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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 13, UJ7. VVAITFn VFAR AIHTR AQQAQQIn!ATinll IflFI'! P1PFP 11111 .tii i uu I Lni i rii i Li I nuunuuii.n I ivim ..l.j i jii lii ...ill TO MAKE PUBLIC ORCHARD'S THREATS TRUST FOSOKG Si Easterly Admits That Guilty Knowledge of Crime Was . .s Concealed by Him. . --.,; ; vt" ..- veeajsaeaNeasaBjBSBssssseasj ;;. ,''v ; SLOW PROGRESS MADE : . BY HAYWOOD DEFEXSE John No-gent and Edgar Wilson Stay ...... Quarrel With Darrow Attorneys Still Seek to Prove Orchard Liar. (Br Hugh O'Neill, special commissions Jow uenver roei ana ureion juurumtj) x BoUe, Ilah,Jw-I4---A . steamlnsl hot morning, with a cool breese 111 tins occasionally from aomewbere. ;and court room almost vacant of spectators and "Bill" Easterly, nee of Crlppla Creek. 4s on tha stand to call Harry Or- chard a liar. If It goes on as it baa started the defense will be calling some body to prove that Orchard used to eat peas with his knife and often neglectefl to have his hands manicured. And by that time counsel for defense may be denuded of two of ita members, tapari Wilson and John Nugent were not pres- r MA . : IP' rv n V; '0 ent with tha defending counsel yester- day and they are not present today, t When Darrow had ended the examln- t i aation of "Bill" lavla and Borah had wiped him out as a creditable witness, John Nugent said this or something like ; this to Darrow: ; . "Putting a man Ilka that on the atand Is putting a noose around Haywood's neck."- And, since that John Nugent has not . coma to court Kor that matter tha : rest of tha defending counsel might as well stay away too, for all tha progress! . the case is making. This morning me defense Is yawning. Darrow examining "Kill" Easterly i is somehow like a ' hnnrrilnir crew without arsnDllna irons. la asks Questions slowly: he of ten I . stops to consult with Richardson andi Jtaywooa; ana jtasieny answers in m hunt rlxar voire without SnV hes- lutlon at all. Easterly has told him ' that above everything else tha Western Federation of Miners has been devoted to peace. Its leaders never counseled violence. He only knew Orchard as a ambler. Who worked Just occasionally, ut Orchard waa not a character h rxrA In anxrirtnte with. Alan ha has told Clarenoa Darrow that tha nonunion miners in Victor I were often rude to the union men. And the day after tha Independence depot explosion ha waa at a meeting in vic tor. ': ' fireworks Bacla. "A man called Hammond." said Mr. Easterly, "made a few remarka. He said the Independence explosion was a dastardly act of tha Western Federa tion. Ha said that if the cltisens did not take that in hand and bang 60 orj mora and run the rest out oi me dis trict that the citizens would get their just. dues. Then," said Mr. , Easterly, smiling, "the fireworks began.4 I had a revolver. I got a bit excited myself." "Then," aald Clarence Darrow, "where did you go? " and tha next moment he tried to stop Easterly in-his answer, but Easterly finished at a gallop. "Then," ha said, "I ' went home and got my gun and on my way home I called in and saw Steve Adams and I 'told Steve Adams of the , threat! that had been mada." . , - , Now the defense Is anxious to keen the name, ot Steve Adams .out ox . tuts case ana n is more man .anxious noi to have its own witnesses displaying any particular friendship ror mm. However, Easterly had been too quick ror iarrow. Thereafter he testified to the beauty of Pettibone'a character, to his great 1 lived there." '-rf I la ..t t ' Twenty-Fit o Plants to Com bine in Such Way as to Be Beyond Sherman Law. ' (Jaarasl "pedal gurtcej Milwaukee, Wla, June IS. Another paper mill trust is said to be under way. It wlU ambtace 15 mills In Tis- canstn. Michigan and Minnesota, It is I planned on the lines of the Intel-nation- KrHmWi? 