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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1907)
THE OREGON - DAILY JOtJRNAL, 'PORTLAND, SATURDAY ' EVENING JUNE 8,' 1C07. I ' ' I III LI.... I .'INK. 00 HAS CHOSEN HIPPO! ; General Booth Declares the little Brown Men Heady 5 l ; for the Gospel. ' i rtnMlal Dlnutek 'to The JonraalJ - ) Seattle. June ; t'T teir you." said .' qeneral William JBootb) of the Salvation Army, upon landing from the eiearasnip ' from hie tour of Japan, "my trip through TJinnon conflrme 'What' I have always ' said about human nature ; when you reach the hearte of men. All precedents have been upset in Japan. Their an cient philosophy and religion has been ' unable to restrain thousands from em ; bracing our religion,". . Oeneral Booth sptoke of his trip as . halnr a , rontlntlbttS - bVStlon. He W dined by Oeneral Nogl, the hero of Port Arthur, was wwrwinni uj ' wived by the mikado.. . - Tears.' with the Japanese" he said, re considered an evidence or oowara lce. but thousands rushed-to us in the .nitiivt form, aroanlng. 'weeping and giving evidence that they were deeply luoved spiritually. -' ' '' ' 1 , ' "In Yokohama, Toklo and other cities the Salvation rmy has organised Jap anese Young women s a-roiecwon leagues, the purpose of which Is to atop ,k. tnffiK in ,Mta alavaa "I cannot account for the Japanese attitude toward Christianity and the United States." said.. Oeneral Booth, "unless God has chosen that field at last for conquest. General Booth was net at the boat . by his daughter. Commander Eva Booth, who has been on a tour of this country. The party will leave for Quebec, where the eeneral la booked for a lecture. He will return to Seattle. In October for aeries of lectures. . CADETS SAIL FROM : . ANNAPOLIS ACADEMY " ; V VJooreal peelal Barrtee.) 'Annapolis, Md., June 84-On the cruiser Qlympla, flagship of Admiral fcewey at Manllsy and ' the- monitors Arkansas, rin.Mi and ICitvaria two classes Of mid -shlpmen at , the Naval academy set sail today . on, tneir annual cruiaa. j, nm ca dets will make their first atop at the Jamaatawn a monition, where av battalion will go ashore Monday to act as escort -ef honor to President Roosevelt during the Georgia day ceremonies, s,- After a stay of 10 days the squadron will sail from Hampton Road for a . cruise at sea and wIU arrive at New York An Jiina 17. Two days later they wlU sail from New York, for New Lon , don, "Connecticut.-' The next two months will be eoent in cruising about In the vicinity, of New London -and Newport and other. places along the New England coast. The squadron win return to ah- ' papolls at the end or August. . ,. EXOtAND WIXCOMES . :. itULERS OF. BANKS CHURCH SERVICES v- " I . ; (Journal Bpecial Service.); ' ' 1 London, June 8. All the .'naval and " fortification guns " at, Sneerness gave King1 Frederick, of Denmark and his con v eort'a noisy welcome today upon their X arrival In, England on visit to. the British 'royal family." The DanlshjTul-' , era crossed over from Flushing tf the " royal yacht Victoria and Albert ' Im i mediately after the arrival of the yacht in the harbor the reyal party was on board 'train, bound for Windsor, where ' they were received by1 King Edward and 4Wuofo Alexandra. ' It is the first visit the' .kin and queen of Denmark ' have paid England since King Frederick came to the thronn,-and elaborate plans for - their entertainment - .- have -been . made. i Karl y,, in the, coming , week King Ed ward and his' royal guests will attend the international norsa snow at uiympia, " Monday positively the last day of dis count of. west side, gas bills. JAPAN WILL TRY TO, " , ' EXPOET ITS COOLIES Arleta Rev. m. A. Amlth. T. P. IT. Sunday schooL IB m. , . ,. - Third Vancouver avenue and Knott streets,- Rev. E. M. Bliss, pastor, eery ices at 11 l n. and 7:20 n. m. : Sun day school, 10 a. m. " . v.'V 4. Highland Alberta -and Sixth streeta Sunday school, 10 a. m.; services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. in. ' Sellwood Tacoma ;' and Eleventh streets: Rev. George A. Learn. Sunday school. 