The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 27, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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No Nocil to Tramp
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coast nvii nuTu; LI
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-S "cTt VPS
ntr tal' r rrtfM - i si
vol. x no,
efl w Drop in Steel Follows Federal Suit0j
Mannafes Hold Musterious ContevcnM M0II0N PICTURE
r nitirr iinn nnr
intr; ivillo nut
10 OS
Insane Oriental Shoots Down
William C. Sclig of Chlcano
and Slays Los Angeles Man
acer of Sclig's Company.
Panlo Stricken Orvners of Se
curitles Bring on Flurry
That Threatened to Be the
? Worst In Yean,
Rtsf U M las,rTtle,
y 4 t CW. ete;
Tt4r T4er KM
4 ;
r Oa-,tno . 9 I
fMftw 11 IMS S
The wbat wek.l el ttlnege
4 TT IV 19 ! I bwebel la
r p h r wits lb (rl lump
4 Hi tjrltl.
New York. Or. IT. ?ale wtrlckae. by
f forts to dissolve th Celled Slate
eerprlloa kr th t'nli4 Imim
(Ml corperatio tfamv4 fear mnt
rrtxr4 lxlr n4 on f lh rl-
l r"! lihl rrnl y
Twr Tr'4 br th niut upport f
lh martial hy Uor gmm u4 Korkftlr
( lb marvnt-
.At om tire durlnv lb dar thr w
kR clnal 4tcllB of rr II pp hr
In lh Mmm lock of lh (! Irovl
wbli th prfrrv(J waa dow l JL Al
tit rloalnr wmt of tha loas h4 ban
rwwH br. b nltl aurport f (ha
Mr1 finanrlar of tha country. Com
tnoo cloaod wUh a not dwitna tf
4lHla from yaalardaf and th praforrad
w down i point at tha aama ties a.
ronlri Kuktl liettat,
- Tha fnarkrt abrrad waa avan jnoro
f)td tliao tha trado hara and at t
e'rlbrk .tha prlcv al London atiowod a
nat loaa of 1 polnta, Otbar AmatieM
a lock a war affoctrd thar by th !)
Id of atl aharer.
Rrokra fouai't all mortilag ta t
tiaar th atl poM and da pita th out-
rataa aupport of both th common andl
prafarrad atork. whtfh rallta4 ooma-l
V "jw
' rf,. ,.-T
Breaking Into Office During
Consultation Nipponese
! Shoots Wildly About
Ilwary C. IVfck nJ Dbrrt !. Cmrj, mho tcJJ th prralt that lmi Ut- J.. . ,
trM rM t Mil wvt
Ia AatU. Ort. tl -M litiaat C. Ba.
!t. af Olraao. rr4daa f lh Utrla
M4IM fviuro raanpaay, abo and
aarfwaty tajarad. ad PYaarta fwaa.
ral AaaaT f tb taraJ braM-n af
i ha rofapany. waa ah( aad klitad hm
lodar by a Japan Rr4r, rraak
UlnalmuataM. h bad rua amurk wtib
a . Colia rolr.
Tb ahootlaa orrra4 ta lb fflc
of tb rofaany al Kdandai,- a aabtjrb.
about II a. an. Tha Japaaa waa ar
il brarfU wol4 r to Um Mrl rorporaUo frm thm pa-ihaaa-
f th Tvoo Com! M IrV eovpajir.
T $
ctlon ; Filed by Dickinson
Against Steel . Corporation
Asks Dissolution of.. Com
bination and Subsidiaries..
what, tha baara f oread th common to 19
ty . nj a and dumpl , thouaanda of
, aharaa on th market.
. Prfrr4 atI at noon touehad lttt
tad Imtnanaa mluma- of tha atoek
ehanf.d haada. In th flrat flftean mln-
titaa 111,004 aharoa wera unloaded and
boufht np and. to noon SI 4,000 aharaa
ef all market atecka had ben bought
and aold. And toppinr this
worth of bonda were damped and picked
p. - ' -
Xrrtr stock Drop.