10MW W will 'thereby dodge the Sherman law, its projectors An official of the old Memorial Pa per company who is interested in the new slana eaJd: ' . m . "It the company is organised alona tne lines now contempiaiea it will D a k manufacturing ana owning company arier ine atyje ana cnaracter ot the Harvester company. It vit International will in no wav be in eonfllot with tv federal anti-trust law. It will not be a sale - combination as waa the uanarai raper company.- ud to the sreaenc time na definite move nas nean nao ror the rormatinn of the company as all depends on reach ing an agreement among the manufao turera rerardlnc the value of tha dif. ixereni piania, Unsatisfactory Prophet. ' Rochester Union and Advertiser. The Rev. Benjamin Harner nroDhaatad I that on Wednesday, June I. ltb?. the water la and around New Tork city wouia ne turned to diooo. ror one day only. The prophecy waa not fulfilled. I It la catting ao that It la Imnoaalbla to reiy on our propoeis any more. XXexfcais Mustang Liniment OeMsaleklrtstJM trary oarasfth -- . Iscsm and stops thaaaastfleeaxsoV xswelatls pals latest Instantly. Hexican Facsimile of Letter Sent to Mrs. Orchard by, Haywood While ' Orchard Was in Idaho. , ' Mustang Liniment said in a casual way that ha was vin dictive." , f "Did you aav that?" "I am not clear on that subject" "Did Davla make any reply?". "I don't remember." "Did Parker make any reply?' "I'don't remember." And when Orchard was In CUdwelL he wrote to you?" "es, air.- Talked to tlmpkms. "And you saw Jack ElmpMns in Sli ver City and he told you that be bad been toCaidwelt with Orchard?" "Yes, sir."- "Did Simoklns tell you that ha bad been in Caldwell : under the name of Simmons?" r . , r "No. sir." "And Orchard had written you from Caldwell Under .the name of Ho- gan?" -.- :.s.: ... "Tee,' air .. . i '"'i' ,-' -. V "And voU knew In December: 1905 that the man who bad told you in 1908 that he waa going to kill Steunenberg waa In Caldwell, In tha noma of Steunenberg?" I did not xnow mat Bteunenoerg friendship for Western Federation men and to his generous hospitality. ' Then said Darrow with slow tmpressivenesa: "Now, Mr. Easterly, did yon ever at any time or nlaoe have any converse- tion with Harry Orchard or hear any ' conversation of his, with reference 'to committing any crime or act of vio lence r '. iV--. f V. And Easterly answered v him with equally deliberate impressiveness,' paus- ' ina well Between eacn wora: i , ; 7,No-8ir-I-dld-not" . , , r t - ' , ', Had Xwttar from Orchard. "I had a letter from Harry Orchard," v eaia Mr. easterly, -written from caid- well in December. ,1865. But I have I not got that letter now.' He -spoke of . the taiK we naa in tuewo with refer ence to my going Into the life Insur ance business with him.. He said he , waa In Ca id weir selling mining stock. ' He said that Caldwell would be a nice field for that kind of work. He wanted to know if I would quit , the minea and take up the life insurance work . . with him: I replied no- him. but I didn't keep a, copy of the letter. He .' wrote me again, but I. haven't got that - letter either." - ' ' Shortly - afterwards Borah took tha . witness. , . ..."'.,:-, ,,. .. "Tou ear that in Auruat. 1S0S. Or. ' chard told you and Davis and Parker mat ne woma am steunenbergr' x vm, vir. 'And after vou heard that tha gov ernor was killed you still did not tell any oITicer of the Federation, or any officer of the law, that Hogan, the man who .had been arrested, had threatened to kill Steunenberg?" "No, sir," said Mr. Easterly. ' "And it was not until a year after I ine governor's death that you aid teu any ona or that threat, ana tnen you told it to the counsel for the defense?" . "No, sir," said Mr. Eaaterly. t Easterly loses Coafldemoe. , Clarence Darrow, who had been loung-1 ing in his chair, atooa up and leaned across the back of It Kr. Easterly was drooping slightly and losing a lit tle of hla confidence. Borah haa a way of asking brief questions briefly; when he gets into action cross-examining a man he haa