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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1912)
i THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND." SUNDAY MORN I NO. MAY 8. 1812. 10 LATE rs7vas" MARKET'- CSMH ,NEWSEl!Ml OF THE WORLD PRODUCE NOTHING BUT WHEAT. AND DOLLARS I CROP OUTLOOK UNUSUALLY FAVORABLE Nl FOUR MONTHS' RUN SHOVS HEAVY DECREASE , IN ALL LINES OP LIVESTOCK HERE . WITH THE " , ' EXCEPTION OF SVNE-LATTER SUPPLY BIGGER e OUTPUT EXPECTED DURING THE SEASON f m i m a Greater Acree) 0nlaT I aal to W.le It I sea Than itr IlWurei RajaJ Aaa Twr lfdrti- Uly i (iarpaaa AU IrtoM Yra irJn C4Hk. lmpa ta lt Th) rUatea; 044 llofjarda KWw'(irr-lrr ae Tfcaa !4 lr. I'aJliaf Off U Pffrrintt tof Mattadi ltwnria)lU fUtr Ytwup Afi W ll MArkttU It lkiMK Um Tiua t Mm rriA4 l If TofaJ lt vf Jbattarf, IVbtrtiarT. Math vmI Afrtl 8MT l!e4 lmprd With U.flS4 far, !Jka Half cdtf f ; -f i 1 1 1 . r r ' j v v . . '11 ii t S I 11 It; man II. Cu.e. Crop vk4!UMl I hrful.u I - - A. a I'IA UHlltMl. TO) Uiit.ii. aia tha bl terwrd. Ta ton.1l.o af hel aa e-tul ! front ta.l moath la Ot ....rl ,ttal MMtlllllOU IS M I1' Idaho 4 t rr ,, t Thla l e advati f I Pr I rnl for 0e 4 r cl ' Jih. W hlnlon Bering hrt had chaaie la eooJilUHi dull - .Ka maul)! Pall lle vkul did al tmprJ la trftn ed rm,l l par cai. . but la Waahlncto and Idaho tlr ' aa Improvement of t par eaat. placing both vf tbee state at 91 per eaal Of . but 1 pr cent under Of agon. The Vsoaitloa af the fruit ' trrwhar th l"lfie aorlhwaet It ana of great ournil to produc , ara With tha emlg of tha V'.?I . eprlng rain a. It la now bliava4 thai tha dnr if oma br tnl la aom. 4 naJ aaJ la all of tha lawltof dlalrlHa pnxltirara aaaaw U-bt--atr aIt i an aituattoa. that way appaar artthla tba mtna4iat futara. . Tba aullnok for aa anortnaua etop af irhafriaa la b!ft aafrhaa la II a attoai lit meal ril.ntlit atnHiina I rala aiMf la aua diainna iri baa tkaM la form Mhlla tha miibut of alab.rna Ibta aaaaa alll Ha mrrvaaa a a taautt af IKa Uf a-. Ia utleh far thm rrop foaaratir la lb taal In raat Tba acaaoM la not far aaauah al vaacad to lta ill wtailwi' trr tha outkaol for Ult rtoaa. but rtaaal alitca la aaati( tit all ! I'ntala rlaaimc la now (aaai ia in Wlllamala klt a4 tba afl trop la pwta4 to ta baavlar tttan uaual tha mikM of ihia alaaUuf ia taa Onion puaimt loa an Incraaaa f fully It par rat la tirraoa ana m qui look at Iba atari la tiuuaually aor4 v Map vleaa hom a ailiad cvlMloa, Tha loaa ia tha uldar ara la ai fralar thaa ! aaann tut In tha aaaiar aiallaf LUa xxcp lellf alliu.a J rtrf aod Tli la attilnty 6alara4 for a brut lao waaba oa aoroviol af tba cold aprlns Grain and Fruit Prospects in the North Coast States mV r -if Ha .... It 1 t.Hta'... H alt t alvat ... 4T bftaap ... It.m flrtt MtonlKa la I'll rrvaaa eraa 111! . .H 111 l.:f tt lll.jtl H.tll .4 "0) i, . Mrrtla Craak. Or..JHr Oraln In V antral la loomot rery wit. i tha praaant wa, oo f itm nf II TsllOW. Wat aa th ar ia Intarfarim vith corn , -Wuita- a .lot of lHtatoat ara balna t Manttd. but U la difficult to gat good ca4.. . Vala. Or.. Mar 1 Hannlt Hart haa fi 10 acra tract or ory gram piaaica n ilt homattaad In tha Harpar batln. bout It inllaa from Waatfalf, tha crop la looking lino ana sir iian to gat a pr-ltr good ylald. Tha rain , and anowa thta year bava haan axlra food for tha dry farmara tnd thay art fnoklng for good rtiuroa wbart thay piantaa. , , htv a crop plan tad. NoKh TaJtlroa, Waah.. My 4. Tha I virnv gentla rain prtvaiorK tbrougn- out tha valley will ba at Immanaa bana , ' fit to tlva dry fartuert, who hava al i i raady reported unutuat molttiira In tht ground from tha heavy anowa of Uat S wmtec. Whaat la allowing up aplen : didiy. - t Ltwlatnn. Idaho, May 4. Owing to ' tha promised heavy rropa throughout . tha weatern atatet, with tlmea of mar-- katltig ona or two waaka apart, north ern growera fear that there will ba a tevare rut In prloea before their var- letlea art In condition for ahlpment. . , Lewlaton, Idaho, May 4. An eatl . mate placed upon the output of fruit ; ' In the Snake river valley ia held at .' 