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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1910)
ju I., " ' ' j ' "T HP Mi Will Be Named by. "Assembly" to Succeed County Judgs Clecton. John C. Shlllock. an attorney, hitherto . unknown in local politics, save fcjr the regularity of. his k voting, U the man swho will be nominated by tha assembly for county- Judge at next Baturday'a fiasco. That Is unless the slate made by leaders falls of materialization. ; ' Shlllock has been selected to defeat ' County Judge Cleeton. vrho Is not going , Into the assembly, and all because Clee ton has la the past professed friendship for Senator Bourne. , ' - Shlllock was one " of the "original assemblyltea and wa the first to an nounce " his candidacy for the Indorse ment of the assembly for any office. He la to be rewarded with the nomina tion for county Judge and probably with out opposition. Friends of Jiunlolpal Judge Bennett hare been urging him to enter the racef against Shlllock, but it Is known Judge' Bennett does not care for the indorsement for that office, pre ". f erring to remain where he la and be come candidate for district attorney la 191J. Back of Shillook's. candidacy taere Is i said to be an lntecestlng Btory, It is . ; said he waa promises the appointment - of county Judge to lucceed Judge Web 1 eter when the latter resigned,, and was waiting for- hla commission when an nouncement waa made by Governor Ben ' eon of the appointment of Judge Clee ton. Max Shlllock, former Portland newspaper man, jui& Governor s Benson are close friends,- or were until hla brother! turn down by the governor. Max is now, and has been for some time, In poor health In fact by the nature of his malady, he ha but a. few months to live, When- he last saw, Governor Benson, It is said, he was given the promise that John would be appointed 'Webster's successor. The failure to do ' this. Is the admitted cause of Shlllock'a . present candidacy. ' ' " Since early last spring Shlllock has been pulling wires with the assiduity of a candy man and according to Inside ln- : formation, which has leaked out, he is among the 1elect" . : ROCHE AND BURNS TO BOX FOR ASTORIA FANS v The managers of the Astoria Athletic ' club have secured the services of John nie Roche, .the fast California feather weight, 'to box Jlmmle Bums at Asto rla on the evening: of August 5. ' The fans of Astoria will be treated to something new in the line of boxing : when 'Roche steps into the ring with Burns. There is no question but. that -f lie Is the fastest lad that has gone out - i of" the Bay City for some time. His ' footwork, quick stepping In and out of , tight places, has been a revelation to all those who have watched him .work' in '(-hit dally training stunts. He wlll leave for Astoria tomorrow, evening and ' finish hla conditioning at the Astoria A thletlo club. ' " : ' ' r - , Burns Is well liked In the lower Co lumbia hamlet, and has a number of followers. A record-breaking bouse is ; sure to greet the twoJoxers on their appearance in Tthe ring nextmoh,, " - . NATIONAL LEAGUE ' , .. - ,r,w,:.V--Y. - : At Chicago,, first game: - . - . R. H. E. Philadelphia. ..... , , , r.'B 8 0 " Chicago,, ..A...;' ...v 1' S i Batteries McQUlllen andr Doolnr Pf olster, Mclntyre, ; , Pfeiffer, and Archer. ( . -; At Cincinnati " " RH.E. . Boston ........................ 