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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1907)
rV. v ''.. ' ' ' . i . i - f THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. " AUGUST 4 1. 1007. .,) 'i f . MISSISSIPPI BALLOTS NEW SENATOR UPON j'..vSV os Eof Campaign Between Governor Tankman and :s-.. John Sharp Williams rublfc Ownership of Railroads K: f and Repeal" of Fifteenth Amendment the Issues. 4 - 4:j 1 lb- -' UHREQUITEO LOVE CAUSED SUICIDE Coronor's Jury Decide That Miss Matthews Took Her Own Life. i. ! 1 -r - .... The Store Noted for the L'est Coo6 at lowest Prices FrMay J r 1 t Sliia m 1- V ' ' mmim RUMBAUGH ACCUSED BY COEY OF MURDER Artreas' Room Rent in Chicago Paid For by Dr. Thomaa Rumbaugh Deserted Wife and Family on Ac count of Hi Infatuation. Child's Rompers 25c Another special lot oi . Children's Rompers on sale Friday and Satur day. Best quality chambray and ginghams, in plain and stripes Off regular 50c grade, ages 2, 46.OC Wash Goods 5c Yard Figured lawns, organdies'' and crepe suiting, a wide variety of colorings, standard width and reg. 15c to 25c values. Fri- j. day and Saturday special. . . Ov Sunbonnets 19c . Misses' and Children's Chambray Sunbonnets, all colors to choose frotr. and standard 25c quality. Friday and Saturday extra special at, Q your choice. 15C John Sharp Williams Oeafaal IikU fcrrfcO Ml, Abe. 1. The Dmo- ; fcratlo state primary la being hll . throughout Miestssippl today oa nomi- , nations for state, district and county Otftcera. The reeoit of the primary , will alsa gov era lb legislator ia the aclectloa of TnJted State ffti-wt , Tbe laglslataro t be twi fry tbe yrS : aaartaa aad vkka wS3 ml 'm art v Jaaaary- will be bjtoi tm rtma ( two United Stale aeaavara. S-tmuusr . A. 3. Mclavtav wmt at e Snmmdwta, " ' bavin ao oft tti'Mi air - nm M ' naturatc ta La afraoim. Eua w at . not axplr aaal 1IA, sua ikn iriirv ff tte - fact that La rc&iflas-.iirt aa m3y : , cvary fourth yaar aa nsDar Hvura. tl Mclalatar f 1HI la oJJxc rj-ta ta kaaaa fcJa : Sanator H. IX af aaey. aaoUxr ef ta I , laaambattta, dacliawd to acaia offar for t . tha aeaatonblp bacaaaa of him ui beaita. OoTtrnor Vardaman and Conrreaamaa ' John Sharp WUIiusi aro fiabUaa for , ; fcia aat aaa the contat haa bcii on of tna mon exciunr mat juiasiaaippi aaa .; ; azperiancao in maar jraara. Both Vardaman and Wllllana ara pop , iilar and both have atrons and lnflu- ' antlal frienda. who have dona evarr , .v thing- noaaibla to adranca tha cauaa of their ciuar. Tha rapaai of tha rourtoantb and flftaenth amandraenta to tha cooatl- ' tution of tha Unitad 8tata la ona of Governor Vardaman'a hobbtea, and the : Poopla or MlaalaaippI ara with him on ' , that propoaltion. But there are thou , . aanaa who aee no hope of ever accom- ' piiaunr anythinr on that una. who con ' alder ail efforte In that direction futile, , and who believe that a man of Varda man's temperament will never be able . to brine; about auch a revolution aa he ' propoeea. and who really believe that he , would De a mora aaneerous element in tha aenata than either Tillman or Jeff Davia. These people are openly de . ola red for John Sharp Wllllama for aenator. J BnppOrta W. 9. rymu , ' Governor Vardaman atands pat with t William J. Bryan on hla railroad owner- fehip and aupervlslon pronunclamentoa, . while Ht. Williams does not. The sov ernor Is for Bryan first, laaf anf all tha time and would fix a platform to ault him. Mr. Wllllama, on the con . trarjL would build the platform and In i TlteMr. Bryan to atep on It. In this . Mr. Williams appears to Jiave the people , of the atate with him. The proposal for the government ownership of rail- roaas nns never oeen reoeiveu with muoh favor by the people of MlsslasiDDt As before stated, the contest between vardaman and Williams has been a moat exciting one. Both candidates have been on the atump for months past and on avral orraatons rnsaaed In Joint debate. I'nbiased onlookers express the opinion that tne chances of Williams appear to be a little brighter, though ne cannot be aald to hare a "walkover." The Indorsement of the primary meana election. There la no bolting the ver dict of the primary, no independent can didate and no opposition to tha Demo cratic nonUaeea. bx WeaJ 4 a Ooveraora. Tfee senatorial fight haa overshad owed the contest for atate officers, taovga the latter presents many fea tures of interest. Six candidates are CgfcUng for the governorship. They are Jerr Truly. Charles Scott, E. F. Noi. T. t. 81ason. Earl Brewer and E. X. Thomas. For lieutenant-governor the candidates ara Luther Manshlp, Wi ley V Nash and S. B. Watts. For sev eral of the stale offices there is but one