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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL!, PORTLAND SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21. : 1907. IIEWS FORECAST SAVINGS BAN I OF THS ' ',' 11 . " ' , , . 1 . . .i .' . : . . : : 1 - THE REAL THING III : BALL PLAYERS McCrcdie's New Men Do Al the Hitting on Initial Appearance. . 'n man n , HARTMAN'S POOR HEAVE LOSES FOR PORTLAND Pitcher Throws at Left Bleach-i and Allows Pelroa to Score Only Boa of Game Raftery ud John on Both Hit to Fence. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Lo Angelea, l;.PrM,a.0-. San Francisco, t; Oakland, 1. STANDING OF TUB CLUBS. Lot Angelee ., Ban Francisco Oakland Portland . . . . Won. ..IT ,.88 ,.M SI Lost. P. C. 4 .7 77 .63. 7 .Sl 2 .361 McCredle haa at last found two i.ew ballplayers who ara the raai articia. Rafter and Johnaon ara thalr names, and though yesterday waa thalr flrat nnurinra thT Riada good In BUCh vjKav- - w - . . . . . a a II Al COBilITw ' BvTIV mm T v I ! f V It"" that they will ba sura of next ysars tehm. Pnrtltn secured luat .four hlta off Parmer Burns' delivery yeeterday. Wal tar McCredle got ona of them, A single, and tha two new man divided the other three between them. Each aent a rip ping two-bagger to he Uft-fleld fence. and Raftery put a hoi single pasi jje mil In the field neither had a chance par ticularly to distinguish himself, but pom showed themaelvea to be faat on their feat, while the way Johnaon who Played shortstop, covered his position showed that much better work may be expeoted of him than waa done by any of the three other men McCredle haa had at abort thla aeaaon. BotX Atbletlo peotme&a. Both Raftery and Johnaon ara well built athletic looking fellowa. and tha way they face the pitcher glvea promise of a higher atlcklng average for the Portland team. Both men are from the South Atlantic league, and both have high bat and field records In that or ganisation. The men are bought and paid for and belong to Portland, and will be on tha team next year. All that xrw land nnw nAArfa to make a Donnant- flghtlng team for next year la a better third-baseman, a. flret-baaeinen. a braoa- up In the pitching ataff. and laat. but not least, better discipline on and off the field. . A miserable error by Hartman, who at other tlmea performed very well, waa reaponalble for the Angel victory yee terday. . With but 01 feet to throw, and a second In which to aim the throw, the Portland pitcher heaved the ball alx feet above Mott'a head, allowing Delmas to score on a daah from aecond. Had Hartman thrown true, Delmaa and prob ably another Angel would have been out. Betas B cores the Only Son. Hartman's wild throw waa made In the fifth Inning. Barer waa on flrat ii nn annond. with none out. Burna hit ona at Hartman, who grabbed keeping op in tha American league raoe. Twice In succession Jesse Burketthas won . the New England league pennant wiin me . Worcester mm, .. i- v , -. ' ' e i- ' Tha Wichita Western association team took tha lead early In the season and haa never been headed. The Jobbers are winners by a big margin, . '. , e . e - The surprise of the year In the Amer FOOTBALL MAKES ITS BOW !M EAST TODAY Carlisle Indians vs. Albright College lean league is the great showing made at Carlisle, 1 Pennsylvania. hi, that fkofprtlt Tla-ltra whll lha Aaun. polntment la the poor work of tha St Luie rowns. r The i Winnipeg team, had a walkover In the Copper Country league, closing the aeaaon with an average af .721 Du- lutn waa second with .680 - a Aftef the hardest kind of a fight Readlns- won the Atlantic league pen nant from .Jrooklyn by three points. The official - standing shows Reading but, ana uroomyn . ' ,e A social Organization haa been formed In Blnghamton, New York, called the . Williams College vs. WiUlaton Semi nary at Wllllarastown, Massachuseta. Pennsylvania State Colls va. Al toon a A, c. at Altoona, pennaylvanla. Mucknell Collese vs. Mansfield Nor mal at Lewlsburg. Pennsylvania. Phillips Exeter Academy va. Brew ater Academy at Exeter, New Hamp nira, . (United Press Leased Wire.. New York. Sent. II. -Amen the seat ern colleges football for 1007 makea Its Initial bow today, Tha flrat aktrmlahaa take nlace today, belnar little more than practice gamea. for It will be aeveral Order ot