10 a. m.: services at 11 a. m. anii 7;J0 n tyi . -. K . Calvary ' - East Eighth and Oran streets: Rev. A. Lawrence Black. Bible school, 10 a. m.; services at 11 a. m. nil 7:110 n. m. . Immanuel Second and Meade streets; Rev. B. C Cook, pastor. Services at 11 m. and 7:e P m,; Sunday scnooi, iu Grace MontavIIla: Oilman Parker, minister. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:S0 Cantrali-Eaet Twentieth and Ankeny Streets; Rev. W. T. Jordan. Services at 10.10 a. m.; Sunday school. IX m- and at i p. n. children's services. University Park ey. A. B. Walts, Sunday school at 10 a. m.; services. 11 s, m. and 8 p. m., topic, 'The Meeting for Prayer"; children's day exercises. First The White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor streets; Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher, D. D.. pastor. Services, 10:10 a, m. and 7:45 p. m.; morning, onu dren's day exercises; evening topic. "A Great Man, But T" or "Why Great Men Frequently Oo Wrong." -Sunnyelde (German) Forty-first street and Hawthorne avenue; Rev. (J. Feldmeth, pastor. Preaching. 11 a. m. Hundav achooL :4S a. m St , Johns (German) Rev.' C Feld meth, pastor. Preaching. I p. m.; Sun day school. 8 a. -m-, 11 a. ra. and 8 p. m.; . Sunday school, 0:30 a. m. . - . at- riaviil'a P.a Twelfth and 'Bel mont streets: Rev. George B. Van. Wat era, D. D. Communion, 8 a, m.: serv ices, ll a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school, :4B a m.; Leo B. Pome roy, ohnlrtnaater. All Saints Twenty-second and Reed streets. Sunday school. 10 a. m.; -evening service, 8 o'clock, sermon by Rev. H. D- Chambers. St Andrews University Park; Rev. W. R. Powell. Services, 11 a, m.; Sun day school, 10 a. -m. ' Good Shepherd Sellwood street and Vancouver avenue, Alblna; Rev. John Dawson. Services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school 9:48 a. m. v St Paul's Woodmere; i O. 1 Parker. Service at 11. a. m. Sunday school, 8:48 a. m. '" m. . . ' St, Matthew's First ana wniintn streets; Rev. W. A. M. Breck. Services,, 11 a. m.t Sunday school. :45 a. m.; communion, 7:80 a. m. No evening aery The Church of Our savior wooa- tock. Services, - m.j . Sunday school 10 a. m. . . ' . St Mark's corner or ivineteenm ana uimby streets: Rev, J. E. H. Simpson. ommunion. 8 s. m.; services, 11 i, m. and 8 p. m.;. Sunday school, 10 a. m. St John's Memorial seiiwooa; ' itev. W. R. Powell. Services. 8 p. m.s - Bun- day school, 10 a. m. .Bishop Bcadding '111 preach.- J . ;i,.V. the Planet Earth, Compared and Con trasted'; Sunday school, :4e a. m. w ulv,, 4, ,.T. ifv.o jL .'.,,,, , Fourth and Yamhill streets Men's meeting at 8:80 p.m. -in the association auditorium. Dr. J. Whltoomb Brougher win epealc on "Why Men oo Wrong. Vocal solo by Miss Christine Wallman. Song service led by - Professor W.-. M. Wilder. All men Invited. I , tralted Brethrem i Chris. First East Fifteenth and Morrison streets; Rev. H. C. Bhaf for. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:10 d. m.: Sunday school. io a. m.' r , Radical Sixth and Mechanic streets! ReV. CP. Blanchard, m. and .7:80 p.t m.) a.- m. Servioea 11 Sunday school, 10 8, '.''.'