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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1909)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18. 1003. ... 1 JC ,1 !-. -J! JOHNSON -CASE MUST BE TRIED WILL CAUSE Judffe Bennett ; Kef uses to Allow Sixtli Continuance Asked by -Attorney. citvtax mm 1 sX r-A.-r-p .; , , -, ciikethcfinesf.inost taste ' . :h .'OrriB IuJ and ticaltbf al-madc with S W ''l ''ASt) ' ttyJ; Impossible tvlUtout it :U 1 ARRAHGED mm FORM CHS .in - -i , .- ' . , . , ; t low the delay, and ordered the James JL: Lynch, Fresiucnt trw this afternoon t t o-doe : . . J m JobnsoVl. charged with still: amencan ijiiusiayima Union, Talks Intercstinff- Jy of Aims and Work of . Organization. ' Another attempt wu made this morn ing to have the case egalnat Edward Johnson, proprietor of the Delmonlco cafe at lit Seventh street continued. Municipal Judge Bennett refused to al low the delay, and ordered the case for ng liquor without a license, and la represented by Attorney C. M. Idleman; Attorney Idle- man said that Attorney Seneca routs was Johnson's attorney, and knew the facts of the esse, end that Fouts was busy with a case in the federal court. Attorney. Idlaroan bad prevlouaiy made a proposition to Polity City At torney Sullivan to allow Johnson - to plead guilty to the charge, and take a fine of tlO. Attorney Sullivan flatly :,; -it a free prees and free speeen are ntud. saylnr that Johnson has bean "' denied the .American trade unionist an old offender, and the case should go 'they will find A way through leglala- to trial on its i merits. t' live action, initiated and : carried It appears that Attorney Idleman waa live -"on, out of the city on the second conttnu- through,, by- their own represenUtlves, tf Attorney Fouts represented so l tit i tneir ngnia win w that Idleman was the regular attorney, "and guaranteed. . declared Tresldent M& na (routs) asked for the eontlnu- James M. Yynch at the International ance for him. Upon tha next data for 1 Typographical union, when he came to trial, Idleman said Fouts was the at- Portland today." " 1 torney and that he was away. This When President Lynch expressed this time Attorney Idleman made tha same "'. sentiment he -was referring to tha con- plea, saying Attorney Fouts was tha - tempt cases now pending before , tha counsel of Johnson, and that ha was . supreme , court, of the United States, busy., :.' v Involving tha sentences ' of President Judge Bennett . gave both attorneys ;ompers, Vice-President Mitchell and Instructions to bt ready this afternoon Secretary .Morrison to imprisonment of at 2 o'clock, as the case would go to .. 12, f and months, respectively. : trial. A Jury will ba selected to hear it In Mr. -Lynch's opinion. If tha aen- Johnson has been convicted two times " tences are confirmed by .-the" supreme In municipal court onthe same charge, 'court. It will arouse the Wage earners One fine was $100, another waa a 10- ' as did tha - famous English . Tabb-Vall I day sentence on tne rocapiie. Hour cases Batlo Charge of .4.0 Mills Will Kaise Fund of $1, .086,651 to . Pay All- Ex- pected Municipal Expenses for 1910. East Siders 3fay Experience Difficulty in Finding Cars Immediately After Spans Are Completed Josselyn Says Much Eerout Ingr. s . . . City Tin Xry. e Tha following is a tabulated e statement ahowlng tha levy ree e - ommended for each department: : Department - Mills. Fire l.t a Police 105 i Street repair ........... .ST Interest T i parka 41 Library' IS a Lighting ., .it i Bonded Indebtedness sinking ( fund 20 Total 4.90 .. decision, The , Taf f-TaH Deelsloa. , l "This decision , mulcted one English ..- trade anion In the sum of $260,000 dam agesv , for picketing the defendant's 'property. ' Following this tha English ' trades union eleoted SS labor members to parliament, succeeded In changing the .'; law, so that the treasuries of tha trades unions are now safe from court pro ' cedure.w'' '. :' r,.. " . ,-. Preaident'Lynch Is touring the west . ; ern part Of the United, States. He has already visited Spokane. Seattle and Ta- coma. ;- He will go from Portland to-night - after he meets with the local members of the typographical union, of whom Marshall Jones la president. Mr, have been appealed to tha eiroult court aged members have the choice of the home or a pension. We have a balance In the pension