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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1907)
THE. OREGON' DAILY-; JOURNAli PORTLAND. : MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST ' , 1007. ' San francisco Office : Oregon Journal 7B9 Markets t, bet 3d fr 4th ASTXBTiiJEM on An m Mntmon uoiins, Oregonlan when In Baa rranclaoo cn bar thlr mall Mat te car of Th Journal offlce, . ARTHUR L FISH, Representative. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS V NEW TODAY. "Homes in Clarke County" II acre, t mile from Vancouver and half mil to country town and railroad; 26 ac"r In crop; balance rood paatura; 4-room bouM, barn, (rood wall; 1 acre aaaorted orchard; fenced and cross fancad: phone and R. F. D.: half mil to atore and school; crop and hay In barn ro with place. Thi la a oap. Price 11.160. II acre, 11 miles from Vancouver and half mile to country town: SO acrea under cultivation; rood farming land; ome cord wood; rood, new 7-room houae, rood bam; all fenced and creaa-fancad; food orchard; 1 cow a, 1 boras, 1 heifer, light wagon, 1 heavy wagon, plow, cultivator, 60 chicken, rakr eta See It, Price 11,100. 104 acres: 14 mile to Vancouver and 4 mllea to river town; 16 acrea under fine atata of cultivation; 7 acrea in or chard of aaaorted fruit; 11 acrea tiny bar: balance rood paatura: new bam. 40 by o; rair a-room nouae, wooaened, her and chicken houses, etc; fin team ef horsea worth t600; rood mlleh cowl. J h el fere, 3 hog, 14 aheap, chlck ana, new doubla-aeated spring waron. lumber waron, narneee, new mower, rake, cream eeparator, plow, spring' tooth harrow, axea, saws, wedges, etc.; quarter mile to achool; church joins place; on a rood road and In a , fine nelrhborhood ; all cropa ro with place ana are worm at icaai ti.oue. vniy 14, sou. 1(0 acrea. It mllea from Vancouver. I mllea to country town; 12 acre under cultivation; 11 acrea In hope; balance In crop; rood family orchard of aaaorted fruit; fair houae, barn, 40 by (0; hop bouae, large woodahed. cigar factory and all outbuilding; fine trout at ream through place; a fine home, and cheap at 16,000. Terma. If you don't e what you want In the above, write or call on ua. We have a large Hat and can ault you and aave yea money, THOMPSON & SWAN Olttaaaa Bank Building, TAJrCOTTTM, WASX. Moore Inveatment Co., to Jo aeph T. Ennls, lot I, block 44, Vernon addition 8. F. White and Addle White to Adojpn ana Mary Schneider, lota "A," 1 and 1. , block i Brookland Height, also the north 45 feet of lot S, block S. Cole'a addition to Cast Port land Arleta Land Co. to Angnlln E. nicniramn, io block 22. ElberU Auguat Freeburg to Mary Nel-" on- ?. ! .bI 8t Helena. . a ubdivlIon of the city of T VI kaWlll aaaa.,., Elmer E. and Jeannette" 'it Curapston to C J. McLaia 71, Sell wood , , Tia kV!.1 . BiJ' Arnold. lit 4. block 11, Park View Ex- 400 100 100 too 1,000 UNDERTAKERS. EDWARD HOLMAN. UNDERTAKER. iib id at. .- NO CO., AND ERICSON UNDERTAKl embalmlnr. 401 Aider at lilt. Lady assistant aln BOO 1,100 160 too ITS 276 s Ve will build you a home at East 48th street and Hawthorne Ave. And youcan pay for it as you ' now pay rent Be Your Own Landlord See Us for a Lot or a Home Portland. Realty and Trust Co. 106 SECOND ST., PORTLAND Profitable Property 83600 will buy a 7-room houae, ex cellent condition, near E. Burnalde, between 40th and 60th ate., aria 8 Inta, with the choicest of all klnda of frulta of the. beat. Thla la a fine home. .63000 will buy 2 B-room cottages. -. modern, on K. 9th at., paying- t26 per ; month; paying investment; close In. J. L. WELLS CO., so ozarora or cowcexcb bum. 700 10 ivuuuu " crl and Augusta Patxwald to fuune waidt. lot 11, block W. H. Watt to Junior James,' "lot a. oioca i. watt's addition, Frf aubdivlalon of lot 4, William and Catharine' Conn to , u'. aney, lot 16, block B. York Sllaa M. Leonard to Peter ' r Zimmerman, lot 2, block , Grimes' addition tn at tnh. Title Guarantee A Truat Co. to -eter u. Zimmerman, lot 7, blOCk 20. South At John. Edward and Anna E. Lyona to iuae Jdcuinnls and Mary U McGlnnla, lots and 10. block 9 T.VfiR .JI.Im, Merchanta Savings 4V Truat Co. to Mrs. Mary Burton Avery, lota 7 and I, block 10, Counoll Croat Park. Esther Myers to Calogero Amato, lots 7 and t, block 20. Tlbbett'a addition 2,000 Calogero Amato et al to Frank Amato, H Interest to lots 7 and t. block 20, Tlbbetts' ad dition ..: 1.800 Joseph M. Heal y to H. A. Good- an. iota and 7. block 21. Wa- Verlela-h Hala-hta aririltlnn IDA Elisabeth Ryan and the Irving Heal Estate Co. to Multnomah Fair Association, beginning from the northeast comer of 7th and Russell streets, thence north 1.100 ft.', thence east 1,260 ft., thence south 1.660 ft thence west 1,860 ft 160.000 Multnomah Fair Association to Merchanta Savings Truat Co.. aame aa above 10 Herman Mettger, trustee, to Mrs. M. Sargent, lot 26, block (. Reservoir Park rio T. 8. and Lulu J. McDantel to H. C. Baker, lot 10, block 2. Albina Heights 100 Maria L. Flanders to Theo. L. Spllld, lot 14. block 209, Couch's addition 2.(00 C. E. 1 Am hereon to Catherine McLaughlin, lot I, block It, North Albina E00 Herman Naylor et al to J. M. Aklna, lot 3, block (6. Caru thera addition to Caruthers addition 4.K00 Joe. H. Nash and Alice J. Nash to Miss Alma Klas and Miss Ronetta Klas, east H of lots 1 and 2, block 36, Tremont Place addition l,)n Geo. W. and Laura 8. List to Paulina P. Knopp, lot 6, block . Central Albina 1 no FOR ABSTRACTS. TITLE INSUR- ance or mortraae loans, call on Paclfln Title a Trust Co., 204-6-6-7 Falling bldr. GET ?OUR INSURANCE AND AB- stracts to real estate from the Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 240 Washington i., cor. za CEMETERIES RIVER TIEW ISIN3LE GRAVES," tlOj family lota. 10x11, for 1100, and upwarda, according to alae; the .only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and carea for lota. For Information, apply to W. R. Mackenale. Worcester block. W. M. Ladd, president rose cift BiNoLE graVks. iif. family lota 125 to I76. Bupennwnu; ent at cemetery, corner or iremont au and CuUy road. Phone Tabor 200. For full Information apply to Frank Schlegel. 