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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1907)
t J I W1 5 1 i ft EDITORIAL FAGE OF TOE JOOKNMs THE JOURNAL AM INDEPENDENT NKWSriPEB. ' r O. . Jackiea rabtlaM m Tnlf (fimp! Bandar) J' ary Knndir aborning. t T Joarnal Bnljd- Inf. ruin ane JiBiniii aroma. riiv" ratr4 at the poatofflca at Portland, Or, for traaaavaatea tbronsa tba malU a aacoaa-cUM Malta. TELEPBON MAIN TIT. AH AtpenaMata mrM br this aambaa. Till tba operator n department yoa wmuv. rOtllON ADTKRTiaiNQ BEPRK8KNTAT1 VB BruaawVk Bulldlnf. 2M Fifth aTtnee. Naw York: Trlbaaa Building. Chicago. obarrtDttoa Term br nail to anr addraaa or f la (a United Sutra, Canada DAILX. Oat fair fs.ou ! uim inooth. - Hl'NPA Y. Om yaar.. 1160 I Un month. CAILT AND SUNDAY. On year 97.80 I Om aaootb. loo. M I M 1 ,". Bpurn not at seeming error, but dig below Its surface for the truth: and beware of teeming truths, that grow on - 4-thft roots of -error. M. Top per. BONUSES FOR FACTORIES. W 'A 1 f E CANNOT agree with the rlews expressed by the Al bany Democrat In the fol lowing utterance: "The Democrat Is opposed to the bonus system, and does not belter it Is right on principle. There la no more occasion for glrlng one thing a bonus than another. Every . thing should stand on its own base. The new physician Is entitled to a bonus just as much as the tew fur nlture factory If he brings business to a town." W think .the Democrat li mis taken in this, or at least that there may be exceptions to its rule. Its own comparison is against its rea soning, for a new physician brings no new business, except to the ex tent of his purchases, while a new factory may employ dozens, and After a while be the means of sup : porting hundreds of new people who add to the town's population and bdslness. Besides, one successful! factory In a place Induces others to locate there, and the employment of a large 'number of people lb them builds up the city and Is an advan tage to the whole surrounding com munity. So there are cases, we think, when it would be wise, and an excellent investment, for a town to offer a bonus, in a site or In stock subscriptions, to a new manufac turing enterprise. Albany, for Instance, is excellently situated to be the home of a big sawmill, large fruit canneries, a inilk condensery and several manu facturing plants. It would well pay the people of that city and of the adjacent part of Linn county to give a large sum In cash or its equiva lent in the . aggregate to get these things started there. Half a dozen such establishments would soon dou ble, perhaps treble, the city's popu lation; rear estate values would go up; farmers around would have a better home market; electric lines would be built in a word, these factories would be the prolific seeds of large and continuous development. continued exodus shows that a large solute power over the railroads proportion of ambitious, aspiring When they announce a regulation Irish people, though fervently lov-1 there is no cry ef "confiscation"; the lng the "owld sod," are not con- railroads simply comply, as they tent to remain in their native land, know they must, and of course they It may be that home conditions are treated fairly. But they are not are not altogether responsible for allowed to make an arbitrary raise this, however; for the Celtic spirit rates- n fct the Canadian rail Is adventurous, and the Celtic dis- roads cooperate with the commis position yields readily to the lure B,on to run their roads in the peo- nf hrnad and tomntlm fnrelirn fields. P' interest. The commission is It is well for other nations, espe- ,ven almost unlimited authority dally for America, that the Irish are the law specifying many details, and thus disposed to try their fortunes u can flx absolute maximum or min far from their native heath. This imum rates. From Its decision there country is Incalculably richer for can De no appeal, unless the com the Irish who have come hither, mission itself grants an appeal, ex- from the first till now, and become c,,pt on questions of Jurisdiction, or so lsreo and Influential a nart of to the governor-in-council. This the American neonle. board of commissioners has, In short, absolute control over all mat WHEN FAIRS ARE HELD. lcrs Pertaining to tne construction operation and maintenance of rail T IS a good sign for Oregon that wayB( an(j( n comparison, the pow- the late fair at Salem Is every- eri 0f tna interstate commerce corn- where acknowledged to have mission seem dwarfed almost to In- been "the best in the history significance or ine state, a rair is a civimer. n i. vrv .virtonf that th nnwr. Ir. Is a powerful adjunct of progress, granted to our Interstate commerce It Is effective in awakening lnspira- commission fall far short of what Is tlon for producing superior things, needed. If