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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1907)
THE" OREGON DAiXY- JOURNAL,- PORTLAND, THURSDAY ' EVENING. JULY' '4, 1907. I , . "I . IMI. ,. tljl , ... r- if WEATHER BErOKT Sari Francisco .Office Oregon Journal 789 Market St1, bet 3d 6- 4 th ASTVmTXSSMCVTS AMD sTffB- ICSimOIl BX0SITX9. Oregonlans when In San Francisco tea have their mall Mnt In car of The Journal nice. ARTHUR I - FISH. Representative NEW TODAY. Ife ' Earth Moves The barometer la rising rapidly over the -North Pacific state and the rain fail during the IS Hours ending- with this renorf was vary light and, confined mostly to Washington, British Colum bia and Idaho. The maximum wind ve locity nt fin mile from the southeast occurred yesterday afternoon at North Head, Washington. It la much cooler In southern and eastern Oregon, eastern Washington and Idaho. , . j Indications are for fair weather In thin district tonight isirtninnrrnw T will be wanner tomorrow except near fh coast, and cooler tonlrht in smith. eastern Idaho. The river waa 17.1 feet at I o'clock this morning. It will remain nearly stationary tomorrow. Saturday and Sun day. fuIibCABTB. Western Oregon: Fair tonight: warmer In louth Mrtion: tomorrow ami. ffuiiici wwy xivs.r i;uhi, nurui1 west wlnda. Western Washington! Fslr tonlrht: Friday fair: warmer excent near coaat: westerly winds. Eastern Oreron. eastern Waahlna-ton and northern Idaho: Fair tonlrht: Frfi. day -fair and warmer. Southern Idaho: Fair tonla-ht: cooler east portion; rrlrtay fair and warmer. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. MARRIAGE LICENSES. .And the people too, are moving;. Their present Inclination seems to be toward the Tualatin Hlver Valley, soma eight ,ont it Amn C. Gerald. Lenta. Or. II: Ethel a. rosier, is. August Bchoenfeldt 28: Caroline Du ooia, so.' John B, Weggens, Hoqulam, Wash. 40; Laura Larson. 14. Francis H. Haynes, 27; Alma S. Lar to 10 miles from Portland where mean ders the new Portland and Salem also- trio railway. If you have never seen the Tualatin "Valley there Is a pleasant surprise avaitlna you. If you era seeking acreage Invest ments, small or large, for any purpose, John Henry Lake. Catllne. Wash.. It: Ella E. Smith, T. Charles B. Stuart. 21: Louise Thomas. II. Harrv C Stewart. 80: Effla A mum Jen kins, 27. Alfred Brugger. Lents. Or.. St: Mar tha Warner, 22. Y. O. Walker. WeatDort. Or.. 81: Rosa warren, Z7. Henry senrader, comas, wash., We Will piio you a mvmw ui " """ t Btella COX, II. lands you have ever seen. Character of I Fred Sledow, 46; May Hopper, I. , M. 14. . - thM m aora uouraon. zi; juna jnron. 11 best adapted! achool and church facll- Renket if. ' Itica: home conveniences; distances; Fred A. Wilson. 24; Noreta Esther Toaanumer, zo. prices; terms; all these will be fully explained to your satisfaction If you Will call on the Investment Charles M. Borglund, 21; Anna Hoi man. 18. Arthur E. Curry. 23: Mabel B. Oliver, 17. August-Martin. 22: Elaine Forrester. It. Sherman C Hemstreet. 21; Crystal Cocking, 20. Tiny u. rucirett, zt; Eva u. uram- mer, 17. Arthur o. Abbott, ss; Bophie Con ner, 17. Charles O. Powers. 26; Dora Shanks. 22. Wedding Cards. W. Q. Smith A Co.. Washington bldg., corner 4th and Wash ington sts. Tonseth A Co., florists, for flowers of 12S 6th at. , iu QVApxxnvwx, rmxtamn. " 944 STAU ITU1T. Jfkome itate 8TL stabUsted 80 yeara. all klnda. Clarke Bros.. Florists Fine flowers and floral designs. 210 Morrison st Full dress suits for rent, all slses. Unique Tailoring Co., 80 Stark at CEMETERIES EXCLUSIVE RESIDENCE SITE RIVER VIEW SINGLE ORAVE8. 110: family lots. 10x16, for 100, and upwards, according to else: the only cemetery In Portlapd which perpetually maintains and cares for lota. For family lota. 125 to 176. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st. and Cully road.. Phone Tabor 200. For full Information spply to Frank Schlegel. 02 Commercial blk. Phone Main 1121. UNDERTAKERS : The Madeay Estate Co. offers for sale those four choice lots front tag on City Park, Douglas Ave. and Park Ave Bitulithic streets, gas, water and sewer to each lot Apply G. D. Schalk 264 Stark Street Sightly Home ! A sightly quarter block with an 8-room house, on Portland Heights, at a bar gain. First come, first served. Call up MAX M. SMITH. FLORIST. 160 ITH st., opposite Meier A Frank's. Main I P. FINLEY 66NS. Kb AnB MaM- eon sts. Olflce ol county coroner. Phone Main 0. A.' B. HEMSToCIt. FtTNERAL rector. East 11th and Umatilla. Phone Bellwood 71. Lady aaslstant. DUNNINO, MENTEE & 6lLBAUor!, undertakers and embalmers; modern In every detail Seventh and Pine. Main 480. Lady assistant. ZELLER-BYRNES C6.. FUNERAL 151 rectors, embalmers. 271 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant. EbWARD HdLMAN. WfiERtAKER. aso td st ERICSQN UNDERTAKING CO.. embalming. 