750 rara. which includea all varletlee. , ' Ofowere are agreed that the crop will . ba the heavleat ever whipped from tht Lewlaton-Ciarkaton vauey. . ' Odeaaa. Wash.. May 4. Wheat field" are In their splendor, winter wheut "nundlng eight to 10 inches high, wiUi spring wheat coming on In fine snap. -' With the anundance of moisture, In reserve from the winter aeason crops 1 , are almost a mured, cool weather hat been experienced here during the last : " month, allowing tha wheat to root Jn I 'good shape, and the grain la In con dition to aiand warm weather. to have bean of anuch ban fit to cropa. principally to alfalfa, and to tne wheat and other train oa ftalda above tha Irrigation eaeala. Rlttvllte. tt tih . May 4 Ftaports from tha country ara that there win ba a bumper crop of wheat. Winter wheat ylald will be greater than aprlna rain. Tha aland of wheat la good and tha growth unuaual for thla time or tha year, aod tnt tnoisiura it aoun daat. Kahlotut. Wah.. May 4 Tha toll la In excellent tha pa. Th ra baa bean little wind hart all tht spring, and a arret amount of rain, making food cropa aaain assured. have looked ao promising aa at tha preaent time ana tne farmers aay tnat with ona or two aood shower a hum par rroo will be harveated. Along the line of tha Milwaukee, on the aouth aid of FYenchmaJi hllla, the farmers have splendid cropa of rye growing. In tha laat two year they have started hog raising, feeding rye with good rttult. Chaltaroy. Wash., May 4. Tht ground la well soskad and tha winter wheat ana hay baa boen given a good ttart. Orovtlle, Wash.. May 4. Recent showers are helping growing vegeta tion. The outlook la brlaht for a heavy arraJn and fruit croD In thla part or Okanogan county tnis year. REVIEW OF NORTHWEST PRODUCTS Lower Price Range Is Forced in Wheat Market During the Past Week. The situation In tha local wheat mar ket during tha past week baa tended toward a lower rante of prlcee and val uea dropped aeveral cams before tbt clone of the week. a a measure, thla was due to tba fart that prevlout prloaa were acarrely stable ones. Kor soma weeks Califor nia mlllera had bean Deralntent boom era of wheat prlcea in the Paciflo northwrat because of their short hold ings. While thla buying was In progress values were out of line with what mill ers could pay In. re. Aa toon aa thit southern demand ss out of tha way valuea adjusted thamaalves and tha market arted with more life after IM had reached a level where buylna by nome grinaera wss permiesiDle, Kettle Fails, Wash.. May 4. Farmers are happy over the bright prospect s for fine cropt. . The peach, pear, cherry and plum treea are In full bloom and all Indications point to a bountiful fruit crop. '; y J, pullmani Wash., May i, Tha ground ,1a., thoroughly-uuuked. and farmera .a jubilant over crop progpacts. Clarkstori. . Wash., May 4. It Is practically certain that the valley ha escaped frost for this year, and never have conditions seemed ao encourag ing . . Toppenlsh, Wash., May 4. Late ralnt Lind. Wsh.. May 4. Tha week's raina have aoaked the ground, practi cally insuring tne crop or ran wneat which now atands from, 12 to It inches high. Taeoma. Wash., May 4. Prospects for a heavy fruit crop In Washington were never so good aa they are this year, aaya State Commissioner of Hor ticulture Huntley. "The danger of frost is now passed and I look tor wonderful prosperity of the fruit ranchers of tht siato this season," ssiq Mr. Huntley. Wenatcheo, Wash., May 4. The esti mate made for the aeason'a output at 4600 carloads Is considered low by many and preparations art being made 10 prepare ior emergency in marketing me rruii. The soft fruit market for the last two years has sraduallv Increased throughout the middle west and an ef fort will be made to have all of the loading centers throughout the middle west nanaie Deacnes. Dears, cherries and -other aoft fruits from this valley, The cherry crop will run nearly 100 carloads. If not greater, while the pear cron or ine vauey is estimated at oihi carloads. Peaches and apricots will be up to normal, whlla other products Were it poaalble to advance tha price of flour so that they could adjust them selvrs lo the higher cost of wheat, there would hava been little objection on tha part of the milling fraternity here to pay the higher flcurea occa sioned by the Insistent California de mand. The demand from that quarter was not a regular one. Only a law of the leading millers were short and lies were compelled by their contracts for flour to secure the cereal at any price they were forced ta pay. Tlie advance or toe per barrel in tht price of patent flour here aeveral weeks uro did not put