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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1907)
''VV THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL,- PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING,''-".' AUGUST 23, v: 1907. Other Classified Ad vertisements will be wind on pp. 16-17. l NEW TODAY. LARGE STEADIER ?0 LOAD I' T Cargo to Ports in Orient. SEVERAL VESSELS ' FIXED FOE WHEAT Young Man'f Chanct no m HOSTS For I run Invested la Hood River Apple orohard will bur a 11.000 orchard and home alt beautifully situated ona fnlle from Columbia river, provided you Isaac the orchard to ua tot four years, you to receive 75 Bar cent af annual net yvm. iii i wsyana snug. MARRIAGE LICENSES Oeorge J. Sahlelger, 111 Commercial treat, 24; Nina U. uuranx, 20. Charlea H. Maslnnla. 437 East Flf- tunlVi VTA.h T . VTAMMi U Mlokalaon. 19. i Praparatlona for handling- tha lm- Emll Drmbat, Hillsdale, Or.. 21; Mary I menee wheat crop that,wlll pour to tide Oentamann. 18. water from the Interior wheat belt are Wedding Carae. W. U. Bmllh & CO., I now under wav hare In raaJ urnut and Waahlnirton bid., corner ath and Wash- unaer w?y, re inJ aarnest and Ington ate. vessels are being- picked up In Quick either vessel ehall Immediately give two short and distinct blaata of her whistle. which the other veaael shall anawer 1 Arabia, orient. Dromntlv hr two similar blasts of her I Alesla orient.. whlatle, and thay ahall pass on the star- I Nloomadla, orient , . Knakl aHa 44 akSi ak atnar ' I wv 14 iu v vsawsa wkawt Norman said at the trial - yeaterday that be aid not near me nancy a whlatle. If It waa blown, and expected ner 10 tana tne customary course, m- stead the s wung across tha bowk or the Lotus and the eollislon followed. I rendering their decision, the Inspectors Jethou Will Camr lensefeV uoa oiose 10 tne rxancy. ' ' , ' The law governing the steamboat- Inapectlon service provldea for a fine of 1500 for an offenaa of thla character. but tha fine In thia caae. If Impound, will probably be remitted amoe the ao oident Itaelf was of little lmr The matter will be turned over to the collector of cuatoma, who In turn takea It up with the United States dlatrlct at torney. The caae la expected to prove a warning to other amateur "SKippere," however, so that henceforth they will oiow tneir wnlsti when meeting. JJJ?; !"man. Ban Francisco. ... .Sept, O. W. Elder, 8an Padro and wav. SeDt. seDt. Sept II Oct. 10 mmwm mm mvmw i 1 01a, Br. ah Elevator dock "aigoriar, nr. sh Columbia No. pee, Am. ach Willamette I. 8. Wka wra, Am. air Portland Lbr. co conway Caatls, Br. bk Qreenwloh ijiam, ur. sh Columbia No, Alliance, Am. atr Bupple'e yard King Cyrus, Am. ach. .Standard Box CoT ueuian, Am. ten.... Caacadea, Am. atr Vlncennes, Fr. bk.... North King. Am. tug Antelope, Am. ach... . u, wit.., null , . , Northland. Am. air Johan Poulsen, Am. ach Redondo, Am. ach . .Aatorla . . .Tongue Point Stream Aatorla Foot of Llncol Aatorla ...Stella .Ocean! Couch French Bark Gael Will Gome Here ' From Paget Sound to Load Wheat for Europe, as Will Also a Coal Laden Bark From Australia. the beat ido lor II I ""'on to carry away thousanda upon 111 III inn IMIUII nr tnrtm nr ... n ln1lrt An. Tonaeth t Co., floirlata, for flowers of I point to a decidedly lively season In the Wedding card Alvln 8. Hawk all klndw itt Ith at ijroa.. ionata Fine flowera flora 1 dealgna 211 Morrlaon at ii ... 11' 1 !Uii areas auita for rent, all alaaa. mi'Mm alluring vp.t ivi Dlr BIRTHS M CONNELIs Auguat 7, to Mr. and Mra. James H. MoConnell, 114 10th bi.. a eon. ZEVEN August 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Bam zevln. 