a railroad, or several sup The true secret of advancement Is posedly competitive railroads, can comparison by which one product, I thus arbitrarily raise rates on the one article or one method Is shown lumber product of an Immense re- to be better than others. If there gion like the Pacific northwest, to had been h comparison, and no the Injury of tens of thousands of corresponding Incentive to discover people. Mr. Bryan's prediction Is and utilise something better, we being verified so far; regulation is would still be living in caves and mostly a failure, little more than a eating nuts and raw flesh In the farce. primitive wilderness. A sure means w of development is to inspire rivalry, since It seems to be almost unan I and that Is what the competitive ex- imously agreed that the proposed nlblts at the state fair or any other plan of reorganization of the failed fair do. This is universally recog- bank is the best thing to be done, nized. and Is in fact the reason for everybody able to help the scheme state fairs, expositions and other along should do so, in his own in places where there are competitive terest and that of hundreds of displays. In the older eastern others, and of the city itself. states It Is so well understood, that me annual rairs are a standard ad- it might be well to change the Junct of state life, with universal name of Bull Run water to some- attendance, and a wide appreciation thing more artistic or euphonious; of their value to the commonwealth, but that the water will remain the For these and many other obvious same, the best city water in the reasons, the results at Salem are country, Is something to remember gratifying and should be made the with satisfaction. basis for future Improvement, with a determination tnat each year's The Seattle Times has an edi- falr shall continue to be "the best torjal entitled, "Ships That Pass In In the history of the state," The the Night." Judging from the in same observations apply with equal creasing commerce of Portland, as force to the district fair in progress compared with Puget sound ports, this week at Pendleton. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaa--aaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaae TLc Play Thare were two things that made the performance of "In the Bishop's Car riage" last night at the Helllg theatre worth while It Is an laiferesting play. "yellow" though It la. and Jessie Busley Is an Interesting women. Channlng Pollock and Miriam Mich- aelson did not oonatruct a probable play. QUESTIONS WHICH WILL SOON DEMAND ANSWER : To the Editor of tbe Journal: 8 till the cry goes up, from Maine to Los An gelea, what Is the destined future of our parties? Will Roosevelt aocept a ' I Iht.J fra..M Will T....M K 49 Wl. thai, At not .. -hi-nnlnln an nrdlnarv !" i in tory In an extraordinary way. It must of Polk and Who Is HughesT The great be admitted that if the whole a tory had arona is filled with presidential gladla- -TwUpt-w'Su ior' d 0,000.000 people iook down universally condemned ae either untrue from the American Coliseum, watohing or not the kind of reading that nlcf he conteet. What do the vestal virgins newapapers should furnlah the family. say? When one or more of the gludla- 11 la tne Story or a woman orougni up I ivia am urvwnvu mm irui aginm In the slums, taught to Kteal aa other I their fate, the moat intereeted specta chlldren are taught to write, a woman tors cry, "Receive the steel, receive the wuuvv naiuri rvf in uiuBa ubti im i v . , lined by a qulxotlo devotion for her pal I Along this line, with your pardon, I and Dartner In thleverv Tom Dorgan. would discuss our present great masls- Her devotion to this man and, of It rate. What are hla vital llmltatlonsT course, her aood looks and her ununually I I Here seems only ono at nroaent. and quirk Intelligence attract the attention that Is the third term "bogie," aiaorae of AVIlllam latlmer a young criminal calllt. ' I lawyer of wealth and philanthropic ten-I une or our respected senators has rtlPnclea, and it la a little hard to oe- I rilled tne mouths of many with a newly neve DUt tney realty ao iney amcuaa i cornea pnrase, second elective term. sociology ana pnuosopny. I i-ie is apparently striving to make n For Nance, vou see. la In her way. I tench or it. Hv this nhrmi nr at. very much of a philosopher. She loved tempting to gloss over a dangerous to talk about the "darkness" of her life truth, why dangerous T Whatever gov- and to reason out with the young law- cms the mind of a people directs them yer why she should remain In that dark- along tnctr future course. This Is true iienn. Ana lie. at nrai rrom an enureu I whether inn nrinnmm rut writton m ih. 41slnterentlng point of view, urges her I constitutions of stutes, statutes or to make the most of her unusual mind I