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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1912)
THE OREGON 'JUtltMY JOUKNAU J'OKTLAHD. SUHDAV UOItWItiG. ArJtlL M. Wtl. Town Topics HC!UW"T-t r"uit Ui'.m k 4 I tV f k 4 Ik I '4 I l. .laa Ottr,CK frryHn . ma LIS t 1H VvalU Mrkj..e,.u 0e,atiee te4a. It W OuavlUi. e r t i efh ii u wa a- i r . a fed twlUt f ie M tl ! eaa mtt Ifc . U r Maim a ttt kM a4 Ik ! e-Ue. ea- ar r oil! - k h i l. , tkl ltiMM t um4 I k4. ( tm Ha Mini tae lltlM Vikl reitta la I k. ls4e ( ktvakei cit4taUe B.I 4 ll fc U II W' ! .Hfil Wouu. AIW1, ktiiuik Koi. Tea B4 B atSalt alel- I'll ala f f IK Ma.Maftva kiwtk Ik laa (V. T M atka I eMr Ik bJb Mia. MMk l "a. cirl H i ta M a IM al44 : Alkali . l4 l tlM t Ike fM Ul BC UIM ' Ifc laiiratiaa era far B eea I ta. WuMtiiw ea4 I , )! eeaiaaftr tk loeg sast rwim-Aat raniaad sad l laily SsaAay ehw. r eoMiseriy wts.1. in it-am aad tthtagia 4r hvw.ra oiitrty eiJ, btk eleeg Ik eet leak aiBa. ekete , TH&oOonic r duXkk. Arlle I fit I Paraceela. . MMS'll -i..,Mfcg g T Til 1 TBJ hdlui AN mtUa-Txty U la ll 0poltiMlr Ika hlbll ef lb of la rt (Umi af IK vb4i arttaala. Taf ar a4a4U ! Uf alt la la la la aaklBf af aal Iwm far ni pwrwii aad laalr flaaJ apBlUMUoa la a t:i fcrt. aaa4 bac teuraaa acarf. a al&. ftr. frtiM. Uadarap a4 flfnr draarlna. Taraufk ihla ar1i aa Maa aar ba la4 af la Modern awilMMla of brng In owl la IIIU tUMnt lha aar af aaaraaat) Ihrouia farwi 4 olo. Aa4 a tit aiodaria fro alder th dvlop- naai U ahowa of in u or im pon U ararltrtl . i:rrM lBlri la publlo arltoul prbimi aa4 la th cultlTttto of araclkial artUlla ao. d( iIimM saatn I hi ahlbli at laa Muaaum of Art. Kitta and Taflor. Ooaa aa uaual oa Sunday aflamooDa, fraa. from 1 o'clock ant II - trg faU aa Aji 'Th Jury tu lh (af aorval injury ra of Mabal Hogr again! lb Portland Railway. IJnt A Povar company waa out all night, r lurnlnf to rourt ycir4ay momtit after falling to agraa. Judg Qan lanbln "board lh c. la which lha girl ootnplaJned of Irtjurta iolad wbn trlcr atruch aa automoblla la which aha waa riding. Tha accldaal happaood a I I n Ion nua and Ir it tr. Argumnla wr cloaod abortly bfor i orlorh mday after noon. Tha Jury re"ld In th court room ail night, refuting lo quit work and go la bed Tha main rentantinn wa over th lUblllty of th motortnan or W. f. Guy. th lattar balng th drtvtr of lh automobile. Tli final rot waa n for th plaintiff and flva for th company. i aTaaoaaa Oath ring Trout Ttf Ppu ty Warden Craig and State Flab Export Wllaon wrote to Rtat Uama Warden rinley yeaterday that they wr harlng unuaual aueceaa In gathering trout egg at Olive Lake, near Bumpier. They re port that they have already a-ured J. 000. 000 rainbow ge and ariowahoe will b aent them, that they may go to lake atlll further In th Interior. Th nwa of their auorraa la eaperlally pleaatng to Warden Flnley at Ihla time, owing to the failure of a Montana man to deliver a conalgnment of 1.000,000 egga. Thlj ahlpment waa stopped by tha game warden of Montana on th grounds that the man Intended to take th apawn from tha publlo water of Montana. l la a4u w awa la Ik lihMUa ai Ika ri.M4 T Htm t liwwt limw lax afVMMwaa al m- laiia IWf l u take ai akv, T , a