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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1907)
,TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 10. 1S07. STEIMT MS FOmilllE Former". Nevada ; Senator, Twice Elcli,: Then Poor, ' Now Wealthy Again. LAST STAKE MADE IN-YEAR'S EFFORT Former Member, of Congress Dlssl 1 pated Thousands Daring Terms in Senate -Made Last Strike i Just ,'. Before Ills Eightieth Birthday." ' - " , (Joorail Special Service. I Carton City, Nov Aug. 19. To start out at the as of nearly four score to mak a third fortune, and to have the attempt crowned, with suoceas, la rather a strenuous undertaking for any one. And yet, , that Is what former United States Senator William M. Stewart, oca known as the "Silver King" of Ntr. "Vadji dona.' ;. with plans , for developing his aining and . other properties. ' Senator OEl'JS FOJIECflST OFcoLiinera Taft to Make Tour of Wcs Mrs Eddy's Case ' in Court : (Jeers! Special terrlce.1 ' Washington, Aug. 10. Secretary Taft Is to leave Murray bay the flrat of the week for Washington, atnnnln mi hi. way for Conference with the president at oyster Bay. Ha plana to remain In Waablngton about a week and will then depart on a speech-making tour of the weal - The annual convention of the Inter national TyDosraDhicai union one of the vtrunfeet ot American laoor organisa tions. ' Will convene at Hot Hnrlnn. Arkansas, Monday for a week's sea The flrat of the Herman-American races at Kiel for the Bonder boats, for wnicn tne uerman emperor haa orrered a valuable tronhv,' will be sailed Mon day, .-w - .-..-; . ' Consideration of the eomnetenev of Mr. Marr Baker CJ Eddy head of the Christian Science church, will be taken up lucaaay dv tne maater ana co-mas-tera annotated bv Juda-a-Chamberlain of the superior court at Concerd. New ILieu tenant-General Arthur MeArthur and other notablea will attend that an nual national encampment of tne army ntmmrt ,munm,mA i .t.i.K .i..h4.. 1 01 tne rninppines. wnicn is to aaeetnoie . ,..BUU.. f xueday in Kama City. today to pass almost unnoticed. He I The Republicans of Maryland will - was reminded of the anniversary, how- semble in atate convention Wednesday aver h tha nf ,. to name candidates ror tne orricea to d aver, ,py the receipt of several tnes- fU,M at the fall eleotlon. -aafes of congratulation from some of The National Negro Business league, his former associates In public life, men P? which Booker T. Washington Is pros- I S A a, II m m mi Wla mmt M K M A 1 m mm mt 8 Whom ha haa ma mt uMnm In .nt"' "" Mi aiiuua awawa years but who still remember the lsvish hospitality which the Nevada senator , wss wont to dispense during his many years of residence in the national cap ital. t ew men. even i among the money ulnae 01 oonanaa aays, nave naa more varied and wonderful experience than William M. Stewart. The accum ulation and loss of two Immense for tunes and the winning of third at an ' age when the great majority of men are relegated to the retired list seem but minor Incidents In his wonderful career. Among the roles he haa filled tn hla time and the most of them with marked aucona, nave Deen tnose 01 senator, taw ' yer. editor, orator. Yale colleae man. In- - dian fighter, prospector, speculator, and aoienwuo rarmer. Millionaire and Then Poor. He waa born in the atate of New t fork, lived a while in Ohio, then went to Tale to study law. When the cry of I -uoia in uaiiiornia" was raised in ' . he came west, and, between the law and ore mining, grew ao opulent that ha be came known aa "the alive king." But when he waa elected senator from Ne vada he Dlunaed too deeply into the ex travagances of capital life, and at the ena or it years louna nimseu poor, nut he did not despair. A sain he came back to the west for a fortune, dug it out of the earth in the form of precious ore and aoon found himself strain a mil' llonaire. Power returned with fortune, and in 1887 he was again elected to the L'niteo states senate. For a time be waa a greater power In pontics tnan oeiore. ho hen1 of that srouo of Remibllcan dele gates who withdrew from the St. Louis convention in 1896 because the majority refused to agree to a bimetallism plank and declared zor tne sold standard. Stewart was an ardent silver man and the auocesa of the told standard cause dealt him a hard blow. Unwise specula tion ana -otner unremunerative enter prises In a few years teduced hlra once more to tne lower zinanciat level. , Makes Third Fortune la Tears. 