The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 02, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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MORNING, JULY , 2, 1911.
i "f
' C t. lACKSOM....i.............-...Pbllrt
' ' 1 j '
I ment, and therefore of the nation, ket wrapped sleep under the stare.
una great oeneni 01 me new pmu) iiwnratjon, aigestion, .indeed we
.mry mln( esept BoixUr
Toe Journal
. rwz-Sandi B-nrnlne
laf, FUU ui TamoUl ettMtt, Fertld, Or.
Catered at the poetnfflee at Portlaad. Or.,
for tranemiatloe tbnms- the nails second.
;r Ail
Home. 4-eoflt,
All aeBertmenta ihom or ineee neniner.
? Tell the eprtor what department want.
Benjainla Kentner Co., Branswtck Building,
S25 Klfth ewati. New Tors; 1218 People
wi Huiidinc. ijnieago.
Subset-tattoo Terms by natl ar to aar addreaa
, la tne U at tea sutee or Mexico.
.. V&t -; . DAIIT.
Oo year... .....0.00 oae mtmtX $ M
Oh raar.,......2M I One Bonta I M
On year.. ...... fT.80 One men ta 4 .08
Is to out competent observers at
work, who will jget information ' at
first hand f remedial causes of suf
fering. Ill ventilated workshops,
long hours of overtime, unsanitary
houses, willy be reported at once,
from the time the law goes Into ef
fect. Such causes of suffering have
been too often suppressed by dls-
Btop not to think of, much less to
describe pur functions t any rate
tilt we get home to the -familiar
round. ' " '".'' H- V'
We hare left the f isherman to, the
last because the lore to fish and -the
power to fish outlast so long the love
of the .chaser What the journalist
usually calls "an aged man" that
Prcfljdmment on. trie :: i i
CunningKam Decision
in the New Torn banks, and the banks
promptly refused credit Bo Hamp
ton's has been "consolidated." ' '
The effect of Hampton's two year of
Labor to keep allr In your
breast that little spark of eeles
tlal fire - conscience. George
rHE RECENT . conference on
charities and corrections held
in Boston has brought Christ
ian, people face to face with
pressing problems. . - .
Strong advocacy was found for Jhe
recognition of the design of i the
Christian church as an organism
having for Its chief object the prep
aration of men for the -world to
cotne. It was claimed that thla was
rR. RUSHLIGHT was installed o&bio principle of, at leastnhe
the city hall yesterday. He Protestant churches.
succeeds the man who decls-1 others pleaded the cause of what
tvely defeated hit. for the tne called "practical Christianity,"
'nomination two years ago, and who land for the union of Christian, work
"was a candidate for reelection." I oai worn. But "social work,"
The new administration can profit I BaW one of tn most earnest speak
. - S .. AL. M a a a. .
maxe cnuonooa . sweetest. A-It ls a reamed on under the same orirlnal I onr vin. too a-riavoualy. Axents
boy fashioned Into a man before his conditions. Then the; Blrkbeck grewl' interests it had attacked began
time and a girl; turned woman al- Into a regular saving hank; outside J":.?!1 .0 Xrifl,.t'nJ.
most before she has 'ceased to lisp., of the Building, Societies, and lm- inTeii T of Tcurb Vw.
It means that tasks have been sub- f mense deposits - resulted as years I they forced tha magacine to seek loans
siKuiea ror piay, tana with all its passed by---. '-,4 9.
playtime gone what, is there left fori .The combination 'of bank and
youth, and how much of real Joy In Bulldlfli? Society was maintained
a careen .? . . throughout Hence a larze nercent-
ine saaaest tnmg m life is a child age of the assets of the bank was
made old before Its time. The sweet- continually tid wn in. mniMtil nf
BOiea women in ins dbbi i"r wr reauy one JUSl past miaaie age est Picture In life la a child In the mnrtnn Inano nr trlwlnv mn.n I with nnaanii.r.t A..t own innoaoqt c m
of lost Jobs, or evicUon from their i he may be often seen, rod lhapd, ful swing of the joys and pleasures j The strength of "the hank as such vital political and eeonomio sub- f0d by TunddV of thousandE ii'ut
-r mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- -A-'. 1 "V awitywcu 9yaU0QlW , ,lff
!. Over BOOO Years Old1
1 From tho New Tork Herald.
That New Tork has 'what Is believed
to b the Oldest prescription In exist-
enoe, was the cause of much Interested
Christendom looks back at child- the Liberator Bulldlnr Society, of 5Tml" " "!f,,fL!r?f:!!L0,V-T5:
uw" i, uicmor, uig nu name. couaoBea. unen ajcam in i article by Dr. James r. waiah of Ford.
joys or tne time.
Preventive, as distinguished from
curative medicine, will surely make
great strides.
