt 1 I Imnnt. vallnv kafkaan -PiHnatrlltA anil
ns and all; machinery, tools, etc,; all I cumbranca-. . ' J Metolius, for city property or hopyard
mtimm 4EI AAA. . . . . , 1. . . r . u TT- C ..AAA 1 , 7 . a
aa mm cain, some muw, iwo, avvu. - ana acreaga wnai nave youi
'- i"- m oab-ek. ; : . I nf 1 " " wai"vHun, lencea, plenty l xutaxJUiviaK,
in .1 I -- diioiiuvk mat,
acre, i-u aown, - oaiance
,$4000, to trade for: city Incoma
:,',: and will assume,!', jtjyf,:-:
$11,000 Two -A-1 mortgages, T per
cent, en rarm properties, to
trade for- city Income property
. ' and will assuma.i,''. .,,:."..'....
$17.600 .Eaultv in 2 houses and ( lots.
f sna xomi acre,, cms in. - lm.
pre vea acreage, alt A-l proper
. ties, to trade for Improved farm
in tn vaiiey up to (zo.vuu.
$20,000 Beautiful 12 room house snd
, p tots, punt ior noma ana nn
, , Ished in exquisite style, free and
- clear, to trade for well Improved
. valley farm bp to $35,000. Must
. be good.
$27,500 87H acres alfalfa land. ' hear
tiormiston, " under government
- ditch, subject to I76U0. and an
A-l mortgage of $10,000. 7 per
. cent, to trad for city income up
$30,000 10 lots, fre and clear,-In best
resiaence aistnot, ana a tiv.uuu
s first mortgaga on southern Ore
gon ' property, ri Consider ' A-l
v property, city or farm to $45,000,
$15,000 8S0 acres,' highly Improved
ciaury avuvA u.vaiauicu miiiM. wim
Columbia river frontaga $ sets
KM.. fit AAA A M, V. n .IaaIa
v.uaa i ,,Vuw wvawa v oy.n,
r machinery and crop, ALL FREE
BRANCE, . within 85 miles of
Portland, to trade for city In
come. Must b right.
160 ACRES, dairy ranch. Tillamook coun
ty, with ( cows, team. Implements and
crops. $8000; will take bouse and lot to
157 acres Tillamook county on R. R. I
nvr ivwil auuu uuiimuBB, wim atuvn, I
tools and crops. - Take Portland lm-1
proved .
40 acres near Oregon City, good build-1
ings- take nouse ana lot in foniana.
137 acres, Tillamook, well Improved,
with stock, crops and tools, for Portland
income. , :,
Good clear lot for auto.
Some srood lots clear of Incumbrance
ior nouse ana joe xaignt assume siraigni
mortgage. No installment payment. -
Several good bouses and lots for stock
and dairy .ranches.
Chittenden & Neill "
810 Oak st
Snlndld dalrv. farm, nn Pnlnrr,. :
oia river, over 800 acrea; stocked
and equipped, fine buildings; $100 '
per acre; owner v will consider
"? Portland property j or t mercantile
' business up to $20,000.
Have unincumbered property in
; and around western Washington
" town, in all, about ' . $60,000, has
. some inooma Will trade all or
. part of this for Portland or val-
ley property. '
, Alfalfa and fruit "farm, highly
. Improved, close to good town in
eastern Oregon, $22,600; consider
good Portland property,' -
' L K, Moore - . -
. 17 Board of. Trad
- - Portland. Or.,v.
For Trade
. Choice 52 Acres . 4
; , - 8 Miles Out..'
. f; , . This is one of the ' beBt lm
v proved farms east of the city,
.v - The buildlnas are worth - tEnoft.
; Located Just 8 miles from the city
' Jimiis. in ere are acrea ,4 s
i acres In high state of cultivation.
Best of soil, no rock or gravel.- In
'.- fact no farm tn the state produces '
V better crops of potatoes, grain.
. clover, and timothy, than this one.
Splendid 8 room house, stove, eel- .
- lar, barn 60x100, concrete potato
house, celled granary, large ma
chine house,, splendid - chicken .
- houses, hog house with runs and
cement cook vats. Best of spring ,
water - piped to house and barn.
, Bearing orchard and -Crapes and
. berries of all kinds. "
- Prlco. $12,600, and will put In
2 cows, chickens, and full equip-,
ment of splendid farm machinery, :
.Will ' accept as first payment
,.- house to value of $5500. Lone;
time.v 6 per cent, on balanoe. j
: Hargrove & Sons, "
122 N. 6th st Mala 4381. A-7?6(.
I Av4um A '. A 1TtnA n.vmnnii ..Waah
WANTED. 6 or room modern bunga- I it .-i Biwa ituTrpinit 'aBi
low, furnished or unfurnished: small I WlLLOW Rl y ER INI ERIOR BR1
cash navment down, or will aivat fine
Rosa Gltv Park lot aa flratrnavment I TURING ana COMMERCIAL capital, t
balance like rent- mist be a KrSatn. ' unrivaled opportunities for mon
oaianc iiKS rent, must o i s . sarKain. i .-., t mvistmp-mth RlTSINKl
Aioert xunuBirom. oov vvasn. si... xwar-
snail 37 .
and HOMES. : Located on FRASER and.
rm A Tirirr.' '"' !!' 1 i I lUUtJY KlVliHB, IftUi'O,
i -nMn,-.r- rr.iiA... .K..a iith I rWPii,, rAViriu lira nuuoun oai( :
Farm in Willamette valley, about loo I .- n,n.. ...nj. i nt a.
