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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1910)
c: DAILY TC 1 UjiL,uUJ, V Mill ijrdi.U, JUL.X 1 AJ. I USED litis H DOB FIIT ST. lumr Selected Veal Finds a Call Up to 12 1-2c a Pound While , the Best Dressed Porkers Sell Up to 13c. Dressed meat t market Is yery good along Front street, and values are being : well- maintained. . .- . For strictly fancy veals the price along the street Is holding to. ISHo a pound with an occasional sale of good stuff around 12c. Receipts of veal are M . I 1 i. 1 - I it. i . n 4 n A ..,, lttir, out ii in iu imiu ui m kuuu iu Into the city at this time that selected quality brings the premium quite easily. -Increasing warmth has caused a cur tallment of dressed hog shipments to the Frsjnt street trade, and values to day are firm at 13o-a pound for best quality. - Owing to weather conditions . only the smaller size porkers art want j ti at all In the produce rtade. and any. thing that-is very heavy or big will not bring these values. .- . . Yesterday's sharp advance In live hog , prices In the stockyards was an aid -to , Front street quotations today., . ..Local Trade Is Quiet. . As expected, local trade In the produce market was quiet today, although ship- ping bosiness was good. The grocers' nlrnln la th rnntrfhtiHn cause-here. '" " . Tomatoes Going Down. ' y and today sales of two tier stock are being made down to 75c a box. whllel ' the best hothouse growth is selling at 11.76 per four basket crate. , ' ) ' - ' Loganberries Sell Low, . ' 1 Loganberry demand Is limited and with the closing of the retail groceries : today, - because of the picnic at Canby, ' dullness ,1s especially pronounced. Peppers in Big Supply, r ,,; ' ! Qreert peppers are In very heavy sup ply along Front utreet ana sales today are being made frtm 50c to 7Bc a box. . Movement to tha outside Is not suf ficient to clean, up supplies. Too Much Corn Coming. Green corn from The Dalles is in v very heavy supply along the street and much of the stock is going to waste. This, Is due to the very plentiful sup " plies at home and the low prices In - effect heret ,; FKOXT STREET QUOTATIONS - kops. Wool and Bide - JHOPBw-1809, prime to choice. ISc; . prime, 12a; - medium, 14c; 191(1 con- IrBots,' 18c- - :" v-.-..,'-.r-, WOOI-r-Nominal, 1918. Willamett valley. 16p20o; eastern Oregon, 1817a SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 102Sc escb; short wool, , 2SB0c; medium wool, B0cll each; .long wool, 75ca 81.25 each: ' TALLOW Prime, per lb., I 4c; No, 8 and srease. 12C, CHITTIM BARK J909 Nominal Jc: 1916, 44 5c. ; -f HIDES-tDpy hidM!tt17He! lb.5 green, 7 (3 8c; bulls, green, salt, 6o lb.; kips, 810c; calves, green, 13 Ho per -'MOHAfK--Nomlnalf IMA S0($82a '; , - snttsr, Xggrs and Foultry. . ; BUTTER--Extra creamery, 81c;, store, je4juM -v BUTTER FAT F. o. b., Portland, par pound: Sweet cream, 29c; sour, 574c; POULTRY Mixed chlckena,, lic hens, 7ttlci etags, 14c; ' broilers, 2022c; fryers, 80 22c; geese, old, lliilllHo; young, lS14c; for live; ducks, young, 1616c; old, lSo: turkeys. alive, 20 21c; dressed, (); .pigeons, siiuabs, 82 60 dozen; dressed chlckena, iiuab (ft: 2c a pound higher than alive. jouna Local IGGS Local. No. Jr. 27c; No. 2. 28c: at mark. 20 5? J z&c; eastern, ic - . CHEESE -New Oregon . fancy fuVl cream, 17c; triplets and daisies, 17Hc; - Toung Americas, 1814c. ; - , . i Orals, riour aal Kay. . , . ' ' WHEAT Nominal Track.' club, 88c; .blueatem, 90c; Willamette- valley, 84c. ' ' , BARLEY Producera price 1I0I-- teea, ta; roueu, ize; brewing, 824. " CRN Whole, 888; cracked, 887 ton. HAY Producers price New timothy, 1 Willamette. valley, fancy, 820O21; ordi nary, 818; eastern Oregon, 822 28 : mixed; 818.50; clover. No: 1, 8I6,B016; .wheat. $1817; cheat 117018; alfalfa, 1718. : -A'.,' ' ' iriAjva wew erojy, patents, 8.iB; Willamette 85.80- . per barrel; .local straight 84-05 4.95; bakers. 