B.a.Vu PanY "tranche, of weeks yet before the real battle, begin. the order are to be- eatabllahed In all the stile leaaue cities after the Dlan oi tne uiita ana nagies. e Minor learners put it over the majors In tha rnt fMnflnnAtt MinlMtl hv wlnnlnar the three principal events. L Jeune, of Bprlngfleld. Ohio, won the long throw. Clements of Jersey City won In circling the bases, and Thoney of To ronto In beating a bunt to first. The difference In earning capacity be tween a team fiahtlnr for the pennant In a close race and one having the cham- filonshlp cinched is clearly demonstrated n Chlcaa-o. The last two months of the season undoubtedly will show tha White Sox earning two dollars to ona taken In by the Cubs. Among the managerial chanres ru mored for next season are the follow ing: John Qansel to succeed Ned Han- Ion at Cincinnati; George Davla of the White cans The situation Is not altoa-ether lovelv. however. Far from It. ft la compli cated and unsatisfactory. So much so, in tact, uat it is impossible to forecast with any degree of certainty Juat how strong the various memaers of the "big nva- win do tnis rail, judging rrom tha number of veterans left over from last year Cornell ought to ba unusually strung, xaie haa lost ty graduation and other causae more than half the 1906 aauad. but It has some exception ally atronr recruits from the freshman eleven of last year. The University of Pennsylvania is xortunar in navtne- lOBt but two of the membere of laat year's team. Princeton haa loat heav ily In the line, but report! from the training Quarters indicate that the Tl gers expect to be well able to car for them selves. Harvard Is believed to be In the worst shape of any of the bis conegea, nue largely to tne uncertainty existing tne greater part or last ysar aa 10 wneiner iooioe.ii weuia oe con Ham Armour of Toledo to suonli sger McClooKey or the St. Louis Rax to mint the New York AmPr. 1U H .e?'ege sport. Annapolis In nlace of Clark GrlYfftii' TXMl.I ano -vvest romt" ana aiso me Carlisle Na- tt j vii dui -w vxceijiionB. ini ecnea ules of the big teams are much smaller this year than uaual. There will be but two Interseetlonal ramea of Importance. One will be between the Unlveralty of Pennaylvanla and University of Michi gan at Ann Arnor and the other between the Carlisle Indians ,nri University or Minnesota at Minneapolis. tlonala: William Clvmer of Columbu and Hugh Duffy of Providence to lead major league clubs; Fielder Jones of the wnite box, Frea ciara or nttsburg, Jimmy McAleer-of the Bt. Louis Ameri cana and Fred Tenney of the Boaton Nationals all to retire. Just how manv of theae reported changes will take place time aione win leu. THREE CITY TEAMS FOR SOCCER LEAGUE RLIKU II CONSOLATION STAKE Association Football Men More California Horses Carry Make Plans for Com ing Season. Off Prizes at Salem Other Events. A city league of three teams, ons under the captaincy of John Dickson, one under 8. Mills and one under J. O. Kllpack, Is a strong probability In association football the coming season. Plans for a series of games among these three were approved at a meeting of the executive board of the Portland association football' club last night. The matter will later be passed up to the club as a whole for Its approval. it waa suggested that the best piay- (Speetel Dlapatca te Tbt fevaaL) Salem, Or., Sept. 21. At the races at the fair grounds yesterday first money in the Lewis and Clark consolation $1,- 000 stake waa taken by Carllkln, owned by W. Q. Durfee of Los Angeles, with best time of Devlletta, owned by W. S. Harkey of Orldley, California, won first money in the 1:14 pace. Both races were won In three straight heats and there waa little doubt who would ers In the city be equitably divided' be the winner after the first heat of among tne tnree captains by snowing Dickson to pick six men from last year's Scotch team, to allow Mills to pick six from last year's British team and to give Kllpack the pick of the rest of the valuable material for his full team. The other two captalna would then have It Quickly, but tossed the gams away to maae up me remainder ox meir when he threw to force Delmas out at teams from what was left It is ex- Tbe ball oounaea 10 ino leu iremeiy iiKeiy mai ims pian win be bleachers, where Basse got It