HnTIrit! tn linm. )uilllln rnmnanlAl! PAITWTRV . k SirU f IDTIinri
uaii me un about Duuaina- nome iorijviiNiN( dibtrict, insures the rutura
saie on oeautuui . xrvingion fow I or wiuuiw KiyiSR'-r - write now, tooaj
Iiine oner.' fnone u-ziie, - - 1 . i ior rree ma
WANT chicken ranch on east side close fD &TO
I to
WANT,, good modern home, prefer
ki v - wriie now, loaiij.
for free maps, plats, eto PACIFIC
Am onicKea rancn on eaai siae ciosei tijtiT . rn "t. rt.J;MVr-svf ' 77
tn tnwn 9 tn K .r.a- want tmtia and I RICHARDS ST.. VANCOUVER., B. C
ill assuma Bee Ferris, oil Board or I waiuea.
- I HAVE you a prosperous .mercantile:
Trvl business from (15,000 to $25,000 In
Main (868k
lngton? have acreage close in as part Of"?1 ?p nearby state, which you-would
lyment Owners answer A-74 Jour- to trade for a fine income property ,
tl . . . i i . lin Portland? I have a close in,- west'.
t - i.t,!',.: '.-".'-j side, . substantial property . at . $35,000
Want J?o buy $ Tox h wres SeaV mrm r,tn w-i ywly income of about $3600.
--iai mm.3 f.-, f K"!9 located. where grpund values are oon-
car Una , Must be cheap. A-757. Jour- BUntJy nhancing; .Just such-a property 4
Ii. ii . i ii. i H i juu wuuia niveBi in 11. yuu. cbiiab iu
WANT Income business property north I Portland with spot cash to buy. 'I want.
Of Hawthorne. Have several cash 1 a sood bualneaa no as-enta need annlv. '
I buyera Yates Realty Co.. 24$ 4th St, I Address P. O Un 97 Portland. Or. '
av,a J?J " i " -' "i THE best pay lpg confectionery and ell
PHONOGRAPH snd . 600 records for i store in Portland: cash business;
real estate. . What havs youl Address all modern fixtures, clean, high-grade j.
S-677. Journal ; ' ' stock of candies, cigars, tobacco: foun- '-
TRACE new No. 6 Oliver typewriter tain equipped to serve every kind of
for horse, stock or farm tools. 129 drink or favorites; complete menu hot
E. 85th st Tabor 4702. ; . drinks. Will stand thorough investiga-
WANT a hnn.. an W between ilSOA l,0n' ?tady, growing busftasa O-630. "
and.$2000;i must.b a bargain. P- t . ,M ;. " 1 j ' ' '
868, Journal. ' - - ::i . 1 - - -' ' ,: I ' . ul" , v oiujo,
adiub wilt oe ruwivBu My i"e uiiuqi-
signed for the furniture and fixture of
100x123 Corner
.- ' 1 . - ' ' (CULITU, UJCQIV . JAAHZ4JJA1AJ1UXI- ' '- '
2F a?000 water. acroB the road from 728 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129.
ijL good residence1 nnr?v E&IC:eWant RQOMINO house for equity in housa
1L TEJ!i SubiiSfcV P P ty clear of ,n Unimproved land for bouse and lot
Information and Texas man fraa lour! I cumbrance.
nal Pub. Co.. Honton. Texas. , Atlincnrl X. iO!lk.-
iiirviiiuuii jc UIIUC1 I
tie xr ... . r ' .'.
-j. ' ui Tancouver, vvasn. -
WANT to buy good farm from owner. Fine wheat farm In Idaho, ail level
Marsh field lot for rood furnitura
$1000 first mortgage for good auto.
Country property for city equity.
EWEN REALTY CO.. 811 Alisky bldg.
FARM of about 40 acres, highly lm-
Give price and description, Cn-msby!! and all in cmtlvItion.;Vh t'&X ISlZ: I Proved, . water piped tohouses; good
Pox 7(4. Chicago.- veraged 86 burt.l. wheat to acre this 7aSS,"1A?iVr ;,,L,m"e"uie
100x1(50 Mt. Tabor.
This fin quarter block on the j
west slope of Mt Tabor, over
looking the entire city. Is priced
below value at $3000. Has cement
sidewalks and curbs in snd
fully paid up; less than I blocks
from Alt Tabor car; surrounded
by high class residences. Will
accept $500 cash or roadster auto
in first class condition as, first
payment or will take acreage up
to full value. ' '
Dorr E. Keasey & Co. -
2d Floor Chamber- of Commerca
11 acres, good . improvements, con-1 , Also have $6000 clear incnm n.M I HOUSE TO TRADE.
Tfn,"2A oiri. "5 in Rood Ttotit and P ft titSZFSZl Oose in on East AnkenT; house Is old
i ii Jii.- -i... v "I, UI . J" cre good as cash for balance up tciioooo but comfortable, and lot Is valuable;
uW Srng.ry r - sgru6r trad tor fMm or
163 A.,- 75 cultivation. 20 more ODen 918 Chamber-of Commerca , 91 Chamber of Commerce.
uosLurtL naisnPA nmrui nasfnvia ki
. - w " ywevui n uia
barns, good housa spring water piped
, house, R. F. D.. 3 mile Wa.hougal,
good county road, suitable , dairy "or
stock. A-760. Journal. '1
W?,IiERS. ous. 'or rent ground 0x
.110; 23 bearing fruit trees, barn,
chicken yard; furnitura for sale: also
fresh cow and ealf. Income S8S a
month. 430 E. KllUngsworth ave"
THREE good farma one chicken rannC
near 'Portland, for rent, caah XI
' C r. m n 1 . ,
10 ACRES, cleared snd under cul
tlvatton, for $2000; equity $1340,
balanoe straight mtg-. 6 yrs. 6 per
cent Will take Portland lot or
Co. $d Fir. Chamber Commerce
40 ACRES Bremerton, rural homes to
Mtiiang . v acres zo roues xrom
Portland to exchange; what have you?
