The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 17, 1913, Page 57, Image 57

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"- Concerning Health and beauty 'ijSK'
ijfetyWjB8Bhc.- ; : By Mrs- Henry Symes ..ajjgiiggg -
EVERT dar I flunber of un
healthy, WMk-looklny women
on th street and in. the care,
and I cannot help wondering
why H la that they allow themeelvea
to become round-ehouldered, hollow
cheated and crooked of back when It
la In every woman's power to keep
herself Jn arood physical condition If
she wtil arlve ten minutes avery day to
the proper, exercises.
Not long; ago I ventured to ask a
little woman who had allowed herself
to become run down and round-shouldered)
from neglect, why she did not
brace up and do something to Improve
her appeanance. The answer I received
amused, while It also dlsguted me.
6ald she:
"Why, I oan't afford dumbbells or
Indian clubs and these expensive ex
ercisers that are attached to the wall,
and unless you have the right kind of
iu fof&J jC hvJitKMtJ
If a personal reply ! desired, a elf
addresied stamped envelope should be
OMH one has called punctuality
"the politeness of princes." It
also belongs to all who would
pride themselves on an adherence to
rules that have the consideration of
others for their basis. That is the
Important thing, my dear readers
there must be a guiding star of un
selfishness If your conduct is to be of
the highest type.
How often have I seen an entire
room full of guests kept waiting for
a delinquent one who has a habit of
arriving late. The habit of being be
hind an appointed time is unpardon
able. If you are addicted to this) ex
pression of thoughtlessness and care-
tessness, It Is time you begin to re
form. At a formal dinner party at which
a certain hour has been mentioned,
the guests should arrange to arrive
ten or fifteen minutes beforehand, to
remove wraps, be Introduced to
others and to have a short talk with.
dinner J
Id Join I
the host and hostess. The
should be announced on the
and guests wtoo are late should
the party at the table after being
greeted by the hostess and extending
an excuse that, of course, must be
W earing Mourning
DEAR Mrs. Atiams.
How long should a widow
daughter wear mourning T
Do you think one should so to a plo
ture theater while In mouriilnsT
A widow who wishes to follow the con
ventional rules of mourning should
wear the widows bonnet and long veil;
and crepe de chine, lusterless silk, etc.,
may be worn, with hats trimmed with
black, ribbon, black flowers, black
chiffon or dull Jet. ornaments. When
eighteen months have pasjed, white
and lilac touches may be added to re
lieve the black, and after two years
have expired colors may be resumed.
If the daughter is extremely young
she should not wear heavy mourning.
(For her a black hat trimmed with crepe
and a small face veil of plain black
net with a broad border of crepe, a
black dress, gloves, etc., are proper for
the first six months or year. After that,
the crepe should be removed and white
worn with the black. In the summer
all white may be worn during the
mourning period by young women.
'While wearing deep mourning it
would hardly be appropriate to attend
places of amusement.
Pear Mrs. Adams.
is it the bride's duty to appoint the
ushers at a church weddlns? MAY.
It is customary for the bridegroSm to
appoint the ushers from among his own
friends, but frequently he also Invites
Che bride's brother or some male rela
tive to aot as usher.-
The Engagement Ring
pear Mrs. Adams.
I am a man In moderate circumstances
and should like to know what kind of
an engagement ring- I should give to a
girl who has promised to marrynie
Tou should not tax your resources
to buy the ring. A ring set with your
sweetheart's births tono -or her fa
vorite stone or a plain band ring,
would be very- much)' appreciated by
Kissing Is Not Necessary
Dear Mrs. Adams. t ,
Kindly inform me whether It is neces
sary for the groom to kiss his bride
after the ceremony and before the audi,
ence in the church. A ItBADLR.
This custom is not observed any
more. 'Such expressions of affection
are reserved for private delectation.
Asking a Man to Call .
Pear Mrs. Adams.
la it proper for a young woman to in
vite a man to call on her, or should the
man ask to callT M so, after how many
.nestings may she ask hlmt EljaAN0R
It is proper for a young woman to
take the initiative In asking a man
to call, but this invitation should nbt
be given - until , after two or
more meetings. Many girls, however,
dislike to take this step and wait for
the mam to ask permission to call.