tha market to tha basis thst wheat was aalltng It. therefore If the grain waa to continue nigh It would have been neccasary to force a still further advance In tha ground product. This had to be done either in the pat ent, the export or mlllstuffs. The for mer Is generally compelled to bear tha burden when others fall to do their part, but the present price of patent la rather high and mlllera did not cart to Invite arowlna- competition with the eastern product at thla time. Un the other hand it waa impossible to secure a rtetter value ror export China and Jaoan had rraotlcallv all the flour they needed ror May and June delivery and ror that reason wnne mill era tried to nominally quote a further rise In export, the orient would not even pay the former figures. This left only the millsturr remain lri, and In this line vslues are already up. to the record and further advances would oniv tend to aecrense tne can. therefore even tnis nope aid not matt' rial lie: Honesty of Pack Is Big Prob- Butter Exchange Would Be-a lem for Apple Men In Mar keting Their Crop. Help if -Conducted In Le gitimate Manner. 4e Week's TOdaoa) Markets. Egg valuea hold well. Sharp break In chlrkena. Butter decline It forced. Cheeaa trade claana up. Better apple movement Hop position good, ftalraon holds high. frestd meats art down. Wool market livelier. Hide trade very good. Mohtlr telle lower. What prices lose. DRESSED MEATS ARE EASIER In tht reservation district are reported I will run 200 carloads more. Klosterman Saysjhere Are Plenty of Bags for Grain Easiness was shown In the dressed meat trade for country killed during tht) week. This was true morn or veal than for hoars' but ftven In the latter tha trafle did not take hold nearly as brisk as during the preceding six days. Mut ton prices are likewise Deing shaded a few fractions. CHEESE HOLDS RATHER WELL . Br. J. H. Kloatemitn. . President J. H. Klpsterrftpn & Co. Wnlle reports vary as to h big pur chases in Calcutta and as to the carry ' over Jn this country, etc., there are cer tain well defined items by which a fairly gqed lipe on the bag situation can . be gotten. Last year, with bumper crops in California and with tht largetit In our history in the northwest, we need in the neighborhood of 66,000,000 new wheat bag. At the present mo. ; rrtent. the "crop outlook in tne north- West is excellent,, but the crop In Cali fornia, cannot, it is. estimated, run over .'two thirds of last year's crop, particu larly la wheat, which will be approxi , mately one half of last year's crop. Thit will make 260,000 tons less barley .... 1IC A A n . , . nuu i.,vu iou jusb wneai -grown In -California than the nrevloua veai-, whifh - means 000,00 less bags will be ased ; In California this year than last. At ine present ine engagements on tht ciner siae are as toiiows: Calcutta engagements for this season .......... .v 41,000.000 Carry-over . 2,000.000 ; mb wuOTtm penitentiary 3,600,000 " Wklla Walla penitentiary 2,000,000 ' T'iVV ' "': . .48,600.000 Add -to this the domestic made bays and wt find that we have enough bags already to run the whole coast, includ ing the northwest interior, for the com ing season, Considering also the fact that there Is a good chance of the duty ' being taken off nhis- year, and that hence It would be ruinoua to carry over f any bars 'there Is a probability toat there will fee a rush toward the end to unload, a 8c ahd ic bags are ex tremely hlgh. If. aa is estimated, there are plentv pi bap to go aroand. It would be cvm rrsflve!y eufe (0 ahort first and sec- , cud half August bsrs, a It Is Im probable that tha crop In the northwest. even under tht most favorable condl- was stimulated tions, can maae tip ror tht loss in Call fornla. Laat year It was estimated that there would be fullv a IS. 000.000 bag shortage, and It turned out that wt naa a carry-over. Based on the present outlook for the crops and the oresent engagements, etc., of bags, I believe the same result will occur this year. CREAMERY INTERESTS APART In the- cheese market there vas a very good tone aunn trie weeK. The recent drop to lc ft pound ror flats put the trade on a basis where outside call This cleaned un cur rent holdings. Receipts were less than during the previous week. Bjr II jinan II. Cohen. There continues much discussion among th apple trade regarding tht marketing of the coming crop of th Paciflo