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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTtAWP; FRIDAY EVENINO. JULY , 10OT. ' '13 fcoi race : Cittern . Sale FIRST AND ALDER STREETS All We Ask Is a Trial of Our Goods-Our Customers Once, Always Oar Customers The Cheapest and Best Place in the City to Buy Your Meats KM! THESE MEATS ARE T"l nnVRRIMVIRIMT l INSPECTED 1 :, . . - e - i hi ii ii fl- ,-,,-,. ... ..... ....... ,, .. . .... . . . f I n fit II X. II I III II foal 1 I I . I ri Why? BECAUSE We buy foT and ,n arge ruantltles and axe . therefore enabled to tell to you at lower price than any other market in the city. BECAUSE Cm kkest Priced meat cutters in this MMaWOTaBHM city pprilirc High-priced labor produces the cheapest results in ULIMUJL waiting upon the public. RprAIICF High-priced labor is contented and takes a pleasure ULIMUJL fa doinj; its utmo$t to plemgfc BECAUSE we handle the best government inspected meats. BECAUSE a descerning public wants good meats. Sausage Bologna 7 Liver Sausage -.... 7 Blood Sausage 7 Weinerwurst 10ft Pork Pork Roasts 12V Pork Chops I2fr Pork Sausage of Beef Beef Stew 2 to 4f Boiling Beef 3 to 5c Pot Roasts. . ; 5, 6S 74 Hamburg Steak 6t Corned Beef T 5f Shoulder Steak 6 Sirloin Steak 10 Veal Veal Stew 8? Veal Chops 12f Veal Roasts 8a, 12 Veal Sausage 12 f Eastern Hams 16a Qur Own Bacon 174 Mutton Stew Cty Mutton Shoulder , . ,8 Mutton Chops tOf Mutton Legs All $5.00 Orders Received Between 7 and 10 a. m. Will Receive 20 lbs. ' of Sugar for $1.00 Saturday. 3 Cans Carna tion Cream for 25' Th. aanatorlal fifht in North Dakota may now be Mid to be on. with Senator Hanabrough agalnat th. field. Senator Hanabrough haa opened political head quarter. In Farro and will put up a warm fight to b. hi. own auoc.a.or. Congreaaman Marshall, former Con gr seaman M. K. Johnaon. Justice Spald ing of th. auprem. court, fonn.r Oorer nor Frank Whit, aad arei-al other, ar. named a. pos.ibl. opponent of Senator tian.orougn in th. approaonrng content. groceries Fellows Grocery Co.meats 349-351 OAK ST. Both Phones, 2598 348-350 ANKKNY ST. QUALITY ALWAYS THE BEST Prices Always the Cheapest, at Fellows, on Oak Street Near Seventh, DRY GRANULATED SUGAR, 100-lb sack $5.40 BEST OREGON CREAMERY BUTTER, 8-Tb. roll 60 ROSE CITY FLOUR, best fancy patent, sack $1.30 HUMPTY DUMPTY, large package, only 5 Scotch Oats, package 10 3 Cans Carnation Milk 25 Can Eagle Milk j 15 Can Baker's Cocoa 20 Pound Baker's Premium Chocolate 35 4 Packages Corn Starch .......25 Pound Mocha and Java Coffee 25 2 Pounds Gloss Starch 15 8 Cans Pork and Beans 25 Large Package Soda Crackers 20 5 Pounds Broken Rice 25 Pound Black or Green Tea .......25 Special Prices to Hotels, Restaurants and Boarding-Houses. BUTTER Best Creamery 60 Choice Creamery 55 SPICES Can of any kind of Spice. . .5 Mb. cans 25 Baker's Cocoa 20 TEA 1 lb. Lrunpowder lea sof? 1 lb. U. G Japan 25 I lb. E. B. Tea 25 Canned Goods Tomatoes, Peas, Beans and Corn, 3 cans 25 Two cans Apricots, Plums, Peaches and Pears 25 7 lbs. Navy Beans 25 6 lbs. Rice 25 SPECIALS Scotch Oats 10 "7 lbs. Rolled Oats 25 1 box Macaroni 25 2 pkgs. Fluff Starch 5 5 doz. Clothes Pins 5 Mason Jars Pints, dozen 55 Quarts, dozen 65 Half gallons, dozen 00 Rubbers, dozen 5 Caps, dozen .20 Soaps Elk Soap, 13 bars.,.. ....25 Monarch Soap, 8 bars.... 25 Baby Elephant Soap, 6 bars 25 Golden Star Soap, 7 bars. 25 2 pkgs. Gold Dust 35 Cone Sugar 18 lbs. for $0 Coffee . Postum 20 Gold Medal M. & J 35 Monarch Coffee 25c 1 lb. Loaf Sugar Free with every pound. Town Talk, lb .....20 Army and Navy Blend... 