Every mature social atom In runs occurred once la 1893 when
on BHppery rockf. ny-caBtlnkt-lntoiof tSMldhnod. Thu v nhMir thA nAvr MCMonrinfafi irv. its
- - I 1 af . - 1 "- I . v . WI I VV(WMUVW iITHill B IS S LBeVA VU
the white water Where the trout are laughing eye and 'the Innocent spirit large total of deposits, and left it al
hidden, his whole soul set on hisjnot yet Jarred by the actualities of I ways at the mercy of unexpected
""-''"i wci.i.u auauiuioiy vi an ma are me sunsnine or numan ex-1 runs..
ri ana prouung vasuy in in me istenoe, , - . ; , Three , times in its history such
iuur uoyurimonur no neea to repeat
them by the "physical exercise"
that he loves. '
Yes, the body and the soul of man
need one or other of these diver
sions. Fortunate, Indeed, it Is that
each one can find what pleases him.
For if you are not pleased, exercise
does mighty little good.
Chicaa-av Tribune The 'disallowance?
by the land commissioner of the notori
ous Cunningham ' group of claims on
patrtotto service, of course, will live on. Alaskan eoal lands closes a disoredltabl
But the publlo would like to kno Incident, to the great satisfaction of the
whether "consolidation In the rnagaslne American pubHo. Formei Secretary
field win not lead to "trustification," Balling .1TV. .IT
mony before tho conrresslonal invastt-.Jn
gatlon oommltteo could fail to end i&ttyT
a conviction that both he and his truatt I
ea subordinates had been strangely
lenient and complacent In dealing with
the Cunningham clalma. There was a
good deal of talk before the committee
hypersusnlcloua reformers, but
the effluvium arlalnr from thin eaaa wu
ine middle agea November Of. 1910, when the Char-JB"n univereity, in the New York Med- strong enough to offend normal nostrils.
slsh because . thev ara not bova and I in rfn henv inatiri-n "Ileal Journal,
girls again. Theold lament because I and a weak one,- failed. Then the I Medical association with an di
they are old. why uurry a baby bank of England came to the rescue toriaf.on . the intareatin discovery, in
from the mistakes that retired Mr.
' Blmon. Mr. Simon made his own re-election
Impossible when he set aside
, the will of the electorate by beating
the original docks plan. That was
era, "needs the doctrinal elements,
and the business of the church Is to
Interpret social work in terms of the
This called up Dr. Washington
an act that the people of , Portland-Gladden, the wellJuiown Congrega-
never forgave.
" X mayor Is only a mayor. He is
tha servant, not the sovereign. He
Is the agent, not the master.. His
business Is to execute the orders of
the people, not assume that he Is
tional pastor and writer, in these
terms, "Now It seems to me Lhat the
program of Jesus does not contem
plate any such separation between
religion and philanthropy. There
can be no Justification In these days
the people. For Mr. Simon, the pen- ror institution caning itself a
alty of making the city hall the ruler nrch which Is not pledged with all
and the electorate the ruled, was ltM farces, loyalty and enthust-
defeat tmm, to the work of helping the
There is to be no disappearance of weak ""'ending the oppressed, eom-
loniDR ina Borrowing ana lining up
the lonely. The time is past for any
religion that means less than this."
Doubtless it Is true that a new and
brighter light has shone on the
Christian church In these latter
days It' sees more clearly new and
wider duties. Thus It Is that the
functions of the social reformer and
of. the spiritual teacher are more
closely than ever blended.
Dr. McArthur of New York sums
the whole matter; up In these words,
"The church 'Is vastly more prac
tical today than ever hefore. True
churchmen realize that there Is no
Interest of humanity regarding
popular government In Oregon. At
. tempts to kill It will he made, but
they will fall. Rough fighting may
J. have to be done to preserve it, but
tt will be done. The electorate will
oft be lulled to sleep, but ir. the cris
is, It will always awaken. .
The. beet thing reaction can do is
to surrender. Those who sought to
. "put the knife" would better come
Into camp, confess their sins, and
' be forgiven. For proof, they have
the fata of the assembly and the re-
tfrement of Mayor Blmoi.
; Other action aided In Mr. Simon's
i defeat LThere la no doubt that he
aVWAWe. tk Kaft Sa mAA " m a Ua 41
.. axvavvw w aro eai Qfu auui. il
HILE THE Earl Marshal, and
Garter King of Arms, the
Lord Seneschal and Cham
berlains galore, less than a
month ago, were digging into musty
parchments and furbishing up old
ornaments and Jewels, hanging faded
tapestries, and settling disputes of
precedence between hereditary of
fice holders another group of men
were gathered within a stone's throw
of their council room to settle the
terms and conditions of progress
among the newest nations of tbe-f wrote
worm ana me ancestress irom waicn
they sprang.