400 Alder st ., 1188. Lady assistant AND Mai fit Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Corner Second and Wash- ington Streets. Alberta Lands 1 " We re general agents for Canadian Pacific Irrigation company's landa, the ' i. largest Irrigation proposition on the continent; lands sold on long time, small payment down, low Interest, spe cial .railroad rates. Call or write for particulars. : B. S. Cook & Co. tV&iV;V "t 851 AXJBB ST. WILL SELL 100x100 feet on Hawthorne ave., solid rround. btwen Grand avenue and river, below prides. Soe us. A bargain. Can be 301 Chamber of Commerce., Near Klfley'sfitlon, Oak Grove, with living -water; 1650. , ' t Ths Dunn-LaViTcnce Co. 43!, rint it. , REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Percy H. and Mary. Augusta . Blyth to E. Sherman Howe, east 76 feet of lots 28 and 29. block 82, Willamette Heights addition 1,000 Charles H. Thompson to L. Sparks, lot 2, block 8. Powers' -traot $ Charles H. Thompson to Lulu Pauley, lot 1, block 8, Powers' tract W. W. Hall to L. E. Simmons, lot , block 4. City View Park Title, Guarantee ft Trust com pany to Anna Hanson, lot 12, block 14. Ronsmere Title, Guarantee ft Trust com pany, to Marie Mathllde Steph enson, lot 1, block 21, South St. Johns Title, Guarantee ft Trust com- 1any to J. C. and Minnie Otto, ot 4, block 17, West Piedmont Title Guarantee ft Trust company 10 iiarry ana Beatrice Mantle, lot t, block 17, West Piedmont Hannah and G. V. Porter to L. C. Liamser, lot , block 68, wood stock i O. H. an Daisy M. Hammond t'o Mary H. Bellwood. lot 18, block 62, and west 10 feet of lotstl and 2, block 08, Bellwood Aloneo A. and Alice M. Merrill to Martin Gustafson, lots 1 and 2. subdivision block 6, Oak Park addition to St Johns Chinook , Tribe No; 6, Improved Order of Redmen, to E. M. Bonfant. lot 1, block 1; lots 1, 2 and 8, block 2, Newport . . . Title Guarantee ft Trust com pany to R. L. Burk. lot 16, block 11, South St Johns . Title Guarantee ft Trust com pany to R. L. Burk. lot 16. block 11. South St. Johns ... Mine M. V. Boyer to Ralph H. RlUingaley, lot 12, , block 79. Bellwood Ralph H. and Harriet Bllllngsley to w. F. aarriott, unaividea of lot 8. block 66, Bellwood ... United States Savings ft Loan company to Amanda I. Dee, lot 4. block 88, Woodlawn ...$ 1,000 Martin L. Cooper to.O. A.Thomson, tot , niocK z, central psrK an- ' nex: also part of lot 7. block 2 Cummlngs Merrill to Charley An derson, lot 3. Merrill's addition Security Abstract & Trust (com pany to Frances L. Barnes lot t, block 81, Rose City Park...... Walter C. and Mary E. Smith to George M. Boutwell. lots 1, 2, block 1 07. Norwood . . . i Portland Trust company of Ore gon to Noah Thomas, lot' 8, block 2. Tremont Place. ...... F. W. and Bessie Leota WreRht to John Era Spier, lots 85, 88, Arletsj Prk Sarah U Carleton to JullW A. Woodruff, lots 1. 2, 3. 4, B, block 26. Mount Tabor Vlll ... William A. and Ada C. Moehnka "WO Thomson, lot 6. block "B " Park view Extension. . . . Ma H. Korrlll to Willlajn and 15, Subdivision Rlverview addi tion to Alblna William -Oenholm (trustee)' to Robert J. Upton, lot 8, block 6. 4 Tfilrd Electric addition ... . RobTt-'?-' .upi'??. to c- E. gloan and Edwin Olllver. east 29 feet of lot 8. block 8. Third Electric addition... . ...n jamee and Efla Fitsnatrtck -to , Steohen Collins, lot 1, block 9. Multnomah addition; .. .-. Tlt'e.Guarantee.ft Tmst Co. to R. .B. and M"rv . M. Rice, lot ., block ?. Flrt addition to Hol laday Pilrk addition. 400 1,660 600 280 400 890 390 350 860 600 610 200 225 300 187 1,230 700 880 Security Savings ft Trust com pany to M. G. Chassar, lots 6, ' 8, block 206, Couch's addition. . 10 John Amberson to Jessie C. Web ster, E. 16 feet of N, 60 feet of lot . end north 60 eet f lot 10. block 7. Dunn's addltlori. . . . 8,000 William Cox to A. E. Neweomb, Int I hlnck X. (lnnn Park. ex. ceptlng south 36 feet thereof.'. 850 M. L and May W. Holbrook to C. T. Gould, lots. 1. 2, 2, 4. 86, 37, block 1. Walker's addition 5.000 W. E. and Mary Lavina Wllkln- un fn .Tuafln T Uivltt In, 11 block 2. Cloverdale tract 625 Moore Investment company to Joseph J. Donovan, lot-1, block 18, Vernon 400 Mercantile Trust A Investment company to Cornelia A. Wat son., lot 6. block 1. York 850 Investment company to Charles V Naknn Inta 7 nH 8 hlnrlf 15, Piedmont 960 Title Guarantee ft Trust com pany to J. J. Parker, lot 14, block 11. West Piedmont 826 James Shnrlrtghousrn to P. W. ITlnhMr ntm ft .nil U ITjlfftwnofl tract '. .780 C. W. Brous to Harry B. Brous. No. 3 700 8. D. and Ellen II Brlggs to Charles W. Brous, lots 8 and 8 block 7. Arlota Park No. S.. 600 J. C. and Alice H. Alnnworth to C. W. Bsunders, lot 2, block 1. Meadowland "80 Title Guarantee 4 Trust com pany to H. G. Parsons, lots 10, block 11. West Piedmont 800 P. E. and I.lizie V. Oerould to Scott W. Burgess, lot 4, block" 86. Woodstock 800 Charles B. and Sarah E. Moores to F. T. Gllpatrlck, lot II. block 6, Gay's addition to Al blna 826 Isaiah Buckman to Walter John son, lots Z. 3. bloc 6. wiia Rose addition 1,360 A. P. and Ida Techier to Chris tine. Peter lot 19 block 2. Laurel wood annex 1,000 J. M. and Clara M. Letter et el. to R. T. Crone, lots 1. 