'Desires Popularity
Dear Mrs. Adams ,.,
Please tll me how 1' eould bseomw
popular. People never sm to care for
war opinion about things, and when I -m
at parties X am not popular. I am not
bashful, but greatly enioy the eooletir of
older people. I do not care especially
for people of mjr own agtf.
- I expeot to go to Germany and study
muslo for about three menths. I have
a decided talent How may I seoure
4nstruelon from an expert toachert
T fur vim ara a little hit "too sensi
tive and imagine you are less popular
appliances there Is -no tfse to try to be
good looking; and straight"
"My dear woman." X replied, "you
don't have to have anything of the
sort to keep yourself In good condi
tion. All you have to do Is to prac
tice faithfully every day certain sim
ple exercises that will develop the
most Important muscles In your body,
and remember to stand and walk In an
erect position."
No, woman need go outsldo her
home for "the proper 'Implements for
exercises.' They are at hand In every i
home; simple articles In use every I
day In every household. I
Take an ordinary dining-room chair,
for -, example, a light-weight wooden
chair, and . y have the means of
going through a course of exercises
that will bring straight limbs, strength
and health to any one who will give
as Utile as ten minutes a day to them.
a very strong one. Usually, lteness
at any formal affair of this kind Is
If an invitation be extended to you
by a gentleman to take you to a
dance or to the theater you should
arrange to be ready when he arrives.
He. of course, should plan his' time to
arrive conveniently early. He should
certainly not be kept waiting very
long while a woman sees how late
she can be. ,
I have known some young girls to
arrange deliberately to b late, so as '
to be seen walking down the aisle of
a church or a theater. If they oniy
knew how decidedly their actions
stamp them as bourgeois, which op
probrium they are trying to escape.
They are trying, Xoattract attention
and to make a show, which is never
an evidence of refinement They are
also putting others to great' Incon
venience, which is inconsiderate.
If you arrange to have a friend
call on you at half-past 8 o'clock, be
ready for him. He should not be al
lowed to sit alone In the room where
you entertain friends while you are
adding a few touches to your toi
lette. You should be ready to re
ceive a caller, to introduce him to
your mother and father and to ex
tend to him a punctual hospitality.
punctuality in letter writing is also
an important thing. When a letter
is received asking you for Informa
tion, answer it immediately. When a
Question is asked, give a polite,
punctual reply. It is a sign of con
sideration. Stay out of bed a few
minutes iat
rJse a llttl
p0 not let
your bad h
minutes later in order to do this or
e earlier in the morning.
t delinquency be one or
It is never too late to begin to form
a good habit. Is punctuality one of
jour habits? If not. make It one.
than you really are. It is not meant
that every one of us should 'be a social
belle, but we can make ourselves so
amiable that our presence will always
be desired. Possibly you dK not express
t your opinions in a modest way. You
will find that people do not care for
the' person who has decided opinions
and has no time for the opinions ot
oriiers. 'Be a good listener and be will
ing to loin in any fun proposed.
The best thing for you to do Is to
ask your teacher to recommend a good
Bchool or teacher In Germany.
Marriage of the Employer "
Dear Mrs. Adams.
I have been employed for one month as
a stenographer for a man who Is going
to be married very soon, filiall I give
him a wedding preeentr MARY.
Under' such conditions it Would not
be advisable to give a wedding gift
As your dealings with the man, . are
of a business nature it is better not
to Introduce the social element.
A Call of Condolence
Dear Mrs. Adams.
What Is the proper time to call on a
friend who has lost her faihei ? I left
my card as soon as the funeral was an
nounced. MARIE.
A call of condolence should be made
ten days or three weeks after tba
funeral. .
A Man's Card
Dear Mrs. Adams,
is It proper for a man to have his
nl.'kname printed on a visiting card?
- Should the addreos be mentioned?
Nicknames and contractions of
names should not be engraved on a
man's vlBitlng card. The home address,
but not a business address, may appear
on a visiting card.
Breaking an Engagement
Dear Mrs. Adams.
