The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 01, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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.' V
Says Civil Service Commis
Vsion Has Stultified Itself
in Detecthe Case.
In a' keehlv ironical denunciation of
what he terms the "stultified" record
1 of the civil service commission, T. G.
Grhe, chairman of the police com
mittee of the executive board, yesterday
sent In a report to the board on the.
claims of four detectives, Resins;, Day,
Carpenter and Enow for pay from July,
ISO?, to July. I6u. The report cails
-upon the mayor as ex-officlo chairman
of the commission, to demand an ex
planation of what is called its inctm-
' a Intent rullnjcs of May t8. 1S08.
Following is the full teitof the re
port: .
:, ., 5- Mr. Qraene's Jitter.
Honorable Mavor an Executive
': Board of the City of Porttand--Sour
. committee on police to whom was re-
, ferred the annexed demand or J. jr. k
- ' sing, Joseph Day, U G. Carpenter and
Frank G. Snow for payment of salary
inn had the same under consideration.
respectfully report luai: 1 ,
In August, 1906, the mayor- directed
the discharge or six detectives, namely,
J. P. Resin Joseph ty. Ui Q. Car
penter, Frank G. Snow, I C Ilartman
V, and A. G. Vaughn on charges of "In-
. competence, inefficiency, ranure to com
ply with the rules" and orders of the
department, and failure' to give satis
factory service." August SI, i6, the
board ratmea ana approved the action
of the mayor and chief of police. L. C.
Hartman acquiesced in the discharge.
, A. Vaughn appealed toy the civil serv
ict commission, which, after a trial,
found," the- charges sustained and ap
. proved the actios of this board Septem
ber as, 1SQ8, , -.
Day and the. others brought a writ of
review in the circuit court, which held
the charges were not definite and spe
cific. - Ths mayor filed emended charges,
restating the same aa .originally pre
ferred and setting out 29 typewritten
pages of details. Updn trial thereof
and with, substantially the same testi
mony that had' been adduced -ta ( thfe
trial of A. G. Vaughn before the fly
service commission, tbe charges were
-sustained and the report ef this com
mlttee to that effect was adopted by
the board December 2S, 1907. Day, Ro
sing, Know and Carpenter appealed
therefrom to ' the civil service commis-
- elon, which notified the -board it found
. the charges not sustained.'
Detectives-Were XJlsohaxg-ed.
The present; demand Is for salaries
from "the time of filing the amended
and detailed charges nd specifications
to the date of? reinstatement under the
decision of -the civil service commission
..' ahnvK nfrrM tn
A1J six of the detecllves were dls-J
enargea upon trie same compiaipi ana
upon substantially the same evidences
' bat it appeared at the' trial of A. O.
Vaughn before-the civil service commls
slon that he was the lest at fault.
That body, -however, as above stated,
sustained tl action of this board In
' discharging Mr. Vaughn, and afterwards
reversed toe boarO in discharging the
others. Its Inconsistent rulings work
an injustice either to Mr. Vaughn or
te the oty. If our action In dl:harg-
. in Mr. Vaughn was right and the
commission has In effect said, it wasy
-'- the - discharge of . the others ought To
?,. have been sustained. If our action in
discharging Day, Keslng. Carpenter anJ
; Bnow was wrong and the commission
' has in effect said it was then Vaughn's
discharge was wrong. And although
ilk-the others, ha haa probably been
making more than the salary of a city
detective ajl the time L since his dis
charge, he is as much entitled to -a
donation from the city as the others.
'We do not thjnk any of them are en
- titled to the donation, but before making
any recommendation concerning the an
nexed demand, we respectfully suggest
- inai me same, logeiner wun xnis r-
fiort, be referred to the mayor, with
he request that he, either as an ex-of-flclo
member of the civil service 'com-
mission, or under the power vested tn
lilm as mayor by the charter, require
of that body an explanation of its in
consistent and conflicting rulings In
this matter. The stultified record of
. the commission, whose, ruling In the
matter of the discharge of city em-
ployes controls this board, renders It
Impossible for us to 'do justice between
all. or any of th3 discharged detectives
and the city of Portland. If the city
has to pay the $5673 3,2 demanded by
these claimants, it is on account of the
rating of the civil servlcte commission
of May 1, i08, and before auditing kite
claim your committee aught to ha'-e
some explanation thereof. Respectfully
submitted. T. G. GREENE. .
Committee on Police of the Executive
n Musical Program.