02 Commercial blk. Phone Main 2833. ' HELP WANTED 5IALB aeaeeeaj,sa.,saW Stac Bolt Cutters fWantcdl $1.50 per cord,. timber yel low flr, apply R. 306 Stearns hldz., Portland, Oregon. MEETING NOTICES. HAWTHORNE LODGE, NO. Ill, A F. A A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening at 8 o'clock. Burk hard Bldg. Work In the M. M. degree. Vlaiting brethren welcome. C. E. MILLER. Bee. SALESMEN WHO CAN SELL REAL estate on eaay paymenta win una u to their advantage to call on the sales manager of the Jacoba-Stine Co., Ache son bldg.. 6th at. oppoalte Meier Frank, Monday Between i ana SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED POSITION BY SOBER, RB- iwpie engineer. Address p. u. dox bi, KBXIabL& UaU WaNTA Ja1t6r or other work evenlnrs. K"0, Jour link SltxJXflbii as" Assistant ' kuiiii neer or n rem an, M-462, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTEDWORK BT DAT BT COM. patent woman. Call 100 6t at. WANfED--A FEW MORE ENGAGE raenta for plain aewing by the day. r iium jnmn ei. A-toii. FOB RESTT nOUSEKEEPIXa. P P.: WANTED SALESMEN; MANT MAKE 1100 to 2160 per month; aome even more; atock clean, rrown on reaerva tion, far from old orcharda; caah ad vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad dresa Washington Nuraery Co.. Top- pen If h , W a h l n g ton. CARPENTERS' HEADQUARTEKrf. corner E. Pine and Grand ave. meets every Tueada- night. Phone Kaat 627. M W A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 0.4SS meets Wedneaday evening. Allaky blda.. 2d and Morrison ats. H W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 6.171. Mondays, 17 th and Marshall. Visitors welcome. Union Hotel BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 Fliedner Diag. Main jaii. skELLr c6., 14TH ANt fLANdeAs; riour, reea. nay, grain, rnonea A-itii, Pad no 611. L. C. HENRICHSEN CO.. JEWELERS. and opticians, 224 Waahlngton at. NEW FICTION LIBRARY. 121 lOTlI booka loaned at 8 cents the day. St. NOTICES. 21 N. SIXTH ST.. PORTLAND. OR. Free employment to all; boarders' rates $1.60 per week; room, 26o and up; spe cial monthly rates riven. Andereon, proprietor. YOU CAN MAKE MONEY SELLING real estate for the JACOBS-8TINE CO. If interested call on aales mana ger, Acheson bldg., 6th at., oppoalte Meier & Frank, Monday between 1 and 4 p. m. W6MAN "WISHES VV6RK"-Bf f Hfi day. Phone Paclflo 2106; A-2888. WANTED A FEW HOUha' WORlt oaya, steaqy places. M-. journal. FRONT PART OF COTTAGE, THREE housekeeping . rooms, rarnished; f 16 month; 4-room houae, large yard, 18 month rround-floor furnished house keeping rooms, 18 ' month; 4-room rround-floor new flat, unfurnlehed. 816; 112; T-room . of ttare, 120; , west side river.' Apply 164 I, zatn; wiuameiie Hetahta cara to 26th. turn aoutk half . . i - ... - DiocK. - - - VW6 rt?RNlst!r) H6UsEgEEINq rooms, tts sin mu - NIcely trVMWim H6UBbH!eBP. ina Mites: no children. The Erdmann. tn. Hurnaiae ana urana ave. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. 26 N. 2d at. Phone Main 1826. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 206 Morrlaon at, ...Phone Paclflo 222 27 n! 2d at. .... . Phone Pacific 1200 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Loacina ramn and farm heln a eoe- clalty. 20 N. 2d at Phone Main 8286. we pay all telegraph charges. ACME EMPLOYMENT CC FARM- era' and loggers' heln a BDaclaltv. 34 N. 2nd at. 2tt N. 2nd at. 241 Davis st. Phone Main 6487. OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVANCE IN the government service. Positions for Ry. mall clerk, let. carrier, etc. Let us prepare you for exam. Call or write, Pac. States Schools, 613 McKay bldg. FIRST-CLASS HARNESS MAKERS; steady employment The P. J. Cronin Company. WANTED AGENTS - UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOUR . UNFRlfI8HED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms with water and light; No. 70 to, loth North; rent via. inquire 41 E. uiRjstn worm, rnone juasi k3B. 8 uljRNlBHEb R66M8 FOR faENf . Phone Pacific 788. tw6 Large n66M& an6 pANIrV. 1 with range, uae of bath and tele- pnone. io tiamiitoo ave. . Phone Main oa. ROOMS AND BOARD. OSBORN HOTEL, CORNER GRAND ave. ana m. An; rurnisned rooms, sin- f:ie or en suite, win or without board, last S61. K66M AND B6ARD Af fHfi h6teL t. j. w., v g.. waspington. St. i Why eat at restaurantswheH you can get rood room and board. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS. caahlers, clerka. . Reglatratlon bureau, 203 Allaky bldg. WANTED ALL-AROUND BLACK- smlth; write quick. Tom McPhar- Ion,! TlitY tnn Cir PHARMACIST OR REGISTERED A- alatant. Sherman. Cottel Drug Co., lat and EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR aaleamen wanting to enter the real estate field. Apply an lea manatfnr the JACOB8-8TINE CO., Acheson bldg.. th at., opposite Meier & Frank, Monday be tween 1 and 4 p. m. TWO YOUNG MEN TO LEARN THE real estate buslnewa. 300 Ablngton. WIDE AWAKE. ENERGETIC MEN wanted on good salary and commis sion for city and traveling. References required. 