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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY. 3, 1910. I JU mm , TO-NIGHT'S AMl'SKMKXTS. I ' ; .Vfr . "J'rewnter'a Millions' Wooderat liall ... . r . . Muxlo concur i,,.rn VaUllHVil 1,1 , Viiudevlll FiV.V'!.! Vaudevill f Moving l'ictures rr : ? " ndor Haw Indictment Augtistu Jkor. charged with obtaining money Vir falsa pretcnsos from John RO' " itch, vui arraigned before Prealdln ' nfen Morrow yfiwrdar afternoon un Via new Indictment by the grand Jury, attorney objected to the proceedings use the cans baa been resubmitted is grand Jury, contending that th tmnn i on I t amended and tha nM nnt he twins arraicncd. Judas iw held that tha Indictment should V' l.'insldered a new, and overruled th , " . 'Stion. - Tha defenite will flla a mo r.'iT attacking tha new Indictment be I 'i ha end of tha weak. V' 'arance Opens Tha Willamette Christian conference, which yesterday morning, will be con wtth threa aervlceg daily over Vio i , i, February 8. Tha order of aarv- ,t rtl, as 'follows', 9 a, m., prayer; ate preaching; 2:10 p. m., apodal sub t tj:1S n. m.. devotional axerclcea 'ind,' i sermon. Speakers from Idaho, .ter-jgton and Oregon are prasent Charleg Uennett or tne con- presides. Ilsr. Wallace Hnep- paator Of tha Advent unnsuaa on Second atreet Between xiau llnooln. where the conferanca la If t'"lf 1 ield s JTotlca of Appeal Mrs. Llastla C. on baa given .notice C appeal to preme court rrom tne obcibioit oi t Jude Morrow in a sun over la property which she alleged was y nor husband aa a trustee lor John B. Davidson, tha defendant. ed a divorce In South Dakota prior a trial of tha property suit She fed vnai ana lurneu uver ctimu ftesta, to him In tna belief that f.fthen restored. Judge Morrow aus- , qed Davidson's claim to absolute title, It ' . . . ' ''fire Protection Xeklar Alarmed at overlng that - all tha hose tha Iwood fire company possesaea when n1f1 tnMhTi in ntt ' alrinr WAllM ? como within tOO feet Of some of J : finest residences of that district coupled to tha nearest hydrants. people of that section 'are. clrcu- n.HHna lAflaw aaailrtn,. Kt tamm 1 I i to put In a number of hydrants. j J ' View Park and several other resi- are situated in this man giving tha residents no worry. - :;;-:; - m ) I 'M e sections JiM fn(1 " la H'fi'Ja bit of. pr1.,' 7 1 1 a: V Dlacnsa Annexation Annexation TuJtnomti county is to be the sub- for dlHcussion at the. meeting of iern Clackamas county residents at Grove' tonight Estacada, Cazadero, nam. Mllwaukle and aeveral other a along the Springwater divisions of D. W, P., will ba represented by spa i delegations, tha people along the tcada Una planning on coming In a ;lal trajn. Tha Tortland Automobile will eena dRiegatss. . The meeting ba held at Oak Grova at 8 o'clock. '.'11 n to cancel rateni-Action was Light In United States district court ,erday by Assistant United States Jct, Attorney J. H. "Wyatt against In IU Flynn and G O. Peterson, for cancellation of patents to land near lidleton. Or., gotten during tha time (rle Ware was United States com- iNsloner. Flynn Is named aa being a lading man and ' the rovernment gea that ha did not regularly prove man loft hi rooming place January t lie packed lils clothe and effects in hi room and announced he was going to tha St Vincent hospital. All he took waa a nljrht gown, which he rolled up end carritid under hi arm. Thla waa the Inat seen of him. lie in S3 years old, Ilia hair and ayes are dark. Vnited States ts. X.lqnor-"Unlted States va. 20 kegs of mlsbranded and adulterated liquor purported to be blackberry brandy," is the title of suit Just filed by United States Dls trlot Attorney John McCourt The gov ernment charges that 20 kegs of liquor, mislabeled, was shipped to Kothchild Uros., In Portland by K. O. Lyons Haas company, of San Francisco, CaL reed for Fuel Dealers Portland's fuel dealers, organised Into