420 H 10th at., a daughter. WB1NBAFT Auguat 7, to Mr. and Mra m. wainaart, 2X6 Hall street, a aaugnter. LEV At, LETT Auguat 10, to Mr. and Mrs. cnanea M. L.e valley, f20 Qan- irnuein ave., a aaugnter. IULLY Auguat 22, to Mr. and Mrs. cawaro j. Fully, 1180 Exeter st, a aaugnter. 8Pnn7 Inmit 11 XMm .nl mtmm Henry U Spods, 4 16 E. RuaaeU SC, a mvn. KAHLTN Auguat 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Axel Kiihlln. E. 46th and Harrison St., a daughter. LEMON Auguat I, to Mr. and Mrs. wiuiam u. Lemon, ill Knott st, a son. DELAMONT August 10. to Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Delaraonte. 411 X. llth at jn., a eon. DEATHS NINSINGER Auruat II. Carolina E. Nlnalqger, aged II years 1 month and I days, 263 Sixteenth street; valvular dlseaae of heart. KAY Auguat 21, Mra. Helen W. Kay. at North Pacific aanitarlum; puerperal sepal a. BROOKE Auguat Brooke, 11. Hamilton E. aged 46 yeara I montha and 1 daya, 60 North Twentieth atreet: clr a or uvar. hroa HOCHFELD Auguat 21. Mrs. Hocbfeld, aged 47 yeara, at Beach, Wuh.; heart failure. DA Oeltel Long sach, waah.; heart failure. nounced In yesterday'a Journal, goes VI8 Auguat 10, Infant Davie, aged ahow that the foreign lumber market II days, Lents; valvular dlseaae oi In good condition despite the hi heart. CORBIN Auguat -11. James J. Corbln, aged 11 years 1 month and II days, 15 Macadam atreet; aeptle endocardltla, LOST AND FOUND. LOST ENGLISH BETTER PUP (bitch), 7 months old, whit and black spot on back, black ear. ticked on head and lege. Return to 1 North Ith st; rewarq. HELP WAOTED-MALB shipping line and never befors waa there a more hopeful outlook along the local waterfront Several tranaactlona olosed today go to show that from the start things will be active at the local docks. Foremost among thaae waa the charter of the large Norwegian steamer Jethou to oarry wheat to the orient The Jethou waa here laat aprlng and carried away car co of lumber to China and la now en route from Newcastle. Australia, to San Franciaoo with a cargo of ooal. She ill be here next month, immediately after having dlaoharged the fuel at the Bay City. She will take away all of 8,000 tone and ahe will likely earn the distinction of being the Arat tramp steamer to sail hence with new crop wheat for the orient this season. She ia regarded aa a forerunner of a fleet that will surpass all former reoorda. Kerr, oirrord ft co. chartered tne French bark Oael to carry wheat to Europe, and O. W. McNear fixed tha French bark Vlncennes for the sams Furpose. Tha Oael la now en route rom Europe to Puget Sound with gen eral cargo but will be ordered here as soon as possible to load grain for a re turn voyage. The Vlncennea Is already here, having arrived a few days sgo from Glaasow. Scotland. She la at anohor in the stream waiting for apace at Columbia dock No. 1. Another veaael reborted chartered to carry wheat to Europe early thla fall la tne fTencn Dirt colonel ae vineooia Mareull, now en route to thla port with a oargo or coal from Newcastle, Aus tralia. Q. W. McNear la the charterer of thia veaael. At the rate veaaela are now being picked up It Is likely that the British ship Yola, which haa been lying Idle for several montha at the elevator dock, will aoon be engaged. She Is readv to load uoon a momant'a notice. being a handy veaael. too. ahe should have no trouble eecurlng bualneaa. 