84.98(6.15; Avnnr, tvrmim (1 Art ffraktm 1. .nnlr tl HA. i-v. R 7R. K.Ua 11 IK ... . . MILLS TuFFS Selling price, car lota Bran, lao; miaaimgs, snorts. Ji; chop. 8190125. -. ' . OATS Spot delivery, new, 'producers' pnety Track no. i wmte, 8Z'l gray, 826. - Traits and Vegetables. . FRESH kHUITS Oranges Valen- cias 8.604.26;ibox; bananas, o Ho lb.; lemons, 88 008.00 box; grape fruit. l9.e Oi.piDeappiesi z. y o 4.Bttaoa. ; - can taloupes, 44.60; peaches, 40c21.00; mums. oi76c: cnerries. ocuge um berts, 12 c; watermelons. 81.7E2.00; - grapes, z.oo. . BERRIES Losranberrles. 81.lsif21.26: , blackcaps, , 81.86 1.B0; .'raspberries, 81.76 tier crate of 24 boxes: blackbert ties, 81.66. . 1 , TOTATOES New, 8LSfti.60, ONIONS California, $2i0; garlic, 7 . VEGETABLES New turnlOS. 11.00 1.25: -M beets, 81.00 1.26; carrots. 81.00 sack; cabbage, 1.80ff?i8 per cwt, . lomaweB, uauxornia, 76cS1.0ft;. local ii.xa; Deans, ,2&3o lb.; . Jiorseradish. ' 12V4o; green onions, 1520o per dosen: peppers,; bell,- 1 0 1 S c - per - lb. head - Mtuce, , I620c- per doren: - hothouse, ,.7Bc j box; radishes, - 10(livic dozen DiiiicnsB; ceiery, 76(Q)g5o aozen; , egg ' cucumDers, local, . 60c , dozen; California. 8060o per box: as- , pa.r giiB'i.local , 6 . dosen t peas, 4c ' APPLES New, IJ2v'v;,14..v5: ' Orooarlas, aruts, Etc , " RtTrt T? rnho HKC. . A. fruit or berry, J06; dry granulate 88.26; wnf. A, H05; extra B. 85.661 ff?'A8 D .yellow, 85.66; beet $6.06; barrels. 15c; half barrels, 80o; hoxs. fific advwnce on swrk basis' ' Say! .. Where's That Pig? - If there is srplr left In any eorner of the Northwest we .We want as much dressed pork aa1. we can1 possibly get We will pay as follows for produce. . We never, take off commission. - Ship y express: Dressed Fork . . ....... . . . . .'. .18 Ho Dressed-;. Teal. ., . , , . ..... . . ; , . , .106 14 ve Chickens Hens. .;. . ...... .16o Spring1 Onloksns ,...&0c Address all shipments. . TB.AVK It. BMITH MEAT CO. "riglitlnff tha Beef -Trust." - ' Cortland, Oregon, III 0!! tLUESTEM WHEAT mm to it a California Buyers Enter Local Market and Force Rise; Differential-Against Club, Is Widened to. 7 Cents. Wheat Aiding ncmr. , . i Increasing price of blueatem s wheat, occasioned by th Call- fornla demand for the latter, is trngthenlng tha . situation . In 4 tha flour market, and advanced a prices In the latter are drawing 4 closer. i, . CaJifornia Baying Bluestem." , "California buyer are after blueatem wheat and on this account local interests-are. now offering as high as 900 bushel for bluestem Portland delivery. While there was an advance of lo a bushel In tha price of club wheat during the past 24 hours, the differential be tween that variety and bluestem is wid ening. It is now 7o a bushel and prom ises to show still, further increase if ins aoum conunuea to ask ror that wheat. -" ., Lata yesterday afternoon a- cable wa received from Liverpool Offering an advance of lo a bushel for cargoes and this price was Immediately tacked onto the local figure. The local market Is therefore on an export basis,nd unless values become too excited oif this side, heavy shipments toward Europe are ex pected at the start of the shipping sea son. , . i Owing , to. the higher price of wheat here and elsewhere today, th flour mar ket is strengthening and higher valuea are anticipated. ' Rain Is now promised for the spring wheat crop but while It may help that sowing, damage - to the fall sown la likely because harvesting - will .- be de layed. Weather bureau forecast for the coming 88 hours: . . Showers tonight Or Thursday, cooler. Winds shifting to southerly. Oregon Showers tonight or Thurs day, cooler except near tha coast. Winds becoming southerly. : - - ' Washington Fair " west tonirht and Thursday, showers-' east- tonight, or Thursday, cooler east portion; variable winds mostly easterly. Idaho Showers and thunderstorms tonight or Thursday, cooler. (Above quotations are . 10 days Ret cash quotations.) - .'" RICE-lmperlal Japan No." I. 4 We; No. 8, 6Hc; New Orleans bead, 6 o; Creole. 8l4c. . SALT Coarse - Half ground 100s. 89.60 per ton: 60s, 811.00; table dairy, 60s. $18.00: 100s. $17.00; bales. $2.26: extra fine barrels, 2s. 6s and 10s, 84.00 itfo u'i: mmp roci, per ion. BEANS-Small. white, 4e; taritUclosing. ' white. 