fund of more than $200, 000 now. " "At present we pay m death benefit of $75. We have a plan before the mem bership now which will be voted on In February, and If adopted will . provide a mortuary fund of from $75 to $400, Mayor Simon's estlmste of I mills as the tax levy for 110 was out to 4 mills this morning by tha ways and means committee of the city council at a meeting with, the mayor... This is the final estimate, as the council will with opt doubt adopt the recommendations of the committee. The levy fixed upon today will raise $1,086,654. This sum IS based upon the 1910 tax roll as made out by the as sessor and county clerk. In figuring tha amount of taxable property to be drawn on, tha flgurea of theae offlolals are reduced by 4 per cent to allow for the I per cent rebate given to property the maximum going to the heirs of da- owners for cash Payments and for the ceased members who have been auch for "lnu" Bmaquwi;. u vara or im..M Th. nrmmint. necessary to provide for a sum which this nronosltlon will be aom-oved by the uld trom 1 per cent of the members. total taxable property of the city, "We have technical education com-I The assessed valuation this year for " r wXni. TJXltiA u,hiT, Tft I mission, with headquarters In Chicago, city property waa izsx.oot.sis. putting , : Lynch was enterUlftd at luncheon to- . - -nmnnt.A.n- m..h I this by 4 rer cent leaves $221,767,000 as Aar m h rnnm.n 1 xluh wh.r. h. I ' I . . - " .vTL. ' , .1,.X,1. ..K the latest Improvements and progress met a number of newspaper and Job I . , . . .. printing establishment managers. ;J The International Typographical union proposes to educate Its members, pro- tect their rights, care for them when a basis for the annual estimates, a levy of 4.0 mills on this amount will of 88 lessons, and is for journeymen and J bring In the revenue named In the fore- apprentice members, and la furnished at actual coat At present we have 1500 members. The school has been In oper-; in. pension or provioe xor inem a noma fttlon only 4 mU8 more than a year. h when old, and bury them when dead. In nag thuB fttf reBUHe)i m materially ln telllng about the Various objects of the creaslnr the wares reeelved h m.mWa ; union's work. . and. about its recent who have taken the course. Our Idea is growth,, Mr: Xynch said-. i ' to raise the standard of efficiency and Colorado Springs Soma. going paragraph. Adding to this amount the sum left over from the various funde this year, or $259,045, the city will have $1,S41,69 to carry on its business during 1610. Less than two . hours' time was con sumed by the committee In going over the mayor's budget this morning. The workmanship so that our membership I celerity with which recommendations "We have a-home located at Colorado heard will be not only a passport to work "Springs, known an the Union Prfnters' In a union composing room, but also a ' home, founded In 1892. It consists of a diploma of the highest efficiency, "department: for the aged and infirm Arbitration settles Slfferenees. members, and there are .100 in that de- "We have an agreement with the partment now. We have also a tuber- American Newsnaner Publishers' imnn. pulosls sanitarium at Colorado Springs, I elation, embracing about 200 of .the larg- I Chief Deputy Auditor Grutxe made their ; loiiBiBiuitf ui mo uuspusi ana xu ictus, i eS newspapers in the country, under estimates on a Dasis oi ait(uuu,uou, last were made today is In marked contrast to the tedious sessions of the commit tee last year when several weeks were spent In getting the budget In shape for final approval by the council. Owing to the fact that the mayor and accommooaung so pauenis. i ne value which all our differences are nettled r uie institution now is aoout si.vvo.