207 Couch bldg. U. 8. GOVERNMENT SERVICE MEN wanted at once to qualify for fall examinations. Call today. Information free. West Coaat schools, 216 Oregon lan bldg. Open tonight DENTIST WANTED ALL AROUND man; steady position. Chicago Den tists, 322 H Washington st MARRIAGE LICENSES. WEATHER REPORT A email disturbance waa central this morning over Alberta and the barometer was relatively low over the Texaa pan handle and aiso over southern Arizona, A weak high pressure area was central off the Washington coast, and a high pressure area of great magnitude over hung the Atlantic states. Fair weather prevailed everywhere In the Pacific and Rocky mountain states. Light to moderately heavy rains fell in the Mis sissippi valley and the upper lake re gion, and heavy Jocal rains fell In Florida. Temperatures in the northern and eastern states were slightly below normal, but in Texaa, Oklahoma, Kan sas, Missouri and Arkansas it was elljthtly warmer than usual. Indication are for fair weather in this district tonight and tomorrow. Temp, Robert "ones. 482 Umatllle itiu t Effle Harmon, 23. K. u. wyatt. Zb; Ora E. Bratton, 13. rh.rl.v DaI..., till T . - . k avenue, 21; Carrie Becke, 2. W. W. Howarth, 218 Eaat Morrison street, 24: Anna O. Tatham, 20. B. McKInley. 262 Skldmore street. 22; Mar Anjola, 21. Norman J. Dodson, 44 North Ninth street, 24; Mary J. Hlrnch, 19. Dr. A. E. Devere, 460 Waahlngton street, 21; Ella C. Lehigh. 21. Stanley Jewltt, 689 Tenlno avenue, 22; Edna Myers, 18. Fred F. Chard, 820 Grand avenue, 26; Elsie Swift. 21. Wedding Carda. W. G. Smith Co.. Washington bldg.. corner 4th and Waah lngton ata. Wedding carda the beat, 100 for $6. Alvln 8. Hawk. 144 2d at. Tonaeth A Co., floiiata, for flowers of all klnda. 122 6th at Clarke Broa., Florists Fine flowers and norai designs. 289 Morrison at NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING. The undersigned Incorporators of the Portland Country Club & Live Stock aasoclation, dealgnated by a majority of auch incorporator to open booka and receive subscrlptlona to the capital stock of the corporation and to fix upon a time for a meeting of the sub scribers to the stock of said corpora tion, hereby call a meeting of the sub scribers of the stock of the Portland Country Club Live Stock association, to be held at Commercial club rooms in the city of Portland, Oregon, on Tues day, the 27th day of Auguat, 1907, at the hour of four o'clock p. m., for the Surpoae of electing not leaa than threel Irectors of aald corporation, aa the stockholders preaent ahall determine, the adoption of by-laws, and for the transaction of such other buelnesa aa may properly come before the meeting. Portland. Oregon, July 2th. 1907. . G A. WESTGATE. JULIUS L. MEIER. TOM RICHARDSON, Incorporatora. IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT Court for the District of Oregon. In the matter of F. G. Donaldaon. bank rupt Notice la hereby given that tho property belonging to the estate of said bankrupt, which Is in possession of the trustee, consisting of furniture, fixtures, carpets, safe, cash register, bedding, linen, silverware, dishes, cooking uten alla, typewriter, billiard table, snd all other -personal property now In the Hotel Revere. Albany. Or., will be sold at private aale by the trustee, L. L. 8wan, at hla office at Albnnv, Or., at 10 o'clock a. m. Thursday. August 8. 1907. the same to be sold to the highest bidder tn caah upon scaled bids, which ! muat be deposited with the trustee on i or before the aald time set for the sale. I College, 406 Commonwealth Building. a cerriuiea cnecK equal io lu per cent of the amount must accompany the bid or it will not be regarded. Bids will be opened simultaneously In the presence of bidders. Inventory may be seen In the office of L. L. Swan, at Albany, Or. Dated this 26th day of July. 1907. jj. L,. bwain. Trustee AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL goods? If ao w need you; complete ... t 1 TIT I . . choice of territory. Capital City Nur aery company, Salem. Or. i SOMETHING NEW IN HIGH-GRADE perfumes: price very low; supply limited. R. M. Plummer, at drug store, 260 2d st. waniku imuruuohli COMPE- served famllv atvle 11 N iVh tent and reliable nursery salesmen for ' "riTVia ramiiy atyie. 11 H, 6th at. tne Bitter Root country, Montana and Hood River country, Oregon; exclusive agency given to party qualified. For terms and particulars address Oregon nursery to., Baiem, ur. FOR RENT HOUSES 4-ROOM COTTAGE, STABLE; LOT 126x100, east aide, 28 month; 7-room cottage, newly papered, with yard, west side of river, 220; 4-room new lower flat, 216; any combination of furnished house keeping rooms, cheap, near fine ahady grove, on west side river. Apply 364 N. 26th; Willamette Helghta cars to 26th, turn south half block. VAN HORN TRANSFElU-FlTRNIt URfl and pianos moved, atorad or ahlnned. f ncrau mtin j BUSINESS CHANCES. ', :(' -'A TUB COAST REALTY CO : . 226 H, Morrison at ' V . Headquarter for real , estate f and homesteads, timber claims, etc I ' also 866.000. hilf iuih tn --...-.a close in , eaehlncoro propertjrfi II AAA . A ? - - M -y ' or ' traaa TKrd aho itor new aaw war . store at Invoice. - establljifcd 30 It AAA7.Manuf"ctu"nf Invoice, f mm .'" .nnaie lu 38.000. ' half ' rahlxr.riw mill i - with Jot of lumber, logs. Umber, to ; clears HO dally. ' ?.ooo--60 acre. Improved, near Ora mJL.CrAmLtata buildings, to.; eaay erma. Other acreage. 23.200.' half enahitn i Wh.t.,n1'' W,H b worth 1100 acre. 110.000 buvs one hf th fln on.ih.-,-Helfnt all prices). " 22. ISO. hair ' fsmmh B.rnnm . A - houae, 12,000 t-room near : strictly modern house. 