The Dominion of Canada, the
Commonwealth of Australia, United
South Africa, and the lesser lands of
Newfoundland, New Zealand, Tas
mania what huge splotches of the
British red they mark en the map
of the world. They, too, have out
grown the garments of the child,
and have started for themselves.
The. majority of the Tory states
men of England had dreams of em
pire, with a British planet round
which satellites revolved, shining in
her reflected light Some of them
called It a "Zollverein," after the
abandoned name of a German cus
toms union. Others called It an lm
oerore nis time into that period of the Blrkbeck, and It stood the
when he too will wish for childhood I run. This third attack on It la said
again? . . - J to be directly traceable to a mallo-
, mgn school at nine means earlier lious anonymous warning Issued to
entry. Into the burden-bearing pe- depositors by an undisclosed enemy.
noa. instead or. roDDiag me cniw oi and the Blrkbeck if ruined. Its un
cniwnooa to make more burden fortunate depositors crowded the
bearing, we would better so fashion neighboring streets, we are told, Jn
life that there Will be .more Child- tafi.rn and mtfmrv nrnnnrtfnn-i. rn
and the Dennett decision is In the line of
the pupllo Instinct f
It is reaasurtnar. furthermore- to reaK
lie that the public interests In Alaska
whloh it expresses the hope that the (are now under the care of a secretary
prescription, which Is of Egyptian
origin and Is at least 1800 years old,
will reoelve the further study which a
specimen of such Importance deserves.
It was written on a piece of smooth i
Of the Interior who is a whole hearted
conservationist, but the same-time an
exact and practical administrator.
Spokane Spokesman-Review E8eo
limestone with a brush dipped In black retary Balllnrer "la of the firm belief
paint or ink of remarkably fine quality, I that there is nr evidence that a oour
hood, more youth and more of some
thing other than mere tasks in a
BILL HAS- passed the New
York senate requiring every
editorial In' a newspaper to be
signed by the person who
it. It Is revival of a plan
heretofore offered in- some, other
states but never adopted.
Whatever the motive, the plan Is
foolish'. An editorial utterance is
not the jpolce of a man, but of the
A reputable newspaper Is bigger
than any man. It has a personality
and speaks with the authority and
purpose which that personality may
have created. In effect. It is the col-
their unexpected loss
The earthen pot has been smashed
asit was carried down the stream of
high finance, for' which It ' was
neither Intended nor - fitted. t
The directors hope that the se
curities will yield $15,000,000 be
fore long, and that a partial dlstrlbu
Judging from the time It has endured.
The physician . gives directions that
tha woman patient suffering from hys
teria, for which she is being treated,
shall cause an emerald or a green stone,
which appears to be Its equivalent, to
be ground to powder and mixed with a
a gum and other materials. The pow
der la then to be burned, andVthe fumi
gation from the resulting imoka is held
to be beneficial. The prescription Is
written on aVspleoe of stone three by
of Justice would hold sufficient toward :
rant the denial of patents. The deole .
ion is political, not judicial"
The evidence adduced convinces every '
candid man that Mr. Ballinger is com
pletely mistaken in' his brief. Coupled.
wlttr" his statement quotr above, Ufa ;
cancellation of the Cunningham clalma '
shows that Plncnot and Glavls had, -ample
justification for their 'fight oa
Mr. Bellinger. . . "
The former secretary makes It e!erv .
three and one half inchea, or about the I that he was in sympathy with the ef-t
tion mav soon ha made, hut tha firat Pf tn practitioner's fiet, and Is in forts of the Ouggenhelma to obtain and
L7.. S . .V?" . MeraSlo eharactera It is la the Metro- monopolise great natural resources la
examination of the accounts fore
bodes, at the best, a heavy eventual
What punishment fits the case of
the scoundrel to whose malice the
tragedy Is due?
polltan Museum off- Art
Edison on Inventions
"From Centry Magazine.
Waldo P. Warren has set down the
salient features of a recent Interview
with Edison, conducted with typewritten
Soma df the questions ana answers
are as follows:
Q. Do you believe that Inventiveness
can be taught?
A. Yes. If tha person has ambition.
energy and Imagination.
Q. At what age is one most nxeiy to
Alaska. He was willing to see them,
gain control of property that belongs, te
-It .- u 1 -M V. .-i V
v vi win uuiuu -v
yreeiaent Tart cannot have beef
aware of Mr. Bellinger's unfitness!
when he made him secretary of the in
terior. The biasing indiscretion of Mr?
Ballinger" a avowal will show the presi
dent that the Plncnot and Glavls fight
on Ballinger was right and necessary,
ENERAL BOOTH, now In his
eighty-second year, writes from
London that he must visit the
army in America once again
lectlve voice of the thousands who before he dies, though he will have respond to such instruction?
believe In, listen to. and. by their to leave for the time the work
help to maintain the among the London poor, In which
he Is still intensely interested.
