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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1912)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY - 21, 1912 7 NKVVr TODAY. You Can't Do It You can't beat NATURAL RE , SOURCES for producing wealth. You can't deny POSITIVE FACTS. You can't stop emigration. You can't find another town in the WHOLE .' UNITED STATES that haa as many lirj jniin V 1 f eMMasSSB ' Oregon. You cant make MONEY 1 faster than by buying FIRST-CLASS CLOSE-IN property, when you can get it DIRECT from the OWNERS at first prices. You can't find a town in the world that has 250,000 acres r irrigated tanas, u,uuu,uuu,uuu icet ui yellow pine timber, 150,000 hydro electric f water Y Dower. 600.000 acres of best cereal and grazing lands, that , "did not MAKE a large CITY. BEND, Oregon, has ALL. the above and MORE. It has large quantities of PINE BUILDING STONE. It has an UNLIMITED super? of PUREST MOUNTAIN WATER. It has a CLIMATE where EXTREMES are unknown. BEND has TWO RAIL ROADS (Hill and Harriman) that commenced to operate their FIRST TRAINS Nov. 1st. 1911. BEND now has SEVEN LARGE STONE BUSI NESS BLOCKS,-being erected by men who investigated EVERY TOWN in Oregon before deciding on BEND. You can't AFFORD to WAIT until all the BEST BUYS are gone. We are selling HIGH-CLASS CLOSE-IN residence and business lots, 50x140, with 20-foot-allies and 80 and 60-foot streets, at $250 $250 Terms $10 Per Month You can't wait until NEXT WEEK and get as GOOD LOCATIONS as you can NOW. You can't afford to miss a LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY where the chances are so sure as they are at BEND. Our nroDertv is with in TWO BLOCKS OF THE UNION DEPOT. Write or call today for FREE Maps and Photos of BEND and Central Oregon. The NeWIon-Koller Go. Incorporated , 301 Buchanan BMg., Portland, Ore. Lake Zapatosa Logging Co. Capital $100,000.00 I his company 3 contract covers over 5 billion feet of hardwoods, at a contract price of $50.00 per thousand t. o. b. New York. The cost of logging in Oregon and Washington averages about $3.00 per thousand. ., My woodsman, with 20 years' ex perience back of mm, and after spend ing 162 days on this tract, estimates it will cost not to exceed $6.00 per thousand to log our holdings. For safety's sake, let us assume it 'cpsts three times as much, or $18.00 per thousand. . Logging P M $18.00 Raftin? 'established rateV. 3.50 Loading on ship (est. rate) 1.00 rreignt to x. (.est. rate) e.uu Total expense per M. . . .$28.50 Leaving a net profit of $21.50 FC4 m- v ' . ... Incredible as this may seem, it is ! true. Others are making these im mense profits, and so will we.- ' The whole thing depends on man- agement in the woods, and in this we are fortunate. Our manager is a man of wide experience, and well fitted for this task. We need more money for the pur , chas of equipment, and bo you have an opportunity to make the best in vestment of the age. ' Call and we will give you full de : tails. . DOUGLAS v 505 BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. MUST SELL HVm K.A ..1. . ...J' a I...... n Union Avenue and Emerson. Owner live out of the city and la forced to yell at a big- sacrifice. Will . take part in trad, but must have some,' cash.'-. , VOat FABTXCTTULRI 8 B Mall & Von Borstel 104 sxcoiro ST. ' , I XEW TODAY Stop Paying Kent Nowlf IS " 'Oct one of those now houses In.' y THAYER Or set a lot and build your own homo. The cheapest, close In, high class property Hi the city. Lob $550 & Up - Easy terms and special Inducements to builders. For particulars see THE LAWRENCE CO. i 848 AIDER BTMBT . Vancouver and Clarke County We offer several special buys- in Vancouver city p r o p e r t y and desirable acreage on easy terms Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Chamber of Commerce Vancouver Office Grand Theatre Block 16 Acres Onion Land Beaverdam Land Onions are $1.85 per sack You can raise 500 sacks per . ...acre, on ..this land Easy Terms The SPANT0N CO. Members Portland Realty Board 269 OAK STREET AN EXCELLENT WEST SIDE BUY We can sell you a fine double