Do you think It Is proper for a girl who
has promised to got to a place of amuse
ment with a young man to break the en
gagement T In the case mentioned the
parents axe not willing for the girl to go.
Quite proper under euch clrcum
Stances. I am sure the young man
will understand the situation If you
give the reason for breaking the en
gagement A Home Wedding
'Dear Mrs. Adams.
In planning for a simple home wedding to
tke place la the evening, I find there are many
things of which I am lvoorant. Will jou kind
ly sue me answers to the following queetioosf
1. Is It correct for the mother of the bride to
wear black silk when a Tell la Worn by the
brldef ' i
, 2. Whet It an sttrtctiTe! war to war the veil!
. 3. What it the correct dress for the groom f
4. Must the wedding dress bare high neck and
long sleeTeil
i. Should wedding announcements or invita-
tiona o lent to Pfraona who 11? too fr awaj
to attend the
When should they be
2. The newest veil is the one of tulle
reaching just to the waist line: Around
the shirred crown have a wreath of your
favorite white flower of a small variety,
and have the tulle pleated In a narrow,
scant ruffle around the edge of the
3. The bridegroom should wear even
ing drees when the ceremony Is per
formed after o'clock.
' 4. No. The low neck and short sleeves
are roore in evidence in the wedding
gown than the high neck and long
sleeves. However, a bride is at liberty
. to wear whichever la most becoming to
bar. . - :
6. Bend wedding Invitations two week
before the date of the ceremony,
In the first place. It Is Important to
stand erect, with the chest high, the
abdomen held In and the hips in &
straight line with your shoulders. Grasp
the chalrback and, holding it with both
hands at arm's length straight out in
front of you, swing It around from left
to right, right to left, keeping the feet
firmly on the floor. Then take one step
forward with the right foot as you
swing the chair, then with the left
foot, until you have made five sweeping
circles with the chair.
Unless you are very strong, you will
not be able to do this the first or second'
time you try it. It will very likely take
several days' exercise to accomplish
this feat, but once getting It, you will
ver soon be aware "of the great benefit
the exercise Is doing you in the way of
strengthening the muscles of your back
and arms.
For the arms, ehqulders and wrists,
stand erect and lift the chair from the
floor until it Is straight out in front of
you. Lower it to the floor and lift It
again. Repeat five times. That, too,- will
not be easy at first, but you can do it
if you try persistently.
Another exercise that gives poise to
the entire body l to lift the chair
shoulder high at arm's length straight
out from the side of the body. Repeat
five times with each arm. At once you
will feel the muscles of your back and
neck, as well as those of your arms,
wrists and bands, being brought Into
play and strengthened.
A very excellent general exercise, that
which brings into action all the muscles
bf the body, especially those of the
shoulders, back and hips, is to He flat
on an ordinary kitchen table and. with
your arms above your head, grasp the
DacK of tne chair nrmiy wun
REPLIES to letters to the writer
of this department will be
printed In regular order; but no
replies in print may be expected in
less than three or four weeks.
Correspondents desiring immediate
replies to queries may get them by
Inclosing a stamped self-addressed
envelope. Personal inquiries will re-
ceive prompt attention if accompanied
by a stamped and self-addressed en
velope. For the Elbows
Dear Mrs. Byrnes. 1
Will you kindly tell rfis what I can do
to improve my elbows? HANNAH.
Scrub the elbows with a fleshbruah
and use plenty of soap and water.
Kdnse the skin and rub Into it cocoa
butter. Do- not form the habit of lean
ing on-the elbows." Th weight on
them Is sure, to harden the skin and
make it coarse and red.
The Effect of Brushing
Pear Mrs. Byrnes.
, Do you think that brushing the hair will
help to keep it clean? KATHERINB.
The dally brushing of the hair will
help to keep it clean and in a healthy
condition. Separate the hair In
strands and brush down the seam made
by the separation. Then with a silk
handkerchief rub the scalp and the
hair. The handkerchief will remove
much of the dirt and will give a
pretty glosa to the hair. . ,
It is quite necessary to keep the
hairbrush la a clean condition if the
-. --;.?-t. '..
k$W X X 'l V A 5r .1 V 1 . I help to bring tne Mpa down to normal
XXV I V U N 11 I ' U f i not lt for any ret lwth
hands, then slowly nrt t aoove yoar
head, over the body until It rests on
the knees. At the same time raise the
feet until the legs are in a straight line.