' OnUlda of th TJnlted State Steal
atooka lntareat waa eontered In Inter
national Haxyeater which auffered a
klr point elump aa a reault of rumora
that Internationa) Jlarveater company
would ba tb next corporation called to
iooount by tha department of Juatloa.
in ayrnpatny wun to boars raid on
Tfittxl RlitM fitaal. Initnatrl.l mmitir4. 1
iXj eu rrered sharp decline. Amaneaa
Imeltlnv loalna ttf point. -
'Bine tb year 1904 United 8tatoa
Steel common haa ran red 8H point.
It reached ,lta loweat level In 1904
when It, touched H- In 1909 It waa
old highest, touching- 94. , Tha low
record for tha two year until today
waa 81 . which was touched a month
ago. 'Th loweat for preferred Waa In
1904. when It aold for (9. Th high
eat price It aver reached was during th
bun activities la 1909. when It went to
191. - - , , .-
, Throughout ' th morning , th mag
nates held exolted conference, hoping
to affect' aoma aobema to keep up
prices. - '
Defense CastDown When the
. Judge Refuses to Grant Pe
tition for Calling of Hew Set
. of Talesmen.
ekargM Agalast liatl Traaf. 4
Tha government's suit charge 4
the ateal corporation with being
4V-trUy ootmacted with all of th
d largo rallroaUa and steamahip
line of tbo country, and with ba- d
4 Ing a cooperator with th Stand- 4
a ard OH company. tbiPullman
company,' InUrntional'Harvt- a)
4V r company, and lh . Waa tarn 4
4 Union . Telegraph com pan y. it
4 charge that bualnaaa connae- 4
a ' tlona have given th ateel rtruif 4
4 sontrol ever trade and -eommeroe. ' 4
4 Former Secrotary of War J. M. 4
4 Dicklneon, special counsel ror tn
4 government,' tn bringing th auit
4 allegea that tha ateel corpora-
4 tlon a laaaea on Great Northern
4 coal propertied ar Illegal, and
4 that th acquisition of 'tha Ten-,
4 neaaea Coal Iron company.
4 waa Illegally brought aooui.
. Tn auit is tn moat sweeping
antl-truat aption .ever begun by
tha, government. Dissolution of
tha parent combine and dlaaolu
tlon of 'all' ita aubaldlarv-com-'
panlea ta asked. Thlrty-saven
aubsldlary companies are earned.
. Furthar, the petition charge
that heada of. th ateel corpora
tlon tricked TheodoriKoooevelt,
thn - president, Into permitting
th gobbling of th s Tannoasae
Coal properties, , . .. ; -! ' .
aH Antra Tram Okiaa-.
Salic err I ad la La Aagelaa tbta
ataraJng frea Chi rag for a afrn
with hi local ataff.
Among thee preaant at tha tisa of
the tragady war J. I Mr a a, businaae
ataaagar af th Balls empaay: W. Saat-
I hi. aa actor, and liobart Poawrnh gjid
W mi th eenfarenea wa on la noggs'
efflo. tha Japanaa. who bad baan am-
Articles cf Incorporation of
Washington Trunk, Capi
talized at S5.000.000 to
' Be Filed Soon Is Report
Plan of .Company Calk for
Extension From Vancou
ver to- Portland.
(Co. tinned m raga Twelve.)
Arttrte af arrarai 1 tl ba file
la a f oUr al Otratp!. iv. 9r
ba v Malta Traa railway, wtib a
rapttal (a mt l e4.aa a4 far Iba
purpaa af eaanairwrtiag aa larlrt rait
rad front V a tom -ar. WaalL, I Kant
Tablana and Rlanabarg. Tba aaw oaax
paay will t a ai4iary r ta ueev
tral IlvatopKat raMiBar. whtrb) ta
prooUnaal la d.r.topnvMtt wee fa tba
atala of Waehlngtu.
Unw lUrnton, lh prailait
ChH-aca attomar. la bare pfapannf IN
pa pars, an' whll It ta not rbllrty
nowa what lataraata b rapraaaAta, tba
fact thai lb proposed road will save
dlract oonnartloa with tbo Cblrago. Mil-
wauka A rit akNiad Ha al North
Taklm Lnda color I tbo aaaplcto) that
the pro)act Is act yrr foreign to that
ayetam. wblrb. II Kaa often boaa aa-
aoac4 by Ita fflrlala. ta working for
a direct Una to Portland. Tba an I r It
will also provide for tha eon.tnirtta
of a Una from Vancouver to fHmlaad.