723 Chamber of Commerca Main 6129.
1 WANT to exchange my modern 9
room residence, situated on sightly
corner 100x100, on good car line, valua
tion $10,000, for improved farm in Wll-
lamette valley. C-7Z5. Journal,
4 2-8 M(-r.a Inina U.rmAnu
IrOB. RENT 160 acre ranch. Free renl J' about 4 in fruit and berries, bal- I See EWEN. at 811 Alisky bldg.
sharea Stamped envelope brings par.
. - - - - Ms .WA, HUUIUAJ,
TWO fine coast lots for furniture,
Acreage or lots for motorcycla
Good acreage for team, harness ana
bou-sehoid "goodi "onYv SS ruSding countrvonoo?0. T Uurelhurst home, with or
507 Chsmber of CommVrV. " buildings: price bnlv foo mn,t.. ..5.' . m,lur'. " ?t
Wvtv' '. - " "!.-: , 81600: will trade uitv , u ' anytning or value, v-
" h.Htfli-.-" "".a"v. ww nd in Portland. V M". Journal.
: . --v uiBuii sun
10 1-2 Acres on Electric Line
Alt in cultivation and set to 8-year-old
fruit a dandy piece of
land, no rock or gravel, lies well -snd
Joins the electric right of
Way, about one i hours' ride out
of Portland on the Saltern car.
Wire ftnoed and has some build
ings. $3600. Clear. Will trade
you this for your housa
Ralph Ackley Land Co,
, 204 Falling bldg.
50 Acres $7500
ww muw tiviu a vi twuu. v auiicd iiuin i
Rldgefield and H mile from. boa tland-
ing:,, on gooa councv roaa. excellent
; . 100x12$ corner with a modern
8 -room bouse; price $6000, and
clear of incumbrance, to trada
This Is first-class property.- 1
block from carline and rents
for $40 s month. ....
Dorr E.Kease& Co."
2d Floor Chamber or Commerca
40 Acres in Clackamas Co.
15 acre in 'cultivation, balance '
.-In pasture and timber, good house
and barn, granary and outbuild
Ings, some fruit county road on
two sides, close to school. R. F. "
D. and milk route past the door.
.$4000. To trade for city prop
. erty.
Ralph Ackley Land' Co."
. 204 FaiUng bldg.. . i...J'
$100,000 farm In Willamette val
ley. Trade for any good income
city property,
' 7 room house on 54x100 feet on
, Vernon ave.. 1 H blocks from Irv
ington car. Price $3500. Trade
for suburban home of 8 to 6 lots
with bearing fruit trees and small
fruits. '
702-3-4 Couch bldg. .
32 Acres
V (ANTED, 5-10 . acres dose in.-
Dnone si-siis. journal. iii, i-;.. i., . , : - a-.i. . i
. i I in u -u r . ri ' i' i i4xnra ami ga rr Murnaun usar, i i,-
WAJM iM), two lots ciose to car. - utve i sc. ttoom ior rent at a tow rental.
pnone. i-t.64. journal. I ' i ; STRONG & CO.,
rxr a -vTifiirii-A . a a ..M i,n.A nv. I SOS I nnr ft rn bids.'
ir A i v. ii luuai ii o-v kwau iiyuav, yi'a I . . - " i i i m ai i -a
phone. B-l(S, Journal. '.". '- I WANTED Ideas. Write for list OS
. i i i i a i inventions wanted by manuraoturers ,
) - ItCOMINQ HOUSES 83 1 and prises offered for inventions.- Our
TTrT" -"TTT I four books sent. free. Patent secured
a -U-,800CA8,H REWIRED. . or fee returned. -VICTOR J. EVANS 4"
floss mattresses, best location in Port-1'iivTra . ' o,.L -
land to rent rooms, fine home. $40 ORTUNES in. patents. Buy a patent
month-oroflt above all expenses. This make a joriune. - wnie ior uais
. ,a a .i. ,- i or natems . ror saia ana rtaieni : Duyers.
"1 V'' I VAini Ji1.a . h. ,l.T.fil ' .nrf,lnh '
V.'A i.lj. SB 10111. SStiAtl HTAlta. I?"-- ---'r I
nnAIIIVn 1 -A " Vv
nwwuiu iiuub- ivr bguv, ii uuuaaaarii'i q
ins; rooms, tu wen lurmaneu, iiu to- i Kr-tni-np V.' jn.a -,iii UrXaa
cation, making (rood !JJ'y,t''5f' F rooro
I ennnlnr and fine front' office in. new
OA O, U1UVKB IIUIU ' "",',Ll" -!. " I 1 .... . I 1 AA T.IA.