The work of the Salvation army
and its Income are both larger than
paper. .
An honest and well directed news
paper is a living entity. Its apology
for existence Is the publio welfare, er. to Judge by the most recent
perial union, though admitting that T,ne men wno make parts reports
It could be but. loosely knit to
A. About 12 years.
Q. What method of instruction would
be most valuable?
A. Problems to be solved.
Q. Should It be done through schools
and books?
A. Books and actual demonstration.
Chicago Record-Herald The commis
sioner sustains the charges of collusion. .
evasion of the law governing clalma.
and entries, and thelngenlous.ys-
tematle use of means and persons, -under
an understanding formed In advance,
"to effect a colorable compliance with
ths law."
This quiet and natural ending
happy one from the conservationist
point of view cornea almost like an
anti-climax In a thrilling drama. But
shop experience?
A. Great advantage to have actual
pereonal knowledge of bow things are
lowed the light as he saw It, but his which the church can rightly be Ifl-
vlslon was clouded by his ancient different. The words of Terence, 'I
theories of government He was not am a man nd I dm nothing com-
the mayor of the whole people, but mon to fflan foreign to me.' The
of a class - That was shown when he cburch now believes these words
resisted ; the docks plan, . which by might have been spoken or -written
popular vote had carried more than hy the Apostle Paul; Indeed, they
; two to one. It was because he was re not unworthy the' Hps of the
the mayor of a minority and not the Sreat teacher himself,
majority that he killed the plan. "Never before was the church: liv-
Mr Rushlight cannot Succeed and Ing up to this principle as today. It
be the mayor of a mere minority! thus comes to pass that the church
Mayors should not have. enemies tolls interested in 'hospitals, orphan
punish or friends to reward. These I ages, playgrounds, hours of labor for
few days In the city hall are only little-children and the interesta of
transitory, and the mayoralty but an working men of all classes. The
episode. . . . v church can never be Indifferent to
The true theory of government la creeds, but it insists now, as never
eaual Justice to all and special priv- In the past, that good creeds shall be
liege to none. The real test of a translated Into good deeds. The
mayor's worth Is the good he may right deed is the best proof of the
bring to all the city. right creed. The spirit of brother-
The: city needs a head 'of police hood Is abroad aa nevr bfnr"
wai wui. maite every policeman a
real policeman, and -of the combined
department a force that will drive
the useless and criminal out. The
city needs a garbage burner that will
burn garbage. It needs fumigation of
its: tenderloin. It needs a form of
government in which useless offi
cials can be weeded out, crooked of
ficials be punished and deserving of
ficials be rewarded.
As the politeness and hesitation of
the very first meetings of the con
ference wore off the idea of colonies
was found to have exhaled into thin
air, and "sister nations" became the
only name that fitted the conditions.
Canada fs doubling her popula
tion in ten years, and at such a rate
a colony develops under the very
eyes of England into an allied na
tion, -And the others follow on the page to have Its articles signed
same path though not so fast. We are a nation of tinkers Wi
Each hpa made for herself her have more statesmanship than
own placecarved for lrerself her statesmen. It Is the habit of legist
own niche, and now the best they lators to make their few transitory
can offer to the old folks at borne is days In the business an opportunity
of a huge activity. They droD out seems to have opened
and others take their places but the out along a new line, by undertaking J;ne. .
heart of the enterprise throbs on. lto supply its thousands of officers In -Q. Is It true that an Inventor has to
a i. . this hemisDhere with the necessaries be more or lees abnormal?
r'" "X u .r. " Uf Mf. thr;,, tb. . f th.rtv A. Abnormal persons are never com-
propeuer a sieamsmp. A ruDoer tire " . . . " ' - - mercial Inventors.
I. not an auto, nor the president the men wn.-re on ine roaa BeJ1"
ing ajooqs. xoey ao not- enter regu
lar commercial lines but trade with
army people only. Profits of all
such sales go, of course, to the army
and its work. Sales last year are
nation. It would be as intelligent
to require the men In battle to shoot
bullets labeled with their initials as
to require, writers on a great news
paper to sign their articles. It
Q. What of the advantage of ordinary there was no occasion for further melo
dramatic episooea. in ere is no occasion
for melodrama In . the other Alaska
claims that are ponding. As Secretary
Fisher says, there Is no Justlf icatlon
for stretching or straining theexlatlng
laws In either direction. Claims enti
tled to patent should be fearlessly ap
proved, and claims tainted by fraud or
Illegally should be Impartially and
quietly rejected.
Q. What Is an inventor's chief Inspira
tion? .. :-
A. If he Is a good inventor It Is to
make his invention earn money to per
mit him to Indulge In .more Inventlona.