something of a gaJUng-gun effect' and be doesn't 'Tump lead,'1 either. - He Sights for an eyeshot After those admissions . about Steunenberg that had been hammered out of him ao sharply, Mr. Easterly's voice waa not so loud and high, and hla manner waa not ao cheerful. But then, of course, a man who takes tne witness-stand la a court-1 room with the intention of impressing a jury witn nis own simple nonesiy anon integrity, and then admits the "guilty 1 knowledge- or tne intention or another man to assassinate a governor of one of the statea of America, cannot well fee very comfortable. Mr. Easterly's busi ness bad been to - tell the Jury , that Harry Orchard was a liar, and to make thA itiiln believe Kaaterlv. Tha tnt-r probably does believe ftiat Harry Or chard la somewhat or a-liar, but after those admlssiona of Easterly to Borah- the Jury will not be likely 'disbelieve In Orchard on the word of Eaaterly. The man who goes for equity must go with clean hands. Oaras avecy sJIsaesi s Haa ar Baaai that a g e asaaai Moaabwttajrv ' Maae ao oosl ' XJTDZVO "Without the firm name won't got Tou mast sand vn name along. See page aaSBSSBBBBBBBaSBaBfcl I ' 1 . XMMXMXM r I I ON SALE ALL DAY Reguhrjaluc 1 lXN'lli ; Seven Piece Crystal Berry Sets consisting of one1 large dish and six individual dishes 95c Regular $1.75 Value Folding Lawn Scats All BarflwooA Regular $1.75 Value Folding Lawn Seats AOL Xardwood 7 0,31 irIt? iifJVZ&j &$?1n) SAY COFfllS JAIL MESSAGES Operators Accuse Employers , of Accepting Public's Coin for Service Not Given. , (Joaraal Special Service.) Baa Francisco. June it. Although the Western Union company claims to be handling all of the business . tendered f a emH'rh! " d official, declare that the com waa going to kill the governor of this p&nT,u Pltl P with its work, the miua vcitra state, and you believed it?" I .v... v. a i striKina . leiearannera aueae mai - ta " ",WM" stead of sending messages received -out "I was not well enourh acoualn "y wire they are being mailed. ' with tha man to know whether he In- , " iL2Zkl ??? rZl?Z 11 teded,to carry out his remarks or IZlXrArTX'Xmi wtn b' that w-hiuT-thY usuarnumbi? eesd7 .00i and that less than 609 are being received markr ; v. "Well, yea , - "Did you make any reply?" "I don't know but that I might have . WATCH COFFEE And Watch It Carefully. from the east dally, while the usual number is approximately 8,000. i Both sides are confident, the operators declaring that the companies must meet I their terms, while the employers de- I dare that the strike Is simmering out Washington.' Jurie 28.--Labor Com. missloner Nelll has returned to Wash tngton Presumably In connection with the trouble between the operators and uniieiegrapn companies. Any brain Worker who depends ' thought for his success In life uses up energy. -y;. brain , work, a varying PA TTr.PHrwXT, A rTTTSWTl OF ILLEGAL FENCING amount or the delicate particles of phosphate . of potash and albumen, of which the brain and nerve centers are composed. . The fine, microscopic particles of I Montana Grand Jury Probes History ' phosphate of potash are found in quan tities la the pores of the skin after the , brain has been used actively. This rnuat he replaced from' food, or brain fag and nervous prostration set in. , This breaking down of the little cells each day, from brain work alone, is a natural process, and the cells can readily be rebuilt from the right sort of food, of Land Grabbing bj the Beef .Barons. - (8pcetal Dispatch te The Journal) Helena.