unwritten, as In this case, yet biasing and to take advantage of an offer made I and throbbing through the very souls oy a iriena oi unrafri 10 ici nor n; inn nnturea or a people. herself In vaudeville she thinks and a long aa we remember Wanhlnaton Latimer thinks that she will make an l ws shall remember this unwritten nrln- actresa. t .1 dple. this extra-conatltutlonal dictum. Dnrsan. the Partner of the girl. I I murie In th rirhtonn. i,Hni t caught attempting to rob the Latimer nation's founders It Is useless to gain- uvunauu in, iimiiimniiioiii Bi.. ... vv ly tl, necessary purpose, neitner can her orjuort unity to leave her old Hie that he irmH ,mk .n and attempt to win fortune on the stage. prsi(erita and people from Washing She does win It, or is on a fair way to ton., day untll our hav acknowledged ao bo wnen uoriin emu pes anu cuu res hi ba Lati liable lesson from every psge of their . history. The whole American common wealth have been Instilled with this vital lesson and all the reasons for Its Smalf Change Better keen watch of the milk rou buy. . The harvest moon can well afford to get' full this year. e Some family skeletons need dark. steel-cell closets. Oregon can be I, mans the best fruit I ua i trlta nr n n a In m, .il..l .. Kht in ner rooms, i ney are doiii ar- ,.rnm.nt In mnA ri. on. ted. but Dorgan this time renounces Der. -imOBt ,m.ln,inir t th rti-nTrv mself and his hopes of her and goes f atnte nnnara n.iH.nt ck to prison alone, leaving Nance and I,. . . . i r i " ' ... . mer free to marry. . nil hava nairi trthni. n i.i. .... Miss Busley Is an unusual type of - Bn fl"tn" Amerlcanactresaor or any kino or bRck than th, pre(ient ex90Utjv. him.tlt RcirnHi lur iiiaL inaLic . ciio is uuivn who bespoke the entire question on the years the American youth of our lands have drawn this val- anarematgwehV,e a" woman' "of Tr kTnTao" oo" f im InauVa a great while a ; woman of her kltid ap. K()r a nundred year8 ")e i (icnin ii inn .laHi vi in iiivinvuiv, v. Cosstbly even In art. and makes her way efore people as a whole know anything about it. You stand up earnestly to deny that they have any temperament at all only to And thm while you are arguing with yourself about It they have succeeded that they not only have temperament but have mastered it, which la much more Important after all. Throughout the performance Miss Busbey's acting was admirable Indeed It waa fortunate for the reputation of existence for our political guidance, state Tn the unlon. Why not do Itt Z.,, n. . i- No. there la no positive evidence that r moment dlsoense with the nature -",ana J u" "u 2rr.WmilkT Ur V1UU Ur mth Then p.rh.p. Burton thinks hs an" U io ik. fiotntr "When Orea-on toe win because his first name is Theodore. Into the coming national Republican convention, is our slogan of war to be Men are like tnnbrellas; the poorer "Second elective term?" Will the plain ones are not wantea except in emergen aniens or Oregon, iemocrsuo an wen cies. aa Recunllcan. be aatlafled to see this rirat nltffial nnlanirht mada linnn thla I When the shlD struck the crew net- oaslu constitutional principle, even I ti rally exclaimed: What's the matter thotigu .unwritten as it IsT Will we be Tellus. atlaflait ta nhrnaa a thlnar with a few I flna-anundlnar wnnta and nnanl cheat I Still the cost Of llylnsr COSS On In ourselves out -of the substance T creasing. Whiskey has gone up 1 cents If Mr. Rooseyelt waa right ' seven a gallon, rears aao. whv la that which . ha aald I ear then noUTtght nowT I-ie stated then the A vegetarian may be a faddist, but reasons or his position. They were rea- there are a ioi ot people wniroon i sons known to the American people laugh st him. since Washington's retirement. Snd no I - doubt he advised lengthily with the The average man Isn't going to get statesmen of bis timei. Mr. Hooseveit oanicKy any more unui ne is pincnea in new sil this. e knew the American tne nreaaoasKet. nannla knew 1L Hi knew that In their I forecasts they would ask this question I But future battles will not be carried many times. He knew that unless he on altogether in the air; the automo avowed the matter - ma his positive biles must have a cnance, Cnd pormanent belief it would tend to 1 -a a nutnpar him In his patrlotle work aa an w are sure that the king of 81am did executive. To his honor he has many not jarn , high rolling propensities uinva rruiiiinmo inia ueuai anu iiBvsr ihn a vnnth rrnna our Jonn Hurra I r. rjy wnra or aeea maicaiea anytning 1 . , PuZi2'?"lTZlrL ' Governor John Johnson has said he I. of herself 'in taking the opposite Idea ""Vf0,- ' and with a clever phrase go into the wouId rfu,e nomination. convention! is Mr. rcoosaveu xaiseT '!,. ... i. nAA i. i... Has he given private Instructions to a . .f,' E' 1 .b0 "a?w..Mnitn few leaders to work a trick In privacy f,tr4 