northwest. Indications point to heavy production In au districts and mis is sivina concern to many crow era aa wen as aeaiers. Central selllna arencles hava been tht hobby of some interests, but there teems to te a very serious question wnetner tnia win solve tne problem. It had been pointed out bv those re garding thla avenue as the best to take to diapose of the crop, that a certain big organisation of southern California was the Ideal and that under Its sys tem which the promoters In the north west chose to copy there would be no problem at ail. Interest Is added to this view by the inci mat recently mere was a com plete turning out of officials of thV or ganisation in question, it was alleged by the rrowers dissentinar that It cost far too much to market the crop under mat system and mat someining else must be tried. The entire management of the organ!. zation was cnanged in tne hope or help ing matters, but even this does not seem to have the desired effect of cut ting down the cost of marketing. Those that have-been- foremost In the) ranks or trying out a central selling: agency ror apples nave evidently lost sight of the fact that there Is just about as much competition after such an organisation la formed as previous to Ita organization. Thla can be clearlv shown in California, where no company or organization nas a monopoly anq with Just as little expense to orodiicera as do the greater organisation whose bulk is so unwieldy that there Is always mora or less red tane with Its conse quent accumulation of expense. It Is not likelv that there will avar be a time when competition will bt re moved from the apple market. There are ro many places in the country that can produce apples that It would be im- anible for one selling agency to abso tely control. There are so many different nistHcta with their different oualities that It would be impossible for one giant or ganization to classify the products so that every district will receive what it considers lt value, Such being the Steps taktn to form a butter, egg and cheese exchange in Portland hava tht approval of those closest In touth with tbt situation In theat llnta. An exchange that will honestly ar form Its dutlea In tht establishing of prices will bo one of tht greateat aids in tha upbuilding of tht Industry. quotations given out must honestly represtnt tha condition of tha tradt and not the whims of soma dealer or maker who seat a chance thereby to either de press or advanct the quotation to suit his own tnd. - Prices quoted on tuch an exchange must be fair to all Interests sellara and maker alike. The organisation should not be used to make an arbitrary price ao that milk producera should ba forced to accept a lower basis for their product than they art now obtaining. Tht price must bt that at which tht product is actually sold In ordinary Iota and not marely a oasis for the purchase of the raw product An examination of the worklnga of some leading exchanges thews that the prlcea quoted are not representative of regular market condl- tloia. but show only what a handful of men -want tha quotation, to be. It hat been shown that at many leading ex changes the price quoted does not In any way represent what the buying public shall pay ror the product, be rauae In moat instances values art from lc to lo a pound over what the exchange quotes. There is ample need hero for an ex change that will show In a legitimate way actual market conaitiona ror cut ter eras and cheese. Such an organi sation price would give producers a bet ter Idea of values than they art able to secure without It. There have been periods In this mar ket when the naming of a higher prico for butter and fat did not help the In dustry, but was a detriment. These were when noil of the product handled came from cast Of the Rockies. In order to secure for tht speculators a higher price . for this imported ttocx, tha ouotation on home manufacturt was arbitrarily-' aavancea- to nuca ... ncijcni that It stopped consumption except for the outside manufacture. ' This has proven a detriment intteaa or oenem to the Industry because tnose manurae turers of the home product who did not speculate in the eastern -make, were xntnnaiiait in nav a .hisrher once ror their raw material, which could not be secured for the rmisned proauct on ine market owing to the cheaper price for the outside goods. : if thla