kv 4 aa mr at mm HwitPr , UU kl aa ima. U k t M a a tmry lalaaaMiAg laika. a a faa4 4 mm a4 nwtM Mat t - Ittooum i wui mm '4 fraak f.a. Iwm rM af fatia4. k Um Kaeattag far aaeafai futil aa a ema af lk rem e IW aaai-UaaaW aagliacta kity. IM lrrary fira k a a i aaaar l a ahuia af Caii Ja T. at, gjvary altlwaa ul aa Ui 4 la aaaaa Maiaalf H4t U tka af $titt. A a4 ef rU tat laa ( ar.aka f ka laag ka a drn4 a4 aM4 Ta4 rxi4 am at . rtH. la I v. i4 ul ka tiaa aWi4. n r4 taiaa a M altM a rW af a lt- .It iu wtil ka a)Ua4 lb aaga, aa4 a akaiag IU to aito4 ! aar ika aUrua mt aa t ifrt. fafal mmmII aa fc gtoaaaia kUm a4 Wll ! I 4 iaa4a l a aMKiaM la wkKh ail Ik liiil laai CHia Ja-a T-1 kairaleaaM waa kat m IwmlA U-i mt laa atto towaai ka I iga mu air u.uU k,v slfa kla arltall i " ki k-ata. 1 CUtaUM atraal. UM I ra4 Oraaka Yl aVaawA. R. Iltiet atakL aaa raaal tauar44 k laa I aa..ya af laa UW. It i K, maay im af a toaaa a a4 Ik raiiV af ka .afokAaaa. .Lt4 a y aa ar.a. I la k fil4 aa1llNI Mlury l kL llk fau t4 afiar ut la atrataa af TI Oa Te I aftara-eai wall al k, kaaj a Urg (4 Ofay fkaaac" -Wkal tk aalataJef I fallow kwlaae waa Uwtkn g IWair aka4 Ika ema-laia. a M " a aruaaaa aa "- J - i .r iu BMA.B. aa ml. 4 I wma taaaa M ia n I l fw asbvia a ki !) k mw Ito ! k4 1 14 Mt ka. HI C)aaUr4 . a4 eaaat af k of Ik ar ru aak tonl a l kaa I aaaaa avaffraa- a4 aUltaBi. MU Tk aWf af ka kaa waa ifcrawa I " Agaaa waiay, irtarr a artiur. 4 Ika aairaiaaaa kaarrkl la. aoagraia. I k,a aak)N at RUgtor Uneg k arala sa4 kla wtfa lha I kali. 14 a4 J4 a4ay. Aj,rtlk. . 7, ...i..r ikatv aaAlkt I M. Mlaa alaler U a af Ibaaaaal lUt. k4 4wltlT Ik aarkagaa aw I kfllUaal laalarwa la lb aWlailat kaava. 1 Jla k- Mi Ika aoa. I aMt A wara raoaplla avail bar laaia rfv4 I to I ftaa t of rhlaa tr-m kar laaaa Pact la 4 frUada Urm, gi,aa. Ikoreh JCbrgou wlU praaida. roemar Mllaal SUav-Mra. A. C Ato(aa4r dt4 al Tacwaa, Ana. Hun day, Akrti II. Tka faaaal will to told al Ito Cotigragkttaftol eh ore k. rra Orora. MaaAay. AfU !. . gs Mra. Aleaaadar forwarly raaldad at M Caal Maalaanlk atraat. rortlaad. tha bar kban4 a ad ao Frank, agad laaiaaraaaa MaklkV iib4 Tho Htr garbaca toroar al Ootid" toka I ataklwkiag aaatkar rarard. If II aai al Ika aaasa rata till Ito aa4 af tka aeatik II wttl ka ra4ae4 ll vrwrwxia loat krJag aaal ia aa avaraga ar II la Ito ffuaaal Tka n aft It bad ka r)a-ia4 by k Biaaoaj admlalalratlo) aa a fllara la 4a) be tto tkaivava made kr Ekgtaaar Itovt4 n. fX la. Ika a par1alaa4) of Ika la alftarate rw aavat Baa tto aat a dollar wortk) af twal baa mmmm T" rbaa4 by Ito dry for tto brr. Tka gartog aad roruaa ta mad la ar lb txtrpaaa af foot rl kill tofar Mask atbaaaak aaJia4 a4 4 tag Of Ito fcUuaaeftft A Jf V alfcdgaBBI aa)Bfa'J( aVPBa aaaaa4 djbgabkgj eaaiaA, aaratag- Ito iwmibi mt kU4ia4 aailMba rraaa IVto a la T r-ta atraat. to uuaaa kun. a well kaa laally Htw mt ktaetk AtkikA, too naiMl aa a ta Itonkg ka . Uk la Ikal a4k mt Ito ally to laa I ranal4 Itol keia. tto toat M HPOUSHftOPlEli CELEBRATE Ofi MAY 5 Uy I toiag k Ito af a riU t kaaal awtoay af Ika araai g aaa will to kk4 al una ito iumM I -" a ia aaaraia a log mt Ito MeiMkaliaa wui to toi4 aj" ' t-f. U I acta aaal kk4aa4y aaiag. J rtoa wm