. v J1 - '. OoagTSfatlonaL ' " , . University Park 1118 Haven avenue; Rev. D. B. Gray: services at 11 a. m. and I p. m.; Sunday school 10 a. , m Mnrnln tnnlfl 'f!rowni." .. ; Laurelwnod Rev. D. is. uray. At IV m. Sunday school. Mrs. W. Ingalls uperlntendent; 11 a. m., sermon; 8 P- ' .Univefsaf New Thought assembly I A. O. U. W. hall, on Washington be tween Tenth and Park streets Services I at 11 o'clock and 8 o'clock. Topics. "Life and Training on the Astrel Plane"' I and 'Was the Earth Ever -Born, Will it Kver iei" i . -y m., young people s meeting. MISSISSIPPI nue and Fremont street; Rev, I s. m. second Seventh and East Ankeny a t h. . m ' Am, BtintA fT lnhlm naa. tor.- services at 10:80 a.' m. and 7:80 p. n-i Bible sahool, 11 m. - - - ' Savier-Street Between xweniy-nrst and - Twenty-second streets." services 10 a m.t Sunday school. 8 s. ra. St Johns E. A. - Leonard, pastor. services. 11 a. m. ana i:sv p. m.. sun dav achbol. 10 a. m. " Chinese Mission IH , oax - street, Sundsy school, . p. m.; preaohlng In Chinese, s p. m. - First German Fourth : and Mill streeu: Rev. J. Kratt, pastor. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school, : a, m. . . Second German Morris street 'ana Rodnev avenue: Rev. F. Bueermann. baa tor. Services. 11 a. m. and 7:10 D, m.1 Sunday school, 8:48 a. m. East Forty-fourth-Street Mission At the home of F. L. Bunting, 1210 East Yamhill street, at 8 d. m. Rev. John Bentseln." Sunday school, 19 a. m. Lents Ninth avenue, near . Mount Scott oar line, at home of William Knee- Und. services at :I0 s. m. by Kev. E. A. Smith. V Mount Olive Seventh and Everett: Rev. B. B. B. Johnson, pastor. ; Services at 11 a. m and p. m. ' -V' t .'(.-f- aaaaaaaaF w. lrebytexlaa. . MisDsJi East - Thirteenth" and Powell eireeie; itev. jerome. . MCUiaae, l. IX Services at 10:80 si' m., topic, "What Is Your LIfeT": children's day service ax.s p. m. Calvary Eleventh and Clav streets Rev. Beh-Esra Stiles Ely Jr., D. XX Services at 10:80 a. m. and 7: JO p. rn.; Sunday school, 18 m. . ; Fourth First and Gibbs streets. Serv ices, 10:80 a. m., children's day services; Sunday school, 18 m. . .. . ' ; - Hawthorne . park Twelfth , and East Avenue Mississippi ' ave- lont street: Rev, wuuam L. TJnahaw. Services 10. a m. and' d. m.: toDloa "Our Riches In. Christ,' 'Obedience Better than Sacrifice."! Sun dav achnnl at 10 a. m. " . Sunnyaide Corner of East Taylor and East Thirty-fourth street; Rev. j. J. Rtauh. naater. 8arvlaa at 11 a. - tn. and 8 p.. m.; topics, "Replenishing Our tfpiruuai rowers.- '-racing xowaros we Goal." Sunday school at 19 a. m. Hassalo Street East Seventh and Hassalo; Rev. Paul Radsr. Services 10:80 a. m. and 7:48 p. m.. "Men of the Kingdom.' Sunday school IS m.; Chris tlan Endeavor 8:45 p. m. - f First Madison and Park: Rev. Dan iel Stayer, assistant pastor. ' Children's Day services, Sunday school 18:15 p. m., F. H. Whitfield, superintendent; Y. P. S. fl K at 8:45 n. m. ; Highland East Sixth street north and Prescott: Rev. E. 8. Bollinger. Sunday school services,' primary exercises and graduation 10:80 a, rn. An Interesting and pleasing program and children's at ?: drUls p. m. Taylor streets; Rev. E. Nelson Allen, services, jo :sp a. m.. topic. "TheBtatore of a iMan"; Sunday school, 12. m.; Y. 1 '-"!fv'r.t, (JoornU SpecUI Service.) T '. "' ; Toklo, June A representative of , the Japanese residents in the United States who arrived here and called upon ". Foreign Minister Hayashireports that Hayashi aseured him that American pro posals mat japan enter imo a mutual agreement for the restriction of labor -immigration wouia oe rejectee.. He eava Havashi told him every ef "fort would be made to cut out the last clause of the article of the present treaty, when it came up for revision in .1909 but it is expected that America will not yield easily on this - point it is probable that ' a special commissioner - will be sent to America to examine ex' act conditions. . .-..-i.