- Dy arbitration. The Journal is a mem 000. We are also actively associated ber of this association. iwnn tne Rational society ror tne rre- "I presume that the International - tuu vt mucivuiuiin - . i xypograpnicai union has gained more we naa an exniwt at me antl-tu-1 jn union, strength, and In Individual .r:, licrculosls congress held in Washington strenrth of Its locals, as well, than anv -last year.. We were the only trade un- other organisation of wage earners lnl . ,wn io nave bucu an cxbidii.. we. aiso North America"; it is stronger in frater- ! had an exhibit at the Alaska-Yukon- nai spirit although it may not be in ' Pacific exposition, showing tha methods numbers. -.. we use at the home for the treatment -Durlna' the eanie vear our mehera mm uuij.ui . luum-uOTin. wo were earned 141.000.000. an aver of alone - in oiu exhibit here. We have distributed to our members and to the r.pubJlc,; generally about 600,000 p&m phletsi containing Instructions as. to the ,., best methods of avoiding the -plague and how to combat it when contracted .. "yOT several years we have conducted -composing rooms, as a result of that 5 crusade conditions In the composing I rooms have mate rial y Improved. Those on the Paclf lo coast are -rn eRneciallv ' ' ' Mala laaa. II . J a. .. ... j . TS si Sjsss w w aT WMM4W1I DJgsgUa. ; : "W Jiave a pension system, too. It t holf r f ni . .V. 1 t 'our members. - Any member CO years of age or upwara wno has been a contlnu- k.ib, nu oy rpuBon oi age ana innrm ity finds It impossible to secure sus taining employment at his trade Is paid a penston of $4 a week.. At the present time we have 700 such pensioners. Our ap- w w AT f.RYoungs 290 Morrison st, bet. 4th and Sth - ' Corbett Bldg. tsx QUAirrr mor STORE FUR Of CHRISTMAS GOODS KidGlovM$llo$4 Clove or Mdse. Orders C'-aA at any time la ear tlty t ere P. "etiirBer1 A Co a florra are sold. Tine leather Bas $7 te r--ll 94M Or finw If yoa th Wash Hibons 10c r". I rn!s JCoa. 1. IS ard 1.1 proximately $900 per member, showing tnat we havo . a greater Individual ca pacity than any other union or organi sation. , "We have the eight hour rule in ef fect in every jurisdiction I know and are,graduaJiyrecliUming-tb.-officea,4 large ana small, throughout the land, which at first held out against us In our campaign. We went Into the eight hour fight With 46,000 members. We came out With 42,000. I do not believe 'there la another trade union which could have made such an excellent showing.' Today we have some 47,000 members In good standing. "I am in favor of an Increased mor tuary benefit first because I consider it good insurance, and second, with that addition we will have a chain of bene fits which will appeal to the great mass of nonunion printers throughout the country. There are thousands who will come in through this Incentive, who would not do so otherwise. "Our past has been-successful, but should not rest At this time of peace we should prepare, like all great na tions are doing, for future conflicts. We must ocganlse this country and control the labor market of our trade. Has Sees Xisundenrtood. "I have been somewhat misunderstood 'in this western country, I stood by the taw bjiu ina iwniracts ana oecauae we have stood by them we have been able to negotiate with employers who were previously opposed to union labor. In regard to the executive council, bear In mind that our acts are never meant to apply to one local jurisdiction. The rules must be the same. In Portland as in Boston, In Minneapolis as In New Orleans. If we angle for the friend ship of any one union we endanger tha International union In all parts of the country. "I would like to see a convention on this coast but as you know. It would not be proper for ne to try to In flu ence the convention If I could. If the convention comes to San Francisco or Bait Lake and they are both after. It I shall be pleased. My only fear ts that, as both are after It aa eastern city will step la and win." iOOKS IN MIRROR; SHOOTS IIIJISEW year's tax roll, the committee was able to reduci the levy by one tenth of a mill to provide money enough for all departments. - The fire department levy of 1.75 mills, as estimated by Mayor Simon, was out by the committee to 1.65 mills. The police levy was at first cut from 1.10 to 1 mill and afterwards Increased to 1.05 mills. This levy will, give the department all that was asked for by the mayor and in addition money enough to provide many of the city suburbs with more police protection, Mayor Simon's estimate for the park department was adopted without amend. ment. The levy for this fund will be .42 mills. For the street repair fund a levy eC...3 J mi Us -w-re-eorMnde' T W s is an addition of .03 mills to the es timate made by the mayor. The levy for the lignttng fund was left unchanged at .4ft mills. This will provide an ample amount for the rea sonable extension of street lights- dur ing .the coming year. A- levy of .73 of a mill was recom