the Portland Fuel Dealers' association, will give their annual banquet at tha Edelwela grill 149 Seventh street Saturday night Tha Hat of guesta will Include at leaat lGt persona. A committee of three. J. J, Churchley, F. P. Waring and C. R. Ayls worth, la in charge of tha work., Tha rnneral of Eugene Booney waa held rrom me pariora or Dunning & McEntee, Rev. Ira Taylor officiating, Mr. Itooney waa born In Kanaaa In 188 and came to Oregon with his family in 1903. . He la survived by his mother. threa alstera and two brothers. Mr. Rooney enjoyed tha respect of a large circle oi irienaa. Are Ton a oood Canoert Why not become oneT A short, time spent at Professor Ringlets schopl will place yo among tha best dancers In tha city. Absoluts satisfaction guaranteed. Spe cial half rates this month. Grand ave nue and East Morrison, both phonea. W. A Wise and associates, painless l-dentista, Third and Washington. , JFusfc Clubs Ketlnir- Carpenter a TJn- lon hall, corner of Grand avenue and East Pine street, 1s to ba the acena of tha meeting of tha United East Side Push clubs Wednesday, , February t, several important- questions will coma up for consideration. . v.. Defendant Otts Deolstc Circuit Judge Bronaugh has decided In favor of tha defendant In tba case of U. Zeltfucba and E. A. Clem agatnat M. J. Hlgley, In which the plaintiff a claimed $25 for finding a purchaser for a block In Couch addition, .. . .; ,- . ';",... , Wa Sponge and rraaa Too Clothaa. an for I.60 month. Mam tie. A-4314 Wagons run everywhere.' Unique Tailor- lna Co- 109 Stark. 1 . V Steamer Jessie Barklna, for Camaa. Waahougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington atraat dock at t p. m. Sr.' Oustave X. 'Brnera announoea tha removal of his off lea to . tha Blactrlo building, sultajll. ; Jefferson high school books at Castle- man a pharmacy, 1ZB KllllngswOrth ave. Examination for woman Tha United States board of labor employment an nounces that an examination for tha po sition, of charwoman (female unskilled laborer), will ba held in Portland, Or., on February ZS, 1918. Application blanks and further Information can ba obtained rrom Z. A. Lolgh. local secre tary board of examiners, at the Port land, Or., postofflce or from the secre tary twrlfth civil service district at San Francesco, Cal. Applications must he filed with the district secretary at San Francisco, Cal.. not later than Feb ruary 21, 1910. McTeron Disappears Douglas Me- Feron, 628 Virginia street, as dlsap peered and hla wife is unable to locate him. lie left tils home Monfiay morn ing for hla work In the plant of the Schwarzschlld & Suliberger, where he has been employed as bookkeeper, lie took his clothes from the home Sunday afternoon. Recently ha talked of going to Beattla. - Will Cost 976,000 Plans for a three story brick building to be erected for the Swiss Building aasociation on Third atreet, near tha corner of Jefferson, have been filed In the city building in spector's office. Emfl 6ohacht & Son are tha architects. Tha probable cost of the structure will ba $75,000. It la to be used for lodge purposes. Formal Bohool Opening. Monday, February 7, baa-been aet as tha day for tha formal opening of tha ' new North Albina high school Nearly all portions of tha building are complete and a large enrollment of students is aasared. - Dr. Kay nee, optielan. Marquam bid. Regular Broadway car aervtee direct to Alameda Park starts today. THE FOR rS121 T1 FT .1 lUlIUi'-hifiUe ' Because the Clothes Are BETTER MADE AND COST LESS MONEY. ";.;".., ' :'-,-.!-'. s.