;:!"-..;"-',v-y;.-V--"''' V ' 8 ' . :Vif, THE :.'."' r?M'i''."'-ii'VvO' .' "' , Jit":-"!V'rirt''.-.'i''4 ': :'.;('l 'r.- ' FOrt, SAtK FARMS IT EXCHAKGKRKAI ESTATE if Stock The "Most ' Profitable" Branch of Farming v ' ,Ar Real. Farm - 40 acrts, '22 acres cleared and culti vated, balance slashed -and ' seeded to pun lure; ui jsvci tana; su lenceaj guuu rarm hnnn mri arrre. vaaw harn mam No business ',' known at . the-, -present I for 18 heaid of cattf. E horstM and 43 t.m that combine such large profit I con a of hay, 4 cows, 3 heifers, team. 3 and absolute security, v I wagons, buggy, cream separator, plows I narrows, cultivators, eta; an ioois ni I ImnlflmAtita arn with aa.le lota of chick' i'ujb vrji Tina- biock rancn or iaa acre ens: located in cne nest i arm in a, wwrn located' midway between Portland and of Clarke oounty; nolle from school Neattle. with local markets that will and small town, 3 miles from R. R. take all stock, produced at the Very and i mllea from electric. line. , Prloe highest pricea Aboet 40 acres of hot- 16500. ! It Is certainly worth' the money; torn land, nearly all . In cultivation; It $4000 cash, balance to suit Will con acres In fine clover meadow. 'The en- alder Portland residence up to about tire tract is the very "best of soil, no $2500. if it is unincumbered and worth rock or crave!. 180 acres tillable when nt-fc nkil - - -.- cleared., attundance of good , free- out-1 ELWELL REALTY CO.. 'range,-' Fine water supplies. Plenty of Grand Theatre bldg., Vancouver. Wash. T ri 1 1 1 Vmiu 9 Kama.. tft Cin PnnH I ' ' 1 ' ' 1 Kr veled county road la well settled AN up-to-date meat market, with com. EXCHANGE REAti ESTATE 24 40 ACRES, 16 miles from Portland" to traa ior rooming i nous or apart- . a.- ..jinA w . . ' I iron u w fvvvv, "$7.tt acres, i miles from Portland, to trade ior sunurnan noma to ibuuu. UO acres, hisrhlv improved Wlllam- ette valley farm. SO miles from Port land, for stock, ranch, anywhere, valu Two modern houses, east side, value S80, mortgage i z&oo, for email rarm will 'assume,.; ,;!,'.. .,, , - 1675 acres, stock farm, in Doug-las county, ISO acres under cultivation. 400 acres in grass, good improvements, on raiiroaii. Burnt biock, ior i-orxianu Drop, erty. Price $46,000. ' Several stock farms tn trade for city MAn.Ft ....A... A. m n m vuniin ISIIVVICIf ' WUUt 'IUOU 111 WBIi WVUOU -r -w ---. " rt I Fl P 1 I IBUBIMB ! IU (II IVV AAVI1A VVWVV eieoiion, scnoot - rignt at pisoe, a mueii . i"i ium-i; jviii. .a. tw ijo.uuv. irom town and witnm o miles or mree "yuiK wni injirusvi - good sawmill towns. Terms. J00O cash, ufacturing plant, refrigerator, cooling 4 ff A - boxes, showcases, etc. In one of the rj ' M UU"' ACreS;,V':.-'-'''i best cities in Montana, doing a good About 10 acres of bottom land.' bal- profitable buainess. f or sal on terms anc bench land all the best of soil, or will exchange for Portland property; About 0 acres in cultivation; lo acre "'""TO"11" on yril 1A!M 1 ..IU.. I . slashed and seeded, Klne water sup. opportuiUtr to acquire t good paying VVlH I radO LaUre HlUrSt LOt nga Plenty of fruit.' Two housea the BEST STATB IN , THE UNION, large bara, to. Also fine cowa; 2E where conditions ar, excellent and tuns of hay, farming tools, etc. .School everybody making money. Go to pros- ann ' the' place. On county roao. phone I perous juaniana, me treasure lie. ana r v n i. vi miiM from tnvn in I you urn bound to make money, former 'Very I vwiier ixmuo io.ib ui luuiitjjr in vma'uiai- ar.ij naa now purenuro I wrg inm of land and going Into, fanning ajid live stock raising. ' j. w. tuswrm-iisiss, uwner, 0? Railway Exohange bldg. ' '-' "'' C. U NEWMAN, ' 409 Lewis Bldg., Portland. Ore. . Phone Main 44. Price 14300. I the Chehall valley. eaer terms. , s80 Acres'-': , .All first-class soli. About 5 acres in cultivation 40 - acres tillable when . cleared. ; Abundance or good free out ran ;a -IS acres creek - bottom, fine creek crosses. Small house. On county j roao, mues rrom large store ana v. u. Close to neighbora Pries 1800. . Very ' AO i la" m si A, . . 'i :;.v; Alvord & Co. . Board of Trade. FARM SPECIALS. r ' '15 sores, 10 acres in cultiva tion, S more half cleared, fam X lly orchard. 6 room house, other a buildings fair. This place is on : electric line only an hour from center . of Portland. Cut to $3500. ;. 1 1 .. ' 45 acres 14 miles from city limits on line of P. E. & B rall- " road. SS acres In cultivation, new bulldlnga This place fronts full length on Willamette river. Has r been held at $9600; owner must raise money and will cut price for quick sale. Look It over and make offer. , , t ... " 70 seres farm, SO acres In cul tivation, balance easily cleared.' :' Fronts on Clackamas river, two . other streams through place, good buildings, good family orchard. This farm must be sold to settle an estate. Price cut to $6000. All paid, for well located room dwelling,' bungalow- preferred,' about . $2500; win pay some cash; real . valuer of lot $1200; no In flated, price considered. . ". W. A. Barnes Co.- 404-8 Lewis bldg. Cor. 4th-Oak. Phon Main 208L - .160 Acres $19 an Acre Only $500 Cash, or Will Trade 160 acre ranch,, all tillable land, ::' 15 acres la cultivation; fair bous ' and good barn, irrigation ditch ''. through ranch. - Might coasider a ' city lot as first payment This. ' place is clear of Incurabranoa Take ss low s $500 cash and . give long time on balance at 0 per v Dorr E. Keasey & Co, 2d Fir. Chamber Commerce Bldf. ; $500 Handles This 75 Acre Ranch $3000 75 acres, all good tillable land, about 5 acres in cultivation, sont first-class timber. 