21,800, 1300 cash 4-room houae with I Ipte 820 up. Roomlna-houses. all alses: restaurant ' Confectionerv. arneerv atnrea ate. mni OPher business opportunltlea. 8600 Confectionery, close In, city. I llvlna rooms; three years' lease; rent only 11$. , 2600 buva half Interaaf In tare-a mi. taurant with position as cashier 2160 monthly, and board rua ran teed. 2600 buy interest in real eaUte bust. neaa, old established, money-maker. Call, write or phone Main 1668. A-4160, ' THE COAST REALTY CO.,. 224H Morrison at TliB COASt REALtf CdMANf. ' 9i U Vfnrrlann a roruana, or. Phones Main lTrJfn2 A-4160. Kv, 22,000 buys the best paying bake?. it alse in Portland; Ion" leaae; very of WANTED KEAL ESTATE MR. WANT MONEY. IF YOU WANT 100 men to sell your property to their rrienas, use it wit) me; new plan. M. D. Howse. 66 6th st Main 6188. WANTED SMALL RANCH, CONVEN lent to car; give full particulars. dress H-461, Journal. Ad WANTED TO RENT WANTED EXPERIENCED DISH waaher at the Vegetarian Cafe, 106 6th st. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COT- (mi riata atnrea Afflea rrwktnlna. houses, etc. 'Landlords will do wall to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. 72. 8. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. WANTKD MISCELLANEOUS CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 8AV age A Pennell. 846-347 lat st Phone Pacific 360. FURNITURE. WE WNTED MALE EXPERIENCED candy helper. Rebe's Candy Store, 810 Washington st. LAWYERS AND STUDENTS WISH Ing to add to their Income will please address E-466 Journal. YOUNG MAN, 18 TO 20; WHOLESALE houae; atate experience. If any, and reference. V-467, Journal. WANTED CARPENTERS. STANTON and Gantenbeln ave. Phone Cash 1S72. WANTED INTELLIGENT YOUNO men to prepare for railway telegraph eervlce; employers' passes from school ' i.t ii-i. to position when competent. Oregon i - -" - - PAY MORE FOR PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. Main 6860. Zll 11 at. WE RENT AND SELL PIANOS. 8HER-" mnn. Clay t co. kOUSE FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL 9-rnom home, near Hawthorn and 34th at. Keystone Realty Co.. 112 Allaky bldg. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. oOi'BVERl'dN st.. zo, or Phone E. Land. 217 MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE; gaa; bath; fine neighborhood; best car service. 917 East Salmon.- FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. grove st. 820. wooaiawn 78ft. or 641 PEYtV- phona E. Land, FOR RENT 7-ROOM fLAf In MAK: guerite bldg.. Hawthorne and 86th at.. line location for physician's office and residence. W. L. Nash, 1029 Haw- thorne. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AND BASE ment; rent 216; 10 minutes ride on Unloa ave. car. Inquire Jones' Book store. 291 Alder St. Ton rent. TiT. no children. H-410, IF YOU WANT TO SELL. SUB US. Second Hand Palace. Highest nrlaes paid for secdtid-hand gooda 267 Flan ders. Phone Main 2618. HIOHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of aecond-hend goods. Union Exchange, 262 Front st. Paclfle 1421. DEFORMITY APPLIAKCES MADE TO order. K. E. Karl son - Co., 261 An keny st.. Main 6260. WANTED FURNITURE AND HOU8E hold rood of every deacrlption bought, sold and exchanged. Tha 8. Home A-2327 7-ROOM HOUSE careful tenant. Journal. NEW MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE and 6-room upper flat. 146 E. 20th. TO RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE 80S E. 31st at., Kenilworth, modern and In food repnlr. Inquire 804 E. 22d at hone B-7S6. Owner, D. F. Knapp. 726 E. Burnalde and 22d at. HOUSE FOR RENT AND FURNITURE for aale. Inquire 1109 E. Stephena FURNISHED HOUSES. 2325.000 SNAKE RIVER IRRIGATION district coupon bonds for aale Sealed bids are Invited and will be received by the board of directors of Snake River Irrigation district in Malheur county. Or., until 2 o'clock p. m., August 9. 1907, for the purchase of 2826.000 bonds, or any part thereof, to be 20-year-coupon oonas pay a Die in inataiiments. beam WANTED BOY TO LEARN PRINT Ing business. Address C-469. Journal. WANTED MAN TO CLEAR LAND. Apply Fred Hoeckfcr, room 405 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED BOY OVER 16 YEARS OF age to learn some trade. 271 1st. BUSHEI.MAN FOR ONE OR TWO weeks. Nlooll the Tailor. 108 3d at. Full dress suits for rent, all alsaa. Unlqae Tailoring Co., 209 Stark t BIRTHS 'Abilene, Tex Baker City, Or. .... Chicago, III Denver, Colo Fresno, Cal Independence, Cal. , Ixa Angeles, Cal. . New York, N. Y. .. ' Phoenix, Aria Portland, Or Koseburg. Or Sacramento, Cal. . . Salt Lake. Utah . . . San Diego Cal Ban Francisco, Cal. Spokane, Wash. . . . Tacoma, Waah Waahlngton, D. C. . Yuma, Aria Max. Mln. Preclp. .0 .0 .22 .0 96 ... 74 ...78 86 92 ...80 ...78 ...102 ... 72 ... 82 ... 9fi ... 80 ... 64 ...76 ,..68 ...78 ...104 78 60 64 6 62 64 66 80 64 62 58 68 66 54 66 64 68 74 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Charles D. and Eliza Chrlsten- sen to Henry Legler, 100x120 feet commencing at the point where the west side line of a certain 1-acre tract of land conveyed by Thomaa F. Ste phens and Phoebe Stephens, his wlfeA to Joseph Knott In section 22. township 1 south, range 1 eaat of the Willamette meridian Intersects the north aide line of a certain 4-acre tract conveyed by said Ste phen and wife to Mary Scha- fer George W. and Lvdia" "h Watt to Ida L. Rosa', west of lots 7 and 8. block 260, Holladay's addition ' Sycamore Real Estate Co to' C E. Brlgge, lot 1, block lli Kern Park C H. Plggott to Marllla Ken nedy, lots 6, 6 and 7. block 4 Bralnard Hannah R. Morria to Barbara ' : B. Dalton. that certain tract or parcel of land beginning at . ' the post between sections n 'and 14. townablp 1 outh. - ranfa 1 . east, running thence . aa 10.77 ehalna, -etc.; etc .... Jtobert And Mary Liddell to Bar 's , bara Strack. lot 1 and 2. ' block 1, Arleta Park No. 4 . . . . Martin Mattson to Amanda E. Bone, land a t art in g at a stone " In the southeast side of the William ; Caples D. L. C. ' which atone i also the north- west corner of John Ward' JX L. C. . . i Multnomah Real Estate aasocla tion to Hdward F. Jenkins, lot 4 and 6, block 6, Willamette Townslje addition to Albina.. Multnomah Real Estate assocla i tion to FHxa Rogers, lot 2, blo"k , WilJamett TOWOsit ; ' adUlUon to Albina - LUCIONO July 14. to Mr. and Mr. Adolfo Luclono, 667 6th at, a son. ROBERTI July 21 to Mr. and Mr. Guasieppe Robert!, 616 Hood t, a son. FERRARIS JuJ" 18, to Mr. and Mr. Pltro Ferrarla. 