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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1907)
THE ' OREGON DAILY 1 JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING AUGUST 8. 1907.;, -ir - r ii ' " wiii tT mn -1-L--1 1.' . W ' ' ...' -v ' - ' TUB JOCKXAL AT RESORTS ' bbteacrlbers flan fiava Tha Journal de .. ilvered at tha regular rates at tha fol lowing resorts by notirying in agents at tha various places mentioned, flub aortptlona by mail ara payable la ad vance: , . f, OREGON RESORTS. OMrhart Park ............. P. J. f track Hot Laka .Hot Laka Sanitarium Seaside...., ,.,, .LavIs Co. Wllholt Springs.........?. W. MoLsraa WASHINGTON RESORTS. ; Bum a, Iln. an Mlnanl AnrinrS Hotel Cascade Springs,. Thomas Mo'fett Collins Springs. . . . ... . . . .C. T. Belcher Lon Raanh . , . ............ , Marshall Pottenger and O. X. Smith Nihiwii. H. J. Brown Ocaan Park .Matthews Thedford Seavlew . ...... jTFrank B. Strsuhal - ; v 1 You Should Bank Th Braakara Tha Braakara Hotat TONIGHTM AMUSEMENTS Marquam Grand ......"Tha Undertow." Grand Vaudeville. Lyrlo "Jim, tha Westerner." Star , "A Baebalor'a Honeymoon." Tha Oaks, O. W.' P. carllne, First and Aider. TT With, aolemn high .rnaaa and apaelal muslo tha annual feast of St Domlnlo -was fittingly celebrated yeaterday morn-Irr.-jav the Holy Roaary churoh, Union ua and Clackamaa atreet. A feat ure of the aervloea waa the dedication of Vlotor Le Galle'a lateat magnificent painting of the Roaary group. Rt. Rev. Abbot Thomas, O. S. B. of Mt. Angel Abbey, preecnea an eloquent sermon on the life and mission of St. Dominic, hla wonderful pilgrimages and trlumpha A large number of the clergy from near by towna occupied seata in the aano tuary. At the t:lO a. ' m. mass, Mrs. Miser, nee Maria Velguth. of this city, waa heard in a number of vocal selec tions, assisted by J. Touscher, baaao. The visiting clergymen and the mem bers of the choir were the guesta of the Dominican Fathers at dinner In the af ternoon. The concert given yesterday after noon by the Park bank at City park waa greatly appreciated by the thous ands of people who went to hear it. The program waa unusually heavy but well rendered from beginning to end. Tschalkowaky's overture "1811" was new to most of the audience but drew rounda of applause. The difficult com- J position waa well played. Slg. Far el se bass aolo. 81g. DeCaprlo'a baritone solo, and the sextette from Lucia were featured and thoroughly appreciated. Tomorrow night's concert will be held at Holladay -ark, Wednesday night at Plaia, Thursday night at Columbia park, on the St. Johns line, and Fri day night at City park. , Archbishop Alexander Christie visited for the first time yeaterday the new Redenptoet pariah recently esfab- i llshed at Piedmont. At 8 o'clock the Redemptorlst Fathers, with their flocks celebrated mans, the men partaking at holy communion. Following the early service the women served breakfast In the parish house. When the Archbishop arrived, he waa met by the members of the Holy Name Boclety and escorted to the grounds. Later In the morning sol emn high maaa waa celebrated, followed by the blessings of the Archbishop. OUR CONTINUED and rapid increase in business arid number" of depositors is the best evidence in the world that we are pleasing the public with our business methods. If you are not doing banking business, drop in and let us tell you why you should. OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS, PORTLAND, OR. W. H. Moore, President; E. E. Ljrtle, Vice-President; W; Cooper Morris, Cashier. RESOURCES OVER 3,600,000 WE PAY 4 INTEREST REALTY DEALS III SIXFIGURES Transactions Reached Close to $200,000 3Iark in One Day's Trading. President C. C. Poling, of the West ern Union college, Le Mara, Iowa, and who founded the First United Evan gelical