.The following musical program will
be 'render by The Journal band at the J
.vasiuugtuu !ukrvi at x irsi ana wesn
lngton fctreets tonight from 8 to
10 p. m. The publio will have full bene
fit without charge, as everything Is
free. The market is to be in gala at
tire and a general good time is ex
pected. At least there will be an op
portunity for the public to save money
on their Sunday edibles:
March, '"Sixth Massachusetts." Missud
Operatic medley, "Santiago Flynn"'..
"Tyrollnne Sunshine" Ertcksen
Overture, "Memories of Long Ago,"..
'. , Laurendeau
March, "Tenth New York Infantry"..
-. .Polllna
'Medley overture, "Morse's Melodies."
f- Moras
Garotte. "Cupid's Arrow" De Vere
March "Mohawk" Thomas
Hegina, Sask.,-May 1 Government
ewpershlp rf the telephone line,
throughout westetn Canada became an
ao50mpllshed fat this morning when
the province of Saskatchewan took over
all of the long distance lines, local ex
changes and equipment of the Bell Tele;
phone company, in aocorVincrtrThe
terms of the recent jvmuj-haseT The price
paid is undfepeMWoTto he a ljlttle over a
quarter of a million dollars.
jnamioqa was me nrsi or
dian provinces to purchase the
f, tent and Alberta then decide'
,or the lines. Saskatchewan1!
Manitoba was the first of the Cana-
Bell svr-
declded to take
s deal fnl-
. lowed and now the Bell system has dis
appeared entirely from al the Canrdfla'n
"territory between the great lakes and
the' Pacific coast-
Get box of v
: i Stearns electric
nhrandnOACII Paste
GuaraotetT to exterminate cock
roachcjrrata, mice, waterbugs.
etcy'br your money refunded.;
1 6i. box 25c; 18 or. box $1.00. ' .
Sold evi-rrwbert or sent expre j
prepaid oft reoftipt of price. j
Flnt WMU' TamnU Twelfth nnd
Taylor, Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher. V.
D. It), 'One Accord" prayer meeting
errlces, 10:S0 and 7:80; Bible school 12;
Topics, "Hands: Character Revealed by
Occupation." and "Jealousy." Third ser
mon on 'Respectable Sins."
Arleta -tev. E. A. Smith. 11 and 8:
S. S.i 10; B..I. P. V., . Topics. "Heau
tlful Grace,' and "A Perfectly l'ropor
tloned t.lfe.
Hlghlan Alberta and Sixth, Rev. E.
A: Leonard, paster. 11 and 7:30; ii. 5.
P. .U, 6:0; a B... 10.
. Sellwood Tacoma and Eleventh. Rev.
D. W. Thurston, 11 and 8. S. S.. 10; Y.
P. U
Calvar- East Eighth and Grant, Rev.
3. N. Monroe, 11 and 7:30: S S. 10; B.
Y: P. U., :I0. Topics, commuuion. even
ing. "Consider Your Ways."
- immanuel Meade and Second, Rev.
A. R. Mtnalrr 10 111 anil 7:30:. S. S.. 12;
B. Y. P. U., 6:30; Jamos Kdmonds will
Grace-Montavtlla: -Rev. Albert E.
Patch. H and 7:30; S. S.. 10: Y. P..
V.. 6:30. Topics. "Absent, Yet Present,'
and "The Houso of God."
Central East Twentieth and Ankeny;
Rev. W..T. Jordan. 10:30 and 7 30: S. S,
12; t. P., :80: Topics. "Fellowship,'
and "Special Praise Services."
University Park Rev. A. B. Waltz.
B. 8., 10; 11 and 7:30. B. Y. P X'-. :S0.
Topics, "When Ood Withdraws His Pres
ence," and "Our Dependence' for Today."
Sunnyslde (Oermanl Forty-first and
Hawthorne; Hev. C. Feldmeth. lr-S. S;
St. Johns (German) Rev. C. Feld
meth. 6. S.. :45; services 11 and 7:30.
Second Seventh and East Ankeny;
Rev. J. F. Heaeock. lOiSO and 7:30; Bi
ble school. 12: B. Y. P. IT., 6 SO. Topics,
"Christian Necessities," and God's Love.'-
St. Johns Rev. John Bentxlen. 11:80
and 7:30; S. S., 10; Y. P. U., 6:J0. Rev.
A. L. Johnston In morrilng.
Ohlnese Mission 852 Oak street
8. S., t; preaching, 8, by Rev. Fung
Chak. .
First German Fourth . and MM;
Rev. J. Kratt. 11 and 7:30; S. 8.. 9:46.
