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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', . PORTLAND, ' THURSDAY EVENING. JPTJS XT. Ill Szlz Tomorrbv Sale Tomorrow Sale Tomorrow ALL " ,4 q) (E CASES rvlIcwmmi3sionr Greene i Takes" Issue With Judge Scars Regarding Suspend- i cd Detectives Calls , In v sistence. Huge Farce' "Judge Sears believes in farces; 1 guess we better try these ce." Po lice Commissioner Tnomaa G. Greene. Contending that the decision of Judge Sears of the circuit court in the cases of the depoeed city detectives, Joe Day. Frank J Snow, L, , G., Carpenter and Joseph T. Resing, was vacillating ra m reference to the trial power of the po ll r-a commission: but feeling that to ' proceed without the sanction of the ex ecutive board migni injure cun the eupreme court, the commission yes ' terday postponed acUon against the Ac cused . of flclals. ' - Objected to IToeeedlnfS. , , When the case were called in the rommlttee meeting yesterday, Attorney It. E. Moody, representing the four for ir.j n.iiutri te the nroceed- Jnaa and moved to quash, set aside na ennui tne cases iii v. .... the ground that the police commission had no Jurisdiction, power or authority. 11- nnntAnilAd i that Under ttlB provisions Of the city Charter trials of this character muii te nia umvi i executive board as a whole instead 01 a ' subordinate committee. - - -Neither Commissioner Greene nor Commissioner Sabin agreed, with Attor? rey Moody on the point he raised, but the former-thought it might be best to bring the matter before the executive hoard primarily. . , v. Originally the matter was laid be fore the police commission on tne charges fifed apralnst theex-sleuths by Chief Grltsmacher and Captain Bruin, but was not introduced at the meetings of the executive boards. Following the ubuhI method of procedure Mayor Lane, who dl-:nlsed the detectives from the , service, this morning' filed .-written .charges asrainst the detectives and the matter will be brought up in the board meeting tomorrow and can then be re ferred to the police committee for con sideration. Upon this method the com mittee is willing to take Its chances in the supreme court, If the Base ls ' taken higher up. ; j ", , Commissioner Sabln Is of the opinion that the police committee being duly appointed bv the mayor from the ex ecutive board has the power of final opposition of the cases, but stated that in deference to the wishes of Mr. Greene he would let the matter go to the executive board for action. .. ' Ken Stand Suspended. ' Just before adjournment Attorney Moody asked If the decision of the com mittee to adjourn meant the annulment if the proceedings, but Mayor Lane rromptlv Informed him that it did not. whan MAfxiv inked if his clients re mained suspended from the service pending the. board's findings, Mr. r:rnn rnlid that they certainly did. Commissioner Greene apparently has little recaid for tne decision or juage Sears, a-written copy fit which he char acterized es a mans of parenthesis and unintelligible punctuation. He stoutly maintained that further proceedings in the case on order of Judge Sears were larclcal, as he believed that the ques tion was one which lies .wholly In the province of the police .committee. - Oscar F.' Isakson, the patrolman who filed charges against Captain Bruin, which resulted in finding some 75 exam inations illegal, including his own, re ceived no encouragement from the civil service commission, and when his appeal for reinstatement came up yesterday the commission postponed action on it until the next meeting. , IIEAVY DAMAGES ASKED BY- ?HIS INVENTOR A suit for $62,000 damages over a pat ent suspended electric railway system, alleged to be one that will revolution ize street railway traffic and reduce the cost of construction 99 per cent, Is on trial before Judge Sears in cir cuit court today. George W. Brower, the Inventor of the patent railroad, began- suit against H. W. Lemcke and V. G. Holt, alleging that the two had agreed -to form a corporation to pro mote his invention, give the Inventor stock worth '150,000 and pay him $200 a month for five years. He alleges further that this agreement was broken, rfflma.ffinr him ' in the sum of $62,000. Lemcke and Holt filed a cross bill al leging that the invention had been mis represented to them and that it is of no value. -.They ask that Brower'a suit be dismissed. --. . We have made pro- vision . for ' "vacation . --. )'.