2, 3 and. 4, block 124. Couch addi tion 50,000 Charles and Annie Cleveland to H. V. and Celta Whitney, south H of west of section 5. township 1 south, range 3 east 6,000 A. P. Smith to Relnhold Leh- mann, part of lot 7, block 116, Caruthers' addition 2,400 R. E. Phillips to Argumento and Mary L. Thurlow, land begin ning at point In south line of Belmont street where same would be Intersected by east line of East Eighteenth street extended southerly 10 Portland Realtv ft Trust com pany to James B. and Mabel B. Russell lot SO and north H of lot 29, block 2, Laurel wood 160 Overlook Land company to Lars Hanson, lot iu, oiock over look 1.100 H. N. and Annabel Scott to Susan IS. weicn. lot i&, diocb, oo. uar- ter's addition 880 FOR ABSTRACTS. TITLE INSUR- ance or mortgage loans, csu on facino Title ft Trust Co.. Z04-B-B-7 f ailing piog, HELP WANTEDRULE LETTER-CARRIERS AND CLERKS AT once, to prepare --for coming civil service examinations; permanent coal' ttons and good snlarles. Call or write Pacific States Schools, McKay ' Bldg. WANTED bALESMENi MANY MAKl 8100 to li&o par month; some even more; stocs. nsiean, grown on reserve tlort. far from old orchards; cash ad vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad. dress Washington Nursery Co., Top pmisn, wnininimn, WE GET WORK FOR 61) R MEMBERS special members, 12. Y. M. C A., 4th ana ramnm sis. - v . ; . . WANTED SADDLES-MAKER; GOOD mechanic; steady Job. at 14.00 per day. Address a. M. Stafford. -Lewlstown, in on i. Union Hotel a 1 Ar eT-rTt anr tvnmr ivm am Free employment to all; boarder ratei It. SO ner week: room. 26a &nd un mev i cimi mommy rmiee riven AnaereoQg WANTED COUCH AND LOUNQE- maker. st Front, cor. Davis. PAINTERS WANTED. APPLY 861 Mississippi ave. Call after 6 p, m. WANTED A PERMANENT REPRE- aentatlve who has met with success as a salesman to represent large cor poration In this territory; man who has sold real estate or insurance prererrea, but not essential; to the one qualifying we will pay good salary and commis sion. Address, stating past experience, or can Z0B-ZU7-ZU9 couch' mag. - DENTIST AND OPTICIAN TO SHARE modern office: established business. Call room 8. 323 Washington et. ONE BOY WANTED TO LEARN TIN- ners trade; MOTION 271 PICTURE 1st st. MACHINE 12T 2.000 feet film 126. Room 1, 145H th WANTED WAITER. APPLY AT Grotto, the Third. 2S Yamhill st. EXPERIENCED WINDOW TRIMMER ana card writer. Apply at once. The Hub. 3d and Burnslde. WANTED EDUCATED YOUNG MSN to study telegraphy; positions at good wages when competent. Oregon College, R03 Commonwealth bldg. TWO FIRST - CLASS TEAMSTERS. brick-burners and common laborers. Kern's brick yard. E. 34th and Til lamook sis. 11 WANTED A GOOD. WILLING BOY to work during day; light work; good pay. Address Q-4 02. Journal. GOOD CARPENTER. ONE WHO UN derstands plans; long Job. 94. Hood, Mt. Tabor. , . ' WANTED 3 OR 4 YOUNG MEN WHO are hustlers to sell a candy specialty. Address R-402. Journal. SET YOUR INSURANCE AND AB streets to real estste from the Title Guarantee ft Trust Co., ZfO Washington st, cor. 2d. . , NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEET ING. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mid way Oil company will be held at the office of. Ladd ft Tllton Portland, Or., at 8 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday. July 17. 1907. for the purpose of electing a board of directors, and for the transac tion of such other business as may come before the meeting. WILLIAM M. WHIDDEN. Secretary. MEETING NOTICES. A. L. WEBFOOT CAMP No. 66, W. O. W., meets Fri day night In the W. O. W. temple. 128 11th t. Matters of Import ance will come up and all members are re quested to be present visitors welcome. FRANK MOTTER, C. C BARBUR. Clerk. EVERGREEN CAMP. M. W. A -meets Wednesday evening. Ding., sa ana Morrison sts. W. A. .OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 5,466 Allsky M 6,975. Mondays, Visitors welcome. 17th and Marshall. BUSINESS NOTICES WING SING LONG KEB ft CO.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In GENERAL CHINESE MERCHANDISE. Labor contracting a specialty. 80S 1st st, near Columbia. Phone Main 883. Home phone A-3660. SEID BACK. Mgr. INVENTIONS . BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 Flledner bldg. Main 2891. SKELLY CO.. 14TH AND FLANDERS; flour, feed. hay. grain. Phones A-1611, Pacific 611. L. C. HENRICHSEN CO., JEWELERS. and opticians, 284 Washington st WINDOWS AND DOORS MADE TO order. Portland Hsrdware Co., 74 6th. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought and sold. Corre spondence Invited: H. W. Donahue ft Co.. 612 Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7363. A FIRST-CLASS MAN FOR WOOD, turning work, at 831 Williams ave. GOOD STRONG BOY TO LEARN THE business: bring references, r. C Stamp Works, 249 Alder st. LEARN TO OPERATE MOTION Pic tures; it only takes a short time; sal ary Z6 weekly; lessons reasonable; short hours; easy work. For partlcu lars. Newman's, 145H 6th st. HELP WANTED FEM ALE WANTED YOUNG GIRL DURING vacation ,ta work few hours eaoh oay In grocery store. Call 126 1st st WANTfcD YOUNG . LADIES TO i stnrtv telea-rsnhv: aood wages when competent. Oregon College, 08 Cora WANTED 2 . EXPERIENCED .LADY clothes Ironers and mangia neip. Steady work and good wages. Apply City Laundry. 4th and Couch. WANTED GIRL FOR COUKim general heuaework. 3 in xamuy. quire 198 King. In WA VTS-.rw3IBf. TO ASSIST WITIj housework, who can sleep at home. Innl. mnrnlnn 17X V. lftth St.. P. moi a no ktcrvri Ww 'fiEWINO AT 6 P. Rumelln ft Bon e. Turners, STENOGRAPHER; EXPERIENCED; state -are and referencea. Address N-40S Journal. WANTED Experienced , middle-aged" woman to assist In care of young naby; reference. -. Phone East ezz. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOK keepers, stenographers, bill clerics, 10 learn to operate the, "Comptometer. It's eaaV. Operators please register with O. Louaon uariey. sales agent. I a st wateiV-at cttitvi. An experI .altuae taat rslr si nd mftA llVOVa T sa, I i W ss. o iiu ,v rf vi r4 a hm ww- wages. Apply at Union hotel, 81 North eth st MALE AND FEMALE HELP. STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open with best firms; no charge. unaerwooa type writer Co.. 18 eth et HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED. male or female. R. G. Drake. 806 H Washington st. Pacitlo 1170. a noon position as city sales man. either lady or gentleman, zus Flledner bid. WANTED SCHOOL BOY AND girls to sell Almond .massage cream; Dig money during vacation, wau i st st. afternoons. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CAPABLE, ENERGETIC MAN WOULD like to associate nlraseir witn pros perous and responsible mercantile firm. city or country; capable of keeping books and taking charge of office; has business experience ana was superin tendent of sohools for years; would be willing to Invest some money In the business If conditions warranted. G 406, Journal. WANTED POSITION AS NIGHT watchman br sober, reliable man. Ad dress J. Stone, 49 N. Park, clly. STATION- party de- journai, WANTED POSITION AS arv or gasoline engineer by i string change. Address X-406, WANTED AT ONCE A MAN WHO Is thoroughly capable of running a cross-cut and a rtp saw. Only first class man need apply. Portland Mill ft Fixture Co., 441 E. Morrison st WANTED AT ONCE AN EXPERI enced. waiter, good wages and steady work. Apply at Union hotel, 81 North 8th st. JJELP WANTED FEMALE LIPMAN. WOLFE ft CO, Llpman. Wolfe A Co. require sales women for permanent positions In nu merous departments; highest wages, ac cording to experience and ability.' Ap ply to superintendent, on main floor. WANTED YOUNG LADIE8 TO LEARN TELEPHONE OP ERATING; GOOD 8ALART. SHORT HOURS, PAY WHILE LEARNING; LUNCHEON SERVED FREE OF CHARGE AND LOUNGING AND REST ROOMS IN CONNECTION. AP PLY CHIEF OPERATOR, TEL EPHONE BLDG.. WEST PARK AND ALDER SIB. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. LADY TAKES CHARGE OF, ENTER tatna Invalids, aged, children, by hour day, month. References. Pacific 671. WANTED "SEWING B THE DAY.' E. 4 2d and Hawthorne are. Tabor 97V WANTED AGENTS AGENTS 'WANTED CAN YOU SELL goods T If so we need youcomplete outfit free; caeh weekly. Write for choice of territory.' Capital City Nur sery company, Salem, Or. WANTED A HIGH-CLASS NURSERY salesman for Rogue River country; also Klamath Falls country: exclusive agency given; highest commission paid, outfit furnished free: must stsrt at once. Address with referencea, Oregon Nursery company, Salem, or, SOMETHINO NEW IN HIGH-GRADE perfumes: price very low; supply limited. R. M. Plummer, at drug store, 260 3d st EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES FURNISHED 'ROOMS FOR RENT, TOTO noT.T.lNOK-VICELY FURNISH ed roonV hot water In every room, free phone and bath, 13.60 to 16 per week; no children. 311 4th, cor. Clay. I . ROOMS: 1 0 Afl PLATE, STEEL ' range. 618 7th at Main 4629 NICELY "KEONDlk!" nlshed front rooms, regular or tran atamt, HA it -' -i LARGE" '"'FRONT", ROOM " SUITABLE for gentleman: residence district: east side. Address C-407. Journal. - ROSEDALE SELECT, PRtVAti boarding house; large grounds; a lew rooma at present . 404 Madison, corner 10th. AN ELEGANT FURNISHED. ALL . modern room for one or two gentle men only, near Multanomah club, reas onable. 666 xayior at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING." H(ius ores, rs( U8EKEEPING aonabie. 7 th THE MITCHELL and transient rooms. and Flanders sts. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ; LOWES rates; electric ngnt and phone in eluded. 301 H WateWst 8T60 WEEK UP LARGE. CLEAN furnished housekeeDlnsr-rooma. laun dry and bath. l4 Sherman at, south, Fortiana.