minute walk to center or business -,- M,;SVJ: " .i ji..liVr e?,Z
- var.,1 ..ii a - ..i ai . a.... fitRt Ssth. . Reautlful district.-.. Sunny
ivt. tt in nu hi nuruiuv. vwhai I . . - . -v . -
i..i.i,a i. i. . j... A-,ft u tin I Bide car. -
tioT, i- da.ii.aa ha I WOULD like to meet any man who will ,
.i A.:.7.T..A .a i..',- I take an Interest and haln to handle a
bath.trlc5tirmodVrn. -
Cost 122.000 to furnish. . My price. I jnYeatlgation. Call Room 609 Journal
a . . AAA- - - a -a. . iirm - r a-- i,- iii nv Ian idaw vtxtt ananlilLalv.
i 9 a,ui'v , sums u uc. ttaaa ur 1 . " j ., , ,,
sen m one year. - uoaaaro. sua vuuiii xiavu a aanay paxeni anu i want s
bids-. - . I, nartner: will sell : one-third Dart or -
-nz r ' riTjrT eA c Arv .iseii it ait to someone wno can go aneau .-
O, nOOmS mOaein---SJHUUU Jwlth it; this is a fine ona ai. Jour-
. ' v m ...w, . .v-v. M.VW.H, . ''I . .1 " ''I - 1 11 V-
tataira Of flea and lobbv: one of tna beat I CIGARS and liaht arrocerlaa. downtown I
furnished in Portland; easy terms. God-1 transfer point, owner retiring; will ;.
dard, 502 Couch bldg. . ' I invoice or consider- trade f of city prop
22 nrnMa. 1. 2 and 1 room housa-1 erty; beat buy on street today.', 817 Hen-
M-AkAhnlnfl- atlltaa unnA rtirnitllpA.. vnnfl I ry bldg. -' -
location; house clears $90 per month. I WILLyou assist financially in est ah- .
ran iraae. can t uiay sc., or seei itsnmg a new manuiaciunng enier-.
owner. 514 Swetland bldg. In office Sun, I prise T Manufactures for 75c: will sell '
oay. - - - i for extensively; nave woraing roou
247 HALL 12 room. house containing T-701, journal,
two I room apartments; I two room I WANTED Partner with about $500
apartments in first oiass- conaiuon;i cash who would be Jnterestod in a
rent $47.60 per month. Apply R. W. I gold mlninar nronositloa Address Wm.
Schmeer, U. 8. National - bank. Phone Hampson, 282H 2d St, room 11$. Phone i
Main 840. A-6611. Jr- . I Main 88B1 . .
$0 ROOMS Fine west side location.' A-l I $3000 stock of new and second hand house
furniture, rooms always full, owner! furnishlna- roods. In aood town of 2000
must sell. Sold for $3000 one year ago. I population, near Portland, $6000 payroll '
nera is your cnanca trice tuvv, soma i per montn; will exenang ior ciear rea -
icnus. i . , 4 i estate. u-Z8. journal. -
CAtiLi 88 10th, NEAR STARK I irAn git.i"
-'" .-',',. Uau'o Thlc9: I Grocery. Invoice, $4000. Sales $1501
: v i ih o , ii: :,t: . I per month. Old established. Rsti-
UU rWUBf l.llfc, Ol J .CAA.AA. A li B A I V 1,1 W II. ...V A, V .,wm . V
Chance to more than double your raonex. I Journal. ...
Prjoe $1050. Goddard, 602 Couch bldg. a.t n Wnriand, compelled to seli.
ti?' iuu mean ousiness. iook tnis up, i my nigh class restaurant, au ai ow.
38 ' strictly fireDroof - and modern I Real iniD. Dandy rtlaca- Location, can-
rooma elaborately furnished. $250 clear Iter cltv. No agenta Write at onca
per month cuaranteed. - Price (4600. 1 G-(7fi Journal. s , ..........
Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th st Mar. 888tBTiTinMir:nv'iKnHPnwwartnti
8 huuju rooming nouse ior sale oy i . confeotiona ToDaocos, etc.; paysye-i
owner; muni do sota at once, vome i srouna ; ' transicr poincjv-lease: boqui
and see it All day Sunday Oct 18 only; 1 1,1500: would consider good real- estata
weea aaya o:o p. m, nrm oner is 1 v'-!3. journal
267 Columbia st
t. H. DEMENT, 216 Stock Exchanga
j nave some gooa-bargains in apari-
r. , vh .wu,,. . vbu. AMAbaiiauii . . : . ' "ix 1 1 c, , awiiv huuu iMAiAAui. ... m i', . a uuii.i iai;l. uiba luu. JIVI6IU.B a.,iw ,1
soil. 45 acres in high state of cultlva. I P xraae tor nouse sna Z lots, InU I ment and room In a- houses for sale or wars aneclalUes. Armstrona- Mfg.
rn snd out-1 tr"".' ;etrea. .. trada E. H, - Dement 818 Stock, gx-1 4 Second st.i Portland. 1
ia tnamptr or commerce.
I Live on a Homestead
Cfty lots for acreage .t $2,000.