4; pink. 7Hi bayou. $7.85; December started with Intense flrm- Llmaa. 85.80: reds. 87.26. KONEI New, I3c per lb. -Meats, Fish and rroYlsloa. DRESSED Front street hogs, fancy, 18c: ordinary. 123)i8fcc; .veals, extra, 1212Hc; ordinary, 12c; spring lamba, 11 H 12.o; yearling lambs, lOo; mutton, HAMS, BACON. ETC. Hams. J 0 Q 22o,. breakfast bacon, 2080c; boiled haiu, 27 29c: picnics, 18c; cottage roll, ( ); regular short .clears, smoked, 18ttc; . backs, smoked, 18c; , pickled ton trues, 40c lb. - , TURPENTINE la cases. . 76e: bar rela, So per aallon. LARD Kettle leaf, 6s, 16 0 per lb,; steam rendered, s, 16'Ao per-lb.; com pound. 6s. 18c per lb. OYSTERS Shoalwater bay, per gil Ion, $8.25; per 100 lb. sack. $6; Olympia, per gallon: 82.78 per 100 lb. sack, $7j T.b; canned eastern, 65o can; la eastern In ahell. 91.6S per lOO. flounders, ; c; halibut, 9c: striped bass, 16c; catfiah. 10llc; fresh chi nook,,ll12o lb.; blueback, 11012c lb.; soles, 7c; shrimps, lie; perch, 7o; torncod, ( ) -; lobsters, 2Sc; herrings, 8c; black bass, 20a lb.; sturgeon. 13o per lb.; silver smelts, 7o lb.; black cod. 7 He; crabs (out of season); dressed shad, So; roe shad, 8c; shad roe, 20c lb. -CLAMS Hardshell, per box. 4o lb.; razor clams (out of season). I -' - Paints, Coal OIL Etc ' .' LINSEED. OIL Raw, bbla $1.01; cases, 81.08; boiled, bbls.,' 81.03: cases, 81.08; per gallon lota of 250 gallons, lo less; oil cake meal (none in market), BENZINE 88 degrees, cases, 19o $er gal.; iron bbls.. lo per gal. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, Te per jo., ouu id. iota, so per id,; less iota, 8Up per lb. . . ; T.CPE Manila, f c: ' sisal, . 7 c ; COAL OIL Pearl, astral and star. 18o per gallon; eocene. 21o gallon; alalne, 28o gallon; headlight,- 19a gallon; ex tra star. 21o gallon; water white, bulk, ll15Hc per "-allon; - special water whiteL 16o gallon. GASOLINBRed crown and motor. I8 I60 gallon; 80 gasoline, 3087o gaiion; v, u. r, napntna, 10H w 22HO gallon; r.-T PRICE OF PRODUCE AT SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco, July 20. 'Wheat Aus tralian ana propo, . $1.65 01,70; Sonora, $1.65&1.70; good to choice California club, $1.60(8H.86; northern wheat, blue- stem,; ciud, : gi.eo9i.63ias Turkey, $1.601.2H; Russian,. $1.67 H $1.60. - . - -. -. . Barley Feed, good to choice. $1.05 1.10; fancy, $1.1114; poor to fair,' $1.00 1,024 ; new shlpplng,.....81J)7'4 1.10; old brewing, f 1.10; chevalier, nominal Eggs, per dozen California fresh, Including- cases: Extras, 29c; firsts, 27c; seconds, 23c; thirds, 20c. . Butter, per pound California 'fresh: Extras, '29c; firsts, 28,4c; seconds, 27p. New cheese, per pound New Califor nia flats, fancv. 14 Ho; firsts, lSHe; seconds, 18Hc! California Young Amer ica, fancy, 16e; firsts, 15c. ' - .' .Potatoes New River Whites, cholee,N per box, (SO 75c; extra, 7585c: per cen tal. 90c $1.00. Ontofls New, per sack, $1.75J.O0; yellow, per cental, $1.761.90; silver-skins,- $1.90(92.00. -r . . Oranges, per box Choice, $1.60 J 2.80! extra choice, $2.503.25; Valenclas, choice, $2.00 2.60; fancy, $8.00 4.00. SEATTLE PRODUCE PRICES FOR TODAY - . '." . ", Cr ; 5l mi- -i 11 1, nn in- it- " v . , 'r'r. . (Carted Prew Leau4 Wire.) . Seattle, July " 20. Butter Washing ton creamery, firsts,., 82c; ranch, 25o; eastern creamery, 81c; process, - 26c; Oregon; tic; California, 2Re.. Eggs Local ranch, 2334c; eastern selected, 28c, ; Cheese Tillamook twins arm triplets. "uwi w rsctmsin twins, 1 inn' 1 5 ff!Trrii;l t . i . n" T "" Ynnn Am.ri,... .10-. frm,ni, v.7-il Liverpool,, July 20. Wheat: Americas,,: 8c. ,-v-f -u- ;:-..-; 1 O n 1 ons Texas Barm u d a s. 3 1 . 1 5 er crate; Walla Walla, ; $3.2502.60 - per crate; California, 2 Ho per pound. Potato Kanoy graded, $1720 per urn, inncy easiern vvnaningron, tulw 0; :new California, whites, $1.8M? 2.00 cr eack , ', V. V- ' ..