The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 20, 1907, Page 39, Image 39

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1 1
i '
How They May Be Successfully Tramed
"-' . ' f - ' ' " r .r; i '.n , . . : r , , .-.
By Ruby Silver , V V ' ,
V .fa.
HE soerst of,
It in' tha oortant mum to develop, and that most
....... Th.. ... h. n.w..a eslly developed. She feel assured of
". . 7." 'V ,T" " . 'davalopmant In other direction aa oon
of ur knowledge ( tha aulas aa lh". 9t awna upon tha
world, and wljothar wo hav flvo, child's mind.1 According to bar .sport
ier tha added sixth, or ths prom--?", the . iveiopmeni or a
"Star Salesman Loses hy Meddling
By Hi
rr 11
orace ZOll
- or in -oaa r . ibcopioJad by Improvamant Of tha
lsd ssvsnth, thaao I t Is that load us t othtT ;MlM jjh t,,, f0Un(i lmpoa-
mi' GRAFTER WINS BY TRICKS tissX tRow Lan You Compete With Him?
Br bttr. .,.. . tlnsulshaa ound and aooreciate mualo
"w . will not ba ao imair to nowi ana acraara
ARTER wii t rouiif nta vltb am- They airily remarked that they would'
Dition. Ha bad laarnod boo- vvn" "mKm- '.fJ, ",
. . . ... . waiting; until his patience almoat waa
Beapinc IB a lUfht Olaao at a i,,,,,, Carter wa admitted to aea
bualnaao college. After fraduat- the praaident, who probably admired hla-
ln ho had aecored B position as pnm paraiateney. Th youn aniearoan
L..L1,. ... . . . , . v. oripnr ana lorciuiy maieu wnm oiii mm
""'yr wivn mmmii arm. rtleli nxMllnil tlmt of other firm
ha was settrna; fair pay, ho was not sat
Isflad with tho placo, for ho sow no
chanoe to rt ahead In that 0rm.
Vherefora. while atlll dolnf his work
and he did have a good line.
The reault of thin interview and sev
eral succeeding ones waa that tha presi
dent tacitly agreed W slve Carter's Arm
tha whole order ir it coula mate err-
well, he waa on tha lookout for another tain r-onceanlona pot usually made by It
philosopher Bod oduoator. bskoo . oio- M others, and B child who feela tho Influ
irLTiiV T-V?2?B1IPJS? -521 ' olo?r W ls Inclined to tear
'SLiHtl 2?t u clothes than another,
ond oorst And aro po - theaa latter Th tralnJni: 0f th defective la sue-
K-SSL 2 J' hA ?otiw of whf don. with P.o-
pi a poesossea or ail tneir nve senspa.
Tho area or tna aear are a
nlv hut th Hum that enntrol them.
uui axiar iu. Mir Muses sra in areai
etleet. A. Paros, another fine French- "..1 ih- .t litTaordliiar.
man. had found that when wo moaauro W.I lbtie of viaion. It hi
t time
as own
By JoscpK Howclli
Carter, knowing this order to ba exc
tionany large lor nis nrm, reii crriai
riraa cars to tho Dhyaleal . i .i..
otronrth anif rigor so that the ceoeral 1 """" -
term -poyatoai ooacation," nnany nae . , -
assonod tho roatrtotod oaeanlng of " ,
tnuocular education. Dtaf Epert n Civil Stfiilee.
. w
He finally found one with a largo
manufacturing company. They offered that It would make three conceaalona.
to put him out on the road aa traveling He telecraDhed to his house asking it
HEN you get a man down, kick dlnadvantages; for. first of all. tha hon- salesman, pay hla exptnsea and oom- to break Its uoat rule for tha aake of
him. That'a what wa are do- el tnoe must orrer enougn prooia xo "" uu: 'f an unusuany mrgc nruer. in, nrm
, Jr,.. r! "0 Prosecutor to convln?e him that "You see, It s like this r the manager repy Waa almply, "How large" Carter
Ing to tho graxter, ror many rrim. ... ,.ln. rinlmitiii if tiiia said. "We don t know whether you are ,r.Vrniii haric tht it was lll.ooa
years ho rodo on our necks difficulty is overcome. If the proofs con- food, bad or Indifferent If you aro no i nr telegram in reply to this both sur-
nim, ror me
hlng more
' was the
further proofs ara can't pay you a salary until we know .i.r" salesman of the firm, the man
the additional ele- that you are a good ealeNtnan. and If th.t hni i.m,l,l nearly all of Its larae
Tho dlshoneat firms you are a good salesman you won't ordr
M ,v Ruwrwiui, . . fm. uvrii viiuwii, ai, m PBMif, ui j vu vail IUV .