-: 1',- .j--.. , days"., by" having, some.,' special suits made which will stand the hard us age of the romping boy. Our - assortment of i Tub Suits is now at its -best 50c to $5.00. -. :n's and Boys' Outfitter 1C3 nJ 1C3 Third St. " A GIGANTIC STOCKA GRAND SALE OF WEARING APPAREL TOR' VOMEN " X3$$H0V& oortant Monev-Saving'Event When we announce for tomorrow this Great Sale we can say positively such a sale as this was never nown m Portland. This sale will break every bargain record in the west.i jn. r :WASH;;SUIT::SPIECIAL' About 100 Wash Suits in different materials and colorst values UP t0 $17.50, , A Lot of Wash Suits 1 Slightly soiled, values up to $20.00. :As long as fhey last fD), one loi i r I I I I I W a big FIANCEE ELOPES OlIl'J Prospective Bride Runs Off While Groom-to-15e is .. in Slumber. - Journl SpccUl rl.) Woodland, Cal Jun J7.-John Shy rorlt" of Anderson. Shasta county, mourns the loss of a promised bride thl morning, andannot be comfortad. enaaaed to Mrs. EJugehla Ie Graff e, now of this city, but a former resident of Sacramento. rock made occasional trips here to see his promised wire, B " came down to insist that the marriage take place at We. r. To this the woman demurred, ,bu yesterday consented, that the ceremony should take place. . rltt. .,. v. rt l rod s last nlaht . -ri.K tha world, making use of Lrobm in her house. Thia mornln, ck.i, i.v.rM that while be slep Mrs. Le Graffs met Roy Pierce and ar ranged to fly with him. A buggy waj procured and the couple were driven to Davis, where they took the . train to JSacramento, secured a license and were married. ... .. Shyrock will return vo f MISS MERLE jBLINN IS ;. . , GODDESS OF LIBERTY (Sptetal- Dispatch Ibe otsW - : Hood River, Or., June 27.- Miss Merte Bllnn will be Hood River's Goddess of Liberty In Its parade, . which will be part of the celebration on ; the Fourth of July. Miss Bllnn was not aware that she had been entered in the contest, as she was out of town on a visit Tues- Jlay her friend quietly commenced -vot-ng for her, and when the votes were counted it was found that she bad won by mora than BOO votes, over her near est competitor. Miss Metcalf. ,; Each vot was accompanied oy um vi muucjr to defray the expenses of the costume for the goddess and $100 was the amount realised for this purpose. The other contestants were Miss Hartley. Mis G lesson, .Miss . MoReynolds and Miss Boyle. ' ' Astoria Store Bobbed.. . : . (Special Dispatch to. The JoornaL) Astoria, Or., June 27.A burglary was committed at the store of the Re liance Electrical works on Bond street between t and o'clock yesterday morn ing; and the cash drawer pried open and (20 - taken. The thief gatnedV entrance by forcing open the front door,' Great 'EDDII1G DAY . t.j. aeeuurwinaows Tiday.-;$5.95.; WAISTS-rValues up to $2 79 Cents '''1 t. '- '( .V . , . .. " "' WAISTSValues up ta $10 1fji$3.951jfsg . WHITE LACE HOSE Regular 35c values' 20 Cents K-hmih Two Grand Lots of Trimmed Hats at $2.95 and $3.95 Each A manufacturer's stock of over 1,000 stylish hats to be hold at less than half of actual value y Wc.have dosed wliat is beypnj ques- tion the largest millinery purchase ever fonstimmated by any Portiand'house at tWs; i- i - miiiifiMv hrmM.fhiit'thfi nricft temnted usand we- tackled. - We dosed-the. ai una uaic isaBwggwuigwwMuw""'"""""" i: r i.,:o, ,ii iim I I I ir lllir n .ll illU V a . . j j. j ! ui- H-r--"" brightest and most desirable millinery conception. Leghorns, Neapolitans, vnip ana xiair oraia; aiso u y hl choosing of dainty white lingerie enects. rriaay ana oararaay wc piacc u ic ui gtv HOW NOT TO PERFORM .' UNCLE SAM'S WORK RecelTer at Rosebnrg Land Office Says Crying Need Is Fewer In- ' , specter and More Clerks. (Special