'tne charter or the Morwerlan ateamer El ua to carry lumber to China, as an nounced In yesterday'a Journal, goes to la hlrh rioea asked here. No new light haa een thrown on the fixture of the Brit ish ateamer African Monarch, aa re- Dorted vaaterdav. but It la bnllevad that ahe will carry a mixed cargo, conalatlng Yoaemlte, Am. atr Llnnton Lumber Carriers En Boats. Thomas L. Wand, Am. str.San Francisco uoaeiar, Am. str Han Francisco Burle M. Plummer. Am. sch . . .Quaymaa Wasp, Am. str San Franciaoo Alice McDonald, Am. ach Kahuhul WUIlll, Am. SCh San Frannlaro Portland Leading Wheat Exporting St "Am. :. WW "Nu.haRk Port on Pacific Coast, iJ:"1 ,h N,uhagak l Comneer. Am. sch. flan Vrmnnimn roruina is maintaining its posmon w rentier. Am. nRin San Pedro MAINTAINS POSITION. aa a what and flour shipping point of prominence despite, the fact that the month of July waa light on account of a shortsge In the supplies, and Indica tions are for a still more prominent position anions- the leadlna norta bv the end of the fiscal year slnoe everything oinis to unusually neavy snipments or reaaaturra tnia ran ana winter. As a wheat ahlpplna- port the Oregon metropolis holda third position for the seven months endlna July II. Mew York and Phllndelphla leading, the former with 8.45.011 bushels, and the latter witn ,f ia,47f buaneia, while l'ort land exported 1. 670.888 bushels. Gal veston holds fourth position with 1,18.- ju Dusneis, ana tne 'us-ei souna cities. meaning Seattle, Taoonia and Belllng- ham combined, come fifth with 1.292. 698 bushels. Thus It will be seen thst Portland has practically no rival on the racuic coast wnen it comes to a ques tion or wneat exports. The total wheat shipments for the seven months specified above amounted to z,ia,e buahela aa compared with 11,911,174 during the corresponding seven montna or the nreceauia year. During the earns period of time, this year. 8.870.014 barrels af flour ware shipped, aa compared with 7.596.442 bar- rela in the aeven months during 1906, New York led the way, Portland holding rourtn piace, the neative positions be ing as follows: New York, 1.841, Oil barrels; Puget sound ports combined 1,789,848 barrela; Philadelphia. 1,229,628 Darreis; rortiana, 7Z.70 barrels. Annie M. Campbell, Am. sch Han Frunolaro Glendale. Am. SCh Han KmnHira Honolpu. Am. sch Rorfnnrfn Oliver J. Olson, Am. sch. .San Fmnclsco Americana, Am. sen. ...Han Francisco Sn Bouts With Cement asd General. ORIENTAL LINER ARRIVES. Sanar.Rtro-r Off RIvAr PmhahU St. Mlrren, Br. ah. " I Prlllnn TTr hli Buccleuch. Hr. ah.. Brann. Fr. bk Europe. Br. bk. Genevieve Mollnos Fr. bk. Rene Kervller. Fr. ah Laennec Fr. ah Le Piller. Fr. bk Martha Roux, Fr. bk. . Mozambique. Br. sh... Samoa, Br. bk Thiers, Fr. sh Marechael Turrene, Fr. bk Villa de Mulhouse, Fr. bk Guethary. Fr. bk Plerr! Lotl. Fr. bk Walden Abbey. Hr. ah Olenesalln, Br. sh Veraalllea. Fr. bk General de Boladeffre. Fr. bk General de Negrler. Fr. bk... Bavard. Fr, bk Villa de Dijon, Fr bk Allc- Marie. Fr. bk Eugene Rergatne. Fr. bk. . . . H. Haekneld. Or. bk Arctic Stream. Br. ah.. Crown of India. Br. bk Cornll Bart. Fr. bk Jules Gommes. Fr. bk. Ooal Ships Sn Bout. Belan, Fr. bk Newcastle. A. uol aa viueDoia Marenii, i"T. dk ..Newcastle A. Claverdon, Br. sh Wlllscott. Am. bk... Port Patrick, Br. ah. Hamburg Hu .Antwerp . London Hamburg Swansea London Hambur Newcastle, Shield Newcastle, K. Hamburg .Antwerp .Antwerp .Antwerp .Antwerp .Antweri Lelti . .London . .London . . .Antwerp . . .Antwerp . . .Antwerp . . .Antwerp . . Honolulu .Rotterdam . . .Antwerp . . .Antwerp .Rotterdam principally of lumber and breadstuffa. to me orient FAILED TO WHISTLE. BOY WANTED TO WORK IN PRINT Ing of floe; good opportunity for ad vancement Chrlstie-Curren Co.. 147 8d at WANTED COMPETENT OFFICE man to take charge of large dairy and creamery; aome money required; city, Auurew L-iup, journal. WANTED SLACK BARREL COOPER Apply Western Cooperage, opposite Stearns bid;. WANTED NIGHT MAN TO LOOK" arter steam Doners and clean up mill. room 104. postorrice. Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam Oregon road to rlD nlture Mfg. Co., Macadam WANTED PARTNER IN snop. D-I06, journal. HANDS; AT5d" Oregon Fur- road. MACHINE- WANTED GOOD ALL-ROTJND PRESfl er, steady Job. Chicago Cleaning A i-'yi worKu, waaningion st WANTED PARTNER TO TRAVEL on the road with movlna Dictura ahow must Invest 1150; big chance to make money. tj-ioi, journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN FOR country; good home and small wages. Inqulrs W. Wolf stein, 110 First St. DINWG-ROOtf GIRL WANTED the Marlyn, fc&8 Washington st 1? FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. UNFURNI8 HED HOUSEKEEPING apartments, also furnished room; new brick, steam heat, hot and cold wat er free. 166 Lownsdale, near Morrison. thtid ROOM COMPLETELY FUR- for housskeentnc: also front sludlna gas. bath. wood, etc.: $10, I16T ill Bherman st. cor. 1st suit FOR RENT HOUSES $60 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 7 room home, nice yard and all modern Improvements, close in on east side; win mm ior six montns or longer. c $15 New modern 6-room flat, C L. yarrian c ua, an Marquam bldg, Inspectors Blame "Skipper" Norman for Collision. Messrs. Edwards and Fuller. Inspec tors of hulls and boilers, decided this morning thst A. Normsn was at fault when the gasoline launches Lotus and Nancy collided off the foot of Meade street on Sunday night, August 11. The inspectors noia that Norman should have blown his whistle when In the proximity of the Nancy. Norman ad mitted he did not sound the whistle but waited for the approaching boat to do so.' Walter Honeyman, of the Nancy, said he blew two blasts but Norman testified that he did not hear them. Honeyman was exonerated from all blame and complimented upon having blown the correct signal at a time when In his opinion It was apparent that he could not aafely havs followed, the pilot rules, which prescribe that when meet ing a boat head and head, or nearly so, It ahall be the duty of each to pass on the port side of the other; and either vessel shall give, as a signal of her In tention, one short and distinct blast of her whistle, which the other vessel shall answer promptly by s similar blast of her whistle, and thereupon such vessels shall pass on the port side of each other. -But." says the rule, "If th courses of such vessels are so far on the starboard of each other as not to De considered as meeting head and head Salmon Carrier. The Portland Asiatic liner Numan tla. Captain Feldman, crossed In at Aa torla shortly berore noon today and will be up In the harbor tomorrow morning to discharge a large cargo of general oriental freight. She made the run across the Pacific in a little over 16 daya, which is good time. The Inward cargo will be discharged at Mont gomery dock No. 1 and Alaska dock and then the hold will be filled with flour ror a return cargo. A three-masted windjammer was re ported off the mouth of the Columbia river this afternoon but her name could not bo read from the station at North Head becauae of a dense mist hanging over tne sea not is believed to be one or the aaimon vessels bound to this port from Nushagak. Bristol bav. and will probably provs to be the Berlin or