City lots for bungalow. $8,000
AACAreae for bouse and lot $8600.
auvv acre wheat rant-h. finiv
FOR SALE cheap, or will trade for
team, Harness ana wagon, a line cor
ner lot on E. 66th and Halsey. Call
mi i-iassaio. j
Auto, motorcycle, furnitura rooming
house, team, wagon and harness, and
I UWUDDi ICBllla V aTXJK (III HXin II SB rn ssai as a
In r(-ntp-l nrann u. eaulDDed. for Cltv innnma a tfiAAAA ' I EutO truck- Call At 811 ATUkv hMir
m iva. axavfl IlKfin inMI ...T - - - - w w w w, vv v. -
years. Raise good crons ever v.7 Vly. mcorae forstock ranch. eoulDDed IF YOU have an auto to exchann tnr
11 An4...i . . " - - I nnri fiinniraa-i tn i7R nnn 1 . a
Splendid for dairying, hogs and ooultrv' 8J,d B'ockeJi $75,000,
Abundant bunch grasa Chee.2 ?S' HARTMANdt THI
sawmilt small towna. good school
Church arvl-.A ""
mail. TdaT Can plac'you'on
Hn ,1" tnU locality conven"
i?0.11 of thc8 and near railway
? W,".wJl5ohAr-il8y ia now
nuiiuing. nee me Monday, Tuesday or I of more; need not bo on lotrin linl
A&StfStt at Hotel AW'' h andyAl- but must ; be good.oll an'd on Kood aiw
- der streets.
No deposit on location fee. I show the
land; yon pay If you fe) a""w lno
v . - HnMPBTRAIM ' ' '
--""nS1!!1!"?!-10. Ket homestead in Ore-
real estata see
618-19 Board of Trada
FIRST-CLASS 4 flat apartment fine
location; always rented: for stock
ranch, (rood farm. What have you T
or'Sre? SLdoW nH MM". W of , 'household , furniture
' ana lurnisninn in gooa factory town,
to exchange for clear real estata A-753,
uui 1 1 rai .
Chamber of Commerce Bid.
We have t2(i.AII0 aarnrth tvT-a
land property; will exchange part or all
2?r.a.rm ,n TAUalaU1 va"ey. othe?
road, and not over so miiaa fmwr, c...
land. w-
90 v.iiAAiuupr v a tumm erce.
vmm. iaa i 1 . ,-u" "ii aai vrc-1 ..v u viva w 11 1.1 , Ai, ia, i-arpe
fi.BViJ ?0.A,.ai1?8 i0..e.lect f,orn- Land cabinet work, also all kinds of
REAL estate men, we want you to know
iiioi. we uo L-iMiiraciing, carpenter and
TRADE my enulty of (2600 in a bean,
tlful Waverleigh Heights bungalow
for acreage, close in. . Sellwood 684. or
rana I . daau u. i. ka.iaa . "
Si-'hf i"t.,wa3ter;.ral1r0" coming; Ut right prices; estimate given. Reed ?nee. in flne'locatlon. for farm to-
J 7 i,?. Hrri?1! here, ia innmo, Z26 Union ava N. Phone r.aAa." coasi; wim assume . not over
mui; no agents. A-ut, journal.
.'.PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO., Sellwood i241.
iH N. Second st UvAN i F.txA
ito" "AtRBi v. . j rwATiD Acreage vicinity of Portland uaSA 1 .ear va,a; want automobile,
1 ,Cvi7i.I e'lnl,11hment, 4 m)e. or Willamette valley, not over ISOOO- 1600; what have you7 . ,
stock ranch ipnrn oouniy: tnod will give for same two tinl. llrL Port- m. ALUnCANDER, .
stock ranch, plenty wood and i.r land realn,nr nr huAain... e.f. ,i 723 Chamber of Commerce. Wain
ion if,- Kealty Co., 232 Washing- cated. " " AHTKU block, , houses, price
A. K HTT.T. 4 1 0 ui,. I drift U'h.i
' GET 320 or 480 acres, beat In Or..nn FIVE room coins... I.,.. iA " ' ALEXANDER.
timber watr- nr couver. B. C. Lane corner. Vt 7Z Chamber of Commerce. Mainjtm.
iimoer, . waier, railroad now lniiiriin.: I street, fruit tr.u n'rr ' I l iwu . u,.ni i , ?
iwi luutuun, pari
rnuv. ifluu.
I 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129,
schools and aood roai a i i 1 v.V. '-l -b i ." w. you nave ior wmu
lijdg. tii . " "'' b"va mnu, plenty -ot I , "uwbuii. b-biw ijaasr. Bner-
o.areimora! buiw,K f'r"" rees and bVrUs.Pro! LtT8-lUUxl(7;
sh?e? 'rail ii " J? n' ,fe",-eai,0n- eTty 'outh Portland preferred. Ap- work, terms.
?, 1 ? , . 1 4th Bt- Maln 8"4. Ply Owner. H. F. P.. 281 mrynM . AJL1
aiimwamud in ine Slualaw; flrv "rol""'r. -
rhool.". 52 SL. '.ro.d. 60 ACRJCS, $25 .PER
. - am vxeriiDATar
- tvVn "a." " . 1 bVaI aTia "; umoer UK ucb oiua.. an mr.a wag, aaarsnau 1884.
Meld OrP - A,dre"" y1-" Store, " 'AC'TOKlf BITE, $950. Alteky bldg. ' aurnuura , 811
Meld. Or.
i..?.0.1 J?Jci:'? adjoining, 1
, ' 'luiaca - main, iiuamoOK Co.: creeks.
- . . I, niiiBrr mug;
HOMESTEADS near Portland now opel.
for entry: rk-jt and level; railroad to
Ian1 I Avraw Oat ri. W - . a. w
Sdsvm!norMidS rSrStM
' A"h streets, Portland. " ' ' "a "0 ACRES, all fenced, iflprorv its fcrh a 13 s ' - 1 -
Sid, City llmit.7 take other- '."J za,:"b-. ..w?. Co.. for auto!
ror team.