a).4i ! al hiaaaaik aag k liUaaawtk I U-m m af park far Ito Alton 4ttU4 Ul I " ' ' b to aaakBLlktaA " l a. aaa a4 gag tuaaataj i aak gl taat Hall, arar Kaaa k4 akrta tto aatoU 1 ktay wa wlU "- r k dry rlaaa gaalar aii fr It, H a May I. Hll, ttol Ito PvlUk t.Ji.' al la: Mik auaa.aj b"'b ! a aaaewatoa al laa la 4aaa a, l la Ikia k I kaa awwarfal aaliaaaa. ! parltMMiy. f. a Laoa4f lry CtoaaUg I atoiiiauaai t fvuad Atpt. Jrtoto Caal !. li 1111, I f'1 k ika toe . I oraaieaia af arta4iag awaamaa attokiaa ! b kf ,4 Tka MUk. Igaa Mity af tkf m aUI aaaai al Woaaa) af Wiwdrrafl kali. Taalk aad Taylor atraa. Monday aveatag. May t Inrlag will to a faalwrg mt Ika aa UrtalBBBaai. aTyag aailaa4, giaaaaa flllad, ava Ptoa4 aajMk.4. kal it r44ag a a n utM Tit aaa4lllba tod toaa vrrati aa aa yaar wkaa Moaaia aal a.ka4 trawt lata Paltok laeniary. aad ibm ga ika ria ware a-a II wa a aalll IK Uaad f Ika tool ClUl ! a k4 ka aleaa far Ito mmm ar gTrBiBaal. Tka Bwary af May t. Mil. wUI aaa COLIUITTEEUEN WHO GET TIE VOTE TO TOSS -V COW TO SETTLE VOTE Ail aaavaaatt wa lain to aaaa al IM a Ukrw a' faaaX4 kf CVaaif Owa ftokaa a4 ta la ma Oalaaaaag k'tk m al t e ittii a al- tto it ni a aa Ul to 1 1 ml aii'tg iaa to lag a Ik aa ka aiie a to atoll to a aaawitor af ito aawaty eaalral na uua Tbia aa4a ka tok 4taa Al Ito faar auag ad Ito lwlai im a . r aaattal l atinaa eUy atol toll aaaa a.toiina4 ka imm. aa o4to aiK4 aaa mmtm la iatw4 ka a tl a Uenl listen! kk klk taal. la. wtWii ato inwi iaa tivmt f ' ay aH rtaaa awar. mmt it t T;Bf1t lto r fw Itoaa kua. ki la ta a aaaaik, iwal k ar I J'al a aii mt k.taa lit t li.i T .t4 aaaa I! la 111 la a e I aa ika 4f. i r iKtaa. Oragaauaa) klAg aiavalaf. lit Ob af Ttoaka. Wa fWira as r aiaa Ikaak tor ut) fiwada far lie toaaltfal fWaJ afrta(a aM fw ikti a areiaa toa aa 4 '.; ar kar if Bi4 tonatNkMl U tto af aar j kwtkiMa U aad toatv,. r:44 U laa Mat W 11 J J AM TU .U It. aVto ara. lata.'. aa4 toac 11 ' - VSa TfTto f.'w 47" af atlafto4 patrato r.aa.a4 a- k VJLr af 1, aUaiH . tt.,arl h-ba-IW. tokaa. III rV.y ra.k H ttt; V.'lto til. Tbtr4 trt. a r M aafolaaat aaaalr. rw Tkio la II ota toUw I rf" V toraaty aaada by Ika aoat rector I Daa atowiac taada by tka rlaal I Ttokary fag Wrmak Wrmii'i ruf fiws , . -a aaoinar iiory al Paodlo- laa at tka Twta Slala guaday School cmntl mday wban raaolutloeta latrodtead aaaiaiBlng tha movant nt wera paaaad aenldat load acclaim aad wllboul a dlaaaatiag Tata. Wa mmSX kalr aim retail al v. m - -- - - - - rata inn w iT.a . ik ..4 tK-lwholeaal arte for I pound bad from . i.Zi..iin. ..M.aa aara ibaa 'T Wa raaorata MkatlraeBaa . . , ' land ratura ibam tha aara day. Port Tka Olatto Wa kfaka for yoa will ba n ge4 foran. no matter whera yoa ro. bacaaae tbey will to anada by Joorner maa latlont If w cannot ai yon ult for lb aam money you would pay lawbr. w don't aak for your order. The raaaon for tbla la wa ar off lh high raat trt and kar four depart ment ta divide our eipoaae. via, men' taitorlag. ladleaf tailoring, men's fur- ni.ti I. . .Aiwta .ut anil Aru Ing drpartmaat. W bar an xpari- , Tm Ukrary Mmtmm Th lat slory aocad tnaa manager of each department, ho"' a cantral Ukrary or thla aaa ao yxnt ar aaaurad of first claaa work. " "J;1 "fW on VVdnady after Call la lomerrvw aad ha yaar meaa- May I. at 4 o clock. There will ba ure taken, ao w raa bare your ault pwil May day atory with May pola flnlahad for tha Roaa Show Unique kiwi way oaaaeta ror tn chlldran Tailoring- Oo III Stark, between rifth and Bisth straata. - Ud Carted Hair faetary. It UiUier, proprietor. Ill-Ill Front street Mala 474. A-III. Jbadga ka Arkaad Cha raa. Canton Portland. No. I. r. M, drtment of Oregon. I- U. O r, will attend Cen tenary M. IV church thla evening. Rev. I It Trtmbl will preach a aennon on tba cond degrea of lova In Odd Fvl-lowenip. Pro po aad OarUaa Bitaga Bktkaatasaa Hrkft it Oaaafkng TTvaaafa Baggaga checked al paar toaa direct la aeattnatlaav Oaaraa vie algkt or day. Tmmm MaU , A-lllt e bvt wkl ta saara. Ikay kaak kacfe ta II I prwva lto Pa la ad a ika vary af i me tolal br tall waa yotfactly eaaakla mt it oa4 a.r- I geveraiaaat Xr. Oaatfg Bakaavrketa, agelaaira sa il clan. Kyaa asaanlaad. gtaaaes fltlag. no draga aaad. aattaraotta) goaraalaad. Ill Tk'rd straai. aaar Taylor. . - e Where to Dine. Tarkav aad rklrkea snaaar al lass Cavtvrta. Ill rtfU atrwat rrtaag) for I1ifr. Ckkaga, AHU H k 4 Ur a4 "gaalWtaaa af . to U4 tik Ma riaxaaaa llt iU'tt P 4 alt aatoito al ka4 to tor la to. ia4ga BWUr. ka paaaiag MlaA, LJrniK f Ul'kULn -NEW LOCATION1 DR. SWAIN -Tkia aaaa la mmtmrn itot'h' T toraadar .to gw ix. i4 a saMalgkl Ika kigkvays al aigkt aa4 oitk a ra. alvar a4 kakaa mp ia Its aagkl ka to la k aa4 I will atoleavr klaa ka als aaaaitka la Ik kaaaa af owi raat laa." r. l'alvrilr af Pa. A Ui mm Itoi I Aa Ito toa fr ike lri ar : i rea'a s.ta aa- t-attiatMi iviwii . in " ' iMltl I ailaatNk. 441 aarkkwae HU, Mssxlkaata' Toaaa Wlaa. Tto Marvkaala Aavtag A Tntat aaea aay team 4fla4 lb ftaas 111 Paik a laa y a acae ar t ta per gamea witk Ik wlaaara pfcaaa Ika Merskaats toak Ckaaaa stack akavl 1144. proMla laal yea liMa. Oaly star la tae tiy; fosrtk yaar la biaaa. Ko Ulna a. V-Ill, Journal. Waabeagal and way landings, dally as- aaal Caaday. tavaa aVaakia1asi atraat dock al I p. sa. o T. X. Jkaaak A Oss, the plaaaar paiat roenpaey. window glee, g laa lng. Pkoaa Mala ill. A-7III 111 PI rat. far! It MUataw BUaa from PI rat aad Alder streets to Oeka rink; akatjag af- ttrnooa sad evening. e Xatal Maara, laa at da. Oragoet. dlraet ly overlooklag tba araaa. Opaa ail year steam baat PslBleas OklraaAfirk Dr. V. 8. O. snd Mrs. ristchar, over Ha sal wood. Mala IT1I IP. A. WIb and asaoctataa, palalaa dentist. Third aad Washington. " Journal Want Ada bring result. , Cine Lett by wight Prowler A bloody sock and two blood stained handkerchiefs were found Friday even ing by Sergeant Lyona -under East Twelfth street bridge and ara believed to ba a further cluo to tha man with -whom Patrolman Bender had tba fight several mornings ago. It was under this vlsduct that a pair of trousers with a bul let holo near the bottom of the leg, and soaked with blood, was found yester day.