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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1907)
I ' SECTION TWO I J ' l PAGES 15 TO 28 , , , PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25, 1907. NEW SH0ESJF0RFALL . . . . Pleasing News of Correct Footwear. Women: If you want to see soma really handsome shoes, the kind you will want now pretty soon, we will be glad to show you a few Avnr ..,1a i h9iitte. Three that will be Annular. f Women's Royal Kid Parisian Blucher, made in an entirely new shape, with plain toe and high arch last, with handsome Cuban heel; tops are of dull kid and offer a modest contrast to the vamp leather? neat, close trimmed extension soles; a splendid wearer and OA AA ..: P"tvv full of style; price Style B 151. Women's Royal kid 10-button boot, same last and style as the above shoe; has "very short vamp and is one of the nrettiest and neat- JS',!.u..w:u.$4.00 Style 1 lS; Women's finest patent colt lace boot, made on, a new Euro pean shape that lends a dignity by its individual appearance; a very nigh frade shoe, medium extension soles, J-inch Cuban heel, dull natural kid tops; our fall leader; price $4.00 OR MAYBE YOU WANT OXFORDS If bargains on low Shoes will tempt yon, by all means buy them here. Glorias reduced in price as follows : All low shoes except Pingree $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 d0 OQ grades at, the pair $O.LlJ $3.50 and many $4.00 grades at, the pair . . . $2.89 $3.00 and many $3.50 grades at, the pair . . . $2.50 and many $3.00 grades at, the pair . . . $2.49 $1.98 C MAIL ORDERS HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION 3 F1FTH.VMSHIW6T0 r SIXTH STREETS TTM WOMEN'S SILK VESTS These are samples from the best factory in Switzerland, at a little more than half the regular value while the lot lasts. Every garment beautifully hand finished, some with hand crocheted yokes, some plain. Offered you at this low price because they are samples and we secured them at an underprice. Regularly worth tf CC $3.00, $2.75, $2.50 and $2.00; special, Monday $1.0 J LINENS AND WASH GOODS U i. i .i A Bargaining In Tempting Fashions ' Odd Table Cloths, handsome patterns, with border a!l around, slightly soiled. 2x2y2, regular valucAQ I 2x3, regular value 9 A $3.75, special DJUU I $4.50, special . ....tD)Ol Remnants of Table Damask, lyi yards up to 4 yards long, bleached or cream colors, at greatly reduced prices. A Russia Crash, all linen, special price '.. XUC Bath Towels, over 500 dozen in the lot, heavy weight, cream or white'; in 3 lots at, each, 12$, 15 and. ...uC Silk Organdies, 1,500 yards, in cream and white colors only; fine for summer and party dresses; regular value 0 25c; special, the yard 1&2C Plaid Dress Flannels, for school wear, English make, cotton and wool, nonshrinkable. New fall line now in; A(f special, the yard flUC Hygienic ready made Sheets, Pillow Cases and high grade white Bed Spreads. Pillow Cases, 42x36, ea..23 Pillow Cases, 45x36, ea 25 Sheets, 72x90, each 95 Sheets, 81x90, each... $1.10 Sheets, 81x90, each... 81.20 Bed Spreads, 72x90, ea.$2.00 ood Merchandi if Our Wa tchword And Here's the Way Ifs Bargainiz ed Monday Embroideries A sweeping, swirling sale of beautiful Em broideries and wide Insertions for use in making dainty lingerie waists. They're just what you will need in making up your dainty waists for fall wear. A splendid as sortment from our superb stock ; in fact, an assortment that will help wonderfully in choosing what you will wear this fall. Wide bands are to be much used for trimming; there are plenty included in this sale. It is an embroidery sale of unusual nn interest ; price, the yard, 25? and . . J C White Net Waistings, exquisitely beautiful patterns; regularly worth 90c and $1.00 the yard; on sale in the embroidery aisle at UC LINEN SUITS, Worth to $58.50, Each $9.98 I Embroidered Robes A sale that will enable every woman of taste to have a pretty lingerie robe for dressy afternoon and evening affairs; suitable for wear in any season, for hundreds of ooca sions. There