ww uiu pursue ana peiwecute niw wivo win nave money to hire tne Dest Ifgal on commissions.
subpoenas. Indictments, and other dead- talent and to fight the case from court Now, Carter was confident of his abll-
ly weapons until ba began U think that to court. Meanwhile during thla golden lty, as well as being ambitious, so ha
niaybo tha public could do something age ror tna lawyers, wnat is nsppening
ywars n, roue on vur nwa aiiiicuiy rs overcome, it me proois con- umiimnn. fuu . t.u -j ne telegram in reply in wu
like an Old -man Of tho sen. vince the prosecutor, ha In turn muat rood, we lone your expenses for ths first prised snd disappointed him,
... . .-i,, search fer enough further proofs to con- month, which we will pay. but wa do flrm told him not to do anyth
wa erowa ana am mm'lm Wnce it good men and trua, not lose a month's salary also. We untn drover arrived. (Jrover
threw up his Job to take this more or
lean of a gamhllnK proioltlon. Me
Read for Anjr Emerf encj.
after all: that nerhana one could graft to our ataadfaat elchtT What aood w
p. veara a. totall dedf man rom tno puoiio soma or tna time, ana una, Ticiory ior ine siaia ao mnm 11 knew that now It wax up to him, ror tha
w.. . 7.. w. r-.. from soma of tho publlo all tha Uma, In the Interim the wolf Is not only at success or failure of hla work meant
wKupiew yimm iu uw wh but not from ail of the publlo all tno tna ooor. out in tno private ornce, ana hi living.
an auction flag hanga outside tho store T
w w
States civil service, n, received hla time.
Tho length and oxactnaos of tho firat appointment on tha strtogth of Thereupon ho (triad to defend himaelf
sight, tho aktll and auronooo of tho admirable n.t,r. i th. dm aorrloo 7? hl.l"- 2Ltt?I
M m. A II ' - . . " r IVI Si UUIU tJW I - FT 115(1 WW PI'VBiV WS W
nana.' tho delicacy of tho hearing. Mm a. examloaUon. Despite bis Infirmity, bo 'yollod in concert ihie the cheering a.o- Law Waits, Auctioneer Here.
Pope-Carpetler s&liV ara of valuo allko too thw rtUi.r tours, at a largo ol- "OB at b November game, and when he
to artist and artisan b ths ranldltv and L .". -iJVV f.w V7 , . hought papers In which to tell his sld. To have tha decision of the court of
Mixtion of work th IniT Noth T "S? W'th h" c'"'m"- fct' B mightT , chorua of -Tainted news!" u.t rewrt benefit them they must be
perfection or work tnoy Insure. Noth- tended lectures, snd took his decree, drowned him out. In th. nols. and th. ..... ... ...
Inf embarrasses a man oo trained;,id.n. .nd DPoreaaora mav not have tumult of the criticism hurled against lo oovm nleT unul wl" rr""
Is resdy for anything. Hla cultivated rrM,unt professors may not nave ,. havB .,. of th. derlng of the final verdict. But what la
The first month Carter did much bat
ter than the flrm expected. In fact. h
made a good record for a new salesman.
"Star" Lets Order Slide.
Orover arrived early the next morn
ing and explained thlnga. He aald that
the flrm was afraid to leave such a
lsrga order In ths hands of an Inex
perienced salesman, especially aa he was
competing with all the "star" drum-
Karly In the second month he ran across niers from the rival firms. Being afraid
a big contract. Arriving In Toledo one .,., . . nr.e mlirht ret awav
from him, It sent Orover to take cnarge.