0,r" '5 VancUnrtW55 Inl t and seUe the crown to which he dare g- ?tl- ?"a for 8an Franc,8C0 ttn1 one for not openly ssplreT Will he, through cer- I x inn lie lie ii mi-ii, worn up n. aiiuuiiun uim , B . m t w . win rnrce th. cmwn nnnn him aa thmurh The Torrens system seems to M l fute or tha American neonla had rfe- very good thing, If It were once in oper- creed TtT APer,t,in People nea atlonbut It . looks as If It would wait Do we thus know Roosevelt, that champion of honesty and the "square deal?'1 What do you think? A READER. Florida Woman Praises Portland Trom the Chicago Dally News. THE BROWN MEN'S BURDEN. It may be assumed that they are on their way to or from this city. IRELAND'S POPULATION DECREASING. it f " T HE REPORT of the Irish regis trar-general for 1906, recently issued, shows that the popu lation of the Emerald Isle continues steadily to decrease. Within a decade the population de clined from 4,542,061 to 4,388,006, X a loss of 154,055, from which it is J estimated that approximately 400, I 000 persons, mostly between 15 and 85 years old, left the land of their birth during the decade to improve their condition In foreign lands. For 60 years, ever since the terrible famine of 1846, the exodus from Ire land has continued ccabelossly. It is not now "a million a decade," as the London Times once Jubilantly declared, but It is large enough to more than offset the prolific birth rate of the Irish people. The government of Ireland Is less oppressive, more considerate, and jUiit than it has been In tirre past, yet no government of a country can be Just or right that denies to Its people ownership of the greater part of its soil. The land laws formerly Imposed on Ireland were about as tinju&t and iniquitous as any ever fastened upon a people, and Irish men cannot be blamed for consld- " prlng the Irish question never set - tied till it is settled right that is, until Irishmen can own the soil and f make and administer their own r law,- at least totf areat an extent as Canadians and Australians do. ""' True, within the last 20 years, the British government': has cooperated Ita Irish leadera -ameliorate former conditions teatly; the form er, tyranny of absentee' landlordism v no longer oppresses; as it did, and a . good deal has been done to develop Ireland's great natural" resources, Pith sraUfjlcg . results,.' -Yet- th'e b , - ' J APAN seems Intent on assuming a good deal of the burden which Mr. Kipling a few years ago laid exclusively on white men's shoulders. This "burden" in volves conquest, colonization and constant readiness on a large scale for war on land or sea. England has been the chief burden-bearer. and in this as In some other respects Japan is Imitating England. Physicians of sufficient eminence to be employed by ex-President Cleveland disagree, just the same as lesser lights of the profession. Doctoring, like lawlng, is largely a matter of chance. In a letter to the Chicago Dally News Mrs. C. M. Thomas of Portland, Oregon, he company that she was on the stage ralla at everything in that Oregon me- the greater part Cf the time. Hallett tronoll. I vliltud ihn Rns clir in 190S. Thompson la not an Ideal Latimer to - ... i,i . ., say nothing of the fact that his clothes tn8 7T ' th exposition, and spent leed pressing. Harry ningusn aiso eignt weeas more., iney wore eigm eaves something to be desired as Tom works nf unlnvmtnt: of nennla arenerv. Dorgan. George Oastenen la the bishop ,, . ,h.t whose carriage gives the drama its fruits, vegetables and all else that lame and serves to carry the girl into maw a siay a pleasant one. ine more he Hrst act and out of the last. Erneat r think of It tho more I think that Mrs. Joy, although his part as a newspaper- Thomas was suffering from "India man is a Small one, is able to lmperSOIl- I Mnlii" anil Ihul ! unnmh tn make nv ate a police reporter without exaggera- one at war wtn eVery one else. ion. a real for which ne deserves con- Althouah I did not meet every one In ratulatlon. Portland the people I did meet were Scenieallv the nlay Is as satisfactory M.iriwina vinif oni hnmitahL i n.vr aa it was last season. There are no Baw Buch healthy-looking people before demands for a lavish display of stage ln my ilfe. Cne could tell the natives settings or costumes, although the Ten- 0t the sUte blocks away because of derloln station might have heen more their beautiful complexions and rosy faithfully copied, rew Portland play- cheeks oers are familiars or that n storic spot Mrs Tht,mM ,pcaks of the gates at owever. so that the omission did not ,. ii.u .in, Mnuri ntia'a harm. frlonri mnM not iret tn thorn Whila 1 "In the Bishop's Carriage" will con- rTnAn,hr inihini ihimi th nueall week at the Helllg. with matl- ateB r oniv know that t had a brother nee baturday. jnose in Portland who there to meet me