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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1912)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY , HORNING. JANUARY ,. 21, 1012. U TRADE COIIDIIIIS nnrrn in 1 nm r : uli ilii nu n hull Rodney W.McKinnori, Partner in New York Stock; Brok : 1 yerage House, Smiles. - , J By R.W. McKlnnon. :', (Partner of Logan & Bryan,' Now York ana Chicago, wno is visiting m jcuri. The outlook for general business is better. Tne near approacn i m po litical convention will doubtless tend toward conservatism in. all llnea, but the spirit of unrest heretofore associated with a ' presidential campaign will be lea in eivdence, proviaea censer vsuve leaders-are named. - A reduction in the tariff Is not only expected but desired by th people In general. Business men are making plans ' accordingly, and. with the nominations out of the way, I look for a continuance f of the betterment now under way. While It is true steel prices are low, the consumption is large. 'Mills are busy and thousands of men are regular ly employed. Copper metal is In good demand and at the highest price estab lished In about four years. The acreage of winter wheat Is large . and the condition, as reported on Decem ber 1, Indicated a crop of about 600, 000,000 bushels. The price of corn and oats la sufficiently high -to warrant a liberal Increase In the acreage of these 1mnnrtnnt t neresls. : With - seasonable - weather there will be ample tonnage for. the carriers. : . Banking conditions are sound, and the country, taken as a whole, appears to be in better condition than for some - time. ' The security market has a healthy ap pearance, ' . ' Give us conservative leaders and av erage crops and there will be business enough, for everyone. Range of New Tork prices furnished oy overDecK cooKe jo. " Description Open Hlghi Low Sid Amal. Con. Co. 65 65 Am. C.f A F c. Am. Can,, c. . do' ofd.' 53 124 63 12 92 46 02 Am. Cotton Oil, c 47 Am. ixh)o., c. Am. Smelt, c do pf d. 73 76 "35 ios' 106 68 78 231 19 'i Aha. Mining Co.. Am. 'Woolen, c. 35 Atchison, c, do nfd. . , 106 Bait. & Ohio. c. . . 106 Beet Suarar 68 78 B. Rapid Trans.. Canadian Pac. c. 231 Cent. leather, c. 19 do via.: . . . C. & O, W., c do Dfd. . . . 184 C, M. & St. Paul 108 108 108 141 71 44 Chi. & r. w., c. . Colo. So., c . . . . . do second pfd. do first pfd. . . Cons. -Gas Corn Prod., c. . . do -pfd Del. & Hud D. & Itio G., c. do pfd Erie, c do second pfd. do first pfd. Gen. Electrie . . . 141 V4 141 '71$' 44 65 76 72 7Z 44 44 12 142 142 141 11 78 172 a a 62 -159 41 'J, 173 173 172 21 44 31 21 45 31 22 45 81 62 40 62 42 52 40 Gt. No. ore lands! Gt. no., pra.... Ice Securities .. 111. Central Inter. Harv. Inter. Metrop., c do nfd Lehigh Valley . . K. C. Southern . I & N Mex. Natl. 2d... M., 8. P. & 8.aM. M.. K. & T c... do nfd Mo. Pacific .... Natl. Lead . Nev. Cons N. Y. Central . . N, Y., Ont, &. W. Norf. & W., c... No. American . . No. Pacific, o. . . . P. M. 8. S. Co.... Penn. Railway .. F. G., U A C. Co. P. Steel Car, c... do pfd. ...... Reading-, c , ,. , . do 2d pfd. ... do 1st pfd. . . . Rep. I.- & R, C. . do pfd Rock Island, c . do pfd 8. L. & S. F. 2p. do 1st nfd.'... 1294 129 129 129 18 141 108 140 140 17 56 166 27 163 35 133 28 167 28 111 TV, 36 183 , 28 63 40 53 19 40 64 19 40 63 19 19 108 108 108 lfli 88 109 76 118 109U 109 109 78 76 76 118 118 33 33 30 31 128 123 106 123jl2S 105 105T10S 32 156 91 26 85 41 28 St L. & 8. W., c; no rin. Root Pacific, c... 110 110 110 go. Railway, c . do pfd Yexas A Pacific. 28 28 28 22 13 22 14 34 22 13 33 T., 8t. U & W., c. do pra Union Pao.. do pfd V. 8. Rubber, c do pfd. U. B. St. Co. e... do pfd Utah Copper ... Va, Chemical ... Wabash, c. do pfd. ... ... . W. tl. Tel. .... . West. Electric .. 38 168 92 169 168 92 92 67 111 56 542 7 19 85 73 67 67 111 111 57 54 7 19 85 73 66 64 7 Wise. Cent., c Total sales for day, 389,400 shares. WEEK'S LIVESTOCK TRADE SHOWS BIG INCREASE IN RUNS - ' (Continued from preceding page.) STEERS. AverageLbs. Price. 100 1242 J8.35 CO k t 1282 6.15 4 ...i (.. (.. 1062 -6.00 '9 .....................1162 6.00 11 ...1024 5.75 26 .;. S ......1840 ' 6.75 46 1114 6.70 fl. . .1341 ., 5.66 23 ... . .. , ..... .1158 6.60 25 ............... i . ... ,10S9 5.60 29 1050 ' 6.40 8 . . . 