The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 05, 1913, Page 69, Image 69

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German Youth's Happy Coun
tenance and Honest Deal
' ing.Ald In Success,,, -
Successful Optician . Discusses
' Line of EndeavdThat Ef- 1
fects , Every ;'Person.V
U HUil Ml
,7 A - ' 1 ' (
, ,i t , i " V , 1
Tremendous Possibilities ,of
Boyhood - Pledge Responsible
Manufacturer Tells ' of Early
, Experiences in -Getting v
' 1 Start In Life, '
for Establishment. Which
Cost Thousands, 1
This Form. of Advertising'
. Are Set Out, .
, i , .., I t
r i
I 7
Y ...
Top0. SMnrpby.
Bottom C. 0. Murphy.
. More then a .core of yeara ' ego in
Rosebqrf, two boys brotbera -clasped
Jia-nda, and swore to atand together and
each help the Dther when the "growed
i; up." ' The youngster, were" O. 8. and
C C. Murphy, wh will open i ll chair,
palatial barber ehop- In the baeement o(
the new Morgan building In a few dajra.
: And the reaaon why tier s,re in posi
tion to open tip a shop which la coating
thonaanda of dollara tor flztnrea alone,
' la found In that boyhood oath.
-. Through the yeara of youth and early
manhood they atood together. Where
. . on was, tha other was not far away.
i Together they saved their money, and
planned for th day when they could
.own their own hop. Their ambition was
to make It the eatH
When aUU in their teena they left
Eoeeburg and went to Ban Franolaoo.
O. CL Murphy, three years tha alder,
captained the Journey, which for them
waa a wonderful adventure, at that time
After learning the harboring trade,
they apent aeveral yeara traveling the
United Statee aa Journeymen barbers,
;' and finally aettled in Portland, ,
si -t In thla city C.C Murphy married.
.,bn "a 0" pat hp the "S.,,0. elgnal
f dlatreae in thla regard and remained
,a staid old bachelor, to uae bit own ex
' preaaloa.
Tor . the laat ahc years, a a Murphy
haa been employed at th railing build
Ins; ahop, and for eight year, O. 8.
, Murphy haa worked at ' the Imperial
h barber shop, .. . .(., t. . .7.
In keeping with their plana they aaved
their money, mad judicious Inveatmenta
and now In their early thirties, have
, reached k unsltlon hn
owners of a ahop, which la being ex
. . pensively uiiea up-witn an eya single to
flrat elaea trade and first class sery
'Ifce. , -x ' ' '
The ahop will be known aa the "Mor
gan Building Barber Shop," tnit already
it la known a the M.B." among their
-s , Gnnt Crder.
. "One moment, please, while tha op
erator changes the reel.' ' '.V
" How often have you sat In a moving
picture theatre and aeen the announce
ment throw a on tha .screen in neatly
drawn iettere and delicate colore? And
then ' perhapa followed a half dosen or
ao well written and illustrated adve
tlsementa of nationally known produot
or of local merchants. You couldn't
help reading them,' could youT - And
thena stopping: to think that there are
over 100,000 moving picture houses la
th United States with an attendance
of over 10,000,000 peopla each day of
tha year th tremendous poaalbllltlea of
slide advertising begin to loom up. '
CogiUtlng a little further, the reali
sation of the fact that slide making t
a profession and an art comes to light
Without keeping the reader In auapena
any longer it wouldr perhapa be well to
announce that tha leading slid makers
of Portland are now installed in new
offices n - th Morgan building.'" Th
Grant Carder Slid company Is . th
name of the firm with Grant Carder,
artist and, advertising specialist at its
, y Beginning ytwt small.