- Th two handkerchiefs have been identified as the property Of a Greek whose clothes were stolen from a sec tion house in Sullivan's gulch tha day after Bender s right. Indian Bantsnoed to 18 Months Baldwin Falrchlld, member of tha Biletk Indian tribe, was given a ' sen tence of IS months in the federal peni tentiary at McNeil's Island by Judge Nwuivenun in iruorai court yesterday morning- for introducing liquor onto the reservation? This Is one of the. most ever penaltie Inflicted -on a convic tion of this nature for some time. Fair child will be taken to the penitentiary at once. . Old Bailor to Be BpaJtr Captain R. D. Thompson of Eugene, who spent 40 years as a sailor, will be the cpeaker mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,mmmmmm Sterling Silver Flatware for the Home Beautiful The nice new patterns in com plete selection, are always here. Persons wanting, anything from a small piece to 'a complete service will always find our vv uiuic lui-aiiy u cm ana. V Our engraving and boxing' always in harmony with ,' the most particular selection. - Inspect" our patterns and prices before you decide buying elsewhere. i G. Heitkemper Co.- Diamond Dealer and Jeweler. YE ON BLDG I3t 5TH ' ST, . 'Old ia Portland. . ' new in Location. ; ' ' rerssd Bay a sTlaaw ta Taab Becauae Joshua P. lUhn made his wife aleep In a tent on I hair ranch near Mad raa, aha started salt In the circuit oourt yester day for a dlvoroa. Mra. Hahn chargas thla In her complaint aa ona of the cruelties placad upon her. They ware married In 1101 at Kanaaa City. Kate Burback started suit for a divorce from 9acob tlurbark on tha ground of cruelty. She charges he made home life ao un bearable that aha had to leave Mm. Thsy war married In November, 1114, fn Portland. He Is employed by tba Parellu Manufacturing company. Vaw Oag rtttares aad Partner Hera la a boo a to tba houaawlf who oooka with gee tn fact to all who burn gaa for any purpoae. A perfect fllterer and purifier, cleansing gas of Its sulphurous odors and srrecta. so it win not poison tha atmosphere. Injuring health, bird I or nlant life, or tarnlah rooking utenalla. i la being marketed at 171 Hawthorne avenue. Trading- physicians heartily In dorse It. declaring the Invention will put an end to the thousands of "gas heed- aches" continually complained of. Tele phone East 1271. QUI Badly Injured. Pearl B. Dob- aon. II veers old. met with a painrui and serious accident at her home, S69 Fifth street, last Tuesday when shs tripped and fell through a heavy plate glass door. One nana was pariiauy aavered. the glass cutting an artery and all of the tendons, the other hand badly cut and a deep cash wag cut In her forehead. She was rusnea at ones to the Good Samaritan hospital where three surgeons attended her. She has returned to her home, but the injuries may necessitate another operation. Zadiaa Pound. Onlltr Jack Palmer, indicted Jointly with Finley Wilson for Introducing liquor on the Kiamatn In dian reservation, was found guilty in 10 minutes by a Jury in tne leaerai court yesterday afternoon, on- four counts. H will be sentenced tomor row by Federal Judge Wolverton. Both are Indians, and Wilson was acquitted of the charge, as the evidence showed that Palmer brought the liquor on the reservation and Wilson was given a drink and handed It to another Indian. 