992 6.40 CALVES. , 16 calves 426 ' S5.7 ,1 calf ................ 410 6.00 ' . 1 BULLS i. 1 bull- 1820 14.76 1 W..1 1 r n n : a. :i uuu tijonu f.iD 1 bull 1680 4.50 1 bull ,...1240 - - 4.26 1 bull , .1370 4.00 17 bulls .........1395 3.90 3 bulls 1703 3.60 1 bull : .1210 3.76 2 bulls ....1370 i 3.60 -2 bulls . ,.1330 . 3.60 1 bull ....... ... t .. .1310 8.60 HCOS. , i 60 hogs 214' 16.96 77 hogs 200 .1 6.95 10 hogs . 307 6.60 30 ho rs S41 ,:- 6.00 91 hogs ..172 6.85 77 hogs ' .-. 187 6.76 44 hogs .,199 .76 ' : , T ..,'.,........., .'.t. D.IS - 11 hogs ,...322 " 6.00 10 hOKS - ,.'..'" ' 6.00 1 stag ....410 6.60 Sold for Tacoma delivery; freight paid. - , STEERS. Av. lbs. Trice. 4 steers,. ..;..,.... ,.1212 $6.25 63 steers . ,,. ...1230 6.16 28 steers ............ ,.1118 6.90 Steers 1222 6.90 steer 960 - 5.75 , 1 ster ,..,. '.,1110 6.60 I steers D58 I , 6.60 COWS. 16 cows 914 $515 27 cows ... 950 '. 4.80 ALL GRAIN TRADING SHOWS STRENGTH Chicago , Market Stows . Con tinuation of Bull Movement v -in Wheat Trade-" (Doited Pnws Leanid Wlr,l ; Chioago, Jan. BO.- All grain markets were firm today and grew iw strength ss the market progressed, The close was the highest of a bull campaign that has been in progress for more than three weeks. The strength In the wheat mar ket was due to reoorts from day to day of diminishing quantities in pri mary western market receipts, substan tial decreases in the visible supply and the gradual elimination of the Argentine oron as an Incentive to short selling.' The net gain for the week in May wheat was c, and in the July crop c. The market for corn has been growing stronger for 10 days. Weather condi tions making marketing difficult, to gether with increasing eastern demand nave caused substantial increases, giv ing the shorts no opportunity , for ac tion. The net tains for the week In May and July corn respectively were c and lc. Although the ' week's operations In oats were of smaller volume than in the other cereals, this market followed the tone of corn and wheat "The bullish tendency predominated through the week although sellers maneged to ham mer' the price at Intervals. The ret gains for the week in oats were o for and July. Operations in provisions, were disap pointing from the bull standpoint. Con ditions In the hog market caused selling among holders of provision stocks and today's prices show material declines from those a -week ago. -Range of Chicago nrlces furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co WHEAT. Open, High. Low. . Close. May .;....100 100 100 100A July 95 95 94 95 Sep. . 93 93 93 93 . . CORN. Mayf ...... 66 " 66 66 66B July 66 66 66 66B Sept 66 66 66 66A OATS. May 49 49 49 49 July 46 46 45 46 Sept 40 40 40 40 . PORK. Jan 1550 May ...... 1617 1620 .1605, 1610 July 1635 1635 ' 1626 1629 LARD. Jan 910 912 907 907 May 935 940 932 932 July 947 950 945 917A RIBS. May 870 872 865 865 July ...... 875 875 870 870A 2 cows .1305 4.25 CALVES. --,! calf WifiMi i .'.-vvr-lSO- -fv00 BULLS. 1 bull 1280 14.60 HOGS 70 hogs 210 $7.05 45 hogs 205 6.7B 54 hogs 204 6.75 65 hogs 318 6.36 25 hogs 177 6.15 12 hogs 339 6.15 6 hogs 379 6.00 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 13 lambs 112 $5.00 2 lambs i 125 4.26 Thursday Livestock Market. STEERS. Av. Lbs. Price. 60 steers 1173 $5.90 9 steers 1048 5.75 1 steers , 910 4.50 COWS. 1 cow ,. 1330 $5.50 12 cows ,. 1018 6.16 3 cows 1030 4.50 BULLS. 1 bull 1600 $4.76 HOGS. 100 hog 198 $6.75 106 hogs 174 6.75 81 hogs 245 6.60 1 hog 340 6.00 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 245 ewes 109 $4.10 237 ewes 96 3.75 Saturday's livestock Trade. STEERS. Average Lbs. Price. 6 1212 $6.20 3 1150 6.00 27 1157 6.96 HOGS. 92 205 $6.75 82 .... 220 8.70 97 195 6.70 212 222 6.70 78 162 6.60 67 108 6.00 1 ..v 460 6.00 S 385 6.00 1 350 5.60 HEIFERS. w 1 1010 $6.25 BULLS. 