flat building on Porter street, compara tively new, in excellent condition, earning 8 net on the investment, with the contemplated bridge for South Portland being located in this district when built, this property will double up in value. Lot 40x100. Price $10,500 on liberal terms. The SHAW-fEAR CO Main 35 102 Fourth St. A-3500 100x100 Flat and Store Building WITH GOOD INCOME Thurman St, 20th and 21st $31,500. Half cash will handle. Pays over 10 per cent net. "Exclusive Agents" porr E. Keasey & Co. 2d floor, Cham, of Com. WATER FRONTAGE An Ideal factory Site We have 1200 feet in South Port land, average depth about 600 feet. This land has deep water running close to tne river Dank, which, in ad dition to the railroad bordering the west nne, oners unexcelled transpor tation. Price $75 per front foot The SHAW-fEAR CO. Main 35 102 Fourth St. ; A-3500 FINEST .VIEW ON WILLAMETTE Three and one fifth acres, fronts the river.. Ten minutes wane to Rupert sta tion. , Thirty foot solid rock bank. Fine loam soil. Under cultivation. Small groves of fir trees scattered over it. Anyone that has seen the Palisades on the Hudson will appreciate this. Price Forty-five Hundred. Three Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty cash, balance two years at 8 per cent interest. 0. FRED FISH B13-814 BelUneBldg emv Oregonian. Xambe Bsalty Board. FOR LEASE 8(09 square feet of front loft on 4th st, between Alder and Morrison,- $125 per month. This is Just the location for a printing or manufacturing establish ment .ryM:""'' 1 - .;., rt-'"'' DeYoung & Johnson ' 514 Chamber of Commtroe bldgr. Irvington Snap! New, modern eight room house, with attic, , four bedrooms, two sleeping porches, breakfast room snd den; lot 50x100: - hard surfaced street' Worth 17600. now 86400: $1000 down. and $40 per month. A real snap. See It Make an offer. I am leaving the city. 601 B. 26th at., near Thompson, Phone East 694S. NEW, TODAY FINE HOMES. djf n Cnn Elegant new residence, P 1 AjUUU strictly modern, two baths, sleeping- porch, garage; ' It Joins the finest homes In this cttyt on J2d t.. near Tillamook, 1 9 00 ' Corner 96x100, . with pl ijJJ3 good It room house, rnrr nlatAlw f i vn I Hcaff t sfbi t asi Vtfkt WAw ter heat, fins yard. East th and BUs- worin sis. Aasy terms. t (OCA Eight ' room modern house. POUll facing; down Yamhill street at East Fourteenth at Fine location, under value and good terms. ',' Sea this nap. v , LOTS tQCHA 60x105 lot. Union av. POOUU 1600 cash and only $25 per month. The best business lot buy In 'Portland, ; ; . . tfJlOOC Full lot on Broadway near piOfci 2th. Your own terms. INVESTORS tlfjnnn Pull corner lot, 15th pll,UUU and Marshall, on track. Will ground lease for a term of years or build. Positively tha cheapest lot south of Marshall st '. j fire: insurance: ' We prepare forms. Phone us for rates. Let us write your Insurance. CELLARS -MORTON CO. Phone Mala lis; JL-74SO. 8SS Taos bid. Ei SOUTHEAST COR JOHNSON ST. 100x100 ft, 4 houses on corner lot, inside lot vacant. .f 27,500 S. E. COR. OF NORTHRUP ST. 100x150 feet SJ25.0OO N. E. COR. OF NORTHRUP ST. 100x100 feet $18,000 S. E. COR. OF OVERTON ST. 100x100 feet 17,000 S. E. COR. QUIMBY ST. 100x100 feet $16,000 N. E. COR. OF SAVIER ST. 100x100 ft., 5 houses... $17,50O Wakefield. Fries & Co. 85 Fourth St. Desirable flat Site $3500-$2300 Cash A level lot on the West Side, 50x100, commanding an unobstructed view of the city and mountains. One block to carline, 15 minutes from Fifth and Washington. Flats can be rented in this loca tion for $40 to $60 per month on yearly leases because the environment appeals to people of taste who "make permanent tenants. A flat would pay 15 net at con servative rent. It's a bargain and under the market and won't last long at this price. DORR E. KEASEY & COMPANY 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. Seventh St. Corner Near Jefferson, 50x100, in come $67. Choice hotel or apartment site. $20,000 I J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Building llolladay's Addition The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city, SEIIlfO