church in this city, delivered fin eloquent sermon In that church . yester day. He spoke on the "Reality of Christian Life," and condemned In no uncertain terms tha, "Tongues of Fire"' cult. He preached In the German Evan gelical church in the evening. Dr. Po ling stated he expected to return to Ore gon when his work in Iowa was com pleted. The Free Methodist campmeetlng, now In progress at Cedar park. Is from every standpoint an unqualified suc cess. At present there is a large crowd of tenters and the attendance of tran sients Is growing larger every day. The services yesterday were especial ly Interesting. Rev. C. B. Ebey. late of Chicago, had charge and will again preside this evening. The public la cordially Invited to attend this old fashioned campmeetlng. The tJate for clqalng Is nest Sunday. Mrs. Mary S. Howard, atate secretary of the Patrons of Husbandrr has been visiting the different granges In Mult nomah and Clackamas counties recently, speaking at Mllwaukle Friday and at tne evening eiar grange, tsaturaay. Mrs. Howard says the membership id now 7,000 In thla state and the organi sation is in a very encouraging condi tion. ' Have you heard the Telegraphone talk? If not, you are cordially invited to call at room 40S, Oregonlan building, and have a free demonstration. Bring your friends and see the "Eighth Won der" of the World. Office hours 9 a. m, to .S0 p. m. H. P. O'Reilly, general corthwestern agent. Water throught faoso for sprinkling yards or sidewalks or washing porches or windows must be paid for In advance and used only between tne hours of 5 and 8 a. m., and C and 9 p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If aged contrary to these rules, or waste- It will be shut on. Mllwaukle grange is planning to hold a fair October i, 4 and 5. .Plans have not as yet been completed but Governor Chamberlain will be invited to give an address and one day will be set apart for pioneer day. There will be general Industrial and agricultural exhibits. What you eat and what you drink Is what you consist of. Drink Golden Grain Granules cereal coffee and be come young again. Buy from your grocer, after you have consulted your own Judgment. Learn to swim at Rtnglera new Nat atorlum. SS6 E. Mor., cor. Grand. Enam elled tank; fresh Bull Run water; pri vate lesson, 60c; club membership, 11.60 per month. Phone East 6670. For liquors phone the Family Liquor Store. J. E. Kelly, suocessor to Caswell & Kelly, S54 Morrison street, corner Park. Both phones Pacific, Main 28, and Home, A-2803. Although upon first examination' by the surgeons at GoVd Samaritan hospl- Saturday's realty transfers filed for record aggregate $14,I71. Of this sum 1160,000 waa represented In the deed transferring the Irvlngton racetrack to the Multnomah Fair aasoclatlon. Herman Naylor and associates aold a house and lot on Second atreet. be tween Hooker and Meade to J. M. Aklne fThe'5auarter block at the northwest corner of Taggart and East Eighteenth streets has been purchased by Calogero Amata from Esther Myers for JJ.OOO. The vacant lot on Raleigh street. 60 feet east of Twenty-third has been sold by Malra L. Flanders to Theodore L. gpllld for IJ.HOO. Pauline Waidt has purchased a lot and small cottage on East Main atreet, between Sylvan and Aurora streets. The property belonged to Carl Patxwald and waa aolJ for J 1.800. SHORT CIRCUITING CAUSED THIS BLAZE OREGON FRUIT BEST IN YEARS This Is True Both From Standpoint of Quality and Price. Northwest Electric Company's Plant Saved From Total Destruction by Quick Action. Throim the short circuiting of an electric meter in the repair shop of the Northwest Electric company, suo Stark street a fire waa started ai i t D. III. TM3IUJ " II ... v... few minutes to destroy the row of snacKS in wmuu m - . -m tin. 19R Krmi-rhr nut the fire department