candidate each and they have been de clared nominated by the Mate commit te. They are R. V. Fletcher, for attorney-general: Joseph W. Power, for aeeretary of atate: H. E. Blakealee. for commissioner of agriculture and com merce: Oeorre C. Mrera. for auoreme court clerk; S. H. Nail, for land cora mlsaioner. and Wirt Adams, for atate revenue agent. Today's primary Is equivalent to an election, but If a second primary la nec essary it win be held on August 22. (Journal Special BerTlee.) Colorado Spring, Colo., Aug. 1. The coroner's Jury In the Laura Matthews cae returned the following verdict: "We, the Jury empanelled to Inquire into the rnuae of death of Laura Mat thewa. find that she came to her death from gunshot wounds Inflicted with sui cidal Intent." Coroner Richardson thinks- that the girl unrequited love for Coey caused ner to take her life. lie also expressed the opinion that Rumbaugh was gullt-lt-aa of connection with the girl's destli and committed suicide as the sequel to hard drinking and grief at her fats, as he was Infatuated with her. Dua to TareqaJted Zovs. The concluding testimony went to I lhrv I hat U I ILf Atth-awat I ! suicide through love for Charles A. 1 Coey. the wealthy Chicago automobile . manufacturer. Letters from Coey were rpitd showing that he entertained deep affection for her and often sent her money. Miss Green testified that Rumbaugh told her that after Laura had disclosed to him her relatione with Coey aha sud denly drew a revolver and attempted to shoot heraelf. Rumbaugh wrested the pistol from her. Rumbaugh also told Mini Green that he and Miss Matthews had determined to marry and go abroad. Rumbaugh had engaged a aectlon in a Pullman for himself and Mlas Mat thews and they were to leave for K'ew York on Monday. ' Thinks It waa Murder. Chicago developments show that Dr. Harold K. Thomas of Chicago paid Mlas Matthews' room rent In luxuriously fur nished apartments at 4313 Greenwood street. Charlea A. Coey makes the following statement: "I believe that Miss Matthews' death Is a plain case of murder. In my opin ion. Rumbaugh committed the deed and sent a telegram calculated to cast sus picion on me as being the cause of tha girl's death. About lw daya ago I wrote Miss Mstthews a cheerful letter, anj she waa talking of returning to Chi cago. Rumbaugh was evidently afraid of losing Ue girl." DevelopaJanta show that Rumbaugh deserted his wife and family in Penn sylvania because of infatuation for Mtsa Matthews. NEW LUMBER AND LAND COMPANIES EVANS PERFECTS CRUISE DETAILS Pacific Battleship Squadron Will Not Sail Before Early Winter. (Special DUpatch t Tae JeaneLt 8alem, Or. Aug. 1. Articles of In corporation have been filed In tha office of the secretary of atate aa follows: Younger Grocery company; Incor porators. Lenora Younger, C. E. Long and Otto Kraemer; principal place of business, Portland; capital. $3,000; main object, conducting a general grocery business. Grand Ronde Lumber company: in corporators. R. L. Donald. Genres P. Dekumand and Wallace McCament; principal office. Portland; capital, 178, 000; main object, real estate and llve- stocK business. Peninsula Investment company: In corporator. W. T. Phillips, E. X Schle gel, William C. Davis and Fred A. Dun ham: capital. 120.000: main object, to conduct a real estate business. Earl A Edwards Land A Lumber com pany; main office, Hermansvllle. Michi gan; Oregon agent, Charles Briggs; capital. $100,000: main oblect to ltuv and sell lumber. Find Out for Yourself whether coffee causes weak unsteady nerves, stomach and heart troubles or any other ailment which may be caused by a disordered or drugged nervous system. Doctors agree that caffeine the drug in coffee when used habitually, as in the regular daily consumption of coffee as a beverage, works disaster to the digestive and nervous systems of many persons. If you are ailing, try leaving off the coffee and use well-made POSTUM (Jooraal Special Berries.) Waahington, Aug. 1. Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans, in command of the battleship aquadron of the Atlantic fleet, came to Waahington yesterday ac companied by his aide. Captain Inger soll. for a talk with the department heada over the details of his proposed trip of battleships to tt Pacific. He was In conference with Rear Admiral Brownaon. chief of the bureau of navi gation and Aaslatant Secretary of the Navy Newberry, most of the day. It can be stated that plana to send battleships to the Pacific, will not be matured before fall. Admiral Evan a will rejoin his flagship Connecticut, In New York, where aha haa been under- aolna repairs. Practically the entire fleet Is ready to leave the docks, and as fast