-with the body. ' . '
. This, too. Is a rather difficult exercise,
but when once accomplished will give
strength, to every muscle in the body.
If all the muscles are strong and well
developed, the body will naturally bei
erect and In perfect harmony with the
lines of beauty and grace.
. Tou may vary the exercises each day
by giving the time to one or two of
them, then the next day practicing the
others, There you have the ways and
means of developing all the muscles of
your body with no expense and by
giving only a few minutes a day to this
most Important self -Improvement
t ; wris
far M?BtcfC
hafr Is to bo kept so. Once a week
cleanse the brush in water to which
ammonia has been added. Rinse the
bristles thoroughly and place the
brush bristles down to dry.
To Whiicnthe Teeth
Dear Mrs. Symea.
My teeth look very yellow, and occasion
ally my breath has an awlul odor. Please
advise me what to do. A READER.
It may be that your teeth are cover
ed with tartar. If this is the case
you need look no further for the cause
of the bad breath. You should cleanse
thetoeth with diluted peroxide and
rinse the mouth with it.
mouthwash that will
Another- good
sweeten inc.
breath is made of:
Doric acid
Thymol (in crystal)....
Essence of menthol....
Tincture of anise
Distilled water ,
to drops
..... ZVi drums
S pints
VSi wit llov fe - fi i -
Rime the mouth with the above, wbleh -should
be diluted for usa In ' the .proportion
of one-half toothwash to same quantity of
clear wati. Use after each men I and at
; any time "enquired. Visit the dentist twice
a year.
Poor Circulation
Dear Mrs. Byrnes.
My face la very pale, due, I think, to
poor circulation of the blood. Do you think
walking would help me? KL8IB.
There la no better exercise than
walking for the, person whose circu
lation Is poor, and whose face is pale.
In order to make It beneficial as an
exercise. It should be done quickly
and briskly so as to bring Into play
the muscles of the body.
Tou should sleep at least- eight or
--, ... ...
- 7 n
nine hours every nlgtrt Too little
sleep la often responsible for pallor.
A plain simple diet should be fol
lowed. Avoid the rich foods and eat
those that digest well and give nour
ishment. ,. A Curling Lotion
Dear Mrs. Byrnes.
Will you please give me the recipe for
a halr-curllng lotion? Also give me the
recipe for a tonic to be used on hslr which
is very dry. WINIFRED.
Here are the recipe you desire:
Hair-Curling- Lotion
Potassium carbonate 120 grains
Ammonia water 1 fluid dram
Alcohol 13 fluid drama
Rosewater enough to make If fluid
ounces. In using, moisten the hair, adjust
It loosely, and it will curl upon drying.
Oil of Sweet Jasmine
a Hair oil.) .
Scentless castor oil.... S ounces
Coanut oil --..r.-,.T... J - ounce -
Oil of rosemary , 1 junce,.
Oil of Jasmine H dram-V
Mix oils with gentle heat. Bottle. Shake
for live minutes.
r 4
To Reduce Jhe Hips
Dear Mra Bymee.
Kindly tell me what to do to reduce.jSo
hips. , AUiS.
etooplng exercises will do much to
reduce the hips if they are. practiced
regularly. Stand erect, and then bend
to a sitting position. JUse and repeat
the movement until you begin to feel
fatlgua Then stop. Exercises con
tinued after the feeling of fatigue do
more harm than good.
Running and. brisk walking wOl also
Fallinq Hair ,
Dear Mrs. Byrnes.
Please give me the recipe for a tonlo that
I may use on my bsir, which la falling out.
Castor oil rubbed Into the scalp will
frequently prevent the hair from fall
ing. If this does not help in your case
try the tonlo for 'Which the recipe is
here given:
For railing- Hair
Tincture of cantharldes
Oil of English lavender
Oil of rosemary
1 ounces
1 ounce
dram v
H dram
Apply to the roots of the hair once or
twice a day. It Is positively neceaaary that
the scalp should be kept clean, Shampoo
at least once a week.