-- : "IN A BAD WAY" Many a Portland Reader Will Feel Grateful for. A This Information, ? When your back gives out; . . Becomes lame, weak or aching; ,' .When urinary troubles act In,, Your kidneys are "in a bad way." t , Doan's Kidney Pills will cur you. Hera Is local evidence to prove It: Mrs. XV Murphy of 895 Ivon street. , Portland,,. Oregon, says: "Since 1908, ' when X gave1 a statement recommending Doan's Kidney pills after I had found great "benefit through their uae I have ' 4 had some further occasions to test the remedy and It has always given says . faction. My, original experience with . them waff to a bad case of kidney com - ; plaint and backache. From my expert ' ence VltnT;Dban's Kidney Pills I am V : ready, to J-ecommend - them Just ' . ' strongly a, X did three yearsago." r v ; For sale by all dealers. Price 50 centa joster-Mnburn Co., Buffalo, New York, ' I sole .agents for the United States. , Remember the name DOAN'S and .take no -Other. , , I JVVe know the business, and -gi ve yoirthe benefit Moneyba'ck does if . ' " Year grocer reearaa rear aieaey If yea aoa $k StkUllat's Baal: e par biau ' ' P. 8. C. Ew 8:80 n. mi. musical Droaram. Forbes Sellwood street and Oanten beln avenue; Rev. Harry H. Pratt. Serv ices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 py tmf Sunday school, 10 a, rh.f ...; i Piedmont Cleveland avenue and Jar- rett street; Rev. L. Myron Booser. Serv i . , , - - . IV. BA . t iiwb at iu n. uu i ,ov gr. m. Duauiy scnooi, isus p. m. - , Weatmlnoter East Tenth and Weld ler streets; Rev. Henry U Marcotta services at 10:30 a, tn. and 7:45 p. m.; aunaay. scnoot, jj, m. . . . , , First Twelfth and " Alder streets: Rey. "William' Hiram Foulkes. - Services at 7:30 p. 'm., -topic, "How jesus An wered Questions": children's day serv Icea at 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school. 12:80 p, m. ' '- ' : Fulton Rev. A. H. Barkholder. .Sun day school at 11 a. m.; Christian En deavor, 7 p. m.; service, 7:45 p. tn. Marshall-Street-Marshall and North Seventeenth streets; Rev. C W. Hays. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m. end 7:80 p. xn.j Y. P. S. C 8:46 p. m. - ' Mount Tabor Belmont street " and Prettyman avenue. Service at 11 a, m. and 7:80 p. m. t Sellwood Corner East Seventeenth and Spokane avenue; Rev. D. A. Thomp son, pastor. - Services at 11 a. m. and 8p. m.; evening sermon by Rev. George WT Arena of Arleta; Sunday school, 10 a. m.: " ;, ,. Third East Thirteenth and Pino streets; Rev. -Andrew J. Montgomery, pastor. Services at 10:80 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.. topics, "What Shall This Child Bel" ar fluence. Vernon East Twentieth and Wygant streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. by Rey. Q. A. Blair; Sunday school. 12 m. MontavIIla Rev. J. A, P. McOaw. Services at 11 a, m. and 7:80 p. m. ..' ' ftrntaeraa. Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and Irving streets. Services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Norwegian Synod Eaat Tenth and Grant streets; Rev. O. Hagoes. Sunday school, 9:80; services at 11 a. m, and 8 Betanta Danish Union avenue and Morris street; Rey. Gudmund Grill. Services at 8 p. m. ' St James' Enalish West Park and Jefferson streets; J. Alien. Leas. Serv ices at 11 a, m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a, m. Bt John Peninsula avenue and Kll- patrlck atreet: C Buechen. Services at 10:46 a. m., German; -7:80 p. m., Eng lish; Sunday school, 9:80 a. m. Norwegian 46 Mortn rourteentn street: Rev. J. VL Nerving. Servioee at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:45 St Paul's German East Twelfth and Clinton streets; Rev. .A. Krause. - Serv ices at 10 a. m. and 8 pv tn.;: Sunday school. 8:80 a. m. . Trinity German ( Missouri Svnodl corner WUliams avenue and ' Sellwood street; J. A. Rimbach. Services at 10 a. m.. and 7:80 p. m.;' Sunday school. Zion's ' German (Missouri Synod)' unapraan and saimon streets; w. H. Behrens. - servieea at 10:15 a. m, and 7:45 p, m.; Sunday school, 9:15 a. m. ,,- V-':: , .. . ' i-.