IS BEUEYZVO BETTER go and see the many CHOICE residences under construction and the improve ments going on. The Oregon Real Estate Company OAAJT9 ATS. AITS KXTLTlfOSCAK T. Warehouse Site POSITIVELY THE BEST r Half block on East Side, in the very best location, where railroad compa nies are buying, with both electric and S. P. R. R. trackage and two blocks to Willamette river; 20 per cent below actual value. One third cash, balance long time, 6 per cent, or will lease for term of years. ' TH0S. P. THORNTON i 203 HENRY BUILDING ?w $600lHiaii!Tliis DT BOULEVARD. This is the only business block In this restricted district and this corner haa a frontage of 115 feet on the Sandy road. Price only $1604 this week. Terms $600 cash. Balance $100 every .months, ( , t , t , DeY0UNG & JOHNSON ' 614 Chamber of Commerce bids'. North ghteenth Street NEW TODAY Belmont St. Snap Fin room bouse. 8 bedrooms, fur nace, fireplace, buffet, cement floor, laundry trays, hard surface street in and paid; lot 40x100, walking distance, a bargain; $4000. $500 down and ih per mo. lit Belmont, near iii. Phone East 6949. Apartment Site 60x100 on Twenty-sixth andv Belmont nl snwvn . r .... . vt ft Hon mt 111:9 iaiou. jLorniB. rnono ju. o. AUCTXOyS S. L. N. GILMAN AxroTzoirxsm. SPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE OP HOTTSTEHOLD TUXHTTtrmB, AT mssiDsarcii. tokobbow, moit- AY, 10 a, II '.: We are Instructed by Mrs.' H. H. James to sell by publlo auction, at her residence, No, 868 Montana avenue, cor ner of Shaver street (take Shaver street or Lower Alblna car), tomorrow, MON DAY, January 22, at 10 o'clock a. m., all the fine furniture of residence, recently seleeted and as good as new, including fine Anglo-Persian carpet rug of fine design, smaller rugs, solid oak library table, wax finished bookcase, a splendid Vlotor graphophone, latest make, in a large oak Case, with choice records; comfortable Wakefield and fins leather rockers and arm- chairs, fins Morris chair In leather, costly lace curtains, pretty reading table, drop light; costly portieres, very handsome dining room furniture, Including very large top quarter-sawed oak extension table, din ing chairs In oak and leather, with two carvers; very pretty buffet, all en suite, in quarter-sawed oak, finely polished; stair carpet, spring couch and drapery, bed room carpets, fine Vernls Martin and tinted - bedsteads, with the best eprlngs and woolen mattresses; fine quilts, blankets, etc.; very handsome Circassian dresser, chiffonier and chairs, en suite; pretty dressers and chiffonier, oak hall rack, fine Universal chilled steel range, complete, with gas plate attachment; costly Leonard 1 refrigera tor, garden hose, new lawn mower, etc. All the furniture of this residence is as good as new, and will be sold with out reserve, tomorrow (Monday) at 863 Montana avenue . and Shaver street, at 10 o ciock a. m. . X.. N. QIX.M AIT, Anotloneer, Auction Sales AT Wilson's Auction House Cor. SECOND and YAMHILL Regular Sales Days Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 a. m. Special Auction On Tuesday Next at 10 a. m. at 712 Washington Street, Near Twenty-second Street We are Instructed to sell the entire contents of the Meredith Apartments Comprising1 about SO rooms Of Rood up-to-date Furniture, Carpets, . etc. Sale Tuesday next at 10 a. m. , J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. Cash paid for Furniture, Stocks of Mer chandlse, etc. Call Main 1626, A-4243 S.LN. GILMAN AUCTIOHTER. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE Or ELEHtNT rUBMITUBE ASS PXAHO. AT RESIDENCE. We are Instructed by Mr. V. B. John son to sell without reserve, by public auction, at the residence, HO. 74 EAST TWELFTH BTKEeT, BETWEEN SATIS AMD STEBETT, on WEDNES DAY NEXT, JAZTuAST 84, at 10 o'clock a. m.. an and in detail tne very elegant household furniture, piano, rugs. etc.. of residence, including maeniricent Christ man cabinet grand piano, a fine instru ment, and is new; fine quality lace cur tains, very handsome portieres, genuine Wilton carpet rugs 9x13 and 8 feet 5 Inches by 10 feet 6 inches, costly easy chairs ana rocxers in leatner, comfort able designs, very fine Morris chair In leather, cushioned seat and back, pic tures : oak hall seat and hall h an King racK wun mirror; exceptionally line oak extension table, nurret and amine chairs In up to date designs, en suite; fireplace Irons and fender; mat rugs; handsome dressers in mahogany and oak: brass bedstead, tinted iron bedstead with the best mattresses and springs; matting;, cot and mattress; carpet sweeper, rock ers, gas plate, kitchen furniture, fine steel range complete, etc. N. B. Buyers will find this an ex cellent opportunity to purchase good furniture. No reserve. Sale Wednesday next. Take East Ankeny or Davis street cars to plaoe of sale, 74 H East Twelfth street, between East Davis and Everett streets, at 10 o'clock a. m. 8. 3k K. CtrCMAJr, Auctioneer. Auction Sale Monday Afternoon, 2 o'Clock 211 FIRST STREET Four more big drayloads sent In Sat urday for this sale. You will find fur niture of all descriptions for everybody and you will bo able to fill the vacancy in your nome at a very email cost. lou will find among other numerous arti cles a Malleable range good as new, Jew el gas ranges (both low and high oven), Inlaid linoleum. Kitchen Queens, tables and chairs, also quartered oak box seat dining chairs, round pedestal extension table", buffets, sideboard, combination bookcases, sanitary steel couch and vel our couch, pretty metal beds and every thing needed to furnish the home com plete. You will surely be . greatly pleased If you attend this sale, we sell again Wednesday and Friday, J p. ra. FORD AUCTION CO. Main 8961; B-2445. Residence Auction Monday, 10 a. m., Jan. 22, at 295 COOK AVE. : ' ' ' Take 1 Williams ave. car to Cook, sea flag, j Z have been instructed by Urn. Wiley to auction her beautiful newly furnished residence to highest bidder. This furniture la good goods, no junk. 4 Axmlnsters, 9xl. Rugs and Quartered Oak Rockers, done In Leather; Library Table, . Lady's peek. Quartered Oak Round Extension Table with Chairs to rrtatoh, leatner seats: J rase Bed, also several Iron Beds. Coll Springs, best Mattresses, . Blrdseve and Oak Dree eers. Jewel Steel Range with gas at tachment, and other things such ' as found in a well kept residence. ,. Any one wanting good goods attend this sale. S. H. BARGER. TRACEY PLEASED 1 HIS BOXERS Instructor Says Boys Did Well Considering Handicaps; Lauds Wrestlers. Paying a htffh compliment to the Multnomah club wrestlers and express ing himself as perfectly satisfied with the work of the boxers Tommy Tracey, the mitt instructor, returned yesterday from the Spokane meet, in which his duo lost their slambang events. "I did not look for my boys to win their boxing events" said Tom last night "In the 125 pound class Mult nomah had Bonamervllle. a game little fellow who was taking part In his sec ond battle,, 'But at that he surprised us all by standing toe to toe with young Spencer, ths Spokane veteran, and swapping punches. Spencer is regard ed as the best man of his weight in the northwest, and Sommervllle deserves credit for his work. Had he stepped In side the big swings of Spencer Instead of outside he would have had a good chance to win. "Madden made a 'splendid showing when you take Into consideration the handicap he. was under. In working out with Mlebua at the club the 'other day, the latter hit him on the muscle, which suddenly contracted. Madden was taken to the elub physician and we applied hot poultices of olive 'oil and rubbed the arm vigorously In an effort to loosen up the muscle, but it would not respond to treatment. Madden went Into the ring absolutely unable to use his left arm, except for guarding and he could hardly do that. Even at that the bout could have been declared a draw, I think. "I can't see why the papers reported that the Multnomah wrestlers had a hard time with the Spokane men. Why, O'Connell's boys went through them like hot shot John Berg and Spokane parties who knew Davlscourt when he was at the Spokane club a year ago ex pressed astonishment at his great Im provement under O'Connell's tutoring. He played with Wassen until he got weary and then flopped him, both falls requiring about 10 minutes. Tralnor had a lot of fun with Bol leau for IS minutes and then in the second fall; when he wanted to, flopped the Spokane man in a trifle over six minutes. IS (tnlM Press LmmmI Wire.) Kenosha, Wis., Jan. 20.