6 room houie, large barn, chicken bouse, rioored woodshed, water piped to housa This goes for'JSOO cash, balano IbOO a year, including Interest Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Sd Fir. Chamber Commerce) Bldg. See what you have In Portland property to exchange for; a farm, any part of State. imnrnved or linimnrnved. ' or stocked, and see our big list of attrac I tive offers, and it may be that you will be anxious to be numbered among the I many trades that we are making. Now i Is the time to trade for a farm, for you would lose in waiting for spring. Take your sensible wife's advice and coma I around here: .also make up your own mind for soma lucrative work on a farm, mil ft jpurur, 113 Aomgton Diflg. WHAT hav you to exchange for $1(00 equity In a good 10 acre wheat ranch T 145 acres In cultivation, 8 acres bottom for alfalfa; good wells, 11 feet to wster; small house snd barn; tt mile to scnooi: neis-nbora close, on duoiio road; izooq mortgage runs I years, s per cent: f miles from Pendleton, Ore.. 4 miles from Sparks R. R. station. WU1 take small nlace partly lmnroved. clear city lots or good improved relinquish ment and some cash, .Ernest F. Sonto, ciem, ore. ' . r ft""'tE Aft - ESTATE 24 1 b EXCH AKGE--RE A L DijTATB iM'- JCU A y GgmB tit,' KSTATB j '84 $JO0-Kjuity la - fine lrvlngton house i ana oungatow tn liawtnorne Uls i, triot, both new, and modern, to iraae ior small improved farm , ciose to rortiano, up to $10,000. $75.00 El 1 c'ftut modern bungalow, t- uuui tor noma not waier noat, oak floors, all built In conven iences, garage, iraae $10,500-i-EiquKy In. two' flat ' build , Ings, well located, new and f- modern in every way.' to 4 trade for small farm in the valley, close to electric lino. Will as . sum vp to, $17,500. f MA-;U't. $11,0001(2 A., fine farm, close to P. - r--dt-E.-By.. ood soU.falrbldgs1 g I .Want an: Unincumbeo v lr. 'Srbirm about ' $60,000; ' - haW v a' i' .'- large. new.-;, fine buMinii huiM. . ; ingr in' Portland, pice $100,000: es, beautiful fixtures fine f 'present gross income, about $16od - Lge: Incumbrance $8760 to per nioiitlt; the remainder' of 5 1,: for good lots, well located, I (40.000 can be arranged at low in- , 'm. . I terest. 'i .. . : ';; . ? .., i-.n- small orchard, creek and soring. , to trade for clear Improved city property, or will sell on easy .terms.- -v.;;. .,r't. -f ; $12,(001 lots in high eloss,1 close In. resinuiea aisiricv ; suojeoi 10 it A ' "' . '" i.i nave iir -wneat farm, , $JS,600, equipped with stock and ; S machinery, 630 summerfallow, v 'i fine 40 acre lake on farm, with 60 ; V acres sub-irrigated finest of tU; -.. jt. falfa land owner sick and must i sell, his equity $24,000; will trade ' "' for any good., clear property. 'Xon't pasa.thls up; it Is . a dandy. , Elegant wheat farm, over 8000 . acres, big lot summerfallow, ;' ,; :; large- farming outfit, fine build- ings, fine pumping plant. Owner .; r will consider up to $60,000 t Jnv M4BJT win, 7VU KUM ItUtl this place as it is - and : clear BUSINESS CHAN CI ) FlNlj home"in"lrVln;tonT 10 rooms with RATMONP. ; Wash. Newest- an.l beet large grounds. 1'rTce $1M00; clear of 'town of its age, eight years ,-ld. 18 , Incumbrance, tii exchlnirej for an lm- miles from ocean, .future manufacturing proved larm between K'iwbwr and Mc- and commercial ' city of Southweslfi n Vllnnvin. m Detwn ewoerg ana Wsshlnaton: xffers.snlendld oDuortunt-. W. H. I, A Nrt a mri Ai,itn tildf. Itles for mony-maklng investnieiits to t'fpH a h7iiTZr'y. -H.-'J. i Ait People with limltedi mean; buMnip . w.....,..,., uiuuci ii wu iroiuw i" I resloAnce lots, and -acreage; rlvepjCzBa8, .Journal. xtk for ' cas SWAP COLUMN acreage purcii- i h or on install mm t nlnn. meini arood'rnturns in few months.. SSI Town now has. 6000 people, and growing rspiaiy; nas sirtet car, eim-n ju mus , EU1SON phonograph. ,100 records in water and aewerase nvNfain. and fran J.Jf?Qa,!nalti?.n: "j!.Sr,'tra4a or chlse lust let for new gas plant. Now pets, Phone Main 1023. . - - h,i..iK'f.iih.ra vv on thai mn,: WILL trade paltattng, papering or tint- structlon crews are busy with p large ing for heating stove, medium site, gangs completing the Milwaukee R. 11, Must be good condition. 0-64a, Journalt to - Raymond, and will make it-a ter-i WOUJUU like to exchange first , cial "'jLCf tai.rM tJZ -APh'n .or good, blcy Portland Phonograph Agency. (SO Alder. Have SDlendld Boat service; - last, year WXKfr s l j, ' . ' , i .i varioua-mllls and- factories -loaded 2 ksx V?rS lnA in "i ol,JAM'S vessels and over 8000 carloads. Monthly 'MhnVVlt6A''ASiM pnywll now $lS6.v00.0; i.flrstclasv' man koflak. labor 117L ' ' ichoolsthurches; banks- and buslnesr r i nouses, uver ntty 1 years iimoer xe WANTED HEAL ESTATE : : 8t I draw fromt For full particulars, ad- $2000, and an Al mortg., for I ,ft $16,000 to $20.000 each, year. 122 acres, 80 acres In cultiva tion, balance in pasture and Um ber, 4 miles from the town of Yamhill on rock road. Price $12. 000, Includes all stock, machin ery, grain and feed. Full information on these farms . St 'Office of N Ell. AN ft PARKHILL. ' 203-5 Stock Exchange bldg. , . Stock Ranch' 100x123 Corner ' ; For Trade . : . 100x123 corner, with a modern (room bouse; price $. and clear of incumbrance to trade. This Is firstlaaa property. 1 block from carliae. and reata for $40 a month. . .:,. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2d Fir. Chamber Commerce Bldg. ' WANTS STOCK FARM We have 87 U acres, dose to Portland. blocks from good electrlo station, nearly all in cultivation, some imDrove- menta, practically level but well drained and fine for subdivision; price $500 per acre: could be cut no and sold for that now; will trade clear for stock farm and LL EDDEmANN, rulet A CO, U Chamber of Commerce. SO ACHES of fine, level valley land, all in cultivation; cheap buildings; half a mile from transportation: near Corval- lis: (160 per acre. : Will sell on terms of nothing down If you will Improve the property or wiu' accept, fortland prop I ertp as part payment lAJtiliMliiA. THIJST . CO.. 51 8-1 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT HARDWARE OR FURNITURE In exchange for good combination wheat and stock ranch in eastern Ore gon, 620 acres, half wheat land, 37 acres alfalfa, fair buildings: nrice 116.000: will take hardware or furniture stock to $12,000, balance mortgage per cent 2480 acres, less than til : 8 ACRES 14000. r LTJEDDEMANN, RULES' & CO- sets of huiitiinra inn .iaie. . tt.l Ail In fin atata. iiitivai ; .i1 - (IS Chamber of Commerce. ' fratea; ioo acres Tnore can be set to al-1 M)UMJ and barn, r 1 acre loganberries, 560 ACRES on electric ' now building. lilt a and Can- ba irrlaratail- nl.nt nf I lenoed. gOOd Well aoroaa thm mm tmm I marantaaul lit nw ! 4ft ..r. 'r ?n all paru of land; 8000 sheep, tion on, the Oregon Electric; want barley, 100 wheat, (0 acres . potatoea 10 head Cattle 14 horaaa SA hum hlxV. I residence In aOOd localitv niauar nt 1 I Imnnt. vallnv kafkaan -PiHnatrlltA anil ns and all; machinery, tools, etc,; all I cumbranca-. . ' J Metolius, for city property or hopyard mtimm 4EI AAA. . . . . , 1. . . r . u TT- C ..AAA 1 , 7 . a aa mm cain, some muw, iwo, avvu. - ana acreaga wnai nave youi '- i"- m oab-ek. ; : . I nf 1 " " wai"vHun, lencea, plenty l xutaxJUiviaK, in .1 I -- diioiiuvk mat, TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS $1 acre, i-u aown, - oaiance ,$4000, to trade for: city Incoma :,',: and will assume,!', jtjyf,:-: $11,000 Two -A-1 mortgages, T per cent, en rarm properties, to trade for- city Income property . ' and will assuma.i,''. .,,:."..'.... $17.600 .Eaultv in 2 houses and ( lots. f sna xomi acre,, cms in. - lm. pre vea acreage, alt A-l proper . ties, to trade for Improved farm in tn vaiiey up to (zo.vuu. $20,000 Beautiful 12 room house snd , p tots, punt ior noma ana nn , , Ished in exquisite style, free and - clear, to trade for well Improved . valley farm bp to $35,000. Must . be good. $27,500 87H acres alfalfa land. ' hear tiormiston, " under government - ditch, subject to I76U0. and an A-l mortgage of $10,000. 7 per . cent, to trad for city income up $30,000 10 lots, fre and clear,-In best resiaence aistnot, ana a tiv.uuu s first mortgaga on southern Ore gon ' property, ri Consider ' A-l v property, city or farm to $45,000, $15,000 8S0 acres,' highly Improved ciaury avuvA u.vaiauicu miiiM. wim Columbia river frontaga $ sets KM.. fit AAA A M, V. n .IaaIa v.uaa i ,,Vuw wvawa v oy.n, r machinery and crop, ALL FREE AND CLEAR OF INCUM BRANCE, . within 85 miles of Portland, to trade for city In come. Must b right. WILL. TRADE! ALFALFA LANS FOR A-l EQUITIES , IN HOUSES. HARBOLT REALTT COMPANT, , T10 LEWIS BLDO. 160 ACRES, dairy ranch. Tillamook coun ty, with ( cows, team. Implements and crops. $8000; will take bouse and lot to 157 acres Tillamook county on R. R. I nvr ivwil auuu uuiimuBB, wim atuvn, I tools and crops. - Take Portland lm-1 proved . 40 acres near Oregon City, good build-1 ings- take nouse ana lot in foniana. 137 acres, Tillamook, well Improved, with stock, crops and tools, for Portland income. , :, Good clear lot for auto. Some srood lots clear of Incumbrance ior nouse ana joe xaignt assume siraigni mortgage. No installment payment. - Several good bouses and lots for stock and dairy .ranches. Chittenden & Neill " 810 Oak st Snlndld dalrv. farm, nn Pnlnrr,. : oia river, over 800 acrea; stocked and equipped, fine buildings; $100 ' per acre; owner v will consider "? Portland property j or t mercantile ' business up to $20,000. Have unincumbered property in ; and around western Washington " town, in all, about ' . $60,000, has . some inooma Will trade all or . part of this for Portland or val- ley property. ' , Alfalfa and fruit "farm, highly . Improved, close to good town in eastern Oregon, $22,600; consider good Portland property,' - ' L K, Moore - . - . 17 Board of. Trad - - Portland. Or.,v. For Trade . Choice 52 Acres . 4 ; , - 8 Miles Out..' . f; , . This is one of the ' beBt lm v proved farms east of the city, .v - The buildlnas are worth - tEnoft. ; Located Just 8 miles from the city ' Jimiis. in ere are acrea ,4 s i acres In high state of cultivation. Best of soil, no rock or gravel.- In '.- fact no farm tn the state produces ' V better crops of potatoes, grain. . clover, and timothy, than this one. Splendid 8 room house, stove, eel- . - lar, barn 60x100, concrete potato house, celled granary, large ma chine house,, splendid - chicken . - houses, hog house with runs and cement cook vats. Best of spring , water - piped to house and barn. , Bearing orchard and -Crapes and . berries of all kinds. " - Prlco. $12,600, and will put In 2 cows, chickens, and full equip-, ment of splendid farm machinery, : .Will ' accept as first payment ,.- house to value of $5500. Lone; time.v 6 per cent, on balanoe. j : Hargrove & Sons, " 122 N. 6th st Mala 4381. A-7?6(. I Av4um A '. A 1TtnA n.vmnnii ..Waah WANTED. 6 or room modern bunga- I it .-i Biwa ituTrpinit 'aBi low, furnished or unfurnished: small I WlLLOW Rl y ER INI ERIOR BR1 ISH COLUMBIA'S future MANUFAC- cash navment down, or will aivat fine Rosa Gltv Park lot aa flratrnavment I TURING ana COMMERCIAL capital, t balance like rent- mist be a KrSatn. ' unrivaled opportunities for mon oaianc iiKS rent, must o i s . sarKain. i .-., t mvistmp-mth RlTSINKl Aioert xunuBirom. oov vvasn. si... xwar- snail 37 . and HOMES. : Located on FRASER and. rm A Tirirr.' '"' !!' 