condition can be eliminated from the proposed exchange for this city the benefits to producers and the Industry will ba many. 11 Ifrmaa II. Cohem. If anyone doubt that" tha eatrr I aalremtly short ar tauat llnta of lire- stock, a giaaca at tht trriraia ai'iaa North y"rt land yards during tht first four months of ilia ereanl rear. m- pared with ht aama period In II tL would tufflct la convince. ' Tht great decree. la tha aheap tu piy it aurariing -anwn nnum. ror I he four motlia a aborts la tha eaar ketlog her of It.tM bead la tkown. com ard with tba vary " aertod aao. That Ihla ahortar It lt atiraiy dua to tht low prlcea (ntt ruled laat mean la a rofegoaa eonciueioa. Tha decrtae In tba amount of land that la available for ahp herding and ftedlng la one of the Prtnr1e caq,aea aixi Ihla-MidtUon t likely lo b a(r. valed Intttad of Improved la the year to com. Wail there ta atlll plenty of apaoe for thatpmta lo occupy, lb land available are not or anaraeter tnai would maka faedln a euera unleea thara aa a tubalanilal advance In th price. Last year's marketing of aheap waa naturally Heavier "an aunng ny pra- vloue year, but the ahortagt It even greater than thla locreaae. Murine- the week there waa a fairly ataadv ton ra the alieep trad. Tb run waa fair at tlmea and heavy at Others Prices esd off somewhat but generally speaking there waa Utile change from valuta la affect during th previous' tix aaya. Sheep prices. . . anv anr4n lam ha ......... 17 lilf Til Ordinary sprint- lamb a BOtfTOt Heat sheared-yearlinga... ... t.0i. Ordinary a beared yearlinga.. alSdl.&t Old wether, sheared , S J! rancv ewes ahearad t.TiOI.Ot Ordinary a waa. sheared 4.10 Q 4. - wool Stock about Tao nigner. Cattle Su Is aortsr. In tht cattlt division at North Port land tht shortagt la much more atvert than many had anticipated, but thla condition haa haen pointed out In theae reports for some time-. h-ka that for a Ions time cattle were so low here that It waa profitable to thlp tha heavier quality offering! to. r diataat enaratta al a fro fit. li4 hat n arrival but lb ei.e Us I a aalarel eat aad t flavi lb vOUaw4 telllllag an of ta te- triag the firet fur ejuaika af tk preMI year II fa esttl ar. rii at North -ftUa4 rmp till 11.441 during Ike sat i4 ta III! Tm tfc aa actual 4r ltd bead and tbt tl.orutt would have 'ale thaa IbJ are ll t for th fart that toosi kill. i want further atr fre to liome terrltary for a lr par caal of tb4r sup?)! that at, too. oarut vakt j At tha preaant lima a rather atvad toat ta ruling la lha tattlt tradt at North Portland- Wfellt at r1xla dar IDS tba weak I bare was a alia af Im. rradtag baarietioeaa, value a a tula eld rather Lrm. At In ftrtl f the weak tbar waa aa edvaave vr tat prevloua tig itaya. turpi tea war not abundaat dur- ie t".ea UthwfV-b.'f tch-f- l lan a I oca waa purchaawd direct by a (oral killer aad whllt ta eutnllaa wer counted la tba loula. Uty did ao eeur tbt gaaeral uvark.t. A atalemeat during th weak by A. T. Hunt, a well known local Uveetock com tntaeftia tnaa, c ok firmed the raeorlt given la iblt wan tbtt oatU etocka ere ehort. Mr. Hunt )ul ruraad front an Uiveatigatlon af lha Callfoniia auuatlon. lie found a abort age af about 11 par cant la tba auppllee there. He likawla elated that til tie of thla slock would com to Portland unleea the trad bare bid higher. U Angela am Haa Ptancltoo war noted la active bla dera tharo. Iaat seaaon quite libera supplies came from tba California field. tnt to aald Portland market but ahlppeia hat thay did not make any money. rawer Cairo Come lrwar4U In aa attempt to alava off an actual famine of cattle, country Inttreeta ar not ahlpplnr forward -ao many ealvea aa ' formerly. The totala for tht flrtt four montba of lha year thow thai but 14T head were marketed at North Portland. compared with 1X57 head during th same period In 1111. A shortage of 40 ead in th actual marketing la there fore noted. Kvan theat figures do not thow tha actual condition of tht trad a Thit ear local klllere made a strong at tempt to take away from tht drrtsad (Continued on Following Pag.) RICES OF WEEK ARE -LOIR FOR STOCKS IN THE NEW YORK TRAD E Market Ia Generally Lower YCith Considerable Bearlshnegg Canted bj Steel Payment Rumor; Short Selling Rather Heavy. CROPD A I SI TO BE DISCOUNTED BY A FORMER ADVANCE GOOD ONIOXS HOLD (Continuad on Following Page.) Sales Continue) at Top for Quality; Reds Being Shaded. Market for aood duality onions ! holding firm at $3 per cental along the trul Pom red a wrt sold for less. but the quality of these Is deteriorating ana merciore are worm irno. PORTLAND WHOLESALE PRICES rORTLAND JfOBBUCO PRICKS. Oralm. Tlonc and Zlky, ., . .. , Thtst orlcet ara vhott at whict vuuairy rasKeri rorco ny Jtinwer ,,ierg to reta.:iers. except as other- Men to Moaify TOeir Price. wise stjtea: . .. creamery interests were tDart in their i 'i-i ii.u,M. iu oo- wi 0ul(' stem, S1.03; red Russian. 