-.,.V. 'm : ' Chrlsttan. Central East1 Twentieth and East Salmon streets; Rev. ' J. F. Ghormley, JX D. Services at 10:45 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school at 18 m. Rev. Georae W. Mucxiey, secretary ox caurcn extension, speaks in morning. ' Rodney-Avenue Rodney avenue and Knott street; Rev. F. - Elmo Robinson. services at io:4 a. m., topio -The Vnlyarsallsl Church of the Good Tidings East I coucn ana isast mighin streets; nev. Fiftieth anniversary of founding of I children s - oav in Unlversallst church. Sunday school 'at 12 m. .Devotional service Thursday evening. , --. s.-" ..--- , -- . Christian and aClislonary AUlanoe. The Christian and' Missionary ' alli ance Sixth-and Main streets; Rev. Cl 10:10 a. m.1 , , . . '"''.. - Beforaied, First German Tenth and Stark streeu; o. HInr, At 10:45 a. ser mon, . in ir ana its rTUir ; at p. mH sermon, "Trua Freedom." D. Sawtelle.' Services at Sunday school at 12:15 p. '.,. ' u, JU Church SontX - 1 171 H Second street; Rev. E. F. Mowr pastor. Services at 11 a. m, and 8 p.1 m.; topio, -The Present Day Cell In thel KlsoeUanaoa. New Church iBocietv Eleventh and Alder ' streets: Rev. ' Hiram Vrooman. Services at 11 a. m., topic: "The Newi jemeaiem '; Sunday school, 10 a. m. ' Latter-Day Saints Hall 400 Allakv building. Third and Morrison streets, I services at 11:80 a. m. and 7 p. m.: Sun day school. 10 a. m. Millennial Dawn O. A. R.'halL north- east corner Second and Morrison attests. Services at 8:30 p. m. . Divine Truth Center Hall 201. Al sky J Duuaing; i m. Minara, pastor, serv ices at 11 a. rn. The Church of the First Born will I meet at 841 First and Sheridan I streets. - Ben - J. H. Lucas will lecture at 8 p. ra., followed by spiritual mes sages by Mrs. Lon Coon, Lyceum at O CIOCK. . ' . . 1 k- CHUECH EE0PMING t AT LAFAYETTE If i f.lOnc ofjthc Irnportant. Duties of ' Physidcoij i. "c r and the Wcll-Infcrmcd of the World 0 Is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading rnanuf acturw ; era of jnedicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians .are the most careful as to the tmiform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well' ; known to physicians and the .Well-Inf ormod generally that the California Fig Syrup' jo.f Dy reason 01 us correct meinoas ana perceci equipmeni ana ine einicai cnaracter or its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and therefore, that the name of the 4 Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its Tm;-,jj TRUTH AND QUALHYS'S- ,' :, ..r-. v; v ... . , y t . ;.' appeal to the 'Well-Informed, in every walk of life and are essential to permanent uc- cess ana creauaDie sianoing, tuereioro rwe yiaa io cau ue auenuoi 01 au wno WOUla 1 . enjoy good health, With its blessings, to the fact tha't it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour of .recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a sunpie, wuui?auiiio rcuieuy m&y uo mvaauaDie u laicen ai me proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. .feels that it is aUke, important to present ; truthfully .the subject and to supply, the one perfect laxative remedy which has won ; the approval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed because - of the excellence of the combination,' known to all, and the original method, of rnanuf ao-, tore, which is known to the California Fjg Syrup Co. only. . , . . , , . . , , ll I' V This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known tinder the name of -1 Dyrup ox x lgs ana. naa nuuueu io wgna-wie acceptance u me moei excellent oi family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of .Senna as more fully descriptite of the remedy, but , doubtlessly it will always s be called for by the Bhorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the full name of the CompanyCalifornia Fig Syrup - Co.