-sl W. HB VALUES IIITUH ANOTHER BAD RAP Tone Is Weak and Receivers ' Unablq fo Clean Up Fur Jher Sharp Decline Today t Fails to .Increase Demand. Chicken market Is breaking. . Receipts along Front street contlnuo aultS-Leayyu-in -fact, since announce ment was made of 1 declining values, shipments to this city have increased. Only for. selected coops of hens is 18a available today and only a limited amount of stock can be moved at 'this figure Juot now. Most of the transac tions In this line today were around 17o and buyers were not in any hurry to takexpn sunnlies even at this figure. For springs the demand is extremely limited and the tone In this branch of tho poultry market may be considered wean, una of the causes of this is the heavy shipments of small birds birds that walgh from . to 1H pounds. Nothing under two ponnA stock is want ed at the moment There is a general absence of call for .fryers. Twenty cents Is today the extreme limit for springers, and the ' movement at this figure is not sufficient to keep the mar ket cleaned of arrivals. , While present prices on poultry are ramer nign, ine arop nas Deen severe, and many country shippers were caught by the force of the avalanche. . With the ending of the heavy laying season, producers are shipping their surplus poultry to maraet. - ; ,1 ...... E Liverpool Wheat Market Also Bullish After a Lower Open ingShorts Cover. , Chicago. July 20. Wheat opened and closed higher, last figures being 1 to 71 v. uubiici a rove yesieroay. Opening values' were bullish, with an advance of H c. and on extensive 5Vr.S,c,2,Xe&n-f thS Jul advanced from 31.08Hoi.09i.; Later tu reacted to I1.09H, whi-re it closed. At the ODenlnff SontmSi- Mgher at $1.06, but moved up lHo to the hlrh marlr h.,Hi v.... 1 - - r.esa, opening being e higher at $1.07 and touching the blgh mark at 81.0JH- . Liverpool save , an exhlhltlon rf treme weakness and strength, and this was an influence of. moment with, the local trade. , Opening there was' HV Hrt lower, but the market steadied soon ?"i$n .short -covering.- Closing was nynu nuuve yemeruay. Lamage reports from tha Canadian northwest caused some short covering in uiw ivi-i mamec alter ut opening. Demand for cash wheat is increasing. Range pf Chicago prices furnished by UTOUCUl c vuuks -o. WHEAT. ' "V Open. High. ......108 : 109 ......106 107H ..... .107-4 100 Va CORN. Low. , Close July Spt Ceo July &ept Deo July Sept Leo July Sept July Sept Oct - July Sept Oct 108H 109 10B 107 107W 108 69 60. 61 82 , 68' 69 OATS. 1H - ,. 4114 39 8h 40 40H POR1C 2520B .... 8160 2179 ' LARD. 1160 - 112 1155 ,1173 . i V - .-..". RIBS. 1185 : 1195 1140 1160 ' 1106 1105 56 61 68 4lk, H , 40 0i 2A 69 41 A 40 2570B 2166B 8146 1150 1166 11J 1172 14) I 116QB 1185 1137 1085 1195 1166 10973 WALLA WALLA tWH EAT " ' YIELDS (J0MING GOOD Walla Walla. Waah., July 20. All in dications point to a generous harvest for the wheat raisers of the Walla Walla valley, and very report Is of an en couraging nature. Yield, quality and price seem all to the good, and farmers are i,eJlclngrvwhere-a--few-weeks-ago mere wm preaiciea out nair a crop, poor Quality and low orlce. Thr in stances from the harvest tell the story. Oren Demarls, a Dixie farmer,, cut a small field of grain on his place that made 60 bushels, and this is but a common report - Harvey McDonald brought wheat to the city today that tested 61 pounds. D. B. Cannier of Pres cott yesterday sold 1000 sacks of blue. stem for 85 cents, the best price given. LUF'Suuie wine. 1 . . - NORTHWEST BASIC STATEMENT Portland Banks. " - Clearings today -.m ,-4 i ,-;$l,898,T05.98 Year ago 1,076,641.89 Oaln today .., Balances , Year ago .............. . , , $822,164.29 292.608.72 161,961.45 .,.$826,657 ... i 46,542 .,.$764,284 72,365 ..$1,664,383 .. 216,161 Taooma Banks. Clearings today uaiances toaay Spokane Banks. Clearings today . ,.t Balances today ,..., f ' Seattle Banks. : Clearings today Balances today t NEW TOBK COTTOX MARKET New York. July 20. Cotton market; open. iiifrn. ,i,ow. close. January February 1278 1286 1267 283( 3 285 A March ....... f282 May 1286 July ......1600 1289, 1276 1290 1284 12S7C 129SC 1608 1640 137S 1693 1521 1360 1287 1269 1600 i August ...'