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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1912)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. MAY I J. lilt giTHE. VERY HEARaSl Anniversary Removal Sales Anniversary Removal Sales ' ' Crowded Out of Sunday's Big Announcement-This Great Sale Is Held 6n Tuesday 1 SV T w "N r 1 ' . I I l "V " - 4ak - mm- i mr- m mm t m w --mw v r a. r k-j r mm -Mm a .Mm It Is So Important That the Change , of Date Will Not Affect theSelling--frres$es Selling Up to $ j 5.00 AnniversaryRemoval Sale $5.00 astonishment We reslixe that thia tale ia going to roiteriaUy affect the eelling of popular priced dreaaea. For, no matter what angle you view thia aale from, one thing ta certain In many fnatancca the coat of material far exceeda the selling price the atylca axe modeled the aame aa dressee selling at five times the price, and the woman who buys dressee La'thia aale will hare no need of other Summer frocks, i In the past we have held many sales of dresses, but nothing approaches the magnitude of thia Removal Event It la astonishing when you come to think of It that Five Dollars win buy a wtH made, well - -" tailored, perfect fitting, stylish dr . - f Changeable taffeta silk, plain taffeta silk, polka dot foulards, French and storm serges In navy, brown and gray. lingerie dresaes in lace and embroidery atylea, modeled In the high girdle effects, some plain tailored and other attractively trimmed with satin, and fancy stripe ailka. ' ABOVE ALL WE WISH TO CALL YOUR PARTICULAR ATTENTION THAT EVERY DRESS IN THIS RE-1 MOVAL SALE IS NEW. WITHIN THE PAST SIX WEEKS. 'N, Serges, Serges, Serges, Cream and Navy Good, Honest Fabrics That 'Women Want All at Removal Prices Do you know that there la iuat aamuch difference in series in theraethod of manufacture, in the care of weaviner. in the Lyy ana m w xuuaning as mere is in tne iinest Droadciotna vi mny wuicr expensive wooxen or sue maienair . We buy our serges from a manufacturer who la known for the solid worth and thoroughness in every thread of serge he maxes. une closer you examine tne serges we carry, the better you will realize that thia manufacturer, has not exhausted all his efforts trying' to make them merely look welL The wool he uses Is o: the best Test it . ; , Crush a fold in your hand. CRUSH r- ' f TIGHT. iNow relax the hand, the merv t C 1 est Wt. Feel the spring. LIVE WOOLr '- - - This is the class of serges that have made v ; ; i our dress goods department so favorably ' . - -(. ' known for the naat man v vieara. " These are the serges that go on sale tomorrow In an Immense sale. In navy they ranee in width from 44 inches to 54 inches. yRemoval87c,98c,$lJ0. $120 t $1.33 to $2,45 Cream Serges 48 Inches to 54 Inches Wide. Removal 98c, $1.20; $133, $1.78 a Yard. Every Little Movement Has a Meaning All Its Own-With a Cake of Soap All Soap at Removal Prices 10c Lilac Rose Glycerine Soap 50s 10c Mechanic's Tar Soap. , 10c Giant Glycerine Soap. .. ...5 10c Sandalwood Bath Soap. ...,6f 10c La Premiers Catil...,...5- 1 0c. Pumice Soap 5 lOc-Verdura 4711 Glycerine 7 25c Box Hearts Glycerine 194 SSc Box Boudoir Toilet Saao .lOm 25c Sodeta Hygienic, tinsc'ted 18 SOc Societe Hydenic scented 37 25c Peroxide Zinc Soap, . . . . . ,15 10c California Medicated Soap Kf 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap 14f 25c Poslam Soap 16) 10c Liiter'a Dog Soap 3e 5c Lifebuoy Soap. ...,,. ,.r.Z$ 15c Juvenile Soap Oct 75c Caatile Soap, large bar.... 591 Extra long 1 economy bars of Glycerine, Oatmeal, Turkish Bath : and Elder Flower Soap. Removal 3 Cakes for 25 Every Article Reduced 0: -fM, y. ' Cool Grass . Rugs "For the Summer Home and Porches In the Anniversary, Removal Sale Grass ruga are the rugs for service and durability aside from that they sure attractive and cool-looking. Easily kept clean. In Summer homes they are indispensable, and if you haven't a Summer cottage use them on your porches, as they give an air of attractiveness that is not to be found in any other rug for outdoor use. They come in green, brown, blue, with plain or fancy stripe borders.'' ,, :-i: ' grass rugasize4 by ,7, removal $3 ,05 $ 5.00 grass rugssize 6 by 9, removal $4.45 I ; ' $ 8.60 grass rugs, size 8 by 10, removal S5.95 $10.00 grass ruga," size 9 by 12, removal $7.95 . Cleanup of Corsets . - - -s Sale of Discontinued Models . Li Removal $4,98 Selling regularly from $7.50 to $17.50. High grade models ol La Vlda Corsets Smart Set Corsets and C tf. Corsets. The materials In these corsets are of the finest imported-coutil and silk batiste, v Made with a medium bust long and medium length hips ana dcjc a nnuscu mia iatc, cmoroiacrv or laun. ' nose supporters attached. A Models selling regularly from $5.00 to $8X00. Corsets with high and medium bust, medium and loner hips and back. Made of the best rrade of striped and plain couuL sujc prucauca psiuw ana piaia oaasic. , xrunmca wiui iace and embroidery.' All have hose supporters attached. i This lot consists of La Vida Corsest Smart Set Corsets. C B. Corsets and some self-reducing Nemo models." Corseti that sell regularly from $1.75 , to $3.50. j s A lot C B, and W.' B. Corsets, in all sizes; also Nemos in discontinued models, size 35 to 58. , v V' . , , Corseta made of batiste and coutil with medium and low bust; medium and long hips and back: "Lace finished top. Hose supporters attached. . ,? v.