5 ....1432 $3.60 1 1420 3.25 STOCK WINTERS WELL Conditions in Idaho Reported Excel lent; Feeding to Be Brief. Lewlston, Idaho, Jan. 20. Advices re ceived from the stock ranges are to the effect that all livestock has wintered well and that the feeding period will be unusually brief. The mild winters for the past three years have allowed the stockmen to accumulate large quantities of hay at the winter camps and the feeding this year will consume little more than the crop of three years ago. Stockmen report that the loss from rolling on the steep canyon sides will be very light this season as the feed has been abundant on the low hills where tho danger. of accident to cattle and horses is very slight MEN AND WOMEN We positively cure acute and ehronlo dis eases whTv others fail. Wearetheonly specialists in Jfort land w h o combine careful and palns- iHKing aiagnosis witn modern and scientific methods of treatment. Blood Diseases 'treated with the New German Dis covery, the scientific achievement of the cen tury, combined with tonic treatment which insures a permanent and lasting cure. This remedy, the latest discovery of Professor Paul Ehrlioh, of Germany, effects a speedy cure and does away with the old time method of doctoring for jfrom three to five years. V "RHEUMATISM : Yllir imllthrirlsl nf iAatlns V1 iflsae.a are entirely new and we g-uttrantee 'to viuivr wliij vm ui rrivfUTiiRiiSTTtv uruuKlll 4A Alt- n44liA. rkHAMl. 4ntt i deformlttea and contractures cured in a sumi KHujy , nnon ume ny our Moarn Absorption Method. . . ' ASTHMA ., We will refund the cost of treatment to any patient suffering from Asthma to whom we cannot grant permanent Te ller. , - Our offices are open from Sam. tilt 8 p. m. If you cannot call, write for diagnosis chart. Remedies sent by express to all parts of the world. . Free consultation and advice. MODERN SPECIALISTS l-irst and Alder Streets, Portland. Or. Xiocal and Long nistsnee Main 4483, AStUSVS Ml JLJUAMip BIBIEI T TOTALS 330 CARS Greatest Holdings Are in Ore; , gon; Growers Advance Price to $2 Cental. 4 4 4 4 e Onions left on Coast. .1' ' - Cars, Oregon ..,.;, 172 California 13$ Washington ............... 25 Total' ,.,. ,.,.... 880 e 4 By Ilyman H. Cohen. ' A total of 230 cars of onions remain in all hands on the Paciflo coast at this time. This amount comprises the stocks in the hands of both grower and dealer in California, Oregon and Washington. The greatest holdings are in Oregon, where 172 cars are field by growers. Practically none are In the hands of speculators. Washington has the small est amount available, 25 cars being the total stocks. Of these, 10 cars are held at North Yakima and the rest are scat tered throughout the Evergreen . state. California has 138 cars in all hands. The holdings In California are- divided principally - between Adolph Lehman of Lompoc, Dunbar-Hanson company of San Francisco, and jones-'Pettigrew of the same city. The greatest holdings are retained by Lehman, who almost has a oorner on California's supplies at this time. Practically all of the onions held there are in cold storage. The price of onions was advanced 26c per cental by local growers yesterday. At. the- meeting of the Confederated Onion Growers' association the mini mum price was advanced to $3 per cen tal, f. o. b. country points. During the week 15 cars were sold at $1.75 per cental.- Sales were made principally to California points. Growers say they are now able to sore their onions properly because1 the non-keeping stock Is plainly visible. The work of resorting is now going forward. Owing to the small holdings of onions on the coast and with the greatest de mand it is expected that a further sharp Dr.T.tJ.FMerce Kooms 8 and 3 045 W Mor rison Street. Electric, Chiropractic, Vi bratory and Massage Treat ments. Cures Rheumatism, Sciatica, Nervous Debility, Special Weakness, Female Trouoies, Skin and Scalp and Disorders of the Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. 40 years' experience. Expert advice, we Sont Experiment -We Cure, Pay when cured. - Call or write. Ex amination free. Hours 9 a. m, to 8 p. n. -Sundays- 16 -to -18 m. ' ' " " I Cure Men Quickly I am making men well and whole. I am doing what no other specialist can do for men. When all oth ers tall I cure, be cause my practice has been wider, my experience more var ied, because my knowledge is more perfect. What I am doing for others I will do for you. - XT BPECIAXiTTEl AXE Werrons Debility, Blood Ailments, Piles, Varicose Veins, Kupturs, Kid ney, Bladder and all ailments pecul iar to men. Do not let money mat ters keep you away, as my charges are so low as to he within the reach of all. OOOD HONEST WOBX and a S QUAKE SBAZi is what you want Consultation and examination free. Call now or write. DR. LINDSAY The Old Bailable Specialist Corner Alder- and Second streets. Entrance 128 Second street. Port land, Or. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. TEB ' DR.GREEN BIBTSOD XBABS CERTAIN CURE TKB SPBCZAXOST WHO OtTBSS It matters not what your ailment is, nor who has treated it, If it la curable I will give you immediate benefit and a quick and lasting cure. Do not allow money matters to keep you from getting well. I chars nothing to prove my methods will cure you. My offer NO MONEY REQUIRED UNTIL. SATISFIED is your absolute protection. Consul tation, examination and diagnosis free and strictly private. I claim for my treatment noth'.hg "wonderful" or "secret" It is sim ply my successful- way of doing things. Ainimsn MEW. "before treating elsewhere, honestly investigate my proven methods. Ton will then under stand how easily and aniokly I onre all onrable eases of VABlOOSB VEINS and HTDJtOCEIfE without sever surg leal operation; UBETHBAX. OBBTBUO TIOBS. without cutting or burning; SPEOZPXO BLOOD POISOH without In furious drugs (808 skillfully adminis tered when preferred) ; BEBVO-VITAXi DEBILITY without ' stimulative reme dies; PBOSTATIO, BIiADDBM and BIDWET Troubles ! OOMTBAOTED dis orders) PU.BS, BE OT AI complaints and all ailments Of men. What you want Is a cure. Come to me and get it. Once under my treatment you will quickly realise how simple a thing It is to get well In the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, out life to years. I put new energy into worn out bodies. Office hours, dslly, t to 5; evenings, 7 to 8;. Sundays, 10 DR GREEN CO: j 363 -Washington St., Portland, ' Or. H KM advance will soon again be forced in quotations here. Speculators are .-said to retain but scant stocks at this time, growers bene fiting principally by the advances, Kansas city livestock - Kansas- City, Jan. 20. Hogs, 1000; market Bo lower. Cattle, 4000; market weak. Sheep, none; market steady. OMAHA HOGS AltE LOWER South Omaha, Neb.', Jan. 20. Cattle, 200: market steady. Hogs, 9500; market 10c lower at $5.9J 6.20. . : , , Sheep, none. I . ( '. . . - HOGS DROP IN CHICAGO , Chicago, Jan.v 20. Hogs, 19,000; cat tle. 2500: Sheep, 000. i Hogs are weak, to lower; left over, 100; receipts a year ago. 16,000; mixed, CHICHESTER'S PILLS WjCk ... THE BIAMOJtn HBUJfU. . a, hlkt-tirt VIUI..4 SmlAV Clltela H4 aaJ smmIUcVV ixnm, tmiti Uh BIim Klbbsa, V Tmkm Mkw, Hot f ymr V ir(irt. Aikfooiri-inVs-TEir BUMUNB BRAMB FILLS, fcr SSI mu known u Sot, BMt, Alwan Rtllable SOLD BY DSiiCQISTS Utt FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Cempeund Savin and Cotton Root PlUa. The best and only reliable remedy for DELAYED PERI ODS. Cure the most obstinste eaas In 1 ta 11 dirt Pries II per box, or three boxes Sold by druggists everywhere. Address T. J. riu-KUBi, koto i, ititt rnm at Portland On, , - Pa mb tmmw anion mrai kn sih timAaotie. llUa UraritniMksilk m rmMmpw . tu Thlt la easy ""? "te,m'w fxnew what f 5liaf mOmrn hv 1km mrtmptmmm We liaye Zmri tkeoiMlala for ywar with VlMk heller a4 ftel feU mftmr Srtto ifr swuik rklla reaaa Relieves CATARRH of the . BLADDER and all Discharges In 24HOUR3 uk ?) knth BMantf (MIDY1 tauHttrfttu. A STRAIGHT MpRl) tam ifltlr By C K. Holsman, M. I sm an expert specialist treating ail ments of men exclusively. I own my own office and equipment and publish my own photograph and personally sup ervise the treatment of all patients from the time they come to me until I dis charge th-m as cured. Although my time is fully occupied from early morn until late at night in looking after the wants of my patients, and in adminis tering my special treatment for Blood Poison, Varicose Veins and Hydrocele, I always take pleasure in consulting with new patients. In offering my services to the afflict ed the result of 18 years' experience in ailments of men I am giving you the BEST that can be had anywhere. My experience and reputation for the past 18 years can leave no douht as to my ability, honesty and integrity and should be sufficient to convince the most skeptical that I am the FORE MOST and LEADING) Specialist