Cold Feet
Dear Mrs. Byrnes.
Can you tell me why 4t Is that I sutler
with cold feet? The rest of my body is
quite warm. K. L r,
A poor circulation of the blood will
cause cold feet. You should exercise
dally for an hour in the fresh air."
Bathe the feet with cold water and
then rub them well to stimulate the
For the Nails
Dear Mrs. Byrnes,
Please tell me what to do for nails
which are very brittle. FLORENCE.
Olive oil or cold .cream, applied to
the nails will make them less brittle.
Another remedy is the paste for
which I am giving you the recipe:
Paste for Brittle Finger Nails
Take equal parts of refined pitch and
myrrh, or of turpentine and myrrh melted.
Mix together and spread upon the nails at
night. Remove In the morning with a
little olive oil. This paste will nourish
the nails and make them stronger.
Oily Hair Mm Hvm
My hair Is dlsarreeablv ollv. Will vou
pleuse give me 'the recipe for a lotion
which I mav ime on It? D, O.
A very splendid recipe which you
mnv use on your hair is made of the
Powdered bicarbonate of '
soda J4 ounce
Horate of soda, powdered.. 14 ounce
Esu de cologne 1 fluid ounce
Alcohol 3 fluid ounoea
Distilled water 18 fluid ounces
Mix and agitate until solution is com
plete. If used dally. It tends to produce
a crlsDy condition.
An Egg Shampoo
Deer Mrs. Byrnes.
Will vou please tell me how to make an
era shampoo? GRACE.
Following are the directions for
making the obit shampoo: To half a
cake of pure white castile soaje add a
pint of rainwater. Set on the stove
and beat until the aoap is perfect-,
ly dissolved. To this add an egg which
has been thoroughly whipped with an
eggbeater, stirring it into the mixture
with the beater to prevent curdling.
Add 1-3 of a teaapoonful of borax and a
teaspoonful of alcohol to preserve the
shampoo. Wheit ready to shampoo the
hair, rub well Into the scalp and rinse
in several clear waters, using a bath
spray if you have one.
A Hair Tonic
Deer Mrs. Byrnes.
Will vou pleese rive me the recloe for a
harmless hair tonic?
How often should one wash a hair
brush? CLARA.
following is the recipe for a very
good hair tonic:
Jaborandl Tonic
Quinine sulphate
Tincture or canthsrldes....
Fluid extract of jaborandl
20 grains
. 1 fluid ounce
3 fluid drams
2 fluid ounces)
'.ilvcerln . I ounce
Bav Turn f fluid ounce
Rosewater II fluid ounce
The quinine should be dissolved in the al
coholic Hutmis dv warming sngiwiv. yien
the other Ingredients addeaand I
th whole
filtered. Rub into the roots
ot the hair
every night.
The hairbrush la usually In need of
cleansing once a Week. Ammonia in
water will cleanse the, brush. Do not
let th back of the brush get into the
solution, .When all of the dirt is re
moved, rinse the bristles with- clean
water. Then place the brush, bristles
down, to dry. . -i .
A Dry Shampoo
Dear Mrs. Byrnes. -
Will you pleas tell me how often the
hair should be washed? My hair Is blonde.
Will .orrii root make the hair liaht and
fluffyf How should It be Used? Will vou
also tell m'. how to make a dry shampoo
and how to USU? READER.
The half should be washed ae often
s necessary. It is Important to dry
'the hair thoroughly after water has
been used on it - ,
Orris root will not make the hair
light, but It will remove superfluous
oil and. make it fluffy., -
A mixture of equal parts of orrl root -and
corn meal is a splendid dry sham
poo. A satisfactory way to apply Ml
to the hair is to put it in a talcum
powder box and sprinkle it ever the
head. Then brush the hair thoroughly.
Rubbing a sfclk handkerchief over the .
hair, after dividing it in strands, will ,
cleanse it and give an attractive gloss.
For Freckles'
Dear lira Byrnes;
Will yon please give me a remedy for
freckles T ANXIOUS.