4 Wants sjeraa Tears' Waff Suit to collect salary as housemaid for the last seven years was started yesterday in the circuit oourt by Louisa Freder- lch against Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Natscher. The plaintiff alleges she be gan working for ' the defendants April 1, 1904, and was to have received 110 a month for her services. - This work ter minated February 1, 191JV for which a I bill of 1700 was presented. Failure to pay the bill brought on the suit to de termine tha amount due taa girl. fThe Story of a Modern Laundry and Service Its ! Death of Jfldward OiUlran The fun- . ral of Edward Gllllgan, who died Fii ' day, April 19, in this city, took place 1 yesterday In Wichita, Kansas, from 8t Paul's church, to which place the re- 1 mains were accompanied by his father. He left a father and mother,. Air. and Mrs. Patrick Qilllgan, and five sisters, , Mrs. Edward Spangenberger, Miss I 1 Katie Gllllgan, Miss Ida Gllllgan and I Miss Annie Gllllgan of Wichita, Kan- ! sas, and Mrs. William J. Younger of Portland. Ben X,ays Konstsr Bg-g-s W. P. Deen, who owns a- three acre tract at 8 yea- I ' more station, on the O. W. P. division, has a Black Minorca hen that has laid , several extraordinarily large eggs. Two of the eeKS recently ,lald were brought to The Journal .this morning. One weighs 4 ounces f.nd measures eight I inches in circumierence one way ana seven inches the other.- The other egg-l is a trifle smaller. Keatur of Alomat Aasootation The first regular meeting of the Portland Lincoln High School Alumni association, which was recently "organlxed, will be , held in tha assembly hall - of Llncolg nign on 'luesaay evening, aaay T, at o'clock. All graduates of this high school, formerly known as the Portland and 'West Sido High school, are re quested to be present at this meeting-. This is the last chance to-a-lgn up as a charter member. - . . . To B ; WTOsperous, you must look prosperous; have us press your, clothes for 11.60 a month. - Mention- this ad and get tha 1st month free. Main 114, Vk-4114. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Start No. 5 Ironing: Collars The ironing of i coKar is one of the most exacting processes in a modern laundry. Here the collar is not merely ironed it is shaped to "hug" the neck. The Troy laundered collar looks well, fits well and lasts weM. It looks well for the steam heated appliances give it a soft, smooth, pliable finish. It fits well for it if shaped to fit the neck and it lasts well for the scientific methods of the modern laundry absolutely save the collar. After being starched and thoroughly dried, the collars are dampened and placed In a steam press, which prevents the formation of blis ters and spots and distributes the moisture evenly over the whole collar. After 30 minutes in the press the collars are taken out and are now, ready for the Ironing Machine. The Collar Ironing Machine consists of two large steam heated dampentr cylinders, over which revolve six rolls, covered with the finest wool felt, to give the collars that evenly smooth finish. The collars are fed between the cylinders and the rolls and come out, ironed and dried, on a large receiving table, ready for the differ ent shaping devices. , The collars are now fed through the Edging Machine, which irons the collars absolutely smooth on the