1 i I lUUtJY KlVliHB, IftUi'O, i -nMn,-.r- rr.iiA... .K..a iith I rWPii,, rAViriu lira nuuoun oai( : Farm in Willamette valley, about loo I .- n,n.. ...nj. i nt a. IV fC9JJl t0B,li)?Jl'r wn LARGE. RICH FARMING and TIMBER HnTIrit! tn linm. )uilllln rnmnanlAl! PAITWTRV . k SirU f IDTIinri uaii me un about Duuaina- nome iorijviiNiN( dibtrict, insures the rutura saie on oeautuui . xrvingion fow I or wiuuiw KiyiSR'-r - write now, tooaj Iiine oner.' fnone u-ziie, - - 1 . i ior rree ma WANT chicken ranch on east side close fD &TO I to will WANT,, good modern home, prefer ki v ii.it. - wriie now, loaiij. for free maps, plats, eto PACIFIC Am onicKea rancn on eaai siae ciosei tijtiT . rn "t. rt.J;MVr-svf ' 77 tn tnwn 9 tn K .r.a- want tmtia and I RICHARDS ST.. VANCOUVER., B. C ill assuma Bee Ferris, oil Board or I waiuea. - I HAVE you a prosperous .mercantile: Trvl business from (15,000 to $25,000 In Main (868k pa; na lngton? have acreage close in as part Of"?1 ?p nearby state, which you-would lyment Owners answer A-74 Jour- to trade for a fine income property , tl . . . i i . lin Portland? I have a close in,- west'. t - i.t,!',.: '.-".'-j hI.ki. side, . substantial property . at . $35,000 Want J?o buy $ Tox h wres SeaV mrm r,tn w-i ywly income of about $3600. --iai mm.3 f.-, f K"!9 located. where grpund values are oon- car Una , Must be cheap. A-757. Jour- BUntJy nhancing; .Just such-a property 4 Ii. ii . i ii. i H i juu wuuia niveBi in 11. yuu. cbiiab iu WANT Income business property north I Portland with spot cash to buy. 'I want. Of Hawthorne. Have several cash 1 a sood bualneaa no as-enta need annlv. ' I buyera Yates Realty Co.. 24$ 4th St, I Address P. O Un 97 Portland. Or. ' av,a J?J " i " -' "i THE best pay lpg confectionery and ell PHONOGRAPH snd . 600 records for i store in Portland: cash business; real estate. . What havs youl Address all modern fixtures, clean, high-grade j. S-677. Journal ; ' ' stock of candies, cigars, tobacco: foun- '- TRACE new No. 6 Oliver typewriter tain equipped to serve every kind of for horse, stock or farm tools. 129 drink or favorites; complete menu hot E. 85th st Tabor 4702. ; . drinks. Will stand thorough investiga- WANT a hnn.. an W between ilSOA l,0n' ?tady, growing busftasa O-630. " and.$2000;i must.b a bargain. P- t . ,M ;. " 1 j ' ' ' 868, Journal. ' - - ::i . 1 - - -' ' ,: I ' . ul" , v oiujo, adiub wilt oe ruwivBu My i"e uiiuqi- "SiV signed for the furniture and fixture of 100x123 Corner TRADE .- ' 1 . - ' ' (CULITU, UJCQIV . JAAHZ4JJA1AJ1UXI- ' '- ' 2F a?000 water. acroB the road from 728 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129. ijL good residence1 nnr?v E&IC:eWant RQOMINO house for equity in housa 1L TEJ!i SubiiSfcV P P ty clear of ,n Unimproved land for bouse and lot Information and Texas man fraa lour! I cumbrance. nal Pub. Co.. Honton. Texas. , Atlincnrl X. iO!lk.- iiirviiiuuii jc UIIUC1 I WASTED FARMS ' tie xr ... . r ' .'. -j. ' ui Tancouver, vvasn. - WANT to buy good farm from owner. Fine wheat farm In Idaho, ail level Marsh field lot for rood furnitura $1000 first mortgage for good auto. Country property for city equity. EWEN REALTY CO.. 811 Alisky bldg. FARM of about 40 acres, highly lm- Give price and description, Cn-msby!! and all in cmtlvItion.;Vh t'&X ISlZ: I Proved, . water piped tohouses; good Pox 7(4. Chicago.- veraged 86 burt.l. wheat to acre this 7aSS,"1A?iVr ;,,L,m"e"uie VOft REXT FARMS 100x1(50 Mt. Tabor. This fin quarter block on the j west slope of Mt Tabor, over looking the entire city. Is priced below value at $3000. Has cement sidewalks and curbs in snd fully paid up; less than I blocks from Alt Tabor car; surrounded by high class residences. Will accept $500 cash or roadster auto in first class condition as, first payment or will take acreage up to full value. ' ' Dorr E. Keasey & Co. - 2d Floor Chamber- of Commerca 11 acres, good . improvements, con-1 , Also have $6000 clear incnm n.M I HOUSE TO TRADE. Tfn,"2A oiri. "5 in Rood Ttotit and P ft titSZFSZl Oose in on East AnkenT; house Is old i ii Jii.- -i... v "I, UI . J" cre good as cash for balance up tciioooo but comfortable, and lot Is valuable; uW Srng.ry r - sgru6r trad tor fMm or ??! Ho'wurm, Forest Grova Or. LUBDDEMANN. RULET A CO LUEDDEMANN, RULET & CO.. 163 A.,- 75 cultivation. 20 more ODen 918 Chamber-of Commerca , 91 Chamber of Commerce. I ' aSMHB uosLurtL naisnPA nmrui nasfnvia ki . - w " ywevui n uia barns, good housa spring water piped , house, R. F. D.. 3 mile Wa.hougal, good county road, suitable , dairy "or stock. A-760. Journal. '1 W?,IiERS. ous. 'or rent ground 0x .110; 23 bearing fruit trees, barn, chicken yard; furnitura for sale: also fresh cow and ealf. Income S8S a month. 430 E. KllUngsworth ave" THREE good farma one chicken rannC near 'Portland, for rent, caah XI ' C r. m n 1 . , 10 ACRES, cleared snd under cul tlvatton, for $2000; equity $1340, balanoe straight mtg-. 6 yrs. 6 per cent Will take Portland lot or Co. $d Fir. Chamber Commerce blag. 40 ACRES Bremerton, rural homes to Mtiiang . v acres zo roues xrom Portland to exchange; what have you? ALEXANDER, 723 Chamber of Commerca Main 6129. 1 WANT to exchange my modern 9 room residence, situated on sightly corner 100x100, on good car line, valua tion $10,000, for improved farm in Wll- lamette valley. C-7Z5. Journal, BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE FOR TRADEL 4 2-8 M(-r.a Inina U.rmAnu IrOB. RENT 160 acre ranch. Free renl J' about 4 in fruit and berries, bal- I See EWEN. at 811 Alisky bldg. sharea Stamped envelope brings par. . - - - - Ms .WA, HUUIUAJ, TWO fine coast lots for furniture, Acreage or lots for motorcycla Good acreage for team, harness ana bou-sehoid "goodi "onYv SS ruSding countrvonoo?0. T Uurelhurst home, with or 507 Chsmber of CommVrV. " buildings: price bnlv foo mn,t.. ..5.' . m,lur'. " ?t Wvtv' '. - " "!.