Bt. ruicnoias. Ardencraig, Br. bk Eugene Schneider. St Louis, Ft. ah.. Buffon. Fr. bk Castle Rock, Br. ah Redhlll. Br. ss Knight Templar, Br. ss. Tymerle. Br. str Henry Vlllard. Am. str. Transit, Nor. str Thordls, Nor. atr. .Newcastle, A .Newcastle, A. . .Newcastle, A. . .Newcastle, A. . .Newcastle. A. Newcastle. A. Fr. bk. Newcastle, A, Newcastle, A. . . . Newcastle, A. Sydney, A. . . Newcastle, A. . . Newcastle, A. . . Newcastle, A. . .Newcastle. A. Morovan, Japan Morovan, Japan MACHINERY INSTALLED. Tramp Staamars la Bouto. Queen Alexandra, Br. str Madras Btrathneaa, Br. str.... Port Los Angeles Kvs, uer. ss MaKodate, Japan Elsa, Nor. ss San Francisco African Monarch, Br. ss Japan Jethon, Nor. ss San Francisco Oil Steamers Das. Atlas. Am. str San Francisco Catania. Am. str San Franclaco Col. E. T. Drake, Am. str San Francisco Santa Maria, Am. ss. ...Port Hartford New Steam Schooner William Mur phy Nearly Ready. (Special Dlipatrh to Th Journal.) Aberdeen. Wash., Aug. ll.Clty Councilman Jamea A. Hood returned on the steamer Tamalpala today from 8an Francisco, where he has been on busi ness connected with the Installation of the machinery In the new ateamer Wil liam Murphy, which waa recently launched from the shlpysrd at Hoqulam, In which Mr. Jlood is interested. MARINE INTELLIGENCE MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HOPPICKER8 WANTED CALL ON me at the Esmond hotel, Friday and Saturday, a. ti. cone. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. MOORB Suite 82, & KEENEY, 268 Stark st Modern 6-room cottage, very nloe. full lot; easy terms. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM HOUSE? j,ast. mgntn, at. north. 62 BUSINESS CHANCES. $875 FOR ROOMING HOUSeT years lease, 17 rooms. 208 8d st $475 FURNITURE OF 11-R60M house, in rme location. Rooms all full: house rents for $25 per month. C. L. Parrlsh ft Co., Ill Marquam bldg. COUNTRY NEWSPAPER WANTED- What have you 7 Fullparticulars. B. H. R-, 624 Flanders st. Portland. FOR SALE PATENT ON BEET HAR- vester; big chance, for a good Invest ment; have no capital to work It Ad dress 656 Leland st, city. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SALE 10 AND 30 See Peters, foot of CRAWFISH FOR cents per dosen. 14 th. Take S car. 80 WHITE WYANDQTTB CHICKEN! and 15 white ducks; fine bred stock; must sell at once; very cheap. Call 208 Fleldner Ding., wasnington and 10th. Elegant little home, modern 5-rooms, on good canine, close in; 11,600. Fine, rnodern home in Irvinrton. un- 10-aais in every particular. 40 acres finest land in Oregon, within 13 miles of Portland: good barn and other buildings; abundance of running water; au per acre. Flno suburban home 11 acres. lots of rruit berries, etc.; line running spring water; move lively lr you want this. Lots In block 23 Peninsular addition No. 1. Chance tot make some money. Choice lots at Peninsular station, 100 xioo ockiey oreen, duxiuu Denver ave. Classified Ads tn The Journal reach tha people In tha great Oregon country at tha right time. atcs for Classified Advertisements CASK On east a word each lnser- ttoai seven insertions of same adver tisement rot tha prtoe of tda. When adTsrttatJia; Ls to be obArged. 