-:ri , oXr. " - Anniversary Removal Towel Sale Towels by the thousands of dozens towels imported and do mestic. Never again will the assortments be so large when all the prices are so small, for every towel in stock is reduced. Towels from the cheap cotton everyday kind to the highest grade fancy linen. You will certainly need extra towels now that Summer is com ing on extra towels for the beach house, for the Summer cottage and small towels that can be tucked away in the suit case. For the June bride are towels of every description and quality towels that will be a delight in the new home. - Below you will see a few of the extra reductions on towels: Huck Towels' 8c Bleached cottorr huck towels with hemmed ends and firmly woven. All white and red bor der. Size 36 by 18 inches. Huck Towels 8c Bleached union linen huck- towelPin all white. Hemmed ends. ...Size 32 by 18 inches. Huck Towels 34c Bleached and all linen huck towels of an extra quality . Ger man huck. Hemmed ends and damask border. Size 40 by 22 inches. Huck Towels 13c All T white J and red bordered bleached ' union linen hack towels with hemmed ends. Sire 38 by 18 inches. Huck Towels 16c AU white bleached x- linen huck towels of an extra Hoe weave. Hemmed ends. Size 88 by lSJnches. Huck Towels 22c Bleached linen huck Huck Towels 31c Bleached all linen hem stitched huck. towels of a. fine quality. All white. Size 38 by 20 inches. . Huck Towels 34c Hemstitched huck towels, t with fancy linen border. Of LI 1 M . i . Dicacnea ail unen. oize o4 by 18 inches. V t o Huck Towels 43c German ' huck towel " with , fancy damaak borders, bleached all linen. Size 40 by 22 Inches. i2QcJurkishTolsl6c i Bleached Turkish bath tow- May White Days With Wonderful Bargains for Anniversary Week Gowns at HALF PRICE An assortment of night gowns in slip-over and open front styles, made of longcloth, nainsoek and fine mull. They have square necka, round necks and V shape necks. With and without yokes or Em pire styles. Fancy puff, flowing or elbow sleeves. Daintily trimmed with fine lacee, Inser tions, beading, medalliona and rib bons ; or embroidery and insertion. $1.50 Night Gowns... 75e $1.75 Night' Gowns ....88 $2.00 Night Gowns . . . . . . . $1.00 $3.00 Night Gowns. $1.50' $16.00 Night Gowns. . . . .$8.00 $1.50 and $1.75 Princess Slips -Removal 98c Special lot of ladies' princess style slips. Sizes 32 to 38 only. Made of longcloth in round neck style. Trimmed with edgings of -embrpidery-or lace and insertion, drawn with ribbons , The skirt is" finished with hemstitched or tucked ruffles, also edgings. ; - White Petticoats Removal HALF PRICE Plain tucked ruffles, with dust flounces or ruffles with embroid ery trimmings" and insertions. Also the new heavy and f me laces, - insertions, headings and ribbons. In regular andh extra sizes. $1.00 Petticoats, removal. . .50 $1.50 Petticoats, removal. . .75 $2.00 Petticoats, removal $1.00 $2.75 Petticoats, removal $1.38 $12.00 Petticoats', removal $6.00 $1.75 and $1.85' Combinations Removal $1.29 A splendid assortment of styles in corset cover and drawer com binations. Yokes formed of em broidery, with ribbon or embroid- " frii torchon lace, dainty lace edgings and. insets of lace. The drawers are made in the new skirt style, .trimmed ,with lace and em- , - broidery, ruffles.-V They Come to Go Right Out Again Cotton Pongee 89c Hemstitched parasols made of fast cotton pongee. Some are in solid tan, others solid white, and again many of tan with three-inch colored borders in navy, red, rose, brown, hun ter's green and Alice blue They have the long Dlrectoire handles and silk tassel to thatch. Taffeta Silk $1.79 Parasols of changeable styk taffeta. Mounted on the best Paragon frames with new long Handles, smc pufts to match the cloth. . Also parasols with double hemstitched ' pongee sflk and long wood handles to match. Imported Pongee $2.23 Imported pongee silk para sols with colored taffeta silk borders in plain and figured ef fects. Also Done-ee with Dres. den ribbon inserting. They have plain and carved long hardwood handles. Brass frames and tins. Finished with nv !. match the borders. towels, extra fins nnalifw hurV Jr m mv, with fancy damask and borders, .'heavy,' firm , and durable.' Size nciiuaw.' ouc w aj i incnes. vi py w inches. . '.- -- -- i - - $2.75 and $325 Combinations pr Removal $2.29 . -This lot consists of the pretties'f combinations we have ever' seen at this price T Materials : of fine , nainsook. The covers have yokes of dainty Combination of fine laces ."nd medallions, tor fine embroid erv vokes and embroiderv eHtnntr 'rand .headings. --- .j ,T-.rv- Also nrincess stvle ' rliinw 4ir . "trimmed."1 '''f' r;- ,w?' . -a-' ; The? drawers are finished in the -new fancy aide trimmed style. - V- Dresses on Sale Exactly Like Jllustrdtioi Regular $1.85 and $2.00 Removal Two, new raedela mad, of percale. One style showing the eaflof coUar'iii back wida rrrer effect on ione aide of fronL . other. New. high waist Ike plain gored Skirt, finished wit in, aieevea, elbow length. Colors navy and light blue- in itrimmed rithJargejlka dot handing to match, ; I t j, "Thar other model fcaa.a round coUar buttons to the si ' . tyle, finished with a set-in dickeyj elbow ieeves with tarn-1- 1 V' 4