and the blase waa quickly extinguisnea. w. y. now, manager u wnvvm vB...m. loss at $800 fully covered by Insurance. While fighting the fire one of the mem bers of the fire department received a shock from one of the exposed wires UUl WaS IIUl Wl iwun "JV . Several adjoining buildings were Bnaw-wiaii Dicyum oni tal reataurant being the principal suf ferers. F.W. Baltes and Company invite your inquiries for PRINTING Phones 3Uin 165 Home A1165 First and Oak tal it waa thoucht that Otto Clancy, the youth, who picked up a giant cracker at the Oaks Saturday night wun disas trous reSUJiS WOU1U IVSa iub riHUi niu, ...a v. niw km. DMiMfin tn a m nu tate the thumb and the rest of the mem ber can OS savea. Clancy is res hub easily and there Is no indication of blood poisoning. The Portland Ad club will entertain the wives, sweethearts and lady friends of Its members tonight at,, the Rock Island Country club. A private train will leave .First and Alder streets at 7:20 o'clock, and returning will leave the club station at 11 o'clock. The en tertainment features will consist of dancing, cards, a concert and a plunge In the river. Lmncneon wui oe aerveq after 9 o ciock. Amusement Council Crest park every evening. Take a car ride to thla most beautiful spot. Music, dancing, moving pictures, illustrated, songs, etc. Vocal and Instrumental muslo by the "Ha waiian musicians." Learn to swim at Rlngler'a new Nat atorium. S86 East Morrison, corner Grand. Enamelled tank; fresh Bull Run water; private lessons, 60c; club membership, 11.60 per month. Phone East 670. ' , Steamer Jesse Harktns. for Camas, Washougal and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at I p. m. Navajo Indian blankets. 111 Sixth at Alaska Indian baskets. Ill Sixth st Eastman kodaks. 111 Sixth street. Acme Oil Co. jell safety .coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 789; B-1007. Woman's Exchange, 113 Tenth atreet, lunch 11:10 to 2; bualness men's lunch. D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh. Berger signs 284 Tamhlll phone. Bark Tonic for rheumatism. Beck jeweler 205 Alder. Bala os Ctastt Shirts. Robinson A Co. have certainly left every other firm many laps behind in their. sale values; and today ita their Cluett and Star brand shirts, greatly reduced. 289 Washington street. Colonel R. P. Williams, former state treasurer of Missouri and one"of the stalwarts of the "old guard" wing of the Democracy In that state, believes that Governor Folk la rapidly becoming the logical candidate for tha Pamooratlo presidential nomination. "Oregon fruit 'ills season Is the best In years from the viewpoint of quality and price," said Secretary H. M. Wil liamson of the state board of horti culture, this morning. "This has been true of the crops all ready gathered and tends to be the rule throughout the entire season." Mr. Williamson, as secretary of the horticultural board. Is In a position to know, better than any, the conditions of the fruit crops, lie receives almost dally reports from Ue commissioners who make up the board and who are scattered In all the fruit districts of the state. In this way the secretary frathers Information of the crops that s accurate and reliable which he flies for the use of the public. Polly Average Crop. "The prune crop one of tlte most con siderable among the crops of the state will he of a fully average one," says Mr. Williamson. In former yeara there haa been a lararer yield but waste has cut down the figures. On account of tha smaller vleJd the nunlltv will be better and the reports received Indi cate that the amount of cured prunes will be fully aa larre as last year with better prices ruling. "Good prices have been a feature of the season's fruit crop and In the esti mation of the fruitgrowers will do more than any other one thing to promote the