--Mayor Schol ey set at rest all fears that the au thorities might Interfere with the bout between Johnny Coulon and Harry Forbes for the bantam championship here Monday night when he returned from Chicago today. The mayor an nounced that he had visited both fight ers in their training camps and is eat Isfied that the bout will be "on the lev el." His honor will occupy a ringside box with a number of aldermen. The mayor, who Is an enthusiastic boxing fan, says both men will be down to weight when they enter the ring and both are In fine condition. A large del egation of Chicago fans is expected to accompany the boxers to this city on Monday. OPPENHEIMER WINS T CLUB'S CHASE Eugene Oppenhelmer finished first in the Portland Hunt club paper chase yes terday afternoon and Mrs. William H. Blddle was second. The largest field of the season was in the race and the course covered a dis tance of eight miles. The chase start ed at Mount Zion and finished at Gar den Homo. Twelve Jumps were in the course. Many people watched the finish of the race at Garden Home, several parties making the trip in automobiles to the Portland Hunt club s house. The chase was generally regarded the most successful held this year., KID DALT0N STOPS R. TAYLOR IN SIXTH Los Angeles, Jan. 20. Kid Dalton won from Roscoe Taylor In the sixth round of a 10 round wlndup at Vernon arena today, Taylor's seconds throwing up the sponge after their boy had taken terrlfio punishment In the last four ses sions. Taylor's condition was decidedly poor. Although In the first two rounds he bat tered Dalton about at will, knocking him down twice, he was unable to stand the psce. Dalton and Rees will meet in a seml-wlndup to the Conley Coulon bout February 3. - An Ingenious Oerman baker utilizes a windmill to mix and knead his bread, as well as to grind his grain into flour, AUCTIONS On Tuesday Next AT BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE, 152 PARK STREET. WE HAVE "PHB PINK FURNISHINGS OP A RECENTLY FURNISHED PRIVATE HOUSE RE MOVED TO OUR SALESROOMS FOR CONVENIENCE OF SALE, comprising mahogany settee, center tables in ma hogany and quartersawed . oak, very costiy Dooacase wun glass aoors, sec tional bookcase (Mission finish), pic tures, Axmlnster and Velvet Rugs 9x12, leather couch, library table, hall tree, very costly brass electric and gas fixtures, large mirror, the furnishings of 8 bedrooms, vis., quarter oak suite, enameled beds, separate dressers and chiffoniers, mahogany stands and ped estals, child's Iron crib, quaiHered oak dining room rurniture, combination bookcase and desk, revolving bookcase several oak rockers and chairs, steel range, gas plate, kitchen cabinet, oil heater.1 itenslls, etc. PARTIES FURNISHING SHOULD NOT FAIL TO ATTEND THIS SALK. YOU ARK-INVITED TO INSPECT THE GOODS TOMORROW (MONDAY). AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 O'clock. : . j ; V 1 On Thursday Next : s "For1 this sale we have several con signments of furniture to offer you. These goods can be seen on Wednesday afternoon. Auction on Thursday next at 10 o'clock. -;- W. C BAKER W C, A; CROWELL, ' Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers. Office and salesrooms 153 Park Street KENOSHA'S MAYOR STRONG ROXIN.G HUN SAYSAMERICAIS People Have Developed a Na tional Conscience, Asserts ; Dr. John H. Boyd. That America Is the heir of the unl verse,-recetvtng the best of the expert ence of nations In religion, science and art was boasted by Dr. John H. Boyd, pastor of the First Presbyterian church when he delivered the third of a series of eight addresses on the great ideas or religion, in the Y, M. C. A. auditorium yesterday. , The size and nature of the audience addressed by Dr. Boyd excited Interest There were more than $00 business and professional