666 6th st. a son. COLACOLA July 26. to Mr. and Mr. Vito Colacola. 651 4th St., a daugh ter. LEONETTI July 24, to Mr. and Mr. Batlato Leonettl, 2704 Sheridan t, a son. COBLEIGH July 20, to Mr. and Mr. Ernest A. Coblelgh, 339 Elbey St.. a son. PHELPS July 31. to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Phelps, 744 Brooklyn st, a aon. TOBEY July 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Wll llard Tobey. 170 E. 34th at . & rinrh. ter. ' " SMITH July 17, to Mr. and Mra. G. A. Smith, Sellwood, a son. FIELD July 16. to Mr. and Mrs. C S Field, Bellwood, a son. BECKMAN July 28, to Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Beckman. Sellwood. a son RITTER8PACHER July 29, to Mr', and mm. v. miierspacner, Beilwood, a aon. RESNIK July 27. to Mr. and Mr. H. - Resnlk, 227 Whltaker at., a son. BROMBER(3 July 26. to Mr. and Mrs Harry uromDerg, ass e. couch at., a son. ROSEN July 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Char les Rosen, 209 Montgomery st., a aaugnter. FUNKE August 1. to Mra. Peter Funke. 978 Macadam st.. a aon. STANARD August 1. to Mr. and Mrs. Nason Stanard, 146 E. 18th at., a daughter. WANTED MAN OF ALL ROUND office ability and capable of hand ling men to take charge of business In thriving city; salary 3100 per month and expenses, with commissions, mak ing It possible to make up to 2600 nina at the exDiration of the nth ver : "'".,l"'. ?nP9l( . .vcr exceptional. Interest 6 per cent .eml-annually. All , LlL'li "weuana niog. mas to De sealed and endorsed. "Pro posal for Snake River Irrigation District Bonda." and addressed to 8. W. Apple- f " v ....I. i,i.ii, luuBifunv, v 1 . i lit; BUC CeSSful bidder to furnish blank bonda. HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO work on shirts and overalls reason a The rlaht is reserved to reiect nnv nnrt ! s-1ven to lnexnerienced. Annlv at Stand. all bid. Detailed information furnished I ard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and Eaat on application io ttoy wmie, aecretary, layior St. WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee beat prices. Call phone or write, S. J. & L. Rubensteln, 175 Front st. oppoalte National hottL pacific 1401. BEFORE SELLING YOUR FUR nlture, etc., phone East 1067 and save money. WANTED SMALL LOAN8; WILL pay 10 per cent; good security; In vestigate thla. Zella Goaaett, Riverside ornce, St. Johns car. MAN WANTS BOARD IN CHRISTIAN family; breakfast and supper. R-458, journal. PLACE TO BOARD NINE-YEAR-OLD boy. E-469, Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THE RICHELIEU 82 H N. 6TH ST. Elegantly furnished; steam heat and baths. Welser. Ida. Dated July 2, 1907. board of director. ROY WHITE. Secretary. By order of the NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ing The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Sullivan Extension Min ing company, for the election of a board of director for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of uch other buel nesa aa may regularly come befor them, will be held at the office of th company, rooms 601 to 504, Chamber of Commerce building. Portland. Oresron. on August 14, 1907, at 3 o'clock p. m. GEORGE F. HOLMAN. Secretary Sullivan Extension Mining Company, Portland Oregon, August 2, 1907. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 343 tt Washington st, corner Seventh, up stairs. Phone Main 2692. Female help wanted. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD factory No. 2, Grand ave, and Eaat Taylor at. HELP WANTED UNION company. LAUNDRY NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET Ing The annual meeting of the stock holder of the Coeur d'Alene Develop ment company, for the election of a board of directors tor the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly come before WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE F1TZ Well ahlrts and Boss of All overalls at 76 lat st. MATURE WOMAN AS ASSISTANT TO take management Sept. 1. Apply at once. Address V-418, Journal. STENOGRAPHERS, BOOKKEEPERS, cashiers, clerks. Registration bureau. 303 Alisky bldg. , WANTED GOOD COOK TO TAKE charge of dining room and kitchen, firivate family, no children, no wash ng, evenings out. Telephone Main 6550. THE BUTLER, MODERN HOTEL. furnished up-to-date; gaa and elec .trlc lighted. 409 V, Washington. THE AVADON HOTEL FURNISHED rooma, modern throughout. Cor. 11th and Washington. THE CURTIS. CORNER 11TH AND Commercial; over Danclger's clothing tore; good rooms; central location; transient trade solicited. Astoria,. Or. REASONABLE ONE OR TWO NldE rooma; clean; quiet; very central, 450 Yamhill, near Twelfth. 230 RUSSELL ST; OWEN APARf- menta; two rurnisneo apartment of two rooma eacn. wrT pitmt i.pnnu iiwirn rt at furnished rent 220 with water and" phone. 