is an elaborate assortment; Robes worth $10.00, $15.00, $18.00, $25.00, and even up to $35.00. They came to us at a price astonishingly low. We divided the entire purchase into two lots and marked them $5 and $7.50 Each. Captivating models from the cleverest designers in the gar ment business. Plain tailored or elaborately trimmed lingerie styles. Charming Eton jacket styles, trimmed with rich laces and embroidery; some of these models with the very new kimono sleeve. Then there are the more mannish effects in cutaway and three-quarter coats. Most of these suits have the pleated style skirts, but a few have very elaborate skirts trimmed with lace and insertion. The colors are white, light or navy blue, pink Snerial nrirr. MonHav O 1 j , j ............... SEE WINDOW DISPLAY 4J CD Women's Tailored Suits A sale that takes in dozens of the finest costumes that have been shipped to us this season. Materials are the very best grades of voile, Panama and fancy wool suitings. All Eton models, the style that is always good, and one that all women can wear. Patterns are stripes, plaids and checks. These handsome suits are trimmed with laces, braid and buttons. Regular prices to $58.50 each, and all go at one price Monday, your choice WltU IdLCS, UlitlU $23.50 Special Sale Silverware Add an Extra Touch of Refinement to Your Home Now $1.70 NEW FALL LINES : Bread Trays, regular value $2.15, special Bread Traya, regular value $2.50, special ?1.95 Bread Traya, regular value $3.00; special $28.85 Bread Traya, regular value $5.00: special $3.95 Bread Trays, regular value $7.50; special $5.90 Baking Dishes, regular value $5.25; special $4.15 Baking Dishes, regular value $6.25: special ...$5.95 Baking Dishes, regular value $6.85; special $5.45' sBaldng Dishes, regular value $7.75: special o. Nut or Fruit Bowls, regular value $425; special .$3.35 Nulr Fruit Bowls, regular value special. $3.99 Nut -or Fruit Bowls, regular value $12.00; special Cake or Frak Baskets, regular value $5.00; special......... $3.96 Cake or Fruit Baskets, regular value , $7.50; special.,. 5,95 SPECIALLY PRICED JJ90; Crumb Pans and Scrapers, regular value $2.25; special $1.75 Crumb Pans and Scrapers, regular value $4.25; special $3.80 Crumb Pans and Scrapers, regular value $5.95; special $4.75 Candlesticks, regular value $3.90; special... $3.10 Candelabra, 5 lights, regular value $9.75; special $8.76 Fern Dishes, regular value $3.75; special $2.90 Collar Button Box, regular value Wc; special 70 Pin Boxes, regular value, each 90c: special . . .70 Knlck-Knack Boxes, regular value 90c; special 70 Tea Strainers, long handle, regular value $1.00; special.; 78 Tea Set, 4 pieces, regular value $8.00; special. $6.25 Tea Set, 4 pieces, regular value $14.50; special f ll.OO Tea " Set, 4 pieces, regular value $20.00; special. . ? $15.75 Tea Set. 4 pieces.! regular Value $25.00; special $19.85 Early Fall Hats The best novelties in Tailored Hats for early fall wear are shown at this store. Authen tic, reliable styles, rushed here by express from New York's best headwear house. All best suggestions thought out by noted French creators are illustrated with most charming effects in these numbers. The best American ideas also appear in this dis play of early fall styles. Mushroom shape has the call and the indications for this sea son's coloring are well defined in the hats We will have on display in our millinery room tomorrow. Come and see. Men's Fancy Hose 1 6c This bargain is made up of three or four lots in broken lines of regular 25c goods; closing out price, the pair. . . . JLOC Men's Soft Negligee Shirts, in $1 ft 7 cream or tan; vals. to $2; special. iUl Men's Soft Negligee Shirts, in cream rj j or white; values to $1.00; special ... jC Men's Soft Negligee Silk Golf Shirts, with pleated fronts; $4.00 values; JQ special wLiH:U Men's Figured Silk- Golf Shirts, with pleated fronts; $2.00 values; dl 1A special vJLJL Men's Light Weight Night Gowns, without collars; come in red or blue, with plain white front; regular $1.25 values; f closing out price