-: , 81600: will trade uitv , u ' anytning or value, v- " h.Htfli-.-" "".a"v. ww nd in Portland. V M". Journal. : . --v uiBuii sun 10 1-2 Acres on Electric Line Alt in cultivation and set to 8-year-old fruit a dandy piece of land, no rock or gravel, lies well -snd Joins the electric right of Way, about one i hours' ride out of Portland on the Saltern car. Wire ftnoed and has some build ings. $3600. Clear. Will trade you this for your housa Ralph Ackley Land Co, , 204 Falling bldg. 50 Acres $7500 ww muw tiviu a vi twuu. v auiicd iiuin i Rldgefield and H mile from. boa tland- ing:,, on gooa councv roaa. excellent ; . 100x12$ corner with a modern 8 -room bouse; price $6000, and clear of incumbrance, to trada This Is first-class property.- 1 block from carline and rents for $40 s month. .... Dorr E.Kease& Co." 2d Floor Chamber or Commerca Building. 40 Acres in Clackamas Co. 15 acre in 'cultivation, balance ' .-In pasture and timber, good house and barn, granary and outbuild Ings, some fruit county road on two sides, close to school. R. F. " D. and milk route past the door. .$4000. To trade for city prop . erty. Ralph Ackley Land' Co." . 204 FaiUng bldg.. . i...J' $100,000 farm In Willamette val ley. Trade for any good income city property, ' 7 room house on 54x100 feet on , Vernon ave.. 1 H blocks from Irv ington car. Price $3500. Trade for suburban home of 8 to 6 lots with bearing fruit trees and small fruits. ' T. W NORDBT. 702-3-4 Couch bldg. . 32 Acres V (ANTED, 5-10 . acres dose in.- Dnone si-siis. journal. iii, i-;.. i., . , : - a-.i. . i . i I in u -u r . ri ' i' i i4xnra ami ga rr Murnaun usar, i i,- WAJM iM), two lots ciose to car. - utve i sc. ttoom ior rent at a tow rental. pnone. i-t.64. journal. I ' i ; STRONG & CO., rxr a -vTifiirii-A . a a ..M i,n.A nv. I SOS I nnr ft rn bids.' ir A i v. ii luuai ii o-v kwau iiyuav, yi'a I . . - " i i i m ai i -a phone. B-l(S, Journal. '.". '- I WANTED Ideas. Write for list OS . i i i i a i inventions wanted by manuraoturers , ) - ItCOMINQ HOUSES 83 1 and prises offered for inventions.- Our TTrT" -"TTT I four books sent. free. Patent secured a -U-,800CA8,H REWIRED. . or fee returned. -VICTOR J. EVANS 4" floss mattresses, best location in Port-1 v.pn'iivTra . ' o,.L - land to rent rooms, fine home. $40 ORTUNES in. patents. Buy a patent month-oroflt above all expenses. This make a joriune. - wnie ior uais . ,a a .i. ,- i or natems . ror saia ana rtaieni : Duyers. "1 V'' I VAini Ji1.a . h. ,l.T.fil ' .nrf,lnh ' V.'A i.lj. SB 10111. SStiAtl HTAlta. I?"-- ---'r I nnAIIIVn 1 -A " Vv nwwuiu iiuub- ivr bguv, ii uuuaaaarii'i q ins; rooms, tu wen lurmaneu, iiu to- i Kr-tni-np V.' jn.a -,iii UrXaa cation, making (rood !JJ'y,t''5f' F rooro I ennnlnr and fine front' office in. new OA O, U1UVKB IIUIU ' "",',Ll" -!. " I 1 .... . I 1 AA T.IA. minute walk to center or business -,- M,;SVJ: " .i ji..liVr e?,Z - var.,1 ..ii a - ..i ai . a.... fitRt Ssth. . Reautlful district.-.. Sunny ivt. tt in nu hi nuruiuv. vwhai I . . - . -v . - i..i.i,a i. i. . j... A-,ft u tin I Bide car. - IT.TI.lg AVWII AH m AWW U. J VIA AAA. OV. I , , tioT, i- da.ii.aa ha I WOULD like to meet any man who will , .i A.:.7.T..A .a i..',- I take an Interest and haln to handle a bath.trlc5tirmodVrn. - Cost 122.000 to furnish. . My price. I jnYeatlgation. Call Room 609 Journal a . . AAA- - - a -a. . iirm - r a-- i,- iii nv Ian idaw vtxtt ananlilLalv. i 9 a,ui'v , sums u uc. ttaaa ur 1 . " j ., , ,, sen m one year. - uoaaaro. sua vuuiii xiavu a aanay paxeni anu i want s bids-. - . I, nartner: will sell : one-third Dart or - -nz r ' riTjrT eA c Arv .iseii it ait to someone wno can go aneau .- O, nOOmS mOaein---SJHUUU Jwlth it; this is a fine ona ai. Jour- . ' v m ...w, . .v-v. M.VW.H, . ''I . .1 " ''I - 1 11 V- tataira Of flea and lobbv: one of tna beat I CIGARS and liaht arrocerlaa. downtown I furnished in Portland; easy terms. God-1 transfer point, owner retiring; will ;. dard, 502 Couch bldg. . ' I invoice or consider- trade f of city prop 22 nrnMa. 1. 2 and 1 room housa-1 erty; beat buy on street today.', 817 Hen- M-AkAhnlnfl- atlltaa unnA rtirnitllpA.. vnnfl I ry bldg. -' - location; house clears $90 per month. I WILLyou assist financially in est ah- . ran iraae. can t uiay sc., or seei itsnmg a new manuiaciunng enier-. owner. 514 Swetland bldg. In office Sun, I prise T Manufactures for 75c: will sell ' oay. - - - i for sz.ps extensively; nave woraing roou 247 HALL 12 room. house containing T-701, journal, two I room apartments; I two room I WANTED Partner with about $500 apartments in first oiass- conaiuon;i cash who would be Jnterestod in a rent $47.60 per month. Apply R. W. I gold mlninar nronositloa Address Wm. Schmeer, U. 8. National - bank. Phone Hampson, 282H 2d St, room 11$. Phone i Main 840. A-6611. Jr- . I Main 88B1 . . $0 ROOMS Fine west side location.' A-l I $3000 stock of new and second hand house furniture, rooms always full, owner! furnishlna- roods. In aood town of 2000 must sell. Sold for $3000 one year ago. I population, near Portland, $6000 payroll ' nera is your cnanca trice tuvv, soma i per montn; will exenang ior ciear rea - icnus. i . , 4 i estate. u-Z8. journal. - CAtiLi 88 10th, NEAR STARK I irAn git.i" -'" .-',',. Uau'o Thlc9: I Grocery. Invoice, $4000. Sales $1501 : v i ih o , ii: :,t: . I per month. Old established. Rsti- UU rWUBf l.llfc, Ol J .CAA.AA. A li B A I V 1,1 W II. ...V A, V .,wm . V Chance to more than double your raonex. I Journal. ... Prjoe $1050. Goddard, 602 Couch bldg. a.t t.vi. n Wnriand, compelled to seli. ti?' iuu mean ousiness. iook tnis up, i my nigh class restaurant, au ai ow. 38 ' strictly fireDroof - and modern I Real iniD. Dandy rtlaca- Location, can- rooma elaborately furnished. $250 clear Iter cltv. No agenta Write at onca per month cuaranteed. - Price (4600. 