in time to put out eager at me piaip. ourni reached third, but failed on a aqueexe "'Viie Bearers filled the bases, with none out. In the second half of the fifth. Raftery and McCredle hit safe, and Johnaon watted for four bad ones. But Mott fanned, Byrnes retired Raf tery on a grounder to Delmas, and Hart man flew out. With one out In the seventh Johnson hit his two-barger, and with ona put In the ninth Raftery put one over Carlisle's head, but a timely hit to bring in a run was lacking In each case. "Bull" Perrlne joined the. ballplayers yesterday, and for the first time this Season Portland had the double-umpire system In operation. The official score: LOS ANGELES. AB. R. H. PO. A. B. adopted. The committee created a new mem bershlp department, to consist of any one who may. wish to support the game but who do not play. The new class will be called associate members and will be assessed just half the dues of the active members. Bernard, lb. Carlisle, If. i Dillon, lb. ... Cravath, rf. . Brashear, lb. Ellis, cr. Delmaa, as. Eager, e. Burns, p. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 15 3 0 1 1 6 0 Totala 3) 1 6 27 17 1 PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO, Casey, 2b . . . Bassey, If. . . Donahue, lb. Raftery. cf. . McCredle, rf. Johnaon, ss. Mott, 8b. ... Byrnes, c ... Hartman, p. . CUBS TO PLAY THREE GAMES IN ONE DAY St. Johns Diamond Will Be Scene of Performance of the Tri-City 3Ien. Totala ..11 0 4 27 14 SCORE BY INNINGS. - Los Angeles 00001000 0 Hits 002110100 Portland 0 0000000 0 0 Hits 0 0 0 0 3 0 10 14 SUMMARY. . Struck out By Burns I. by Hartman 8. Bases on balls Off Burns 3, off Hartman I. Two-base hit ElllB. John son, Rafter. Three-base hit Cravath. Double play Hartman to Byrnes to Donahue. Stolen base Donahue. First base on error Los Angeles 1. Left on bases Los Angeles 6, Portland 6. Time . of game One hour and tS minutes. Umpires Derrick and Perrlne. NOTES FROM THE DIAMOND. The Pueblo team of the Western league has played nice bail since Man ager Lew Drill took charge. a The South Atlantic league magnates nave voiea 10 nave no non-piaying man agera next season. With ona or two chanres tha Rrnnir, lyn team would be giving the best of tnem someimng 10 minx aooui. - - 'i e a. The Texaa league had a great race this season. Austin finally winning the pennant, with Delias a few points be- Edward Summers, the former Indian, polia pitcher, haa joined . the - Detroit team. Summera haa pitched winning cau tor ins Aoosiers una season. ' eve, . Taking Into consideration the loss of Isbeii ana tne injuries to other players, the White Sox hava dona fine work in was the greatest general the world has aver known. Ballard's Snow Liniment is the greatest liniment Quickly cures all pains. It la within the reach of all. T. H. Pointer, Hempstead, Texas, writes: "Thla Is to certify that Ballard's Snow Tl.lmant haa been used ki my house hold for rears and has been found to be an excellent liniment for rbeumatla pains. I am never without it" . Sold by -bi dmiiiatav .v-?. '"' w , ' The Bralnard Cubs will wind op their league season Sunday and attempt to break the record for number of gamea played In one day. In order to catch up with their sched ule they will play three games. The first gams will be called at 10 o'clock and their opponents will be Hal Pome roy's Frakes, who are leading the league in tne pennant race, xnis win De ine playoff of the postponed game of some weeks ago. The second game will be called at 2 o'clock and will also be with1 the Frakes. This la the fourth game scheduled betweet these two teams. These clubs met on two occasions early in the season. The Cub team Is stronger now than in the early season and will iry to take both games from the Mtlll nera. The third game will be called at 3.