.1533 September r.l3S4 1681( 1874H 180 1287 uctoner ....1297 December .,1279 307 288 JAxtrpool ,'Whent- Market.;. " Open aose. J uiy , . ,',-. Oct. ' ' L ..k . , . . , 7s 6d 7s 6d 7s 7 U t Dec.' !.,.,.,,,.;,.,,.,, 7s 7d ' : New York-London Silver. CANADIAN DAMAG Bl A P NeflTYork, July 2d. Rat silver, --difeu-. .fc i-iii M W at.- S'.71iJE SCARCITY IS OF ES Stuff Is Scarce In the Country ' and Pacific Northwest Is " Again Importing Supplies From Nebraska. ; e Sogs to Be Boaroe. - s J Hogs will be very scarce lri the- s local territory during the next s r two months. The assertion was ' mads this morning to The - s Journal by C Cv Clark, the well ' s knewn Arlington meat man, who 4 knows thoroughly the livestock 4 s - situation of the interior. , s 1 don't know what butchers will do for hogs during the next two months," he says, "because : s , stockers are very scarce in the 4 s , Interior, and-it-will 'take some e time to stock up again. Cat-. tie are likewise scares and all butcher stuff Is worth about as ' much in the interior aa on the Portland market" - . ;. ' -, PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. , . Hogs, cattle. Calves. Sheep. Wed. ...... 81 180 16 888 640 Tues. 203 Mon, ,.,.,1228 Sat ...!.. ... Fri 4i Thurs, . a 268 Week ago. 105 83, 613 25 203 11 21 . 4 17 'ii 339 601 231 286 886 j- Portland Union Stockyards, North Portland, Or., July 20. Yesterday's ad vance in the nrica of hrtrm tn no sk onrt exclusively told by The Journal, was uui aurprise, in view or . wie great ShOrtaSa Of BUnnlle at Intarlnr nlnfa " While It is generally agreed that the ioiai uuiput or nogs in tno Jfacuic nortn west will be rreater thla neotnn than for some years, swine will be scarce for some weeks and perhaps months. Further Importations of eastern hogs must come to all Paclflo coast centers In the immediate future because of this condition. This ; has recently . caused middle west and eastern swine values to nuctuate upward and naturally this will be reflected In Portland prlies. While It is true that the bis- rTftck.m will be forced to buy the bulk of their Immediate requirements from Nebraska points, smaller killers -will be forced upon the local market and unless ar rivals Increase materially the outcome, so far as prices are concerned, should be most pleasing to shippers. Only one load of hogs arrived in the North Portland yards this morning and these found a ready buyer at $10.86. The average was 206 pounds, or. somewhat ngnier wan ins $iu.35 sturr of yester day. . - Cattle market remains quite Steady for good quality but poor stuff remains with a dragging, disposition, ; Sheep supplies for the day were small but the-market was .very slow arming former values, but lambs were firm and 'soio. again at is. , Amonff ,tb Shippers. Charles Lockler was in with a load of cattle. - W. H. , Bristol shipped two loads of cattle from Lewiston. Henry ; Larkln was 1 an arrival from Endloott. ..Waan with- a load of hogs; the only ones received this morning. E. J. Phllltppl had a mixed load of cattle and calves offering from West Sclo. J. E. Rogers, another West Scio shio- per, had a load of sheep on today's mar- S. B. Becker of Sllverton was offer ing two loads of sheep on the market this morning. ,W, M. Jones of Corvallls. was In with a car of cattle. C. C. Hout was another Corvallls ship per. He had two loads of cattle. Today's run of livestock compares with this day in recent years as follows: Hogs, cattle. Sheep. 1910 81 196 888 ............... 85 939 813 190J 1 318 470 1007 75 426 J90J 40 26 , 284 1905 ,i,...V.;.- 811 857 778 A year ago today there was a gener ally good feeling In all lines of live stock, steers being especially strong at unchanged prices. Todays' Representative Sales. ' ' ':' - Following are representative or to day's transactions in the yards and in Indleats demand, supplies and quality of fering. They are the only prices se cured direct from sellers in this market - STEERS. ; . -. Av. Lbs, 14 steers ..... ....... .1128 13 steers - ,. 1000 tl bogs 206 ... . SHEEP AND LAMBS. 