Carter waa oraerwi to go on m me
evening he found a bunch of the hlxh-
class salesmen In his line gathered ut
the hotel. Wondering why they all were , , wa l() raake leaving Oro
there at one time he scouted around deu, , Toiedo. Carter
until he found out they were there to ..... . ,....1, r rimver'a work
senses have become tools for unlveraal known that he waa a deaf man. Or- fact ,nal ,nere ar, aiWays two aldea to this final verdict? Th. penalty may be ? ! " ' r ""til he returned to the home office ut
use. Th. more perfect his sensations talnly sums of his classmates did not every question, Wo have forgotten th. - tlnm op ,.,.,.. . woulrf Men "oon- . j. the end of the month. Then he learned
the mora justness and elearneas oo his know It ror business reasons his deaf- possibility thst tha grafter once might Iln or imprisonment, a rine wouia , although the president of the corn
Ideas acquire. Tha, oduoatlon Of tho . ousineas reasons nis f,avB hnJ j,onM, incllnatlona; that he do no good to the honest eight, arid the ,,anv that was to give the order prao-
u- 4n v a M vxjut-vailVll VI mw . . . . . . . . nn iiiau iHMisrsst iiaiiiiasiuiiBit vsisa v tm ----- . ,
senses Is the primary form of lnt.1- " hJI t" kopt arcret. ao secret that jht j,BVa been bom honest; that per- Imprisonment of the two snterprlslna Carter Geta Big rlsn,
lectuai education.
Th. fnflu.nco of training on tho
..n, ...II w I. . . . 1' i, . . A w,. I
marksman never misses' his stm: th. 'rn
when a keen newspaper man went
through the office In which he waa cm-
deaf clerk, he
heps he did not graft Ms nurss's week's men would mean the reorganisation of
savage perceive and recognisea the 'lea,. to flnJ "urn mn or 1ofl"
slightest rustling: certain blind peraona wno .new of the existence of such a
know ooloro by touch; th .precision of mn '?.".? department.
la ourprlalng; tie gourmet . r. waiiaston, too autnoriiy
recognisea th. quality of a wine among
a thousand others; color Is with chem
ists one of th. most sensitive reactions.
Th. senses operate in two ways, pas
sively, when tha organ la acted upon
by exterior bodies solely from tho fact
that It la situated on the surface of the
body, and Independently of the will.
iney opersta actively
Is directed and excited
foes in advance of
h. Impression.
on hear
ing, found that soma people could net
hear the cry of th bat. nor the chlro
of the house cricket, nor th chirping
of sparrows, which Is four octavea
above t In the middle
forte. Not to be able to hear thla last
note lie connlders moat rare, lie be
llevea the whole range of human hear
tl'iillv had agreed to give him all of It,
.... . . v. w...... and although his flrm was willing to
wsges when he was in the crsdle or their firms with new and "erhsps hon- ........... mai,e the concessions demanded, urover
own all the marblea In tho neighborhood est officers In charge. Granting thnt to the firm that was to give the order ianded only M.000 of the total, the rest
wncn in Knee trousers. sn or the 10 nrms remain on an lion- asked for the president. He was being divided among several nrma, as
w w
Grafters Out for Coin.
est competitive bssis. still the two pre- . nreaMent waa too huv to ,h president originally had Intended,
vlously dishonest firms will have the ,old t,,at th Prldent was too busy to Kfwwlng that If ha had remained in
Advantage. They will have the capital see any one. Carter said that he would rharae the whole order would have gone
that they have amassed; they will have Wjtt until the president had time to see to his flrm. Carter entered a claim ror
the larse bualness thst thev have built
In onr minds are going to be up, and they will not Iohu their largo
Homey, and business because or in. relevations taut
ii,vh uren msue, ior are iney iiui itur-
ily when th. organ '"f to be ronlPressJ between the deep- o
ted by the will and nols of the orgsn and the highest o
tha bodv to re'reive known cries of Insects. Including fully .
ins Dooy to receive nM octav(,a of POUrae tn, B.t'
hear much tht
t we cannot hear.
Mind Lead, the Perceptions.
Th. Impressions mad. by exterior ob
jects on th sens, organs, th nerves
and tho brain, aro followed by certain
mental operations. Theae two things
often aro confounded. We are In the
htblt of aaylng that our senses often
deceive ua; it would ba mare Just to audible to people. At the rime of an
say that w. d not slways Interpret esrthquako along the shores of ths
correctly tho data that thty furnish us. Mediterranean the horses for several
The act Of Interpretation may be daya before exhibited every symptom
And thla Is tha cultivation of 0f abject fear. Some could not ba mads
Judge, jury, prosecuting
or in, piano- ii-m oi me .rt.un, we ugn. i i .anilwi. haven't thev new and honest
poor down-trodden and afflicted mil- officers? 'ihua even In the event of a
llonalre defend himself. Granted that conviction competition Is not equal.