-V' Werner - Pelf erson Company ' Just Moved Upstairs Above Old Locatio n : my2 SECOND STREET ALL JEWELRY 'AND HALF OFF ' J-y a i -o : X--" z j I ' ' '-t JL P K -- Ccr. Fifth end Alicr Sts. Cor. Fifth end Aider Sts. CRAVEN ETTES AND SILK RAINCOATS HALF OFF Friday, Saturday and Monday will be Banner Days in -the Suit Dept. Stock-taking begins tomorrow night. We want every, winter garment out of the store at that time. To close out every Suit; Dress Costume and Coat, we make the final stupendous reductions quoted below. Come in the morning, if you possibly can: On no account should you miss this wonderful sale. ; r i FIUDAY, SATUIU)AY AND MOND All Ono-Ploco b22,5Q:ClotkDreMes:Wt'b93 All Women'a and MisaeV Fanby Worsted ond Droadcloth Coati S." Half Price All Cloth and gcalette JacUeta Formerly Sold , at QIO and $15 at All Women'a and Mlaaea All-Wool Mannish Ellitures and Broadcloth Coats Sold up to Q15 at 0495 All Women'a Tailored Sulta Sold up to (34000 at 314.95 , All Women'a Tailored tSuita Sold up to Q3Q.OO at QIO.OO All Fura at Half Price All 3-Plece Dressea in Navy and Drown Broadcloth Formerly Sold at $25.00, Now $8.95 SALE OF 2000 Immense variety tt wonderfully low prices. An event of greatest importance, for the savings are extraordinary, and patrons will have the choice of the largest variety of atyles ever offered in a special sale. We closed out these garments from one of the largest silk pet ticoat factories in the East at an average of about half usual prices, and pass them on to you at the same ratio. All perfect in every de tail and are cut full width and length. Beautiful all-silk' Skirts, with silk dust ruffles, accordion pleated, ruf fled, tucked and plain tailored effects; many finished with ruchings, in black, white and twenty leading colors. '.Made to sell at OA AfZ $1000 and over, in this great sale at. tP'xa' A 51.49 WAIST SALE On display aild sale for the first time Friday. . A' shipment of 1000 Spring, 1910. Lingerie Waists, in many different styles, at a price which you would expect to pay at the end of the season, rather than at the very Qt AQ beginnmg. Special fof ' Friday,- each ., . , . . . i .... . . . ..;..,.... . . ej)Xata Fine, dainty Batiste Waists, with very pretty fancy yokes, full fronts, trimmed and embroidered: vai, venise and wuny jaces, and Heavy medal lions: tucked backs, fancy high collars and new long trimmed C1 AC sleeves; all sizes, 34 to '44. Starting Friday at, each.. tpAal All Fancy Tailored Suits' that "i- formerly sold from $40.00 to $125.00 on sale at HALF PRICE Early Spring Showing of Fine Millinery rvalopmaat t IrfagTia Matsinf The al rnefttng of tha Seventh Ward eloptnent lea (rue i$ to be held In the u at Mllwaukle and Powell streets evening- at 8 o'clock. Tha election tie off Icflra for the enaulng year, the jKlon of the public service commla. j question, the Brooklyn sewer, water .1 and atreet extensions and thacre A of several hard surface paving; dls. s are to come up for dlucusslon. lannay Bros.' Tti.tLy Special Our IS arrada or port or sherry wlna at leer tnllon. Our tt arada nf nnrt. Firry, tokay, Angelica, or muscat wines . $t per gallon. J avalld port, regular 'UE0, at $1.25 per gallon; 1908 straight 1 Intucky whiskey, resular 14. at 13.50 I ir gallon. Kentucky whiskey, ! regular A at 18.20 per gallon, Friday only, 279- JVl East Morrison at. Phonea East 187, P uooda delivered free. - , I Isslonary Society. - Tha 'regular 1 1 ;tbly meeting of the : Ladles' Mla Jjary society of the First 'TJnited vyierian : cnurcn win oe neia J? ri- mt 2:10 p. m., at the homo of John A. fStewart, - 212 Sherman Mrs, Douglas, missionary from fill be present and glva an ao- c it oi ner woric ilttrlea TUlotson Klsslnr Charles ot son, 653 Washington street, who been ' studying osteopathy for two a. haa disappeared. - friends nave !d tha autborltlea to assist In lo ir tha nan.' Over study Is thought l-fff'fave over balanced hla mind. , The FA r- iW- Portland 8n Trauoleoo Seattle . . ' Rummage Sale CLEANING UP ODD AND END LINES DEPENDABLE, STYLISH Cloves ' Hosiery Umbrellas Friday Sale Men's, ' women'a and chil dren's kid Cao and Mocha Gloves; vals. to $1.50, pn ' Women's repaired I Gloves.' values to. $3.00, pair ;.