Alisky bids-.
FOR SALE or exnhano. .., W1.8 c.ra ?? two on Oregon Eleo-
or acreage, mv siEOo'am.iti "7 Llm ?.or .!' fw
ern 8 . room hn.;.. V- 1 tpy vivy nome. laoor 01
slda cltv llmfta. t.v. iu,.. r.1 1 I -v.xxi.o, TYUStlUlglUn wo., ' ZC
- - . ' . I Txr i tm 1 ILL 'L "' ' "T""-
hOMESTEAD Information free, send
.A. mm. VAmm ana . . t . . .
yyeiser. lanwo
TIMBER in all slied tracts up to sev
- eral billion feet. Sawmill aind -logging
proposition. Reports and estimates
I HAVE some good property to exchange
for a rooming house er some kind of
buKlns; will assume som if price. Is
rigiit. A-822. Journal. - ' i-.--
l,n.-. :ity Fark house for acre or lots;
rive phone. Tl-680. Journal, i1 '.
j, . aIANiTb two good lots for modern
i,'..une; give phone. L-6(4, Journal,
exchange all or part for land na...
electric carline. O. L. Webb, 414 E. Stark.
8 rnX,7,i, f-."..".:?UIVL my city home. Tab
t. Alex Gevurtx. care Wsterhotel 929& WORTH., f Portiana property!
i . . - J , . 1 w AAA r. . . . . . ii .
Burin k Dinea ia hnn A-i.. -.-i.iivu aiirfi a3enit.2i countv ioi- amaii iaa.
miles from a town; .only fao;' will tradV J,?r0o?-.plac ' Per cra i Box
for a hous or acreage: L i ..Ia Rainier, Or. . . ,.
First st. Main 6839"' W"!1?' ,f $U0O EQUITY 5 room hous. st Belli
'.th? nap you have been look! .rA" tf4eI.acKa" ::gatao
, " AuiAui uuuio, modem nn I T T T pai du - ..
cash'' wfil ?it?,rn TO0.- Some, CALIF. I of far-i-800 caah and ready
AnlS?JllYr",nAf,A ',r"t Paymerii 20 ACRES gooi land, i mill ' to Esti-
tka -.aaIa'"?? '.n Portland, will I . " vacam iota; win consider
.,,- Aia implements and 1 1""".
Wi4A-"4- Journa
' f fii " - ' uv. J . "om house, "y vruperty.
vn i E. Lincoln, near (7th. for chean I Harrlsburg, Or.
n i. r I'M K aa ri ab r inMi.a a I i .
-", awiu iobi casiv, 1 1 LiOTS. 8
good, timber, to trade for
Aoaress tr, u. Boa lit,
0-618. Journal
vAVtiu.a Unproved' tnrm
Km. -...". acre.
anna A.... ' tt V, A-J."IUIB UT OB I- i
waat hHr ,R fewttnk. Nottb-,
room houaa. 82800 tvdt
-,juAvini AAvri-osB, Bum or gooa oust-ni-ss,
- 2 Chamber of Commerce. 1
$1300 etiuitv in Hiinnvaido; . hnmA -n
IeaL yacari.i)roi'rtyi oommis-
alnn ,- TiaIwiai OT a A , : , , f "
...... .v.v. ..1 VH.'I.'..,.. ..I .'A'. . ."'..
;f ''-.'v;ii'.u-.; ;:'-i-r' i;;": .'J.i-:,.r
tinn arnnd nrphanl. Viaiiba ham
buildings. AU implements go with I P,?,? Yr P"1""- Can mostly all be I change bldg. Marshall 4014.
iB-rni, kuag a gooa .earn.
4 cows, i neirer. some I
ena 8 acres In potatoea
ready sown to fall wheat
2Sdtbi?60fiIntPart PaymWlt- ,a0? PErTbAKER. 444 Sherlock-bldg.
I t r ' Ji 'i '. I iaiBB,B,BBi i 1 .-''aS-.'" naal i p , I.
Kauffmann h Moore-
825 Lumber Kxhange.
V a 4k VtaVDI avtnjtC . s,u v . -TJ VBOIIi
WANTED Rooming and apartment
WHY GO BAST to have your inventions r
devalonrdT We manufacture under I
contract dieaV tools," novelties and hard-
uo, ,
WANTED Partner in business. $3000. j
first consideration.
as Investigation will
Journal. " ' ' -
F.1. Webber : v . : .
specialty. Garden
WbII drllllna-
M $56,600. Rogue river WghTy Improved uil?JFtiEt' Homa'Or. r -r--..-
farm, for income or mercantile prop- lVi''mmiSiul& anonE0S A PRESCRIPTION druggist with small
ertv In Portland nr .luAiarh.r. n nA... I nd list your plsoe for qulcK action. 808 I ,.,ntal ran secure eood drua- business
MERCANTILE stock and real es
tate, about $17,000, in fine val
ley town; owner will consider
stock or wheat farm to $18,000
or $14,000. This Is located in one
of the best valley towns and will
stand close investigation..
L, K. Moore
$17 Board of Trade Bldg.
20 Acres-
With fine modern hmiaa ii ima ia .a
chard, all lit cultivation; artesian well 1 Plenty water, 100 acres cleared
oi.u Buuu iiiKiion system in one of the I cultivated, balance bunch
best towns In Idaho. This property Is 24x28, arood barn and win
m exenange ror home or any 1 84-00; trade for small farm or city prop
" k,vi''j ui uw rvruana ana I gy. xxem orown, si rswennna Ding.
aliuma AnniA ---..v. . .1 ". . . . i . . " ' ' '. ' .
