The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 13, 1913, Page 63, Image 63

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    ance is canned Bo It Isn't the oxygen wt let nor the
carbonlo acid gas wo avoid that does tu good on our.
vacation outing. ' ' - - '
: . Experiments tare teen made In an alMight room:
In which half a dosen young men ware confined. The
oxygen was reduced and the carbonloacld gai lncreaied
' until the young men found they could not Ught matches'
and their cigarettes went out - - .
; They ceased their laughing and became uneasy, re
marking that the experiment, had gone far enough.
Sweat poured out upon their bodies and they were ob
Ylouajy In distress. One of them demanded oxygen,
- saying they were all choking.'
', "All right," said tha scientist who was watching;
In the Coimtry
IT seams, according to. careful recent experiments,
that much we have learned of the Talue of oxygen,
of the open bedroom window at night and the poison
of carbonic add gas la erroneous. 'In the first place
city air and country air are exactly alike chemically;
there Is not a Wt more oxygen In the country nor less;
carbonic add gas than In the city,
v- Even If there were twice aa much or even three or
four times as much, It wouldn't Interfere with our
health. These things seem against - all reason, yet
they are true, eren to the extent that our old "enemy,",
carbonlo add gas, Isn't a poison or an enemy at all.
The lungs apparently want to have the air they
contain' hold Just six per cent of carbonlo add- gaa.
The ordinary atmosphere of outdoors 14 the city , or
country carries leas than one per cent It the carbonlo
add gaa Is arttflcally decreased In the atmosphere the
lungs at once breathe more slowly, so that they give
out the gas with less speed and let It accumulate to
the desired six per cent If the carbonlo add gaa Is al
lowed to accumulate in a room the lungs breaths a little
faster, but nobody notices It It the percentage la doubled
or trebled. .When It la Increased to six tlmea the
normal amount or the same as the lungs themselTes
contain, then the breathing becomes labored and exer
cise causes distress. -..'..',
.... . i- , -
In the same way an sorts of liberties may be taken
rlth the oxygen contents of the air and no disturb.
them through a glass window. He ,
pressed ' a button , and started a "
' powerful electrlo fan In the top of
. the . air-tight 1 room. This drove a .'
;- column of air down upon the group ,
of sweating, choking men.
'" At once they felt comfortable and
returned to their laughing and Joking
until the end of -the experiment
They, were all convinced that the
scientist had driven In some oxygen
v gaa or at least some fresh air when
the electrlo fan started. .
As matter of fact he tad
not changed " the air in . the
least, but merely caused It to circulate. This rapid
movement 'Of the atmosphere removed the moist super-'
heated air from the clothes and around the skin and
gave the bodies ' chance to cool.. 'The entire discom
fort had come not from the "badness" of the air, but
from heat and moisture combined with lack of motion.
: So It Is with "bad air." We never notice how much
or now little oxygen or carbonic acid gas is in what we
breathe but we do feel and resent humidity and heat
especially If the air Is not moving.
: ', Anotbw thing affects us powerfully through the
nervous system end that Is smelL Unpleasant odors
may make us even sick, but they are no Indication that
our lungs axe not perfectly contented- ,
I 1,
nT. "TP
"After remaining for some time -In the air-tight room the men began
to suffer. 8weat ponred out upon their bodies and one of them cried
out that he was checking. The oxygen was reduced and the carbonic
acid gaa increased to such an extent that thay conld not light matches,
and their dgarcttes went out" - '
., "As soon aa the electric fan was tamed on the men in the elr-tighti
chamber began to feel better. They thought the Improvement waa due
to the fact that some oxygen or fresh air had been forced into the
chamber, but this waa not the ease. . The. fan had relieved their dis4
comfort by setting the air In such rapid motion that It removed the
moisture from their clothing and gave their bodies a chance to cool."