If he la a one-idea Inventor the in
centive is generally money only..
would h dflimnt of an -ditrti to have reached $324,000. -
Army oiucers tear mai uieir oe-
loved general, old and nearly blind
as he Is, will find himself unable to
make this last of his long missionary
Journeys when the set time arrives.
N AN ARTICLE In Llpplneott's
magazine for June Dr. Luther
Halsey Gulick, a well known phy
sical exercise expert, examines
various forms of exercise, to deter
mine his advice as to which is best.
He begins by telling ui that all
good exercise must affect the four
- Above all, It requires virtue at the activities of human life circulation,
city hall and peace and good order respiration, digestion and excretion,
radiating from there to all parts of The first point made is that exer
the . municipality. ' On all these else should cause the expenditure of
things the new mayor is on trial, much energy that must be replaced,
and he should be given a fair chance High Jumping, pole vaulting, or wide
to survive the test Jumping,, are done by a violent mo
mentary muscular contraction. So.
THE DOCTORS AND NATIONAL fortunately for most of us, we will
HKAiiXU rule them out. and with them nv
NE OF THE advanced features .
.li,l0yd Gerff nanaCKBut dancing, running, pitching,
SJ? J" fW pen,.ln?Jn thaW'n. dimming or longdistance
A7 " walking, all act directly and strong-
lZ 11 Z llZl ?w Ctvr'.vn ,y on r"Ptlon, digestion, clrcula
o nat,on. through the tlon and excretion. Therefore, who
sick or disabled workers. love9 any of
.nfJa ".Th .f n.0nal thni-always, be it remembered in
t 5? D d,lreCt ,D" moderation, and stopping short of
teres! in i the prevention and dlscov- excessive fatigue. Dancing, he
ii!J!.Ma? d th re"tovratloa of points out, "needs great power of
very Individual among those in- the heart for all who would excel."
ured, and the number now rises to This we will not dispute.
WI S tMffl1flMej.eB.AA V am . J. r
;u 1. . . 7 more In Bowling meets the approval of
the coming years It is impossible to this critic, and billiards. In a less de-
For these purposes the doctors
are called in, by this new lesrlsla-
gree, because practiced In bad air
too often. . ......... , , . . ,
Of baseball and football there is
a mild and calmly expressed affec
tion. ' ( . i
Is proof asked? National defence,
common to the motherland and her
colonial offshoots is suggested. But
no. The great colonies agree to
spend money on a navy. But the
ships they pay for must remain in
their own waters for their own de
fence. It is made plain that a common
foreign policy, even a common de
fence, must be matters of arrange
ment as necessity arises, rather than
of definite obligation under a for
mal bond.
Again, Great Britain has evolved
a 8ystemof labor exchanges. Labor
failing to find employment ready Is
to be sent to other points demanding
It. The colonies are each and all
seeking Immigration, and welcome
selected immigrants of British birth.
A British statesman suggested to
the conference to extend the limits
for attempting to regulate every
thing that has escaped the tinkerer.
and this New York plan is the fruit.
The press is doing very well. It
is a huge news colossus, bestriding
Wall Street Punishes Hampton.
From San Francisco Bulletin.
The recent news that Hampton's haa
been forced into "consolidation' with
a couple of smaller publications is not
cheerful Information for enthusiastic
privates in the army of the common
the nations. It stands In the center, I good.
and with the telephone and tele- Hampton's, since Its purchase by Ben
graph, hasTts hand on the pulsebeat B- HamJto 1" 18n am n
i-f -rams i v- the most advanced and most fearless of
,. . ' w luo the so-called "muckrake" magaslnes.
clicking instrument, wired or wire- Writers of enthusiasm and abllty. such
less, It hears every heart throb of the Charles Edward Russell, Erneet
world. Whether it be a tragedy in S001'' P"?! Wrtf ht Kanffman and
. . i.ii, , , ' Eugene Wood, have done Immense serv-
Alaska or Australia, a revolution Jn ice . lighting up dark places in Amer-
Chlna or Canada, the press prints It tea's political, social and industrial-life.
and the world reads of it before the Plotters of special privilege wera not
iwnu. nuBBou prriormea a. pionoia
sun goes down,
the public want?
What more does
Morgan, shows In a new role.
In his wonderful collection of
ancient books Is what is known
of home labor exchanges by enabling as "The Golden Gospels." He has
the .colonies to draw on the reserves entered into the plans of the Cathollo
of the home supply. After much dis- commission, appointed by Pope Plus
cuBslon the proposition was defeated, X. and for two years past at work.
irvlce for this state especially, In pre
senting to the public the iniquitous his
tory of the Southern Pacific
But Wall street has declared war en
muckraking, and "consolidation" In the
rnagaslne field Is the result Ben
Hampton - made a brave flfcht, but his
unscrupulous enemy was too powerful.