00 oat g word to a Ua ana figure seats a Use, V HOME LAND CO.. 145 FIRST. Modern 6-room bungalow, beautifully paneled, frescoed ana tintea; a rare bar gain. $2,900. Two five-room bungalows, porcelain bath, toilet, sink ana Dasin, concrete basement, gas and electricity; fine lo cation, one block to carline; you can't find their like for anything like the price; only $1,900, terms. Some elegant lots, acreage and farms for sale. You will find what you are looking for at the Home Land Co.'s of fice. Snaps and bargains. il,850 HOUSE AND CORNER LOT, lower Mississippi ave.; gooa terms. $2.760 Nsw modern 6-room house. E. 34th. close to Hawthorne; full lot; flno location. $300 cash, balanoe IIS month, for new modem houses. Choice acreage and farms near olty on easy payments. , FARMERS LAND .COMPANY, " " 108 Id, st. ' $ 1,860 6-ROOM c6lT AGE, MODERN plumbing and In good condition; near E. Ankeny car; $360 cash needed. $800 Best residence lot on east side for the money. V. PAGE HARRIS. Healer bldg. Grand and E. Morrison. - East 886. A MODERN FIVE-ROOM HOUSE near carline. good location; price 11,800; $300 down, balance like rent Ia H. Freeland Co., 14m 1st st Begnlar X. In era Dae to Arrive. Alliance, Coos Bay Uncertain Breakwater, Coos Bay Aug. 13 Numantla, orient Aug. 24 Costa Rica, San Francisco Aug. 24 Roanoke. San Pedro and way.... Aug. 27 R. D. Inman, San Francisco. .. .Aug. 28 City of Panama San Francisco. A ua. 81 Redondo, Seattle Sept 1 Arsbla. orient SeDt 1 G. W. Elder, San Pedro and way . .Sept. i Johan Poulsen, Ssn Francisco. . Sept 8 lln.U mm ' Ct t. , W Attain, JCl. i.t.DCpi. JO Nlcomedla, orient October 1 Begular Xilasrs to Depart. Alllanoe. Coos Bav Uncertain Cltv of Panama. San Francisco. .SeDt. S Northland, San Frsnolsco Aug. 23 Redondo. Seattle and way Am. 24 Johan Poulsen. San Franclaco. . .Aug. 25 Breakwater, Cooa Bay Aug. 26 Numantla, orient Aug. 28 Costa Rica. San Francisco Aug. 28 Roanoke, San Pedro and way... Aug. 29 ALONG THE WATERFRONT The French bark Brlzeux la bound for thla port with a cargo of coal from Newcastle, Australia. The steamer Redondo is scheduled to ssll tomorrow night for Seattle. The steam schooner Northland leaves Stella this afternoon for San Francisco' via Astoria. The American bark John Currier, which was lost In the north Paclflo several daya ago, while bound for the Columbia river with a cargo of 80,000 cases of canned salmon and 10,000 barrels of salted fish, will be a total loss. The crew and passengers, mostly of whom are Chinese and Japanese, will be brought to Astoria as aoon aa poa- BiDie. Arrlvtd down at 1:10 p. nWLOg raft Railed at I p. in. Schooner Alumna, for Valparaiso. . Cherbourg. Aug. It. Ballad August 17 Frenoh bark Bayard, for Portlaad. Astoria, Aug. II. Conditio of the bar at 1 a. m- obscured 1 wind north- t 11 miles; waainer, ioj miles: waath ldsa at Astoria today: wes Low watsr ! m. I I feat. Astoria, Aug. II. Outside at noon A three-masted ship and stsamer Catania, rrom atontersy. v a water 10.. I. rest; i:iv p. to., i.i rest. -: a. m., 1.1 rest; 7:07 pea Bsasatasl'g Wlaftews For greatest of shoe bargains. Eat only government Inspected meat XXT. . J. CIBX. Psychological Healing Do you condemn before you Investi gate? Psychological healing la sensi ble, logical and beautiful all the way through. Better try before you die. Our prices are too low to advertlee often; preserve this for future refer ence. Bold 100 copies or "iongevuv this week. It can now be had ror 10a Pamphlet free. ncv. f. j. uiuuui, 141 E. 16th St, Portland, Ore. Phone Esst 1961. Grateful Word rrom Patients Portland Ore. Aus. 20. 