top inside edge. The man who had his cpllars laundered in the average laundry and had to wear them with a rough, file-like, edge, will appreciate this insurance of his com fort. The edges smooth, the collars are ready for the Shaper. First the turned-down collars are sorted and the seams dampened, to prevent ' cracking or breaking. The Seam Dampener dampens both sides of the seam with marvelous accuracy, 'following the crescent. shaped seam. The collars are then shaped by " the Shaper which gives them a semi-circular form and re tains the original shape of the collar. The top edge is now ironed by hand to give It a smooth finish and the collar is ready to be inspect ed, wrapped and delivered. The wing collars have their tips morded into position by a Steam Heated Tipper, producing a perfect wing collar. Over 15,000 collars a week, speak for the care ful and i satisfaction-bringing methods of the modern raundry the Troy Laundry. Perfect results mark the scientific methods of the Troy Laundry and the satisfaction of wearing a com' fortable, well-fitting and uninjured collar more than repays for the additional effort and ex pense in obtaining these results. . . , The ironing and folding ot shirts will be the topic oi otory ito, o. THE NEW w E D D I N G G I F T S Sterling Silver Deposit Ware JUST ARRIVED rh from th factory a lirr rWctioa of Sterling Silver Dp"t Ware JUST THE THING FOR WEDDINO PRESENTS, braut.ful, otrful and still incentive. LEMON SETS, with Slerlinc'Fork, M OO, BJ.&O, 2.T CHEESE AND CRACKER SETS SUOAR AND CREAM, per set SHERBET CUPS, set of sia SANDWICH PLATES tS.OO. T.M, SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS, per set. J.OO f 1.80 S.OO S.OO 91.50 WATER AND LEMONADE PITCHER M.15 to 98.SO CANDLESTICKS, each ..0O Ws Hake a ! Try mt We441aT OtTks 1aiHsT , BUrse, kernels riate-n4 We. WASHINO PATTERN, ia single pieces or complete chests. A large assortment of pieces to choo44 from. JAEGER BROS. The Largs Jewelry Store. 266 Morrison St, Bet. 3d and 4th New Thonght Craze Take the Veritas Mtrm iin and Rctu) lU Merits and ProgTeuion . Kaw tkaught Is advaaelng at A lrBc4Mta rale tba day a I. ra ar ataa4lag aa tka threshold af a avew air leading. Am Ikaaa aev Ikoasahi aMbuita are mm trvasly ola4 t-lhr for lha kiaker BroaralB af lire that ttr ar liaraaslBg apaa I h mlada a4 wills af tka paofiU, that strkaeee uaa ba otmwo ertihovt IHa aa mt 4ruga ar epar iiwi. inr sra proving inie eav by 4r- Tl.ejr also auggaat that eaa alt have paar and bar moer here through uadrlaadlnf Ood a aatural la mm. Thay woa't allow avll thoughta to enter their mleda This la what eaa raadily Mndervtaada b reading tha "V art tar' Health and kurovma Magax tine A aaanale pr Is aaat fraa ta any eddraea. Tbl magaalna In eirurta that If one will lt la the elletire and follow th ruW titer-, la thai great aad laatlna benefit In health. pae and proeperttr raa mm derived. Aa they belle that aa Jaau ssld: "Whatsoever ye pray and aak for believing that re have It It will be gtvaa unta Ibaa" To these who call, at tka baadqasrtars. III 14th str -at, Cenw trmj bids. wlU ba (Iron fraa roiaa and ronaultatlon la alwars frea en Health and how ta gat well through tha Varllae Bjrsleca. ef be I log without drug a. - ratralaiaa to Vnotlea Kkooting---A re volver ransre, built on the regulation scale, has been erected In the basement . Ill BH "... 