161 lambs 61 41 ewes 87 i -SheeD 180 Price. $6.00 4.10 $10'.25 $6.00 3.60 8.00 General range of livestock vales as shown by actual sales: CATTLE Best Oregon steers, $5.50; Ordinary steers, $5.2506.40; best Cali fornia, $5.60; common steers, $4.00; .cows, best $4.264.65; fancy, $4.00; poor $8.00; -heifers, $4.76 5.10; bulls, $3.00 8.76. , - HOGia Beat east of Ihn mnimliltit $10.36 s- fancy, 110.26; stockers and feed ers, ' SHEEP Sheared, best yearling weth ers, $4.00; old wethers, $8.003.60; spring lambs, $6; ewes, $3. 00 3.60. CALVES Best $6.60; ordinary, $5.60 6.76; poor, $4.00 6.00. ,': , SOrOMARASHEEF" -MARKET IS ADVANCED .1 . South Omaha, Neb., July 20,i-iCatUe Receipts, 4600; market good; steers, $7.00C7.7fc; - cows and , heifers, $4.76 6.75. 1 .-. .. .', Hogs Receipts, 7200: market steady: bulk of sales $8.168.45. Sheep Receipts, 8400? market high er; yearlings, $4.506.O0; wethers, $8.40 06.77; lambs, $6.507.00; ewes, 42.60) ' Rogeburg Peach Oop, r Roseburg. Or..- July 20. It Is esti mated that thla year's outnut of naachea from thla vicinity will amount to about 19 carioaas."-. .(.-. At a meeting of peaeff growers-held In this city recently nlans were dis cussed .for, marketing their crops.iftnd It now seems probable that most of these will go to Chicago and other east ern polnta. Shipments east will not be gin for at least two weeks yet. Mean while local shipments of the earlier varieties are bains : made to. Portland and elaewhere. ';u Gilliam Crops Excellent., " ' ' -..JZ-Jroinan.a '' ptomlnant-realdaat-of terry Canvon aava that th whpat nrnn in his section is backward. "The out look for Wheat is excellent," he states. "Roth barleV and oah lnnlr nil Than will liksly be an increase In bushels on account of the Increased acreage. Earl Weatherford Is threshing. on, Shuttler flat and Is cutting about 0 acrea a lay. He la averaging better than 22 bi'hia an 4cr - . . 1 UV1 mJm mm J m..--M , mm SUFFER Without Moisture Late Planted -Crop Has Not Grown at All While Early; Stock Needs . Showers to-Force Maturity. Showers sxe promised tonight for the parched fields of potatoes In both Ore gon atfd Washington, , . Unless ." rains fall "T ths'orop-- of tubefs in the Facif lo northwest will show a very heavy decrease from what has been expected. " According to growers recently in the city, the potato crop is at a. standstill; no growth having been shown reoently owing to the general lack of moisture. . Late planted potatoes are principally affected.' Some were planted only a month ago and since that time have nad no moisture to start sprouting and growth. - Early planted potatoes are not doing as well as mtgnt be expected. Rains are badly needed to mature these. Owing to the lack of moisture there remains a shortage of potato offerings by local growers. Outside stock Is still needed and this is forcing the Port land market far above any on the ooast Puget Sound is buying from the Yakima country while California is helping the local trade to supply its wants. Amalgamated, Anaconda and ' Smelter Show Good'Gains; U. P. Under Pressure. New York, July 10. Railroad shares were hit today for a few fractions, but there was considerable firmness in the Amalgamated group of securities. Amal gamated closed 1 polnta higher. In American Smelting & Refining shares there was a rise of 1 points and in Anaconda Mining 2 points. National Lead closed with a gain of 1H polnta . Pew railroad aharea stemmed the tide of bearlshness today and the close was generally lower.. Illinois Central was one of the few to show a rise, the ad vance amounting to a point Erie and Great Northern preferred .were each a few fractions higher at the closing. . Considerable pressure was shown in the specialties such as Union-Paclflo, u N. and tha Steels. K . -t . . Range of New York prices furnished dv uvemecK & uooice co.: Description OpenHighf Low Bid Amal. Copper Co, If? Hi Am. car & it 0 do pfd ...... Am, Cotton Oil, o Am. Loco., o Anu Sugary Am. Smelt, C do pfd .... 69 63 101 17 8 101H '1 Anaconda M. Co. 891 Am. Woolen, c. Atchison,' 0 .... do pfd B. & O., 0 ...... Brooklyn R. T.. 991 S9H 109V4 10 J 77 136 Canadian Pac, c (Jen, weather, c. . $2tt 82 do pra ...... CV A G. W e. , a, M. ft St P.. 23 1234 12 C. & N. W., c... Ches. & Ohio CoL P. ft I., c if 31 H Col. Southern, c . do. 2nd pfd. ,. do. 1st pfd. ... 