our cental friend tha arafter waa honest T,llH ,h" "taU of o,ra!rs that gives
our genial rnena toe grarter was nonesi brlh grsfter. The other fellow
one, why did he Join the independent grnfls. and to keep up with the race you
nave to rouow auu. ir you or your
neighbor were on. of the clKlit honest
competitors snd you saw aluad of you
long yenrs of unfair competition with
years of struggling in the court x. with
conviction doubtful, and with no chance
for an equal race even after the Impris
onment of th. tricky business men,
what would you do? The only alterns
tlve seems to be to Join the happy band.
him. And wait he did. In fact, he
waited most of the day. The high-priced
salesmen of the rival firms coming In
and learning that the president was
bnsy grinned sarcastically at Cnrter
doggedly waiting In the outer office..
commissions on the $11,000 sale. The
flrm not only refused this, but said that
an long as Grover had closed up th.
denl ho not Carter, ought to have the
commission on the ft. 800 actual sale.
And that Is why Carter went back to
nd benevolent order of lemon handers
msv make sounds which are Inaudible to the public? To get th money, of
to humans. There ara but few Insects course. If. then, the grafter adopted
that have any cry at all to our ears, shady methods to make more money, wo
There may. however, be no such thing must admit that honesty Is not the best
oumu snimais. I'rouaDiy also iney policy from a mere money-making Stan-
MANDraws Trade to Retail Store
Hones Hear Better Than Men.
Horses are known to hear what Is In-
th. sense.
Th. senses mav ba cultivated tn earlv
life, because It la In this period that rhe unmanageable In harness
organs aaspt tnamaeivea and lend on tha road and ahake
to atlr from their atables.
Bom were
would atop
with terror.
Therefor. If ten men ar competing
In any line of bualneas, and all of them
are honest, then each one of th ten
can afford to continue lb the straight
and narrow pathway; but suppose, as Is
more probable, on of the teu takes ad
vantage of some dishonest or at leant
tricky scheme, and he hss the advantnge
of tha other nine. If dishonesty pays
better dividends he will make more
money than the others. No. 2 of the
ten, seeing the prosperity of No. 1, fol
lows suit. Then there ts a sort of com-
retltlv dishonesty. Each one of the
wo. trying to set ahead not only of the
other eight less daring ones but also of
By Joseph Howells
Dividends Must Be Made.
Of course, the mere fact that some
one else does wrong does not excuse the
lupse from grace on your part. But if
you are the owner of a business you feel
that It Is your duty to yourself and your
family not to fall utterly, snd some-
Dt thamaelvea and lend nn th. ... .k.w. otner eigni less oaring ones out aino or times business problems come up that 1.. from It that a mob Is "an affect
themselves best to tha functions for Wh. tn . rumhllns ni. .hd fS. I ilfiLJ , Wn.Stv Cr oeem to necessitate an excursion beyond ed and pretentloua person, "a person
which they am made,, and -because In WDn ln, 0wp 'unbllng noise and the ocal of business honesty. the boundarv Ilne of business Integrity, who Is always pretending to b richer
v. i . . rnannv wa. .mr .... n Mm . - ... . . , ...... ... i.
ir you are an onicer pi a corporation wr murr usiuvFiiauiw man no
you recognize that you ought to give th But If asked why Johnny Van Per
greatest possible dividend to your swa is a snoo one would say oecause
stockholders. You are their servant.
Meanwhile, what happen, to th other "d, J' JecL
trembl and which their 'ShtT Th'r1 nave choice of Joining consists of giving them th greatest
" "'7,h wn " lnelr the bandit crew and making money or possible dividends. If a widow owns a
r -.t. .. .v. .... nf nr.l.tln tn retalnln that scarce ar- rew snares or siocs in your oorporauon
V,..--.. .11 .K. .... .VT. L." ..... ... .. . "",l uw.-rcu v y.
- " - - . - .1... riiiQii ma ii u 111 a II
race will think the store must be a high
class one because of the Important man
ner of its employes.
If the snob Is democratic during busi
ness hours and exclusive afterwards we
have a secret and guilty desire to have
him wait on us rather than some mem
ber of th common herd. If young
If the baby Is not cutting paper dolls lirownstone cuts us on the way to his
KOir CIUO Willi a niiriy ui inn iiicu.m
we feel that we ought to be lndlsnant.
But when next day at the store he
Kays cordially. "Hullo. Jimmy! How's
the tntssua and the kids? Been making
any tall scores bowling lately?"