15 Peoples' Market amid Grocery Phon4 A 4") Main COMPANY FIRRT AND TAYLOR STO. Horn 2 1412 MMaMMMMMMBWaoaM Wijggtmmmmgmi t ; mm ,"EMEHT?J 0EST When You Buy This 1LUU You Got7 The 840 Salt WaaMnrtOB atraat. (Wltb Vortlamd Wutkom k Ttaaafw Oo.) Fhona Sirt 8607. THE HIGHEST GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE AT YOUR GROCERS. M ami PXCTOBXAXi ABVXSVlUJUKSSrT WO. IS. TA7E will send a beautiful cook book to any woman who will clip this advertisement and mail it to us with the other twelve of this pictorial series. Address Royal Bakery and Confectionery, Eleventh and Everett Free Cook Book Today streets. The "Royal Summer Recipes" Cook Book is ex quisitely illustrated, full of splendid, easily made, eco nomical recipes, and bright, helpful thoughts and sug gestions. You have only to write. Vacation Trips Wbathar for a day's knoekabont orar Sundar run, or a dap-a erulaa, th locker and atoraroom muat contain uppllaa of th beat to aat Tou daalra no dlaappo Int ra ant a thia taok. Tbaro ihould b non D.C Burns Co. ofTar yon tfca adrantacw of an mciant amlM with rfattvwr r . ahlpmant of roar otdars to mnj point daalr&aUd axaot bovro and date too apadfr. XX G. BURNS CO. bv only th boot Ubla daUcaela. rraifht paid by u't ywu naaraat railroad dapot or vnoxa boat Landing- Tor tho rary boot at lowaat prlcoa, D.C Burns Co. cnoosma 810 S1S n. The children had a party. And oh, what do you think; The mothers didn't bake a cake, Or make a thing to drink. They went to the Royal Bak'ry, On Washington 'n West Park An' ate the best things in the world. Oh, 'twas a regular lark. With bread 'n butter, cakes 'n tarts, Ice cream, mae'roons 'n ices, All served in generous great big parts Table Queen bread in thick slices. "Twas the Terr nicest party," Every mother did declare. "Tho' the children ate so hearty, We felt not the slightest care." jQ UR bread, pastries, cakes, confections of all kinds ice cream all our own products, are guaranteed to delight the most critical palate. People who never eat ordinary bakerjK goods are our rregular customers. Come to our Washington and West Park lunch rooms for an appetizing breakfast, a nour ishing luncheon, and a delightful summer supper. Our ice cream makes you think you never before tasted real ice cream. Send the men here for , good things to eat; bring your children. , A Home Place far Homey PoopIeWasWiagton WesPiS?! Dalles Diamond Flour Baktna day tronbloa ar don away with whan yea ms good flour. paUs Diamond Flour m o good that It tnakg tna Ughtaat and twoatnt Broad; Eolla, Btaoolto and Cakaa , Ask your grocer for It. Manuf actvrad by . , Diamond Flour Milts FOR WOMEN Om 4 CXIM A fill it muni, w jr.;: r :rv... . - .... a -.1