64 u. & r. a., e, do. pfd. ... Erie. 0 24H 24 do. pfd. ...... lit. worm., pro. 111. Central ... luter. Met, ev , . do. pfd. ....... Louis- & Nash. . M., K. ft T. - do. pfd. ...... ure Jjanas ...... 62H 62 Mo Paclflo . . . . National Lead . N. Y. Central... 68 8H 1134 N. Y.. Ont. ft W. 43 Vi is or. & west, c do pfd ...... North. Pac, c,. 119 113 P. Mall S. S. Co Penn. Ry. iis iii P. G.. L; ft C. Csfl 1 141 Heading, 0 . . . . . do, second pfd f , . . .. . , do. nrst via.. Rep. I. ft S.. p.. -ao pia ....... Rock Island, c. do pfd ....... St. L. ft S.F. ti p. do 1st pfd. ...i St L. ft S. W. c. do pfd. ....... So. Pao. ..;-. South. Ry, t. . do pfd. ....... 71J 28 64 rexas rac. . . . . 37 Union Pac c. . . do pfd., ....... U. S. Rubber, c. . do pfd. ... . . . . U. S. Steel Co., 0. do pfd; r. v. Wabash, e. .... do pfd. ....... W. Tj; Tel Wis. Cent, c ... Wesllnghouse . . Beet Sugar . .-. . Utah Coppor ... Third av. ..... Ice Securities .. Cons. Gas Big Four ...... Railway Spgs. c. do pfd. . . . i. . Va. Chemical ., K. C, Southern . Gen. Electric . . Allts-Chalmers . Am, Can., c... do pfd. ...... Alton, c. ,...1.,. G. W., pfd. ,.. Nevada Cons. , . 183 H 36 70U 1 42 ii 134 69 69 69 1 681, 19 Total sales, 821.800 shares. . ' ' Call money. !(i2 per cent V- Louis vile & Nashville, -ex. dlv . 2 per cent , r . ..- Peach Ci-op Too Heavj. -Walla Walla, Wash.(NJuJy JO. Peaches in the WaUa Walla valley are almost too good a crop, according to orchard lsts of this section. The yield Is so heavy that prices will go to the bottom, theyeclara,.and-Oua-.orcharcuat auud todav it would be better, hud th prtin not been so good. consumers are rejoicing over the pros pects of cheap peaches,, and retailers were busy during the week's end at 81 and 76o a box for good fruit Berries and oherrles, not withstanding the good crop, maintained a high price,' and poaches are the first to show the ef- FRUi.i i:;iJUTIIDUT RAIi IS ARE LIKELY CQPPERS HIGHER: WOW DECLINE PORTlulDGOALOF I1IV LOGGERS Prominent and wealthy loggers to the number of about 160 wilt assomble.ln Portland tomorrow morning for a three days' session, known as tha seoond an nual Paclflo Coast Logging congress. It will be held In the Forestry building at the old fair grounds. Loggers will come from all parts of the five states Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and California that are Interested in the congress. A number of valuable papers on topics of interest to the Industry will be presented by men especially well fitted to-prepare them. The visiting loggers will be enter tained by the Columbia River Loggers' association, of which H. C Clair of tha Twin Falls Logging company is chair man. - J; -8. O'Gorraan of the Wisconsin Logging ft .! Timber company: A. W, Clark of the O. K. Logging company; S, F. Owen or the Beaver Logging conn pany, and Waldo A. Avery of the H. B. ft A. Logging; company, conatlttite a committee on entertainment' and they have been busy for several days making preparations. ; ' ; ; y. Among tne features or the entertain. ment wilt "be an" automobile Tide about the city Friday evening and a dinner at the Portland Commercial club. On Sat urday, after the business of1 the con gress has been transacted, a trip will be made to the logging camp of the Chap man Timber company at Scappoose. The party will go by special cars. ' To save time during the business ses sions, luncheon will be served in a com. modlous tent adjoining the Forestry building tomorrow, end Friday. Thus the loggers will be in position to devote the entire day to the proceedings. The congress will open tomorrow morning with the reading of the annual reports of the officers. , George M Cornwall, secretary of the congress, has prepared .the program for the business session. D. O. Lively, man ager of the Portland Union Stockyards, will read a paper on how to solve the problem" of utilizing logged off-lands, many thousand acres. of which are in the hands of loggers and mlllmen. Mr. Lively wlU urge that experiments bs mads with cattle raising, his belief being that handsome profits could be realised by encouraging this Industry. MORE SHIPS SEARCHED; CRIPPEN NOT. FOUND '--' .1 .