in Port land. I possess skill and experience ao puired In such a way that no other can share It and should not be classed with inexperienced doctors or specialists. A thorough investigation should be msde by every, ailing man as to thai specialist he consults. Duty and des tiny to self and those who depend upon vou demand the best medical attention. I have the ability and can give yon this service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee, so that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely desire to be cured. I make no misleading statements, false promises or unbusinesslike propositions. I would like to haVe you for a patient If you Will come to me on a strictly professional basis, accepting inducements that I offer, which are my ability, 18 years' successful ex perience, time saving treatment and cure of certain diseases. My Positive Cure for Weakness Every weak man Is eager to have his strength and vitality restored. It's man's greatest pride to BE A MAN, yet it is a scientific fact that few men need be weak. In nearly every ease lost vigor can be easily and quickly, overcome. There are many distinct local causes undermin ing man's vitality and these nerve racking ailments cannot go on for ever without producing serious or Ir reparable damage. With strength and ambition sapped, happiness and success are Impossible. My accurato and successful methods CURE AB SOLUTELY and PERMANENTLY every case of WEAKNESS I accept for treatment. I MAKE MEN STRONG. I find that as soon as the cause is corrected you act better, feel better, lock better and the rapid ity with which Vitality and strength are restored under my treatment will please and surprise you. I offer-you my services for a reasonable fee, with an absolute guarantee of honest treatment and permanent cure. BPECOTO BLOOD POXSOH In Its various forms and complica tions is a treacherous disease. You muBt conquer It or It will conquer you. Qld forms of treatment kept down symptoms, but rarely cured. The NEW GERMAN REMEDY "606" gives you a new lease on life. I was the first specialist on the coast to make use of this remedy and I be lieve I have had greater experience with It than all other specialists put together. The wonderful results I have obtained convince me that It Is the ONE ABSOLUTE and PERMA NENT CURE for every stage of blood poison. I Introduce it directly into the blood and In a few days you are completely -cured. My fee for the f proper administration of this remedy s lower than the lowest. BE SURB YOU GET THE GENUINE. I Treat All Ailment of Men, and Cure to Stay Cured I Offer Free Consultation and Advice I invite you to come to my office. 1 will explaln'to vou my treatment for Varicose Veins, HydroeeletHernla; Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, Piles, Fistula. Bladder, Kidney. Prostatlo and all Men's Diseases and give you FREE a physical examination; if necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions, to determine pathological and bacteriological condi tions. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. , A permanent cure Is what you want If you are suffering from any of th'e above) diseases, write to me Im mediately, giving me a description of your case in your own words. By re turn mail I will send. you absolutely free a diagnosis of your case and my best professional advice as to how to proceed in order to correct your trouble. My office Is open all day from I a. m. to 8 p. m. ; Sundays from 10 to 18. All correspondence treated confi dentially, i-ettera cheerfully an swered. DR. C K. HOLSMAN 221V2 Morrison Street 'f 'corner pint Street, , f , ' PORTLAND, OREGON I5.8O(0.4J; heavy, -Is.SOiftgOt rough, $5.B08.1O; light. 