mended for the Interest fund. This was also the mayor's recommendation. The levy for the city library was allowed to stand aa recommended by the mayor at .13 of a mill. No levy waa made for the special bridge fund as there is more thsjn enough money now lying Idle In the city treasury to take care of all the expenditures that the city may have to . make from this fund' during the coming year. The mayor's recommendation of .20 mill levy for the bonded Indebted ness sinking fupd waa approved. Coun cilman Cellars said that the levy for 4hls particular' purpose could not 'ba made too high to suit him. "If the people rind out that they have .to pay taxea for Issuing bonds they will not be so ready to issue tonds." declared Mr. Cellars. Completion of the bridges projected and under way will be followed by Im portant and far reaching changes In tha routing of the east side cars that oroas the Willamette river, according to Presi dent B. 8. Josselyn. of tha Portland Railway. Light & Power company. In many instances the new routes will not only save time, by . reducing the actual distance. In eroasing tha river, but they win also relieve to the minimum con gestion .on .the bridges by apportioning the traffic In accordance with their re spective capacity. , . , In making this' announcement this morning, Mr. Josselyn Incidentally out lined tentative plans baaed .upon not only the completion of the new Madison street and steel bridges, but also upon the Broadway bridge, lie also con firmed -the rumor that the East Pine branch, running from the intersection of Burnslde and Washington streets, west side, to Kast Eighteenth 'and Ash streets, east side, has been permanently abandoned, the reason set forth by Mr. sales umm CM Jl OWUER Laurelhurst Salesmen En tertained In Royal Fashr Ion at Oregon Grill. CARNIVAL OF CRIME STIRS. POLICE At the Oregon grill last night, the Josselyn being that the line parallels J1" t i th- i,k.n. .i,.. h . Pny gave a dinner to their salesmen. STSl?. XJJUL Th.WUbh. wasUlTydtwnh v... Vi- . 1 chrysanthemums, carnations and sml- ."'"".rr. " iuwinx. u i operating department President Josselyn explained In this connection that the line was built when the Portland Street Railway company furnished by the Royal Hawaiian band and by several of the banqueters. Paul C Murphy, vice president of the company, acted as toaatmaster, and in- and the City Suburban competed for t,'ZTll. business and lnhun hrtth ..iht thet, troduced the speakers of the evening la share of the traffic emanating In the heart or the east side. The fact that the East Pine street line parallels the happy faahlon. The first speaker was James B. Melkle, who, speaking for the officers of the company; expressed their severan,nl fTWr Anlv tA Mrutlra ts aAitrh I ssjaaaa;ae w vs.. thereof. M?. Josselyn pointed out fur- fompa" liJ ?u!!f.tUJV - Pn nlahes sufficient Illustration of the use lessness of the branch, and which. It Is their good fortune in securing the serv ices of men of suoh large caliber, whose held, never did draw h.v Mtm. strong, characteristics are pluck, pa- i - W w . .i nna' viars'lB'ranM Was4 1 viai f-W sawil Aah. I,cjuw wiwwiiw - vi Mimvik ssksavt a Sweeping Changes Planned. severance -qualities which, combined As to the changes that will follow inteUlgence, make men of the high the completion of the Madison structure before very long, Mr. Josselyn an est order In the field of salesmanship. W. C. Koehne spoke on loyalty to the 2S!in!aiihflL0!H ?f th'.nlvBt weJ),,nB company, in Which he expressed the sen- tv as asv as vuu a vuvuia VL Vttss a iu&II 14 Waverly and Woodstock and Waverly and Richmond lines by way of the new bridge, and thus greatly relieve Mor rison street ' This would give Madison bridge the Oregon City, Estacada, Sell- wood, Hawthorne, Mt Scott and the three lines mentioned above, the bridge tlment that the first duty of a sales. man is to the company, and at the same time to be loyal to the interests of the other salesmen, " ' H. F. Boyer spoke on the great advan tage a man who owns his own home has over the renter. He compared their condition, ahowlng that the home owner Y ? narrow "g J occupies a permanent place in the corn- Morrison bridge will remain the log ical route for the Mt Tabor and Sun nyslde lines," said Mr. Josselyn. "and the East Ankeny lino will probably also munity and baa a standing