as ready tha v easels will rendezvous In Hampton roads. On August t the Connecticut will have her official apeed trial, short ly after which the fleet will proceed to the New England coast for maneuv ers and target practice. It la now proposed to dock the fleet in October, preparatory to the long journey to tha Pacific. GERMANS CELEBRATE AT JAMESTOWN FAIR Wh ite Waists at 50c Final Clearance-Values to $2.00 To close out the balance of our White Waists we have marked them at this special low price. Here's your opportunity to buy a couple of pretty waists for your vacation trip and save consider able on the cost. Come in a large variety of lace and embroid ery trimmed styles, with either long or short sleeves ; regular values in this lot up to $2 and none worth less than $1.50. Your pick Friday and Saturday JA only at this special price.. OUC Long Silk Gloves at $1.47 ' Come in 12 and 16-button lengths with double tipped fingers and in extra quality silk.. A full range of colors including black and white; best $2.25 quality. On sale Friday and Saturday only at this price. Men's Summer Underwear 21c Men's and Boys' Balbriggan Underwear in long or short sleeves and knee or ankle length drawers, with double seat. Every garment neatly finished. Friday and Sat urday only at this low price, all sizes. Long Kid Gloves at $2.47 Friday and Saturday only at this price. Women's long Glace Kid Gloves, in black and colors, 12 or 16-button lengths, and standard $3.50 quality. Don't overlook this special bargain, all sizes. White Cambric Skirts 97c Made from fine quality cambric, in either lace or em broidery trimmed styles. Six different patterns to choose from and all are regular $1.50 to $2.00 values. Mail orders filled. White Linen Skirts $1.95 Women's and Misses' White Linen Skirts, in full plaited styles, splendid quality and our regular $3.00 grade. On saie Friday and Saturday only at this special low price. Mail orders filled. Cambric Corset Covers 37c Made from finest French cambric with 2 rows wide lace insertion, lace edge around neck and arms, extra full front and the best 50c value you ever saw. AH sizes to 42. Take, advantage. . . Linen Parasols $1.19vfXl A splendid bargain in White Linen Parasols for Friday and Satur day. Choice of several very pretty styles, some have embroidery edge others with embroidery band or hemstitched edge, latest novelty, han dles and best quality white linen top. If you have any intention (( Ol Duying a parasoi here's the best chance you H get this season. Please bear in mind this special price holds good two days only. No mail orders will be filled for special as lot is limited. Plan to come early and get first choice..' ; lav .MA. - .IV w. ;b for this $1.19 Headquarters For fine Table Linens, Black Dress Goods, Blankets and House hold Supplies. . a Corntr Third and.Morrison Streets Mail Orders Prompt service and re liable goods here al ways. Send for Re duced Price List is. (Jooraal Special Service.) Norfolk. Va.r .Aug. 1. "German dayM at the Jamestown exposition today was a pronounced success. Thouaanda of Germans from Virginia, Maryland. Pennsylvania and other states were present. The celebration was held un der the ausDices of -the German-Amerl can alliance. It was on August 1, 177$ that the Germans of Philadelphia Issued a manifesto In which they advocated armed resistance to English oppression and It was In commemoration of this event that today's exercises were held The program included an historical ad dress by Dr. c. J. Mexamer or rnna delnhla and music bv the German sing' Ing societies of Waahington, Baltimore and Richmond. NIHILISTS ARE 111 coniTioii Gigantic Gathering of Con victed Political Crimi nals in London. $ ana una oiu JOr yoursclt, wjiere the trouble was, and Where the relief v, But insist upon having the Postum boiled fully 15 . minutes after coming to a boil; then, with cream, it's a r delightful, retreshing drink with all the food element . lrom good, pure cereals which build up brain and ' tissue. j-..',"":.!.' 1 '" s nerve- daa-f aa V".-,;..':, POSTUM CHANGES L OPERATING SANTA FE RAILROAD (Journal Special Scrrlca.) Topeka, Kan., Aug. 1. Soma Im portant changes In the operating de partment of the Santa Fe railroad were put into effect today. These changes amount to a practical reorganisation of the operating department, necessitated bv the larae increase In business dur ing the past few years. Under the new arrangement the different grand di visions are composed of the following divisions: Eastern grand division Illinois, Mis souri, Kanaaa City, Eastern and south ern divisions. Central grand division Middle Okla homa. Western and Panhandle divisions. Western grand division River, Colo rado, New Mexico and Rio Grande di visions. 