- - , HOTEL FAIRMOUNTj Just think, only 80o a week op tit new. bright rooms, worth 38 a week. Hotel Falrmount, first opened since the fair; housekeeping or single rooms, fur nished or unfurnished; above price If taken before the zotn; gas, Dam, pnone. 26th and Upshur, Fair Grounds; beauti ful location. ii.ii WEfck up-cXeaW. furnished V. n,..a1..(.lli..PAAi at r.a vIas Ka4U laundry, furnace heat yard. 201 H Stan-J ton st. u oar. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent Inquire at 80 E. 12th St.. corner stark. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng-rooms; no children: 810. 6th st 421 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP .lnU mviA wnllrln distance; prices reasonable. 666 Morn son st THREE NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping, all Improvements: private nouse. ti wiuiams ave. HOUSE FURNISHED rooms for two for 2 Grand ave. N. fcEEPlMd months. 160 FURNISHED HOUSES MODERN HOME, - PORTLAND abundant fruits and flowers; unexcelled view: fine grounds; for rent, I or 10 months f.-om August or September. Owner, 307 Mscieay biqg. FOR REtfT FURBISHED 8-rOOm cottage for July and August Phone Paclfio 60. -ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE, IU L. Cook. 161 Alder at. frOR RENT ELEGANT 7-r6oM FUR nlshed flat, cheap. 147 N. 21st st MODERN FURNISHED l-ROOM East 978 or call 971 E. Stark. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED rooms. Phone Paclfio 788. ' ROOMS AND BOARD. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. II N. 2d st Phone Main 1526. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 206 Morrison st. ...Phone Pacific 289 27 N. 2d st Phone Pacific 1800 Logging camp and farm help a spe cialty. 20 N. 2d st Phone Main 6291. We pay all telegraph charges. ACME EMPLOYMENT CO. FARM and loggers' help specialty. 241 Davis st, or Main 6437. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT tages, flats, stores, offices, rooming houses, eta Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. 72. S. E. Cor. 8d and Oak, WANTED BOARD BY YOUNG MAN In private family; best of references furnished. Address E-407 Journal. WANT CARFENTERING AND GRAD- lns: give dentistry. Call room 8. izi wasnmgton si. THE COLONIAL. Corner 10th and Morrison, ,8 blocks west Portland hotel First-class rooms and board; rates reasonable; transient nd table board accommodated. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED rooms, with good board, at The Hart- man, 426 Alder st. ANYONE LOOKING FOR A GOOD dace to board and room, try the Mln- nequa Inn; rates reasonable. 374 Yam hill st HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. SUMMER RESORTS ; FOR RENT TWO DESIRABLE COT ' tares on ocean's edge near hotel. For particulars address Breakers bOteL ; Breakers, Pacific county, Wash. " . BUSINESS CHANCES. HERE IS A DAIRY BTTHTNKRH wmri la certainly a bargain and up to date. v in , iimni 10 miss u. ua nesa or miming cows. I steers,.!. ana yearling heifer; head of No. draft mares and 8 oolts; also 34H seres spring oats 18 aeres fall oaU. 1 acres of hay; also U section of land for rent na complete rarming ouuic - only I 4 miles from Portland. Slegenthaler Bros.. " Beeverton, Or. ' List your property with c b; Arnold A Co., original hotel brokers: hotels, rooming houses and furnished houses bought, sold and exchanged, in all parts of the United States. - C. B. ARNOLD ft CO.. . Original Hotel Brokers, Removed to 861 Morrison Bt Phone Maf . 7811. FOR BALE STOCK 6f MERCHANT dlse. In countrv town! will In voir about 33,000. Address, P-311. JournaL NEWSPAPER PLANT, HdUSE, L6T, 31,000, termaf undeveloped country., Newspaper Brokerage, Goodnough Bldg. , A GOOD GROCERY STORE, VALUE about 81.000. for 8550. Nelson. 14th and Irving sts. ' PLACER GOLD "MINES A FEW 09 the most promising; some already, paying prodncers; careful seleotton; high-grade and cream of northwest fields: some at half value: 24 years' mine manasement: Inventor and vendor of placer machinery; gives yotitMhe right tlo: state amount to Invest N. Ruble. Wei Doe. Idaho, ears Amarli mine. WELL-bRlLLlNS COM Staph OutfIt. Plete: cheap for cash. C. w. ens. Orient, Or. HOME BAKERY AND DELIcXtESSBW - one oi me Dest comers in me city; 111 sell at a sacrifice' on account is old age; no agents. 'Address X-411, Jour- mi restaurant ' and tuNcH c6Wn" ter: on Wash In ton st: lease: mnnA place for 2 partners; J1.000. Address M 408. Journal. AN OREGON NEWSPAPER bArGAINT Including a line lob business, new fiower plant; fin field; average month y business over 1600; will stand closest Investigation; terms if desfred. Charles Hart, Goodnough bldg., Portland. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE BLOck 6b mining stock in Montana mine; also rights of Marlon and Yamhill counties Old field patent tongue support; also some stock on hsnd. P-411. Journal. SET OF TiNNER S ANb PttMBER'B tools for sale; shop for rent; good lo cation: price reasonable. Address F. C, uies. iud a. in si. FOR SALE BECAUSE OF ILL health, house and lot. blacksmith tools and stock, doing- a good business In a goad town. Address W. S. Buhl, Athena, STOREJ WITH LIVING RdOMfl, cellent place for grocery. 