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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1907)
Tllb OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY. ISVENINO. . ADOUST 3, 1C07. 11 BH SPEAKS HE Dr. Wilbur F. Crafts Will Spend Two Days in rort ' land Next Month. FflPER OFJIllTIOilJlL ID Vi"v .fi-" h : ;" . ' ';' I If Dr. Wilbur F. Craft. th founder and general superintendent or in in ' ternatlonal Reform Bureau, with bead " quarters at Washington. District of Co- lumbls, wtll apend September 14 and ,18 at Portland. He ana Mrs, rmna. who la Sunday school superintendent of the Worlds W. C. T. U.. 'have been touring Asia during the summer and are now on their return trip. m , Dr. Q. L. Tufts, who la In charge of the Paelrlc roasi aimrici oi m. uurnn, Including British Columbia and Alaska. ' haa irone to Vancouver, British Colum bia, to meet Dr. nd Mra. Crafta and to Itinerate with them for several weeks. ' They expect to hod mass meeting at ' Vancouver ina w niiummr iU ' nrii.h rniumbla: at flellinsham. Ever. tt, Bpokane. 8attle, TaComa, Olrmpla and Centralis In Washington: at Port, land and The Dalles in Oregon. Other atatea will then be visited, br Dr. and Mrs. Crafts in company wnn mo super intendents of the various districts a they gradually work their way back ta "Washington In time for tha opening; of Congress ladles of Portland are planning for a Sunday school mass meeting to oe saaressea oy airs, inun on Saturday afternoon. flh will de liver a lecture on Sunday afternoon at the White Temple on th subject,' "God Made the World, and the Women. Too." At th same time Dr. Crafts will lecture before the Y. M. C A. on "World Poll- tics In Relation to Markets, Morals And Missions." He will preach at th first Presbyterian church at th morning r hour and at Taylor Street church at i Bight CLOSING CONCERT AT FORESTRY BUILDING y mm V "i ' , Ffankjyn Underwood, Who. Is Appearing in "The Second in Command" i- at.Marquam Grand Theatre. De Caprlo't Band Plajf Tonight for Last Time at Lewi, and Clark D A II DH A h M A MfC CHMC UM fWC , A LMOST THE ENTIRE; , , XTlFALL , STOCKS ARE . NOW ON DISPLAY THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO;IN SPECT THE ELABORATE SHOWING OF HIGH CLASS v . NOVELTIES, BOTH OF ENG LISH AND AMERICAN W E A V E S. GENTLEMEN WHO APPREaATE ELE GANT TEXTURES WILL BE ASTONISHED TO FIND SUCH RICH NOVELTIES MADE UP IN' CLOTHES READY FQR SERVICE. Fair Oronada. Tha park band win play Ha last oon- oert for th summer this evening In front Of th Forestry building at th 1 fair grounds. Slg. De Caprlo haa se lected a program that should please all, and It la expected that several thou sand people will be on hand to enjoy th music and th weather which prom ises to be ideal. Aside from th concert, which will . be free, there will be things going on inside the gigantlo log cabin. For the benefit of the Young Women's Christian association an admission fee of 26 cents will be charged to the building, where . seata will be provided for those not ' wishing to stand up, and Miss Wll helmlna Joehnke will deliver a lecture on Hawaii. Miss Joehnke Is a young Oregon woman and th lecture will be illustrated witn excellent scenes from the islands. Following Is th band program: the opera, Ton Carlo" Verdi Overture, "Martha Flotow "The Celebrated Minuet". .. .paderewakl Grand selection, "Macbeth" Verdi Hearts and Flowers".. Tobanl Intermission. Grand march,' "Clave". . . .Tschalkowaky "Album Leaf' Wagner Baritone solo, "Schubert's Serenade" : Schubert ' ' Blgnor De Caprlo. Walts. Italian Nights .....Tabant March, "Golden Rod" .McKlnJey j a. ue uaprio, airecior. ON DAD OVER BANK FAILURE WUllam McMurray tells a good story on the cheerful side of the suspension of the Oregon Trust ft Savings bank. In which his two young sons had deposited their savings. Wishing to Impress upon their minds that they should meet with cheerful fortitude the nps and downs of-this life, .he said to them at tne dinner table: "My boys. It .Is my painful duty this evening to 'inform you that you are a bunted community. The bank ia gone." ttyi mere was no . paling, oi ooyisn facea. He watched them closely, eurlous to note the effect, yet no change of countenance could be discerned on either one of the hopefuls. Seeing that they utterly failed to realize their con dition, tne ratner, witn a gr;m de termination to bring home to them a sense of their first financial calamity, went on gently: "Don't you understand T Th bank, where you banked your surplus, has suspended." A calm, ' unruffled gnze was returned from each youth, and then one of them remarked placidly: "Maybe you, didn't know it. pa, but before- we -went to California on that visit we went, down to tne bank and drawed out nearly all the money." NOTE Wc continue selling Outing Suits, Boys' Wash Suits, Straw and Panama Hats and Ladies Wash Dresses at HALF PRICE. ALARM-CLOCK AND EARLY COMET FAILED TO MAKE CONNECTIONS! BEN SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER AT THE THEATRES : Ezra Kendall Tonight and Tomorrow. Tonight and tomorrow Saturday) night at the Heilig theatre. Fourteenth and Washington streets, th popular ' American comedian, Bsra Kendall, and his excellent supporting company, will present the funny comedy- "Swell Ele gant Jones." A special price matin will be given tomorrow afternoon at t:15 o'clock. Seats are now 'selling for engagement si dox onice -in ineair. "Tito Girl Front Albany." It would be hard to imagine a more delightful fare comedy this week at . th Lyric. It presents every member of th oompany so advantageoualy that there is no particular "featuring, ' yet all are really feature parts. "Laugh . and th world laugh with you" never was more true than in the case of "The Girl From Albany." Marquam Matinee. Remember, tomorrow there will b a matin of 'Th Second in Command' at th Marquam. This Is next to th last attraction offered by the oooular Stockwell-MacOregor company, and the current day is tne best of the lonr se ries offered during "th summer. The play will continue until Sunday night. 'That Girl From Texas." Vrna Felton will b seen in another . new role next week at th Lyrio, whloh will add more laurels to thos she has k already won as leading woman of the popular Lyric, "mat (Jin From Texas is a Play that is absolutely new to th Paclflo coast, but has already more man maae gooa in tne east. "The Carnival of Love." Amusing comedy, with touches of heart Interest, is th them of "The Carnival of Love," which will be th attraction at the Marquam next wee. This will also be the last week of the engagement of the Btockwell-MacGregor company in Portland. I "The Carnival of Love" is a play new to this city, but it haa had a brilliant career, ana will De found delightful. r Many Biff Specialties. 4' This week the Grand Is scarcely larg enough to accommodate all who wish 'to see the vaudeville show now holding the boards at this house. The bill is ' generously supplied with big acts, one act alone, the Fremont Zouaves, con taining 17 people. "How th Fixs Fixed It" is the headline offering by Alice Mortlock, and "la Marriage a Failure?" is the question which Mr. and Mrs. J. Murray Smith undertake to aolve. Matinees at the Star. Th Ti That Binds" will be given at the matinee tomorrow by the stock company at the Star tneatre. This Hal , Held play has been meeting with the . approval and patronage of tne Star cli entele this week, as it is one of the best , drama . Held haa written. Comedy is ilentlfuL although th heart Interest is h strong point. Portland a Bummer Eesort. fl.w, .1- rlrni Of Sherman, Clay A Co., has rought bis family to Portland for a lay or xour er mi wnu. ne Deuevea nrtland. Is destined to assume muoh r rester standing as a summer resort ah new noaaessea "San Fran- etnoo is rapidly assuming her old pro portions, and in fact is certain to b Jotn a much more beautiful city than vr. but being located on th seacoaat ier climate la a little harsh at tlma." aid atr. Clav. .The climate Of Port land." continued,, "Is mild, with a surrounding scenery that 1 superbly The old man who calls himself tha observer of the north and decided that science could not be properly served lest he wake himself at the unseemly hour