Dispatch to The JoersaU .. Roseburg. Or., June 86. Entries in the Roseburg land office are piling higher, day by day.X A congestion. has been caused by timber land and home' stead entries numbering between 00 and iMir-i'MAi i ; Whtn flnenlal tnsoector N. J. O'Brien arrived here soma time ago for the an nounced purpose of assisting to relieve this consestion there were on file in the i land ffica 860 entries. ; When O'Brien was transferred by the Interior department to Oakland. California, there were 850 n tries on file, an Increase of "Th. ! nn Immediate1 . teller ' In sight, as the interior department has made no provision for extra clerks need ed to clear away the held-up. entries. "Tlm and asrain we have urgently requested the department to provide extra clerks, so that these entries coma be disposed of, but each time we have been Informed that there are no funds available for such purpose. We needed extra clerks, and have needed them for months. Inspector O'Brien merely re peated the work . or lormer inspectors, nnmvln ntries - that -underwent in vestigation long ago, and should have been expedited to ' patent'; Justice to the applicants demands that the depart ment furnish , the necessary clerks." - OWLS 0R&ANIZER ; .IS VERY BITTER H. W. MitcheU Alleges Promoter of V Opposition Order Stole Bodily Literature Belonging to Him, H. W, Mitchell, aorganlaer of the Or der of Owls, la at the Oreron hotel, rraAv in commence war on ihe rival or- Smlsatlon known as the Brotherhood of wis which was started at Walla Walla last- year, ;r . :-. Mr Mitnhull Is very bitter in' his de nunciation of the methbde employed by Harry L. Leavitt who started the new order, Mltchel alleges that .Leavitt stole bodily from the literature of the Order of Owls when he created' the Brother hood of Owls and read atatements from -circulars Issued by both orders which were worded alike. Mr. juitcneu win remain in Portland several days in the Interests of his order which was found ed four- years ago, at South Bend. In diana. . ". . :, ; ,',- .! .1 rargusoa-McXinney's Sampts KasUn vanerweax, jamu ram. 1.500 nieces in all. Bale berins to morrow at the. Golden Eagle, p- w-wrw . a i ridUAY I - J h i . ' ; . ' r 1 Vn'k - ' h':.. t:l. of inly Sale ' f Nsw Sy3iisCi! tniiTinisrw mannfarttirer aMess than half the actual value.. -.Tr- ----------r . tlM4t a w eeseei w w .sAn-nn T VtrViAm TJanr1ita ti Critn and Hair Braid! ; ADJOURNS COURT 1- - TO SECURE GUNS Los Angeles Judge Tells Witnesses to Disarm; Themselves. (Joarnil Special Berrice. ' , Los Angeles, June ?7. Judge Hutton adjourned department' 7 of the superior court for five ; minutes to allow tlo principals and "witnesses in the Castalo canyon cattle case to deliver their guns to the bailiff for safekeeping. X ; "I have learned." said Judge 'Huttoo, "that several of those in attendance on this case have weapons, and I will ask them to deliver them to the bailiff. It may be necessary in Castalo canyon to carry a, gun, -but it is not necessary here." - . At this pronunclamento several men left the courtroom and returned a few minutes later. No guns were delivered to the bailiff, but it is the presumption that some of the men who had weapons nartMl with . them. ' ,sv . , Suit la brought by Martin Urtasan and Jose Mayoncelaya to recover $20,000 damans frbm W. C. Chormlcle for al leged false imprisonment on charges of .1 ..11 11. . , . .,.'!..!. ) J0IIN M'MAHOFS PARDON CONDITIONS j' (Special Dlsoatcb Is Tas IcarasLI ; Salem, Or June 17.; The pardon granted John McMahon yesterday by Governor Chamberlain' restores him to all rights and privileges heretofore en joyed by him; conditioned that McMa hon is to remain a law-abiding citizen. abstain from the use, or intoxicaiini liauors and violate no state or reaera McMahon was convicted or muraer Maw 20 1897. br the circuit court of Grant county for killing Louis- M. Gut ridge near Granite. The controversy that led to the killing arose over tne Issuance of invitations to : soma enter tainment to which McMahon's mother and sister -were not bidden. McMahon in his appeal to the governor