80, two years ago last March, his term ended, he bade good-bye to his friends in the senate and returned once more to the scenes or his , former npn rocks. . When he returned to Nevada the laat , time it waa known among his friends ' ' that he was almost "down and out" financially. But he- went to work with his old-time courage and with his knowledge of mines and mining things soon began to come his way again. - He made several lucky strikes and in vestments and almost before a year had ' elapsed ha had made a good start to . ward retrieving his fortunes. It is be- lleved that he Is now worth at least a quarter of a million and possibly much ' more. He has shelved hla social and political ambitions and declares that , this fortune his third will not go like the others. Wednesday at Topeka, Kansas. ' The International Zlonlat congress will meet Wednesday at The Hague for a session of six days. The object of the movement is the creation of a le gally secured homo for Jewish people in Palestine. The meeting of King Edward and Em peror Francis Joseph at Iscbel next Thursday Is regarded as of high polit ical Importance. In addition to dis cussing many international questions It Is stated that Emperor Francis Joseph endeavor o onn wUl about final ix at reconciliation between Klnr Edward And Emperor wiuiam or oermany. At Camp Perry, Ohio, next Friday and Saturday, a preliminary contest will be held for Places on the American team that will participate in the International rifle contests for the Palma trophy at Ottawa, Ontario, next month. , Prince Wllhelm. son of the rown rnnoe Oustav of Sweden, is scheduled to arrive at Jamestown the last of this week. Arter spending several days at the exposition he will oroceed to Wash ington and New York and later will Spend a week at Newport. HEXT CONGRESS WILL SEE HE1' DEMOCRATS ateithe Election of Joseph Johnston Adds to Minority in Senate. CHURCH SERVICES . " : Ba: Arieia ev. m. . dbiio. "i II a. tn. and I p. m.rrfiunday school, 10 m.: U. 1. p. u. 1 p. m I Mt.. MM Thlrd- Vsncouver a s treats. Services 11 a. Hentaten. Mundav school. 10 a. m. Highland Albert and Sixth streets. Sunday , school. . 10 a. ro.: services at 11 a. m. and ?:46 p. m, by Hev. A. T. Johnston; . ' Sell wood Taeoma and Eleventh streets: Bev George A. lara Services', 11 s. m. and t m m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.i B. Y. P. V., 7:15 p. m. ; Calvary East : Eighth auJ "drant streeta Services, 11 a. m. and T:J0 p. m.i preaching by Rev. H. B. Blood; Sun day school, 10 a. m. " C " ".J'" '. Immanuel Second and Meade streets; Rev. A. B. Minaker. Servicea at 11 a. m. and 1:45 p.-in., Sunday. - Grace MonUvillat Rev. Oilman Par ker. Services at 11 a. m. - and 7:S0 pym.; topics, "The Dootiina or -aitn and The Plvlne Origin of the Bible." Central East Twentieth and anxeny streets; Rav. W. T. Jordan. Cervices at 10:80 a. m.; Sunday-school 11 m. University Park Rev. A. B. Walts. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; aervlhea. 11 a m. and S d. m.: mission worth Benoiamg." Flrst The wnite Trinity Klnenh ' and IGverett streets; Dr. A; A. Morrison. . , Services, a. m., U . m. and p. m. tor. Mor rison Will 1 Of rii'lata mMnlnl and VHn- St David's IT.., Tvxlrth arM Ral- mont streets: - Rev. Grge B. Van Wat- ' communion, a a. m.s morn lna nraveti anil arm,n .1. A'niiwtWt nun. day school, A6 a. m.; evening prayer and sermon, o'clock. v r All Saints Twenty-second' nd R1 ounaay eenou, jg a, m.i even' Ins service, t o'clock. St. Andrews Ttnl wrsilv VNirtr Ttssw. avenue ana itnon w. k Powell. Services 11 .-.m.i Bun m or iter, .uiiu 1 any scnool, 10 a. mn Temple, Twelfth and Taylor streets: Rev. J. Whltoomb Brouxher. D. D. Services. 10:10 a. m Good SherharrfHallwoiv1 atraat and VancOUVar lvnil. AlKlna Raw. jlAhn Dawson. Sunday school, :4I a m. morning service, 11 o'clock,' ' isy reader. Services at U a. m.j Sunday aciiool, 9;4S a. m. , . - si Mattnew'e First and Caruthers streets; ev. W. A. M. Brack. Com munion, 7:80 a w.; sermon, 11 a, m. The Chureh of Our Savior Wood stock Servicea 11 1 m.; Sunday school loam. . St. Mark's Corner of Mlnataanth and Sulmby streets; Rev. J. B. IL Simpson, ommunion. Cam. and 11 a. m.: even song, I p. m. St. John's Memorial Sellwood: Rev. w. R. Powell. Services and sermon. 