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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1912)
,TrfE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1, 1612. en tr L&6k mJlieMe verse 'i'Sjd effi PlffiQffi flgg ;Dp vfte-Page- MmuncQmeMj';.: T&3 to r ' -vt Salle 11 m A Mighty 'JaTOas Before our Furniture chief left on his Spring buying trip, a week agity he planned the most radical January Clearance we've ever attempted! ? Over the two broad floors of- worthy, reliable Furniture you'll find a grecrTClcarancc Sale tag on each piece, showing savings of 15 to 40 per centl Sturdy Mission Furniture for library, dining-room and den; Dining-Room Furniture in all finishes, up to the elegant Upholstered Parlor Sets, the Solid Mahogany, Birdaeye Maple and Circassian Walnut Bedroom Suites, Only Gustave Stickley 'a original "Craftsman Furniture, Ostermoor Mattresses and Globe-Wernicke Bookcases are restricted from this Clearance. ASKANY SALESMAN ABOUT OUR EASY CLUB PLAN OF PAYMENT. ... ,.,,.,.,,. ,-..,.,,,... , . . , -7 , , . -w. - 015 Solid Oak Table at $ 1 0.95 Solid Oak Dining; Tables in Early English , finish, 42-inch extension top, carved .. feet, exactly as illus trated. Regular price flf C $15. Tomorrow only p 1 UD $16.50 Golden Oak Tables $13.20 $18 Early English Tables $14.40 $20.00 Fumed Oak Tables $16.25 $25 Golden 'Wax Tables $20.00 $27 Tables, -sawed tops $19.50 $29 Tables, -sawed tops $24.00 $37;Tables. .W-sawed tops $30.00 $40 Tables, M-sawed tops $32.00 $50 Extexw Tables, ' 8 ft, .$40.00 Chairs $1.95 Splendid Oak Dining Chairs, in golden, Early English or fumed oak fin ish ;isaddle-seatrRegu larly $2.75, For.; nr cleatance, only D j"U JD ALL DINING CHAIRS LESS. $3.25 .Chairs now $2. 75 $3.75 Chairs now $3.25 $150 Chairs now $3.50 $5.25 Chairs now $4.50 $8.00Chairs now $6.80 $12.50 Arm Chair to match above at only. . .$10.65 Buffet $18 Handsomely . finished iri wax or golden oak. Just as illustratedJiegulariy $25, Special for the f n . A Clearance Sale 0 1 0.UU OTHER OAK BUFFETS $26.00 Buffet now $19.75 $27.50 Buffet now $19.10 $30.00 Buffet now $22.50 $35.00 Buffet now $26.25 $40.00 Buffet now $27.50 $45,P0Buffnjipw $33,7.5. $65.00 Buffet "now $48.75 $85.00 Buffet now $63.78 Exactly half price. Handsome Solid Oak. LibraryTables in fumed finish, strongly built, with good cabinet work. . Only 14 rf A A A to sell. $20.00 values MU.UU OTHER LIBRARY TABLES $15 Golden Oak Tables at $9.85 $25 Golden Wax Tables $18.00 $30 Golden Wax Tables $21.00 $35. Satin Walnut Tables $22.50 $37.50 Fumed Oak Tables $24.75" $43 Fumed Oak Tables at $26.95 $45 Fumed Oak Tables at $29.75 $55 Mahogany Tables at $42.50 --The rest;o; our Mahogany, iWax Qak and Fumed Oak Library Ta bbies proportionately reduced.. Desk $5.85 , Just as illustrated. Reg ular $8 golden oak Writ ing Desks, for (JC D C clearance, only 000 - - : ,' .. ALL DESKS LESS $16.00 Desks at $12.00 $20.00, Desks at $15.00 $22.50 Desks at $16.00 $23.50 Desks at $17165 $26.00 Desks at $19.50 $27.50 Desks at $20.65 $4JS..P0lp.sJksuat.