The reason that heat and moisture upset us so much
( more than the chemical Qualities of the air is the fact
' that the human body, is really a water-cooled motor,
exactly like an automobile engine. . , v -
.Inside of us fuel Is constantly being burned up, ex
ploded, and the gases of these explosions are "ex
hauBted" through the lungs,- Heat also Is created la
side us and must be gotten rid of or we would "beat
up and stick" like an engine run dry. 1
The gas engine has a water-jacket surrounding the
cylinder.' When the water absorbs the heat from the
cylinder and carries it to the front of the car It runs
through th radiator, which is merely a device to give
the water a chance to be cooled by close contact with
air. Prom the radiator it returns to the cylinder Jacket
; The b'ood acts as a water-cooling system; ' Every
organ la surrounded by a Jacket and even penetrated
by blood Vessels. The blood Is continually making
round trips from the heated interior of the body to the
skin, where It gives off the heat to the air. . If the sur
rounding air la cool the system works easily. It the
air la warm the pores assist by giving out moisture.
This moisture by evaporating accelerates the cooling
process. If the air is both hot and moist the cooling
process at once meets difficulties. 'The air is too hot
to absorb the blood's heat and too moist to permit of
cooling by evaporation. Therefore, the sweat drops
collect the heart pumps desperately, the veins stand
out and distress Is evident. v - :fy
: Even In this situation' moving the air rapidly by an
electric fan or otherwise relieves the discomfort "
' Not only does the body need a current of air against
the skin to keep cool, but it needs it as a stimulant to
all the activities of the body. The human "race, like
an creatures, has had Its main stimulus from outside,
and the humac engine runs better for an occasional
dash of rain in. the face. or enduring a plunge In cold
water or meeting a biting wind. - v f . v
It Is the circulation of air you get In the country,
the beating of the sun and the rain In your face that
do you good, not the superior quality of the country;
air, because It Isn't superior In any great degree. i
ASPARAGUS' Is considered one of the
-IheaWhiest of oulckvgrowlnf plants ,
'. used for food, and is really a medi
cine as well aa a food. - A.
It requires a Very Tloh soil, and thrives
beet when the soil Is given a liberal salting,
which In almost every other case would not
tie good for the plant life. The vegetable
grows very rapidly, making a shoot from six
"to twelve inches tall, and from the also of a
lead pencil to that of a good-slsed walking
stick In one night.
It acts quickly on the secretory organs of
the body, and especially the kidneys. Milk
is often used In the preparation of this vege
table for food, nd It Is not wholly put out
of commission by the use of the milk, but the
Yegetable Is much more valuable as a kidney
tonlo If It Is cooked In water, and the milk
Is absent In the dressing. The water carries
off the Impurities and tha milk combined
with the asparagus does not do the work so
readily. It seems to be a fact that like in
many other cases, water Is an Important
factor. . .
: Anyone affected with a light touch of
gravel will find that in eating a mess of as-.,
gmragus cooked and dressed with water and
tot Vllk, they will be greatly benefited and
relieved, and with little or no pain. The
Juices of this vegetable do not dissolve the
.hard particles, but they are carried away
' with more ease than tn any other known man-
.ner. ,
It Is well to have plenty of Juice with the
asparagus when served. When 'poured over
toast It la not' injured In any manner, and
la a certain relief to certain Ilia, and it
la a wonderful tonlo to the kidneys as well
' as to the entire system. , .' ,
Asparagus Is best during June. After the
first week In July It should not be pulled or'
cut especially during the following six or
eight hot weeks. In September some of the
tender stalks may be gathered and served,
when It Is aa good aa in Spring or early
Bummer, but the September gathering Is
not good for the plants unless the month Is
wet and quite warm, like April or May.
Canned asparagus will act as a tonlo on
the kidneys, but la not as good as the fresh
vegetable, which. la cooked within a tew
hours after Jt la gathered.
Experts declare the secret of the value
of asparagus Ilea in the fact It can absorb
more salt In growing and in its preparation
tor the table, than any other form of vege
tation used for food.