Lemon Juice applied to freckles will ,
help slightly. If this does not prove,
satisfactory, in your case, try the
remedy for which I am giving the
Lemon and Glycerin Lotion
Citrlo add (lemon) I drams
Hot water , 11 ounoes
Borax 1 drams
Red rose petsjs ., 1 ounce
Glycerin 1 ounce
Dissolve the add and borax in the water;
Infuse the petals- for an hour: strain
through, a dell, bag after twenty-four '
hours: decant trie clear portion and and ,
the glycerin. Apply as often as agreeabla
A Dandruff Cur
Dear Mrs. fiymes. .
Will you please give me the reclpefot
a dandruff cure? UNSIGNED.
The sulphur owe baa proved most
successful In many cases. To an ounce ,
of sulphur add a quart of soft water, .
and during intervals of several days,
agitate the mixture repeatedly. After
the sulphur has settled to the bottom of
the receptacle .use the clear liquid.
" Saturate the head with It every morn
ing, and In a few weeks every trace
of dandruff will have disappeared. The .'.
hair will become soft and glossy, and
there will be no return of the) old
This remedy, however, grill darken,
light hair. . ,
To Darken the Lashes and Brows
- Dear Mrs. Byrnes. "" '
I would like to know what to use to .
darken the eyelashes and eyebrows T
Tou will find the eyebrow pencil the)
most satisfactory thing to use to darken -.
the eyebrows and eyelashea Tou oaa
buy the pencil at almost any drUgl
store. , '
A Growth of Hair
Dear sirs, eymes.
I should like to know what to do to fO
move a. arrowlh of hair on the lips and .
arms? Marie jb.
To remove tho hairs permanently thai
electric needle should be used. Go to V,
reliable operator to have the work done.
To ReducTthe Hips
Dear Mrs. Symeav
Please tell me what exercises to prae
tlca to reduce the hips? ADA, ,
To Reduce the Hipi
1. Bring the knee ud to the chest, f
malnlnr perfectly erect, fraotio la alter
nate movements. ... ..
2. Place bands on .hips, shoulders well .
back. Raise tne leg, "with knee flexed, and
atve a high, auick side kick, bringing the -,
foot back again to the floor. Repeat tea
times, first with the right foot, then wlta
tne left. . . -
3. Take standing position, hands on hips,
and rotate the hips, bending the knees ano) ,
keeping the chest and shoulders Immov
able. Contract all the musoles Used Is)
this exercue and resist. . -
Bending exercises also are good;.
" To Reduce the Waist "
Dear Mrs. Byrnes. n -
I should like very much to reduce .m ,
waist measurement. Pleas tell me ho.,
this can be done. , ANNA.
Deep breathing will help reduce thf
waist measure and enlarge the busb
The stretching exercises, too, are
splendid as waist depleters. Raise the
arms high above the head; then, hold
lng knees straight, try to touch the
floor with the fingertips. Stand erect,
place hands on hips; bend from waist
as far as possible to the right,, th
to the left
A Cleansing Cream . .
Dear Mrs. Byrne.
Will you pleas give me the reelp fo
a cleansing cream" AGMS, -
A splendid cleansing cream la made
of the following:
Cleansing Cream.
Whit wax
Spermaceti 1
Sweet almond oil.... ...., 1
- untmea water.
uiyoenn ................
Saltcyllo acid
..... v giauie
Moles on the Fact
Dear Mrs. Symes. t v
I bav two mole en myfao. and I
am most anxious to get rid of them.
Bom on advised in t burn theia off y
.with an aold. Do you approve of this ,
- plant . , . Mui.LT. -
I do not a reprove of any ilan othar
than a treatment from a moat rekable
doctor. -.Too often experiments wiqr
such things meet with sad' result
Talcum Powder
?UeVlvnm' th dlrtlen for msk.
lng a good, harmless taleuw powd"1;
, . I : Jkl A lis (! '
A harmlsss "and very" excellent W
eum powder man oi;
Rlc fleur H
Talcum ..... .......,. J
r r.Li f sins. ......... . 1
Mix thoroughly and ! twtr hroii(
In belting silk, rerfume to teat.