4 b'"'''' J, 1 " "sBMsBBa. v " ' Phone ' Or East 33 . ... ' .,v z B-illS . . - - , -: . . ;" - - -- , Factory "CLOSE our Patterns V3 off but as good as erer. "Roll Top, Flat Top and Typewriter Desks, in birch, mahogany, golden and weathered oak finish. Nearly all sizes and styles. Flat Top, 42x30 inches, regular $20, now $13.75 Flat Top, 60x31 inches, regular $39, now $26.00 Roll Top, 48x30 inches, regular $23, now $21.00 JloII Top, 50x30Vx inches, regular $38, now $26.00 Roll Top, 54x30 inches, regular $41, now $27.50 Roll Top, 54x30 inches, regular $52, now $39.00 Roll Top, 50x35 inches, regular $60, now $40.00 Typewriter, 39x30 ins., regular $33, now $22.00 And niany others. Our new, highly improved line of THE FAMOUS CUTLER SOLID DESKS now on display is the . acme of desk perfection and beauty?' Dust and ver min proof; too. Full steel covered underneath pedestal. "Everything for the Office" KILHAM MtTco Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printer, Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders Fifth & Oak St. Garner Fifth and Oak Streets A Veteran Railroad Man Embarked In Business ' OOXh B. Im XOUITOaT A nsw hotel has bean opened on Plxth and Everett streets by Dave X Kawstoa. Tha building haa lust bean completed, Is built of pressed brick, haa every appliance for safety, contains 141 room a, and is one of tha moat impos ing structures on North Sixth street. It Is thoroughly modern in every- respect. First Class Location for a Restaurant Reasonable rent and long lea as to right arty; adjoins tne ' ioddv or tne new lotnl Houston. Sixth and Everett. Call at hotel office or C. K. Henry, Henry building. ., Tested and found sat isfactory ' The general verdict in a . i ! -Sara to oituntnic paying,' in thriving -;.-At . t-..i ul .. ciiies inruuKiiuui uic - country. Insist on bitulithic.v T t 1.- HOTEL MULTNOMAH S1?SJ5f llf m PI In site, appointments, service and fireproof quality of the building the leading- h o t e 1 tn Portland, the Multnomah, offers to the discriminating- traveler everv comfort and convenience found only In the best hotels of the east Nine stories of steel and concrete, with 725 room a and suites palatlally furnished. -with rates from $1.69 to $ 6 per day. European plan. Motor .'busses meet all trains and steamers. S. a lOtmu, Kanager. 9.. x. BmowsrsJUt Asst. Kg-i. As -Cap -So The New Headache REl EDY That Gives Relief. Portland Hotel Pharmacy Frederick C Forbes Co. - Salesmanager Wanted One who can produce results in the sale of a million dollars' worth of high-class resident real estate. Write your qualifications and appoint ment will be arranged. Address N-103, JournaL 7 Al Malston - . . . '"'' i '.-- Vow opaa for business at SS7 Stark st, TIBST CLAM SSOS BSrAZKZJfO And custom shoe making-. ' Formerly wlth'W. . Fullam. and or tba last two years with J. Sob wind. ... h Rifth Grad CmineWleJ and PWtrli rtk Bast avarett Its at a mil jB-aii. Oregon Ifumnne . Office Cl'v Hail, y.x'n I Humana ttjirr t ' Ks!inra 24. K. ; fToi"4 m r i -r. V'r!'f 1 A ' - - i . :-.' A.