3I0VEMENT AT BOISE FOR A CHAUTAUQUA (Special DUptv!b ta TT Jos real.) Boise, Idaho, Aug. 1. At a meeting of the Boise Mlclsterlal aaaoclatlon 4he feasibility of organising a permanent Chautauqua association at this place waa discussed -and a committee waa ap pointed to look for a suitable location for such an Institution. Ex-Mayor W. E. Pierca was chosen to head the com mittee. The movement will have tha eupport iof the Boise commercial club and tha cltlsens generally, and tha in stitution, ma assured. "Xi' "i'ti"-' :'. .i.rC&'r- '-C't 1 ..'..V (Journal gseelal Mantes.) London, Aug. 1. The Russian Social Revolutionary party, which perpetuatoa the traditions of the old Niniusi or ganization, is to hold Its annual con gress In London this month. Pelegatea to tha congress have already been elect- A i, ,.. T i 4 a a.h nn nf rhe MB I governments of European Russia send ing 10 men, while Siberia will be rep resented by nearly as many onii again, which will bring the total num ber -of Nihilists to meet in London to about 1,500. The congress will be a gigantic gath ering Of political criminals, for, accord ing to the rules laid down by the cen tral committee, no member of the party la eligible to tha congress unless he has had at lesat two convictiona against him for political crimes. . AV . . The congress will have the greatest Influence upon the revolutionary, and especially the terrorist, activity In Rus sia, elnoe the central committee of the flnHel Revolutionists have decided to boycott the election for the third douma and to carry on instead a relentless campaign of terrorist deeds, political murders and expropriations, a campaign which, according to the latest news, is already being carried on with tragic rasuita. POSTAL INSPECTION BEING REORGANIZED lonrnal Srjeclal Service.) w- ..- jv,..r 1 In mireuanre fit tha plana or ronnmi .i "f for the reorganisation Of the Inspection L.-vio of the ooetofflce department a of the Inspection di visions comes into operation today. A haa been created with headquarters at Atlanta, composed of Florida. Georgia, ooum urauni. San Juan. Porto Rica, divislop Is abol- attached to the Washington. MiMfllssiDDl Is taken from the New Or 11" divfslon and added to tha Chatta nooga division. 1 f SMSATIONAL CHARGES ; AGAINST C0RNELIUI9 esasaawaaaaaaasassaaaejew - ( Jonriml special Service.) Ban Francisco, Aug. 1 -Harry. Har. riaon. who haa served aa l a platform mart for IT years In thle city, !e leading tha ravolt u tba caxmaa'a union, and MIDSUMMER SALE At ROSENTHAL'S Your money will do DOUBLE SERVICE here during the month of August. Prices on all SUM MER FOOTWEAR greatly reduced. It Will Pay You to Investigate LADIES' WHITE CANVAS BLUCHER OX FORDS AND GIBSON TIES, fl 9C were $2.50, now P 1 LO LADIES PATENT COLT AND DULL KID 2 EYELET GIBSON TIES, Good- J QC year welt soles, grand value at $3 ... J) 1 yO LADIES' FINEST PATENT COLT BLUCHER OXFORDS, in turns and welts, good values at $4.00, now. ANA MANY OTHERS $2.85 Seventh and DAC FftlTH A I 'Q Scvcnlh and Washington KUajLN 1 1 1 ML J Washington PORTLAND'S BEST SHOE STORE haa a following of 800 members, though hla organisation ia but a week old. He expresses great disgust at the manner In which tne strike Is being carried on, and makes sensational charges against Preaident Cornellua, Secretary Bowling and other officers. I A flaring circular was issuea yester day, addressed to Cornelius, making in Interrogatory form, all manner of charges against him and hla associates, Cornelius laughs at the aasertlona of Harrison, who ha Bays, waa expelled from tha carmen's union for making false charges against various officers of that body. " Fort Wright Way Abandoned. - Spokane. Wash., Aug. I. Attorne COFFEE Start the day right Your grecer retaraf year mar U yea dea't VK SchilllBf't Best: we par Ma. Edward J. Cannon o tha Portland Seattle railway haa announced that tha route through Fort Wright, which was oppoaed by the people of Spokane, haa been abandoned. Matigar ft Co., Jeweler, m Wash, TROUSERS $4 to $10 It's not easy to fkf lightweight attire that is both com fortable and stylish But in Columbia tailoring both of these essentials are decisively emphasized. There's an air of refinement, of character, about the gar ments made "Columbia way" that appeals to all men of taste and good judgment in the matter of dress. For , a short time longer well in clude an extra pair of trous ers free with every suit at $22.50 or more. Why hot. take advantage, of this spe cial concession at once and get acquainted with the best tailoring in Portland? Grant Phegleyy Manager. ELKS BLDQ.. 7TH and STARK.