882 E. 1st st. north. FOR RENT FLATS JUST COMPLETED MODERN FLAT8 of 7, 6 and 4 rooms; walking dlatance, 200 feet aouth of 23d and Waahlngton ata., Green ave.. Cedar Hill. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN NEW modern flat; central; no children or dogs. 95 N. 13th st. heap rent: sickness catiaaa aanrlflfta. 11.600 One half caah: new . aaven- room house; atrlctly modern; rood alaed lot; fine view; three block from car Una; rood basement etc.: reallw worth over 82.000; -muat be' sold Immediately; a my exclusive agent at above d dreaa; other house, all prlcea 2600 buy furniture; IS rooms; almost new; modern, high-class rooming-house; best location In the city; must sell Im mediately aaav Urmi- In.. cheap rent; other rooming-house all prlcea. See exclusive agent for full particulara. . . House for rent 840 rent 12 rooma furnished; suitable for keeping roomer; reference required. 20 rent six-roomed house, close In; nice clean place; fine view. 810 rent six-room house. 812 rent three-room furnished cot tage. 816 rents four-room new cottage. 810 rent four-room good houae, with large garden, barn and chicken house. Other house all price. Landlords bring in your house and stores for rent; we can rent them In short order. THE COAST REALTY COMPANY, 266 H Morrlaon st. Or. Phones Main 1568. A-4110. 8ALOONMEN. ATTENTION! Having been called east to settle family estate by August 16. I will dis pose of second largest and best saloon and pool hall In Portland; lease, license, stock complete, 82,600; 8800 down, balance when you ret ready. H-460, Journal. A SALOON FOR SALE AT A REA86N able price on account of death in the family: I want to leave the city. D-462, juurnai. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES A GOOD STORE BUILDINO AND VA cant lot (No. 182 Grand ave.) for rent; food chance for any kind of bualneaa. t'a on the side of the street people travel on. Come and aee it Inquire 160 Grand ave., city. F6R RENT TW6 GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny st. Apply R. T. Cox. Telephone Main 422. A NICE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT. Madison bldr., 2d and Madison ata FOR RENT ONE HALF NEWSPAPER ROUTE OF io! PA per In Portland for aale; can show a groa profit of 2100 per month. Don't anawer onleaa you mean bualnesa. For aale for beat offer. Addres N-600, Journal. FOR 8 ALE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, ladles' and gents' furnishings and no tions, situated In one of the best and liveliest cities on the coast; good brick building and one-year lease; doing a good business; will Invoice about 26,000; would take small farm or city lota for part payment Addres E-466, Journal. PLACER GOLD MINE A GILT-EDGE proposition for Investment W. N. Ruble. Welppe, Idaho. BARGAIN HOTEL store; also basement. RENT OFFICE OF FINE 485 Morrison. DESK FOR RENT OFFICE AND room In a pleasant down-town loca tion facing on Washington at Inquire 418 Commercial block. for "-Bale, good Springfield. Or. FIXTURES locality. Box 176. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE HOTEL OAK FIRST-CLASS FUR nlshed rooms, electric light, gas, bath and phones; situated next to City park. 347 Oak st. THE COLLINGE NICELY FURNI8H ed rooms, hot water In every room, free phone and bath, 82.60 to 26 per week; no children. 321 4th, cor. Clay. SALESWOMEN. ' . TV a hnvA a nnmhar rt f trtsA ttaiarna. them, will be held at the office of the nent positions for competent and rell- DEATHS. 800 960 166 1,000 10 960 I SWAINBANK August 2, Esther Swaln- bank, aged 1 month and 28 days, 390 Jefferscn st., liaemophalla. WILLIAMS August 1, Albert Edgerton Williams, aged 61 years, 8 months and 20 day. 1076 Williams avenue; dilation of heart. vVHITE August 2, Mr. Anna Pyle White, aged 32 year and 6 months, Hlllsboro; exopthalmic goiter. WEBBER August 1, Joseph. Klnscherf Webber, aged 73 years, 9 month and 12 day, 169 E. 14th at; uraemia. FUNERAL NOTICES. SCHNEIDER The funreal services of Herman G. Schneider Jr. will be held at Finley's chapel at 10 a. m. Tuesday, August 6; friend Invited. Interment Rlvervlew. DODDS Eli Dodds. died Aug. L Fu- nertu win m neiu x ueauay. o;vv p. m., irom ji-iniey undertaking parlor. Friends and acquaintances invited. company, rooms 601 to 604 Chamber of Commerce building, Portland. Oregon, on August 6, 1907. at 10 o'clock a. m. GEORGE F. HOLMAN. Secretary Coeur d'Alene Development Company. Portland. Oregon. July 11. 1907. SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED by the Clerk of the County Court of Multnomah county up to 12 o clock noon, August 21st, 190i, for the erection of a two-story frame Detention Home it Center Addition, for the boys and girls of the Juvenile Court. Bids will be re ceived either separately for each branch of the work, or complete for the entire building. Plans can be viewed at the office of the architects, Bennes-Hend-rlcks A Tohey, 67 Labbo Bldg., or at the office of the Clerk of the County Court. THE GRAND, 45 N. 3D ST. ROOMS' ror gentlemen, h.zb per week and up. able saleswomen. OLDS, WORTMAN ft KING. WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO learn telephone operating: good salary short hours, pay while learning, luncheon served free of charge and lounging and rest rooms In connection. Apply chief operator, Telephone building, Weat Park anq Aider ats FOR RENT ONE FURNISHED front room, near car shops, phone East 2722. FURNISHED ROOM TFJ PRIVATE family, suitable for one or two gen tlemen. 427 3d at. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and, returned aame day. 228 Front st. Main 474. I'ortiand Curled-Hair Factory. H. Met ger, proprietor. SECOND GIRL. THE MAILYN. 