- , piaimy pnniea on me irvm vi erer pnuui, wueuier -yvu. imyiyf cnuior Toyrup oi ' Figs or by tne full name-flyrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna -as Syrup of Figs and; Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the Calif ornia.Fig Syrup Co. and the' same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has' given sat-Y I J isf action to millions. The genuine is for sale by aU leading druggists throughout the . 1 cents per bottle. . .'.". V- v ;,; :.k .A'"r;:' . ' ; va Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of he Company; filed with the OQGttWuj VX A((ilVUi.iiiuc, i? oniiingwu, mj, v, kua, uio icuivuj ta uut auuibciaiei. , ' jprimisbranded within the meaning' of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. v CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Loulsrill.3, Ky. gram, 8 d. ro Mount Scott Services In hall at Kern park, 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 2:30 p. n. woodiawn-Servlcee at 11 a. ra. and 8 p. m.: topics, "The . True Model" and The Necessity of Repentance": Sunday school, 10 a. m.: Rev. Q. M. Reed of Idaho will preach. nrst corner s Pari and Columbia streets; Rev. E. M. Patterson, 10:80 a. m., communion service, followed by children's day. exercises; 7:48 p.m. "Christianity or Morality, Which." Advent seeond street, between Hall and ' Lincoln. Services at 11:80 a. m. and ? p. m.;. Sunday school, 10:80 a. m. Halted ZvangeUeaL V rut fnrti.r T!aaf TantT in CV.... r and "The Miraculous in Home In-I man streeta Rev. A. A. Winter. Chil- p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Second' Fargo and- Kerby i streets; Rev. B. 8. Hughes, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m.; preaohlng at 11 a. m. id 8 p. m. - .. Rt. Xnhn'aMtaTvanlirM and TAtin at..... Rev. Cheeter Paul Gates. Preaching li a. m.: tODlc "The Blood of Bxemntlnn.": at 8 p. m. Children's day program. Sun- oay scnooi i a. m. Ockley Ureen Oay street and wll- Bowersox, 80 n. m. preaching; topic "Deliverance from . (SfMeUU Dlspateh to The Joenul.) Lafayette, Or- June 8. The United Evangelical church of Lafayette has been completely -renovated. The walls have been, kalsomlned, tinted and dec orated. Special services are being, ar ranged for the reopening tomorrow. The sermon at 11 a. m. will be appropriate to the occasion. Servicea will be held at 8 p. ra., the second sermon of the series . now being delivered on Sunday evenings on me suoiecu -me ureauoa of the World." Services will be con ducted by the pastor, g. E. MoVlcker. STEM IN HIS TEETH BUT PIPE SHOT AWAY (Special tMepatcb to The Jeanm!. : -Spokane. Wash.. June 8. While 'rid Ing along the street In a buggy, Thomas McKenna had the unique experience of having his pipe shot out of his mouth. He and a man riding with him gave chase and captured a lot of boys who San Francisco, CaL U.S. A Jjondon, England. a. r ... XMew lorx, n. J 9. ' .. sf playing by the roadside and' who thouKbt to nave rired the snot but all made denial. The stem was lefi In McKenna's mouth, merely the bow. being shot off. ... ref erred Stock Ceased Oooda. Allen dc Lewis Best Brand. , Monday noaitlvelr the last day of dis count of west side gas bills. . . MvMMMMaawMWMMWma Jfew CrloM Added to Calendar. , (Sied(l tnnateh t "The Seereal.l ' , ' BDOkane. Waah- June 8. J. V. Qula- ley and BS. W. Peddycord; two W; S: C. students, who were arrested some time ago or stealing tnree eblckens to eat at a banquet. have, been rlren their edom on paying a fine of 18 each and never -to commit a like of- free promistig m fense again. if Tht