Second Oerman Morris .street and
Rod: v-avenue; Rev. F. Buermann. 11
and 7:30- 8. S.,':46. I
East Forty-flftlt stiteet-Corner East
Main; Rev. H. C. Cocik. 11 and F30;
Bible school. 10; B. Yj P. U., 6:46.
LentB Rev. J. F. Heaeock, 8. S.. 10:
Tl and 7:30; B. Y. P. U., 6:30,- Rev. John
Bentzlen In morning'.
Mount Ollye "Seventh' and Everett;
Rev. B. B. H. Johnson. 11 And 7:84.
BdlshHoyt and Fifteenth! Rev.
Erlck Scherstrom. 10:45 rand 7:48;
Third Knott and. Vancouver: Rev. R.
Schwedler, 11 and 7:80. Topics', "i'nttl
He comes." and A Chance o,r a- Life
time." S. 10; B. Y..P. V.
First Twelfth and Alder; Rev, Wil
liam , Hiram FQUlkea, 10:30 and 7:3a
Topics, "Into the Highway and
Hedges," and "They. That Go Down to
the Sea In Ships."
Mtipih East Thirteenth and powell;
Rev. Harry Leeds.
11 and 7:30; S. 8..
lft: C-.E.. :30..
Calvary Ele
eventh and Clay: Rev. J.
A. P. McOraw, 10:30 and 7:30. 1 ..
Fourth First snd GIbbS; Rev. Don
ald McKenxle; 10:30 and 7:30; S. S., 12;
C. E-. 6:30.
Hawthorne farK-- j weirtn ana r;ast
Tavlor; Rev. William Parsons; 10:30 and
7:80; 8. 8., 12: C. E.. 6:30.
Forbes fellwood and Gantenbeln;
Rev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:30; S. 8.,
10: C. E.. 6:8n
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett;
Rev. J, E. Snydor. 11 and 7:80; 3. 8.,
Chinese 1464 First. 7:45: 8. S.,6-46.
- -Westminster East Tenth and Weld
ler: Rev. Henry Man-otte; 10:80 and
7:30: S S.. 12: C. E.. 6:30.
Marshall Street Marshall and North
Seventeenth: Rev. C. W. Hays; 8. 8. 10
11 and 7:30. i
Mount. Tabor Belmdnt and Preltv
man: Rev. Edward M. Sharp. 11 and i
8- 6. 10. , ,
Bellwooa Kasi eevenieenin ana tspo-
kane; Rev. D. A. Thompson. 11 and
7:80; S. S. 10: C. E., 6:30. .
Third Kast Ttarteentn ana ne:
Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery. 10:30
and 7:45. Topics. "From Calvary to
Pentecost," and "Things That Count."
Anabel Itev. A. nura. 11 ana t:ib.
Hope Montavllla; Rev. 8. 8. White.
11 and 7:30.
Kenilworth East , Thirty-seventh and
Gladstone. Rev. $. 8. Dunning Ph. C;
11; S. S., 12: young people's meeting, 7.
Millard Avenue Kev. John A. J own-
send. Services 11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 10
a. m.
Trlnltv Dakota street, Kev, A. kod
Inson. 7:30; C. E.. 6:46; S B.. 11.
Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young,
D. D.; 10.30 and 7:45: 8 S.4 12:ln; E. j.
6:45. Morning sermon by Lr. netcner
iioman; evening sermon by George B.
Sunnvside East Yamhill near Thirty-
fifth; W. T. Euster; 11 and 7:30; J. E.
3; E. L... 6:15; 8. 8., 9:60.
Bt. Jonna s. h. iJewart; ii ana s
E. U. 7; S. 8., 10. .
Epworth Twenty-sixth and Savler;
Rev. Charles T. McPhjerson; 11 and 7:80;
8. 8., 10; E. L.- 6:30.
Centenarv East' Ninth and Pine:
Clarence True Wilson, D. ,D. ; 10:30 and
:30; 8. 8., 12; K- U, s:i&. topics.
Religion in the Home." and "Personal
Trinity Kast rentn ana urant; i.ewts
F. Smith
11 and 7:30; S. 8.. 10; E. U,
Central 4 Kusseii, Kev. u. Ham
ilton, 10:30; S. S., 12: E. L.. 6:30.
Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kal; ii
and 7:30.
Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Bev. John
rl. UUulipp. ju.owaiiu i .du, o. 5.. Ji.;.-),
1 PD.
E. I... 6:30. Communion: evening topic.
"The Young Man and His cnum.