Number of the Local Creamery Men
Said to-He Banded Together for Pur
pose of Forming Merger Which Would
Control the Local Situation
(Continued on rag Savwa.)
fjeneraJY Elevation Is Rebel
Answer to. Government's
Overtures - for Peace Made
Yesterday , to Assembly, r
' jft'sIM Pme,eeed Wna.) '
rklfg. Oct. tTrroclsxnatlon by tba
revolutionists today of U4 republia f
China threw , tha imperial court lnt
wild panic and hundreds of blanch a
officer ar fleeing north ward while tba
few remaining ar prepared ta leave at
aa tnstant'a notloa. Rumora that tha
baby emperor la already smuggled front
th dty are 'generally discredited here.
Shanghai Oct- IT. General Li Tuaa
Huns- has proclaimed himself provisional
preatlent of tha Chinese republlo at Hankow.-
Ha Immediately, notified tha for
eign eonaula. advising then that tha
provisional government Will; flo avery
thing poealble to , protect the lnterata
of foreigners during tha present unreat.
It is believed that LI'i elevating him
self to the presidency will be acceptable
to th revolutionist throughout tb en
tire country, at .lat aa a temporary
meaaura.-, - ., - -m, - ,
The proclamation of a republlo la
tha rebel answer to tha - government's
overtures for peace implied In yeater-
day'a surrender to. the demands of th
national aasembly, which agreed to ter
minate , tha revolution in . consideration
of Immediate arid drastic reforma. Gen
eral Li Tuan Hung, tha self-proclaimed
president pro tem of th republic, does
. (Continued on Page Thirteen.) -.
wrogreesivew eetsedl . tha rtina at th
first meeting ' of th Tart campaign
committee yeaterday afternoon,' InetaJl-
tng Bea Sailing aa chairman ana jonn
F7 Logan aa aocraiary.
milowlns 110 this advantage, a d
laratlon.of principle will ba preeaated
St th next meeting of tba eomrolttae,
in which the members will not only
b aaked to place themeHvee on record
In favor Of strict compliance with 'th
artmary law. but will b required to
also a statement declaring' thoy ar In
favor. of upholding tha complete Oregon
system of progresslv lawa. .
If: tha anchors of tha reactionary
clamant, placed on th commlttea by
National Committeeman Ralph E. Wil
liams, who wer quteacent yeaterday, op
pose a declaration In favor of tha Ore
gon system, there may yet b a "ruc
tion" among th Taft campaigners,
votlc Is erred. v
At tha meeting yeaterday afternoon
everything went along smoothly. The
significant feature waa In tha remarks
mada by Mayor Rushlight, A. E. Clark
and others, who mad It plain that they
will not consent to entanglement of tha
Taft campaign with any other laaua.
They pointed out that while they want
to help tha president's race for another
term, they doot Intend to ba drawn
Into the fight over Bourne, and served
notice, politely but firmly, that tha
committee must confine Itself to tht
presidential fight
Msyor Rushlight said ha believed th
organisation of cwmmrite tor look
ftr th president's Interests la ust!
tied nndr th Oregon . law. just as h
bad a committee to promote his la.
tereata' in tha eonteet at tha Primariaa
for tha nomination for mayor. Ha add
ed that ear muat be taken not to at
tempt to evade or defy tha lawa enacted
by tba people of Oregon. Ha warned th
committee It would be a mistake to or-
mlt anything In tha deliberations or
iian or campaign to Imping on th
irct primary of Other progrtsslva
enactments or tha Oregon system.
- gning Hade Chairman.
There was 'no voice of protest ' Chair
man Selling, W. B. Ayer, Dan 3. Ma
larkey, A. K. Clark and T. B. Wilcox
ach 'affirmed that tha commute muat
work out Ita deatiny In full compliance
with the direct primary law. Rushlight
later In ' th meeting suggested th
Idea of a formal declaration of princi
ples which will make tha purpose of tha
committee clear. . .
This Idea was not preeaed, further
than a decision to leave tha plana for
future action to be drafted by-'Chalr-
(Continued on Pago Twelve.)