of I a, m. and take a look at the comet with a tall 100.000.000 miles long. He accordingly set his alarm clock at the hour when the fiery orb elongated by terrific speed, sweeps gracefully across the eastern horizon to perform the function popularly believed by children and others to belong to tha old woman with her broom. Before re tiring he notified the other members of the household he would waken them should his cometship be visible. "But everything went wrong," said the old man this morning as he sleepily stretched his arms and yawned. "Is the first place the alarm clock acted as an alarm clocks do wnen you want them to perform at an unusual hour. Instead of ringing me out of my nap at 3 o'clock, the bell it sounded like a fire alarm gong commenced ringing at 12:30. I got up, shut off the clock and started for the window when I heard a streetcar whizzing by.' Then I looked at the clock, swore softly, readjusted the mechanism and went back to bed. "An hour later th Instrument that would ' have been popular with the Spanish inquisition roused m again. But I heard the owl car going by and again set the alarm. Th next time was the third and proved to be the charm, although Instead of going off at , the clock bussed forth at 1:46. "Well, I got up. Partially dressed, for I expected great things to follow, and want to the window. Did I see th comet? Not a comet, nor a star, nor van a moon. But clouds T There were enough clouds In th sky to discourage a rainmaker. From east to west and from north to south, the clouds lay In banks so close to th earth they cast a reflection of th city's electrio lights. I waited 10 minutes and then went back to bed, after setting th alarm clock for :0. "Then what do you think happened? That alarm clock that seemed so anx ious to so off venr hour of th night. didn't explods until 7:06. I missed my I cold bath, hastily a wall-owed my Break fast in aulDS and nearly had a fight with the conductor on the oar oomlngl to th city." "Will you get up tonight to see the! comet." was innocently asked. "Maybe, If thos clouds don't shoot forth rain Daior i go to oea. 5 (BranmiH F02 MMS0(0)N UNDDAV g""" " "-..J '1 -' "n m n umiiwih ilppniinnppilMW "" """"V iiiiilswisWWHBWWswHisiajwnwisMSKMws mmm urn. i y ufi STOCKHOLDEI' free, excursion down the Willamette, down; the Columbia and up the Cowlitz to the properties of the Consumers Coal Company,; will leave; the foot of Salmon, street at 7 o'clock Sunday morning. The steamer Kellogg has been chartered. Those who art not stockholders inaytain a free ticket by calling at our office and making a deposit of $10.00, to apply on whatever amount of stock they may wish' to purchase Monday at $16.00 per share. In case .the investment is found to be unsatisfactory the deposit will fce returned .Monday, -tht priced pf-'te itockwfl'--positively be advanced to $17.00 Tuesday iiioniing. . v 1' Gommoiiwefllthlrust Ga Consumers Coal Co. Only a few diyi more remata la which to curt a plen did new PUnej your choice ot over a doxen proralneot and popular makes thins that the moat erlt .Tnualc ' Urtr could ask for in tha matter of tone, cat design, atyle and finish t a price that youH aay your aelf haa never before been duplicated In thia city. 57 Cents on the Dollar We now hare left only be tween twenty and thirty of the 161 instruments sent to ua by our San Francisco tore to be disposed of for them if you wish to secure one of the greatest piano bargains erer offered by any firm in America, it will be ab solutely necessary to hurry. Remember, we guarantee tha value, quality and perfection of every instrument in this sale the Eiler's farnoua "Money Back Guarantee" which ia the "Cold Bond of the piano world. Don i wait Another Day If you really with a piano, you cannot afford to let thia sale pass into history without at least investigating that is all we ask, knowing that if you go that far, you will need no further urging to induce you to buy, for the induce ments are all that are claimed and genuine in every respect llnmurt af plffinoraHaJbCtT THE HOUSE OF sat' HIGHEST QUALITY 353 Washing CORNER PARK yrand."