Vancouver Avenue 11 and 7:30.
Laurelwood Rev. E. H. Bryant; 11
and 7:30; 8. 8.. 10; E. L., 6:30.
Norwegian-Danish Thirteenth and
Davis: H. P. Nelsen; 10:45 and 7:30;
E Ij 7.
First German Fifteenth and Hoyt; G.
A. Waasa: 11 and 7:30.
Swedish Borthwlck and Beach. Rev.
John Ovall. H and 8; S 8., 10: E L.. 7. j
Topics. "What Is True Happiness?" and
"The Future Life."
Becond German Stanton and Rodney,
Rev. E-. R. Hertiler, 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 9:45
E. L.. 7:30. v
Japanese Mission 111 North Fif
teenth, Rev. Etlsen Rlbara, '4:30 and
8:S0i S. S.. 3:30.
Rellwood East Fifteenth and Ta- i
coma. Rev Tester C. Poor, 11 and 7:30;
J. E. L.. 2:30; E. L., 6:30.
The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty
ninth and Powell, Rev. 8. J. Kester, 11
and 8; 8. 8 . 10; E. L.. 7; J. E. L., 3.
Montavllla Mohle and Hlbbard. Rev.
Harold Oberg, 11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 10;
class meeting, 12; J. L., 3; E. L.. 6:46.
Woodlawn William J. Douglass. 11
and 8; S. 8., 10; K. L., so. Topics,
I he 1 hree ( alls.
University Fsrk Oawson and Flske,
Rev. W R. Jeffr
w T
11 and 7.30. ,
African Zlqn-Thirtsaiith and Main. I
... - -i - - i - . ,
t nrisi im-iTiii ea vaunn, ann " ine
'hiirrh: ItHiwItn and Purnose." '
1st Hffor Mivation.'
Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen- ;
ter, D. A Vvatters. 11 and 7:30: S. S.. 10;
E. L-, 6 SO. rorics, uarnering the !
Fruits of Pentecost, snd "God's Re-
tnembranre of Man.
Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty
first J- W. McDougall, 11 and 7:30.
Woodstock J. D. Voce, 11 and 7:30
a 8. 10; B. L, 6:30.
8L Mary'a
and Davis
Low mass,
Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D.
, 8 snd . High mass and t
aerrnon, 11. Vespers, instruction and
benediction. 7:48.
St Joseph's t German), Fifteetsth and
Eouch Rt. Rev. James RauW, V. G.
ow mass, 8. High mass and., sermon,
16:38. Vespers, benediction. 880
St Lawrence's. Third and Sliertqan
Re, y. C. Hughes. Low mass. 7 and
(: I Hlsh mass and sermon, 10:30.
"Vtspers snd benediction, 7:30. - ,
enslon. Montavllla. 1 Her. J. P.
FlVxpatrlck- Mass and sermon t In
Chanel of Sisters or the Precious Blood.
. fit. Fraucia'. East Eleventh and Oak
. 8., 12: B. Y.. P. U.. 6:30
Union Avenue - illBslon'
Suggestive Questions on
Scnool Lesson by-
Th International Newsnaoer Bible
moting in an unfettered way among
he basal . truthsof Christianity, and
man's life. It Is composed -or an tnose wno join a local ciud, ana tage up tne
rlmple course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. All' who have
not lolnetl are warmly Invited to do so and to compete for "the prixesi-' t '
Pt-rsonB may join the club at any time during the year, but must,- of
course, answer the '62 questions hereinafter explained, to qualify for tne
prizes, and the back questions may be
This paper has secured the rightto publish the International Sunday
St-hnn) T.psson nncittlnns bv Rrtv. Dr.
Interest elsewhere, and they will appear weekly in both the Saturday : a?d.
Sunday Issues of 'j lie journal, une or tnes questions eacn weeK s ro De
oncw.., in vL-r-ltlnir nuil nnnn thfAA finAwlri tti nrlr.ed mm to b nwarried-
1. Each contestant, or his or her family, must be ft subscriber to this
Saper, in order to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper' Tliljie
tudy club and this local club. .;'' "'
2. Each contestant In this local club
tlons for 62 consecutive weeks, commencing Sunday, March 14, and the answers
must all be In the -possession or tnls
of this nerlod.
Each question must be answered
one side onlv. No answer must exceed
Each answer muet bre the name and
of the answer.