-30 and will be with the strong St. Johns Apostles. Manager Smith will send his team into the arena in the Fink of condition and full of confidence, f the Frakes and St. Johns take the three games they will know that they have been up against a ball team when the curtain la rung down. All three games will be played on the St. Johns diamond. NEW FOOTBALL STARS FOR MULTNOMAH CLUB The faces of several hew stars from big eastern universities may be seen at the Multnomah club tomorrow morn ing when the club's football huskies foregather for their first practice for tke season. Manager Horan announced today that at least one former Prince ton varsity man and one Pennsylvania man had expressed the intention of turning out on the opening day. The first day's practice will consist entirely of kicking and catching the ball. There wUl be no scrimmages, but the work of hardening the men Will begin. The suits will be given out and it Is strongly desired that all old men aa well as new report promptly at the hour set, 10 o'clock. If Multnomah is to beat the University of Waehlngton three weeks hence the men will have to buckle down to work at once. each. In the 2:14 pace Maud L came in a close second In the second heat. but was several lengths behind the win ner in the third. The five eighths mile run waa won by G. P. McNeil In 1:02. and the six and one half furlong dash by Crlgll, entered by G. R. McNeil. Between the running races Extra Nell ran away and ran twice arouad the track before she was stopped. Winners by heats in the Lewis and Clark Consolation stake In the 8:14 trot: 1st 2d 3d Carllkln Satin Royal Cry 11a Jones zomboyetta Time 2:15 tt. 2:13. 2:13. 2:14 Pace purse $600. 1st Devlletta 1 Maud L 6 Queen Bee 2 Swlftwater B'll Time 2:12 H. 3:13. 2:14U. Five elghthts mile run Titus II. first. Hop Queen second, Jackful third. Time, i :u2. Six and one half furlong dash Crlr 11 first, Phys second. Marvel Mitchell third. Time, 1:22 tt. BIG SEASON FOR YOUNG ATHLETES New York School Boys Will Indulge in Many Fino Sports This Year. (UliUd Press Leased Wire.) New York, Sept 8L The New York schoolboy athletes are looking forward to a great season. A big meet is te be held In Celtlo Psrk lata in September for anhoolhnva- and In 20 events the boys of the differ ent classes will have the opportunity to test their strength and skill. It is expected by the committee In charge that 1,300 or 2,000 boys will take part In the meet Track and field athletics, as In the peat wilL be the mala foundation of the physical training, of tha hoya. Several otner meets win oe run directly by the league, Including elementary achools. Indoor and outdoor Individual ebamolon ahlps and relay championships, as well as high school championships In all classes and relay events. During the Indoor season the armor lee win serve the purpose or the boy for their meets, and In addition te th meets run directly by the league, the big Indoor games of the Irish-American Athletic club, the New York Athletic olub. the Pastime Athletic club, as wel as the regimental organlsationa, will hare apeciai events put on for the schoolboys, all of which will have the aanction of tha league. Outdoor Meets In Vprlsg. Fwr the outdoor -meets when snrtng comes uoiumoia oval at wmiamsbriage and Celtlo Park, the Irish-American Athletic club track, atlll will be avail able, as hitherto. The big boom in amateur track and field athletics, aa ex empllfied by the growing army of men under the) jurisdiction of the Amateur Athletic union, is mirrored in the rec ords of the number of point winners and competing boys in the offices of the "udiio schools Athletic league. Basketball, the Indoor sport for the fall and winter months, will be more popular than ever during the coming season. Contest In Minor Iporls. Socker football, tried out for the first time among the high school bovs last season, will be Inaugurated in the ele mentary sohoola during the present season. While several competitions were held In the swimming events last season, no direct championships were held, and although the boys were anxious to have them the time was too short to make any arrangements and the project final ly ren mrougn. ine success or tne last snooting tour nament. In which the winner received a letter of encouragement written by ireaiaeni rtooseveii, nas maaa the tour nament a certainty this year. The league officials are gratified at their suocess and all district representa tives are doing their part ralthnilly in the development of the big organiza tion. COUNSEL OPEN IN RH0NDIUS CASE .i ...2 .3 .4 1 2 4 3 2d 1 2 3 4 1 3 8 4 3d 1 3 4 BATTLING NELSON IS DENIED VENGEANCE (Soeclal Dltpatcb to The Jenrnal.) Butte. Mont., Sept 21. Battling Nel son who has been in Butte since last Saturday trying to Induce the county attorney to prosecute Harry