JC Men's Derby Ribbed Balbriggan Under wear, in pink, blue, ecru, brown and Q white; our best 50c values; special . . jDC Advance Sale of Fine Blankets t AKIKFT.S The best blanket mills in the -r-p wui iu aic uiawu uu iui me kuvjuj .'jthat go into this great sale. Made Djfrom the softest, finest wools, I land finished in the best possible M manner. The patterns are plain grays, fawns, scarlets, vicuna brownsand white, as well as a An annual bedding event that is looked forward to with keenest interest by every good house keeper in Portland. Without doubt a blanket sale of more than ordinary importance. A sale that gives a welcome opportunity to prepare for the cooler months soon to come, and to save on the best grade of large assortment of fancy patterns in checks, wool blankets possible to manufacture. plaids and jacquard patterns. Indian Robes, Bath Robe Blankets, Steamer Rugs and regular Bed Blankets. Some of These are Made of Wool Almost as Soft as Silk, and are Bound with the Best R Grade of Silk in Color to Match Wool Regular $4.50 values $3.95 Regular $6.00 values $5.35 Regular $7.00 values .$6.35 Regular $8.00 values ?7'15 Regular $8.50 values $7.65 Regular $22.50 va Regular $ 9.50 values 8 8.50 Regular $10.00 value . S 8.05 Regular $12.00 values $11.00 Regular $18.50 values $16.50 Regular $20.00 values , . .$18.00 ues $20.00 And this Extra Special While the Lot of Two Hundred and Thirty Pairs Lasts Fine white Wool Blankets, well made and very good grades, priced as follows : Regular $6.00 grades, special at, A J Qf I Regular $7.50 grades, special at, 7C the pair 0fr)D I the pair waK U Regular $5.50 values, special, the pair '. 4 $3.95 ave on Small Things Pond's Extract Tooth Powder, reg ular value 25c a bottle; special, the bottle .1 17 Florida Water, large size 8 oz. bot tle, regular value 35c; spedal.20 Glycerine Toilet Soap, lilac odor, extra large size, transparent cake, regular value 10c; spl., cake....7f Elder Flower Toilet Soap, for ho tels, boarding houses and homo use, in boxes containing 1 dozen cakes each, regular value 60c box: special 35f Fly Paper, special price, three dou ble sheets 5 Whiting's Writing Paper, extra quality high-grade, cloth finish, reg. value 30c a box; spl., box 19 . Writing Paper, white Japanese linen, cloth finish, regular value 20e a box; special, the box 12 White Commercial Envelopes, best quality, smooth finish; special, the package ...6 Shelf Paper, fancy lace edge all colors and in 10-yard pieces, regu lar value 10c; special price, the piece 6 Scissor and Shears, nickel plated, one size; special, the pair... .19 Military Detachable Dress Shields, all sizes, regular value 50c a pair: special price, the pair.. ..,..,85 Best 6-Cord American Spool Cot ton, colors black and white, all sizes; special price, 6 spools.. 25 Best Black-Headed Toilet Pint, large size cubes, regular value "8c; Becial, each. ................ .6 indy Packag Pin and Needle Case, each package contains 291 useful article, regular value 1 25a each; special.. .....17 Fine Petticoats a 5S 1 ' "' " '" a great many different kind of laces, embroidery insertions and edfings; prices range from $5-50 to $50; fA Iff your choice at from $4J7 to $37.50, or 4 UIT nainsook trimmed in a $reat many styles in Dresser Scarfs L " ' 1 j stitched' borders, hand- embroidered at both ends in white floss, in floral and conventional designs; regular price d CH $3.25, special... ylUf Special Sale of Child's Dresses LOT 1 Regular value 90c to $165; special prte.... T8 LOT 2 Regular value $175 to $3.00: spe cial price f 1.229 LOT S Regular value $3.25 to $4.65j spe nal price ...f2.18 LOT 4 '?M Regular value $4J5 to $6J0j pe tiaf price;..,..... ......... f3w5 Trvr , zceguiar Talue $6J5 to pJOOj pe- jrice.....,.i,..,..,,,.e-w -; y : LOT 0 - Regular value $1050 to $1Z50: f tial price.,..,...,.. :i . LOT 7 ' i Regular value $li50 to VBJOtifc uat pnee.-..... xneae ureases are maae 01 pique, auck, lawn and orgaoay, in " Buster Brown styles. .They are fancy trimmed, from the plaia to the most elaborate. . f ; ' 'A