$337& $92.50 Desks at $69.40 $105.00 Desks at $78, This $ 10.50 Rock'r 06.85 The famous "Lifetime' make. Fumed 6ak finish, with leather seat, as illus trated. . Regular Q C price $l0.50-now 0 Of 0 D OTHEk "LIFETIME" SPECIALS. $12.50 Rockers now $9.80 $13.50 Rockers for $10.15 $17.50 Rockers for $13.15 $19.50 Rockers for $12.00 $24.00 Rockers for. $18.00 $25.00 -Rockers for $19.25 .75J $4I sz7.uo Kockers tor Exac 1 1 y as. illustrated. Regular $5 Gold- dQ , Q C en Oak Rocker at $0OD J OTHER ROCKERS. $T5.75 Rockers now $4.60 $ 8.25 Rockers now $5.00 $ 7.00 Rockers now $5.60 8.00 Rockers now $6.40 $10.00 Rockers now $8.00 $11.00 Rockers-now $8.80 $12.50 Rbckers at $10.00 $15.00 Rockers at $12.00 $17.00 Rockers at $13,60 $48.00 Rockers for $30.00 V18.00 Rockers at $14,40 This$50ak R6ck'r$3.85 More and more each clay wc arc 3oing the Girpet ancl Rug business of Port land! This great January Clearance served to strengthen our position, for every single Rug and Carpet is reduced, contract lines only reserved. . Nearly every ftonoua grade and we're principal Portland agents for them all-5. Sanford & Son, Alexander Smith, W. & J. Sloane, etc, included in this decisive event ALL PRICES ON CARPETS INCLUDE SEWING, LAYING, LINING. $22.50 Brussels Rugs Clearance at $1?. 50 .The old reliable Roxbnry Brussels Rugfull 9x12 foot size, in dozens of artistic patterns suitable, for any room. The. Best $22.50 C f fnceice" V d DU ance price is... .-( vu '.vr : . .' . Body Brussels Rugs Famous for their lasting wear ing qualities. Perfect all wool tex ture. ..Artistic conventional and Oriental designs in fast colorings. $18 Body Brussels, 6x9,' $14.75 25 Body Brus., 8.3x10.6, $19.85 $44.50 Body Brus, 6x12, $33.75 $50 Body Brussels, 6x15, $39.50 The Wilton Rugs $20 Extra Axminster Rugs Go for $16.20 Choose from handsome floral and Oriental designs, full 9x12 foot size, ,in these durable extra Axminster room-. Rugs!- Clear- 1 &nce p r i c e on , J) I O m& J the $20.00 grade V 'f" TheAxministerRugs $2? Axminster Rugs Clearance at $2180 The famouaS.' Sanford & Son's high grade Axminster Rugs, the standard America! Size-9x12 foot, in rich Ori ental reproduc- J W J tionv beautiful & H iOU designs, $27 val. V $ 1 .25 Axminster and Ve Ivet Carpets, 98c Few stores which can 'show such splendid Carpets under $1.50. They're our best. $1.25 grades. Axminsters and 98c Velvets in scores of new designs and colors. Sewed, laid, lined. Priced, the yd. $2.50 Fine Wilton Carpets at Only $1.85 . ..... i i ' 'i t . : -s ' - Heavy," serviceable Wilton Xarpets that wear like iron ! For. off ices, pub lie buildinffs and homes. Best t9 KA'nrfirlea ' 1 f Sewed, laid? Ifo l O J 'Mk All . wool texture firmly and closely woven, in a great variety of,artistic patterns, suitable for parlors, libraries, living rooms, etc. $25 Wilton Rugs, 9x12, $19.35 $27 Wilton Rugs, 9x12, $22.85 $28 Wilton Rugs, 9x12, $25.25 $30 Wilton Rugs, 9x12, $24.50 $34 Wilton Rugs, 9x12, $27.65 $53.50 Wiltons, 10.6x12. $41.50 Rich, soft, heavy pile-Eguaran-teed wool. Neat floral, conven tional and Oriental designs, suit able for any room in the home. Tin 6izes. reduced - $17 Axminsters, 8.3x106, $14.35 $22.50 Axminsters, 9x12, $18.25 I $40 Axmins'rs, 10.8x13.0, $31.50 The Scotch Rugs Closely woven wool texture, in the quaint, artistic Scotch designs that are so admired. s $65 Imported Scotch Rugs. 9x12 sIzeTT" Clearance"1 price, -$39.50 $18 Kilmarnochs, 6x9, at $13.50 $27 KUm'nochs, 8.3x10.6, $19.65 $18 Kilmarnochs, 9x12, $21.50 DOcTap'stry Carpets 67c Splendfd. savings on odd rolls of 90c Tapestry Brussels Carpets. And even this special priqe in cludes sewfng, laying and lining. Artistic designs and colorings to choose Jfrofn. Clearance ' sale price, the yard, only UlC $ I .S3 Small Rug .Specials Clearance bl Lace Curtains S3 to $3150 Grades $1.98 IB : : . - --B9 Hearth ,size Rugs in Wiltons and Axmin sters so convenient for use about the h6use. $2.25 Axminsters," 27x 54," priced . now. $l.