OES tha snob succeed or fall In
business? Most people would
say offhand that a snob would
fall, or at least that snobbish
ness would be a detriment to the
from th pages of the dictionary, or If
the mlsana.baa not ..given It to some
rescue "homan order that It might Im
prove tho minds of the hobos, one may
children th senses hav a 'considerable awful roaring waa first heard by pebpl.
preponderance in their activities. The wMh waa . r. .... i
SorrveVCUl,?.0... t0.UnCdhMhaXTOt1i th rthqu.k their fright reached a Be Honest and FaiL
ardor and eagerness, so that exercises eumax. iney may have heard sub
ior educating in senses ar. tor mm terranean sounds which mad them
as easy and pleasant as amusements.
The development and regularity of
any on sense plays Us part In th har
mony of all. There la a sort of mutual
fid society among tha senses, aa Dr.
WlUlngton Miller called It.
sweat and
master did not catch.
Sight Most Important of All.
Miss Camilla E. Telsen of th Penn
sylvania Institute for Feebleminded
Children thlnka sight tho most lm-
lnstruments of our intelligence.
Tkerc Is No Other Way to Advance
By Winfield W. Dudley
cornea throus-h the
sense, mi nrat reason or man la sen
suous roaaonj and It is this which
serve a a bants for the Intellectual
reason. Our first teachers of phlloso
nhv are our rent, one ii.nrf. ..wi
eyes. In order to learn to think we others gain,
then must exercise our limbs, our What can
senses, and our organs, which are the io. nr. th. ...i.. n.,n.rh.i.nn.
the underhand schemes of the two
crooked ones? If the two disciples of
high finance have gone beyond the
mqral law and have danced a Jig on the
written law as well, an appeal may bo
made to the prosecutor. This has Its
he thinks he Is "It" when he Isn't. Or
If, afflicted with a sudden mania for
truth, one's Inmost thoughts would
come out, the answer Would be "because
he thinks he Is better than I am." "be
cause he doesn't go out of his way
to seek my company," or "because he
doesn't appreciate what a really great
man I am."
w w
ticie, ousineas integrity, ana paying 10 per cent may mean a fc-reat deal to
tribute to the othet two. If they are her.
honest, their sale, drop off; th. dlshon- J",K.2f 5?",2L.BOtr JE?4 JIS?
est concerns pass them In the race for tockholders, you will not be an officer Claims to Have Social Prestige,
success: they lose constantly while th of that corporation for any length of
The widow with tne rew snare Th ayea in tne wool snoo is
Proud to Claim His as a Friend.
Then we pat ourselves on the back
and have a secret feeling of delight be
cause we are meeting the aristocrat on
a footing of equality. If he hadn't
looked the other way when passing us
the other day we would boss him around
hut as It Is we are complimented to
have him wait on us.
Even the growling of his fellow em
ployes is more or less pretense. The
other employes will tell each other what
an unpleasant snob Livingstone Is, but
the honest business man
time. The widow with the few share Th dyed In tha wool snob Is one
or stock win not stuoy your poncy ana because of some social position that he when speaking to him they assume a
the policy of a would-De successor to . h. . ,.intl, deferential air and after business hours
see whether your policy Is more honest or because he wanta to associate ( wm tp), Ka,y who Uvps arouna
than his. What she wants to know Is with those that havo aom social pres- lne COrnor about the long and confl-
who will rive her th greatest amount tgg if bo carrlea thla affectation Into dentlal talk they had with young Llv-
III ill. lucnun, ii,i niic in - r. nvvitiiin,i;,
In such a case dishonesty Is not to
ho condoned, hut It seems necessary and
Is essentially human.
EDUCATION for the mechanical
worker has become a necessity If
he desires to advance. An uned
ucated mechanic cannot go be
yond the grade of piece wage
worker or day laborer unleas he Is above
the average. He will not climb high un
less he Is brilliantly efficient in his
work. It Is not meant that a mechanic
should have graduated from high school
and a technical college, although a high
school education Is In the grasp of every
American boy and should be taken. On
the contrary, the boss foreman on a
Job of plumbing or In a shop will not
hire a man who can show no other prep
aration for his trade than a Jumbled as
sortment of book Ideas.