663 Washington et. WANTED EXPERIENCED BABY nurse; references required. Call 231 N. 24th. WANTED YOUNG LADY IN REAL estate office. 6297. A-2417. Call Sunday. Main A WILLING GIRL TO HELP WITH light housewor.: at 450 5th st. WANTED GIRLS . shop. 11 H N. 4th. FOR TAILOR THE NEWLAND HOUSE GOOD rooma, single and en suite; good, clean beds, electric lights; $1.26 to $3.60 per week. 806 y, 1st. Phone Main 7810. STONEBLOCK ROOMING - HOUSE Furnished rooms with free bath. 342 U lat. at. " FURNITURE OF 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR aale cheap if taken at once; rent rea- sonable, P-456, Journal. FOR RE-. 1" 6-ROOM LOWER FLAT; furniture for sale. 230 N. nth st. A COMPLETELY FURNISHED COT- tare: c roms. bath. etc.. arrangements perfect; very reasonable; rent 821 per month. W. M. Langley, 217 Chamber of Commerce. WANTEDPARTIES WITH IDLH money to invest in amounts of $26 and up. in heavy manufacturing concern now established in thli city. Best open ing in United States. F. L. Schott. 404 H Eaat Morrison at., Portland, Oregon. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonda bought and sold. Corre spondence InvitedT H. W. Donahue Co., til Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7363. NEWSPAPER REPUBLICAN. 8PLEN dld valley field; Cylinder pre, big Job bualnesa For sale on terma T-425, ournal. IWILL SELL THE STATE RIGHTS of Washington, California and Ore gon, In one of the beat noveltlea pat ented In recent years. Indorsed by the Hlbbard-Spencer Hardware Co., Morley Murphy Hardware Co. and other lead ing firms in the east. Will be able to furnish the good by Oct 1. Call room it, Morrison t., 1 to 6 p. m. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH modern convenience. Phone Main 1869. ' SUMMER RESORTS HERE IS A FINE CHANCE TO STEP Into the beat bualneaa in St John; general stock; no old rood; located on ucbi v uurner in xne city; aoing rood I business; lease on bulldlnr; stock re I duced to minimum; will invoice about I $3,000; rood real estate in St John or roruana taxen in exchange. Come and look it over. The Wagoner Co., St, John, Or. LOCKSLEY HALL SEASIDE, OR.. DR. P. L. Austin, proprietor, assisted by L. A. Carlyle; rates from $12.60 per week up; rate and reservations may be made now with Dr. Austin, dentist. Raleigh bldr- SHELBURN HOTEL NICELY FUR nlshed rooms; everything first-class; home cooking. Mra T. P. Hoare, Sea view, Wash LEFT ON COUNTER IN O. W. P. waiting room at Hawthorne aye. and waier si. j- rmay nignt, pair 'Of nose glasses, nease return to 622 Chamber or commerce and receive reward. LOST GOLD SCARF PIN. DESIGN woman's head; finder will receive $3 y leaving at journal ornce. LOST CARD CASE, CONTAINING union caras ana two railway passes; icwmu. om oavier si. LOST I R 1 SH SETTER BITCH, OVER a year old $25 reward for return to ooo c. rarn, or fhone East 2088 10 10 UNDERTAKERS MAX M. SMITH, FLORIST, 260 6TH -at, opposite Meier A Frank'. Main 7215. J. P. FINLEY A 8dN8. 8D AND MADI-" son sts. Office of county coroner. . uuiiq jnain v. EgNFilNG. M'BNfEE A OlLBAUdH. . nnoartaker and embalmer; modern 4n80V,L."ii-,.8v?ntl nd -rJL. "gMBfocK. fUKeraL'"' bl- SenwtSd 7"tT1,ih Umatilla. Phone Beiiwooa 71. Lady a..l.t.t JSyEtt" ' CO.. FUNERAL Dl A.aCtoJ"'mD',mr. ttt BiuaeU, i Kaat 1081. Lady altant. v I FOUND DARK BAY' HORSE. ABOUT iu jta-ra oia; nocK Dack. Fred La Mora. 310 Bell av.. Archer Place, Mt. Scott car line. HELP WANTED MALE A MAN WITH SMALL AMOUNT OF money to inyeat: general business ability required; large salary; big frofita from business. Without excep lon the best opportunity offered in thla city. Referencea given and taken. State ffvxP"1f?ce.etc. We need the man. Write W-469. Journal. MEN, BETWENN 18 AND 45, AT ONCE to prepare for U. 8. LETTER CAR RIERS AND CLERKS In Portland post office: special examination a nunc; n LIFE POSITIONS. See us toda w.V Coaat Schools, 315 Oregonian bldg. Open WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; wages $25. Phone Main 4048. WANTED EXPERIENCED FEEDERS and folders; steady work. Portland Laundry Co. WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO STUDY telegraphy; good positions when com petent Call. Oregon College, 406 Com monwealth bldg. GIRL WANTED COMPETENT, GOOD wages; 8 adults. 4u Mill at. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR small family, one willing to do cook ing, general housework and help to care for children when necessary. Call git 227 Falling bldg. bet. Z and 4 pm. GIRL OR LIGHT HOUSEWORK who understands some cooking, new 6-roorri flat, two in family. Call 614 Montgomery. WANTED LADIES TO TEACH M. E. Chinese mission evening school, at 247 V, Stark at Apply 262 Clay st. EXPERIENCED S.TENO G R A P H E R, who has her own machine. Call Tues day 10 o'clock. 447 Fourth st. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open with best firms; no charge. - Underwood Type- wrlter Co.. 68 ta t. HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED. male or female. R. G. Drake. 205H Washington st. Pacific 1870. SALESMAN OR SALESLADY WANT NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, ground floor, bath and telephone; can furnish board If desired; one block from car. 626 Clay at. HOUSEKEEPING AND FURNISHED rooms, reasonable. 801 H 1st st, 8 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT.' The Henderson, 2094 N. 4th at, FURNISHED ROOW ISf PRIVATE family; electric light, bath; f$ per month. 653 6th St. LARGE COMFORTABLE! PliOK'T room for two; breakfast and dinner; home cooking; private; all convenience; reasonable; nice location. 