C. O'Neil, a bartender in tne Boutnern racirio ue- fot saloon in El Paso, Texas, has failed n his object and will leave In a few days for San Francisco to arrange for a fight with joe uana ror tne light weight championship of the world. Nel son was asked by the county attorney to pay all the expenses Incidental to bringing O'Neil back to Butte, which the Battler refused to do. Nelson claims that O'Neil slipped out with 3800 of his money at the time of the Herrera-Nelson fight here. They Didn't Quit In Ninth. (Pacific Coast Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Sept. 21. The Seals won a io-inning game rrom the Oaks yesterday. 8pencer broke the tie by speedy base running. Score: K.H.1S. San Frano'co 100 0 00000 1 2 6 2 Oakland 0 00000100 01 8 3 Batteries Hopkins and Bliss: Joy ana eireei. (Specul piipeteb to Tbe JosnaL) Pendleton, Or.. Sept 21. After three Jays a Jury has been secured In the case of Rbonlmua, charged with second degree murder in killing Tom Myers n a gun auei in tne Blue mountains last October. In the openlna statement for the pros ecution district Attorney pneips re viewed the story of the killing of My ers by Rhonlmus. Before the shooting Myers and Young Roberts had met the old man on the road and a Quarrel fol lowed In which Myers called Rhonlmus a liar. Afterward, according to the dis trict attorney, the quarrel had been re sumed. The two men had been at tempting to avoid Rhonlmus, when he had come upon them. He pictured the fight as having been started by Rhonl mus firing at Myers, the discharge striking his body and left arm. After being shot Myers fired twice with a pis tol, one shot striking Rhonlmus' horse's leg, While the second struck Rhonlmus himself. According to the prosecutor, the evidence will show Rhonlmus had angered Myers, that he had got his shotgun with the intention of killing him and that he fired the first shot after Myers had vainly striven to pre vent a fight Judge James A. Fee outlined the ver sion or the story presented by the de- rense. lie admitted Myers haa been killed by the defendant but declared that the evidence would show tha act was done In self-defense, and that If ne naa not Killed nis enemy Khonlmus nimseir would nave been slain. OF COB WEEK Trial of Senator Borah at Boise Is Event of Lead ing Importance. (Halted Pre Leased Wire.) Washington. Sept, II. The trial of United States Senator Borah, who is charged with conspiracy to defraud the federal government by securing illegal entry or timber lands, is scneauiea io begin Monday at Boise. The fight between Tammany hall and Mayor MoClellan will attract attention to the primaries In New York City Tuesday. It Is expected that on Tuesday Judge Lends In the United States court at Chicago will announce his decision in regard to granting Immunity to the Chicago A Alton railroad In the caaos in which they are charged with granting rebates to the Htanaara uu company. rreaiaeni nooseveii win leave uy tar Bay Wednesday for Washington and will start four days later on his western and southern trip. Secretary Root Is to leave Washington Wednesday on his trip to Mexico. Secretary of War Tart le due to reach Yokohama about Thursday and will spend a week tn Japan before resuming his journey to us rniuppines. General Booth of the Salvation Army will begin his tour of the United States at Boston, where he will arrive Fri day for a stay of three days. The last session of The Harue con ference will be held Saturday, and the protocols will be signed the following day aocordlng to advices received here. Among the Important conventlona of ine weaa wilt oe me annual meetings of the American Bankers' association at Atlantic City, the Brotherhood of St. Andrew at Washington, the Inter national con-tress of liberal relldon at Boston and a special meeting of the international Cotton seed Crushers as sociation at New Orleans. In Berlin there .will aaaarable next -Monday, tha fourteenth International congress on hygiene and demography. The annual meeting of the Pennsyl vania State Learue of Republican cluba win begin at uarrlsourg Wednesday, when It Is expected, the presidential boom of Senator Knox wlU be given an enthusiastic! indorsement TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. OPN ON SATURDAYS FROM A. M- TO 1 P. M. AND ON SATURDAY