1 G-(7fi Journal. s , .......... Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th st Mar. 888tBTiTinMir:nv'iKnHPnwwartnti 8 huuju rooming nouse ior sale oy i . confeotiona ToDaocos, etc.; paysye-i owner; muni do sota at once, vome i srouna ; ' transicr poincjv-lease: boqui and see it All day Sunday Oct 18 only; 1 1,1500: would consider good real- estata weea aaya o:o p. m, nrm oner is 1 v'-!3. journal taken. 267 Columbia st t. H. DEMENT, 216 Stock Exchanga j nave some gooa-bargains in apari- r. , vh .wu,,. . vbu. AMAbaiiauii . . : . ' "ix 1 1 c, , awiiv huuu iMAiAAui. ... m i', . a uuii.i iai;l. uiba luu. JIVI6IU.B a.,iw ,1 soil. 45 acres in high state of cultlva. I P xraae tor nouse sna Z lots, InU I ment and room In a- houses for sale or wars aneclalUes. Armstrona- Mfg. rn snd out-1 tr"".' ;etrea. .. trada E. H, - Dement 818 Stock, gx-1 4 Second st.i Portland. 1 LUEDDEMANN. RULET A CO, ia tnamptr or commerce. TO EXCHANGE. II03IESTEAD8 I Live on a Homestead Cfty lots for acreage .t $2,000. City lots for bungalow. $8,000 AACAreae for bouse and lot $8600. auvv acre wheat rant-h. finiv FOR SALE cheap, or will trade for team, Harness ana wagon, a line cor ner lot on E. 66th and Halsey. Call mi i-iassaio. j 8OMETHINQ TO TRADE FOR Auto, motorcycle, furnitura rooming house, team, wagon and harness, and I UWUDDi ICBllla V aTXJK (III HXin II SB rn ssai as a In r(-ntp-l nrann u. eaulDDed. for Cltv innnma a tfiAAAA ' I EutO truck- Call At 811 ATUkv hMir m iva. axavfl IlKfin inMI ...T - - - - w w w w, vv v. - years. Raise good crons ever v.7 Vly. mcorae forstock ranch. eoulDDed IF YOU have an auto to exchann tnr 11 An4...i . . " - - I nnri fiinniraa-i tn i7R nnn 1 . a Splendid for dairying, hogs and ooultrv' 8J,d B'ockeJi $75,000, Abundant bunch grasa Chee.2 ?S' HARTMANdt THI sawmilt small towna. good school Church arvl-.A "" mail. TdaT Can plac'you'on Hn ,1" tnU locality conven" i?0.11 of thc8 and near railway ? W,".wJl5ohAr-il8y ia now THOMPSON. nuiiuing. nee me Monday, Tuesday or I of more; need not bo on lotrin linl A&StfStt at Hotel AW'' h andyAl- but must ; be good.oll an'd on Kood aiw - der streets. ALVIN S. HAWK. No deposit on location fee. I show the land; yon pay If you fe) a""w lno v . - HnMPBTRAIM ' ' ' --""nS1!!1!"?!-10. Ket homestead in Ore- real estata see COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 618-19 Board of Trada FIRST-CLASS 4 flat apartment fine location; always rented: for stock ranch, (rood farm. What have you T or'Sre? SLdoW nH MM". W of , 'household , furniture ' ana lurnisninn in gooa factory town, to exchange for clear real estata A-753, uui 1 1 rai . Chamber of Commerce Bid. WANT FARM NEAR PORTLAND."'" We have t2(i.AII0 aarnrth tvT-a land property; will exchange part or all 2?r.a.rm ,n TAUalaU1 va"ey. othe? road, and not over so miiaa fmwr, c... land. w- LUEDDEMANN. RULET & CO., 90 v.iiAAiuupr v a tumm erce. vmm. iaa i 1 . ,-u" "ii aai vrc-1 ..v u viva w 11 1.1 , Ai, ia, i-arpe fi.BViJ ?0.A,.ai1?8 i0..e.lect f,orn- Land cabinet work, also all kinds of REAL estate men, we want you to know iiioi. we uo L-iMiiraciing, carpenter and TRADE my enulty of (2600 in a bean, tlful Waverleigh Heights bungalow for acreage, close in. . Sellwood 684. or AVOI 1 IUUOIIB, rana I . daau u. i. ka.iaa . " Si-'hf i"t.,wa3ter;.ral1r0" coming; Ut right prices; estimate given. Reed ?nee. in flne'locatlon. for farm to- J 7 i,?. Hrri?1! here, ia innmo, Z26 Union ava N. Phone r.aAa." coasi; wim assume . not over mui; no agents. A-ut, journal. .'.PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO., Sellwood i241. iH N. Second st UvAN i F.txA ito" "AtRBi r.iinn.it v. . j rwATiD Acreage vicinity of Portland uaSA 1 .ear va,a; want automobile, 1 ,Cvi7i.I e'lnl,11hment, 4 m)e. or Willamette valley, not over ISOOO- 1600; what have you7 . , stock ranch ipnrn oouniy: tnod will give for same two tinl. llrL Port- m. ALUnCANDER, . stock ranch, plenty wood and i.r land realn,nr nr huAain... e.f. ,i 723 Chamber of Commerce. Wain ion if,- Kealty Co., 232 Washing- cated. " " AHTKU block, , houses, price A. K HTT.T. 4 1 0 ui,. I drift U'h.i ' GET 320 or 480 acres, beat In Or..nn FIVE room coins... I.,.. iA " ' ALEXANDER. timber watr- nr couver. B. C. Lane corner. Vt 7Z Chamber of Commerce. Mainjtm. iimoer, . waier, railroad now lniiiriin.: I street, fruit tr.u n'rr ' I l iwu . u,.ni i , ? iwi luutuun, pari rnuv. ifluu. Drive, I ALEXANDER,, I 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129, schools and aood roai a i i 1 v.V. '-l -b i ." w. you nave ior wmu lijdg. tii . " "'' b"va mnu, plenty -ot I , "uwbuii. b-biw ijaasr. Bner- 600. o.areimora! buiw,K f'r"" rees and bVrUs.Pro! LtT8-lUUxl(7; sh?e? 'rail ii " J? n' ,fe",-eai,0n- eTty 'outh Portland preferred. Ap- work, terms. ?, 1 ? , . 1 4th Bt- Maln 8"4. Ply Owner. H. F. P.. 281 mrynM . AJL1 aiimwamud in ine Slualaw; flrv "rol""'r. - rhool.". 52 SL. '.ro.d. 60 ACRJCS, $25 .PER . - am vxeriiDATar - tvVn "a." " . 