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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1907)
... J. .... THE -: OREGON DAILY JOURNAi; ' THURSDAY V EVENING,- 'AUGUST w r, !S07. -i i 7 u Victor and Edison ; Records For August Hear Tbem : m Floor WE WOULD liIKE TO; HAVE YOU; OIN iA MONTHLY ACCOUNT WITH US Woodlark Cool, comfortable. Will reduce the girth. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. ran xoo TheWater Is Fine is-.; '. And So Are These Bath Sprays This Hot Weather Red or white rubber, single and double connections $1, $1.25, $1.15, $2 uoesity oeitoM mmetal leiescop $2.25 ' m m frCoofinQ Have You Enough? Garden Hose, Size, 50 il lengths, Nozzle Free "White Crown guaranteed, regular $15.00. Special $11.65 "Sunproof guaranteed, regular $10.00. Special $7.97 "Woodlark" guaranteed regular $7.00. Special $5.38 'A Hose Reel, regular $1.25. Special 90c A Lawn Sprinkler, regular $1.25. Special 89c e lupous Just what you want, easy to adjust and easy to carry f i $2.00 $2.75, $3.50, $1.50, $5.00, $7.00 Ansco Junior Folding Camera, takes a picture 2x4 . ... ..... .$12.00 raooa. Pastime TO PROVE WHAT WE SAY WE WILL PUT ON SALE AT A GREAT SAVING 2,000 GLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES. 1,000 Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, full size, all brand new, finest designs, regular 25c Special TAc 1,000 Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, full size, all new designs. A big bargain if you are a wood-burner, regular price 35c Special 1 7c It will pay you to buy now for future use. KMT nOQB UisiUhey iMGiftRodm 'r'&'f klh Floor') Jl's All Good Do You Use a Gillette Safety Razor? If not, take one home for a week's trial. If not right your money cheerfully returned. All are good. $5, J6.50, $9, $12 Ckme in and get a Gillette ASH TRAY FREE noon Save fhe Pieces! t - ... ire irfdu ncziawc iuc tcio tnuuuui nuuiucr Examination We take great pride in our Optical Department, for We know you are sure to be satisfied. Free examination '4 I ,4 Ca ll Exchange II or A 1139 For Immediate Ordering W OODARD, CLARKE & C MY 0 "THE LARGEST RETAIL DRUG STORE IN THE UNITED STATES" Imported Soaps and Perfumes The Latest and Best Always its? AUTOPSY I CASTOFF WOMAII REVEAL CAUSE DRANK CARBOLIC i j Inquest Necessary to Deter- Rachael Hathaway Ends Life ' mine What Led to De- When Threatened With I - mise of Lineman. Desertion. Whether John Carlbarr. a lineman employed br the Portland Railway, Light Power Co., came to hie death at Seventh and Upshur treeta yesterday afternoon from electrocution or suc cumbed to heat' prostration, will have to be determined by an autopsy to be held u aiiernoon. Carlberr was at work on the croaa- arm or a pole, zi reet aDove toe atreet, engaged la transferrins; the high voltage lines, a most dangerous undertaking, when overtaken by death. Upon not ing Carlberg lying limp and apparently aeaa ai me lop or tne poie, foreman W. Ibbetson. assisted by several line men, succeeded in lowering the unfor tunate man to the around. It was nec essary to cut one of the large cables before the body could be extricated. Upon examination Carlberg was found to be dead and the coroner was noti fied. Claim Agent Boynton of the elec tric company declares from Investiga tion, he is convinced Carlberg died of heart disease or sunstroke. Coroner Fin lev decided to bold an autopsy. Shortly before Carlberaa death. El' mer Downing, a lineman, residing at Morrison atreet. who was at work on the pole in question received a heavy charge of electricity through his body and it waa necessary to remove him to Uooa Samaritan hospital for treatment Although his condition la serious It is uiought ne win recover. Carlberg. who was an experienced line man, entered the employ of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. several months ago. He was ordered to take Powning's place on the pole. The fact inai nia predecessor narrowly escapea electrocution tends to confirm the the ory that Carlberg'a death was caused by snoca. ASKS DIVOECE ON DESERTION CHARGE Fearing she waa about to be cast aside by the man she loved, at whose Instigation she had sacrificed honor, home and loved ones, pretty 19-year-old Rachael Hathaway of Eugene, Oregon, sought surcease from sorry at 10:40 o'clock last night in a room at 461 East Morrison atreet by swallowing carbollo acid. After lingering in agony for an hour the young woman succumbed. The bodv was removed to Flnley's under- taxing parlors ana tne coroner nan not yet decided whether an inquest win be necessary. Following the tragedy, which had been enacted In his presence, Edward Small, a widower with whom the girl naa oeen living, atartea out to ena nis life in the Willamette and as a result was landed in the city prison by Patrol man PhllllDS and Deoutv Sheriff An drew. Small waa taken Into custody at Front and Morrison streets, as it appeared that he contemplated drown ing himself, and is still neld in Jan pending the decision of the coroner relative to an inquest. It is understood that Rachael Hatha way left her home In Eugene two weeks ago, following a quarrel with he inomer, ana came to i'oriiajia to uuta up her residence with SmalL whom she had known In her home town. Small has two small children. Upon being informed by Small last night that he Intended going to Salem to accept a position and could not take her with him. the girl strenuously oblected and became morose. During temporary absence of Small from the room the despondent girl drank poison and died in horrible agony within an nour. Small cornea from Eugene, and his children are in the custody of his mother there. CLOSING OUT ALL SUMMER GOODS ! Friday morning we will assemble our entire stock of summer garments remaining unsold on our FIRST FLOOR. We have startled the city and state with many thunderous bargains in our time. But our efforts for this coming sale will prove that it is yet possible to "GO ONE BETTER" The unquestioned qualities of fine summer merchandise to be sold at less money than the very manufacturers we bought it from are now asking. NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES: f! 4 y 4 , i - y 5 Alleging that Fremont Chase deserted her In December. 