7 II 0 Cincinnati . -.,(0 4 1 Batteries Frock and Graham; Beebe, Burns,; Benton and Clarke, . - At St. Louls-i . .' . ,'- X R..H. E. "Brooklyn ..................... i 4 1 :St. Louis 7 3 Batteries Sc anion and Erwtn; Corrl S -Aon and Phelps. - -' 4 At Chicago Second garnet ' Thlladelphla B 2 Chicago 5 12 E Eatterles Stack and Moran; Cole and - At Pittsburg: . j- - - v, 'ii.p:. R. a a. "New York, .................. S. I - , J y Pittsburg. ... .. ........ H-a 4 Batteries Ames and Meyer; Lelfleld, , PbUlpi and Gibson. . : ; , 'vr. " ii.i AMEBICAN LEAQOS ' At Boston, first game. ' - ., .. Chicago, .. s. ......... 0 1 .'R.'l Boston. i .' . .. . . . , iv, ..... 1 : '. 41 Battefles 'White and Payne; Collins . and Carrlgan. - ;-, At Boston Second garnet v: R.H.E. Chicago ............... i. J S t Boston . -, ; 8T0' . Batteries--Smlth -and Sullivan; Ai rellanea and Klelnow. . u ii; , . -;At Nw:TOrk.:w:lt-.H; m Cleveland ,.:....-. X 4 1 New York .................... 4 9 ' 2 , Batteries Young and Easterly; Ford and Sweeney;;-,v . Att,Drt,lt ' , R.H.EL Washington ........i., 1 S i .,: Detroit ........v. 7 19 1 ,. Batteries Relsllng and Beckendorff: , : Donovan and Schmidt ; . - At Philadelphia! ". . 'f R.H.E. - Pt. Louis m 3 Philadelphia .........,...,,,,, io Batteries Powell and Stephens; Plank and Thomas. ; STAXpDIXO OF THE TEAMS r riaclflc Coast League. . W.on.., Lost- P.C. .619 .616 .609 .860 -Portland r.". M'.r;.T"., 63 Ban Francisco ..i.,,,B7 hot Angeles ......... 65 Vernon . . , ........... 62 Oakland . . . ......... 64 Sacramento . ....... 88 42 i5 61 49 62 64 . ; National League. " ' 1 " " Won. Lost P.CJ .616 523 I 28 29 83 8 87 40, 42 48 Kew fork 42 Pittsburg , , .- 87 Cincinnati , . . ........ Philadelphia . . , . Brooklyn ......... ... 33 Bt. Louiai ............ 82 Boston ,..'80 V X' ' .i" i i mil', .620 .486 .462 .427 .386 ...... A mr rtcoq; League Philadelphia , ; 60 ' i , .76 New York ...,4.,.., ,H 0, .695 Boston ; 44 , ' 82 - ,79 Detroit 4$ - 86 ',661 Cleveland ... .. ..... 82 87 .464 Chlcngo . . . 31 43 .419 Washington , . , 29 4(5 .8S7 St. Louis ............ 23 49 .813 i- . ' it ' UUvO 1,11 lU Wui im m m in Marshfleld, Or., July 15. Races, in which sonva of the fastest motor boats of the coast will probably take part are being; planned for Coos Bay for mo wee or August 15. when a carnival Is to be held in Marshflnld an A Vnrth Bend. A committee composed of mem- oera or me uoos nay Motor Boat club have the races in charco. fiiihtar.t,i money prlxes will be offered and an effort will be made to secure the San Francisco and Seattle racers. There are two fast boats on the bey, the General II. owned hv w Pnr and the Wolf, owned by. Fred Powers. Local motor boat men claim that prop erly handicapped the General II can beat anywuns eise on me coast and a auffl clently lares nrlz win duce some of the fast ones to enter the raees. ' ' " Turks Pound Bonner. : Spokane, Wash.; July 15. The Turks pounded Bonner hard enough In the earlier innings to drive enough runs WiverigsOiofTowfii Made by D. C. Burns Co. ' ' We hope that all customers Who hare snmrner residences will' send us their orders throughout the entire out-of-town season,, The slight additional trouble occasioned through ordering from us by mail will be more than compensated by the advantages of FIRST QUAL ITIES secured at average low prices, and the good service obtained from, the V :,.-T D. G. 3URNS CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS 208-210 THIRD STREET,' BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON POT ROAST lOo lb. All our WzC Pot Roasts, tomorrow (Saturday); whiie they last, per pound ...... 10 PURE LARD 10-18. pail Lard...:..'