5.7&-80. . Cattle, weak. . Sheep, weak. . ' Improving Creamery. Cottage Grove, Or., Jan.' 20. A. mod ern pasteurising plant and several other improvements have been added by the Cottage Grove creamery. All cream re ceived hereafter will be pasteurized. -'Journal Want Ads bring results. ' Modern Methods I am positively the only specialist In Portland that publishes his own photograph, personally conducts and manages his own office and con sults with and treats all his own patients. I have more qualifications and experience than, any other spe cialist advertising in this city. ' Every man oalling at my office Is assured 'of my personal and individ ual . treatment until a cure Is ef fected, i My fees are one fourth that exacted by the various "medical companies," "Institutes" and "mu seums." Be sure to consult me be fore treating elsewhere. BBW OEBMAW DIBCOVXBT TOM BLOOD POISON $25 . x rTri.rn.ri mt nornis X AOOXPT MTO IKOVBABX.B CASUS Z Bever MOXJ) OUT VAX.SB KOFES Why treat with Incompetents when you can secure the expert services of a competent specialist? Come to ma if you have any of the following disorders:- Varioose Veins, Pimples, Bervons Debility, Be we, Blood and Skin Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood Poisons, Eruptions, tricars, apeoial Ailments, Piles or Pistols, to 5 T to 8 Bally; Sunday 10 to 1 Examination -Advice Tree, J.J. Keefe, Ph. G., M. D. . Booms 11-14 X.afayette Bldg. 313ft VTASHIlfOTOBf BT.H Cor. 6th 7 POBTItABX, OS. D., the Leading Specialist r - s OHABOE rOB CVBES OWLT. AXI008B VEIBB Many an unfortunate man Is ruined by improper treatment of this dis ease. I cure varicose veins dally by a painless and direct method with out detention from family or home. In such a satisfactory way that pain and swalllng ceases, healthy circula tion is reestablished and vigor re stored. I GUARANTEE YOU A RADICAL, CURE. XTDBOOELB Drawing off the fluid and Injecting carbolic acid. Iodine or other irritants are vicious methods, employed by most physicians and they rarely re sult In a cure. I guarantee a radical and PERMANENT CURE by a direct, positive ar.d painless method, without detention from family or home, IN ONE TREATMENT. BXDBBT ABD BXiADDEB DISEASES More complications and symptoms arise from diseases Of these organs than from any other ailment of man kind. Most all kidney and bladder troubles s.rlse either from dissipa tion or some improperly treated con tracted disorder, though injury or strain may produce the same result. The cause must first be determined and until that Is done no cure can be effected. I ABSOLUTELY and PERMANENTLY CURE these condi tions in every case I accept for treat ment. MT PROPESSIOBAXi PEES Every ailing man would like the opinion of an experienced, capable specialist and the best medical at tention, Many hesitate to consult a specialist either throjigh m,odesty or fear of high fees; others have no con fidence In their doctor becaus- he de mands pay in advance, and otheca lose confidence through unsuccessful treatment and-think there is no cure for them, to al,l. thesk i say, COME TO ME. You may depend upon it that vou will be restored to health and strength for a fee you will be sble and willing to pay. Health is capital at Interest and satisfied pa tients pay their doctor. STOV TB3S OOTTPOB- FOB VALTJA SXJi ZBTOBKATXOB PKJBX Please send me' free your self -examination blank "For Men." as I de sire to describe my case to you for the purpose of taking treatment If I decide you can cure me and your char. Is low enough to suit me. Nome '.. t Address I 41 TT tirei ""'"WtliMt.itC.jiAjwi 1 mi in in iiimJ SB. A. 0. . SJSXXTH, The leading Specialist. I am a registered and licensed physician, confining my special practice to the disorders of MEN. I nave more money invested in my establishment than all other Port land specialists combined and I will give $500 to any charity if I cannot show this is true. I publish my true pnotogreph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most' success ful and reliable, as medical creden tials and. press records prove. I make this statement so. that you will know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess expert skill and experience, acquired in such a way that no other can share. A thorough investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny . to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the abll ty and I can give you this service. I have always charged a very rea sonable fee, so that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely desires to be cured. I make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions; neither do I desire to be particularly inde pendent, and I would like to have you for a patient. If you will coma to me on a atrlctly professional basis, and the inducements that I offer, which are my ability and twenty years' successful experience, time-saving treatment and guaran tee of cure of certain ailments. To all men who are sick and In trouble; to the men who feel they have lost the energy of youth, end that the strength they ought to have has been sapped from them; to those who are. not sick enough to be abed, but feel they must use all their will- fower to force themselves . even to heir every-day tasks to all these I have a special message of hope and cheer. I can cure that lame nd ach ing back; I can restore the lustre to .t!rB.d!msc4-yt -i sj -ja!:; -.