-A- , ... New York, July 20 Police today boarded and searched the incoming lin ers Kroonland and Carraanla. No one resembling the description of Hawley Crlppen, 1 suspected of the -murder of his wife in London, was round aboard either vessel. Melon Crop Heavy. - Walla Walla, Wash., July 20. lit Ion season is on in Walla Walla, and both cantaloupes and watermelons, home grown, are offered In large quantities, and prloes are coming within the reach of all. The crop this year will be one of the biases t that has ever been fath ered, following the line set by other fruits and vegetables. Cantaloupes were offered for the first time yesterday, and brought from 10 to 26 cents. Watermelons have been on the market for several days. They onng irom xu to ov cents. - Enormous Hop Prospects. J.' J. Metzler. the local hon factor. has just returned from a trip through western wasnington. He states that hop crop prospects are ao good there that it will be a miracle if the poles support the vines. LU MBERMENS Natioisial --Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS PORTLAND, -OREGON Capital, - - OFFICERS. . Oi IC Wentworth.. .President lohn - A. Keating. . . . . .Vice president Oeo. I McPh arson.. , . .Vice President EL XX Story. ...... .Cashier f. A. Freeman.,'.,,. Assistant Cashier Graham Dukehart. .Assistant Cashier First National Bank . Capital $1,500,000. . 77 r ; Surplus $750,000 V : ' - I,- '' ' V- 1 '''"'' ' "V ' fj- '.. J' , '-t ' ;' '.' ' " J "1 ' . - - . ? , ,. -v .. .-; r. .:. ix .,-v.;: .- w- j.- . " Oldest . National Bank .West , of the 7 : 7 Rocky Mountains For . . STRENGTH, ' WEARING. PROPERTIES And all other require ments that go to make up an ideal pavement MuLL. UiiSl I LI, London Police Claim to Do Abb to Lay Hands on. Him at Any Moment. (United PreM Le4 Wire.) London, July 20, That tr. Hawley Crlppen, the. man wnpra . .the London police . say murdered his . wife in the basement of their Islington borne, has been located and 'that he .will be ar rested before night la the official state ment made today by -Inspector Dow of the Scotland Yard force. Dow says Crlppen is hiding at a health Tenort but the police have been watching him and are sure of his Identity. It is believed that the police have found clues that indicate that Crlppen and Mile Leneva are in France or Spain. The police at Vernet-les-Balnes. a French watering place, declare that Crlp pen was there Sunday, 'The gendarmes- attempted to arrest nlm, but he escaped. probably to Spain. No ' mention' was; made of .Mile. Leneve by the police there. ' : - "';-'. 1 " " - A guard on a Dieppe-Pads train said that a oouple resembling Crlppen and Mile. Leneve boarded the train at Dieppe. ' The guard said they resembled the pic tures of the couple which he had seen. ;V $33,000 Is Realty Record . - s''.";:'' fSpecItt Siipatrti tn The Jimrntl.) ' .White Salmon, Wash., July 20. By a recent sale of 20 acres of choice land to California parties. Day Brothers, who have been in business less than a year, have concluded a month's business that aggregated over 333,000. A rush is ex pected from the east this fall, as the North Bank road has started a big ad vertising campaign, and White Salmon Is ons of the points that it gives special attention. ... - :;' Ms Investments Timber Lands McGrath & Neuhausen Co. 701-2-3-4-5 LEWIS BUILDING, ' , PORTLAND. OREGON v $500,000 DIRECTORS. O. K. Wentworth Charles S. Rusaell P. 6. Brumby Dr. K. A- J. Mackansis George O. Bingham Lloyd J. Wentworth ' J. E. Wheeler Geo. I McPhersoa John A, Keating Robert Treat Piatt H. D. Story - lit Overbeck & Cooke Co. , Commission Merc&anti Stocki, Bonds ; Cotton. Crib, Et:. 216-21? Eoarrf cf Yrds CuI!t Members Chicago lionrd el lj. Corrcspoadenta of Locan a Lrr.-v Chicago, Nets York. Lottos,, We bave the enly prlvnl , ouuctln Perilanil t.. luiirt it hn, ,. iwj. ui a Digyieia.