-Mont, June 18. The federal grand Jury,, which has been in session the system is not interfat-AA ni.L . ... . .. by drugs, but if an lncreaaH I eaerai juage Muni tooay ana was oie- n .VDhvH-81? u?i charged, Twenty-nine indlctmenta were ftff 7h ot returned, and 0; Freouently it first show, in ilv..... warrants were issuea in ovner lack of power of the bowels to iterate I forrvi? marauiu t these It were made Warrants . were Issued In other yrupeny, fKiyiiwiuo oi - u neart, or some oiner ica oi vitality, and healthy viicor. There la but one thing for a rnnsinie man or woman to dOr-qult cof m noBoimeiy. ara io ao, you say. lake up Postum Food Coffee, use it Some rather tartllnr results are an ticipated, it .being understood that in cluded in the list are some of the lead ing livestock men in-the state, charged with fencing public lands. ur ine indictments made public, the 1 i , , . , , . . - V IllUfl.LJ T1 Vo,. will iiZ T i YiV.i,U ,MS 5,t: important are those of Antolne goMl. lou will find a well defined, un-l Nenemah chirnit witTr mnrdr nrt th W lucne? V. hr.Ii-.. . -"a.2 ''laa .Tea Nison, charged with theft of w.v,..., ,,c,.,u, u inmut-i posiai supplies destined for the post ? i. . . , "UJa v" master at Bpokane. from a wrecked car other hnnd, you are taking a powerful, on thereal Northern.. The others ire nourishing liquid food which quickly re-j minor in nature, such as -Introducing ;r"", IZlliZXV,1 reserve, larceny ana onnv I. rove io ineir own satisfaction by actual i l osium in VLSi'n tiy brain workers all over the world. , Don t call It a "sub utute" for coffee: leave out the coffee t-roposition altogether. Iostum Is a J Hid food and a true food drink. 'Vtre'a a Hcaaou' ' " . floor wQI be thq Poflatch State batik and the postofflce, while the upper floor will be used for an opera-house with a seating capacity of 400 in tha main room and 250 In the balcony. New fur niture has arrived lor , the bank and pOStOIZlceV'-'t- J., ; ;.,-?:;; ; Thia town is owned solely by the Weyerhaeuser syndicate and contains 2,000 people and the biggest sawmill in tne worio. f Notice to the Public ' Frederick B. Sootford is no longer the representative of the .' Quota club, nor has he any au k' thorlty whatever . to associate . I. the ' nana of 1 the Quoin Club with .his In connection with any . ' business, transaction whatso- , ever. Any', communications . ' l should be addressed to tha see- .. ' retary of the Quoin Club, 111:: ' Fifth avenue, New Tork City. Drink Pabst Blue Rib bon Beer at meals and between meals, both as an aid to digestion and for the tonic properties of the hopa it contain. - It is rich In food yahea ; from the : Pabst Perfect TNffhf.Tlav Malt An1 Mm. ff tains only enough alcohol .V to stimulate the digeethre - organs to healthy action. ' Yon will never acquire, but overcome, the desire for strong drink by using Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, because its food values far exceed its stimulating properties. Charles Kohn ft Cov . Cor. srd k Pine Sts PortUuid, Phone Mala 469. CM a Bank Building at Potlatch. . Potlatch. Idaho. June 5 A fin. tat. story brick structure. (0 by 110 feet, has heea completed here. Ca the lower ; COFFEE : 4 , and tcap Schilling's Best, I is sold by about 9,000 crrnr rrc wrf nf tri T?rirkv' " -rJ) Mountains. , , , tmr grocer retsras rest smscs if yes seat A particularly strong "puller, for Saturday Is this offering of Men's stylish and well made (j L O Pants; worth $4 while they last at. . .. )aWUO i 11 i fTvrrrt Go anywhere up town and price these suits and youll not find a place where you can get them tj 'I O C for less than $?5. ' Our sale price..,.;, ) 1 &Ou mmy, Saturday will be a "hummef'Vat tfiis store. Wc are being pushed around "from one corner oi the place to anbther by the, workmen who constantly complain that "we are in their way with our goods." , Tomorrow you'll find some rare offerings that we taake to get the goods out of the store ; : altogether, for to do their work the " - wmi fcW fc(D)Iffll KoPIscc UI(C PELILM-S For Gocd Valnes H) I A M FIRST AND YAMHUvL . First and YamhlH hi Men?s Tan and Patent Oxfords, Worth $4,00 Broken sizes, best values ever offered at (jj f v-l , the price Come early for these at. 1 0 Summw Sute uens 035 Values forC$I4.85 Suits Worth 015, 09.S5 Fashionable light grays, tailored up to the minute. . No sich values anywhere .