Mr. " Carder came ' to - Portland' two
years ago from Chicago and haa been
located in tha Merchant's Trust bulld
tng. HIa business haa grown to suou
proportions, hov?even that ha has moved
to the new Morgan bunding to meet us
requirements.' , - v
"My business has grown from a email
beginning . said 4 Mr. Carder, "until at
the preaent timo I am filling ordera
from patrons all over tha country, -I
am making slides for theatrical an
nouncements, fairs, carnivals' and big
national advertisers. I also conduct an
advertising . service for advertisers,
making the slides and distributing them
to theatres. '
. Thi slide business 1 technically, a
branch of photography; but is highly
specialised, requiring art work and col
oring aa-well aa th mere photographic
process. Slides are being- universally
used for advertising purposes, but vn
at that the business is in Its infancy,
gcenlc views are 4n great demand' by
commercial organisations and hotels
are now using slides gps the best me
dium of advertising. T Why,, aven real
estate is being sold by slides.. During
tha last election held in Portland slid us
were need by nearly all of tha eandi
datea I have made ovary polities'
slide ased in Portland. i
x . drS riald Offered.
' "Slid advertising offers a great field
for tha small merchant In the small
town. .It is absolutely tha best medium
he oan use. Spectators must read slide
advertlaemnt whether they want to
or not. If they Intend remaining for the
next film. Make thta attractive and
the utility of the slide is doubled.
' "Coloring Is entirely a hand process
and to be effective mast be on by an
artist Put. ideas In slide advertising,
and it will pull business like no other
medium." ?
v Mr. Carder has been In th slid busi
ness for the past five years, . v . ?
J. Going Down.' " J-
'4"' From- the Cincinnati Enquirer. .v
-Gabe He claims he is a descendant
from a. great family. ' '. ,vt .,
eteve res, and He is still descending.
. I. Aronson. ?
rsucoesa has com to me through
hard work." says X. Aronson, Jeweler at
214 Washington atreet - "and from a
small beginning I have expanded, my
business until ! am- now not only a re-
taller but a manufacturer with 42 work
man In my employ." . .i. , ;
' Mr. Aronson says that he haa been on
tha Paciflq coast practically all of the
time since 1888. when as a boy of It
ha Journeyed from Pittsburg, where be
was born and where his people ara now
engaged In the banking and : real ea
tat business, to Seattle, He went fnto
a Jewelry store thor and learned, th
business and after a-return to the, east
for a short period ha cam to Portland
In 189? and established a buslnaaa, but
during the Klondike axcitemant the fol
lowing year ha went again to Seattla
in 1881 he returned to .Portland and
opened up a business at Fifth . and
Alder, wher ha remained until October,
1906, when . he moved to Washington
street, and has been' there sine. ,
Mr.' Aronson married, a Portland girl,
her father being Jacob Deeds, the first
mayor of Albina after it "was incor
porated as a city, and he saya that aha
has .been a big factor in his suocess,
especially when he had to start in fcusU
less on a small scale. One thing of
which Mr. Aronson Is vary proud, he
saya. Is that he haa never bad a man
In hia employ who would hot be willing
to com back to work for him again. ;
in addition -o hla retail and manu
facturing Jewelry : aatabUahment Mr.
Aronson aays that he Intends to have
an Innovation for Portland in the shape
of high grade social and business sta
tionery when they move to their- new
quarters in tha Morgan building. He in
tends putting in the most modern type
of plant for engraving for that work
with band-presses. . All tha work on the
etationery will b dona by hand. ,
I ' ' i
Psul Steinmetf.
" Speaking Jlttle Engliah but fuU of
enthusiasm and ambition to succeed, a
German youth made hla appearance in
Portland In If 05 and opened an exhibit
of cutlery at the Lewis and Clark fair
for a large cutlery' manufacturer ' Is
Bolingen. Germany. Ha was so pleased
with Portland that, ha did not return
to tha fatherland, but opened a mall
cutlery business for himself. '
That German youth was Paul i 8t1n
mats, proprietor of the Portland Cutlery
company, wholesalers and retailers, of
cutlery and barbers' supplies, who at
tributes hia suocess to treating Ms trad
right and to alwaya greeting customer
with a cheerful smlla. . . .
From a small beginning In a little
store at 81 Sixth street, where he start
ed in bnslnesa for himself, Mr. 8teln
met has built up a bis; business, which
has outgrown t preaent location at
88 Sixth street la addition to a retail
business, th Portland Cutlery company
haa expanded Into a Wholeaale line also,
and Mr. Btelnmets saya that it Is really
lb only plao in Portland that handles
an exclusive cutlery line. , The .com
pany is Paclfio coast agent for Eugene
Burninghaus, - Clnctnhati, and for, B.