He built up a fine property, but was
crippled by the lack of ready funds.
Ordinarily ample credit would have
been extended to an enterprise in such
a healthy financial atate as Hampton's.
But tha rnagaslne had offended the
A Strong Recommendation.
From the Chicago Tribune.
"We are not taking On any new trav
eling men lust now," the safe-manufacturer
said. "Business la rather dull
in our Una"
"Well, if you need one let me knew,"
said the applicant for a Job. Td rather
sell your safe than any there is In the
market. It's the best" '
"Are you an expert?"
"Yes, sir; I know . all there Is to be
known about safes."
"Ever deal In them?"
"No. air."
"Ever work in a factory?" . -
"No. sir."
"How do you know ours Is the best?"
"Because It takes longest to break In
to It"
"How do you know that?"
"I'm a reformed burglar."
He got the lob.
Making It a Boomerang.
From Everybodya
Instead of the usual just-before.
Christmas letter to 8anta Clans, Rob
bie wrote a prayer letter to God. After
enumerating the many and varied pres
ents he wanted very much, be ooncluded
with: "Remember, God. the Lord lov-
eth a cheerful giver."
Vacation lime, '
Soon off to the country will flock In a
The citv folks, hanerhl-v nA nrmiil
Ahd the farmer will wish, when they've
crowuea nis ooara.
That his wife hadn't boarded the
Oakland. (CaL) Enquirer: Not only,
does this action of the government frus
trate the well laid plan of the Morgan
Guggenheim interests to grab Alaska,
but it plainly evidence the fact that
the publio- faith In I Ft. Glavls, special
agent of the department .of - the Interior,
and Glfford Pinchot, former chief for
ester, was not misplaced. u ;
The vindication, provided there was)
anything to vindicate, of both Glavls and
Pinchot. is now complete and Secretary
Fisher has shown his worth In annull
Ing the right, or rather alleged right,
of the Morgan-Guggenheim combine to
Alaska's bidden wealth. And accom
panied by this vindication Is the true
conservation for the people ef hundreds
of millions' worth of coal lands.
And, ar was pointed out by Pinchot,
who was dismissed from the federal
service after a clash with Ballinger, the
government flnda that the moneyed
combines' locations in the coal district
were made pursuant to an understand
ing and agreement ef the claimants
prior to the locations to hold the clalma
for their Joint use and benefit and that
each filing and entry had been made
with the unlawful purpose and Intent
that the . titles acquired thereunder
should Inure to the benefit and-use of
the association or corporation of claimants.
News Forecast of tne
doming Week
and each of the great colonies stlp
ulated for a free hand to get its
own Immigration in its own way.
"And so the game went on to the
end. with the best of feeling on all
sides. But even shadowy bonds of
any sort of control were, relaxed.
And the new footing between Great
Britain and these, now admittedly,
"Sister Nations," was acknowledged.
Ths Is a bad year for great com
binations. Where they exist they
and has not only contributed money
towards its expenses, but will have
pnotograpns maae tor it of many
pages of The Golden Gospels, and has
also presented a volume of photo
graphs of the collated texts.
Siege of Jerusalem-
Jerusalem, the Holy City, haa been
the scene of many fierce conflicts. Al
most from Its founding 'this celebrated
The commission is searching the VSZ !"- Tt- mnl? ..T"S?"-!
,, , : - icn v vu t, u aval ee Jvr, ssiliw W 1 liw
HDraries, camearai records and longer retains Importance aa a city, but
treasuries, and the private collec- continues to 'bold our veneration' and
tlons, of all Europe, for documents curiosity, h" experienced more excit-
to, show the basis of St. Jerome's wo'rid!" th" th6r CUy .,h"
tranalatinn. The. T.atin ravta ..,'.... .... ... . -
era ,nt tn hi hnV,n ..- ttt , jaaicQisngii ia cmiiea ui manner vi
are apt to be broken up. Where they wv.-h ! r.raar.t ri.n- .-.-- . o.. t ... .
i .- wwa a VHuflV WI DiUU I raari e t mm vus; s.aaaw
are proposed the suggestions fail. f tb PIM .. mo .. In the -hands of the Jebusltes. from
jIoo-0- - --. v whom King David took it. Solomon
disappeared. But great success has bullt th tep on Mount Moriah. After
oeen met in ine searcn tor them in his death Sesestrls. king of Kgypt. took
HID 16-YEAR-OLD daughter of Austr,a Holland, Spain, France and! the city and plundered if. during Rebo-'
tion, as the administrators of the nothine- hn ..m t, a
' beneflU provided by the nation at players have generally good physique
large. The chancellor's first idea and all round strength. Be is re
was to enlist those physicians who rm.., ...