and I don't remember haven t Seen It Will find Something t,thir h cnt tn ma nver the ffBtea In for the mllennlum. Seattle won't set an appropriation raallv. hut 1uat wait till the Seattle peo ple begin to get In their work ln earnest on these congressional reuows. Cortelyou won't tell how he spent that money, and IvOeb won't tell who ordered the raoktalls: so nasn l uncle jonn ,u. high precedent for disclosing nothing t I Un Thnm.. "t vnl. h.,.K.nrf I li . . -, ' . i . I A. . m - . . v. - n.Alfu nn.ih IB wviiiiiuic lur h Tirm nern una ddm nut I ir inn lannciB ui ina i aunt iwi m like th work hetwlll hava tn remain I weat ran set their products off to mar- untll he haa enough saved up-to gb back ket, they will be perfectly' indifferent east, and it costs more to travel east to Wall street panics for a year or two than west." Now, there s where Mrs. to come, at least. Thomas haa the start er me, for II naven t any husband. Hut If I were x Minnesota scientist predicts that fortunate enouch to have a husband. I .. w. .. nt h. .Tt.rminmaii hv and still more fortunate enough to have thlr,t Not if enough people come to got to Portland. I should use all the Or0Bon. And are the breweries all to oratory i possessea. an tne moral h. i,lnnrMsed? suasion, to keep him there, and If he P uPPre"a7 . , decided to leave I think I should use what twa it nroflt a man to make UIUIB Biiniuuui ciiui la. more than an evening's amusement in Miss Busley s performance. Whatever else can be or may be done toward getting more railroads in Oregon, no possible effort should be spared that will help to open up the Columbia river at Celllo and During the fiscal year ending the Wlllamette at Oregon City. March 31, 1907, Japan's national At tkc Opera an arlahlp or whether l new over 10 him or how It waa. but I was so glad to see him that I don't remember much about the gates. I know we reached each other some time and the meeting paid for all the difficulties. 1kaTe Vi nm a m eo vo the elt rt Weia In better style and swing than at not Mr. Thomas must have any first night performance yet given I walked and lived mostly In the su ln Portland the Callfornians Opera com- burbs. As I remember the streets. IriOSl or 1 1 1 r III wero imvwi, aim iiiuw Imanv mill nm hv nnerattna? a tnonOD- anNo0pW,',n;,shtaVbeutneiVew..n n'evrso" to' V SttTn'J? A ? v Oregon Sidelights Fine celery is raised county. . ln Lincoln Best spples ln 40 different parte of Since so many sections of Oregon debt Increased $57,000,000. This was a year 01 peace, ana .uuu,- cap raise the best apples on earth, ooo was raised by special taxes in- there ought to be no trouble ln con tended to prevent any increase of vlnclnK the country that Oregon is the national debt, rather to reduce the beBt apple Btate ln the Uni0n it. Hence we see Japan s 4 per cents laiiinK iaieiy 10 so, ana a compara- The klng cf Siam is scattering tlvely small loan for Manchurlan mliilon9 on his European jtour, but railroads could not be negotiated. rhana the Siamese don't dare to Considering the dimensions and kick about the taxes. destructiveness of the war with Russia, Japan's debt does not seem These recent September days and staggering. It is only a little over evenings would also take first pre- $6,000,000,000, or about half our miums at a world's weather exhl debt at the close of the civil war, and about the size of the Indemnity that France paid with comparative ease after the Franco-Prussian war. But the standard of values Is far lower in Japan now than it was in France 35 years ago or in the United States 42 years ago. The debt per capita ln Japan Is about $22.50, which is much less than it was in the United States in 1865, but the earning capacity of a Japanese at home is but a fraction of that of an American, either a generation ago or now. Japan Ib far from bankrupt, and will doubtless pay her debt, or enough to bring her bonds up to par or above, but she Is ln no financial condition to engage in a big, pro longed war, and will not be for years to come. She will have to spend a great deal of money on Korea, Formosa and Manchuria be fore they will bring in returns that will be profitable. MORE PIONEERS NEEDED. H T HE SUGGESTION made by The Journal that the consent of the interstate commerce com mission should be had before a railroad could raise a rate, as it is proposed to do. with regard to lum ber, is In accordance with" the Can adian law, which gives the railroad commission of the Dominion 'far greater powers than our boasted rate law gives our Interstate commerce commission. , Canada has a commis sion of three members, appointed for life, and who have almost ab- bition. Vollva denounces Parhamlsm, but Parhamlsm Is a logical sequence or offshoot of Dowlelsm or Volivalsm pany opened It. week's presentation of w nS more numeroua 'TBtlnll..'1 . V. A VfnmnaM A 1 n M . I .. , . . I A IT I . I i ii 1 1 1 1 . i tx i. win luniuaiu viiiit io i tnan in any ovner cny. vny irw i-moa nieht. The CallfOmlan comDanv belne- can afford to pave all their streets at a young organization, has at different th?.83"1.1'!", times shown here and there an unllm bered Joint or two, but last night Ilvd in . very good part of the city things were different "Fatlnltaa" any- and had a very comfortable eight-room way is a compilation of song having a house with a good yard, and paid 1 a awing and momentum of Its own. It month therefore is an especially good vehicle Mrg' Thomas says one has to pay for a showing. one-B own water tax. Well, people ln Last night the Callfornians made the Places have to pay their own water showing. From the time the curtain We "re paving right now $45 a went up on the opening scene, the sing- month for a nine-room house and pay $1 ers picked up the swing of th opera un- a month water tax besides, and our i.i i. ju.t. b.c.j . house Is only ln a rair location , mkj. the past graduates below took up the UUM Thomas thinks the gas In Port rhythm with tapping feet and nodding land jB high at 95 cents a thousand heads. When a chorus sings with a swing like that there can be no halts er stumDies. "Fatlnltza Is a pretty opera and a tuneful one else the old Bostonians would never have carried it in their reD ertolre untll It became so fixed ln tne hearts of the opera-loving people. In its presentation last night, the Call rornians took none or tne lustre rrom feet. I thought it was cneap. Decauoe ours was $1.50 a thousand. called "the land of flowers." but when ruI m 1 had heen ln Portland a week or two and had aeen her wonderful roses, not only growing in the front yards, but in the back yards and out ln the streets, ln the boulevards, big rosea, little roses and all colors, the air sweet with their fragrance, and sweet peas climbing all over every fence and gate and up the alHoa nt ha ma anil ilnrai tnan T thought that surely Florida haa taken Oregon Und ' Canyonvllle Echo: Everyone Is busy. I never liked summer because of the prosperous ana nappy. hAat hilt tup lvht Inn uaolra whila T I was there the weather waa ideal! no I A Klamath Falls man has saved rain: Just one tiny shower and still the IJ.O0O in nve years working for wages. air did not seem to be dry. the moisture and will now buy a home. from the ocean and the mountaihs tempering the heat. I have always Tne Herald thinks It very fine for thought the larger fruit grew the Albany to have a third bank. Yes, If V.U010C. .1 1.11U 11 woo iuvk "' it aets some canneries, mi us, laciunwo, 1TC"i,itaJte,Mi,'.bUKth:?re WaS frult of etc.. along with It. mi ivj 11110 hiiii in nuuiiuimw giinii J I g large, uui iubmuus ann eweei. . . etrat I wonder If Mrs Thomas was ever The Btayton cheese factory won first up on Council Crest? If she ever was Pflse at the state lair ror " -and looked off at the panorama that Py ot cheese, The factory had on dls- . . . . Z .... . I I .. . aVAaa K A UDlATlAfl was perore her now could she think M lead pencils? I shail never forget the aay 1 went to the coast. The fog is sometimes too thick to see Mount Hooa, but on that day, as I sat on the deck of the boat and saw Mount Hood, Mount Adams and Mount Tacoma, I thought I hnd never seen anything more Deautuui. ine air was rree rrom log, nnnil Rnnda vallev 'raises Just as rnnii and manv aDDles on $300 and 1400 an acre land as Hood River on 11,000 an acre land, says me ua. uranao star. . . Miss Olive Conlee. after receiving the sky blue and the snowv tons of the her commission as postmaster at Can mountains glistened ln the sunlight un- yon City, resigned, and has gone to til I thought there never was a prettier Ontario to teach school, being offered picture, rortiandites love Mount Hood: everything Is named after it, but I don't blame them. ELIZABETH LOWER. Jacksonville, Florida. On tne EJge of tne Arctic But when Hindus and Japanese get into a fight, might it not be well to let them fight It out to a finish? There are hundreds more school children than ere expected. So It will be again next year. The people of Oregon, all pulling together, can work wonders. Letters From tLe People Invoke the Demurrage Law. McCoy, Or., Sept. 21. To the Editor of The Journal I have been reading a great deal obout complaints of ship pers failing to fecure cars. This seems to me to be a waste of energy and 1 cannot understand why someone does not act on Commissioner Lane's sug gestion and commence action for dam ages caused by failure of the railroad company to furnish cars. The valley shippers are considering suoh action. SHIPPER. Biggest and Best. Louisville, Ky., Bept. 17. To the Editor of The Journal The Louisville free public library has received a copy of the Oregon Journal's fifth anniver sary