--.;50 .. Men's lined Gloves,, values to $1.50, the pair. ...,. . .85a - Women's ; fleeced I Hosiery. , 35c value, the pair. . . ... 10P Men's and women's Everwear : Hose, cuaranteed 6 months: : box of 6 pairs women's, men's . . , ,.? 150 "Umbrellas all greatly reduced: $2.25 values ..?1.58 $4.00 values ...... i .'.,.$2.79 ; Painless Dentistry 1 0at of town Monle q wnr pit ii Dnagwota dm ; 11 We will llvtmliml 22k toii er meu-e rewaler. $3.53 tier Crowe 6.C3 22k8HdrtTaitk3.69 6M Fining .ICO LuaJ FffllsfS 1,03 Inlay Fillings 2.50 .... Beit Km Hub mm n.W.LWU,fiammmim erPIli f.Ca - hwdmmimm Pitnlett Cxtr'tle 5 WORK QUARANTEED SO IB VMRS PalnlMi Extraotioa roe when claMeor bridM wetJ koM.reo, jonutation rra iMmnotnlbtttiie I jinln yrork ioM anrvksr. Ail wink full fgruam suited. Modem lctrin eqnlpmeat. Kt motiwda , Xnrw nn. INCOeOBATSD , taiaDaWAia.STS. PORTLAND, OREGON Wfwm BouKBi a . at. a s i. m. asiuuyi, tea, 5 Bpsoraxist's zar oifOrss, sosxxxtr, tracBBZiZiLAS 1 BOB BOO, MORRISON ST. Opposite Postoffice HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Squara Just opposite Hotel St Francii ' European Plan $1.60 a day up , American Plan $3.0Q a day up Rew steel and brick structure. Furnished at cost of $200,000. Every comfort and con venience. On carllnes transferring all over city. Omnibus meets train and steamers. . Send for Booklet with map of Sa Francisco (0 sfffl mm "THE doctor: "LA CIGALE." T ACT PUAMr.P "THE HORSE FAIR." FOR READERS Of THE JOURNAL r THESE BEAUTIFUL WORKS OF ART WILL BE A CREDIT TO ANY HOME in , ii w. i 1 1 nyi w in i iii ii iiiu sin in imiiii i m ,mh. m vtmvwf .i"1 ' ' '"I'M " i.iijue . mmm ! 4 f h -v- T" " ' -!r; ..4 1 ,v. TTnitel Statas and roreKrs ttSsralarl Procured. Defeuded and "fwIU PACU-IO COAST FATEJTf AQXWOT, X9S Stockton. OsJ. h 7- y n 1 'X i i i . iir ii -i rtitw'MtiiSiiV iAr-iflril 'i iaiiiwfaJsiiiriwfcJ 71 America's Eminent Pianisfe IPcll'3 : and thej now-famous I,' -iWflrWTVk tT1T1 TIM will be heard at the ..FRIDAYEVENING,FEBRUARY,11. Seat Sale Opens at Box Office,' Tuesday, February 8. vf : ivi yi iic xijvyn appearea in roruana last year wiin me vni- ; ," cao Symphony Orchestra. The Morning Oregonian of May ; I, 1909 said of her playing at that time; , ' . . . V'Her piano playing reminds me of a mass of shining pearls, -I with sparkling prisms of color.; Her encore was an arrange- ' ;' ment of the 'Blue Danube' waltz, by Schulz-Evlor-Godowsky. J Tie fan- pianist is really one of America's great artists." - uses Myrtle Elvyn, as well as many other world-famous artists, j s the Kimball Piano exclusively in all her concerts'." Kimball Pianos, grand and upright, Organs and Pipe Or gans sold in the Vest exclusively by - s .HI l u , I.,I.I..M. ll.!..,..,.!., I. , l I : I I I t f ' I v i I 5 v I .. - ft . M f ' M . .-I I ! LAST CHANGE (Iteywood Hardy). A Photogravure 22x28 Inches HOW TO SECURE THE PICTURES Starting Monday, February 7, and for several weeks thereafter) there will appear in lhe Journal a numbered coupon becure seven coupons, consecutively num bered, bring them to The Journal office,, wtih 5 cents to cover cost of handling the pictures.. Take your choice of one of theJ four pictures. To secure the second, third and fourth photogravures of the set; follow the same instructions in each case, it tne pictures are to be mailed, send luc additional to cover cost of mailine. FOR. EXAMPLE Coupons numbered from 1 to 7, inclusive, and 5 cents, will entitle you to one pic ture. Coupons numbered from 8 to 15, inclusive, and 5 cents, entitle the holder to a secona - picture, etc. n you snouia nappen to miss coupons XMumDers 1 and2, then start with No3. ; The coupons will be printed daily for several weeks. TALE(S bit TEETS By tha MSX SHIFT At, CO-, DESTISTS. Pain A la Mode i,Jt.tnoct' other one thins: 5n?!i'l.n,,ny P0P' y from the 1Ui rf,ce fh 'er of belne; hurt. L.i 4 r,1?11.?1 h0 doe" ork wlth- SVffi.",fi, V over1 Paln usually han tio .CU,ity in ,rl" Plenty of