Tat a raie af te reeaMre
r kaa If afaJy ftes
lib bettie eart ef lataaag I
taw mt aailfc sal t taaa4
mt A ba b-aaai r4 ? flta
svwtad far IV. ra fw "
lb taJWaiMas I-. I ita rwaar u
ara,a , Jaa aw af aa
taKVaaaa la save M Mtaaila4 te
a smaller f aatMk l ll a taaa
Ik arWaaa I ba wati laranB4
ear tkat Mth will a k fraa (
a rat bailie I 1 rai.
laara war II raette Saiag tat
aaa ta tba nir laalJaaav gia t
a aaanbar af ! bie taw a4i4 I
Ira af IVa Wal fteML a4 iht
rooiaa ta a a aita4 by IM
lead far it MM A ITaaa raMpaay M
lb ltKtU ilry aaanrlalla. It WaS
lag affile af etitrk raaiaaal era t II
Urahaia aa4 Maer IraUaA. Tb twa
ffiiUt4 firm Ka tana ar lb
Batik aad rraaaa bwetaea af tb taal
weed pawpla. bar purcftaaad lb (,'arajr
aalury tYwam.rr eowiMay aad bate
take) arer iha rwata af tb atlrtaa
Craaaaerr ansap, btrs) recaatly re-
tlr. .
. OewBpea aaklar Oat,
Tb Orahaas-lratasd raanblnalla) aa-
rot la lad for Iha parrhaa af lb gwta
lialry rocapnya bwaiaaaa oma anoatba
ago. bat failed to coenpWKa lb 4aL It
Is said that efforts bar baa mad ta
aeuir tb DanuLsovs craaaaary and that
bad tfcaaa ba aucreaeful lbs last link
In a powarfal merger would have ba
for sad. Tb Damaarua pwopla, however,
according to report have . bald t
agalnat eatertng lnt th rvmblaetlon.
Maaagar Oraban of . the i-oniaea
Dairy aaaooiallo) today denied that be
bad vr sought to arura tn I'a
jascus Craa mary but admit lad that b
aad Mr, Ira I aad bad raad o art a res to
tbo Bwlaa I wiry company.
"X know of no contemplated Increase
In tha prtoe ef 'milk and crram." de
clared Mr. Graham. Hi contrary.
I believe there will be a reduction In
price. If ony change la made at att"
, Mr. Oraham's denial that any merger
Is being contamplsted, how.var, but
tend to. Strang then th tMHefkthst a
eoncarted movement la on foot to that
nd. , - '
Assoclatioa rem ad. i
' Mr. Orahsm aald that h had. a(erd
Into tha company of which he la now a
member bocan a of-th fact that" he
oduld not ewnplr with th pun milk
ordinance whlla carrying on hi pfev
loua email builneaa. Mr. Oraham aald:
T found that to make my buelneas
aanitary. an expenditure of thousands
ef doll; would ba ncetttd. A
tha Haselwood plant waa already
equipped aan I tartly I found It advan
tageous to form a buslneaa association
whereby' I could have th u-of that
plant . If there la to any publicity
our company wanta a aquare deaL - We
wera among tha flrat to back tha pub
llo domand for a pure milk ordinance
and In order to oomply with th ordi
nance w had to apend thonaanda of
' ' a-riar
aMWna fa a4a as pasrtry
r-iia -a ta aa.Ua
t-aJ.a af waa
Mr tlravaaa a aatiaMttaa tkat Ike
ipWw af ana a araaaa mt vati
eeaataeM a eVamM star praaase a
la war ' t fmr, raa
I ear. aaa rM r1al af (a Or
-aa rt la M talarla, '
at a-b a tnt rr b.te
wi4 aajy bar ( ta iwww a.
va4 by .r e f Ik. tialiaai tlat
a aMTfr ta baaeg fwma-4. tr m w'
far aa evt4al arl lb daalr
a aiar l abaaw ta e4Hr.