262 ti, 19th st Phone Pacific 2497. TWO FURNISHED ItOOMfl, Xhl WU veniences. 188 W. Park t. BUSINESS CHANCES. IF YOU OR YOUR COMPANY MEAN business, rat busy. Two reliable and experienced gold, silver and copper f rospector want to sign a year con ract at $100 per month eacn and one half their discoveries. Field, Oregon and Nevada, send aeir-aaareased en velope to Insure answer. Box 741, Med roMjOr. IF YOU WISH TO BUt 6r SELLseI! us. We give you all referencea free of charge. C. S. Arnold A Co., original hotel broker. 851 Morrlaon. Phono mam PROSPECTOR WILL 6ELI half Interest in arroun of tffiina clalnis; high-grade ore; coarse gold pincers, j-mov, journal. FOR SALE GOOD h6tEL, 80 steady boarders, will ell reasonable, too much busines. Inquire at 350 Glisan st. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. $1.26 WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED nouseaeeping-rooms, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat, yard. 203 Stan- ion si. u car. WANTED CARPENTERS. STANTON and oantenoein ave. Phone East 1872 FINE 'MOTION PICTURE MACHINE ssr 4,t"0 reei nne mm cheap. Room I, 14514 Sth, bet. Aider and Morrison, ed. a rood proposition. yneqner piag. Call at 203 WANTED HOP PICKERS FOR large yards; long season; fine picking; fine camping ground, etc.; groceries nt city prices. Apply Andrew Kan A Co., 287 Morrison st. $T60 WEEK UP LARGE, "CLEAN rurnianea nouseKeepina-rooms. laun. ary ana oain. is enerman St., south, fortiana. 272 MONTGOMERY ST.. COR. 4TH. 1 nicely furnished, large basement rooms; housekeeping; water, gas. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. 7th and Fjander st. LARGE. LIGHT. NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; water, gas range. 603 U Alder. THE HEILER. 280 V. GRAND A VJB. ! first-class furnished housekeeping rooms, electric iigm ana gas; iree tele phone ana Dam. . Light housekeeping rooms newly furnished, modern in every re- speci. aius lat st. FIVE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Phone Paclflo 2464. 497. Columbia st. 3 FURNISHED SUITES FOR HOUSE keeplng, and S single rooms, furnished for housekeeping; $2.25 to $2.76 per week. 372 V4 East Oak. Phone East 4626. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. rates; electric light . and Aluded. , 20114 Water st LOWEST phone ln- WILL GIVE 14 INTEREST IN TWO household necessities, patented, for use of $3,000 to start factory; immense ales; 260 per cent profit; absolute se curity; return or money within a months, guaranteed. East 6260. MA KB MB AN- OFFER ON. 1,050 hare of Fidelity Copper atock; any reasonable offer will not be refused. P-458, Journal. IF YOU HAVE A FEW HUNDRED dollars and want a monopoly of the best money maker in the west, addres lf-468, Journal. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT, ' Rooming-house, restaurants, hotels, grocery stores, meat markets, real es tate, business chances, investments. Western Realty Company, room 510, zbv wasningion st., uucnanan oiqg, WANTED PARTNER TO INVEST equal amount in 6c motion picture show. Portland; have fine location. D-460, Journal. 14-ROOM HOUSE, NEAR WASHING ton st good furniture and Tow rent: $560. Hatfield A Smith. 166V, 4th At. ROOMING-HOUSE, 80 ROOMS; VERjPi central; paying iiod monthly: brick Dunaing; i,uu. natneia A Smith, ivon in si. HOTEL AND ROADHOU8E TO LEASE Old-established, with or without saloon- furnished: newlv remndola.1 . also 7-foom house and orchard. $10; and 4 flats. 18 room. $25; all on weat aide. C. H. Plggott, owner, lawyer, 4, 6 and . Mulkeylldg. BUST THE WOOD C6mbiNE GET" your wood much cheaper. For par ticular address M-456, Journal. A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY THAT . will take only a small amount of money and all round busines ability; large salary guaranteed and profits from business large. Thla 1 very ex ceptional. Don't ml It. Writ X-169, Journal. IF YOU HAVE $100 fd'lSOO OR UP warda to Invest in cash or on Install ment plan, answer quickly. A few hundred dollars invested with u now will afford you large return very oon. For particular addres F-460, Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. YOUR TIME AND $600 FOR HALF iN tereat in Poult rv and nroduea hn.i. ness; splendid opening for a business man. I-4B8. Journal. dayis h6teL for sale, reas6n- abl terma. 110 Vi N. Id, WILLAMBTTK SNAPS. Choice lots and homes, also acreage; caah or terras: ome overlooking river and city; residence or busines lot. C. A. ZYGOWSKI, Office Willamette Station. St. John ear. HURRY THIS WON'T LAST. -Large eiaht-room house in rood neigh borhood; close to car: furnace; $3,200; easy terms; worth $8,600. . For real estate on eaat side, see me. I have Just what you want V. PAGE HARRIS, HEALEY BLDOk"' Grand ave. and E. Morrison. A 6-ROOM COTTAGE, A MODERN . beauty; located 2 block from beat carllne In the city, only 10 minute ride to center of city; price $1,600; -$800 cash, balance to ault. Thl la a snap and must be sold at once. HUME LAND CO., 146V4 1st at. AM LEAVING CITY ON ACCOUNT OF1 111 health and will sacrlfjo two lot on 25th, vnear Alberta at. If taken at once. T-488. Journal. J ' BY OWNER AT A BARGAIN HOUSE and 2 lots. Phone. Tabor 273. $3,800r-9-ROOM 2-STORt HOUSE, nice view; lovely home; west side; winding stairway; cement walks; ton tep,- fruit trees, T. W. Pltnger, 246V4 Morrison. . . JiS. 9 ACRES. CLOSE TO CITY. WOU3lfcS. trad for house and lot. J. W. Ruth errorq. in commercial blk. 60x100 on East llthat, layaflne; a commercial oik. FOR SALE CHEAP BEST PIECE OK - 11 acres. za around Portland , Lawi Ck Conant room 10. 211 Stark at. . X1 '.;i'.-'.ft..y'' X