among his neighbors that cannot be occupied by those who appear to be out temporary residents. iir ...ll.....iW b... . V A .i,1, an be diverted to it but with the Sandy In.""'"'7k M k;TiT.u road extension completed in-the t.2JZ Hh. lh J22 11 .5 Knt.; of this beautiful residence stead of the.Morri.on. a. at present The Earle F. Mad po in Inter- Monta villa line swill . continue over the Zz ,i . . . . ... :.,... Vh Burnslde bridge and thus furnish the snoum -'" service eliminated by the abandonment of the East Pine street line. Other lines to . cross the Burnslde bridge until the completion of the Another Saloonkeeper Re lleved of Cash by Lone Highwayman. : Another saloon was held up last night at 8 o'clock. This greatly re sembles the work done in three other saloons, evidently by the same man. The place held up last evening was the Royal cafe, 76 North Tenth street Harry Lord, the proprietor, was alone in the place, when the holdup man en tered. The thug, Who wore a white mask, advanced to the bar with his gun drawn. When the proprietor saw what was being done, he attempted to get from behind the bar, and give the alarm, but tha robber waved him Into the corner and rifled the cash register, getting $71 and a gold watch. Backing through the door, the holdup man started down the street on the run. Lord chased the man several blocks but lost the trail . near the Armory. ' No trace of the man was found by the police net thrown out , - ... 1 Number of Petty' Thefts -Keep Police Busy All v; vr Night.; r- james curry, a lumber worker rrorn niugene. naa reported lo.ino ponce tnai he lost checks and papers valued at $1100 In a Second Street rooming house. Ha had been In a room drinking beer. No trace of the articles could be found. A thief entered the rooms of Elmer Sweet. $S0 k Grand avenue, last mid night - pried open the gas meter and escaped. He secured $4. Morco Mo- dun go, 3(4 Shesldan street, has report ed that he has been held up three times In the past three weeks. He says the job waa repeated Sunday evening and two men secured $5 from him. A robber leading; a bulldog stopped Archie Gillies, a sailor on the steam er Bannockburn, and took $10 from him. This happened Monday evening near the Eastern & Western Lumber mills. the employes of a great business con cern, and dwelt particularly upon .their social relations, which add so mucn to their efficiency in their every day bus. Broadway bridge will be those wrvlng l"",!' x..- was the subject assigned to I W. Burl lngame. The tenor of Mr. Burllngame's Vanoouver, Woodlawm and St Johns, It having been found practical for the time being, at least, to route St Johns cars by way Of this bridge and Union avenue instead of over the steel bridge. an 4-Wttllamav beeauee Of leas delays m the wider bridge. Steel Bridge Wot Pavored. "Crossing the steel bridge " said Mr. Josselyn, "the Si Johns cars are often detained because of the garrow roadway compelling them to trail behind teams argument was that the salesman must possess stability and persistence ana th&t Jthennefli. Kho. acbieve..tbA greatest success sre those who work hard ana conscientiously In one place and : are not flitting from one city to another or from one office to another, aeeKing to better their condition. J. R. Moore,' from the standpoint of an axDerlencea - salesman, oeinerta n and automobiles, whereas the Burnslde I atrong addresa" on the "High Pressure bridge offers space in the middle for vehicles and machines so the cars may bass occasionally, at least . The route. little longer, but the new track on Union avenue la In splendid shape and we consequently, make better time. "People of St. Johns have requested to Man," or, as he expressed it, the man who Is' awake every minute when he should be awake, and lets aothlng pass bv without seeing It L. Allison, whose recent marriage has given him a great Interest In this sub- iw. HiRriiei "Koonomy. wnereoy a have these cars routed by way of I ,,,, married couola may become the Mississippi avenue or Lower Albtna, but owners of their own home by making a mis wouia not oe pracucaoie, oecause gniall cash payment down, ana tne oai- the track is In poor condition, and it payable in small monthly Install- would be very rough riding, and slower. meats. He showed that in 10 years' I think the majority of the people of St m. th ranter would Day bis landlord