343 Front Main 6864. FOR SALE LOTS of earth. cheap. Honest Dick O'Connor, room 12. 268 Stark st. FURNITURE OF A FIVE-ROOM cottage for sale; all new; Including piano and walnut set; 168 17th st; can be seen for 10 days. FURNITURE 5-ROOM MODERN COT tage, piano, rent 818. 811 Sherman; 5th st. cer. Phone Main einq AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY IS OF- fered Investors, desiring an absolutely safe, sound 7 per cent preferred stock Investment In the most stupendous life Insurance company ever organised. Honest Dick O'Connor, room 13, 266 Stark at..; open evenings. 3600 AND SERVICES SECURES IN- terest In well-paying real estate busi ness; old-established office, having bank references. Opportunity seldom offered. Call or addrena The Coaat Realty com- pany. 226 H Morrison. INVESTMENT STOCKS NOW PAYING from 8 to 20 per cent dividends; also few attractive prospects stocks for sale; et us ten you about tnem: we buy and sell all listed and unlisted stocks. List your stocks with us. Catterlln ft Co., 26 Ahington bldg. BARGAIN HOTEL for sale, Springfield, WANTED A rooming-house. BUTTERMILK good or. CLEAN FIXTURES locality. Box 176, Room ROUTE' u-td-bAtH 11. 268 Stark. sale; FOR REM FLATS THE CHETOPA NEW, MODERN apartments, now open, corner 18th and Flanders sts. Clarence J. Wheeler, agent, with Tull ft Glbbs. 3-ROOM FLAT. FURNISHED COM- nlete for housekeeping:. Oaa. bath: phone East 3566. 917 Belmont Sunny-side. 115 FLAT, FOUR LARGE SUNNY rooms; yard, flowers and cellar; fine view; no small children. Inquire 674 Front St.. corner Orant WANTED REAL ESTATE A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. good pay for right party. Mrsi Feldman, 68 Ella st. ' WANTED EXPERIENCED MANGLE girls and Ironers at the Paclfio laun dry, 231 Arthur st WANTED WAITRESS T8 5TJ5 lunch room- Call today, Swetland, Z73 Morrison. LOST AND FOUND FOUND A PLACE TO -HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front st Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Mets- ger, proprietor. LOST ABOUT THE FIRST OF JUNE. lady's gold watch and long chain; monogram A. H.; liberal reward. Phone Bellwood 69. STRAYED SMALL BUCKSKIN mare, white face, black tall, split In left ear, hind foot slightly deformed; about 900 or 1,000 lbs. F. W. Brampton, R. F. D. No. 1, Hillsdale, Or. WANTED GIRL TO ..EARN TO SEW mattress ticks, power machines. 55 Front, cor. Davis. MR. WANT MONEY. IF YOU WANT 100 men to sell your property to their friends, list it wit me; new plan. M. D. Howie, 66 6th st Main 6188. WAITED TO BUY A GOOD PAYING Income-property; can pay from 810, 000 to 820,000 of purchase price In cash. What have you7 Address P-410. Jour- nsi. HELP WANTED UNION LAUNDRY company. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 342 Vs corner aevenin, up- emaie nelp CASH INVESTOR. ABOUT $2,500. wants property on east side, walking l distance; no agents; will consider first letter. H-4(8. Journal. Washington st stairs. Phone Main 2692 wanted GIRLS WANTED PORTLAND per Box Co., 208 Oak st. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO work on shirts and overalls. Lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Stand ard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor st. WANTED APPLY FOUND BAY HORSE; BRAND 4 BAR on left Jaw. Inquire Williams Avenue stables. FOUND HORSE. SORRELL MARE, white star on forehead. Inquire Mt. Zlon Grocery. Patton Road. . LOST LADIES' WATCH ON 1ST AND Morrison, or E. Ankeny car, or be tween Grand ave. and E. 8th st. Re turn' to 231 Alder st. Reward. GIRLS factory No. rayior st. LADY STANDARD 2, Grand ave, and East WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTH ing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings: highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal.'1 62 N. 3d. Phono Pa cific 1722. YOUNG store, rlson. CLERK FOR OUR Call today. Swetland, 273 Mor- WE HAUL DEAD HORSES AND CAT- tie free. Oregon Fertilizer Woxks, or notify Carney's Veterinary, 4tR and GUsan sts. Main 1968. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOOD8. SAV- age ft penneii. S4&-347 ist st. rhone Paclfio 860. FOR RENT 5-ROOM FLAT, FUR nished nicely, with piano. Inquire 212 Hall st. FOR RENT HOUSES WE RENT AND SELL PIAN08. 8HER- man. Clay ft Co. MODERN HOME PORTLAND Heights, 9 . rooms, finely furnished; !atns; unexcelled view: fine grounds; for rent. 6 or 8 months from August or September. Owner 307 Macleay oldg. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE, 406 Broadway. Inquire' 238 Washington. FOlt 721 Kerby St. A 40-ROOM HOTEL IN CITY DOIN3 a good business for sale, prloe for furniture and business only, 81.600 cash. Pacific Investment Co.. 91 6th at DAVIS HOTEL FOR SALE. REASON able terms. 