1 bVaI aTia "; umoer UK ucb oiua.. an mr.a wag, aaarsnau 1884. Meld OrP - A,dre"" y1-" Store, " 'AC'TOKlf BITE, $950. Alteky bldg. ' aurnuura , 811 Meld. Or. i..?.0.1 J?Jci:'?..cl adjoining, 1 , ' 'luiaca - main, iiuamoOK Co.: creeks. - . . I, niiiBrr mug; HOMESTEADS near Portland now opel. for entry: rk-jt and level; railroad to Ian1 I Avraw Oat ri. W - . a. w Sdsvm!norMidS rSrStM ' A"h streets, Portland. " ' ' "a "0 ACRES, all fenced, on.au iflprorv its fcrh a 13 s ' - 1 - Sid, City llmit.7 take other- '."J za,:"b-. ..w?. Co.. for auto! ror team. Alisky bids-. FOR SALE or exnhano. .., W1.8 c.ra ?? two on Oregon Eleo- or acreage, mv siEOo'am.iti "7 Llm ?.or .!' fw ern 8 . room hn.;.. V- 1 tpy vivy nome. laoor 01 htfrst slda cltv llmfta. t.v. iu,.. r.1 1 I -v.xxi.o, TYUStlUlglUn wo., ' ZC - - . ' . I Txr i tm 1 ILL 'L "' ' "T""- hOMESTEAD Information free, send .A. mm. VAmm ana . . t . . . yyeiser. lanwo TIMBER 28 TIMBER in all slied tracts up to sev - eral billion feet. Sawmill aind -logging proposition. Reports and estimates KXClIAXGK-a-REAL ESTATM g4 I HAVE some good property to exchange for a rooming house er some kind of buKlns; will assume som if price. Is rigiit. A-822. Journal. - ' i-.-- l,n.-. :ity Fark house for acre or lots; rive phone. Tl-680. Journal, i1 '. j, . aIANiTb two good lots for modern i,'..une; give phone. L-6(4, Journal, 80 exchange all or part for land na... electric carline. O. L. Webb, 414 E. Stark. 8 rnX,7,i, f-."..".:?UIVL my city home. Tab t. Alex Gevurtx. care Wsterhotel 929& WORTH., f Portiana property! i . . - J , . 1 w AAA r. . . . . . ii . Burin k Dinea ia hnn A-i.. -.-i.iivu aiirfi a3enit.2i countv ioi- amaii iaa. miles from a town; .only fao;' will tradV J,?r0o?-.plac ' Per cra i Box for a hous or acreage: L i ..Ia Rainier, Or. . . ,. First st. Main 6839"' W"!1?' ,f $U0O EQUITY 5 room hous. st Belli '.th? nap you have been look! .rA" tf4eI.acKa" ::gatao , " AuiAui uuuio, modem nn I T T T pai du - .. cash'' wfil ?it?,rn TO0.- Some, CALIF. I of far-i-800 caah and ready AnlS?JllYr",nAf,A ',r"t Paymerii 20 ACRES gooi land, i mill ' to Esti- tka -.aaIa'"?? '.n Portland, will I . " vacam iota; win consider Aioumai. tl .,,- Aia implements and 1 1""". Wi4A-"4- Journa ' f fii " - ' uv. J . "om house, "y vruperty. vn i E. Lincoln, near (7th. for chean I Harrlsburg, Or. n i. r I'M K aa ri ab r inMi.a a I i . -", awiu iobi casiv, 1 1 LiOTS. 8 good, timber, to trade for Aoaress tr, u. Boa lit, 0-618. Journal vAVtiu.a Unproved' tnrm fir Km. -...". acre. anna A.... ' tt V, A-J."IUIB UT OB I- i waat hHr ,R fewttnk. Nottb-, room houaa. 82800 tvdt -,juAvini AAvri-osB, Bum or gooa oust-ni-ss, - 2 Chamber of Commerce. 1 $1300 etiuitv in Hiinnvaido; . hnmA -n IeaL yacari.i)roi'rtyi oommis- alnn ,- TiaIwiai OT a A , : , , f " ...... .v.v. ..1 VH.'I.'..,.. ..I .'A'. . ."'.. ;f ''-.'v;ii'.u-.; ;:'-i-r' i;;": .'J.i-:,.r tinn arnnd nrphanl. Viaiiba ham buildings. AU implements go with I P,?,? Yr P"1""- Can mostly all be I change bldg. Marshall 4014. iB-rni, kuag a gooa .earn. 4 cows, i neirer. some I ena 8 acres In potatoea ready sown to fall wheat 2Sdtbi?60fiIntPart PaymWlt- ,a0? PErTbAKER. 444 Sherlock-bldg. I t r ' Ji 'i '. I iaiBB,B,BBi i 1 .-''aS-.'" naal i p , I. Kauffmann h Moore- 825 Lumber Kxhange. FOR EXCHANGE. V a 4k VtaVDI avtnjtC . s,u v . -TJ VBOIIi CALL 88 10TH. NEAR STARK. WANTED Rooming and apartment WHY GO BAST to have your inventions r devalonrdT We manufacture under I contract dieaV tools," novelties and hard- uo, , WANTED Partner in business. $3000. j first consideration. as Investigation will Journal. " ' ' - F.1. Webber : v . : . specialty. Garden WbII drllllna- M $56,600. Rogue river WghTy Improved uil?JFtiEt' Homa'Or. r -r--..- farm, for income or mercantile prop- lVi''mmiSiul& anonE0S A PRESCRIPTION druggist with small ertv In Portland nr .luAiarh.r. n nA... I nd list your plsoe for qulcK action. 808 I ,.,ntal ran secure eood drua- business MERCANTILE stock and real es tate, about $17,000, in fine val ley town; owner will consider stock or wheat farm to $18,000 or $14,000. This Is located in one of the best valley towns and will stand close investigation.. L, K. Moore $17 Board of Trade Bldg. 20 Acres- With fine modern hmiaa ii ima ia .a chard, all lit cultivation; artesian well 1 Plenty water, 100 acres cleared oi.u Buuu iiiKiion system in one of the I cultivated, balance bunch best towns In Idaho. This property Is 24x28, arood barn and win m exenange ror home or any 1 84-00; trade for small farm or city prop " k,vi''j ui uw rvruana ana I gy. xxem orown, si rswennna Ding. aliuma AnniA ---..v. . .1 ". . . . i . . " ' ' '. ' . ' - F. Jt. 6TEINMETi!, . ' ' 608 Gerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder. I - - " '- T-W w -w I -.'.,..-.. ."-'..'-- . ii I nan iii an i, i A a. j. aai I lin... iai. ii una Ni aT V U fcr SM Vfi-BB M-) n va aaS B V UBa a vbb-b- - i bldg. . . . ., 1 17 ROOM house, good location, rent $50 proposition in Portland. A-827, Journal. , Y&J28?J onYyl thi; is' a good onet' 508 Panama I MNE Y---Eurppean ' capital for Invest- J - sa7?orilnd7k.reiea bld corner 3d and Alder; , "i ' tanlffl. . ih6J improvements? price $100 CLEAR profit in this, 22 rooma, Holborn. London, England. " ':"-.. . uptV th-t; v.lu? r " J0 fJTtn rit'Ott'lnoufrll Lum CLEAR stock hardware In city; 8 year.- , .I1; iTrr g rtrv:rce' io hooMs,: $105; $4oo;; rTr aouu; 1-: v . . . ' A,"rvo ..yuiiAJ, Bit IVUU UI I .L DCAUUXU1 rouixiB . SUV. , . leriTlB. -.-All I uiaj im.hu wiisn cieareu. Tf a Wtrri VT T At wvawtn.. AnM ..... . ., . . isncea, 1 eixes. i can .piease you. uogaara, 0B ' 1 ; , 7iV . , -IT Vi a . im ...h , 80 seres Couch bldg. s " - 1 il'hiii- 1 finl'l"' , pHce i2 R06M rooming house 2 fireplace-, i Dalcef "Heir 'o?r' 1 UlUlll, r,: priue I -. Pu)..liAa fiirnaaa half rl-h ftemt I - ,, , . , i , i i i I . f .""-"-- it HMAPPV men w th anma caah ran st ' class people,, furniture new; will sacr'.r weaving city. 476 ciay, flee. WHEAT KARM Tn' ru ATjf DAOA , . . - avou ttv-res in 40 ackks good .land near Hood River, 1 frnn "'AT,E-.N'-a iim ronmiV" ,10 acres In annles- soma In hMrlna-i !"i5jAiIl,.c.e. ""le .r?,P,P . extra good house and . barn; private "tVTo'i J'ldTf , waier system. .rrice fouuo. to , ex- i SDlendid ? : proposition ,; In newly I equ ipped pool ; hall- for -.rent.. G-671, . hOUSa i TAn.n.l ' ,- - ' . f oar COMPLETE moving picture show in : fc,v;A,.in , V.V ' " " i i.; J thickly settled aistnct; no competu FURNITURE of liroom house. (8o0.00.jtlon; $100.0, If taken at once; big bar-fc ' Part trade city-lot. part cash..' 266 J rain " rn so4 T.wl hM. -1 ' 7." 