Best Scottring Soap IVLid , Western Elevating Grader, Ditcher and Wagon Loader y M ' . ' - t aV ."SB W . p . eaaraaesBBW' , , Crushers, Dump Cars, see ua. I"or modem earth and BBAL.L & CO. winhaadis dirt for 8c per yard. . Bold om trlaL'-" '"'i -V; ,. V.. Werf ern ' ItiThieled 'and Drag Scrapers andOradi Ing Plows, -Austin . Re versiblepraders Austin Dump , Vagons, . Rode rock i handling; .machinery 321 Hawthorno Ave. TMOVX. XAVX S988. JA A Scouring Soap A Meuf Polish A Glass CIeanr . , Methodist. Taylor-Btreet Dr. Franois Burgette Short. Classes, 8:80 a. m.1 sermon, Ihi Ratia? 6.M.?rlKrkH. lamette-boulevard; 'Rev. J. : the Baptist, and an Example of Chris-; naator At 11 a m anf I tlan Courage"; Sunday schooL 11:18 p. greachin: ' tonic eHveri; Them Happy." . f SunnysldeEast Tamhill street, be tween isast Tnirty-iirtn and East Thirty-fifth and Thirt: sixth streets: T, B. Ford. Services 10 a. m. ana ,7:30 .p. m. , eunaay scnooi 11 a. m. ; . i St Johns F. L. Toung. Services 11 a.m. and 8 p. ra. Bunday school, , 10 a. jn. - . . EDwortn Irving and Twenty-third: B. H. Bryant Services at 11 a. m. and v:so n. m. centenary wintn and Fine. w. h. Heppe. ' services 11 a. r. and 7 :30 n. m Trinity corner or East Tenth and Grant Lewis F. Smith. Services! at 11-a. m. and 7:S0 n. hl. Bundmy anhonl. iv a. m. Central Russell and Kerby streets! J. T. Abbett Services at 11 a. tn. and 7:30 d. m. . . - enmese Mission cnan . s ni kal cervices 11 a. m. ana p. m. Mount Tabor James Moore. Services at 11 a. m. and v:ao n. m. ratton Mlchlaan avenue and Carnen ter. h. t. wire, services at 11 a. m. and 7:ao p. m. Vancouver Avenue Services at 11 m. and 7:80 p. m. 'Woodiawn Hew b. 11. uewart. ser vices at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. woodstocK Rev. w. vr. Kerr. Ber. vices at II a. m. and T:30 p. m. Norwegian-Danish Thirteenth and Davis; c. J. Larsen. services at 11 m. end 7:30 o. m. Bwedien BortnwicK ana Beacn: Rev. Johnson, . Services 11 a. ' m. and 7:30 n. m. . . " First German Fifteenth and HovL fl A. Waasa. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 ih m. ' -itMtr-r . i, Second German Stanton and RMnav. n. a. iuaaa. services 11 ll a. m. anc 7:30 p. m. , Japanese Mission 111 North Fif teenth. Services art 11 a n. and 7:80 University Park Rev TV A Watfara Services at 11 a, m. and 7:30 n. m. Grace church Corner nf Twelfth mnA Taylor streets. Clarence True Wilson. The Rev. W. H. Selleck of irirat cnurcn, oatem. wui preach at 10:80 and at .t :.-. upeciai music by the choir. Children's choir exercises in Sunday ai it.ia. interesting program for the public Epworth league at 8:80. , Kplsoopal. ' Pro-fatheitral of Rt atsnh.n ym v. tfr Thirteenth and Clay streets; Rev. H- M. Ramsay. Corpmunlon, T:t0 a. m.i avrvicaa 1 1 a. m. ana v:.u p, m.; Sunday school, :4S a. m. 1; Trinity -Nineteenth andJ Everett streets; Dr. A. A, Morrison, Services, : atplrltnaUst. The Ministers' and Mediums' Protect ive Spiritual association will hold its usual., meeting sunaay, at s p. m.. new W. O.' W. halL Eleventh street near Washington. Subject "The New Kingdom, ny Mrs. Josenhlne N. Coul ter; written questions answered by Rev, Sonhla B. SelD. All welcome. -w First Spiritualist ' Society Ablngton building. Artisan hall, between Wash ington and Stark streets, en Third. At 11 a. m., conference, subject for dis cussion, ''What Shall Be the Occupation or My epintr i at 7:46 p. m. Jr. e, Coulter lectures on "The Cretan BulL or "Conauerinsr Our Mad Loves." Snirlt messages by Mrs. Rows and reading of iignt surrounding people m auaience cy . a. wouner, . lryanfeUeal Association. , First English East Sixth and Mar ket streets; 8. ; A. Slewert, pastor, in-eacnmg at 11 a. m. ana7: p. m, Sunday school 10 a. m. First German Corner Tenth and Clay streets; Theodore