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m. OoagregatloaaL University Park K1S Haven avenue; Rev. D. B. Gray: services at I n. m missionary program preaching by Rev. K. 8. BolUnaer, Sun-, A-; gnt scuooi, 10 a. m.; 1. v. b. C. JS., 7 p. a. Laurelwood Rev. D. B. Gray. Serv ices at 11 a. m.'. preachtnx by Rev. E. and f:4i p. m. Dr. John Roach Straton of Baltimore will preach: toplca "Prac tical Holiness" and "The Old God for the New Age"; .Bible school, 1J:10 p. m.; young people's meeting, 0:10. Hnnn1da fOermanl . Forty-first street and Hawthorne avenue; Rev. C Feldmeth. Preachlna. 11 a. m.: 8unday school, :4I a. m. St. "Johns (Oermany Rev. C Feld meth. Preaching 8 p. m. Sunday school l. H econd Seventh and East Ankeny J Haasalo; streets; Rev. Henry B. Hudson, .serv ices at 10:80 a. m. and 7;D p. m. . Bavler-Btreet Between Twenty-nrst and Twenty-second streeta Services 10 a nt.: Sunday scnool, t s. m. St. Johns E. A. Leonard. Servicea 11 a. m. and 7:80 P. m.i Sunday school, 10 a. m. Chinese Mission 8(1 H Oak street Sunday school. 7 d. m.i Breeching in Chinese. 8 p. m. First Germrn Fourth and Mill streets; Rev. J. Kratt. Services, 11 a m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school, 1:46 m. Second German Morris street and Rodnev avenue: Rev. F. Bueermann. Servicea, 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sun day school. f:46 a m. East Forty-fourth Street Mission Corner East Main; Rev. B. C. Cook. Services, 11 a m. and 7:80 p. m.; Bible school, 10 a. m. Lenta Ninth avenue, at home of Wil liam Kneeland. Services at 8:80 o. m. Mount Olive Seventh and ' Everett S. Bollinger; Sunday school 10 a. m.; T. MT. O. V,. ML., ' ; 1 . . , ' , , 1 ' MnBaaan mmmmm mm -1 1 " ' - - . i , , , K i . i , .' v i , ' W E ARE installing a cooling arfdf heat zing system in the new Corbett build ing iit Fifth and Morrison streets. M : . The air Will be washed and cooled for summer and heated for winter. : This plant when completed, will be( one of the finest sys tems in the Northwest. It has been designed and will be in stalled by .v We W. G. McPHERSON CO. Heating and Ventilating Engineers - 328 Glisan Streef n. m. Mississippi Avenue MlsslsslDDl ave nue, ana iremont street: Key. William U Upshaw. Services 11 a. m. and 8 1 p. m. ; Bunaay achoOl at 10 a m.; Chris- iwn tinuoaTor, I p. m. Sunnyslde Corner of Eaat Taylor and East Thirty-fourth street; Rev. J. J. Staub. Servicea at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a m.; Senior Chris tian Knaeavor, 7 p. m. tiaasaio street East Seventh and Rev. Paul Radar Harviaa 10:80 a m. and 7:48 n. m.: Sunday -H 1 1 m k-i-i-m Tr.... ..ill l.m VmlTStsaUst. First Madison and Park. Rev. Dan- Church of the Good Tidings Eaat lei Stover, assistant pastor. Bervloee Couch and East Eighth streets; Rev. 10:80 a m. and 7:46 p. m.; Rev. John J. D. Corby. Sermon at 10:4. a. m. I W. Brad shew. Toplc, "a Passing Re- Toplo, "The Practical Power of Prayer." mark of Jeaus," and 'The Successful I Sunday school at 12 m. uuv; uunuay school u:15 p. m.: T. Rev. Fred Albaa Well will preach, tople uniriea vrina. 3 P. 8. C. E.. 6:4S p. m. j Highland East Sixth street north and rrescott; k.v. e. a. Bollinger. Serv ices at 11 at, m. and 7:46 p. m.. Rev. D. B. Gray will preach. Sunday school, 10 a m.; T. P. 8. C. E., :45 p. m. Bt- Johns Rev. G. W. Nelson. Serv ices, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m. : (Jooroal Special Serriea.) Washington, Aug. 10. The election of : Joseph F. Johnston to succeed Sen ator Pettus of Alabama Is an Interest- mouni uiiva Ddvenm win juTurnii, urani streets; Kev, j. jriagoea ounaay Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. Services at 11 1 school. 9:80; services at 11 a. m. and 8 Lntheraa. Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and Irving atreets. Services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday achool, 1:45 a. m. Norweaian Synod East Tenth and Grant streets; Rev. O. Hagoea Sunday m. and 8 n. tn. Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth: Rev. Eiick Scherstrem. Servicea 10:46 a. m. and 7:46 p. .; Sunday sohool. IS m.; B. Y. P. U.. :80 p. m. Union Avenue Mission (Swedish) Corner Skldmora Sunday school, 10 a. m. Fresbyterian. First Twelfth and Alder atreets; Rev. William Hiram Foulkea Services at 40i80 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.; Rev. Wll- p. m.; T. P. S-, Tuesday at 8:16 p. m. Betania Danish Union avenue and Morris street; Rev. Gudmund Grill, services 11 a m. and 8 p. m. St Jamea' Enansh West Park and Jefferson streets; J. Allen Leaa Serv ices 11 a m., conducted by Paul C. Kunsman of Philadelphia; Sunday j acnooi, 10 a m. St Johns Peninsula avenue and IC11- patrlck street; C. Buechen. Services at 8:00 p. m. Norwegian 46 North Fourteenth street: Rev. J. M. Nervine Services at 11 will nreach: tODlca "A Workman Not a. m. and t:so p. m.; Bunaay scnoot t:46 ilam Foulkea, D. D.. of Kansas City Ashamed" and ''The Parting Message. Mlspah East Thirteenth and Powell streets; Rev. Jerome R. McGlada, D. D. Servicea at 10:80 a m. Profeasor R. T. Warren will preach. Calvary Eleventh and Clay streets; Rev. Ben-Esra Stiles Ely Jr.. D. D. Services at 10:80 a m. and 7:45 p. m. Rev. Boudlnet Seeley of Germantown, Pennsylvania, will preach : topics, "Bleo a m. at PmVi R,rmln Raat Twelfth mil ing p. m Xeformed. First German Tenth and Stark streets; O. Hafner. Services at 10:46 a m. and 8 p. m. 8C a. Church South. 171 H Sscond street; Rev. E. F. Mowre. Services at 11 a m. and 8 p. m.; topics. "Immortality." and "Tentn commana- ment" Sunday school. 10 a m.; Ep-I worth league, 7 p. m. Klaoellaneoma Tha Christian and Missionary alli ance Sixth and Main streets; Rev. C I D. Sawtella Services at 10:80 a. Sunday school at 18:16 p. m. Universal New Thought Assembly I A. o. u. w. hail, waanina-ton. between Tenth and West Park streets. Lectures at 11 a m. and i D. m. Latter-Day Saints Holds services every Sunday in AHsky hall, corner Third and Morrison streets at 11:80 m. and 7:80 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a m. Penlel Mission Rev. B. A. Ross of Los Angeles will speak at 141 First street every niaht this week. Church of the Nasarene; A. O. Hen ricks. Services 11 a m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school 10 a m.; holiness meet- Clinton streets; Rev. A. Krausa Serv' ices at 10:80 a m. ana p. m.; Sunday school. 8:80 a. m. Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Corner Williams avenue and Sellwood street; J. A. Rlmbach. Servicea at 10 a m.: Sunday school. -8:16 a m. Zlon's German (Missouri Synod) tlon" and "Abraham, the Called of God." Chapman and 8almon streets; W, H. Fourtli First and Glbbs streets; Rev. John R. Welch. Servicea 10:80 a m. and 7:45 p. m.; Sunday school, 18 m.; Y. P. 8. CTe., 8:80 p. m. Hawtnorne farx -iwemn ana least trl-' timphs to again wrest fortune from the in. .MiMn tn th. am. ii nmnnv nt Taylor streets: Rev. E. Nelson. Allen. oervicea. a- ui. , uuuua .uuvui, jl. m.: T. P. s. c.b., 7 p. m. IOWA KNIGHTS WILL HOLD ANNUAL SESSION (Journal Special service.) ' Cedar Rapids, Iowa Aug. 10. Dur ing the week beginning tomorrow this " city will be the center of attraction for the Pythiang of Iowa. "Thr grand lodge of the order will meet in thirty-eighth annual session, and and in conjunction therewith' will be held the annual meet ing of tha Grand Temple Pythian Sis ters of Iowa and the military encamp ment and aasembly of the Uniform Rank. The grand lodge meetings will be held in the Auditorium, the grand temple. retina in tne dudiic iiDrary ana tne en- CiuSvpent of the military order will take -ttce in Alamo park, which has been named Camp Carnahan, in honor of tne lata national commander. Cedar Rapids la preparing to 'enter tain a host of visitors, too advance . guard of which is putting in an appear ance toaay. au tne teaaing cities or tne state have promised large delegationa Tha downtown portion of tha sity is . decorating in an elaborate manner In honor or tne occasion. Potter Schedule for Beach. Tha steamer Potter will sail from Portland, asq street aooic, Monday, Au uat 11, 8 a m.; Tuesday 8 a m.: We nesday and Thursday a m.; Satur day 1 p. m. Get tickets and make reservations at city ticket office Third and Washington streeta C W. Stinger, clty ticaet.areni. , "ITALIAN STABS MAN WITH CANDLESTICK (Journal Special Service. I Butte, Mont, Aug. 10. Edward Gran ger, a miner, waa fatally subbed through the back last night with a candlestlcK in tnernanaa or an unknown Italian. Tha Italian and a countryman had 'been quarreling as to the possesrf the minority. sion or a piece oi sprinKimg nose whicn Granger, unwittingly, attempted to plok up, being unaware that the . men were quarreling over it Like a ' flash one of the Italians plunged the steel forks of a candlestick Into Granger's back, both of the foreigners then fleeing.