-t5 $4.00 Wilton Rugs, 27x 54, priced now $J.25 ;;r.h:iV:GX'. It's wonderful how a pair of Lace Curtains I will brighten up the home' these Winter months ! , t . , , . , , ; n Fof the January Clearance tomorrow, an im- mense accumulation of odd lots, two to six. of a pattern, at a third to a Half under regular prices. Regular $3 to $3.50 Scrim and Net Curtains, ' with' Renaissance and Cluny "edges, the pair only $1.98 $5 Curtains $2.35 1 Oyer 35 patterns of Scrims, Lacet Arabian,' Cluny and , Renaissance Curtains. v Regular $4.50 and $5.00 grades. ; For the , -great QC clearance sale,' the pair. wlhOO SB.rSCurnsSS.eS Figured and embroidered Scrims; Cluny and Novelty Curtains in a score of different designs. Regu larly $(T.S0 to $3.75.j:.For f0:CC the Clearance Sale, only uv $12 Curtains $4.85 1 '. rr : -v. 1 '-1 ', . Handsome' French Net and Scrim Curtains, with fine cluny and real Arabian edges..' Also Irish Points at half and less. Our $8 qj to'$12 Curtains to go-at 3),OD $ 1 6.50 Curt'ns $6.65 A wonderful saving on these $12 to $1G.50 Curtains. Beautiful Lacet, Arabian and Cluny patterns on serine and net.. Also Irish Point ff ana russei5. . x cr pair., tu V JJ Sundour DraRgry Fabrics2200 Yarcls $1.35-$ 1.50 grades 89c A wonderful offering in the popular Sundour Drapery Fabrics. Fully 2200 yards just received. Artistic for curtains and over drapes. All the -wanted shadea-Hmulbeny, green, blue, gold, chain pagne and brown--50 inches wideY7""" r ? ' T;TTF We don't expect the lot to last long, to come early. Regular $1.35 to $1.50 Sundour Drapery Fabrics at 89c r $3-S6Porti,re$$L98 All single pairs of Portieres taken from" our . own stocks. Handsome plain and figured reps in large assortment of col-, orings.. They'd sell for $3 to $6 each. For to- C? 1 QA morrow's sale at P Drapery Fabrics Vz v" Beautiful, high-grade Drapery Fabrics damasks, brocades, tapestries, fancy reps, figured linens, jutes, ec rpriced regu larly $1 to $8 a' yard. FoMhe .Clearance Sale fc Dpir A -tomorrow only i K 1 TELEPHONES PACIFIC, PRIVATE EX. 4j HOME, A-6101 Warm Blankets and Comforts at P h e n o m enai Clearance Prices : , ' i , . r , , "v. ,, ,, 1 . ; rHiBD rbOOBacAxar iBuixorara fun n ma , nd just atjihe right time, for "reaf Winter has only ? begun. Hundreds of-warm Wool: Blankets and light, downy Comforters at , prices-far below Jhe ordinary for the great,' J anuary": Qearance, Specials on White Wool Blan?ets $4.50 White Wool Blankets, full size, specially priceid only $3.65 $5.00 White Wool Blankets, full size, specially priced only $4.35 $6.50 White Wool Blankets, full izef specially priced only $5.45 $7.50 White Wool Blanlcets, full size specially priced only $6.55 Save on Light, Downy Comforters Full -Size Comforters, filled with white cotton. I (J Special tomorrow, y 'yv Full - Size Comforters, cotton filled-all in one sheet, figured silkbiine'on both "Cl B C sides. Tomorrow $3 Extra Long Comforters,' size " 72X90, covered with best grade of silkoline. J C Special tomorrow . vf Australian ' Lambswool Com forters, with Persian and floral designs, on sale QQ AC at $4.25, $6.35, iV.U rMMPRim r.if AnANTFFn pit 1 nw? r,i ak .0 '