The mechanlo who first learna hla
trade In actual construction work and
then attends a technical school is the
one who will advance. He knows how
to study. He knows how to make prof
and you will get the answer: To make
"Theso fellows remain at the same
nailing machine or the same lathe that
they have operated ever since they en
tered the factory. If one of their fel
low workmen Invents an Improved meth
od mf nailing boxes or trimming steel
they have to make way for some one
who has kept up with the procession
They do not know how to adapt them
selves to new methods. They cannot run
the new machine."
Learn the "Why" of Your Work.
Tne complicated machinery of today
makes It Impossible for a man to under
stand It unless he Is well versed In tho
principles of mechanics and their appli
cation. It is easy enough to hold a boa
up to a machine, push a lever with your
foot, and watch a whole tin of nails
Must Learn to Size Up I our
By Warren are
Tl'PY your customer. Ton cannot
pose him In an armchair snd use
a microscope; he's there to buy
goods; hut as soon as he comes In
the best go-carts In the United States.
Thev're cheap todav, too"
Mr. Customer Interrupted him with:
"No, I have changed my mind. I do
not wsnt a go-cart today." The cus-
the door you can slse him up and tomer thought h did not look like III-
inn nuu . '-.JiiiTj', t,ciii mminniii
for him. His haby won't get s ride In
that new go-cart until he gets time
another day to buy .one where they will
let him find what he wants and ask
a clerk to demonstrate Its advantages
to him.
learn how to approach him to make a
pleasing Impression. If the customer'
first Impression of the salesman Is not
good, Mr. Customer Is going to another
man's store to make his final selection
unless he finds such a great bargain
. .... u . inrstone.
ur follows inevitably. young Livingstone Is?" Then cornea a
If h Is looking for a Job In a plac long discourse telling what an Import
where a high class of trade Is sought, ant personage our Intimate friend Ur
the boso may think the snob ha soma Ingstone Is.
Important connections because of this Of course, if one holds an Important
snobbishness and hires him for that position It Is much easier to put
reason. through the snobbish act, but even a
He will not antagonlso th man of as- "gentlemanly clerk at 12 per" can make
sured position who patronises the atore, a bluff, for If one continually pretend
for such a man 1 dearly beloved by tho to be 'It" on soon will be "It" In Other
snob and ths also ran In th social people's opinion.
TER Even the Boss Quits Swearing
By George S. Street
that he knows he cannot afford to pass -if... w.. l o .i -.,
Vnt ...n Different Wars of Being Cordial.
Itable application of every principle ,i. home unrie th. . it.. .r.i "
learned In the classroom. His memory ... . V .. .. r",L?.,f
s not burdonod"b7 rule, and 'equation w.lhU but to know why tho. nails ' "f
rMrh Ao not nletura to him an exact ml- went Into the Haht Mac attit rim, clothes and general con
which do not picture to him an exact me
chanlcal situation.
Needs to Understand Machinery.
It is the da f "totalising" that
sunh bargains. There Is nothing for
al that a shrewd competitor cannot
almost duplicate. The buyer know
If a man Is from the same city in
our store Is located and you
confldsnee. hla
conduct whether he
that sale of a go-cart was a new man.
He probably had been told to be cor
dial to all visitors. That's a good ad
monition. But cordiality means differ
ent thlnga when applied to different
neoble. No rule can be mnrln as to the
home at tho first blow require more with a warming smile and outstretched different shade of meaning. Every
man wanta th same thing that every
other man wahte, but he thinks ho
Wanta something different. The sales
man has got to humor him. You have
What he wanta. Sea that he gets it.
tret the Customer ba Pleased has
T Cannot he denied that the pres
ence of a woman In an office raises
the moral tone. Tho fact thnt
there Is a woman present also
helps the work to a certain ex
tent. The woman herself can do much
It Is likely that the clerk who lost , ln tn betterment.
thought than oh give to hi task If ha arms with the words:
keeps pushing away with on ear Helen- V,0" , "'r.hbor;
Ing foF the whlatlo and on ye xm tho what rou want here
clock. .
If a man studies hla ion ha win rind w w
we've Juet
r.d:J?rffrjr !A SWI! PV runnfnVa'L-t Customer Make His Choice
io now Vi....... istttB or a Dottie grinder, study it Study
Tho president of a conservative old
company for years decried the woman
in business life. He insisted that no
woman ever would work In his office.
His claim was that he paid his men
well; ha expected good work of them,
and he would not replace any man by
a woman working for a smaller salary.
Among his other causes for criticism
was his idea that If a woman were ln
the office the men would spend too sortion
shows her worth, for with a man short
she can turn her hand to any aort of
Woman Clears Blue Air.