work. Good classy work a-enerally comtnamH remuneratlva fees. But If It could sui fS" Yn ? the rnlnds of tha puhiin ;SBtil,.i'a?.,,tJ1 ork could b do" with would not be minded, which la a fact in pur office, tha dental offloes of tv land would overflow witn patients, it is tha shrewdest form of dental busi ness to avoid Inflict (n n.n ,,n.,. next). No word In the pode of ethiin prevents our exerclslna that akin nnrt if.VJ, n, ""Pt whlh shall maks our offices tha mecca of the fparful. lie, may do good work. This point ni'd? ? P"ctlon. Ilia filling should In tha language of the common people, "stick." His upper plates should stay up and tha lower one down. . Blf,1y. our ALVEOLAR METHOD in aa followa: , 1 -t -ny on ' wearing a partial pl,nfi ?.A,1.','. nn,l nas two or more t"'1" ''t-In alther Jaw, we will aupply a full jet, without usinjr plates or bridge work, that wlll be as firm In, the laws as na ture s teeth and as .nj ..-.nm ' . r ...-. , V u 114 UI. . ' - i ' " Tha work Is oractlnallv carries our gruarantee of satlf action. Curiae pyorrhea loose teeth), a dli ease riven up by other dentists as In curable, la another of our specialty. We cura It absolutely. It's a boastful statement to make, but we can do any thing that Is possible In dentistry, and what we do la alwavg of the vrv hftrii- est class. Our booklets, Alveolar Den tistry, are free. Writ for one if you cannot call. We have samples of our work to show at all times. , TKB XXX DEJTTAt OO DEWTTST . 311 to 314 Abington Pldg., 106 V 8d &t. Sundays. 10 to 12. Keep the address. Terms to reliable people. AMUSEMENTS PORTLAND THEATRE ,; At Popular Prices Nest Week ' START1NO BUN. MAT., FEB . THX "POSnAJTO TBCEATKB CO.," Direction R. E. French I In Owen Davis' Melodrama. J BSADWOOD DICK'S I. AST SHOT.", Prices:. 'Mats.. 10c nd fi! vimlnir.! 20c, 80c. 40c, 85J and 60c. Box Of ffee opens Batiirday 10 a. m. ' BAKER THEATRE i'iV Oao. C. Baker, Man arrer. Tonight. All Werk. Cohan A. Harris, fVimniiianfl- nreannf tha world famous comedy "BBXWSTEEU JUXLtlOWS" , With Royal Traev and Oreat Oast Sat Mat 86ci 60c. - Evenings, Z5 Rnr 7Sc. 81.00. Next week, etartlne- Sund;n matinee -'The Right of Way," QRaND wmsic jAirtrTtT 31 Premier Wheal Aet BXSSTB VA1- 9AXB TiOtTPB And Ser Six Pony Ordlsta Matinee avery day, Zrora. tha Cratr Angmsvus, jutvuu tt Co., Alfred Jack on, z,m KlxetM ' P a r t a e r, rrc Baaer, Orsuada soopa. :80; any aeat, 1 5- performances, 7:30, 9:16: )a ' Kvenlng 1 cony, 15c; lower floor 6c; box sef 6lj f n r mn ion c I 1 U 1 1 i i I I UH I 353 lYasSInslcn St. f RAWING SPECIAL RATES OFFERED , t Journal readers who desire to have their picturea framed can have the work done at special rates by any of the following stores : MEIER & FRANK CO. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. SANBORN, VAIL & CO. , . WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. -- The above iirms, in view of the large number of framing Orders they" will receive from Journal readers, have reduced their framing prices to a minimum.' WHERE THE PICTURES CAN BE SEEN A set of the -beautiful Journal pictures will be oh exhibition beginning today in the windows of the following stores : ' Wopdard, Clarke & Co., Fourth and Wash. Lipman, Wolf e & Co.; Fourth, near Wash Meier & Frank Company Fifth St. Window. Sanborn, Vail & Company, 170 First Street. The Pictures Can Also Be Seen at The Journal Office. in . AST AH CD VAUii itiflJ.T. Week commencing Mondav Mn'.. Jr 81. 1910 Tai Bit Corao.las, I ur'f Ursata it Aerial Artists i Karlaud a, i : 11 n sou. Pankr tt Cook, Plka k, Csilaie, !.i White, Toroat t Tlot D'AEm, su"p- i by their wonderful troupe of dnca.ct roosters. MAT. XV E: i-( . i . i v- ZStn V THEATKB j ADVAKCEO VACEEVli: Bart Iieslla la 'wo'taw t"1 t. ....... . -EIAl'USfi oitrsosr WW ccroc ardson,, Urm A . l.u course in mw, no tlnit lnr oT(tr iion; r i i . Tertna low, i'HK'K monwealtn bl-K'. m ' Journhl t