1904. Mrs. Eftie O. Chase this morning filed- suit In the elrcuit court for a divorce. They were married in Spokane, Washington, In March, 1902. WASH ''-i STATES' TEAM WILL COMPETE Here are Wash Suits hat will stand all kinds of water and all kinds of hard rubs and all va rieties of vacation expe riences, and all at Great ly Reduced Prices. ,:. See our window dis play of light woolen -Suits for ages 3 to 16 years. The, regular $5 and $6 suits now selling at $3.85. , 1 Eighteen Best Citizen-Sol dier Marksmen Will Com pete for Trophy. The results ob Jied by members of the Oregon National Guard at the third annual rifle competition held near Rose burg insure a cetate's team being aent to Port Clinton, Ohio, to compete for the national' trophy. Thla meet will be held from Aua-ust 19 . to September 1. the government paying four fifths of the expense Incurred. The team will consist of IS of the best shots In the state, who will com pete with picked men from other states and from the army and navy. The Oreson National Guard was represented at the national meet in 1905-6, last year having a higher average than 23 of the competitors. The records made by the men are flattering and they feel satisfied they will capture not only the first prise, but others also. All but two of the com panies In Oregon were represented at Koneourg. .private is. tr. smeias, com pany . made a penect score or to points in rapid firing. Lieutenant George E. Houck bit the bullaeye 49 times out of EO at 1.000 yarda range. CaDtaln Scott, in charg of the men at Roseburg, telephoned thla morning to Adjutant-General w. el jnnaer, atat- Aing that a skirmish run made this morning-the men made an average or . per man, which Is an exceptionally nne record. I f wv Mm f ji Mil.. i Princess Wash Dresses VALUES UP TO $30.00 Just 30 in this lot, choice $12.50 $15, $16.50 Wash Dresses In fine linen, mulls and lingeries $4.95 $5 and $6.50 Wash Dresses $1.98 Summer Starts WHITE WASH SKIRTS, linen and shrunken duck Values up to $7-50 - 95c RAJAH, VOILE AND PANAMA SKIRTS Values up to $35.00 $6.75 MIXTURES FINE ASSORT MENT OF SUMMER SKIRTS Values up to $22.50 $5.95 Silk Petticoats This lot of Petticoats includes the famous Sorosis Guaranteed Petticoat, always and every where selling at $16.50 Friday $8.25 REGULAR $1.25 WAISTS AT REGULAR $2.00 WAISTS AT Jap Silk Waists, nicely trimmed with lace (Jj J A C and embroidery. An exceptional $10 val . . 07U Box And Fitted SHORT COATS BOX COATS, regular $10.00 values at.... ....... FANCY SEMI-FITTED COATS, values t$ A A Up tO $20.00 .. . . ..:.1.I....1.r.t. . .,.(.t50.UU CREAM SERGE COATS, an exquisite (f C A 5 line, values up to $27.50 vdsO $2. 166 and 168 Third St, IRAUD IS CHAEGED IN STOCK TEANSACTION Charging that he waa defrauded Into IK 1 land Co buy In Llohawk Bldg." tj shares of stock of the Pert. HM awl ktiIa. Mimmnv rm. tt - 760. D. L. Tu rv. rot.i. hBa in the circuit court agalnat T. A. Oar bade to recover the money that he paid for the stock. Van Da Wlele alleges that Garbade sold him the stock and fraudulentlr represented to him that the company was solvent nd t)1 the stock waa at nramlum.. 'J-Wt " i ' : vMO1 ' Kimonos Abig assortment of 75c values Handkerchief Collar Kimono, 85c values. A variety of $1.50 values , 39c 45c 98c Bathing Suits About 30 Bathing Suits left $10.00 values go at $5.00 $6.50 values go at. . . .,$3.50 $3.50 values go at. . . ..$2.00 Wash Belts 15c Values 5c 25c Values IBo 35c Values , .,,Oc 40c Values ............. t25c Hose SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR ABOVE DESCRIBED BARGAINS 25c White A Hose..... ............ r. I yC 35c Lace and Em- 0 n broidered Hose .i.w 1 v "T. ...,.39c MILLINERY STILL FURTHER REDUCED The time for drastic decisive action has arrived. All Summer Millinery must go at once without quibble or quaver. Our millinery buyer starts east for fall and winter lines next week. Before he returns every counter and case must be cleared. No half-way measures will do. Tremendous price reductions is the order of the day. So starting Friday we will offer you your choice of any hat in tne nouse, no exceptions French .pattern Hats, uearnardt and Uage models and many other charming styles fresh from the workrooms, values up to $30.00. Choice .M1. $5.00 CHOICE OF 200 TRIMMED HATS, worth up to $8.00, at .......a......w.?1.80 BEACH AND OUTING HATS prepared for this sale w....... 05 UNTRIMMED SHAPES, Children's Hats and Ladies' Sailors ....25 ON OUR SECOND FLOOR we are prepared and glad to show advance Fall Styles of Suits and Coats (Inspection invited) Sole Agents for Henderson Corsets j. M Wholesale Retail FJrfH AND AIDER