1107. Relna- much annoyed with Ecsema for three montna, last spring 1 went 10 xver. J Green and took two aaye- treat ment Before the second day 1 that the dlaeaae waa deatroyed. felt Mr. Oreen'e talk waa so uplifting spiritually Intellectually 1 relt 1 naa my and money worth before he treated ma MRS. F. G. LEO. 639 E. 16th Bt. Mllwaukle, Ore.. Aug. 20, 1907. I waa healed of Rheumatlam through Mr. Green's treatments. Astlgmatlam compelled me to wear glasses for two 1 veara. Mr Green said three montns treatment would heal my eyea. Six weeka did the work. My eyea are per fect and true. I have not worn glasses lnce that time, April, lu. 1 am nap- pier and atronger In every way. MISS ELLA SPRING. s The Leading Specialist I make no misleading propositions', promise T no impossibilities, but perform all I promlM. M X Fair dealing, moderate fees, faithful lerv-1 f let and speedy cureg have won for me the eon. li""" fldence and patronage of the afflicted every, where. I DAVE CURED THOUSANDS I have no specific or cure-all preparation!, but treat each case separately and scientificalli according to its particular requirements, close ly watching it and carefully following its symp toms with varied remedies through every TA1XOB, stage, and stake my reputation on the result. Ta fc ding- Styeelallst. In Simple Disorders MY PEE $D(D PAY WHEN CURED OMtsaated Sis- orders. Be sure your cure is thorough. Not one of my pa tients has ever hsd a relapse after being dis charged as cured, snd I cure In less time than the ordinary forma of treatment require. peelfle Blood yolsosi No dangsrous minerals to drive the virus to the Interior, but harmless, blood clsanslng reme dies that remove the laat poisonous taint What Weakness Is and How 1 Cure It symp- tn "Weakness" Is merely a torn of chronic Inflammation the prostate gland, brought on by early dissipation or ty ths Improper treatment of some con tracted disease. A complete snd radical cure ia, tberefors, a ques tion of restoring the prostate gland to its normal state, and this I accomplish promptly snd completely without the uss of Internal remedies. My treatment Is a local ons entirely. It Is orig inal snd scientific, and has been proven absolutely effective by thoussnds of tests. I am con vinced that by no other methods csn run and permanent resora tlon of strength snd sccompliehed. fid vigor ba Tarloosala Absolutely pain less treatment that cures completely In one week. Investigate my method. It la tha only thoroughly scientific treat ment for this dis ease being employed. Uiloturs, lit Tlgor, azooele, OrgasJs) Weakness, eta ara also amoag tfce diseases Z oars to stay owed. Aen..I S Straight. Square Truth It will cost you nothing to call and talk over your case, out all about Tou csn find your troubles and you can latsr arrange to begin treatment any time you like. My oirioes, comprising ten rooms, are the lsrgsst. most elegant and best equipped m tne west. the DR. TAYLOR co. as, xoBBzsoir, oobvbb raooaro, roBrxvAjno, obboov. TAKE THE HOUR'S TIME I SAVE THE DAILY WORRY! MARINE NOTES Astoria, Aug. 23. Arrived down at midnight and sailed at 10 a. m. Steam er City of Panama, for San Francisco. Arrived down at 6 snd sailed at 9:80 a. m. Steamer Excelsior, for San Fran cisco. Arrived down at 6:20 and saUed, at 10 a. m. Steamer George W. Elder, for San Pedro and way ports. Sailed at 10:30 a. m. Schooner Beulah, for San Francisco. Arrived at 11:45 a m. German ateamer Numantla, from Hong kong and way porta. Port Harford, Aug. 22. Sailed Steamer Santa Maria, for Portland. Aatorla, Aug. 22. Arrived at 8 p. m. Schooner Alvena, from San Francisco, I A PICTURE OF SATISFACTION Is ths man whose hardware buying Is accomplished here. The variety, quality and price that prevails affords grsatest returns for least expenditure and we Invite your Inspection to prove it MEN . YOU CAN DO IT BY CONSULTING TUB St Louis Physicians and Surgeons Doctors That Can Cure SICK MEN IT