fruit-growing in Oregon. The great difficulty with fruit-growing in this state has been the carelessness with which the growing and shipping has been done. "Good fruit grows and ripens too easily in Oregon. The valley farmer especially, has allowed his orchards to be neglected and until this year has never attempted to gather any more of the fruit than what local and family demand could use. While this practice haa been prevailing the California pro ducer has been taking care of his or chards and been careful in his packing so that Oregon has long been behind In convincing the world of the superb opportunities In fruit-growing In Ore gon." i Mr. Williamson believes the Oregon gVower has failed to push his fruit properly. Bogus Biver Apples. "Apples In the Rogue river valley will be especially fine this year, he said, "and there is a large yield. How ever, this Is the alternate, or 'off year In the Hood River and Willamette val leys. The crop will be fine neverthe less and the good prices as a result of the short year will do much for the southern Orepon grower. Besides the apple crop the pear crop In the southern part of the state Is of un usually good quality. "Willamette valley Concord grapes promise the biggest yield In several seasons. The bunches are big and well set. The vines are healthy and vigor ous. The season has been unusually favorable for grapes and the few grow ers in the valley fear lest the crop may be larger than the demand. Plenty of sunshine during the latter part of August and first part of September to make the grapes sweet Is all that Is required to add to the crop a perfection In- quality." WOMEN CAN BATHE TWO MORE AFTERNOONS The management of the Portland public baths has added two additional afternoons to the list on which the batha will be open for women and girls for swimming. Heretofore they have been allowed to swim only on Wednes day, but hereafter the baths will be open to them on Tuesdays, vveanesaays and I Saturdays from 3:80 to 8 o'clock In the afternoon. PERSONAL MtKee Rankin, the venerable actor who is one of the leading members of Miss Nance O'Neil's company, has been ill at his apartments in the Portland ho tel for several ays. He is still quite ill, though he declared today that he would loin the other members of the com Dan y who leave tomorrow for New York, ,- or a time it was feared that Mr. Rankin's illness might prove serious. Building Permits. r TVirla hum. Mehrnalra. mnA Virginia atnata ' 1K0 P. J, Hill nna and a half story dwelling, Garfield avenue, Detween Aioerw ana jneagiy, JZ00; J. U. L,eiinoia, repairs aweuins;, East 21stj between Going, and Prescott, 26); Win. G. Colburn, repalra dwelling, Tacoma, between East 17th and East llth, 9116, M. JSi. unurcn, repairs awtui ing,l07 East Stark, 1500; F. W. Gra- between Patton road and Fern avenue, $1,500; H. T. Gilbert. ,arn, 945 Borth wlck, 8100. rxwn'i Reruleta cure constipation. tone tha stomach, stimulate the liver, nramoto dia-eatlon 'and a Doe tlte and eaay passages, of the bowela. Ask your druggist xor Mtm. cams s bos.. MOT HOLDS OVE R TUESDAY A Saving; of From $7.50 to $18.50 on Every Rug $33.50 The largest Sav ing on the very best Rug3. Wilton and Axminster Rugs, size 9x12, in a vast liJtfe assortment, both in floral and oriental designs, the most beautiful color combi nations, in the contrasting shades, of either the more delicate or deeper hue. Rug values are absolutely $52.50. $20.00 The regular price $30.00, is not much to pay considering the quality and good looks of these 9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rugs; $30.00 is a very reasonable price for them, for there are no better rugs of the kind anywhere. 