A woman went to work In an office,
the head of which was a man Of fiery
temper. He had been ln the habit of
Interspersing his speech with a liberal
supply of swear words. The employes
good naturedly put up with the curs
ing until the woman's arrival. After
that time the old and trusted employee
one by one sought other Jobs. When
at last the old bookkeeper told the boss
thst he was about to quit the boss ln
dismay asked the reason for tho de-
much time talking to her or at least
wnat tne man want or not. i.ei mm to make a dead letter of the Wnl
look around. Make trifling suggestions axiom, Caveat Rmptor, which means,
without forcing youreeff upon him un- .B"y,?.r E'!war?:... J VeaB Zour
... . . . , , . . , customer you must study him. Your
til ho unburdens himself. Treat him common sense will .at the first alance.
a he should ba treated and you will put him Into a mental classification
"aeir him.
shop, and In fact nearly awry mend- it from all standpoint, if you study It
faoturlng plant run by maehlnsry, how l?.n,f ""L?0U T111 f'Bd Pri"cPio you
. .,i,ii that that sea tmm MM .suspected In every one of the
la ao otUnklr that thera are few man mw.hln.'a simplest movements. Tour
In any establishment who know any- machine will tell you how Ignorant you
thing about any othar machln than the ar.
on Upon which they arf employed. If Night schools, enrreapondenre schools
a man1 machln breaks down h usually -friends who hav completed their
la unahl to rebate It himself and stands courses, await vnur ari.h n hnni.
idl until tha factory mechanlo reach edgn. If you lost your opportunity to and wanta you to letjilm find it. Try half won.
lnSJrV?Jf'ri.. . .... . ..k S.:.V. ..i 2 yum isse tne one mat to Tore something on a man who prob
WV.t'RliJ"n"n ?n. D.ehin.,L2: Pow- ton't remain In ably knows more about the artlefe h
earn another man's looj do other men s .
work In Idle momefita, and above all n,- Tm . Tnr ,
study hi own machine so that ho an- 11,9 1Iue OI Jnage.
ral mechanlo A fan .coma around and From the Washington Star.
Tml An not know whether vnu have become an axiom in the business world Bal,na at her. . .
"". V. ... "AV! nd competition haa somewhat tended As year by year hf, womn worke
H knows what Bnta I"" w"L.2Ti J"u .,no to B.eet
... i. If. you greet him right you have
further Invaded the business field, he
found It harder and harder to get a
man stenographer that exactly suited
him. Finally, In despair, he yielded
to the arguments of a friend of his
and agreed to give a woman stenog
rapher a trial, although he did not ex
pect her to last long.
The old bookkeeper's answer was that
he could stand the swearing himself,
hut he would not work In an office
where a woman was forced to listen?
to profanity. From that time on the
boss was careful In hla conduct. '
Thus a woman not only -can bring;
a good Influence to bear upon the em
ployes but upon the boos as welU
bluff him into thinking ho runs a mya-
Should Study ths Whole Shop.
"That's all right rPd the me
chanlo who answered, this question,
"bat th average shop worker doesn t
think Of BUch thing. HO wants to earn
Judge George Grey of Delaware at
the recent dinner of tho Farmers' club
ot Senator Cameron's farm near Lan
caster. Pennsylvania, talked of the
former American fondness for titles.
"It IS a fondness that has now almost
disappeared," aald Judge Grey. "Wo
have become a more cultivated people
y knows more about tne article tie tio0,c. t,ii c ,i .
seeks than all the clerks In tho de- Stenographer Was Not a Beauty,
jjtfii lllli'iii, oiiu iiv V Hi ' fSt nuiiinwucrrj
elso and fret It. In any large city he
(ion yo fr I nlcn'H'kArn
Theso deductions are made from the Comanche girl whose father was taken
standpoint of a buyer who always puts captive by tho Indians when a lad of
From tha Kansas City Star.