--vre-allre that the youth pf yesterday has not been burled In an age of several decades and that your pitiful- condi tion Is now due only to damaged health. This health can be restored if you will act now. Come today, or the stage of neglect may get Just past the etage that ia curable. WBITO3B OTABABTXB. Dr. Smith's written guarantee-means a cure or no pay for services; I guarantee to cure certain ailment or refund every dollar you have paid me for my services. My service cost yon nothing nnless I cure your Varicose Veins. . Hernia, Piles, Fistula,- Blood Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My term are reasonable and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benefit. Office hours a- m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 a.' m. to 1 p. m. DR. A. G. MyO ne Treatment Cures Bonest Treatment. Dont wast time "trying other doctor. , Oo to OBBOOIT MEDIOAt IBSTITUTB, . Specialists. Established SO Years. nrvo. - ii'riirivr who are gloomy I W IVIIE4I DISEASED, NERVOUS THIS IS THE WAY YOU FEEL There is usually a pain across the small of your back, blue rings under your eyes, specks before your eyes, your sleep does not rest you, you get up In the morning feeling tired, your mind at times wanders, your memory is poor, you are hollow-eyed, whites of your eye, are yellow, you are fearful, always expecting the worst to happen, very nervous, you start In your sleep and awake from a dream very much frightened; Sting ing pain in the breast, no appetite. v , If you hsve been unfortunate in selecting a doctor to treat you, or if you have not given yourself the attention which your disease demands, you know that every day you put the matter off you are getting worse and worse; you are mortified and ashamed of your position, among yodr fellow men. life doea- not possess the pleasures - for you it -did.- would you not give much to possess that ROBUST HEALTH, SOUND 4 NERVES and a CLEAR BRAIN that were yours before the ravages of disease at tacked your system? If you have this desire to be strong snd manly in a true sense of the word, call at my office at once, and I will take pleas ure In exDlalnlnir a treatment thai has restored hundreds of men in a much hwdrse condition than you are. . lir r l.:-. T euro this affliction without naln ne kntf ' flnronaaa UHlgcSMEU ftlHI Bwelllng and congestion of the dilated veins vanish ?ulckly. A healthy circulation of blood is reestablished and that old time eellng speedily returns. Avoid dangerous operation. I can give you the quickest and safest and surest cure known to medical science. t Ol-j Dn' nn If you have sore throat, mucous patches, pimples, ' cop Dluua JTOlSUu per colored eruptions, sores and ulcers, bone pains, fall ing hair or any symptoms of this disease in either primary, secondary or tertiary stages, consult me and be forever cured of it My treatment cleanses and eradicates every taint of poison and every Impurity from the blood and system. All danger at transmission or recurrence Is re moved. The taking of injurious minerals for yesrs never -cures. My treat ment is a specific, a certain antidote: you Improve from the very com mencement and are soon permanently cured, as proven by positive blood tests.- I WANT to emphasise the Importance of selecting the BEST' DOCTOR. COME to MB I will cure you in ONE TREATMENT by administering "The wonderful German Remedy" The greatest medical discovery of the age the results are Ilka magto. , ' 1 v , r , -. I ALSO CURE to stay cured Rupture. Hydrocele, Stricture, KIdnev, Blad der and Prostatic Ailments, Piles, Fistula and Rectal Affections, Rheums' tlsm, Catarrh, Eciema and all ' Chronic, Nervous Blood, Skin and all Dis eases of Men. tt . . us a full description of your symptoms and trouble, If unable to Write call. All dealings are confidential.' Expert Consultation Free, De lays are dangerous. Hours: 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 to 13. only. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 89114 KOBBISOB BT BETWEBX POUBTB ABD PXTTSC. POBTXABS, OB. Journal Want Ado arc re ly thousands of people cycryday lElrivelJays Varicoie Vein Nervous Debility Blood Poison Bo Detention ' prom ' 'coupatiou, Pamilr 01 Bome. NO SEVERE OPERATIONS, MAN V CA8ES PERMANKNTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING, MOST "NAT URAL, MOHT SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURB. J GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITB VOlTO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS, IB A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY JPRE PARED TO CURB BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST POTTIPPETV MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I invite you to come to ny office, I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins. Hernia. Nervous Debility. Bleed Poison, Piles, Fis tula. Bladder. Kidney, ProstatW, and all Men's Ailments, and, 1ve .you FREE a physical examination; if necessary, a rnloroscopical ; and chemical analysis of secretions, to determine pathological and bacter iological conditions. Kvery per son should . take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true con dition. A permanent euro la what you want. VABICOSB TBTB8 Impair vitality. I dally demoni strata that varicose veins can be cured In nearly all cases by one treatment, in such a satisfactory way that the vital parts- are pre served and strengthened,." pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation Is rapidly established in stead of the depressing conditions. I guarantee you a cuto to stay cured or refund the money. PXUBB ABD P1STUXJL. The sequelae of these afflictions are distressing, nervous reflexes and painful conditions. My treat ment and success are the result or years of experience. I cure you with out pain or detention from occupa tion. I give a written guarantee to cure piles and fistula. BIDBJBt ABD BlVaJDDSB AX&. " BCZBTS. With these ailments you may have more complications that are presented by any other ailing or gans. By my searching illumination of the bladder I determine accurate ly the aliment and by microscopical examination and urinalysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kid neys, thus laying foundations : for scientific treatment. VBBYOVS DEBILITY. Cerebro, where the mental force are impaired. Spinal, where the spinal centers are involved. VltaL where the sympathetic nervous sys tem and forces that govern the or gans are deranged by reflex effect of ailments. I treat these condition and all weaknesses induced by .ner vous complications and excesses and put you on the right track to health, restoring the conditions essential to your"? tre 'Mfand-l&apiesei PAH01TS OBBMAJT BEHIDY. I use famous-new- German spe. elfle for Blood Poison which cures completely. This wonderful remedy Is far ahead of old style mineral treatments. Call and let me explain it to you. . 234 Morrison Cor. pf Second Portland, Or. : SMITH For Weak, Diseased Men Cure, toStay Cured For 80 day I will heal and cure all Weak. hick, juiseasea ana utecouragea men ai a reduced tea This Is Just one-half my usual cnarge. 1 give you me same care aaa at tention a If you paid my regular' fee. You could receive no better service for 81000. If you could but talk to the many cured pa tients I am dismissing dally, you would re fuse to Buffer longer on the promise of othor doctor. Don't be a Weakling, a Failure, and your life a miserable existence. Why pay ex orbitant fee when I offer you better cura tive treatment for this low charge T I am a man of independent means; the curing of my Faltent Is mv first and only thought la this differ widely from grasping doctors w h o think only of their fee and car little for the welfare of their fellow men. Take ad vantage of this offer at once; don't wait till the last few days, when 1 the crowded condi tions of my office mayprevent you seeing m