4. i np answers must pe -aejivereq io inis ornce, ana tney win reejruatea
at the cl se of the contest and forwarded to headquarters for lndepen(?it ex
amination by competent examiners. "The prizes will then be awarded ac
cording to the highest number of marks, won by members of The International
Newspaper Bible Study club. , ,
Tlie Friaes. i ; . ..
First Berics A gold medal to each of the first five contestants. ,
Second Series A sliver medal to each of the next five contestants. '.
Third Series A Teacher's Bible, price $6.60. to each of the next five con
testants, y
Fourth Series The book "The Heart of Chrtstfcntty," price 11.60, to each
of the next 35 contestants. ' .
Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name or th winner and
for what it Is awarded and In like manner each. Bible and book will bk in-
All who can write and have Ideas,
gardless of the degree of their education, as the papers are Bot val
an educational or literary sianapoim,
cogency of their reasoned ideas.
Paul's first mtsslonery Journey,
Cyprus. Acts 13:1-12
Golden text Go ve Into all the world,
and prach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:16
Verse 1. Where was Antloch?
What constitutes a 'Christian church,
then, and now?
What the difference between prophets
and teachers?
Verse 2. What is meant by "min
istered to the Lord?"
What mental, physical or spiritual
benefits, are there derived from fast
ing How.long should a perspn abstain-
from food. In order to constitute ft
christian fast?
Wha right has the present day Prot
estant cfrurch to dlsoontinuethe prac
tice of fasting?
"When-would the ears of a company
of godly Wten, be most sensitive to the
Wlce of Ojod. during a feast, or a fast?
Was there any connection between
their ministering and fasting"; and the
Holy Spirit speaking to them?
Is the Holy Spirit apt to speak, to
those who are not Intensely engaged
In the cause of God?
What is necessary In order to cul
tivate an ear for the voice of Ood?
Should we all be. "called" ef .God
before undertaking any kind of work?
Verse 8.--Ought the church today to
send out missionaries to new districts,
and to heathen countries?
If It la the duty of tlie church to
end out missionaries, Is It, or not,
the duty of every person, whether ft
member of the church or not, to help
support themf (This question must
be answered la writing by members
of the club.)
MtntuterK Sundav school teachers
write The Journal briefly their views
particularly if they consider incm or vaiue in meir wurn.j
Bev. J. H. Black. Low mass, 6, 8:30
and 9:30. High mass and serjnon, 10:30.
Vespers, instruction and benediction,
St Patrick's. Nineteenth and Savlei?
Rev. E. P. Murphy. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon, 0:30. Vespers and
benediction, 3:30.
Ht. Michael's (Italian), Fourth and
Mill Jesuit Fathers. , Low mass, 8.
High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers
and benediction, 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams
and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. Low
mass, 6. 8 and 9. High mass and ser
mon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction.
'Holy Rosary, East Third and Union
Very Rev. A. S. Lawler. Low mass, 6,
7 and 8:30. High mass and sermon,
10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:30.
Sacred Heart, Mllwaukie Rev. Gre
gory Rohle. O. 8. B. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon, 10. Vespers and ben
ediction. 7:30. r , - ,
HcJy Cross, University Park Rev. J.
P. Thlllman, C. S. C. Low mass, 8:30.
High mass and sermon, 10:80. Vespers
and benediction, 4. ....
Holy Redeemer. Portland and van-couver-Rev.
Ed K. Cantweil. C. SS. R.
Low mass, R. High raasi and sermon,
10:30. Benediction, 4.
St. Andrew's, Ninth and Alberta
Rev. Thomas Kiernan. Low mass. 8.
High mnss R4 sermon, 10. Vespers, in
struct on ana oeneaicuun,
St. Stephen's, Forty-second and East
Taylor Rev. W. A. want
Low mass.
HlKh mass and sermon, 10:30.
St Stainsla
aus, Maryland and Falling,
Rev. C. Seroskl. Low mass , nign
mass and sermon 10.
St Ignatius. Forty-second and Powell
Valley road, Bev F. Dillon, S. J. Low
mass 8 and 9:30; mass, sermon and
benediction 10:30.
Trlnlt Nineteenth and EVerett, Dr.
A- A. Morrison. 8, 11 and 8. 8. S. 9:45.
Evening topic, "The Emmanuel Move
ment. -fiu Matthews First and' Caruthers.
Rev. W. A. M. Breck. 11; 8. 8.. 10; com-
mtinlnn. 7:30 a. m.
Pro-Cathedjal of Pt Stephen the Ma
hyr Thlrteeth and Clav. Rev. H. M.
Ramsay, 70, 11 and 7:30 p. m; a. Is..