- -1 Democratic senators who next Decem ber will And seats on the minority side. The newcomera besides Senator John' ton, will be John H. Bankhead, suc ceeding John T. Morgan of Albama; Jefferson Davis, succeeding Jamea H. Berry of Arkansas: Robert L. Taylor, succeeding Edward W. Carmack of Tennessee, and Thomas H. Paynter. succeeding Joseph C. S. Blackburn of Kentucky. John Sharp Williams, re cently chosen at the Mississippi pri mary to succeed senator Money, win not taxe nis seat until later. Besides those succeeded by Demo crats there were four other Democrats Clark of Montana, Gearln of Oregon, Dubois of Idaho and Patterson of Col oradowho were sucoeeded by Republicans. Bankhead of Alabama is the only new Democratic senator to take his seat in the sixtieth congress who oomea straight from the house to tha. aenate. Senator Johnston cornea from nrlvate Ufa thouah he is not without experi ence as a public servant, having been governor or AiaDama irom isus to ivuu. He is n lawyer by profession, but Is better known as a financier. He waa the flrat president of the Sloss Iron & Steel comDany and Is credited with having, accumulated a large fortune In late years. Senator Davis was laat in the pub lic service as governor of Arkansas. Senator Paynter comes from the Ken tucky circuit bench, to which he was elected, after having served three terms In .tha house. Senator Taylor served one term in the house nearly a quarter of a century ago and subsequently was three times governor of Tennessee. xne aeatns or senators Morgan and Pettus and the retirement of Senators Berry, Blackburn and Carmack, lead ing or veteran Democrats, leave import ant" committee vacancies on the mi nority aida Tha mora important of these committee places, according to anolent-usage, will be left ,to tha pick of the holdover senators on the mi nority, side. Tne more important committee posi tions left hv tha n.mnnrati whA ... "sucoeeded in the sixtieth congress by imorMi are aa xouows: t By Morft-an Foreio-n ralatlnna TTnAlan affairs and lnteroceanlc canals. 5 Jrieitus juaiciary, military affairs; and Driviles-ea and elentlnna Bv Blackburn JnHl.v TV..! vviuwuiti anu census. xtCif, carmacK lnteroceanlc canals, intersiato commerce. S Berry Commerce, appropriations. ' The four Democrats whn nr.m .. (seeded by Republicans were on tha fol- ivning jmuuriani committees: Clark Of Montana Fornlrn ralntlnn. uearin -District of nninmw. Dubois District nr. rviimMi' vt.ii. tyviiiva onu jiiivucKBB ana elections. Patterson ( " judfclary, immigration These are the moat daainhi. mlttee Places left vacant. haaMaa hm iraiug- a. numoer or minor committee aa ugnmemg w Forbes Sellwood street and Ganten- beln avenue; Rev. Harry H. Pratt. Serv ices at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. zn.; 8unday school, . 10 a. m. Piedmont Cleveland avenue and Jar ret t street; Rev. L. Myron Booser. Serv ices at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school, 12:16 p. m. Westminster East Tenth and Weld ler atreets; Rev. Henry L. Marcotta Services at 10:80 a m. and 7:46 p. m.; Sunday achool. m. Fulton Rev. A. H. Burkholder. Sun day school at 11 a m.; Christian En deavor, 7 p. m.; service, 7:46 p. m. Marshall-Street Marshall and North Seventeenth streets; Rev. U. w. Hays. Sunday school, 10 a m.: preaching at 11 a m.; T. P. S. C. E., 6:46 p. m. ' Mount Tabor Belmont street and Frettyman avenue; Rev. Edward M. Sharp, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school at 10 a m. Sellwood corner .uast tseventeentn and Spokane avenue. Servicea at 11 a m. and 8 p. m.; Bunaay scnool, 10 a m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Third East xnirteenin ana nno streets: Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery, pastor. Services at 10:80 a m. and 7:46 p. m. vemon u.asi iwinuom ana tvjgani streeta Services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. oy Kev. u. a. uiair; eunaay acnooi, iz m, - Montavilla Rev. J. A. P. McGaw. Servicea at 11 a m. and 7:80 p. m. Millard Avenue Sunday school. 10 a m.; services, 11 a m. and 8 p. m. Methodist. Taylor-Street Dr. Francis Burgette Short; Rev. IS. M. Hill, acting pastor. Classes, 8:80 a. m.; services. 