97c; Wtuam- IS Itte valley, 9c, irnrmi www-york stock exchajtow W TO K OOTTOlf EZCEAlag CirtCACra BOAJtD Or TKASS ra a rocx ajo boho sxcsAjraa Ck raawcigco MUls lJg, Baa rrasolaoo ? Tacavar, g-aattl. rortlaad. lVes Aagalaa. Saa, lgo, . Corcaafl mi. . j.-. . .... loinms ornci Jocm a, Itembcrmaaa Baak Bvfldixg 1 bosre Mtrshaq 6, A-41S7.r7. viewg regarding the price that should n?ilt, rule during the past week. Country I fjfl" makers oened the lower prices named the demand was fully twice as good is 10- Willamette supplies and country cubes sold IJiorbakertf 4 5 ly a cent between the two packagea. ti 10(94 20 'ODlllrv mab.ra ollauj tk. .11. k. 1. J B TO l.iU. by the city butter men. The result waa that the latter were forced to modify tneir price. At nrst It waa proposed to put the market 5o lower. This was aeereo outrageous by the country in terests. Then the price was made 2c and finallv 2c under former figures. This was not high enough for the trade for the demand was fully twice as good BR B fully Country makers alleged that city but ter men. had sold "short" at a low price io nonnern interests and were there- rore putting down tne price here to make a good profit. .The plan did not work, if that was the scheme of the local ' men because the only ones who naa butter to sell were th valley creameriea and these held to original ligurea or witnin a rraction ox them. MORE INQUIRIES FOR HOPS A Bllrht Incraaaa la nntmA l .k. I oulriee tvr hops. With remaining stocks BARI.H Profl'tcerr orlces Itl1 Feed. 136.00; rolled. 186,00; brewing, is mi4 i.oo. MIL,L,8TTTrFS aelllr-- price rtt-ar,. $24.00; middlings. 181.00;. shorts, 128 00. OATS Producers prico Nominal Track No. 1. spot delivery, white $39. gray 138.60. , r .(I r se mr once fareni. Willamette, .io; ocai scrairnt. ikers, 4-9006.1?; expert grades. HAT Prooucer orlca -191 f eroo Vauey timotny, xancy, v it; oral nary, $1314: eastern Oregon, $ 14.01)0 11: Idaho. 1117: mixed Ml 0 14: clo ver, $9010; wheat, $11011.60; cheat $11911.60; alfalfa. 112 f,n is; os fVII.tO. BoHrt, Erri and Twnitrr BUTTER Nominal: extra creamers. cubes ana tuos, Z6f,vz$c; prints, 9H 26c; dairy. i(giZDc. Bt'TTttV FA T Jrodoc'.a nrles F. o. b. Fortiana, per id.. Z4H'Z6c. LIVE POULTRY Fancy hens. 14tt 16e: ' broilors, . 27e; geese, ao 12c; R01S; oats. $11 of 1911s In few hands, there Is natural- fPTi.n d'ikJ,Z5ci 0li jucks I6lo: ly but little movement In tha . ajsot hVIke.v.B- J0 Jlci.dip.?51' 25cj P'seons. trade. Prices continue about M inVaT old- $1: young, $202.60 per,doen. 1 vloualr oun(t .-7 - ; f EOOS Candled - extra, -ilr; dosan: Contracu are;hold!ng unchanged fn I uncandled, 2020He; spot buying price, prices but there tie more Inclination to 5JlSJL SL b. -Portland.- ' take hold than fdsmerly.. I CrfEFSW Nominal; frmeb Orages- . - - i nnfv. run irMn. ,Tnnir tiwi a u V Mnner d Frr,an. . "CJ young-Amorjca , jqc. wrunu na rcnum POTATOES Selling ort- F.xtra choice, $1.60: choice,-' $1..0; ordl $1.40 cental. Buying price, extra ; seed. $1.40; choice. 1.0 ntry ahlPtng potnts- sweats. 14.00. New ootatoea. Florida. 4c pound; Califoriaia. 4c. per . VEaETABLES . Turnica 11. fla nar sack; ' bteta, 11.1a sck;; carrot. $1; Money andf Exchange. 4 London, May 4. Consols, 7, 1-K; siU ttir. IT 11-11; bank rate, 1H pir ent.. New Torlc. May 4.-StrIIng exchange W?. fi jjoag 4 11; Shorty ...TH; . surer b.5- 2 ui iVtho? V - -. - .. '-y;-;'--i cental f. .t b country ' CLaa a'-. . . ' ' PplBt7 twtett. t4M. " Kew- e PVatM-1 arr 4.1 i trll, Chanaa A - Mava 111U. li.hi j tiw. doc. , I II TraBfaraZ-'Tal.i-aiKI . Tt yrvotoim; aignt, par. . , , ,.. , I ' ' " I ' J cabbage.. $3.00 4.00. Mexican tomatoes, 13.75; beans, l7:V6(3)18c lb.; green onions, 15c doz. bunches; peppers, bell, 25c lb.; head lettuce, $1R02 crate: hothouAn. $1.00 box; radishes, 15c do. bunches; celery. $5 crate; egg plant. 