' - F. Jt. 6TEINMETi!, . ' '
608 Gerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder.
I - - " '- T-W w -w I -.'.,..-.. ."-'..'-- . ii I nan iii an i, i A a. j. aai I lin... iai. ii una Ni aT V U fcr SM Vfi-BB M-) n va aaS B V UBa a vbb-b- - i
bldg. . . . ., 1 17 ROOM house, good location, rent $50 proposition in Portland. A-827, Journal. ,
Y&J28?J onYyl thi; is' a good onet' 508 Panama I MNE Y---Eurppean ' capital for Invest- J -
sa7?orilnd7k.reiea bld corner 3d and Alder; , "i '
tanlffl. . ih6J improvements? price $100 CLEAR profit in this, 22 rooma, Holborn. London, England. " ':"-.. .
uptV th-t; r " J0 fJTtn rit'Ott'lnoufrll Lum CLEAR stock hardware In city; 8 year.- ,
.I1; iTrr g rtrv:rce' io hooMs,: $105; $4oo;; rTr aouu; 1-:
v . . . ' A,"rvo ..yuiiAJ, Bit IVUU UI I .L DCAUUXU1 rouixiB . SUV. , . leriTlB. -.-All I
uiaj wiisn cieareu.
Tf a Wtrri VT T At wvawtn.. AnM ..... . .,
. . isncea, 1 eixes. i can .piease you. uogaara, 0B ' 1 ; , 7iV . , -IT Vi a . im ...h
, 80 seres Couch bldg. s " - 1 il'hiii- 1
finl'l"' , pHce i2 R06M rooming house 2 fireplace-, i Dalcef "Heir 'o?r' 1
UlUlll, r,: priue I -. Pu)..liAa fiirnaaa half rl-h ftemt I - ,, , . , i , i i i I
. f .""-"-- it HMAPPV men w th anma caah ran st '
class people,, furniture new; will sacr'.r
weaving city. 476 ciay,
DAOA , . . -
avou ttv-res in
40 ackks good .land near Hood River, 1 frnn "'AT,E-.N'-a iim ronmiV"
,10 acres In annles- soma In hMrlna-i !"i5jAiIl,.c.e. ""le .r?,P,P .
extra good house and . barn; private "tVTo'i J'ldTf ,
waier system. .rrice fouuo. to , ex- i
SDlendid ? : proposition ,; In newly I
equ ipped pool ; hall- for G-671, .
hOUSa i TAn.n.l ' ,- - ' . f
oar COMPLETE moving picture show in :
fc,v;A,.in , V.V ' " " i i.; J thickly settled aistnct; no competu
FURNITURE of liroom house. (8o0.00.jtlon; $100.0, If taken at once; big bar-fc '
Part trade city-lot. part cash..' 266 J rain " rn so4 T.wl hM. -1 ' 7."
19 IeXaSUaIIVcO RtCo'-iilSM4 WmEPlio0dr
918 Chamber of Cmmiw."? ': tes Realty Co., 849 4th St. Mar. 3828. , - ment on good pa
Marshall 1606;
letantlal company.
per ma
tt sub- i
j-szy journal.
t.V.tiaxtSfa. a -j ' i . . TWO vacant lots. 60x150 eaeh.Tln . a. near nriage. call lfiast Z863. '
" wltli paldnip i wit. ' rtght" eVerVfoA , resl?enc dletrict in Los Ange- BOARDING housa 16, rooms., all full,
can bj AArrlgaUtSdri! Smifes 'of ViTe 'or PoV.d!P?ic. 33600 CMH .' 1 bnrgain'i am leavln, city!
iVn'd0 lV irrTStnSTe" fc"" wlI'M Ab.ngton b frj J"rnal-
......I...,,- m.i, I. . m arrnriira a vii lmwiku ,. p-a
Will trad ither or both ranches fof BTRICTt modern ? room
v. K-OKBrwr, .. . I !cfi'"',i'""i",A-,.uH,j '-w'" ...i 'TAIaK. with flbtchkr
' .:. ... , AaAjj ax ivun iai, : . V ; aau aii iva, ailloIIlUDUB . or IBM. ! .VI, I .IaaG ,T..a al
HI 431 Lumber Exchang? Bids . v IE. Lee" 622 Corbett bldir. ' ' I.!.."k-?5fi?4' .y1" to
1 llAVld farm. ..fa... .. w ' 8ft XrHV.S fin. lnn Ia, nj Ui'J ""Z1aV!U "J.'it.A f .a P?"
r.f,?.7tA-iC0n'tcl,0nery. tore8. 1 iaa","0. 'or?" Kenne wick with five -.- 2.6 Ablngton- Bldg. '
restaurants, roomlnr hanaailn . I lots, to evchana-a fnr hoiiBaa In ritv
all kinds of propositions for exchange. I incumbrance. Jacob Haaw, Gerllnger bldg1.