. .. , - - - wiat yi a icq lm iiuiliect to
the actual physical effect of these
games on the players not on the
fans. . v . r
How about the vacation exercises
In the open air? Mountain climbing.
are now 'working in aid of those in
' sured la the various Friendly Socle
ties, and to enlarge Hheir number
but still to maintain the relations of
the doctors to those societies. Much
criticism has bean alr-. ..a ""."'."" . .
i " 7 . " j u our esBayiBt considers, taxes a nrlze
frpm the, doctor especially. The m all four classes. Our friend has
, leaders of .the profession have now nothing to say for riding, hunting,
?2?ifi'l?Z ? f9 or igins. Yet all hi. requlremenf.
mt !rTr2ri,t ?LT r met by the tlni o these. - He
Vrlnd?v passes by the tonie effect of their
Tui to ,fK?ec faTorlt amBCSents on the mind a.
the doctors, directiy.with the local well as on the body of the hunter
Vfva" anLd the German, -Yet dull"care
Uves of the government m v drops down and out when tha forest
lJ??Sti? rdbe !arached- iUrs Sn'd 2
saya, wholeheartedly, to this change. l0Ag climb to the, upper ridges Is
The . whole of: the medical attend- puihed, through Bush and brake! - by
.anee ndudlngmatorhity cases, U to rough, trail, arid fieart, uulckaElng
W,.?tti M nar ltli com- climb. ; And how good ths rough
raitteea, the agents of, the govern- meal by the camp fire, and the blan-
verified. Duplicate copies are made
for all the members of the oommis-
a Boston clergyman is a so
phomore at Radcliffe college.
A 16-year-old son Is a sopho
more at Harvard, and two other chil
dren, aged 12 and 9, respectively,
are in the high school.
The father is an apostle of educa
tion under forced drauarht. Tin tan
"all that many backward students learnIn 'ound In the Catholic
need, is to have the gates of their
Intellect opened by the stimulating
of Interest In the tasks they are set
to do. This, particularly In the case
of very young children that la tb
say, of . children at the age of three
or four,- when the beginnings of edu
cation may most profitably be un-
In short, It was five
Every page of these rare
mentS lS Photographed SB SOOn as M.te.rv raa that tv Titua. in the Mr
boam's reign.
times taken. ,
The most memorable siege of -J era -
TO, following the birth of Christ Pur
ine this 'siege ths city and the temple
were entirely destroyed; 1,110,000 per-
"The whole summit of the hill which
commanded ' the city blazed like a vol
cano. One after another the buildings
fell In with a tremendous erash And
were swallowed up In the fiery abysa.
The roofs of cedars were like sheets of
flame; the gilded shone like
Washington, July 1. The oora
lng celebration of the Fourth of July
will probably be the "safest and san
est" the country has ever witnessed.
Popular celebrations with parades and
pageants as the " chief features are
planned In New Tork, Chicago, Phila
delphia, Boston and numerous other
President Taf t wllj celebrate the
Fourth at Indianapolis. Leaving Bev
erly Sunday he will reach Marion, Ind.,
the following day. and there he will
speak . to the bankers and editors of
Indiana., He will reaoh , Indianapolis
Monday' night and go to the home of
former Vice President Fairbanks. July
Fourth he will give to the people of the
Indiana capital. He will return to
Washington direct from Indianapolis. Lt
The large gatherings of the week W
spikes of red light; the gate towere wlu delude the biennial convention tff '
Inn .nl . i, i . were) entirely orairojw i,ii,m)u per-
slon, and for scholars eooperaUng BOn, ar gw w hftTt periBhed and 97.ood
with them. A Bible revision made to hava been made, prisoners, and after-
wun an this care, and with, all 'the wards either sold as siavea or wanton
church brought to bear on it, is to
be the outcome.
ly exposed, fori the sport of their cruel
victors, to the fury of wild beasts.
Previous to the. siege of Titus, who
was the son ef Vespasian, the- most
memorable wss that of Nebuehadnescar
six centuries before, who took and de
stroyed the city ' after a long siege,
and carried off those of the inhabitants
whom the sword bad spared, as captives
llattllltiAa nf ail RAA boa ni..
dertakenls a duty which obviously bra. t thf f.t. -i
,?tt.?t-xiltK for many year, the depository of the
. WS . ntfTent,on o' Parents savings of the poorer middle class,
n child instruction none will take the owners of small homes
SKoSt luZZit? than The bank was an outcome from
fntl 1 8 l6arn0P th Hrty-Hn societies, formed
to incrfased efficiency. , to provide for the building of. ilttle
But what of the boy who Is a so- houses bv tha a-T.tin bi-.
phomors In Harvard at. 15? What aarvlns-a. which hn .
nf tha nthnr nn that la I- t. viv I .. . I . w u"
' . t. "'a'viBum naa - oeen so amassed
tuuui at uiuoi is uui euner an od
Ject of pathoa rather than pride?