Maaagar T- fUM f lb aaaae
eraaaiary ai.lad ikia anaralag Ika aa
genataaas bad Wm saaAe with bla
raay aere I Kaa a year ag by ike roa
Wnetla, -. ka a aa4 rwfaa4 ta aali
t. He aald laal lb raiiai af ta
al tanraar bad b.a fwr Ik latsaaa-
rw la I aaa atark far tia Bleat Sara-el
atfcar craaasene bad tin aperaarbad
wtib I Ha taak BwpMitta aeeardtng t
taferat1ai paeeaeeid by Mr. Yeferh.
bwt tb aoMller ewaipaala. tbawfb will
lag I salt far cash) bar refused. Iha ef
far af aiorb la a aiacsar.
Tbal Ike eafareaeacst f th ur at:k
rd Inane wtlt ta tba and. ateen a
ir gar. Is tha apt alas f city Milk
Cbesjttat Calloway.
"Tb aaaallar eAenpaalaa." aald Mr.
Calloway, "win find It ta eipanatv t
pmo1t ranted bnUdlag to conform to
the sanitary prwteloa f th draetie
trnlk ordinance. Heretofore lhay bate
aarapad baeaoa lb ordlnaaee. throush
g terhakat omlaaion. gav ilitn lm-.
nasally. Tba counrll reoantly amended
the. eirdlnaa, bowavan, ao that Iha,
health dopartmeat has tha power ta ra
veka ll-naae af unsanitary craaraeriea.
The 'ordlnanea bwcwma ffact!v In a
weak and the milk laapecttoa d'part-'
ment will then Inspaet all the dty
rremariaa'and arer them according to
law. Tha rraamerira war sror.d ut
lummtr and niy three of tUrro wr
found to ba up t the minimum 'nd.
ard af cleanllnaaa. M't oould do notulng
but make public the fact then, but
df th recent amendment wa ean score
tha rfeamerlea twice nod If they do not
tf t!a th required score then, the health
board hag power-to 1 put thewi out of:
buelneas. This moans that the email.
creameries' will eventually b absorbed
p jr. the big ones." - . , .
44 4 4 . 4 4
. 1 r?nttA. Wma Laea Wire. I
- New ;,Tork, , Oct 27 Summoned it
court to show , why their billion dollar
combine" should not ba dissolved ,. be
cause existing In defiance of" law, 1 the
(Continued on Page Two.)
r ' (Cnltfd Preee teased Wlre.l
Kansas City, Mo Oct 27. -Formal ex
ception was filed today by the defense
-In the ease of Dr. Bennett Clark Hyde.
on trial for the alleged murder of Col
Thomas H. Swope and a number
nis. reiauvea : oy,. putting typnoia
germs in their food, to the decision of
juage Fortemoia in overruling th de-
Xense's motion to quash the second ve
nir of talesman on the ground that
th jury wheel waa Illegally revised.'
Dm 1 . - . M
orable ruling on their motion and? ao
firmly had they" built their hopes on
repetition, of their previous victory. In
Which they secured the dismissal .of tha
first psnel, thst they had interfered but
little with the, venire already passed.
The reault la that there are eight men
now sitting lb the jury box whom tha
defense has scarcely deigned even to
Attorney Frank Walsh of th defense
says, ha probably will challenge at least
alx jurors,
, Th second panel was exhausted yea
terday and th tnlrd will be called to
morrow. : Taking of testimony probably
will 'begin November C -
Warden Jof Nevada Pnson
Sends Man to Bedside of.
His Dying . Father.
(Cnlted Pres teaeed Wire.)
Reno, Nev., Oct.: 27. Racing against
death 94 mllea over th hot sands pf
deserts 'and skidding at lightning speed
along tha brink of mountain precipices,
in the warden'' . automobue, 1 Maroerx
Christie, . a. convict in tha . penitentiary
at Carson, reached this city in time to
clasp his dying father In hla arma and
the Joy of meeting has-probably aaved
the father's life. - . ; . -
' The father is Constable John Chrl
tie, -who waa atricken 111 with erysipe
las and lung congestion and hourly was
expected, to die. . All his family ex
cent-Herbert gathered aoout tne tta
aide. . expecting that the , end was near.
Herbert 1 serving, a' term'. ii the pent
tentiary at Carson for. cmbesslement
during his term of. office aa city clerk
of Reno; ' In hla lucid momenta the dy
Ing man called Incessantly for his ab
sent son and th mother telephoned to
Warden Ray Baker, asking that the son
be permitted to come to Reno and aee
hla father before he died. Baker lm
mediately put, hla automobile at the dls
AS soon as .Constable Christie aaw
his son be recognised blm snd rallied to
auch an extent that the doctora hold out
hope for hia recovery.