8t. . A ndnaw's Portsmouth. Rev. J. E.
t.'nrvlhi 1 1 8. S.. 10
St. Marx s VI weniy-nrsi ana . iar-
hnli Rev .1
E.H- Simpson. . ii ana s;
s S..ld
St John's Church Multnomah
Tavlor, 11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 10.
Church of Our Saviour Woodstock,
Rev. J. C. Ksythe. 11 and 7:30.
Good Shepherd Sellwood and Van
couver, Rev. John Dawson. 8, 11 and
7:30; S. 8., 9:45
St. David's East Twelfth and Bel
mont. Rev... Henry Russell Talbot, morn
ing prayer- and sermon, 11; evening,
7:30; communion, 7:30 a.(m.i S. S.I(s9:4o
a. m
Ascension Chapel
-Portland .Heights,
S S 930
All Saints' Church Twenty-second
and Reed. Rev. Boy Edgar Remington,1
11 and 7J0t,S. 8.. 10. y
Grace Memorial East Seventeenth
and Weidler, Rev. George B. Van Wat
ers. 10:45; S. S.. 12.
St. Paul Woodmere. Rev. J. 0 For
sythe; 11 a. m.; S. S.. 9:45.
Flr,t Madison and Park, Rev.
Luther R. Dyott, i. I. ; Rev. Guy 1-
Dick. asiRtant: 11 and 7:45: S8.. 9:45
Topics, T'ie Church as a. Horne" and
"Reform Slovements and Sins lof the
unnys!d-aet Taylor
frndf East
l.'VTV . i,'. FA, h v i
f-. l"'',T':.'-,tt.-1
ren.,'?r. 1 ' V. - 1 ?LV "
The Heaven
iv ncnirrs ana
The DiscoV
. . . ',
- Lr.l vers! ty Park Havenand Dawson,
G- w- R'88s: B- B- lu; e:s0
Laurelwood Rev.
W. H. Myers; 11
S. S. 10. C. E. 6:30.
Mississippi Avenue Mississippi, and
Fremont. Rev. Danlel-T. Thomas; 11
and 7:30; S. S., 10; CE., 6:30.
Hissalo Street East Seventh and
Hassalo, Rev. Paul Rader; 11 and 7:30,
S. 8., 10r CV E., 6:30. Topics, "Special
ists" and "Work."
Highland East Sixth and Prescott;
Rev. E. 8. Bollinger: 11:30 and 7:45. 8.
8-. 10; C. E , 6:46. Topics, "Harmonious
Increase" and "The Snakes of i Our
St Johns
8. 8. S. 10.
-Rev. G. W. Nelson: 11 and
First German East Seventh and
Btanton, Rev. John H. Hopp; 10:30 and
7:, 8. 8. 8:16. C. -E.. 6:80.
Swedtsf Immanuel-NIneteenth
Irving. 11 and 8; 8. S. 9:46.
Norwegian Synod East Tenth
urant; Kev.
Hagoes. 11 and I.ZOA
S. 8.: :8.
r Betanlft -Danish tnlon.- an-d ' Morris;
the Sunday.
Rev. Dr. T. S. Linf&jtt
Studv club is -for theAtxircose of pro
the masses, a wider wudy of the Bible,
-the problems which erfter Into every
obtained by addressing this orilc-
j-iinscoii, wnicn nave arounea so muni
must answer each of the written quee-
paper within two weeks of ttjeuiose
1 -
separately and the paper wrltth On
200 words in lensrth and mav beHe"a.
address of the writer at .the. hoMCyjnJ
. t' ' ' 1
are urged to take- up these studlcsrfe-
uefl rro-
from the point of view of vtrle
Why did they fast and pray, before
sending Paul and Barnabas on their
mission? - ty,
Would It be a help to .each meal
church today, to fast and pray before
each missionary meeting?
Do you think the women took part
In this sevlce, and whether or not. i
what reason is there' to debar women,
from any of. the. church's work?
Verse 4. Is it possible or practical,
to be guided ln"iftwv journey we takto,
and 1n all else bytfflkJIoly Spirit?
Should a pastor evstiSiake charg of
a new church, wlthouTjbelng directed
to do so by the Holy Spirit? .
t lease point nut on tne map. in your
Bible, where Scleuuia,
Salamls and
Cyprus are situated.
they consciously.
or uncon-
sclously. directed by God ibe Holy Spirit
all atong their iourneyr 1
verse &. Should men and w-men, in
the ordinary walks of life, be as faith
ful in preaching the Eoscel. or testlfvine
for , Jesus, wherever they may be. asj
Pfiul and Barnabas were? 1
verse t. wow - many places' men
tioned in this 1CSSC4H. are situated on
the island of Cyprus? (See yourtnap.)