THE latest investigation' of the character of coffee
and Its effect upon the human system suggests
more than one modification of existing Ideas. It
-has been proved that the chief alkaloldal element In
cftffee lg the caffeine, and that this poison acta directly
upon the nerves, under certain conditions. But the
saner physldans suggest that If ooffee be taken not too
strong, and only as an adjunct to food the deleterious
effect Is minimized almost If not quite, to the vanishing
point The large amount of water taken in the form of
coffee Is necessary to the' system, and aids in the gen
eral economy. The danger in taking coffee alone Is
that Its effect la Increased tremendously, while it food
Is taken at the same time the nerves are not so apt
to be attacked.
It has also been proved that when milk and sugar are
put into the coffee certain chemical changes take place
causing the mixture to become highly indigestible. The
omission of the milk makea a great difference In the
digestibility, as has been proved by the well-established
custom of, the French who take black coffee after their
The flavor of the coffee la not due to the caffeine at
all. but to it essential oil known as caffeone. This
Is produced In the process of roasting, and on this ac
count the same coffee properly roasted or too little or.
-too much roasted tastes altogether different -
A, process of extracting the caffeine from the coffee
.baa been perfected, and as this is the poisonous ele
ment those who are affected by It had best use the cat
felneless coffee which can be obtained generally.
It Is not generally known that what we call Ca coffee-bean
la not a bean at all. " The blossom of the
coffee-plant forms where the leavea meet the stalk, and
Che blossom develop Into a fruit about the site of a
cherry, and not unlike it la color, when ripe. Inside
t of this fruit Is the" seed, usually spilt In two; parts, form
ing two' of 'our common "beans.' These are secured
either by drying off the fruit In the sun, or by a wet
process In which machinery la used. The seeds when
finally secured are dried, and are what we call "green
coffee," later to be roasted.
It Is generally agreed that coffee first grew wild in
some of the priests attacked Us .use as a violation oft
the Koran, which forbids all intoxicants. It was-so
popular however, that the authorities soon gave way
and coffee houses were established all 'over Arabia, and
thence cpread even to the oontlnent of Europe, as early
as the seventeenth" century. ,
According to the records the first English coffee house
waa opened in 1652, and became so popular that many
others were opened aoon afterward. - -
Nowa-days the "cafe", is, the last place In which any?
one looks for coffee, but originally that was the French
name of ooffee, and appeared on the sign outside 'of the
coffee houses In Paris. Other drinking was Introduced
later, until gradually the cafe came to mean a barroom''
nothing more. . ' T ,,.
According to the latest figures Bras 11 produces about
Abyssinia, thence being taken to Arabia, and afterward 72 per cent of all the coffee grown' In the world, and the
to all parts of the civilised world In which It would
grow. There are some twenty-five different kinds of
Coffee found in different parts of Africa, still growing
wild In many sections.
The name is supposed to be derived from the Arablo
Khawaw, or from the Abyssinian province of Kaffa.
When first introduced into Arabia In the fifteenth or
sixteenth century, It created a great religious scandal
It was utilized by devout Mohammedans that they
might more easily keep awake for religious vigils, and
Dutch East Indies only 2.8 per cent so it is easy to see
what small chance we have of getting much Java cof
fee into the United States. ' As for Mocha coffee, grown
In Arabia, so little Is produced that hardly a grain could
be spared for each Inhabitant of the States. And yet
We consume about nine-and-a-half pounds of ooffee per
year for each Inhabitant of the United States, while in
the Netherlands each person drinks more than fifteen
, pounds. And yet the Dutch are not the most nervous
people In the worldfather are they the most phleg
matic. Thus Is another popular theory exploded. ;
When You're Perfectly
Right in KEEPING
What You FIND
THERE are a good many popular sayings on matters legal
which if followed literally may lead to trouble. The old
saying that "Findings Are Keepings," is one of them.
It Is true that undef the law the finder of lost property Is
entitled to keep It against all the world except the rightful
owner, but 'he may get himself Into serious trouble unless .he
' makes a reasonable effort to locate the real owner.