men .present They were men most active and best known in re lation to the city's affairs. It was a larger attendance than the week before. Richard R. Perkins, religious work director of the Y. M. C. A., reported that at tne preceding-meeting 74 had at tended. Among these were It real es tate men, 15 Ufa insurance men, 23 preachers, 11 salesmen, 14 financial agents, 10 lawyers, nine teachers, five manufacturers,- three contractors, three pnysicians, one newspaperman. Dr. Boyd yesterday told of the In fluence.of Moses oh the destiny of na. tlons. Moses, he said, as . the favorite of a Pharaoh, received an education In advance of anything of the day. When ne chose to go back to his own neo pie the multiplied tribe In the "land of leprosy" near the present location of the Sues canal ha quickly assumed leadership. His murder of an oppres sor sent him 40 years into solitude and there he made the plan of organisa tion that led the children of Israel through the desert to the land of prom ise, leaving Egypt a disorganised mob and entering Canaan a trained, virile, army. Dr. Boyd declared that one of the reasons the Pentateuch,, or first five books of the Bible, tell so much of the Influence of God on ths race is because the Jews ascribed every activity of na turo, every event, every incident, to the influence and presence of God. "Thov vurA n 'On1 tuLmnkM ' he quoted. "Their national life was per meated with God. The result was to develop a national conscience. "And now we of America have de veloped a national conscience. We are learning that the principles of right and liberty and truth are essential to the stability of any institution that any plan without righteousness invites , its own defeat. . "David", la be. the. subject of Dr. Boyd's address next Saturday. New York Commissioner Re iterates Bars Are Up Against Big Negro. Buffalo. N. Y., Jan. 20. When asked If his attitude toward allowing Jack Johnson, ..eavy weight champion to box In New York had changed. State Athlet ic i ommissioner O'Neill replied: "No I am still ef the opinion that It is public policy to forbid the appearance of Johnson In New York, I have not anything further to say about this mat ter as I am not desirous of entering In to a controversy witn mm." O'Neill witnessed the bout between Louis De Fonthieu. ths French light weight and Kid Kansas at Convention hall tonight He would not dlsouss the bill now before the legislature for me repeal of the state boxing law but de clared that boxing contests are con' ducted- on a higher plane since the state has taken control of them. "The contests are better," said he. "The boxers are in a better condition and the public is better satisfied with the bouts. The state has received about 120,000 since ths law went Into effect Jast September.". O'Neill looks upon Al Falser as the promlng champion. Bombardier Is Coining. New York, Jan. 20. According to pri vate letters received here today Bom bardier Wells, English heavyweight champion, who recently called off his trip to America, has changed hla mind and will come within the next three months, to accept a challenge from Carl Morris and later arrange matches. with Jim Flynn and Jack: Johnson, Bragged by Oar; Injured W. B. Rust of 292 Portland Boulevard, west was severely Injured yesterday noon at Frist and Burnslde streets by a St. Johns car. and Is now confined to his home under the care of a nurse. It la not known Just how the accident happened, but It is said that when he attempted to sten off -the car he tripped and fell and was dragged a considerable distance. Me was rushed to his home, where a physi cian was summoned and his Injuries dressed. BANKER HONORED FOR TWENTY-THIRD TIME John U. Martman, manager Port land Clearing' House, again re -, elected to that position. ' O'NEILL WILL II LET JOHNSON BOX f V' I L ' V t ' V ! I Obbsbbbssbbbs ENTERS RACE FOR THE 0. S. SHIAIE Walter Pierce First Democrat to Announce Himself as Candidate. ' ' Walter M. Pierce. First of all to announce himself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination . for United States senator, Walter M