I II: fl III I nl 111 I fl 1 1 IJ ill L I .. & lAiXJXiWiM f fflliLS mr 42vxw wll I IllKI TAWiWffr nlVkWMA).'?
vuimi ti t iui w iiiiwni yiia i Li'iirr--iiiu . . - w ga-vi iiui itL- , wamsi M raum.
, iAiira aafiirii iiiiiirt jiif... wMiwrii. jMiuuurmi i a i
IYV a i. - . , w! I It tL II II ;f nP 'lltlL ri lBtflFtl JllkUWYVUV 1 I . I
nmH n rvisA . a vi i ult" i-yi Kf?rf ni isfiiixSTrfv -ivmnxuiMi '
t- - - : ' t '
Nechiat Bey, Commander, Dies
With His Men, According to
Man Answering Description of
Charles Swain Is Arrested
j on Charge of Drunkenness;
Sheriff Goes to Get Him.
to Rome.
(Special to Tba Journal! v "
Ashland, Or., Oct 27. A man answer
ing th description of Charles Swain,
wanted in Clackamas county on a charge
of murdering John Thomas, near Ore
gon City, waa areated ; here laat night
by Night Watchman Magoon for drunk-
' A K I .k. im.-
Reports of Encounter Sent I Tt' WM n9ltn
- He was arraigned, before Juitioe of
the Peace Hurt thia morning and ques
tioned closely - regarding hia recent
movements. He says he comas from
the north and gives his name as Bab
bitt and his age aa II. He was ac
costed thia morning as "Mr. Swain" and
answered promptlyt o the name, , but -when
asked later about the' crime, he
gave his name as Babbitt and denied:
any knowledge of It
: The - mail .. answers " the description
sent out of Swain exactly except that
his hair is quite gray. . He Is 9 feet tall,
high shouldered, ' weighs about 178
pounds, is of slender build, 'with dark;
gray hair whion was once niacic, nas
sandy . mustache sprinkled - with , gray.
blue eyes,- high - cheek bones, peaked
face, and crooked nose. His fingers ere
long snd stained from cigarettes.' He .
got his clothing in a second hand store
in Portland and is wearing a stiff hat
Sheriff Mass of Clackamas will ar
rive late this afternoon and take charge
of the prisoner. -v.. t
(Hnlted Prm IXsrd Wira.l
London, Oct 27 NaChlat Bey, com
mending the Turkish forces at Tripoli,
and practically all his officers, iwer
killed and two' thirds of his followers
-were exterminated by the Italians In
yesterday's battle, according to a Rome
dispatch to the Central News. The mes
sace quotes official ' telegrams ' rrora
Tripoli to the Italian government
London.-. Oct 27. Messsges today
from Turin- say the Italian battleship
Napoll sank , one Turkish battleship
and damaged another near the entrance
to the Dardanelles. , The dispatcher are
unconfirmed, '-
The- Italian censorship has reached
ridiculous extremes, It being impossible
to send even news of the Italian 'Vic
tories in regular news dispatches. Even
cable- messages are closely, scrutinised.'
mediately put, ma automoDUe at the die- I " oZ? $t7jf XCS 'T U
posal of the convict and the exciting '4 zScZfj a?,
race- with dcth followed... - I tC.X i
- Drain. Or.. Oct 27. Rumor Is current
here today' that orders have been Issued
by officials of the Southern Pacific
company for a change of division polnta
on the main line-of railroad between
Portland and Ashland, the1 change to
take place week from today.
The rumored change puts the new
division points at Albany, Drain, Glen
dale and Ashland instead of at Junc
tion 'City, Roseburg and Gt-ante-ra.
Theae proposed new divisions. If es
tablished, will be well-dlvl.ied ts to
distance, each being ab'it S') m!!a In
length, except from I'm hi t Glen
dale, which Is about 1 0' m :s.
Sunday's Journal
amatstjws vrao warn
Careers of noted women who nw
' that from parlor stag to foot
1 lights Is often but a atep.
jtTT-TW-a prf"Tr
Interrld educators whi 1
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