110 N. 8d. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Moore & Kecney Realty Brokere, Suite 32, 268 Stark st. Hawthorne ave. home, 6 rooms, strict ly modern, furnace, full basement, full lot, well Improved, on E. 34th: some thing unusual. 11,600 will handle. Owner will sell four lots In University Park at sacrifice If taken this week. Pay you to look this up. 40-acre farm 7 miles from Troutdale, fine rich soil; a snap at 12,400. 20-aore farm 10 miles of Portlands good new house and orchard, $4,000. 60-acre farm within 11 miles of Port land, with Improvements, only 110 per acre. HOUSE FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL B-room home, near Hawthorne and S4th St.: also new 7-room house nt Fir land. 1 b'.?ck from O. W. P. track. Key stone Realty Co. 212 Allsky bldg. FOR RENT COTTAGES CORNER 17th and Gllsan and 651 Gllsan, between 16th and 17th sts. Max Smith, the Sa voy restaurant. 149 7th. Home A-4241 10-ROOM, ELECTRIC LIGHT, CE ment walks, on carllne, $16. Union 2763. 6-ROOM HOUSE STRICTLY MODERN, $30. 689 E. Pine. Phone Bellwood 69. 6-ROOM MQDERN HOUSE, 328 CARU- tners, near etn. Main dz. ALL KINDS OF HELP WANTED AT the A. B. C. Employment agency, 226 Vt Morrison st. Phone Main 8022. LOST WHITE SPITZ DOG AT 8RD and. Washington sts. Answers to name "Pat." Phone East 4361. Mrs. Fuller. HELP WANTED MALE. 10 10 400 1,400 500 1,000 10 -10 E50 WANTED AUTOMOBILE SALES manager, to conduct and manage branch salesroom; man of ability to in vest $10,000 with well-established auto mobile company; manufacturers of high class machines; position pays In sala ries and commissions over $5,000 per year; best of references required and furnished. Address P. O. box 172, Free- port, iu. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plqmblng. plastering, blocklaylng, electrical trades; free catalogue; posi tions secured. Coyne Trade Schools, New York and Ban Francisco WE- PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS IN Oregon; divorce cases a specialty. In most cases clients need not appear In court ' 'Moderate fees. Address A-816 Journal. WE PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS IN Oregon. Divorce cases a specialty. In most cases clients need not appear In court Moderate fees. Address N-312. Journal. Probate ft Co., court practice. WANTED SHIRT FINISHERS AND folders, starch work Ironers, flannel Ironers; nice new plant, cool and airy; good wages and steady work. East Side Laundry.'East Ash and 6th. Phone East 8J. M-1030 F1TZ WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE Well shirts and Boss of All overalls at 75 1st st POSITION OPEN FOR LADY PHY8I clan with or without experience In practice;' good chance for advancement. Address D-401, Journal. REFINED. EDUCATED WOMAN FOR responsible position; $10 per week and expenses, with opportunities for ad vancement Address D-401, Journal. INDEPENDENT LAUNDRY COMPANY wants go.od help. WANTED WAITRESS AT " MOORE'S restaurant, 148 6th at. between Mor rlson and Alder. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Main 6655. 211 1st St. IF YOU WANT TO SELL. SEE US. Second Hand Palace. Highest prices paid for second-hand goods. 267 Flan ders. Phone Mnln 2518. HIGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR - ALL kinds of second-hr.nd goods. Union Exchange, 262 Front st. Pacific 1431 DEFORMITY APPLIAIXES MADE TO -order. K. E. Karlson Co., 351, An- many Pi., inniii v&oy, WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE hold goods of every description bought, sold and exchanged. The f, 232 1st. ' Main 6374. Home A-2327 DO NOT SELL YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods before seeing us; we pay best prices. Anstey Bros., 825 1st st. Phone Pacific 1970. WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee best prices. Call, phone or write. S. J. ft L Rubensteln, 175 Front st, opposite National hotel. Pacific 1401. WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND church benches, In fair order, about 9 feet long. Address K-407. Journal. VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and pianos moved, stored or" shipped. Phone Main mis. FOR RENT 6-ROOM MODERN COT tage on Division. Inquire 486 34th. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE. STRICT ly modern. 349 Holladay ave. - Phone East 1338. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT ALL OR PART OF ground floor space Bank of British Co lumbia bldg.. Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R. T. Cox, Main 422. OFFICES FOR RENT ROOMS 3 AND 4 Odd Fellows, temple, 1st and Alder sts.; large and sunny; suitable for physician, dentist or .real estate office. Inquire of janitor. A NICE OFFICE 8UITE FOR RENT. Madison bldg.. 3d and Madison eta. 5 acres, close In on electric line; this Is a snap; buildings worth the money: $1,600. Moore & Kecney Suite 32. 