said: . "A . grievous insult naa Dee a orreren mv mother and sister and in the absence of a husband and father. In an honest endeavor to rind out tne ..responsible arties and call tnem to account, which claim was - my duty, my right, a God-given one, I brought on a desper ate fight in which, while defending myself, Louis M. Gutridge - was shot and killed." , . " preferred Stock Canned floods. ' ' Allen ft Lewis' Best Brand, White' Wash Skirts, values . (' , up to $2.50 ; t PURE LINEN SKIRTS - Regular $7.50 values ' ,.7. r . . ,TT n!J. .I . B 1 llmfo nmm fox? I Pianos Sent on; Approval . . , '' 3 AT THE THEATRES ; Great Success at the Marquanu The most spectacular success th San Francisco Opera company has presented at the Marquam Is " "When " Johnny Comes ' Marching Home," .' the -bill this wselc t It has - drawn crowded "houses at every performance.. Mr, Cunning ham, the new- baritone, creates a 'sen sation with his song, "My Own "United States.'--.-.. , :- .V: t'- : "A Wicked Woman" at I(rric. " i "A wicked Woman" at .the-Lyric: Is a play that never falls to interest and instruct.; It is a . powerful storr , of modern society' Ufa and" As properly a f roblem drama. There are few dramas hat have attracted wider attention and aroused more discussion. r vj-.A. I Zinn Musical Company. Tha stage of the Baker is a perfect whirl of muslo and.- gorgeous '.chorus numbers this Week during the produc tion of the Zinn travestry. roe Tele phone Exchange.", This is the . last week f the Zinn company here. The principals keep the audiences in laugh ing humor throughout ; ' ' ; i H ;j ; ' "This t&urity TSurse" : -l ' The Star theatre is filled each night with delighted audiences '- witnessing "The Charity Nurse." This is a-new melodrama which had a long run in ttew York and .Is seen for the first See UiirWinilows BteSpspl Spring ;Snii. Values up to $30.00. V Your choice of about 75 Fdday; $4.7.5 Sfdrts 79 Cents $3.65 i tt .. Every hat the season s. . wwfi. mt wr yAyil Mt time on the Pacific The plot is original coast, this week. at all times. Shooting Stars. ' ? Cooke and Clinton are tterally shoot ing stars,-at the Grand this week. They are vouna- women experts with rifles and revolver and every time they shoot they hit 'i the mark, no matter what it may be. ' Tne feature act is Fulgora, who makes a dosen lightening changes of costume. . . . , y, : -vr- i 1 ' 1 :;- . ', 'Arion Singers at the Oaks. . Members of the Arion societies of Portland assembled at the Oaks today. This evening one of the finest choruses ever heard ; In ' Portland Will sing In conjunction ; with. Bchilsonyl'a Hungar ian band. ' Tomorrow will be Juvenile court day. Kegular concerts, daily and tha Davenports appear twice. ; , . PIMPLES AND WARTS : : : ON EARTH'S BOSOM Such Are Impressions ' of Eastern Cities on Mind of B. F. Giltner i After Fifty Years. . B. : F. Giltner. former assistant sec retary of state tinders several admin istrations, "has returned to his home In this city after, a three - months' trip through the-east where he visited his old horns la eastern I encaylva&la,' - Mr, White Wash Belts i Regular 25c values ' r v" 9 Cents . . -. 'rf Li .. ' 1 ." 1 r i j Silk finished Lisle Gloves "16buton . length, . regular ; $1.50 values . 1 $1.10 i" Ri newest, fn) mm .Sixth and Burnside ?- ' . y h featsotit PAJtaugiira Bnsinsss man say I Tor goodness lakes, . hurry and end that SlOO oontest. Oar olerks think of nothing elsel" And then they go off brain bunting aftr a good phrase themselrea, : - ,'. -Sea page ll.-:';::-'i';r?v 'A-U Giltner had hot been through the east for SO years when he took his trio and his impressions are interesting. Ho states that the eld towns where . ha spent his boyhood and young manhood : appear shrunken and dwarfed as. though dried up by old agftv . . The ,8treets seemed narrower, tha, bouses smaller and what once appeared to be hills and mountains were now nothing more than pimples ' and warts -fin the bosom of the earth. . He returns ta - Oregon - well satisfied that this la really the only place on earth in which to live, . - , . . " Aw V V I