30c lb; peas 76c; cauliflower, local, $1.25$1.50 per doz.; asparagus, 60cffi$i,25 per dozen bunches; Walla Walla. . $1.25 box; Cali fornia fancy, $22.25; spinach, 25c sack. ONiONS Jobbing price, Oregon: yel low. No. l,'$4.00;vN.e. 2, $2.00.2,25; rP(i, ia,61i. iaw crop, !c (p.; game, 7oiiin, FRESH FRUITS Oranges. $1.76 W 3.00: rmnanas, 4 W 5c lb.; lemons, $3.50 05.00; limes, ( ) case; grapefruit, $8.50 ff4.25; pineapples. 6c lb.: cranberries, $9; strawberries. Florin, Sl.60tfS2.26 per 15-lb. crate;, Los Angeles, $1.25 per 7lH lb. crate. APPLES $1.75 3 3.25. Hope, woo and mdaa. HO PR Prooucers- prtce till crop. 13c; 19H contracts, 28c; 191$ and 1914. 17c MOHAIfi 1912. 34a5c, according to quality. WOOl Producers' .price Nominal, lfiz; wiiiametxo youty, uvik; tatt- am Oraaron. 11010. CHITTIM OR ; CABCARA ;"SARK 1912 nominal, carlbts 6V4e( less carlots 6c lb; 1911 bark, carlots 64 6c. less carlotj Vi JO- HIDKa Dry niaes, aowzie: a-rten. V 10c: salted hides. 10UUc; bulls, rrcrn salt 70744c: klDB. 12V4c: calvra. dry, 2424e; cajf skins, eatted or green- 17c; green bides, if iuo ia than salted; sheep, pelts, salted. $1; dry. t2VUC ID,- -,-4; .' talluw rnmt, per to, oc; ko. I and grease, lOZtaC .. Mtata. Tiaa aad rtonsioms. DRES8ED 1 MEATS Front strt: I . m . . '-' . , a,,.-A.j - . . nogs,, uncj, ,uwuv, uroia.ry, lu: heavy. , 9H&r fancy veal.r llc; or dinary. He; oor, lOo; Iambs. lxev mutton., la 10c: soats. latv: h.l HAMS. BACOIf. STrcHams. 1ltt 17Hcj, breakfaat bacon, 14 V,e$4e; boiled ham, 24c; picnica.lllHcj oottaxa iiHc; lambs, 12 He; pc FISi onnn ewes,- iocj wetners, om loina, lac. IlHc; He. i lURD-'-Tiercs.-IlHeJb.ii compound, fierce. tHepar Ik.-- ' . MEATS Packing house Steer. Na 1 stock,' 12c; cows, r-o. stoca, ' lie al-Ttock cod. I0o TK: flounders, lc! halibut, 79e; atrlpad btss. tOti catfish, lJiwifHc; salmon, 12c lb,;! soles, 7c per lb.; shrimps, 12c .; perch. 78c; tomeodl. 8cr lob stars, 25c: herrings. c!, black basa, 20c; sturgeon. J per lb.; silver tmalt. Se lb.; black eoq, Tcraressea snaa, so; rot shad 10c: ahad roe. too lb.; Cc:um- v,in .malt ( ) ner oox. fiTSTERS-irioalwar bay. ear ral Ion ( ): per 100 lb. eack () Olym- pla. par, as i ion, -.. ir jtr iu..c. a; canned eastern. 15c ean., doten: eastern in snen. vi.innt.w. ptr tJ raaor ciamr. izojn dum. RTiriAR Cube. 11.45: powdered. 10.11 '.: a. ac ka, ii at, granulated, $6.05; D yellow. $6.76; Hono lulu plantation- riu inmimiw, a less. , t aoov qiiBuuooi w net New York. May 4. There waa a aharp break In tha entire security market dur lng the week. With foreigners unload, Ing huge blocks of American shares and with, persistent bearish operations on this side, tha week ended with valuea below latt week,- . Perhaps the most Important feature of the trade during the week waa tht re port that came Just prior to the closlnir on r-riaay, mat tne dividend payment on Hteei naa Deen enjoined oy tne courts Hits brought out heavy shorting in tna security and much llauldatlon. The en tire list was affected more or loss and this condition continued on the last day or tne week, wltn rew -exceptions. - The presidential campaign is still very important factor In the stock mar ket and the battles between Roosevelt and Taft have divided sentiment as to which tht market really wanttd. Range of New York prices furnished oy uveroecK r uooko company: description I Open HIghl Low i Bid AoiaJ. Coppei Am. C. & F., aiix uan, er Co, c, c. do. prd Am. Cot. Oil, c. Am, Loco., c. . , . SlIU. u e . , U. . Am. Smelt, c. . . ao. nrd Ana. Min. Co. . . Am. Wool., c. . . Atchison, c. do. cfd B. & O., c, . Beet Sugar . , ; . B.' R. T. ....... Can. Pad.', c. . . Cent. Leath., c. ao.- pia. do. pi :. A O. W., c. cssh.V uce , 40-, Creole. bUe. - RIC Ko. 2, Japan etyle. No.1. iHOSVe; INew urican uveta, em f ioi Aifiraa. half arronndi O0tlS.tS r-ar ton; 10s, 19.00;. table dairy. 50c. Ill; 100s. $17. bales, 12.20; extra fine barrl. 5a and 10a. 14 1: lump rock. 20 Rn rar ton. Dnii-O...Qn,1l 14.1ft; bayen. large 14.71: white. white.. 14.15 pink. $4;M: Lfmas 17: TdS. tt. HONEY New. e. f Mr r. Valuta. -3ol OO. Xt. LlNHJifcU UiL Raw. bbla. HOo sal: ketUe boiled, bbL,' 83c: raw. In ca aa. 15c; boiled, in cases. tio; gaj. iota ex tct ralioas," lo tasa; oil cak meat, $44 i;r ton.' - " .,-..,-.- .-. WHITK LEAD Ton lots. Be par 16.1 100 lb. Iota, to pr lb.t lass Iota, I Ma $' 't-. ' KVt-is oanuv aws Hfc - tsjou OASOL1NE H1 crown and motor. 