51.00 Down Buys the Rug Then 51-00 a Week Until It Is Paid for $16.50 These are also in the Brussels, but slightly un der size one way, being 9x11 instead of 9x12. Our regu lar price for one of these is $25.00, for the rugs are of good weight, strong filling and attractive pattern and coloring. Many different designs to select from. $15.00 This is the price that commands one of our very pretty and serviceable $22.50 double face Brussels Rugs. The size is full 9x12. The rugs are patterned after the very high priced im ported oriental designs and are decidedly good to look at; their good wear is as sured in every thread. ' 0 STUBSaTTa. 0 ttAB. , ; J0 COOAin. ; SiaiisSs in Painless Dentistry rrcTU To introduce our latest method j .:i T..i t in painless uinusuj, uiiiu J"' we will do your work at on hall i- Bridge work applied and all kinds of filling .inserted wiinout .;M J v '' . PaLn- ... Teeth extracted positively wita nut nain rtr hA result. K04 ' ' We correct all irregularities of terth without pain. Consultation and estimates free. Open evenings until 8. Iadyin attendance. ; CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS Suite 3-4-5 Raleigh Bldg. COR. SIXTH ft WASHINGTON Phone Main 388a On Credit Lowest Prices We carry one of the largest assortments of Watches in the city. You can pick from our stock any watch desired, from seven to twenty-three jewels, open face or hunting OUR LIBERAL CREDIT SYSTEM Enables every person to own a fine timepiece without con siderable outlay. Simply pay a small amount down, the balance on weekly payments of $1.00. You Wear the Watch While Paying for It We sell cheape on credit When you ask for 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverware we know you want the best. We carry it. Than others do for cash BASEMENT DEPARTMENT SPECIALS GLASSWARE. Fancy colored Sugar, Salt and Pepper Shakers for the kitchen; 25c value 10 Regular 50c set of six fancy Glasses Regular 50c set of six plain Glasses 25 Regular 45c Cake Stands. . . 15 Meat Platter, 14-in size, 65c value, Tuesday 20 Tea and Coffee Pots, in granite, sires 10 and 15, all 45c values, Tuesday 25 LAWN MOWERS. "Fremont," 12-inch, $4.00 grade f3.00 "Fremont," 14-inch, $4.50 grade sJ3.25 "Baby Grand," 16-inch, ball bearing $10 machine. . .$7.50 "Sterling," 16-inch, ball-bearing $7.50 machine f5.25 Ringers Iron frame Wash Ringers, reg. $4, Tues. f 2.95 LESS MONEY Dealers KGCTirteaiiSdDiss High - Oracle Furniture in CARTERS . lflVER 3 PILLS. t-J CURE -Slok Ha4ohand nUevsall th troubles too drat to a billons stata of tba system, sueli aa DUzIdom, Nausea, Drowiloeas. Dlstnas after sating . Pain In the Bide, ke. White thair bos ramarkabte nmwi has bMn shown la aortas. Bsadaeha. rt Carter's Littla Llnw Pflla ara qoaUy valuable in Constipation, curtnj and pra sating this annoying complaint white thar ate oorraot all disorders of thestomaebtimnlate tha lier and regulate the bowels, inn it thej only cured RiuiiiiiiaiiiiiinsxniiiiuniiuiinninEiiBi i One ol the Most Attractive Beach Resorts on the Pacific Coast Just Now Is C-aEAiD) Aehe they would be aim ostprloeless to those who suffer from this diatreulng complain tj but form nateiy their goodness does notend herend those who onoe try them w Ul find these little pUU valu able tn so many ways that they will not be wll line to do without them. But after all slok heed Is tha bane of to many 11 res that here Is where we make our greet boast. Our pills cure It while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Puis ara vsry small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a does. They are strioUy vegetable and do not gripe or pores, but by their gentle action please all who use them. ciixn kdigih oo., nr toil Ul Mta iyiFrica "LET ITS BE TOUK PACTOBf UTILITY MANUFACTURING AND PLATING COMPANY Store Display Fixtures. Light Manufacturing Specialties, Plating- and Oxidizing, Brass Finish ing, Wire Work. 151 TJKIOH ATBHTJS. Both Phones: East 