EVENING S FROM 5 TO O'CLOCK. WE PAY 4 MTBBT On Savings Accounts, Interest pounded Seml-Annually. Com WE PAY 3 0 DAILY Balanoea of Check Accounts. OFFICERS: J. THORBURN ROSS - - President OEOROE H. HILL - Vice-President T. T. BURKHART - - Treasurer JNO. E. AITCHISON - Secretary 240-244 Washington Streut (Corner Second) PORTLAND, OREGON RELIGIOUS LIBERALS ASSEMBLE AT BOSTON Representatives of Many Creeds Gather for Confer ence at Windy City. e Portland PORTLAND. ORKOOlt EUROPKAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Everything to eat and irlak. aad it costs no more In tbe Port! ana Hotel Rathske!lar than elsewhere in the elty. Every weekday night from te If. M. O. 1BWM, afaaarsT. DOSE OF SPROUTS FOR RUNAWAY BOY AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Washington Chicago, Wash ington, 1-8. At New York Detroit, 1; New York. 0. At Boston Cleveland, 4; Boston, 1. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At St. Louis Philadelphia, 8; St Louis, 3. At Pittsburg Pittsburg, 2; Brooklyn, At Cincinnati New York, 6; Cincinnati a. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. Atlantic City Dog Show. (United Pre Lened Wire.) .. . Atlantic City. N. J., 8ept. 1 1. Dogs of high degree and many breeds mingled their barks today at the sixth annual bench show of tha Atlantic City Kennel elub. The exhibition was held on Stee plechsse pier, and was largely attended. English toy and Japanese spaniels. Pom- I an aa isss iiiieaiiaiiB. a vm i a B) J hounds and Airedale, Irish, Scotch and Welsh terriers were some of tha rare breeds that vert well represented at , Uie abov. : . "-H -v.- J At Seattle Seattle, 4; Spokane, 1. WOOD HHP MILL ON GRAYS HARBOR (Bperlsl Dispatch to Tbe Josrnal.) Aberdeen, Wash., Sept 21. Jack Haynea and Johnny McNamee. two run away boys, have returned home. The elder McNamee met them somewhere near Porter, headed for home, and they said they were coming back. McNamee told them they must walk home, and made dire threats as to what he would do If he caught them, so they did not loiter. When near Montesano he took his own offspring and administered what he thought was a much-needed htrashlng, and Jack waa so afraid he mlsrht be treated in the same way that he appealed to a section gang ror pro tection. They at once espoused his cause and one of the men came down here with him and restored film to his parents. The boy seems to feel tn a verv contrite mood, and his rjarenta hope he is effectually cured of his wanderlust ENORMOUS PRICES PAH) FOR FRUITS (Special DUpstcn to Tbe Joornil.) Council, Ida., Sept. 21. There Is one rf the largest fruit crops here this sea son In the history of Washington coun ty. Fruit buyers are coming in here from all 'over the country and paying faniy prices for the orchards. As much as J800 an acre has been paid for choice apples, and the farmers will average about J400 an acre for their en tire crop. The apples here are of a very fine quality and they are free from worms and scale. The apple crop will all be shipped to eastern markets, where it Is said to command a fancy price. (United Press Leased Wire.) Boston, Sept 21. Representatives of many creeds and many countries are f athered in this city to take part in the ourth international oongress of the fed eration of religious liberals. The at tendance will comprise 1,000 members from all over the United States and 200 noted guests from abroad. These rep resent altogether II nationalities, who meet together, to ouote the language of the official calL for the purpose of opening communication with those in all lands who are striving to unite pure religion ana perrect lioerty, and to in crease fellowship and cooperation among tnem. The congress will open at Symphonr hall tomorrow evening, where the lead ing features will be addressed by noted delegates, isacn day or the com Ing week will be opened with service at iung-s cnapei, meetings win De neid at various churches of Boston and there will be a number of excursions to places of religious and historic Interest The International congress was or ganised In Boston In 1900 on the seventy-fifth birthday of the American Uni tarian association. Among the affil iated associations are the national con ference of Unitarian and other Chris tian churches, the Unlversalist general