Johns will appreciate the new routing." ,h- ii value of the property he Uvea The Upper and Lower Alblna cars and lines In that direction and territory will In, and the landlord would nave tne home, and he would nave notmng be routed over the steel bridge until wnereaa. -if- he makes the same pay TO INVESTIGATE SUTTON'S DEATH Washington. Dec It. SanaUr George Chamberlain of Oregon said today that ne bad prepared a resolution demand ing a congressional investigation Into the desth of Lieutenant James N. Batton. no waa killed at Annapolla. and In connection with whose death a sense. tloaal hearing .was held by a court of inquiry on behalf of . the marine corps, to which Sutton belonged. The Inrestl gatloa cleared a number of cadets charged with complicity. Mrs. Suttoa. of Portland. Or mother of the deed lieutenant requented the aveauganoa and at Its close announced hr lmntlon to o rrr th eaae further. the new Broadway bridge is ready -for traffic, and then those lines being near est thereto will be routed via it This, ments on. a home or nis own, ne win The sales manager, Fran r. jueaa. STATE STARTS SUIT FOR TAXES (Salem Barest of Tfee Journal. 1 Salem, Dec, 16. Clatsop county baa refused to pay Its whole proportion of the state tax for. 1900, and the Attorney general was this afternoon directed to start suit against the bounty for the collection of that portion not paid. No grounds for the refusal are. given by the county treasurer of Clatsop beyond the advice of the county court for his county. There Is a severe penalty that may be used against the. county treas tirer if he refuses to pay the state tag to the treasurer. YamhUI count refused to pay its proportion of the 1J08 tax and suit was Instituted by the state against the county. At that time each county waa Paying a ratio fixed definitely by the legislature and It was against this ratio that the Yamhill county authorities ob jected, on the ground that It was un constitutional. During the session of the legislature last winter the supreme court passed on the queatlon, holding that the ratio fixed y the legislature was unconstitutional sn Upholding, the contentions of the treasurer of Yam hill county. ' The . legislature Immediately put through an emergency raeastfre. creating a temporary hoard of appraisers con sisting of the governor, secretary of state and State treasurer, to stdjust the burden of the state tax for 190 among the counties according to the assessed values In each county, as the constitu tion provides, and because of the viola tion of which provision of the constitu tion the supreme court has held the ratio fixed by the legislature was In valid. . - , - The new ratio determined by the tem porary board of appraisers raised the proportion to be paid by some counties and lowered It In others. Clatsop county was one of those counties whose ratio was fixed by the board of appraisers higher than the old -ratio fixed by the legislature and declared unconstitu tional by the supreme court ' 1 Clatsop county has paid, therefore. according to the old ratio as fixed by the legislature, or the sum of $27,030 as Its proportion' of the 1909 tax ,nd refusea to pay according to the new ra tio, which would make its share $81. IS7.S0. The difference between the old ratio, declared unconstitutional, and the new .ratio which the county refuses. to pay is $4,017.80. A Strang disease which killed a wo man by ..complete petrification after a year of suffering recently Interested JSejt,OrIeaiii..aoieaUsU.-. Mr. josselyn figures, will greatly re- .u. .h. with a talk on "Oo Have the car trafflo on the ateel bridge. J timlsm." saying "nine tenths of the bat He is won when you believe you are aure to win. When you meet obstacles, and difficult cases, then come with your troubles to the officers and maze tnem help you that Is I what officers are for and rememner tnat ai an umes i win be with you." - Sitting directly ia front f s mirror. and taking deliberate aim at tbe center of hla forehead, . Fred Trees, living at the Wyoming house et !1H Madison street took his own life this aiomlng at o'clock with a plstot. lie died Im mediately, and all Indications shew be had rarefally planned the act. He was 1 years old. and bse be a at tbe place 17 tfara Nothing la knows of bis rlatlrea, or a caaae for the ( clda. The aaaa had takes a both, a ha red and dr wed himself