High school 'at nine means child
hood robbed . ot . the things that
it '.,s t.V'' :V I-. f',iv;"V1t:':;i'"'r"
WEEK OR TWO ago the Blrk
beck bank suspended payment to Babylon. The city had regained con
unexpectedly In London, , with elderable Importance several centuries
later under Era and jvenemian, wnen it
was again sacked and Its walls leveled
by Antlochus, of Syria. .. For more than
a century, and during the period of the
life of Christ,. Jerusalem was a tributary
to Rome, when it was again taken, in
A. D. 68, by a party of Jews, who had
revolted against the eternal city. They
were only able,to hold, it for four years,
when' the Romans under Titus recap
tured it. - : ; .;,
So thoroughly and so substantially
had the Jews fortified the city that It
required " the work of more than six
months of Titus' : besieging- army be
fore, tha occupants wre pelted and
starved Into submission. Milan, the his.
torUn of the Jews,' thus describes the
terrible conflict;
loaned to the winner of a lot-draw:
ing and was paid off by continued
weekly or monthly payments'. ' The
plan succeeded tor many years while
sent up tall -columns of flame and
smoke. The neighboring bills were
lighted up, and dark groups of people
were seen watching, in horrible anxiety,
the progress of the destruction. The
walls and heights of the upper city were
orowded with faces, some pal with
agony of despair, others scowling un
availing vengeance.
"The shouts of the Roman soldiers.
as they ran to and fro, and the howl
ing or tne insurgents who were Per
ishing In the flames, mingled with the
roaring of the conflagration and the
thundering sound of fallln tlmbera.
Tha echoes of the mountains replied,
or brought back, the shrieks of . th
people on the heights. ' All along the
walls resounded soreams and waitings.
Men who were expiring with famine
rallied their remaining strength to utter
a cry of anguish and desolation.-
"The slaughter within was even more
dreadful than the speotacle from with
out, Men and women,' old and young,
insurgents snd prlecta, thorfe who fought
and those who entreated merer, were
hewn down ltv indiscriminate carnase.
The number of the stain exceeded that
of the slayers. The legionaries had to
olambor over heaps of dead to carry on
the work of extermination, t ! ,
."John, at the head of !- some of his
troops cut his way through, first into
ths outer court of the temple, after
ward into the tipper city. Some of the
priests upon the roof, wrenched off the
gilded spikes with their sockets ef lead
the International Christian Endeavox
union in Atlantic city, tne annual aa- .
sembly of the Jewish Chautauqua Soci
ety of America at Milwaukee, and tha
annual convention Of the National Ed
ueatlon association, . opening In San
Francisco on Saturday.
Wednesday Is the day set for the
McNamara brothers to appear in eourt
In Los Angeles to plead to tha charge
of murder wtttTthe "use of dynamite.
Thetmonument erected by the Domin
ion of Canada to Laura Secord, who
risxea ner lire in conveying to the Brit
ish army the information which 'enabled
them to win the victory at Beaver Dams
In the war of 181a. will be unveiled
Wednesday with interesting ceremonies.
The monument stands on, Queenston
iieignts. .
. Events of the week abroad will In- '. -
elude the Royal Henley reerat.a n t.
Thames, the state visit of the king and
queen to Ireland, the "Jubilee meeting
of the British Institution of Naval Ar
chitects in' London,' the American am.
paeey reception at Dorchester House
on Independence Day, the French open
..i..i,Iivii,uiu luurnamant at r..
Boulle, and a meeting In Brusaais
form a permanent international organs
" ins iniernauonal
Iron and 8teel; Institute. 'uon.
Flying High.
From Baltimore American,
Top, can you fly?"
?'Vby, of oourso not? Vh.i , i
and used them as missiles against the J you. ask- such foolish questions?'
Romans below. Afterwarit thev flaw in e "Well. COD. whv ,, 1lr1 m,. 0.1... .
-- .v. ,;".::....-:-:'.; t-..k.v .v..:.- wu un wan win ii ibb i wiaa; uieyi""' eex uiner night that you
were soon summoned to surrender; but! werf blrdT ' .
two or tnem, m air, .son or Belgb, and
Joseph, son of Delia, plunged headlong
Into the flames.'4- .''. i t...;,,.,,.,.
Thus ended the steers of Titus, ona of
tha most plcturesa" r history,
l Tomorrow--Siege of Orleans, v ;
The Reason.
From I.lf. . - t '
"John.. whatever indaced you" to' buy
a house in this1 forsaken region r i
Zy.Z.lJ?S ..utemen i'