What motives had likely Induced
this man Elymas to claim to' lje. a
prophet? ,
Verses.,7.8. How do you accounlUjfor
a man leing so bad asto try to prevent
another' man from serving the true; God?
Verses 9-12. Are good men jutlfied' ht
rebuking bad men with veheeiicA, when,
they would stop a workrfjtf Jive aivtl
mercy? "-
Is it possible for a brfd man to, ej
cape the jusKapnalty of his sins? i
Lesson for Sunday, May- !). 19
Paul's first rpioiiiowary jouptii
Antloch in Plsldla. Ats iH:13-5
and others interested are lnvitedVto
as to the Worth of these-"question
Rev. J. Scott. 11 ana 8; S. 8., 10. Topics,
"When Christ Leaves and "When Christ
Arrives.'' s ; " -
8t. James'. English West ParH and
Jefferson; J. Allen Leas. 11-, and 8: S.
8., 10; L. L., 7 p. tn; . Topics;' :"The
Dangers of Middle Life." Ev,emlng, sofig
service. .
United Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth:
Detmar Larssu.. 11 and 7:30; 6. 8.. 9:4.
Zlon's German Chapman and Sal
mon; Wrtl. Behrens. 10:15; 7-i45; S. &
St. Paul's German East Twelfth and
Clinton; Rev. A. Krause, 10:30 and 7;80;
S. S.. 9:30. .
Trinity German (Missouri 8ynod -Williams
and Sellwood; J. A. Rlmbacb
8:15; S. 8., 10; 7:30. 5-
SweJish Auguatana Rodney aYrd
Stanton; Rev. C. -A. Tolin. 10:46 and
7:45; S. 8.. 9:30.
Swedish Mission Seventeenth and
Gliaan; Rev. Si. J. Thorfen.. 11 and 7:46;
8. S.. 10 s .
rir.tarkndColumhla. Rev. vf H.J
i . , - V - -
Rodney Avenue) Rodney and .Knott:
Thomas G. Pictonf, 11 and 8; 8. S.. 9:45;
C. E.. 7 p. m. V
Central East Twentieth , and t Sal
mon; Rev. J. F. Gtiormley. t. "D. 10:3kf
, iiii i.irm i i (iiiimiim iiH'Tinri mil in
It pays to use, for headache, a medicine thatcts,
not on the head, hut on the real cause of the aehe.
With women, the real trouble is generally some
derangement of her organs or functions and the head
ache is merely one of '-tne. .symptoms of her fenJale
.weakness. i ,
The proper .treatment, therefore, for female
headache, is Caraui,' the medicine that acts on the
female organs, and regulates the deranged female
functions. "( .
It Will Help You
"I had suffered every month,' for a yelar writes
Mrs. Dora Garrett, of Vandervoort, rArk. "Myhead
and back would ache, so bad, X could not sit up I
tried all other kinds of medicines and
they all failed to ure roe. ' Then my
mother told me to take Cardui- When
I had taken one bottle X was able to do
aM my work. -Cardui is
and 8. Tnemea, "Salvation- by Faith.'.
Evening, revival aervtceB.. , " ! -
- Kern Park-Rev. B. M.". Pttttersoni 1
and' 7:46; 8. S., JO; t3. E.. ':6.' Themes,
"The superiority ei rosmve uooanees
and. "Crucifying Jesus Afresh."
Sellwood Eleventh ajxd, UmatlMa.
10:Za and 7:45. -L - '..
Woodlawn 11 n4 70: lark W.
Corns toclc - .y;:.;.';'
XTnited Brethren 1s Christ"'
First East Fifteenth and Morrison,
Rev. H. C. Shaffer. 11 and. 7:30; S. S-
le; C K.. 6:0. . - ,
Third South Mount Tabor; Rev. H.
C. Shaffer: Bible school 2.
Radical Sixth and" Mechanic. Rev.' T.
J.VCock'ing. 11-an 7:80: S. S.. lt;
6:30. .
"'Alberta East Twentv-aeventh and
iMildrea. Rev. B, E. Emericb. 11 and :
0. S.. 10.
' . Evangelical Assoolatlons.
' First English East Sixth and Mar
ket F. B. Culver. Ir-and IliO-JS. P. A.M
:ou; o. a., iu. i i
First German Tenth and Clay, F.