268 Stark. Main 14S. $2,600 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, .ill 1.,. mann Anwn holun.. n omit $3,600 6-room modern house, full lot;l uuv uutvu, ua anna iu buh. $4,760 9-room bungalow, tull lot. $1,000 down, balance $2.400 8-room house, lot barn, fn... trees, garden; $800 cash, balance terms. y $3,650 7-room modern house, east side, 23rd et. This is a snap. C. S. ARNOLD ft CO., 851 H Morrison st. Phone Main 7011. se, lull loi; v, modernLrT to sulLV I t wjm, I ARE- YOTT LOOKING FOR A BAR- gain? We have them. Investigate a few of these: 17 rooms, an excellent buy at $700. 20 rooms, a good money-maker. 81,260. 28 rooms, cneap rent, good brick build ing; $2,350. 33 rooms, bent location In city: a line buy at jz.euu. 46 rooms, splendid bargain at $2,250. 47 rooms, a great money maker. $4,600. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOt HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH modern conveniences. Phone Main 1869. DRY FOR RENT ment. 23x75. I 214 3d. -LARGE 8 ft. high. BASE- Fraley, 812- WANTED ENERGETIC MEN IN Port:.-.nd and state. L Alnsworth Smith" 1" Sherlock bldg. FOREMAN WANTED TO DO TAD feat work and take charge of uphol stering room. Oregon Chair company, 1190 Macadam road. FIRST-CLASS HARNESS MAKERS: steady employment The P. J. Cronln Company. WILL LET CONTRACT TO SINK 60 . - foot shaft on copper ledge and give interest la mine for same. W. E Jones, 391 Alder. ONE MARBLE POLISHER AND ONE t an arouna inaroie ana granite cutter wanted at. once. Apply to F. IL Watts. IZi The Dalles, Or. v. - You need not wear out your patience with "slow-pay" boarders or lodgers or tenants un less you are "looking for martyrdom." A Journal 'want ad cam paign" will adjust mat ters. Rate lc a word. WANTED TO BUY CHILD'S DROP side Iron bed. Phone East 5629. FURNISHED ROOMSFOR RENT TWO CLEAN NEAT FURNISHED rooms.' large room $2.25; small room $1.25 per week; In nice quiet family, close in. Gentlemen only. 391 East Davis et, between Union and Grand aves. THE YAMHILL, 381 YAMHILL ST.; well-furnished .rooms, large and light; single or en suite; transients; 60c to $1.00; free baths; phones Paclfio 1890; Home A-1366. i THE RICHELIEU. 83 N. 4TH ST. Elegantly furnished; steam heat and baths. THE GRAND, 46H N. 3D ST. ROOMS for gentlemen. $1.25 per week and up. HOTEL ROYAL 10814 JITH; NllCE rooms. 60 cents, $1 per night: $2 to $5 per 'week. ' . NEWLY FURNISHED. WELL VENtK'-" la ted, bed-room, for $2.00 per week s,t., i art -u7r-.r"r:-- -A-.-- vi'Kvf?,'.. l''';.P.-'y. -:';;., g 16th and Columbia sts. Call on Neai Brown, room 709 Swetland bldg. Phone 6611. In- BARN FOR RENT. 586 4TH ST. quire Journal artist.,,. , BARN TO RENT. 637 JEFFERSON ST.; room for 20 horses. Phone Main 7158. SUMMER RESORTS LOCKSLEY HALL SEASIDE," OR.. DR. P. L. Austin, proprietor, assisted by L. A. Carlyle; rates from 812.60 per week up; rates and reservations may be made now with Dr. Austin, dentist. Raleigh bldg. wuii m . AupMii. upimai, AniBign pigs; SEASIDE, OR., COTTAGE OWNERS, 1 Istt rtwttP nrnruii'tv fn aalsi a Hut vrnff nrnTwrtr far mna At mnt wlthrranlc . McFanand. Seaside, On Lary nunibr of tenanta waiting, 4-r a Trre""' A ' Ame A n v ti' "An I'K' WANT A COTTAGE At SEASIDE f Write F. McFarfand, Seaside, Or., Who will locate you. State price limit, etc. HOTEL iRVtNfl, AStORfA, OR.; EU ropean plan; rooms en suite and sin gle; reasonable; transient trade solicited. Corner 11th and. Franklin, aya, :: ; 72 rooms, steam heat and hot water lneluded In the rent: 36,600. 36-room house; running water m every room; $4,000. 8 B-room house: runlng water In everr room: new Dries. Diag., a bargain ai $2,760, We have others. Let us tell you about them. C. S. ARNOLD & CO., Original Hotel Brokers, 851 H Morrison st. Phone Main 7311. ! FOR SALE. General merchandise business In live farming town of 800 copulation, trad ing point for large farming community and about 2,000 railroad laborers. Last year's business about $60,000. Can be Increased to $100,000 a year by carryin larger stock. Will sell stook about ($8,000) at cost. Store building and two lots. $2,600. Address Kahlotus Real Estate Co., Kahlotus, Wash. OLDEST AND LARGEST GROCERY In Portland's finest suburb. H interest to reliable party for $2,000; trade. $80 per day; no chance to loose. Hall & Co., Concord bldg. ' ' FOR SALE CIGAR, CONFECTION- ery store cheap. 110 N. eth at. AfJkrfTTK'AC'rTjRINO BltS "' lfioxlAn with x.atorv corrugated Iro hullflln COvlOO. with L 40x60 on rail road, and also spur., Price $6,500: cost $4,000; balance to suit The best buy In 8t Johns. ., COLVIN A HENDERSON. Bt Johns, Or., Opposite P. O. 11 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND lots: bargains on u. w. t. electrie line. A O. R. Addlton,-Lenta, Oregon. Take Mt -Bcott car. 6q . .. . ACCOUNT OF . ILLNESS. WIDOW t - must sacrifice beautiful A-room mod-(. ern home.' Address Y-406- Journal. i: ASTORIA ACREAGE i V4 ' ACREd IW side cltv limits. Dlnta iT lotM. 11 oft tier acre, '..Writ C W, Stone, Astoria, Or. J i-r . f - s