number. This paper was forward ed to the library by Miss Amle B Brunn of the Portland public library, formerly connected with the Louisville free public, library, to whom we have mailed our card of thanks. We con gratulate you. This Is the biggest and best thing in the way of a newspaper that has reached us. I GEO. T. SETTLE, Head of Order and Accession De partment. That dressmaker who wants to do away with feminine curves presumably has a shape that wouldn't prompt a! male sosm. ' By Wer Jones. Orand business this, exploring, mayor the opera's fame, nor did the opera take A .imminent cltlsens at station away from the pleasing Impression ' M ahout made ln the past 'by the songsters of to see me off. Made speeches about the calirornians. planting tne nag on me x-uio, aim - The work of the different members of ferred to glories of American navy and and so favorably that It seems useless mercantile marine in iq eu v.u ...n to make any personal references agalu ner davs. whenever iney were. 1 rc this week. However. It may be said. ,v.. th. rennrtera termed a anA triithfullv thnt Harrv Cnahmnn . . . certainly has a large range and scope to few modest words, but 1 m Diowea 11 1 his characterisation. Last week he was can see what kept, all the other reuows the Chinese master of a Japanese tea from reacr,Ing the'Pole. It's the easiest UUBC 11119 WCCIl HO AO 11UHIDU I 1 . 1 - Hnh I rat I K I Pfl . count and Keneral in command. And he in in London Kinar Ed makes Just as good a Kussian as ne 0.1a ward congratulated me on my pluck and a Chinaman. darlna- adding that of all the gallant Miss Rhoda added new friends to her "ft,"8' ha Tatnrin Atlantic roast he n. v. .. 1 . i r-io. ijc ti"" .....- - --- nai u nci yipiuji 111 1 ' J. thoueht Chicago tne gaiianiesi. ne in the first and third acts. By her t ... hihlv fint trf1 nnti songa and her personality she won hat Ch)oRgo had long been proud of auucu incline. r",":"' the deep interest nis majesty ioo in who sang the part of Lydia ln the sec- ltL welfare ond act was welcomed back enthuslas- 1 Qreat reception in Stockholm. Com- ticallv by those who had become her ' t Nansen with wings refer- irieniis iiurinB 1110 Hint low nt encea to my airship. Replied that all I me wuiuniijiL j "" wa8 after was the halo or success, missed, her from the stage during the f8 " , Scandinavian. week that has just c ooea. miss itnoaa ' vln. thl8 Hammerfest. Men and Miss AuDert win snare tne prima . - pmrdoved ln erettlns; airship donna's honors during the current week. ni7y vA Fcuot chSm- :rr.ta- -ri- k h ; (o.T pagne aooara who wnign 10 cnnsien int. of his ideas on harem reform. Miss r if' v men aawine: un lumber to Lucile Saunders as Fatinitza and Vlad- ,1' ,0 IraJriT whei, I return t.m,r'v lTnTZll Expect to f"ndA7eaJ?Wkot Tit'Si her voice and with Miss Rhoda was A-V At ik Mnth Pole th nnlv heard la several charming duets. Richie JjnA KJKlu BbU. given a chance and improved lt Alto- lu"8- ,,. ot oult. so bttlmv ?ueih,f,V'n."! " VIZ SIS". i on our arrival. Put on heavier under- Droves that Tom Karl has a slnaintt wear taA- anJ 'oelj"081 uncomforta- Knv In which he wm notVdfi We It tickles so. Itj seems hard that Sed3 the'ume6 goi.n f"fl!?PljrhTso,ltbn(tlCkled by fnitza" will be the bill all during the fl'? tht Have invited week with the usual matinee. A'"hJP JZlJtthJ? IHaIHa Jill HiO HALl r CO V" tJ-t J 1 uaau wiuviww t Via niAW tr hA rpadv Will Need to Be Careful. Watched the tes-t from a hill near the Balloon floated ell right ln the r rum v wuuu 1 11 liiucoiiuciii. 1 : . j)t, ,i,iu eri went all rluht as a sled hut wouldn't strong candidate for governor in W V1 LVl ZZJT'S, lacking ln the exploring spirit, and threatens to quit ln a body. Had ta wear a heavy fur overcoat to day; It is really getting quite unpleas antly coia. , Airship In good condltton today. Dis covered that the gas had escaped on oc casion 01 former test, oraerea 11 to pe captured and relmprlsoned. Frost last night. Tiresome Job this, exploring. Few messages from outside world. Lack the sympathy an explorer must nave. Bitterly cold weather set In. Natives say it will grow steadily colder and colder. Airship reported all right by crew and ready to sail. Left ear frostbitten this morning. Luckily a little steamer arrives tomor row. Shall sail for borne and defer ex pedition until It's warmer. water. or a man Dy tne name or i.ane defeat him at the polls. rill In Self-Defense. From the Indianapolis News. There should be no great difficulty In Interesting the various governors in the errort to secure greater sarety ln railway travel. So many of them are chasing their boomietg around the coun try, you know. - . The Unworkable Puzzle. From the Houston Post. A New York special declares Governor Hughes is a puzzle. It does seem that he is.determined not to permit the poli ticians to