Kunde A Son, Dresden. '
The cutlery business comes almost ss
naturally, to him" as ea ting, aaya Mr.
Stelnmeti, as be was born in Bolingen,
where the finest steel in Germany is
made, October 6, 1877'and consequently
he waa brought up in anatmospheref
cutlery, which made it easier for htm
to select that business than any other,
Afterthe fair waa over here, he mad
up hla mind that Portland, waa the loca
tion for him; and as a, consequence of
hla good Judgment and WisJness ability,
he now "has traveling mn on the road
selling goods from his Aore while 'his
city deliveries are made wlth automo
biles. . ..."'
f v
I . 1 - - .
Dr. C. L.' Uavnes.
" ,"1 Just fit glasses and I know how;
This .Is the slogan of Dr. L.
Kaynes. one of Portland's leading opti
cians, who will occupy rooms in the
Morgan building in - conjunction with
several dentists and physicians. " ,
MI do my own grinding," .said Dr.
Haynes the other day, "and that la wh7
I have choaen th motto I have. I be
lieve I oan safely say I am Portland's
oldeat exclusive optician, have been
In buslneaa here over 1 years and I fit
glasses only, doing all my own work.- .
'T am moving over to the Morgan
building to keep pace with the marvel
ous growtn of the city and to accommo
date my own business. This Is the day
of the specialist People are coming
more and more to realise that they muat
take care of their eyea : The eyes are
the most Important part of the human
body. One can get along. If necessary,
without the sense of hearing, or spare
an arm or a leg, but nothing so Incapac
itates a person as a loss of eyeaight
Peopl don't run to a atore nowadaya
and buy a pair of glaaaea in the belief
that the mere wearing of glaaaea will
cure defective vision, - They have their
eyes examined and tested by a special
ist and fitted with the glaaaea beat
suited to correct their Individual if suite,
of vision.".
Dr. Haynes Is' a southerner by birth
having been born in Baltimore, Md, His
boyhood waa spent in .Iowa. ' However,
be has lived In Portland for the past
SO years. , , , ? ' '
Merchants Protective
' Association ,
' i
.Ri L. SABIN, Secretary.
Will remove to room 740, Mor
gan Building:, on or about Oc
- toberlOth. 4
C. Elmore Grove
desires to . announce
tie opening or his
new studio nr : the
M o r g a n B u i 1 J i n g
about OctoLer 10tk
It will be the most
modern and beauti
fully equipped studio
in tke :V est. Tte
public ' is cordially
invited to visit Portr
land s most lip-to-date
Studio of
Photograph ic Art
a ' w
C. Eliviore Grove
Beirger Bros., Decorators
English, French, German, Japanese and Exclusive
'American Wall Papers ;
1 86 Broadway
The Rosariari Cafeteria and United ; Cigar Store in
This Building Were Decorated By Ua
i , ,n - - ". ,' : .
The Last .Word In Eating Places for Busy People
V r.
In tne East. Basement i Morgan Building. J Entrance on Washington Street
-'f 1 i : Between Broadway and Park . ' f,J'
' Seating Capacity 250 Superior Ventil ating.. Heal Surroundings :
- : i r k y t ' Experienced Caterer - -v -C;., -
music ' r -':;;V,--,;; ; r:-r ; and e. c. dolen
E. Thin and! Burnside
i 1 . , ;
' ; Furnished
Twelve Thousand Dou
W Worth
' " ' j ' l " " ' '
, I ' ' f ',, ,
CAST frV" 1 j
'i k h and - '-i s , .
v (
."-;:;: STEEL
ii ifll- EJiElL
Now inTheir Handsome New
Quarters I in f Ac Basement
of The Morgan Building
"i1 it
Tlie 'devotees of v this
popular pastime will find
.the Elite's new parlors
;most commodious, the
equipment and general
- appointments not- to be,
excelled in the : North-
.west i , . i h j
t 1 f .
1 . for , ,
12 to 1:30-6 to 7:30