Miss Sophia Fisher, a half breed
Egyptian Cigarettes. . ,
j. In spite of the fact that tho TJnlUd
cigarettes, It imports $5,000,000 worth
The woman his friend recommended r foreI-n-mad clgaretlea averr roar, ,
to him. contrary to his expectation, ot or tneso are Turkish or EgypUan.
was not a howling beauty entirely eh- In fes Of : BstlaarBtadB tho
himself in the place of the salesman a niVn t.v. ni grossed ln thO m of hef smrt WBISt """'" r ,.UUHer. vtnue ,
and thinks how ho would approach a ' . Bvbuck 't th. or th smoothnosa of her hair, bot a ,aI' Mnaiuorablo) & tobacco Iiro-.-
man coming Into th store, looking not D a guest or bpybuck. chief or tne .imn.t homelv woman Areas -ducer, moat, of th .Cigarette. xportf
at the faces of the clerks but at the Shawnee tribe, during the last Indian Plaln- almost homely, woman dressed . h . . . LT7. V"v!
display of merchandise. This man want- powwow and celebration at Colllnsvllle. businesslike way. ; She .l.t ! '
ed a go-cart the other day and walked indlan T.rrltorv soon proved heraelf competent In . her 9ekjobaoco and. made by Greeks.
into a store where go-carts are for "uian lerrnory. , ,,., ,.fc ' The explanation of the matter ha of- . -, .
sale. He was going to buy one. He This young woman speaks English own Una and willing to learn the work: f byPth(l A, "",1 AtK '
has not bought it yet. This is why: without accent and Is eaid to be the ',7 CVV- V -llJirJ. l m '
snvmTof crowd frTanv kTnd'o'fa Indian woman In the south- The first thing tho staid old business V ,"'"B,t h .
any kind or a crowd, m any Kind or a . hH. . , ,. ... . ,v. vtreeg. tobacco crop last year, was the
store, by a clerk with the slightest est. Her hair Is long and silken and t"? , v! "vl. th largest Greece ever hnrreste shout
knowledge of human nature, be taken her eyes are blue and sparkling. She la ?"lc I ".rL . i.,ff .ti 2.000,i)00 pounds. A brand of Greek. - tr
s a man of the city, a man who said to be a singer of unusual ability. J5,i T , .
Knows wnai ne wanis una wm-re to ncr iatner owns, acres vi lauua r-- . . i . . . . " - , ny ta Baked. Egyptian f Th an-
get It. When he entered the store he under cultivation and is a breeder of ' o undercurrent , of -aweajrloa wh ;r'
his money, and that's ill. He thinks If "! w havo learned to value titles at
ha dtrtS more than tho foreman expects tnlJ1,rIw,;.n-r0., ....
Of him he will bO giving more labor to Takmyown' tC.' the tifll Tf&
thf fifth than the firm pay for. for instance. I waa traveling ln th
M. fall, to reaJlsa that to tret ahead countrv In mv vonth nmi n. d . t .
h must know Opt only how to do his hotel table there sat beside me a man merely asked to be directed to the blooded stock. Their home Is about Bt times becamo. audible to outsiders- mad bv Greek, because cigarette raner
wn work well." hut. how every man whom everybody addressed as Judge.' department in which go-carts were sold, nine mllea from Lawton. Oklahoma, and coming Into- th offlc had subsided. a too expensive tn Greece, where It is a
around hlm.shoUld do his task. Above "When the Judge got nip and went Beaching that department the man is modern and richly furnished. At the present . time the president government monopoly. Thus the busi-
all he should know why certain things away I said to my neighbor on the other whose baby wants an airing waa ao- Miss Fisher plays several musical swara by her. Aa hB express It: nesa haa gone over to Egypt. The tmt
are done In cerUln waya and the re- side: costed by a rieatly attired clerk With Instruments, but prefer the piano. B vf course I pay her aa much aa I famous cu,-arette -maker ot Egypt (
suits of eVery move. Most fellow plug " 'Is that gentleman a United States an officious manner. The clerk grasped sides being a musician ahe fa passion- would a man In a almllar Job and for Greeks. -
along and evr know a tWhg about the Judge or local iudger both the customer'o hands and ex- ately fond of horseback riding, and her that reason perhapa I have the pick Turkey is Isree tobacco pro.l-i'-in
theory of what, they ar doing. Ask . " 'He's a local Jedge, air,' waa the claimed In a Mulberry Sellers voice and friends say ahe can rope B wild steer of the. women workers. But I don't country, yielding t na of t i
them why they are nailing lids on box ea reply. He was JOdgO of B boss race manneri more easily than Boy Of tho men about tnow .what -I would do without her, every year, and the Tn- It ij
or turning a lath la machln shop last wsak.'M. "Oe-carU? .Why, neighbor, wo'va got tho place, . , , y. .., ., , .. .Whoa' vacation time oomaa then sho known, ar. a umluu cf u. - .'.