19 IeXaSUaIIVcO RtCo'-iilSM4 WmEPlio0dr 918 Chamber of Cmmiw."? ': tes Realty Co., 849 4th St. Mar. 3828. , - ment on good pa Marshall 1606; letantlal company. "gool per ma tt sub- i j-szy journal. t.V.tiaxtSfa. a -j ' i . . TWO vacant lots. 60x150 eaeh.Tln . a. near nriage. call lfiast Z863. ' " wltli paldnip i wit. ' rtght" eVerVfoA , resl?enc dletrict in Los Ange- BOARDING housa 16, rooms., all full, can bj AArrlgaUtSdri! Smifes 'of ViTe 'or PoV.d!P?ic. 33600 CMH .' 1 bnrgain'i am leavln, city! iVn'd0 lV irrTStnSTe" fc"" wlI'M Ab.ngton b frj J"rnal- ......I...,,- m.i, I. . m arrnriira a vii lmwiku ,. p-a Will trad ither or both ranches fof BTRICTt modern ? room v. K-OKBrwr, .. . I !cfi'"',i'""i",A-,.uH,j '-w'" ...i 'TAIaK. with flbtchkr ' .:. ... , AaAjj ax ivun iai, : . V ; aau aii iva, ailloIIlUDUB . or IBM. ! .VI, I lkA.it .IaaG ,T..a al HI 431 Lumber Exchang? Bids . v IE. Lee" 622 Corbett bldir. ' ' I.!.."k-?5fi?4' .y1" to 1 llAVld farm. ..fa... .. w ' 8ft XrHV.S fin. lnn Ia, nj Ui'J ""Z1aV!U "J.'it.A f .a P?" r.f,?.7tA-iC0n'tcl,0nery. tore8. 1 iaa","0. 'or?" Kenne wick with five -.- 2.6 Ablngton- Bldg. ' BUSINESS CHANCES restaurants, roomlnr hanaailn . I lots, to evchana-a fnr hoiiBaa In ritv all kinds of propositions for exchange. I incumbrance. Jacob Haaw, Gerllnger bldg1. If you can't Sell you can trade for what I nir.w a rnim i.iii.Un n -,,7i i. iZ you want. Goddard. 602 Couch bldg."' j Hawthorne district tb. exchange for WIL lntf beautiful new grocery a email improved zarm. v" :- -"' - ..: 1 'wr "aS z7 L Li J "" nimp, IP YOU have good id" eauitias in W. H. LANO & CO.. 818 Ablna-fnn bid I Goddard. , 602 Couch bldg, , load r.-uifdO.?.ih!1,lc,rtayr0ur . he.avy 8 ACRES adjoining city; want Portland MRS,Hl3,3N.B' Pl 9hFtr rent. load, bring .-la detalla 10 Lewis bid. I property. - Portland inenm. nrnZ . a blacksmith shop, cheap rent. Tabor Tl . " .' I ' ' . 1 I ",'" i -, i -- - " ' BjAvuoij- -,- BfJIIAjrBl inarnnannia. : ,. , FOUR- loUi free of , Incumbranca free I stora Bmlh ft Houck, 300 Henry bldg. WANTED Small' restaurant or oonfeo nlJa5? J5!?a. ?0.ro.a 4,hi .0 xchange FOR TRADE Good north front lot on J, tlonary., Must be . cheap for cash. i.a" nuuBw ..:nis i - remont SL.. near Broadway car. for I owners omy. ai-na. journal " 1 1 VUUU. ! JVU tl CPD, unuci VULVCr. 8" VVie ' A tlatissaP Q1 st nMlBJUvnvtk T. Ir-; uf iAa Iisuposii au uuanuiiii ,, f Ui .. land. Or. Phone Sellwood 765. ' " WE have clients " looking for business chances. If you have something good come in and let us know about It.. 50$ v ' Panama bldg. cor. 8d and Alder ets. - i ' CONFECTIONERY and cigars below In- . i" voice; streetcar transfer point living' y rooms, cash business; leaving city. ,J7l ' Washington st; - "i";: --:';': -j:')-. i BE independent. Go in business : for yourself. Small investment and large t, returns. F-2t5, Journal.. ..... 1 FOR 8 A LB Old established Votet wltli ; " bar. Beach and Beach, (10 Buchanan ' building.- - - '..:' '; ...-'-.. , v t IIAIaF interest- in Blacksmith shop- for ' ' sale. Must be good. live,, sober man. , '. T-648, Journal.. - - - :'. . . . , SALOON One oi the best locations In ' J A-avarn .aliiravs A ri kAal.... , .(( RfI5LA ".S!.11" ? I nouse and lot:" .Address R. Ramey. ABSOLUTELY the quickest way to sell V"uv" wiK. .,-v ... . -...- a .IaII vArv Altv" ; X i . M..a I. , 11. ..ilu r- . . ront....1;.. .'T. -a I."'" ' . h- I . . i. ' V'VJ (' , , . ii 1 (.aa"!". V7i " .,-."i"u,u"?u -BBmeno iois l want Do Angeles acreage, in exchanun I 0V -oucn oiag, in K-ortln.nn ror kaa t i. h,anA,tu r l . - .1." ,r..::r WB i.j . 1 ' . ' ," ' nj 'j r in iis Tnnrn.i". " 1 ArJ"r vr..c'o"a eieciric line, s mues I atUUIa, a tables, conleotlouery, ., cigars, ..... . .- , t 1 tttitti noiirrnm aa 1 iwnan ' .i.kvt 1 r, 1 1 - ..nn,.i.. . . I . " w......, - .,.m.nai, I ' aiuvnilOA, IAiailQAA.1 VU1 IIITI ) VBI I IOa RUUfl xno. aua immner mxenant.. CLEAR, property for grocery, roomln. LOT in Mt. Tabor reatrioted dlsTTicTfor 8t"ck: price n house or , confeoUonsry. .8-684, Jour- A lot on peninsula , or . delivery auto! CufNi'ECTli. Bal .V- ' '".'''''.'' :" v ""t'"'V ': '-a; '' Q-614, Journal. . , , . . , , , 4 ,-ream ' pai TluNERf, clears, fruit and ice m- nor or for an la on arcniint nf WHAT nave you to trade for strict v I yinessw lib N. ' Z3d st. r, r.i ;:z , . : : - ::j-we v1.' ' ara, two good, lots . . '- wn irrinanvA rAiA-anpAnira . , - , ... . ... . . i ' . ...l; . .': t ntTpirv a- atZZb FJUhi-.:-",,.:.' ma- aV.0,JJ " LaursnursiT Iiicstauhant: a money gj'Uji. a'-,'. ' 1- 1 I.aVI ' . " I : - uai .iur D..IK. 6600. Box (86,1 Portland, ... ,','. ' t r ypu can't beat for the price; feeds 300 1911 Runabout 1J H. P, fjne condition! uitv tn rdftifv. $:0ft. Inquire 811 Lumber Kxch. 3178. M-743V Journal. ' ' town; always doing business. J-67JS, Journal. Sell room, good corner for.! neither shop In connection, $360 re qulred; bargain. 74( UOlon ave" N. ' MKHCHANOisw $30 000 general stocTT: ' trade Willamette Valley or Portland 4 property. 9.1 Chamber of Commerce. WEDDING inv.tations-announcenienta ' Ryder Print. Co 3B7 Bnrnalde. M.RB38; - MEAT market for sale, 1 , Inquire at 1814 Belmont t. '-;- '"r- ' - modem C room bungalow near Haw-1 CLI-1AN1NG and preying purloi: prltil 3jRUG store for"ial' thorns ava. for a lot Tabor 8523, ? . $50 if taken at once; 408 Hoyt st 1 dentlal districts T-( or trada in ru 651, Journal,