....?1.45 5-lb.' pail Lard.;.,;'.; 75f Mb. pail Lard:.V.7.;....:45 50-lb. can Lard $7.50 COMPOUND 5-lb. pail 55 10-lb. pail,,.-... ..S1.05 50 lbs. Compound".. ... . . .$5.00 CITY Fourtfi and Yamhill Sts, Cor. Firstand Washington Harxcn's 25c CoHcc None Better Found Anywhere. V 1 Worth 356 ' '.;;."' EXTRA. SPECZAIi 3?OB TOSCOZUtOV 8 lbs. of the test 40o Coffee for.. .$1 At the Corner, Just as you enter. Hanson, Ibe Fruit. Man Be Sure to Look , ? Him JUp j'.v;.-v Imported Swiss, Viaoonaln Sarins, nap Ih Wleoonein Swiss Saturday, ner . , LOOK" FOR MKIIli . THE ' LITTLE .WHOLESALE BUTCHER . RETAILS AT WHOLESALE PRICES BolllngiBeet, lb, vi...;.; 'rBeef; Pot 'Roast,- lb.'; i ; !;;.v,; Jiamburger Steak. ' lb, ; , . . , , " Round Steak," 2 lbs..iV.;. j. i Shoulder Steak................ . Corned Beef , ; I....... Pork Sausage, 2 lbs.-.,......;.,; Ron Kib Koast. lb Compound, 5-lb. pail . ;.. ii ; Hindquarter Mutton J , ; . Shoulder . Mutton . . i , .... , i . ftiuiion nops,. - ids T V . WU0. ..... ..... Garwood's Cream Taffy, Bcot In Sanitary Fish & ; Poultry Co, " THE NEW 51ARKET IN FRONT OF RLDG. FRESH KILLED , POULTRY DAILT ColumbiaRiver Fish Depot Kippered Salmon, per lb .. . .200 Royal Chinook Salmon... . .150 Halibut, - A-No. 1...4. ,(. . , 100 Silver Smelts. 2 lbs....'... .250 Columbia Hirer Smelts, . ...50 Hens, and. Broilers plenty on 4 y , band. Phone Ui Your Orders.,,.1 . Marshall 2177 - . 1 A7J7 SKAMOKAWA- BUTTER ;. ALWAYS FRESH Try it and yoa will use no other. ST.-.-.j tol I '.it t-5 win. Cl.lnftu'.t. t :S ex-Cu't, fUched Ti;a;-rlr enl de-rvel a shutout I?e would have ecored the fiirneii ehutout but Akin drcr-rel the third strike cf Cooney and ' the f'.wt. footed player reached first and vent home whnn Adams threw the ball wild. Kratzburg, relieved Bonner, but the game was already won. Scorer' K.IT.R Seattle.....'.' 7 Spokane 1 i i - Batteries Chtnault and Akin; Bon ner, Kratzberg and Shea. . This Date In Sport Annals, 1S86 At Cincinnati: Tom Cannon defeated Evan Lewis U catch-aa-catch-can wrestling match. ; 1887 At East Saginaw, Mich.: The team, Daisy D jxd Silver Tail, paced one mile la 2:1IH. . 1889 At . San Francisco: Jamef J. Corbett won from Joe Choynskl in four rounds. ' : 1891 At Bad Axe, Mich. i Byron E. Butler swung- a pair of Indian clubs, three pounds each, continuously, for t hours, minutes. v 1896 At v Jersey ' Cltyr Frank Erne knocked out Joe Craig la third round. 1907 At St Louis:. - Boston Ameri cans won a 16 inning game from Bt Louis, 6 to 2. . Journal Want Ads bring results. SUGAR-CURED HAMS Sugar-Cured Hauis, per lb.l.21e $ugar-Cured BacQn, per lb.. .2J5f ALL KINDS SAUSAGE Veal Sausage ....... ......15 Frankfurters .... ,12y3$ Bologna 10 Liver Sausage ....... ,8 MEM Phones Main 2830, A-2830 mm m -.mutvvmEt- VBX KA2TT Cor. M This Market av icoms' FREE! FREE! A 80 lb. Back Best Hard Wheat riour, with 15 grocery orderi , '.jnot over 1.00 Sugar," ' Frank Vincent Ttie SWISS CHEESE STORE ner lb. ...;;s50 WIsconson Brick, (block) for lb. ...... 3Q vregon (jream unox, Finest Ltmburger, per lb.. ...250 250 Rocquefort, per lb, . ...5Qe 9 a, Matjaronl, Noodles, ' Sausages, Boiled c,,.i.v, uam mna rtlr Tjimoh ' Qooda, JARVIS DELICATESSEN - '. i " ... . T0 .,: ..80 to 100 . , IO0 ..............250 Me 100 ; ......... ..250 .ij.,..v...150 600 ....;...,..12S0 100 .........250 nr.-r.i2tf0.i50- MISSEOM Specials Saturday Only - Crawfish Spices, 250 lb, . ZJptoa Teas, Yellow Label 2Se Size Vanilla or Lemon Extract 100 bottle. IF YOU WANT The best U. S. Inspected Meat, - Get It from . MR.' FRIEDMAN At the lowest prices. Next to Ocean. Fish Market . , Hamburjr 8teak, U).v..;...,.'