Bens, 10:46 and 7:46: fi. 8:. 8:30; Y. P.. 7.
Memorial East Eighteenth and Tlb-
a S.
M orris . Hcyerllng,
10 and T.SO;
United Evangelical. ,
First East Seventh and Stevens. Rev.
H, A. Deck, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., 10
Topics, "'To Every Man Hi Work'1
"The Cry of the Oppressed."
Beoondr-Fargo and Kerby, Rev. C C,
Poling, il and 7:80.
St J6hn'sIvanhde and John, Rev.
C. P. Yates. 8. S.. 10.
Qpfcley Gceen Gay. ana Willamette,
Rev.:.J. , Bowersox, 11 and . 7:80; 8. 8,
10; CJ E... 6:30. . . '
First ' (Serbian Tenth " and Stark
streets, 0.' Hafner pastor. Services
iv:id a. m. ana s p. nvt S7 ., now n. m. ;
p. P. S 7 p. m.
United Frerbyterlan.
Church of the Strangers Wasco and
7:80; S. S., 12. Sermons translated for
the deaf each Sunday morning.
First sixth and Montgomery. lO'.so
and 7:30. Rev. Frank D. Flndley of Se
attle. , '
Third Marguerite halL - Thlrty-SIfth
gndHawthurne. Rev. J. R Acheson; 8.
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ Scottish Rite
cathedral. Morrison and Lownsdale, 11
and 8: SS., 12. Topic, ."Everlasting
Second Woodmen's Hall, East Sixth
and Alder. 11 and 8; 8. S. 12. Topio:
"Everlasting Punishment."
Church of Our Father Yamhill and
Seventh-. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr.: Rev. T.
L. EH.ot. D. minister t-merltus; Rev.
N. A.Baker, assistaht. 11 and 7:45: 8.
8., 9:46lklndergarten,.ll". T. P. F-, 6:30.
Topics. I'Rcligrous boctrlnes of Today;
an Ihveitory of Stock" and "A Report
of Prrttkess In, the Problems of Re-llgloa-r
aild. Psychotherapy.'
TJnlversallst. - I
Churchxof the Good Tidings Union
hall, corner Grand avenu and East Pine.
Rev! J. V. Corby, 10:45; S. 8., 12. Topic.
"Whfft Is Planted in the Garden 61 Your
M. H. Cfturcb Sonth.
1T1H Second. Rev. E. H. Mowre. 11
and 8, Topic, mornln
"The Divine
Human." B. 8.. 10; E. L-, 7:30.
First Spiritual Society. "Western Acad
emy hall, Second and Morrison. Meet
ings, 11, 3:30 and 7:45t
Friends' Church Main and East
Thlrty-lifth, lilndley A. Wells, 11 and
7:30; S. a. 10; C. E., 6:30..
-8tate fcpirituaJlsti, goc.iety Manjey
hall, Williams avenue and Knott street,
7:45 p. m. (Subject. "Keith
-Drew hall, Dr. W. T.
Allen. 8.
Mediums' jitJd Ministers'' Association
Auditorium building, It, 3 and 7:46.
Swedish Free Mission Mississippi
snd Shaver. Rev. V. Carleon, 3 and 8.
Rev: August 'Olson will preach.
Y. M. C. A. Fourth and Yamhill. 3.
Rev. J. H. Cudlipp. Music.
Swedish Coros Salvation Armv 430
Busrnside. 11, 4".30 and 8. I
Mlllennifll , Dawn Odd Fellows' hall, J
curner r.asi .-ii.XinnfTw, fnieies
son, l:3t).-servl(S:15. TReTne.''TfiJ
two Sal vat 16 u
Latter DaySa'fntR (Mormons) 8. 8..
10; 11:30 fid 6. Corner E. 10th and
Immanuel Germans-Corner 15th and
Leo (Sellwood), HI. C. Ebellng; 8. 8.,
9:30, 10:10.
Grace" English Rodney and Ivy. Al
blna. IL C. Ebellng, 7:30.
Morgan. Unity hall. SSlllnar-Hlrsch build-
,New Thought Rev. Henry Victor
"-Ting, 8 p. tri. Theme, "How to Tell Yowl
uwn fortune."
Own Fortune
Advent Christian Second between
Hall and Lincoln.- E.'Wallace Shepard;
10:30 and 730. Evening topic, "Present
Conditions In Turkey a F"ulflllment of
Hebrew Prophecy.'"
G H 143
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