work him. Economic View of Posterity. Knlcker Do you consider, children ex pensive? Hocser no: tney nrmg tne ramlly home from the summer resort to to to acbool. - ' . , r - a much higher salary. a rrnm ?srt atands of bees a Hermiston man will harvest about six tons of honey. It is some of the finest In the world, and brines on the wholesale market 12 cents per pound. Junction City Times: Houses to rent Makes Plea for Elk t a. o -t. .u n.i. I are In great demand. Every house ln Newport, Or.. Sept. 3. To the Editor JA" nitv is occupied hut .still the hunt of The Journal A number of persons goes on. New families are coming in are now camped near Table mountain, every day and the demand for houses Lincoln county, Oregon, wafting for the ' mucn aw to exp re wnicn protects me k Mmn and Freewater will send out EJJEE iai! 200 cars of fruit, the average value of - ' CiiT X ifv.' iVk a car being l&uu. This immense amount son to kill elk for one month. These 'Jr. rJ 7win inin ihi. iiatHct nt SSS areheX'2fUhla;nKran;eVKi Sn. S5ST flJKuX rSfi Ttble'mourftafn. CrV-Appl w.mpand humming and farmers ar, fairly rolling the headwaters of the Alsea river and WM'1"' the Ten-Mile. This Is a wild, moun- talnnna .nnntri' aitanfail aanaclallv aa USCar vannerDiii 01 now. mm raj a home for elk, deer, bear and other big founi as rich a family as the old com -. T... hn... modore. He owns a tract of land era U n . .iV-aS. i th",nii bracing H3 acres, with 91 acres In studying the trails, habits and location orchard, whjch Includes the famous of the elk, so they can more easily lo- Boulah land tract, and recently sold cate and slaughter them before they 5l8,crP of winter Banenf, aPP'es. J have a chance to scatter ana get away, oemy, iun uuu This herd of elk. since being protected, per dox or i pounas, has increased from 18 to 46, and I am told that only five or six mole elk re-j Great effort Is being; made to secure minVV' v?.? ?" "?wi.,8UJr lm" a- buyer for the thousands of boxes aiim lit n itt cjilt: iwuiaivu. 1 , , . , . . - The last legislatflre passed a law pro- of excellent winter spples that will tectlns: elk in tins state to iviz. out tne nnnn ha ranilv fnr the market in the governor, thinking there was a lawcov- John nv vallev in the radius of a few erlng this matter, vetoed the bill. For miles of this city. The apples are of one month the elk have no protection. a gooi variety, large, well colored, of liicao tun. lunn b. jfieai numcumi jui nne navor ana entirely rree rrom worms Lincoln county, and the citizens of this or disease, says the John Day News, county do not want them killed.- It but -It is doubtful If It wiU pay to seems the Order of Elks would do some- plck more than half of them, because jiiuiciiv me """ iiijiiiaj 1 0f the distance to market. wnose name mo oruer uears. The last half of the week the weather for the state fair could not have been finer If made to order, belplnf to make the alr a auccesg, ., ; , - When these hunters ooen ud on this band of elk they will be literally shot to pieces by long-range repeating rifles ana many 01 mem win wanaer away ln the woods. The Question Is. can something be done to prevent the band from being slaughtered? Maybe the governor will act in the matter, as he is a great lover or the nooie animal. I am told by old hunters If some one would take a pack of dogs Into the elk range snd turn them loose they would i scatter tho elk so no one could find them. Each hunter is limited by law to one elk. but there will be so manyi hunters at work that it win take the whole band to to around. The beat would be for some one who lives near the hunting-grounds to go , ln at once ana scatter tne nera. F. M. CARTER. This Date in History. 1664 The French W America made I their first treaty with -the Iroauois In dians. . 1767 Rev. Aaron .Burr, founder of Princeton university and father of Aaron Burr, vice-president of the United States, died. Born January 4. 1716. 1829 Thirteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States ratified by a two-thirds vote. 1834 Dom Pedro I. died at Lisbon, Born October 1J. 178. 1846 Monterey, Mexico, surrendered to the Americans.. . , . . 1864 Russians closed tha harbor of Sevastopol by sinking hlp tn the n trance. - 1SB ."Black Fridav": financial nan In as result of attempt to corner gold. 1$ S 4 Mormon colony In Wilson coun ty. Tennessee, ordered by regulators to leara tha.tat ? ';v;'.;t. . - wJ "An East Side Bank for East Side People." IT IS THE DESIRE OF THE COMMERCIAL SAVINGS BANK To make Itself useful and agree able to Its customers. ' 4 Per Cent Interest Psld on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, compounded semi-annually. Checking Accounts Solicited from firms and individuals. XWOTT AITS WTT.T.IAMS ATS. George V, Bates. . . . .. .President J, SL BlrreJ...k . ... Cashier . I a