.lQ0 Round Steak, lb. 12He tbnlKl lttsJl-'ilKKr intmii 1 O Pot Roast, lb.., ....80 ,to Io Loin Steak.: lb. ...... ......15 Lamb Chops, lb ..............124 I.mb Stew, lb. ..:............ Sd Chotcs Corned Beet, lb.. ......... .80 tMchlo Haras., lb. ...lod Homo Mfuls flauiage, I lbs....,-. .Sa0 U, J. ,i I U.u OlIuO FhiiSlI 111 DED HEAT London, July 15 Nell Qow nd lum ber?, the darlings ot the English turf, ran a dead heat this afternoon in the Eclipse stakes at Bandown Park. The purse of 10.000 eoverelffna was divided by the owners of the horses. Maher rode Nell Qow and Dillon piloted Le ru ber?. . , ' ., The race was the most sensational of the present racing season. The course was one mile and t quarter, v Lemberf recently won the Derby, Ma her being unable to control Nell Qow in that raoe. This afternoon Lemberg went to the post ft B to 4 favorite, Nell Oow was second choice at 6 to 4. Plao- PMCTEGE- ECONOMY ; AT TEE BUTTER Best Creamery Butter, roll 65 Oleomargarine, per, roll . ... 40 ... FLOUR . Special Flour, per iael ....fl5 Special Flour, per barrel ... $4.50 Big Bend Flour, per ack . .$1.40 Big Bend Flour, per barrel f 5.40 6 bars of Caatile Soap 25 3-lb. pkg. Of Washing Powder 1 quart of Salad Oil ..Og Galloa can of Honey ?00 1 pint of Honey, . ,....Y.. .25 1 gallon of Syrup ........, oO? nf r.afsun ... .606 1 gaUon of Salad Oil fl.2B Z glasses ot Lnippea JtJeet . Eagle Milk 3 cans of Milk 25 10 dozen Clothes Pins .,.,,,100 ,8 rolls of Toiler Paper 250 ; 10 pkgS. of , Toothpicks .,..,.250 New potatoes,; 15 pounds for 250 New potatoes, 3 pounds for 250 8 bars of D. C Soap ......250 Cocoanut, per pound ..." 200 LentelS, 3 pounds ,,....250 10-lb, sack of White Cornmeal 300 10-lb. sack Graham Flour ....300 8 pounds of Petite Prunes ...250 Raisins,. per pound ........... 50 Dried Grapes, 8 pounds ,...,250 Sweet Pickles, per quart ,...200 Dill iPiqkles. per quart .... . .100 t4-gal..keg of Sour Pickles.fl'OO z uans oi Liye ior, , ,v ..Mt.iof 5 Packages of Shaker Salt. ..250 25 Oz. Can Baking Powder 200 H lb. Can Bakers cocoa lor 200 Fancy Assorted Cookie, lb .T . 150 8 Package ox jeu-u. , . . , . Wash Clean, per package, . 100 30 lbs. Bice .......... . ,9100 First and Washington Shelburn Butter and Grocery Store These prices prevail every day! 4 cans Western Millc...., ..250 Fresh Churned Butter, roll...... 650 Shelburn Creamery Butter, roll.. 700 7 bars Laundry 8oap . Z5d lit First St, Entrance by window. At the Large FRUIT STAND In the middle of the market. per lb..,...! 50 per in. 90 Fancy Peaches, t dozen ....... 25 Lemons, dos. 555 65e-BUTIEK65c 1000 two-pound rolls, full weight, Elgin brand, 05 per rolL This is absolutely fresh churned., It's just right - No limit Buy all you want EGGS, Every One Guaranteed, Two Dozen 515c Full Cream Tillamook Cheese 20 per pound.. Young Americas the same price. Honey two for 25. ,J . The Elgin Butter Store -Just s you go in. r Can't miss it - CIfy, ISc Found Choice Compound, the pail . .650 A-l Bacon, the piece ........220 "mall Picnic Hams, the lb... 160 Fresh Ground Bone ..........50 B. F. Jones' Rlarhet Eggs ..;. 25 Columbia Butter ........ 