Beally seems straage that men who are KZBIOTJSXT WXAZ will re I to tae charlatan, Whea they aoigat Just aa easily AITS TAM XOBja ATUTAOTOBXXjY, spend the time eoaaaltiae; physicians of kaowa . merit. To the weak, rundown aad nervous maa mo better advloe oaa bs gives than thisi mbxv wxiii rr za CBBTAxxr to aa roxnrs. Teuperslst la rotas- to those who havs aa ataiaia; paa4.any KOW VU TOU JDATJBU X TV IW AVERY (Si CO 40 Third St., Bet. Pine & Ash Notice to Our Patrons BRUfoN & COMPANY WISH TO GUARANTEE THE SURETY OR THE ACCOUNTS OF ITS PATRONS IN THE OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK. THE COMPANY FEELS THE RESPONSIBILITY IT INCURRED IN FURTHERING THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF OPENING SAV INGS ACCOUNTS, AND IS QUICK IN RESPONSE TO INSURE ITS PATRONS EVERY PROTECTION. BRING US OR SEND US YOUR PASSBOOKS, WITH WRITTEN AUTHORITY FOR US TO ACT WITH FULL POWER AND WE WILL RETURN YOUR BOOK WITH YOUR OREGON SAVINGS BANK DEPOSIT FULLY PAID UP IN ANY OTHER SAVINGS BANK IN THE CITY YOU MAY SPECIFY. (This offer applies . to those accounts exclusively opened by Brunn & Company for patrons of its store.) A SMALL HOUSE. LOT 60x100. WA ter, gas; near carline, fine location; fries 1100, terms. L. H. Freeland Co, 41 M 1st st. 1360 CASH, 120 PER MONTH. BUYS laa-BB IMAArtt st-MSMiia lA.a.k 1a KAwlAA No advartUament Ukaa tot laat thaa nice lawn, la Uppea Aibina. D-10 ST aa ' til t I TiMlMbl BRUNN fr.CO. Pure Food Liquor Merchants FIRST AND ALDER STREETS PHONE HOME A2958 P. S We will continue to open accounts for patrons (at any savings bank in the city) and guarantee same. IF has built np its splendid practioe more by tha free advertising gives It by Its rBBOTX& aATISITEB FATXBBTS, who have reoved the bea. eflt of Its modern, sclentlflo aad legltlaaate methods, thaa la any other way. ix tou are not little time It will take a pen when aa CUBED This institution niD PATXBBTB, who have received erf set man oome to us. Zsnt It worth tha you ara vXBTAJxr that you wui have the banaflt of KOrBIT. IBOXBIl Dhrsieians who sever attempt to daoalva youla aay way? A oonsultatloa oosts you sotbiaa BZOSFT your ewa 17 Tears' Bxperienoe. OUR FEE $10.0i SstabUshed 7 Taara U VorOaaa, ' Consultation Free Wa Will Treat Aay Siagls TfBooaxpll oatsd Ailmeat for floO. Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured IV r On re safsly aad promptly waABBJUSB. SI blUTOMIOSA. IFIOTflO 1LOOB VOiaOST IW UL S-lOCa war KAraooo, SMTB- - TABZCOCBUI, amBOOBU, OOROBBXOXA, OLBBT. OB AST TX1 XUBXA8E8 COMMON TO MDSM. Our fssa are fair. lsnoaal. teattos gives au patients. Write If yon cannot eaU. Our system of borne trsatmsat Is always CXBTAUT and most suooessfuL All oorrespoadeaoa sao redly confidential. HOURS 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 8 a. ru, to 12 noon. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL COBJTXB SBOOBS AITS TAKBXU TBBBT, rOMXULWO, OBIOOV DISPENSARY BATH POWDER t 1 e ' Rl JCWDER C ' A Perfumed Luxury for the Bath. I Best Toifclpowder. Aiitleptically hKBKais rioiu vvaicz. ucilCI S PWB, V leuevea SMnhum mnA chafing. Best tot $TWETy baby. --23 .ai-- at m a aa Cat CAN i laSSSSssSaaJSii , . i f I mm, 11. L.m t ii JL W 4 Other drug bsblts sr pnltiff eurj-i .,y ilj ISA. Wot S.rno.1- - r inter- .1 U4 eriie r-r " - belts) Caaaleal Ce4 fcL Luia. i.,,, " sr sle r IsJaisert Drag C., Ul : J ,;l,it 1 tr - ir ! i" a M A'.' ;' fir,-.'. ti ;i : i t Art ,'. :.t 1 ,H -. .bin-. T ft h .- Irt ytt (-.: '- a - it' t.6-, ' 't: I- T r n ,, f ' . i. i-." . It ; ' Hi h am ff n i - Kit !'S J HI PataW LJauntaJ. 1