11: Jo gallon: 81 gnollne, l$eilHt a-allow: V. M. V P. naphtha. llitOla gallon.' ' - ,- r ' TURPENTINE In caaea- Tie; wood barrel a, 70Hc; iron barrels, 4o par SJM M BTnZ t N S -ft t derri caaea. 14 H gallon: Iron bbla- imc pet gal loo. Au KJiit jasea: fear i. nue e per gallon; water white, built. 99 c par gaiion: special water wnita, 17. t do. rifd C, M. A S. P.. C. & N. W., c. . Ches. & Ohio . . Col. F. I., c. Col.. South., c. ao za pra. ... do 1st ofd. . Cons. Gas .... Com Prod,, j c . o , pra ...... Del. A Hud.V P. & R. O., c, . do pro.,..,, Erie, c -. do 2d pfd... do 1st pfd., Oen. Electric . O. N. Ors Lands ut. Nortn.1 pro, Ice Securities Illinois Central. Int. Harvester Intef. Met, c. . do pfd. . , Lehigh Valley K. C. Sothern . . L. A N to., B. P. A S. 8. M. M.t Jt. t t., e. . Mo. Paclficj',. N. Lead Nov. Con, ... ,. N. T. Central .'. N. r., O. A W, , N. ft W.. c. . . . N. American .. N. Pacific, c... P. M.-a Co.. Penn. Ry P. O..UACCO.. P.- 8. Car. o. Rtadfi. e...... R. It 8m e. R. Island, e. . . . . 8. L. A 8. F, 1 p. South. . Pte,, c. . South.- Ry. Texas Pactfle T.. a. i. w e, Union Psclfle. e. U. S. Rubner, c. , U. S. Steal Co.. e. Utah Copper .. Va. Chemical Wubaah. c. .... w. u. Teles. .:. West. Electric,. Wis. On trial.' . Wheel. Lake Erie!. 105 106 105 ! 170 170 143 Mi 16 35 i4 'ssii 14 IDS 39 ?1H t" 16 119 ijih 121-a 63U 167 39 130 . 23 127 114 18 65 166 27 40 69 to 117 7 lll i 6 ts -3 11 .i.v. ?2 t4 2otal aaiea, 441,100 shares. Wheat Market Is Generally Weak at Chicago but Mill Improvement is Shown on Lnat Day; European Outlook Is Favorable. Chicago. May 4. Crop damage ntwt was much less conspicuous during the past week and tha trade In gentral wan of tht opinion that whatever loss is shown in the condition, haa long ago been discounted. - Prices dropped sharply during th early part of tha week and tha beariah- nexa continued up to within tight of tliu end. Today the market acted lust an strong as it had been weak during the previou days and a sharp advance was the result. Roth aides of the market are nlavlna with caution; neither being willing to to far from shore. Prices closed lower han laat week but the Indications today were that another bullish tide had set In. Forelan markets have reflected con siderable weakness recently owing to the excellent crop prospects there and tnis had a bearing upon tha local situa tion. Range of Oh Ira a: o nriceaurnlahad bv Overbeck & Cooke company: WHEAT, May July .... Sept. , . . . May .... July .... Sept . May .... July .... sept .... May July sept. May. July Sept May July Sept. Open. High. 116 ,llf 110 118 107 108 CORN. i 79 80 76 77 74 76 OATS. 16 67 62 68 48 44 V PORK. Low. 116 110 79 66 Mb Close. .1920 .1935' .1106 .1125 .1087 .1065 1982 1950 LARD. iiio 1180 RIBS. 1045 1065 iiio 193S i i 65 1125. 1037 1065 1897 B "1930 1947 A 1090 1107 1180 1180 1046 1065 Jan." . Feb. .. March May . . una . July . Aug, . Dec. . Netv, York Cotton Market. Open. High., Low, Closa. ....lii 134 1141 1127 1148 .1101 ' iiio ,1118 , 1124 1123 1183 -1148 1114 it26 1118 1124 1136 1145 1188 1151, iiis HIT 1116 1132 1133 1187i 11370 11444 1108C im 1118 4 1121c 1126 (S 1132H 1140fi 88 89 46 10 13 20 21 25 33 42 19 u TBABOBTATXOir. aije,,,iaj,e COOS BAY LINEs . STBAMSKIP BSEAXWATTB. Sails, from Ainsworth dock, Portland, 9 i, nu Miy l, 8, 13, 18, 23 and 28; June I. 7,-12. IT. 22 and 27. Frtight received at Ainaworth dock dally up to $ p. m. Passenger fart first class $10, steond class -$7, Including berth, and meals. kiicxet omce Airawono qoojc rnones rifaln $600. A-2332.' - ' ; - XVoa AngaUs ana Baa ZMag ataamalitna . XlHlUSi . KABTAJIS Railroad or any thlp to San mranclsco. tha-Expositlon-Clty, Laraeatr fattast and the ONLY strictly flrtt clatt pas senger ships on the Coast; average tpted 28 miles Per.)iour. cost $2,000,000 etch. Saa rraaclsoo, Portland ll x,os Aagalaa rP-ANTC BOLLAM. Agent. Msvn 628 188 3KP aTBBBT. A-4694 ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS 14EW YORK. - LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. - NEW TORK, . PALEJUdO AMI; NAfLl!. Attractive rates 'or tickets between Ktw York and all Scotch. English, Irinh., Con tinental and Mediterranean pdinte. Bn pertor. Aooommodatloaa, IxcUant Cnl- r' tin, Efficient aervlca. Apply promptly for Btsarratloa to local a (rent Of Anchor Lint or HENDRRSON BROS, Qeneral Agents, Chicago. III.