If you can't Sell you can trade for what I nir.w a rnim i.iii.Un n -,,7i i. iZ
you want. Goddard. 602 Couch bldg."' j Hawthorne district tb. exchange for WIL lntf beautiful new grocery
a email improved zarm. v" :- -"' - ..: 1 'wr "aS z7 L Li J "" nimp,
IP YOU have good
id" eauitias in W. H. LANO & CO.. 818 Ablna-fnn bid I Goddard. , 602 Couch bldg, ,
load r.-uifdO.?.ih!1,lc,rtayr0ur . he.avy 8 ACRES adjoining city; want Portland MRS,Hl3,3N.B' Pl 9hFtr rent.
load, bring .-la detalla 10 Lewis bid. I property. - Portland inenm. nrnZ . a blacksmith shop, cheap rent. Tabor
Tl . " .' I ' ' . 1 I ",'" i -, i -- - " ' BjAvuoij- -,- BfJIIAjrBl inarnnannia. : ,. ,
FOUR- loUi free of , Incumbranca free I stora Bmlh ft Houck, 300 Henry bldg. WANTED Small' restaurant or oonfeo
nlJa5? J5!?a. ? 4,hi .0 xchange FOR TRADE Good north front lot on J, tlonary., Must be . cheap for cash.
i.a" nuuBw ..:nis i - remont SL.. near Broadway car. for I owners omy. ai-na. journal
" 1 1 VUUU. ! JVU tl CPD, unuci VULVCr. 8" VVie '
A tlatissaP Q1 st nMlBJUvnvtk T. Ir-;
uf iAa Iisuposii au uuanuiiii ,, f Ui ..
land. Or. Phone Sellwood 765. ' "
WE have clients " looking for business
chances. If you have something good
come in and let us know about It.. 50$ v '
Panama bldg. cor. 8d and Alder ets. - i '
CONFECTIONERY and cigars below In- . i"
voice; streetcar transfer point living' y
rooms, cash business; leaving city. ,J7l '
Washington st; - "i";: --:';': -j:')-. i
BE independent. Go in business : for
yourself. Small investment and large t,
returns. F-2t5, Journal.. ..... 1
FOR 8 A LB Old established Votet wltli ; "
bar. Beach and Beach, (10 Buchanan '
building.- - - '..:' '; ...-'-.. , v t
IIAIaF interest- in Blacksmith shop- for ' '
sale. Must be good. live,, sober man. , '.
T-648, Journal.. - - - :'. . . . ,
SALOON One oi the best locations In '
J A-avarn .aliiravs A ri kAal.... , .((
RfI5LA ".S!.11" ? I nouse and lot:" .Address R. Ramey. ABSOLUTELY the quickest way to sell
V"uv" wiK. .,-v ... . -...- a .IaII vArv Altv" ; X i . M..a I. , 11. ..ilu r- . .
ront....1;.. .'T. -a I."'" ' . h- I . . i. ' V'VJ (' , , . ii 1 (.aa"!". V7i
" .,-."i"u,u"?u -BBmeno iois l want Do Angeles acreage, in exchanun I 0V -oucn oiag,
in K-ortln.nn ror kaa t i. h,anA,tu r l . - .1." ,r..::r WB i.j . 1 ' . ' ," ' nj 'j r in
iis Tnnrn.i". " 1 ArJ"r vr..c'o"a eieciric line, s mues I atUUIa, a tables, conleotlouery, ., cigars,
..... . .- , t 1 tttitti noiirrnm aa 1 iwnan ' .i.kvt 1 r, 1 1 - ..nn,.i.. . .
I . " w......, - .,.m.nai, I ' aiuvnilOA, IAiailQAA.1 VU1 IIITI ) VBI I IOa RUUfl
xno. aua immner mxenant..
CLEAR, property for grocery, roomln. LOT in Mt. Tabor reatrioted dlsTTicTfor 8t"ck: price
n house or , confeoUonsry. .8-684, Jour- A lot on peninsula , or . delivery auto! CufNi'ECTli.
Bal .V- ' '".'''''.'' :" v ""t'"'V ': '-a; '' Q-614, Journal. . , , . . , , , 4 ,-ream ' pai
TluNERf, clears, fruit and ice
m- nor or for an la on arcniint nf
WHAT nave you to trade for strict v I yinessw lib N. ' Z3d st.
r, r.i ;:z , . : : -
::j-we v1.' ' ara, two good, lots .
. '- wn irrinanvA rAiA-anpAnira . , - , ... . ... . . i ' . ...l; .
.': t ntTpirv a- atZZb FJUhi-.:-",,.:.' ma- aV.0,JJ " LaursnursiT Iiicstauhant: a money
gj'Uji. a'-,'. ' 1- 1 I.aVI ' . " I : - uai .iur D..IK.
6600. Box (86,1 Portland,
... ,','. ' t r ypu can't beat for the price; feeds 300 1911 Runabout 1J H. P, fjne condition!
uitv tn rdftifv. $:0ft. Inquire 811 Lumber Kxch. 3178. M-743V Journal. ' '
town; always doing business.
J-67JS, Journal.
room, good corner for.!
neither shop In connection, $360 re
qulred; bargain. 74( UOlon ave" N. '
MKHCHANOisw $30 000 general stocTT: '
trade Willamette Valley or Portland 4
property. 9.1 Chamber of Commerce.
WEDDING inv.tations-announcenienta '
Ryder Print. Co 3B7 Bnrnalde. M.RB38; -
MEAT market for sale, 1 , Inquire at
1814 Belmont t. '-;- '"r- '
- modem C room bungalow near Haw-1 CLI-1AN1NG and preying purloi: prltil 3jRUG store for"ial'
thorns ava. for a lot Tabor 8523, ? . $50 if taken at once; 408 Hoyt st 1 dentlal districts T-(
or trada in ru
651, Journal,