la his bevt suit Th mirror was tilted 9n order : t see what he was dolag. A large rocking chair was draws before It and la this tbe cnaa eat When tbe ran was aiect.ard the twr waa threw from !nn he blfrtH nitrified n chair, bat the right fcaod ttitt n lUC uloof pUriUCS, n- c'HM (Be ssneairif wear. Ttve c!ritniitl4 as tfca first e tSe rewan. Tl vt m wikvW. Kn Ifl'lniS War DUlId Uf ttarw -r e.awwsi t J tlri...i 1 " . . . ' Sarsaparilla Aqts directly and peculiarly on the blood: purifies, en- j riches and revitalizes it, and in this war builds up the hole system. Tzt it. Get j - '-ii Possibly the St Johns, Woodlawn and Vancouver lines will be diverted to this bridge also, or they may be sent over the steel or Burnslde structures. In re gard to the Sandy road extension, which will mean a cutoff in the central East Portland, ehortenlng the distance con siderably, Mr. Josselyn announced that everything Is In readiness to begin work on the cutoff. With the extension com pleted, the Rose City Park Hoe will be entirely distinct from any other and in all probability It will then be routed la the Burnslde bridge, giving It al most a straight run Into the city.-- ARBUCKLE BROS. PUT .DUET BACK rrrol4 Praa tas Wire. New York, tec. IS. Arbuckle Bro thers, the blrgeet competitors of , the American Sugar Refining company, to day paid into tbe government treasury Ils.t7i la back duties, following the dlscloeures of Irregularities la the weighing of sugar cargoes oa the docks, The settlement was snade voluntarily. raited Ptatea Attorney Stlmsoa said this afternoon that the eel t lenient does not affect tbe proeecntloa of any Indi vidual abowa te have ieo responsible for the eommlsalon of fraud a gtlmaow would not say whether any one connected with the Arhwkle eoncera weuld bet Indicted. He Arc lined te d!s- ruae the sjuewtlow whether the pceeco- ttoo . the scgar trust would be broadened. . ii . mm i The Pr'".tn k?n-f-T-nl win erect a 'r t.'n'.fh vn a ', 1 r ' r- r ' t ' .''- ! - S- - - ... Quickly- Cured by; a Pleasant Qenn-Kiliin; Antiseptic 'This If th tittle Hyomet .(pronounced Hlgh-o-ma) in halerthe exact slse. ' Made of hard rubber and can easily- ba 'carried la pocket or parse. . . . Into this Inhaler you pour a few dross of magical Hy omet - This ts absorbed by tbe aatlseptle gause . wlthla and. sew you are ready to breathe it in over tbe geras infested membrane where It will speedily begla its work ef killing catarrh gvrtne. Hyomet Is made of Austral- tan eucalrPtol com Used with other antieeftlca and Is vary pleasant te fake. It Is guaranteed to cur catarrh, broBchiUa, troop, cocghs snd colds or meaey back. It rleefis out a tuffed up heal la t we mla Ctea. Fold by drctsla's every - wh-re a1 by WtMa-i .... J Cia-f ke Ce. . cnt"'. "ii'f l"a'r. II. J r-r-,. f .1 It r ' a I!-- '1 I sat I 1 1 150PIANOS a"iw e s, f . JVOTJ? Yl t h HOVENPEN''' SOI Jf J PIANO CO VI ' PLAYER. tyf SACRIFICED 106 FIFTH STREET NEXT TO PERKINS HOTEL If you ntcd pUno, now Is the tims to get It at an V investigation of prices will prove that we tare you from $50.00 to $100.00? Easy payments. Open Evening. Hovenden-Soule Piano Go. o Holiday Sud iestious ' The) most wkUJy disevssed norel of th yemr fkAfif'n'P UBBaireasse) I essmasw ess. aim - 4 . KVOUII niWHUlA' W Donna ' Bella Donna ' hi a country aa well as a woman. It is Egypt as ' Kim rls India .... The public has seldom the opportunity to show its appreciation of a aoveHcrf such erjgi aaliy, charm, and power." A. Y. Timet. . 12am. Decors ted cloth, $130 v ; Ch&rminfT Gift Books The lilac Girl aBy RALPH HENRY BARBOC'K With : fNDERWOOO tLIX-STBA. TlOfa Another I Barbour's deli cate romance, bearing a breath I prjr t'me, as goo4 holiday seaaoa." CkL ft Eftvrl-HrrtU. ' "XsH of eenahme and therrfnt otluitaea, spaced eod eewaowew with krve and trammr." 6rai XV'- w ewlar r OsMata f. ti tmm fin. Vmrmimu 4 cwa mi a. gut lees 12.0. ta a sa. Lcocnds of the Alhsmbra By WASHINGTON IBV1NO v , Irvtor's aasaaws lfM legeeds of tke AiaaSca.laaray IHleaud wit a eevae hi U-f r ptctwes ! cilar, saaei glaal Saa . Hmiw-empmTt, mm4 fcial iiw awrs aa iar e4 yMi. Vain, uinnix cma, aea. riivrTt jt i a rvrtmt tiAttrct At the Back of the North Wind By CEORQB MACDONALft A Dog of Flsndcrs By -tXTOA" sni atnai I kn-M ev wt.a r Man L. fc . tor. cnai r iia. mi. t14 ear .7. R. Lipplncofl Company rCBLI5nfHS rr-rt-T-'i