893, B1895. MoT lead sTear the mouth of the Columbia Biver, on the Washing-ton aide, reaobed from the City of Vortlaaa o the I splendid excursion Steamer T.J. Straw Hats Vi Price At Welch's Genuine Removal Sale SEE AD BACK PAGE MILITARY AGADEMY a PORTLAND ORE! ' ' A Boarding; and Day School for Young Men and Boys. Preparation for col leges. U. 8. Military and Naval Academies. Ac credited to Stanford. ' Berkeley. Cornell, Am herst and all Stats Uni versities and Agricultural Colleges. Manual train Ins;. Businesa course. The principal has had 2 yeara experience In Port land. Comfortable Quar ters. Beat environments. Make reservations bow. For Illustrated catalog; and other literature, ad dress s - J. W. HILL. U.D.. principal sad, Proprlsto. POTTER Uf ABOUT 8 KOTOS. i It is upward of 20 miles long, very ipact as a composition pavement. It broad snd level and almost as compact as a composition pavemeni. 11 is uuneu ua enure wngui wiiu . . . i - a hMSi aUIaa wIHam Aeje, K At aIsi oi4 oil tnsa. towns, cotiage eeiuemeniB. wui , ' """"" amusement accassorles of a popular summer beach resort IT'S IBS riU.CH TO OO for rest, health and a good time. Thousands go there for their Summer outing. Try It The Potter Sails Every Day rXCXPT STJITDATS AJTD TaUSATB. See published schedules. Fare From Portland, Round Trip, $4.00 Saturday to Monday Tickets $2.50 Purchase tickets and make reservations at City Ticket Office. Third and Washington streets. Portland; or inquire of any O. R. A N. agent elsewhere for Information. WM. KeKinUIAT, Osaeyal Passsng-er Aaent, FOBTbABV. OB. s s g s 6 H a H s m m M AJOrBXMDBBTB. n - -, - 9 caiSKIBIBUIDCKEaaCSZSCSZllCSEBIEaiBIIIHIIIIIZ&TXBa Hotel Hamlin EDDY AND LEAVENWORTH STS. First permanent bis hotel down town. Contains 100 beautifully furnished steam heated apartments, 40 baths. Private telephone ser vice. Sample rooms for commercial travelera. Eedy St ears from ferry pass door and con nect with 8rd St cars from S. P. Depot Rates from 11.00 up. Phone Private Ex. Franklin 428. San Francisco Ice. , For les call Main t34 or A-I145. Ice Delivery company, 161 Stark, at 31 A WILL BUY YOU A $1 Diamond or a Watch BVBRY ARTICLE OUARANTBED STANbARD JEWELRY STORE ISO Third Street, Between Yamhill and Taylor s r -..v-w.-. I ! BATH POWDER A Perfumed Luxury for the Bath. Softens Hard Water. Better than Perfume. 25 baths, 230- 25 carta. A CAN AT ALL STORES OR MAILED BY US s RICE POWDER Best To3et powder. Anseptkally pure. ReEeves sunburn and- chafing. Best lor A CAP JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY BEST Marquam Grand (PHONE MAIN ) . Tonirht and aU week.. XatlaaM Wso aeaday sad Saturday. s . . THE UNDERTOW The great sensational g-raft play. Evening 60c, 25o, XBc Bargain Mat inee Wednesday, all seats 16c LYRIC THEATRE Tfcn" Wain 4XR. ' This Week, the Allen Stock Company; T. AWk lt w "JIM, TXB WSBTSlVtSi" lLr4AA TnaarlflV Thiirirlav. flsftlVt day and Sunday. Prices, 10c. J ;- Ev ery evening ai b:io.- jrricee, ivv, : and 80c. Reserved seats by phone. Main, . - - t. l A A & t A a, sm tttob. ' umcc open irom m in. w v r. . The Star PHONES OLD...M Hi , NEW. . .A Hit WEEK Of ATOUST 5. A special Summer mlrth-provoker. ' "A BAOKXKOB'a HOWBTMOOW." Matinees Tuesdays. Thursdays. Satur days and Sunday a at 2: SO, prices lOo and zoc; every evening at sue, prices ic, 20c and SOc. Secure seata for all per formances by phone. : THEQRAND W1U5X Or AVOTJIT 5, 107. ' Tandevllle De ZiU. "-' Keaded bw satzo r. rxxKTjrs, aim a. swu TwxBimMwxr." ances each evening at 7:45 and 1:10. BIIBAL1: J. ATHLETIC PARK. eoia ttnogbM aad Tvraaty-fowrth. ,: ) a August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 OAKLAND - ? m r u m vs.: PORTLANU Game called ':a P r. Oanoa called at l;M P Sun Jay a. IVAJDZXr AT rUAT. , ..ADMISSIONS. Or.nd.Und ..f"8 :.iivt4-M-, . St'-