At least that Is so in New York and probably In some of the
, other States where New York's Penal Code is more or less
closely followed. There Is. a section of that code which pro
Tides. that unless he makea a reasonable effort to restore It to
Its owner, the finder of lost property Is guilty of larceny..
Just what amounts to '."a ' reasonable effort," must depend
npon the clroumstancea of, each "particular case, . One would
: noVbe expected to go to any considerable expense to locate the
owner of an article of little Talue, but, on the other hand, If the
property found were worth aeyeral thousand dollars, the finder
might reasonably , be expected to expend his own money, It t
( necessary, to tlocate. the loser. If he didn't he would be guilty
of larceny under the statute. , ' -' - . .,.
..'There Is no drty upon the part of the finder to advertise for
the owner unless that method seems to be the most likely one i
;'tPvlocaW.hlm. . .MM''t.V , r, i 5- o
, If you find a gold watch on a street' car ,lt Is your duty to
turn It over to the conductor or to the lost property department
of the railway company, not because the company has a better
title to It than you, but because that Is the most likely method i
- of locating the owner, If the property la not reclaimed within
a reasonable time, you may Insist upon having It returned, to
; you. For this reason, when 'you turn over lost property in this
.'way either obtain a receipt for it admitting your claim to It as''
a finder, or If you cannot obtain such a receipt, deliver with the
artldd a letter asserting your daim, keeping a copy of the letter.
' Again, If you find a pocketbook In a Store, and there is no
due to Its owner, it is your duty to. Inform- the shopkeeper of ,
; . your fled, but there Is no reason why you should turn it over to
. him unless by so doing the owner may be more easily found. ; '
. Articles found in the public highway may be turned over to i
tne nearest police station, but in' most eases It would suffice
simply to notify, the police authorities o( your find,
Will the "DASHEEN" Replace POTATOES?
THE dasheen Is not a new vegetable, because. It
has been known and need In Japan and China
for thousands of years, but In this country It is
practically "new" to the people, since it was Introduced
' here not very long ago, and even then It la -known
to only a few people. .
That a vegetable which makes such an excellent sub
stitute for the Irish potato should have a name like
"daaheen" It would seem as though It were an Irish
vegetable, for the name certainly sounds "Irish;" but
It is far from that, being an Oriental name. It Is also
cultivated In the West Indies, Central and South
America, parts of Africa and Malaysia. But it la only
recently that It has been grown In the South, and ex-
pertinents are being made with It by the United States
Agricultural Department :
To grow the dasheen a particular
son is needed. It cannot be grown .
to great advantage In the sections
where the Summer seasons is
short as In Canada, but It is be-'
lleved it would succeed in most '
, wta- of the United States. The
rlnldad variety of the dasheen
has been made to yield 400 bushels
to the aore. A rich, wet soil Is ;
needed, with plenty of potash. . The
potash can be added If the proper
soil otherwise is secured. .
. The dasheen Is excellent cooked ;
tn as many ways as the potato
: may be served, perhaps in more.
It can be boUed or. baked, fried,
mashed, made Into croquets, and
also used as a stuffing tor fowl and
meat' It Is said to contain more
, nutriment than the potato, having
from 40 to 70 per eent more pro
tein or nitrogenous substances. It '
; has an added advantage in that It
. does not taste like the pototo. It
, would not add much were It to
tasta like the potato, as people are
alwaya looking for new foods and.
new flavors. -The - dasheen haa
i ii.ii II ii ii I I mmmfmmmmmmm-mmmi i m i) ,,. .n,,.
The leal Is something like the leaves of marshy or
water plants, being elephant-ear shape. The vegetable
la a bulb or tuber and la planted much like the potato.
Tt is harvested, however, with less labor, as the plants,
grow close together and one dasheen or tuber Is at .
the end of the stalk. It la harvested by pulling up the
stalk. Then It is allowed to dry on top of the ground.
If possible. If there is too much rain it has to be dried
elsewhere. It will keep six months, sometimes longer,
If kept dry.