convention, the Friends' general con ference, the Reformed Jews and various liberal orthodox churches, and philan thropic societies and Individuals, Includ ing organizations In Canada. England, Austria. New Zealand. South Africa. France, Belgium, Germany. Holland and Hungary. Among the noted guests from abroad who are to take part in the present con- ?ress are Dr. Thomas O. Masaryk. pro essor of sociology In the University of Prague: the Rev. Dr. John Hunter of Trinity Congregational church, Glas gow; the Hon. Frederick M add 1 son, M. P.. of London: the Rev. Miss Gertrud von Petzold, the only Unitarian woman preacher In England; Profesaor Otto Pflelderer of Berlin university. Pro fessor Martin Rade of the University of Marburg, Prof essors B. D. Eerdmana and H. J. Groenewegen of the Univer sity of Leyden, Professor Meyboom of the University of Gronlngen and the Rev. Dr. Max Fisher of St Mark's. In Berlin. MILITARY ACADEMY Portland Tore'. ' A Boarding and Day Bchool for Young Men and Mori Preparation for col leges, U. 8. Military and Naval Academies, Ac credited to Stanford, Berkeley, Cornell, Am herst and all State Uni versities and Agricultural Collages. Manual train ing. Business course. The principal has had l years experience in Port land. Comfortable quar ters. Best environments. Make reservations now. For Illustrated catalog and other literature ad dress J. W. DlLlwM.D.. Principal and Proprlsrsom, OLaxxrosaxi ZOTXZJB, Spokane Tailor Get a Raise. (Special THspstck to Tbe loormaL) Spokane, Wash., Sept 21. All tailors and "bushelers" here have received an Increase In wages of 10 per cent The raise was the result of a mere request No strike was declared. MARVELOUS INVEN TION CURES WEAK tm flilMl HOTEL JEFFERSON nrmx jum ooxrox stsests. SAN FRANCISCO ' SrZCXAX. KATES New hotel, faces Jefferson Square. Two blocks from Van Nesa ave., tha present shopping district car lines transferring all over city, pass door. Every modern convenience, 160 rooms single or en suite. 160 private baths. American and European plana Prices moderate. Omnibus meets all tralna. STBWAT-aBlT OO. fve Pert Una Otvf a W tea tf lit Sum tf Ornsea rjNsumof. joju kinds oir LIVB (STOCK AGAINST DEATH FROM 'ANY k P. sharer PiirJssal Wat. H. Batta. V.rW ft, sLOneaOsal H.1. Osa1MnT Osallsaai tLeng ; PwtlsDS Bears' m TrsA s MFIBJ1ICM , Osegee Traej ens Bsrhiga Bar fi4m40mi' Tke rassrrest ft. a Den Oe, Ageacy MOMS OFFTCK t-T-iLAfA TMJ1X MID&. Cm T-tmtf ami Stmt fmtlmtd ft CGeeVo Tke WeU-Tassa. CHINI ftest aad Bsc ," DOCTOR Hi stsdy ( roots aad Berta. Has read a aad la that stadf elsoereroa 14 Is glftaal v On werld bis weaeWrfal resMAiM. 0 MIKCU1T, POISONS OK DM.U&8 VtVO iiOTiii without oroinoi. oa WITHOUT XBX AID Of A Uffl Be nirtitatl ta eura Catarr. AattBMa test, Threat, Bkeerestlaa .Warvauisisaj Narvaes Oebtlltr. gtnssaeb. Liver. KMae TrosMeet arse Lest Maahasd. restate Weak saa IM An Private Dtaeaaaa. A SURE CANCER CURE U Bailable. IF TOD ARB AFFLICTED. PORT PBtVAZ. DILATi ABB DAKOlBOCg. If raa eaaaat can. write for araivtoaj kbnB aao ea-veiar. incuae e eeaa la CONSULTATION FREB 0. OZX WO OHXViaB XX2ICOT otw Its first St.. Cot. aUniaaa, ' Bertlaad. Ororesu . ', T. , Bleaee Maatlaa TV it Bssjes . . , . I - - ' Irex MEN Patent Granted by tbe United States Government (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Aberdeen, Wash., Sept 21. The Pa cific Coast Wood Pulp Paper com- rany has perfected Its organization by he election of officers and directors. The company will erect the wood pulp of the plant soon, with a capacity nart of (TOO tons of chemical wood week, before the rest of the plant is built This will entail, the Immediate expenditure of $125,000. The enterprise is one of vast Importance to this sec tion of the country, as It affords a mar ket for the waata products from ; tha liUBber tbiUa, . . Heavy Fruit Shipments. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Milton. Or.. Sept. 21. It is estimated that over 100 carloads of fruit have already been shipped out of this place this season, and the apple, season - is just commencing. The prune season Is about over, and It will only be a few days uatli great quantities of apples will be shipped out. Over 150 cars of fruit will so out from the Preewater Milton country this year to say nothing aboukthe great quantities for home con sumption and that used at the cannery. Loses Eye in Sham Battle. Spokane, Wash., Sept 21. In a sham battle at Old Fort Spokane Private Loef fler waa -hit in the face with a paper bullet and as a result will probably lose an eye. one of ixerner s comrades zired at too close ranxa, - , A new and scientific appliance In vented by L. B. Hawley. M. D., will pro duce full manly power at first applica tion. The effects are Immediate and startling to a high degree. Develops, strengthens and cures lost vigor. Posi tively no failures. Physicians Indorse and use it In their practice. If you are the least skeptical as to the value of this remarkable treatment, send for il lustrated circulars, take them to your family physician and get his opinion. This Is the first time any one nas re quested you to take his circulars to your family physician. Why? Simply because he knows your physician will not recommend his treatment Not so with this appliance. Your doctor will Immediately grasp the Idea, and when he does, he will recommend it. Nothing like It has ever been sold before. It works the same on every individual. Send today for free descriptive circular of this wonderful instrument The mo ment you see it you will realize Its pos sibilities. No C. O. D. or free trial schemes to catch the unwary. This is a plain business proposition that will appeal to you aa the greatest oppor tunity ever offered to those who are weak. Address lb B. Hawley, M. D., UOSOB Wiener building, Rochester, N.X Hotel Hamlin EDDY AND LEAVENWORTH ITS. Flrat permanent tig hotel down towm. Con tains 100 bean tifnITy furnished steam heated apartments. 40 baths. Private telephone ser vice. Sample reams for commercial travelers. Eddy 6t eara from ferry pass the door and oonnect with Srd St cars from S, P. Depot Rates from 11.00 up. Phone Private Ex. Franklin 42s. San Francisco 4j BfoiyUoc::: afiasasssieaBnnisoomia unr euounno wonaorrnl MARVtL Whirling tprey s sew vasiaai Brraara, in ttmmd Hueti. Bast fif. est Most Coavealas, . mustni immi, jr. TtV W O iVUV U 1 tvdr ti ha eaaaot supply tbe ABVIL. imish other, but stud llano for Illustrated book titha. tti f uU nartioulara and rftwtinna in valuable teUul lea. pi a rvbi, rax. va u. aaa bt.. ""ijt- WQOSABO, CLAail OO. IrD ro LAirx.rjA.TTS 004 axoBIaV , Scott's Santal-Pepsin Cepei:::3 A POSITIVE CVZZ Tot InSsaiBMtloSj orOatarri nf the Bladder and Dlsoaatd Ki.t. nors. oovBsasrar. Core Iqalckly -asd fenteaieatly the worst eaaee of JTtiep aad Caroa. aeatattoe of hn tint ttoadinr. Abselataly arsslass. Bold hv drasmaia. TKE JAXTAL-FEFS"! C2. Beliofeatalae, Oala, ay AH Braggarts.'- v : :. t I dl fWA - . -m., TH -Af" i Iff aV FeSf ftoU BLOOD P0!S0i3 HO BXAUTlJrUJj STEW Hotel "Hey Route Inn" 22nd Street arid Broadway OAKLAND Sunny rooms, private baths, long-dis tance telephones, compressed air claan inar. larare lobby, cafe a la carte with cuisine and service unsurpassed. For rates, etc., address N. S. MULLAN, Manager. Formerly Assistant Manager Palace Hotel. San Francisco. ts the worst disease earth, vet tha easiest to eere WHS t TOO KJJOW -WUAD TO DO. Msay bay pimphM. Spots on tli skin, i sores In th BKMithr vicars, falling hair, bone sains, -. it te BLOOD POISON. Band to DR. BROWN, 835 Arch Bt. Philadelphia, Peaa., foi BROWN'S BLOOD CURB, 12.00 per bottles lasts one month. Bold la Portland al ts Woodward. Clarke Oo ' fOR WOMEN "ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound. Savtn and Cotton ' Root Pills. Tbe beat and only reliable remedy for DEJUAYED . pfc;it lODS. Cure the moat rumin ate cases In S to 10 days, . Price 1 3 Ser box. mailed In plain wrapper., Sol t y druggists everywhere Address T, J. PIERCE, 1S1 Flrat aW Portland. Or, GRAND HOTEL 65 Taylor St., Near Market SAN fRANCISCO Two blocks from railroad offleea, mint, postofflc and city hall. Tha most modern and handsomsly fur nished hotel In tha city. Ruropeaa plan. Rates H.69 up. Oar ' "bus meets ail t rains. y . ;;; . ". AUa K. PBUCKER, Mfr. ' CHICHESTER'S PILLO a . tmk ia stair bbawwTt' mm s-i ladles: I Ash. ttnniM fc 1 VklaaaHrlaatoBdsraad. 111. la 1UA aad k.ii . ( 1 roJl with blua ftibhoaA' 111a 1 DOM, T.ka i irraawtat. Ak ftjaf it I.J vrs. .iyi v., lAl.i u H. no. . ..v.. . . yaukwaMBM.s(OTt. Alw.r, a.ii.i., soiBBycRtCGinsnir.v;;::.';: V - I, V - ' I