650 Batter Cup ..,,,650 OaKdale Butler; Store Center; of Market You All Know1 JACO THE' RELlABlf FRUifSTAli" . Largest assortment of t ' Fitsh Fruits j to .the Market - LOO '0 US VT? Mu.i, w!;!rh nn thirl, wis T to 2, with .ixby up. Thfif'j were si starter. JACa GLEASG MAY TAS(E TURFJ Orj STAGE Bna Francisco, July 15. Jack Glea son... fight promoter, baseball magnate and playwright. Is today seriously con sidering; his qualifications for the stage. His friends believe he soon will esuay .the role of actor. The Morris circuit-has offered the versatile sporting man $1000 a week to enter vaudeville. If he can secure a contract for SO weeks Gleason probably will appear before the footllghta, Britt No Anglomaniac. V 'London, July 1J. Jimmy Britt has been riled at report clroulated In America that he. has expatriated him self. Eald he: "I like England but I like America, too. Papers at home have linked my name with Waldorf Astor in saying that X have become a vlun- Hst. and : Jftfp Y UZ ORIGINAL jfagCASH STORE. Pacillc Main 5700 PUONES : Dome A-1415 MUTTON Mutton Stew, per lb . . T0 Shoulder Mutton, per lb 00, 100 Loin Mutton Chops, lb...;. 120 Loin Mutton Roasts, lb.. 120 7 cans of Sardines ............250 3 bottles Sour Pickles 250 7 cans of Deviled Ham .......250 3 botUes Catsup 4 250 2 caiii Of Shrimps .....;:. ..'; .250 - ? ,tanAnSfee f1?1 , - j . r ntejk. can la Salmon ......100 1 2-pound can Corned Beef ...250 3 jj0tti Mustard ...... 250 i 1-pound Can Dried Beef. .150 1-quart bottle Chow-Chow ,.!250 Durkee's Picnic Salad Dressing, 3 or . ......250 3 cans Van Camp's Pork and Beans n . ...;.850 lcWg-P,eaches.orprleQta, , .,......,.,850. 3 Cans Luncti Tongue., ....h. ...... ..i..250 Brass Wash Boards............ ...... ......... ....... ....350 Glass Wash. Boards. ............... & u ... ,,j.,rrrrm35 ' - Leader, Wash, Boards . . , . ..... ,'. . . , 250 Free Basket with every $2 Order taken Home No Sugar Best Creamery Butter ; 60c&65c Ranch Eggs, 2 doz. . . . ,55 Best Hams .....21 Good Creamery .............. 550 Dairy Butter ........ .SOsj snd 650 Bacons ................ 200-220 Compound ........... .. . . 600 Best.Lard ......... .....T... 850 Wisconsin Swiss Cheese. .. 250-300 Full Cream .....200 Half Cream .... .... ... .-iy, . ,150 Cream Brick . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ,200 Llmburger .,... ,, 350 SATURDAY IS OUR CHICKEN DAY Chickens 25 cents La Grande Creamery 204 YAMHILL STREET 1 - BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH HENS 25c Pound Spring Chickens 30c Pound Spring Ducks, lb . . ; . . . . 25 Spring Geese, lb. . . . . . . Skamokawa Butter 75c a Roll Ranch Eggs, dozen. ..30 Chinook Salmon, lb. . . .15 Halibut, lb. ..Nty COLUMBIA FISH CO. :r - Third and ! Ankeny.' Main 5.11 i ' n i A-5556 wmro Blancliard & Gemson Vow Loct4 at : 66 SIXTH STREET Bstwssa 0K as4 Plae : K;imNiiiiiiif'Jfnifi!i lary exile. I fe.-t Tr.V.Vif f ; ' . of the fact that t i r i . I : I used with -mine. I'm pMra; tac- t-i tl. states. I'm not an.Anb'loji.anlac." Errors Help Seals. Ban Francisco, July lW-Buoched hits, coupled with the Senators' errors, al lowed the Seals to win the first game of the three played this week. Each twlrler allowed seven hits. Score: 7 K R.H.E Ban Francisco . . . . . .... .i ...... 5 7 t Sacramento. ................. 1 7 3 Batteries Stewart and Williams; Fitzgerald and La Longe. "TRIED SUICIDE, ROPE BROKE" EXPLAINS MAN ':. f "Officer, I, have Just tried to hang myself, but the strap broke," said James Neutz, when arrested by Patrol man Hennessy this morning. Hennessy found Neuts acting strange ly at the cerner of Kast Burnslde and VEAL, Shoulder Veal, per lb.,... 