While It wllrprobably never take the place of the
potato, It will supply a new food, and because of its
nature It will doubtless partly take the place of the
potato, giving us two such vegetables instead of the
one. , Just how cheaply It may be grown is not known
as yet but the Government experimenters hope to learn
. aU this within another season or so.
Tie desirability of a vegetable
that will at least partly take the
potato's place Is understood by all
agriculturists, and by many house
keepers. Farmers are always seek
ing some new variety of potato
that is hardier than the old ones
for unusually wet or unusually dry
aeasons always 'affect the crop
seriously, sometimes to' the extent
of a potato famine. ' . ,
The famous Burbank has done
a great deal toward meeting this
situation, tha potato bearing' his'
name having proved Immune "to 1
many of the Influences of weather '
and 'unfavorable soil which mean
almost total crop failures of older
varieties. Still, such is the popu-
lar dependance upon this tuber "
that the cultivation of an accept
able substitute would meet a real
and widespread economic need.
It la well known that the. fail
ure of one potato crop in Ireland
reduces thousands of the popula
tlon to starvation's point . In this
country a r scarcity of potatoes,
with prices Increased three u or .:
four times above normal, adds a ,
heavy burden to those borne by a -
1 1 A J- - M V.tA. -'. - M - -.-
' j. ' . ... 1 .-.... Hwjomr. vi ouusenoiuB, .as lew
AB Per na JjCSr Or me Aaiaiie V"""" fnmlllaa nnw nnnnml 'tn th.
turn " auiiiw i M. w . . - K . . . ... ... . ' - i "
something of a flavor of boiled ' wnicn may rrove ft valuable p.nsiiisje iw. matter or potatoes any more man
chestnuts, . he Potato, J - V iney oq in jne case ct oreaj.
Vhy a Talking Machine' ;
Is One of the HARDEST
Audiences to SING Before-
T la well known that the grand opera stars make a great deal '
of money hinging Into the talking machines of varloua con,
cerna in order, that these companies may manufacture the
records for sale, but the fact that almost-without exception a
grand opera star would much rather sing before the most critical v
audience than before a -talking machine la by no means generally
. known. . t : J; "
In the first place It Is rather uncanny, standing In a blf :
empty room before a mammoth horn protruding; from between .
curtains, with the conductor away up high where he will not
Interrupt the sound waves, and .the "orchestra" composed of
weird looking Instruments made especially for this work.
The singer, stands on a little wooden platform at the mouth
- of the receiving trumpet . , . v , , ,., i." . , ... j. , t
A red light la flashed, and the queer little orchestra gets to .
work. Then at the crucial moment the artist has to sing to this
i strange little assembly with the same Best he would under the 1
Inspiration of brilliant lights, beautiful clothes, splendid settings v
and an applauding audience. It Is an ordeal, because he haa to , i
sing with far greater care in front of the talking machine than
Is required when an audience Is to be pleased. The slightest
variations means a Start-over, a slight clearing of the throat, a - -deep
breath or slight shuffle of the feet and the revolving discs ''
record every one of these faultsand the record la spoiled. t
, But these faults are all criticised by an experienced' record-director,
and it Is his business to see that nothing short of the perfect
; 'records are produced because from these first moulds are ' ; .
A made aO of the thousands of records that go into so many homes. .
When the artist has finished ,the records la played over and
'the Imperfections criticised. The weak spots are rehearsed, and
the whole trying business commenced over again.
"And so It Is acknowledged, by, many of tha theatrical and
music-hall stars that to produce a record of pure and distinct
tone la far harder than to make their way sucessfully through a
whole operatic score. It is a tremendous task to get a set of .
the perfect records from the opera favorites. It has been said
that Caruso has been forced to spend over four hours of unt!r
ing work before he was able to perfect Ma "Rid! Pagllaccl '
' the opera of "I Pagllaccl," and in that time was forced to r ' i .
, over thirty fresh starts before a dlao of pure and distinct t i
ysj obtained.