Tit a. - . K til party with an appeal for progressive principles and the upbuilding of . the commercial interests of the state. peal strongly to the territory east of the Cascades, as he haafor 28 years been a resident there and has large Interests In Union county. He Is both a farmer and a business man, being the owner of the largest health resort In the state at Hot Lake and extensively engaged in livestock raising and grain growing. Am a member of the state senate from 1903 to 1907, Mr. Pierce made a record that gained him a reputation for abil ity and careful' attention to legislative needs. He has demonstrated that he is a good campaigner, and he promises to make a speaking tour throughout the state before the primaries. His plat form will Include free tolls for Ameri can shlpplngthrough the Panama canal, revision of the tariff, extension of popu lar rirte, and -support of the system of Oregon lawa - The publlo service of the eastern Ore gon candidate Includes two terms as pmtntv u.hnnl aiiTMkrlntAnriftnf ' ftf TTmi. tilla county and two terms as county clerk. He will be the sole candidate for the Democratic nomination from eastern Oregon, as Dr. C. J. Smith, of Pendleton, who has been mentioned, has stated that he will not run and friends of Judgo A. B. Bennett of The Dalles say that he also will not be a candidate.' V! Pierce has . a wide acquaintance throughout the state, and his friends predict he will receive strong support from Portland and western Oregon When hla rtllallf li.r IatiB tr. fllllv AAflllriArwl and he has had an opportunity to en large his prospects by a speaking cam-;, palgn. He will file his formal declara tion as a candidate with the secretary .: cf state within a few days. Governor Will Name Location Along Salem-Portland Highway. - (Salrm Borean. of ne foarasLt Salem, Or., Jan. 20. The next con vict road camp to be established by Governor West will be at some location . between Salem and Portland. - Investi gations of thelites are now being made ai - locuioni wner. m. iuddit u i rut n can be found convenient to the railroad, the railroad companies having expressed willingness to haul the rock for a cheap., rate. This rock Is to be placed at the disposal of road districts- on the 'line ; of the Salem-Portland highway at cost, to be used by them on this road. Defi nite reports are expected next week. SALEM ELKS ADOPT NOBBY COSTUMES AND NOVEL CANES FOR JULY A ' (Salem Boreas of The Joaroil.) '" 4 . Salem. Or., Jan. 10. The Elks of Salem today announced they would drees In blue coats, black e and white trousers, white hats and white shoes at the national convention in Portland In July. This costume will be for the en- O tire weak and not only for the parade. Canes of cherry wood ' with the fruit attached will be carried as an advertisement for : the , Balem Cherry Fair, ' An effort will be made to get the Cherry Fair pullwd off at the , close of the national Elks con-. vention so the visitors from the- v east may see the fair in Baiem. The Elks here havs Just bought a site for a new home and plans for a big temple are being made. j. -, . ; ' Seattle Woman Is Suicide. . Westminster. B. C. Jan. 20. A 'wom an who registered at a local hotel on January-13 under- the. name of Julia Gray yesterday took a dose of laudanum with suicidal intent, and despite the ef forts of Dr. Hall, who worked over the unfortunate woman for .- four hours, death enaued at o'clock last evening. Investigation of the woman's effect showed that her name was Mrs. Roy O. Adams. She was SS and resided at COt East Pike street Seattle. 1 11 1 dird r.iAr::iA Makes Canaries gin-, restores Malik and feathers, Tla rrot Mcret ef the An d reaii bars'. Bold b all druelia. Mall.d lor iBc la cole er -."!-. A BOOK ON CAOK BIRD 120 pages. ItOilluatratlsna.a f .-'I st fancr canaries In . solera. Fail InlonnaHnn to end rare can.rlos. I - this) lor promt. . t , dlMaeee snd how to -. ; All about 'arrnn t !th.mto;k. Ar ' 1 on the e- -i'. i . t!i f'.r , . i k 400 Boris 1i "; J . I . mkWmmkmHmmmmwmmmmmmmmkWmtmmkmmmkmmwmmmmmmm r v, . , . - ., 4 i u CAMP S PROPOSED 3fe