140 Veal Chops, per lb 140 Breast orVeal, per lb........ 120 Veal Stew, per lb.. ....100, 120 Bread Is the AH.GURTISS THE DALLES! r - ORECQX. i wnkftbv itimviviiv swve v V OFFICE 324 ABINGTON nuutns ..geocgw m 349-351 OAK STREET " " 348-350 ANKENY STREET . PHONES MAIN 2596. A-2583 Sugar 17 lbs. for 01.09 Our fancy patent ROSE CITY - FLOUR, per sack .....?1.45 Good Family Flour." sack .81.20 17 bs. New Potatoes .Tr.7;-.25 Best Creamery Butter,1 roll. .65J 4 lbs. best;M.; & J"Type toffee T.T V" V'V'Jrs.JpA.vv l! lb. Fellows' Special Blend ,15 l' lb.-Pure Black! PeDoer. ,;.25 .13. bars good Laundry Soap.25 3 cana'Lve'ft'i.i. it i .iV25d 1 large pkg. Pearline . .'. Vi .20 3 cans Corn . . . ; . . v... ;.25c 3 cans Tomatoes .'. . ........ 25d 3 cans Pioneer; Milk i'i . ;f iW25) 4j cans Carnation pVIilkl. ,.55) Rubbers, 3 pkgsj'for . w . 1 can Baker's Cocoa ..i,..i ..20 2 pkgs. Paraffins 1.!.'.. . ... I '. 1 lb. can Ghir, .Chocolate. . . .20$ Jelly Glasses, per (! ; r. ! Ti ft r rs. it t's Y r 1 v . as if Kli":t..- ? vn subject. He ni pi-siftl tiftv . undeulddd which way . ta t; . officer srproachnd him and a M I what ha was do'.ni?. It w as t " ; t' Neuts confessed his attempt t ' hia own Ufa. Neuts took the officer to th : ' i f ' tha attempted suicide, -Kurt 1' t . i : I nr-. East Everett streets, near the city ilun ; In Sullivan's gulch, anil there rliow 1 the officer the pl?ce of strap. handing t" the limb of a tree, "I have consumption," walled Nui. "and I tried to kHl myself because I knew that I would not live long." Police Judge Bennett turned NeuM over to-the county court for examina tion at his trial this morning. The court will ascertain whether .the, man Is suffering from tuberculosis or de mentia.,; : Man near Corvallls raised 1774 tons of hay, worth $18 a ton, on 80 acres. PEOPLE'S SUGAR Sugar, 17 pounds for... ..fl.OO Sugar, per sack.. ....... $3.00 1 lb. of Grand Special Coffee 250 1 lb. Monarch Coffee 1 lb. Loaf Sugar ,;...JhvC 20 Sack of Sugar $1.00 M lbs?of Coffee $1.00 1 Ibi GWrardelli's Chocolate 300 7 bars Naptha Soap ..2S0 13 bars of Laundry Soap.. ...250 6 full-pound bars of Soap .,,, .250 juarge pacxage oi fcaruno Lulu, great cleanser," 4 for 250 2 bars of Silexo 50 Strltly Freeh Eggs, dozen. , .250 VEGETABLES 3 bunches Turnips, Carrots or Onions 50 6 pounds of String Beans .....250 6 pounds of Green Peas .'.....250 Cabbage, per pound 30 7 pounds of Dry Onions 250 Bell Peppers, 2 pounds. . . .250 6 pounds of Rice for .' 230 , 3 pkgs. of Egg-O-See Corn , .250 10 pounds Lard Compound fl.25 6 pounds Lard Compound, , , ; .650 3 bottles of Chow-Chow ;,..250 3 bottles of Stuffed Olives ...250 3 cans of Tomatoes .....j,..250 3 cans of Corn ........... ,,.250 3 cans of Beans i . .. 250 3 cans of 'Apples ............ 250 9-pound Sack of Rolled Oats 350 . &BQts. Worcestershire Sauce 250- Honey, 1 cake for . . . . . . . . 10 0 Italian Olive Oil, half gal. $1.50 Italian OUve Oil, per gal., .f 2.50 5 lbs. Navy Beans. . . . .... . ,250 Staff of Life AND REQUIRES DALLES DIAMOND .or. LIBERTY BELL . FLOUR To make a superior article. Manufactured by DIAMOND FLOUR MILLS Auk your groosr for Th Dalits Diamond or Liberty Bull Flour, or call Main, iJ97. t Ws will hav jrwi supplied. BLDO.! PORTLAND. R1EATS Lers Mutton, ner lh. ... .11 LShoulders Mutton, per lb.....5i roi noasi utttt, per jt. ..... . Boiling Beef, per IK ...... , .G Steaks, per lb. . . . .. ,10f to Rump "Koasf "Beef . .10$ 2 lbs. Pure Lard . . .1 . . U . . Veal, per lb. ;i 10 to 15 Other "Meats in Proportion. - Fruif Jaro Pint Itlason Jars, ptr dor. Quart Mason Jars, per" doz. Half Gal. Mason Jars, doz4 ;" "COME IH AD SE US."