Schauer, pastor; ser mon at io:4 a. m. ana ceo p. m. bi day school 8:80 a. m. -'- Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib- betts: L.C Hoover, pastor. Preachint at 11 a. tn. and I p. m.; Sunday schoo 10 a, m. 1 jOhrlstlaa Skilenoe. First Church of Christ Scientist DWiUHl ' 1UW1 UUIinilM, JUVII1BUU S-IIU Loarnsdale streets, services at 11 a. tn and 8 p. m., subject, "God the Preserver of Man.' Sunday school at -. close of mornina- service. ' Second Elks' temple, Stark, between Sixth and seven tn streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 o. m.: subject 'God the only cause ana creator; aunaay scnooi ii a m.- . Vnlttl yresbyterleji. Church of the 8tranaers Waaoo street and orana avenue: Rev. s. Karl DuBols. Services at 11:45 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Services for . mutes every Hunoay morning, eunaayscnooi, 11 m. First Bixtn ana Montgomery streets: Rev. A. W. Wilson. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday schooL 13 m. -' '' tmitarisa. , T Church ' of Our Father Corner of Tamhill and Seventh streets; Rev. W. G. Eliot- Jr.; I Rev. T. -L. Eliot, D. D., minister emeritus. Services at 11 a, in, and 8:80 o. m .: mornlna tonic. "Rellalon for. the Placet Mars and Rellfloa tor, BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND IRON FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, ; v Jf oiutry Netting, Etc , itm vihaii inrti PORTLAND AND IRON WORKS Phone Main 2000. SECOND AND EVERETT. STS," t i 4 if WHICH WINS? Two houses in the same town were painted by the same dealer with Lrowe Brothers 'High Standard", Paint and with "lead and oil mixed by hand,'- The first the larger cost 270, with "High Standard." The second cost $t.oo. The first wore over i five years', the other; three. ' Figure it out for yourself then come and let us help you to select colors. See our beautiful cards and booklets ' ,' v r f,'v . , ' N 4 Boolrlets. "Paint and Pafnt?nr" nA MAttractiw TTAr 17m . RASMUSSEN & CO. Distrib,utors ' Second and Taylor Streets, Portland" m I) 0UE-TC3IRD10F THE TOTAL DEATHS. When the Kidneys fail to perfonn their ftinctiorti properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as It passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. .This -causes heart irouDie. stomacn uouwe, siuggiso liver and a host of other ills, .all due tp deranged Kidneys. corrects Irregularities and cores Kidney-and Bladder diseases In every form, tones 'up the cured or cniaurs disease. ' . wnoie system, ana tne diseases that nave resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, because the cause has been removed. Com mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY, CURB at the first sign of danger. Do not risk having Bright's Disease or Diabetes. frJ'2?Z 9trKm lsete, taratef a Ce., H. T., wrItset-4 am f lad fe eas epppf ' S".t L MLUlf wh,t aeafaineeal reeulte 1 have had frarn vainc POUY'I KIOHsV CU KK eAar fcaWnf tried ether edrertised siedleiaee asd eavaml ahraleiaaB; Before leetea !L Md te get np (rea te te ee WMik aiSht te relieve my elatfder. I eras all Meatedaa with dropsr aas my eyeelabt was ee inpairad thet 1 eeuld eeareely eee eae ef rar tkmlir across the reorn. Io fact, I waa m hadlyaeed as that I hadcivaa hop of lM.i wheal wee erf.dbjr a friend to 'try rOLkyi-klDNBV COaa. dnm je-ciat Iwttle werfed woa dra, and before I had takes the third hottla tha usaau fla.h h.A .n .11 ether em all tbeuf h enre I had tekea the third bottle the eeperAeeue 8..h had soae, ee wall ee all tone ef Kida.y treobla. Uy frleade were eurpriwd that I wae eurad, M they " i ""e" 3 f wy ew aaye seme on. ones rraaa salles awaf ee leer tt iae Ireatose lmtllP ieease, aai aaTeaellat ? r". Two Circa, CO Ccnta cr.d 01.00. z scld h:d kc:--2::sd dy zz I It sols: I