10:30 a. m. and 7:46 p. m. ; topics, "Rewards Found day school 8:15 a. m. Swedish Augustana Rodney avenue and Stanton street; Rev. C II. Tolln; services 10:46 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.; Bun aay acnooi, v:46 a. m. Christian. Central East Twentieth and East Salmon streets; Rev. J. F. Ghormley. Services, 10:46 a. m. and 8 C. m., top ics, "The Tragedy of a Soul,'F and "Our Advocate": Sunday school, 12 m; senior C. E., 8:46 p. TtC i Rodney-Avenue Rodney tvenue and Knott street; Rev. F. Elmo Robinson, Services at 10:46 a m.. and 8 n. m.i communion at morning service: topics, "The Incarnation" and "The Obedient Christ"; Bible school at 1:46 a m.; T. P. S. C. E., at 7 p. m. Mount Scott Servicea in hall at Kern P-.rk, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a m. ' - Woodlawn Servicea at 11 a. m. and I p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a m. First Corner Park and Columbia streets; Rev. E. S. Muckley. Servicea 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; topics, 'The Soul's Passion for Forgiveness," and "Things Money Cannot Buy"; Bible school, 10 a m.; C. E. 6:46 p. m. Advent Second street, between Hall and Lincoln. Services at 11:80 a. m. and 7 p. m.; Sunday school, 10:80 a. m. live Branoh Mission 288 First street; services every night at 8 o'clock; Bunaay acnooi at i:so; iouowea oy reg ular services at, 8 p. m.; A. Wells, sup erintendent ' Mlllenlal Dawn G. A. R. hall, north east corner Second and Morrison streeta Services at 2:80 D. m. Swedenborglan Portland New Church society, Aider street near Eieventn: 11 a m.; Rev. Hiram Vrooman, subject A HDirituai iiattie." T. M, C. A. Popular Bible class for men at s:so p. m., lea oy rt. w. uavia All men invited. Churoh of God 81 Tenth street North, Rev. J. R. Mulls, pastor; J. M. Goren, teacher. Services at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday. Saturday, 8 p. m.: sis ters' teaching; services at 8 p. m. Tues day. GROOM FORTY YEARS OLDER THAN BRIDE MUlionaire Banker of Seven-1 ty-Eight to Marry Maiden of Thirty-Seven. rfS1 1w Ml J at.x i K I I I" '"''iliilimrmnT-r- ly)MUIUIjiill ALCOHOL X PIS dent. tinguSteoiadis&idBowusof IVomotesDitotianflwifJ ncssandRratXontalnjndaier Ophnailarphlne mJtimm NOT NARCOTIC. aaeaaaaaaajajBBanBBBoeaanngSBBSan JbrmMJkSmHIiKULVt JUSmm MMtMtytf ADcrfertRmedv for Oonsin-i Hon . Sour Stomadi.Dtarrim Wornii ranvmswns jevmsa- mssandLossorSEEER Tkc Simile SiftatPtcf NEW YORK. , fl For Infants and Children, The Kind You llavo Always Bought Bears Signature of JSf, guaranteed unActSTci nniaM I "a 1 ' ui rwj y the In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. 111 vms esamuia mmmhv. mum veaa errv. Vnitsd Evangelical, First Corner East Tenth and Sher man streets. Kev. A. A. Winter. 10 a m., Sunday school: services 11 a m. topic, "A study of Balaam"; union ser vices. Hawthorn park, 6:80 p. m. Second Fargo and Kerby atreets; Rev. B. S. Hughes, pastor. Sunday school 10 a m.; services 11 a m. and 8 p. m. . St John's Ivanhoe and John streets; Kev. Chester. Paul Gates. Preaching 11 a m.; Sunday school at 10 a m. Ockley Green Gay street and Wil lamette boulevard; Rev. J. Bowersox, pastor. Services,, 11 a. m. and 7:45 n. in Unsuspected Places'" and "The Young m.; morning sermon by Rev. W. S. Plow- hlch will oa. available to What is Relieved tn ha tha rtrat Ufa. (can labor union, .using the Mexican lan guage in all. Its deliberations, ever or ganized .in .the United States, has been ormed in Oklahoma City with twent. five charter members. - VaV ' 1 - 1 -' NaaBy T : THE O ft tfe POLICYHOLDERS' COMPANY i sinftnci v. nncrniu" dcct enn in nncrnnTim? rUULLI UIVLUVU ULJI I Uli ftll UtiLUUillAil HOME OFFICE COK. SIXTH AND ANKENY STCEETS, PORTLAND A; I MILLS. L. SAMUEL," '' ' CLARENCE & SAMUEC-Im , 1 President . r General Manager. , - Aisistant Manager. Woman of the Smart Set"; Epworth IHsrue. 6:80 P. m. Sunnyslde East Tamhill street, be tween East Thirty-fifth and Thlrt; sixth atreets; T. B. Ford. Servicea : a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, : a. m. St. Johns V, L, Toung. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school. s10 " i?nnrth Irvln and 'Twenty-third E. H. Bryant. Services at 11 a m. and 7:80 n. m. v nantenarv Ninth and . Pina W. H. Heppa Services 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Trinity Corner of Bast Tenth and Gram; Lewis F. Smith. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sunday school. 10 a m. Contral Russell and. Kerby streets; J. T. Abbett. Services at 11 a m. and 7:80 n m. Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kai. Services 11 a m. and t:bo p. m. Mount Tabor James Moors. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Pat ton Michigan avenue andi Careen ter, H. T. Wira Services at Ilam and 7:80 p. m. . m Vancouver Avenue Services at XX m . and 7:S0 n. m. Woodlawn Rev. S. H. Dewart Ser- viMa at 11 a m. and 7:30 d. m. Woodstock Rev. W. T. Kerr. Ser vices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. tn. Norwealan-Danlsh Thirteenth and Davis; C. J. JLrsen. Hervtcs at 11 a m. and 7:30 P. m. Swedish Bortnwick and Beach: Rev. Johnson. Services 11 a m. and 7:30 t). m. : First German Fifteenth and Hovt. CI A. Waasa. Servicea , at 11 a m, and 7:80 p. m. , H. B. Maaa Servicea at 11 a m. and 7:10 v. m. Japanese Mission 111 North "Fif teenth, services at 11 a m. and 7:80 p. m. J:1'- ' ' - University Park Rev, D. A. Wattera Servicea at 11 a m. and 7:80 p. m. Grace Corner of Twelfth and Taylor streets; Clarence True Wilson, - D. D. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Rev. Charles T, McPherson will preach; topics, - "Rank in the Kingdom of Heaven' and "Our Commission"; Sun tay school, 18:16 p. m. , - . Xplsoopal. Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen tha Mar tyrThirteenth and Clay atreets; Rev. H. M. Ramsay.. Communion, 7:80 a m.; services n a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:4S a, a. man. Bvangalloal Association. First English East Sixth and Mar ket streets; S. A. Siewert, pastor. Serv ices, 11 a. ra.; Sunday school, 10 a m. First German Corner Tenth and Clay streets; Theodore Schauer, pastor; ser mon at 10:45 a m. and 7:45 p. m. Sun day school 0:30 a m. Memorial East Eighteenth and Tlb betts; LkC Hoover, pastor. Preaching at 11 a m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday achool 10 am. Spiritualist, The Ministers' and Mediums' Protect ive Spiritual association holds Sunday services at 8 p. m; in W. O. W. hall, Eleventh street, between Alder and Washington. Lecture bv 'Rev. FL E. Coon; messages by Mrs. Sophia B. Selp; strangers welcome. First spiritualist society Abington nan. uomerence at n a. m.; suDiect 'How Much Wealth Does a Man Need?' (Journal Special Serriea,) Philadelphia Pa, Aug. 10. Despite tha difference in ages, she being 87, and ha 78, Miss Catherine E. Dallett of Chestnut Hill section of Philadelphia and Spencer H. Smith, a retired mil llonaire banker of Los Angeles, Cali fornia ara to be married. Her father was a close friend of Smith and the latter has been deeply interested in Miss Dallett since she was born. A year agro when she made a visit to California, the aged millionaire proposed and waa accented. Smith Is well pre served and does not look his age. Miss Dalett has been known for her charitable, political and religious work. A license has been secured, but the date of the wedding is not yet an nounced. MACCABEES TO HOLD ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT (Jonrnil Special Serrlc.) Norfolk, Va.. Aug. 10. The annual na tional encampment of the Uniform Rank, Knights of the Maccabees, will open tomorrow on tne camp grounds or the Jamestown exposition, and will con tinue through the coming week. It is expected that 3,000 or more members of the organisation will attend the en campment. While the majority of these will come from the middle west, Ohio leading, all sections of the country will ne representee. The camp will be formally opened to morrow with Major-uenerai vv. a. met ser-or Cleveland oommanomg. The bualnesa session of the orsanlaatlon will Conference at 11 a m.; subject, be held Monday, The remainder of tha rui iinn wat rn i masi a jmsim MfiAfi V" i rt ai win ka si atrnfaw Hull la nanaiiaa w W7sa w w uciv-cu w ua iiaiauQBt reviews and other features of a military nature. Christian Science. First Church of Christ. Scientist- Scottish Rite cathedral. Morrison and Lownsdale streets. Services at 11 a m. Sublect. "Soul." Sunday school at close of morning service. Evening ser vice omitted during July and August. Becona iuiKS' tempie. mane between Sixth and Seventh streets. Servicea at- 11 a m.. eubjeot, "Soul." . DECEIVED MAMMA AND THEN ELOPED tmited Brethren la ChrlsX First East Fifteenth and Morrison streeta; Rev. H. C Shaffer. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 P. m.: Bundav school at 10 a m. Radical eixtn ana Mechanic streets: Rev. C P. Blanchard. Services, 11 a m. and 7:80 p.- ra.; Sunday school, 10 a nv . . United PreshyterUm. Church of the Strana-ers Waseo street and Grand avenue: Rev. S. Earl DuBola Servicea at 11:46 a m. and 8:00 n. m. Services for mutes even Sunday morning. Sunday school, 13 m. First suth and Montgomery streets: Rev. A. W. Wilson. Servicea at 10:80 a m. and 7:45 p. m.; Sunday school 13 m. Tnitarlan. (Journal Bpedsl Service.) Boston... Mass.. Aug-. 10. Frank A. Douglas, of Los Angelea 21 years old. a student at raie, eiopea tooay witn Mlaa Alcyone Toung Ross of this city, 20 years old. The couple went to Providence where tha marriage cere mony was performed by Rev. Henry Bassett. Douglas came from Tale to act as best man at tne weaama; or Byron ' Woodbury of North Beverly. Miss Ross and her mother, who are well known in society here, returned nome from tneir country piace to aitena tne wooaoury WET nil1 imjTOMT when yeur child haa a severs cold. Tou need not fear pneumonia or other pul monary diseasea Keep supplied with Ballard's Horehound Syrnp a positive euro for olds, cougha whooping cough and bronchltla Mra Hall of Sioux I null o, MJ.t Jl umvv j vw Church of-1 Our Fathar-rnrna nt wonderful Rallard'a Horehound ByrUD Tamhill and Seventh streets; Rev. W. on my children for five years. Its re. O. Eliot Jr.: Rev. T. L. Eliot ft U, suits have been wonderful Sold by all minister emerltua Services at 11 a m. druggists. , f NEWPOR1 YAQUINA BAY Has One of the Finest Beaches on the Pacific Coast and It an i IDEAL SUMMER RETREAT ; It is easily reached, is not an expensive place to visit, has ex cellent hotel accommodations, affords perfectly safe, and delightful surf bathing and all sorts of beach pastimes, such as clam-bakes, oyster hunts, fishing, pebble and shell gathering, etc., enjoys a mild and inviting climate, picturesque scenery,' and all the other at tractions that can be desired for recreation and pleasure. NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Al bany or Cprvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R.- R. Train servic daily and the trip a pleasure throughout Leave Portland 8 a. tn. Rate from Portland $6.00 for the round trip. Tickets on sale daily and good for return until October 31. There is also a Saturday-Monday rate from Portland of $3.00 tickets on sale Saturdays, good for return Mondays. Correspondingly low rates from all other points. Call at the city ticket office of the Southern Pacific, Third and Washington streets, in Portland, or at any S, P, agency ! elsewhere, for complete information.- - - t ' WILLIAM McMURRAY, . , ' General Passenger Agent, Southern Pacific Company, Portland, Or." wedding. Douglas and Miss Rosa, who had been acquainted about two years, suddenly agreea to get : marriea aiso, when tha Woodbury wedding was over. They left word at Miss Ross' home that they were soing to can on friends. The bride's- mother had become alarmed at her disappearance when tha news of tha elopement cam a , SIXTY-FOURTH MILE ; STONE FOR JUSTICE ,V i ' ' "i i i trf'," j. (Joaratl 'Special Serriea.) , Washington, D. C, Aug. 10. Today is the sixty-fourth birthday of Justice Joseph McKenna of the United States sunrem court Ha Is one of tha "thaa youngest members of the supreme tri bunal, and will not ba eligible to retire until ix jtmrm mocs, ,.....,.,,....,. Justice McKenna. though acknnwiaait to be one of tha ablest men-who ever sat on the supreme bench, is comparatively unknown to the gennral public. As attorney-general in President McKinley's cabinet and also 'during his service in congress, ha took a mot prominent parti T r4 TEA Fine tea is so daintily fine that a man (or even a woman) .may gobble it down without suspecting A Schllllag ft Company Saa Franc!sc lh the Boclal life of tha national .f u-1 than has been the case sines he ih i .t.4 n the supreme bench. I..'r. ; Kenna and Justice Urewer are t i . h ha two most regular tatr.m i-t t Streetcar In Washington. Exclusive Novrlf : Hrntch and Enrllsh won hrook and Lveen, Couch ti , . and Washington slje-u f t