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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1907)
THE OREGON t DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 8,' 1S07. LIE CASH IS HEEDED 1975 for decorations; 1800 for-, nub llolty. and 1760 for 'office and inci Cash amounting to J1.880 will be f riven In prises for the finest float, n addition to f 1,260 In trophy prlaea. One hundred and eight-five lodges In uniform and loo nower-ieaenea .auto mobiles -will be In line. - Five bands of IS pieces each will participate. ThOM who wiah to compete for prises can obtain full, information and the necessry blanks at fiesta headquar ters in ins Bwetiana Dunning. . Various societies' and Individuals during fiesta will give affairs of all kinds. v from baseball , between doctors Fiesta Committees Declare That Business Men 3Iust Subscribe an Additional Thousand to Make Event ! Grcatcstof Its Kind. -i 5 Affairs of the Boss Show and Fiesta " took on definite shape at the nesting f committees .in the chamber of com ' meres . rooms last evening. Cash on hand amounting to"IB.S0 was reported W .?tl was authorised to be spent the extra ll.OOe ; needed to be raised iroong business men of he city. ; The -money waa divided, J00 ror paraae 11.000 for rose show; 700 for music and lawyers by artificial light at night dances ana omners in tne open air amid banks or roses. OvcrSeventy Feet Long ' "' ' '' " ' '' "? MONSTER PARAS ITE REMOVED FROM THE iSYSTEM OF MRS. VIOLA MERCY. f "V JawaaMsM ' Due to Fer-Don's . Preparations V -. .3 r: i ' i '. yv' ,','''5.. J ' ' 1 . .,.' (." "e ' ' l ' .. .'" Many Other Remarkable Cures the Result of the Treatment of the Fer-Don Medical Experts in Grand Theatre Building. ? Those entering tha contest for ptrsde prises must sign blanks designating which class, A or B. .they desire to tnmnta tn rw unw tn abide bv rules. All class A prises are cash: class B prises are trophies; .,...:.. Bnl1narn it Hat f all.nrlEAS! Clsss A All-Oregon float (Portland not to compete), first 1260, second 1160, third 1100: fraternal society float, first tioo. second 176: Push club, Portland and suburbs, first f 100, second $76 antnmnhlla tmirlns?. Car. first 1100. seC' ond 176.' automobile runabout, first 185, second 166; tailyho, four or more and team, first f 75, second 160; special feature float or venicie, xirst ivu, sec- end 176; trade float, first 1100, second Class uAUiomoDUe touring car; au tomobile runabout:. tailyho, four or more horses: carriage and pair: pony, carriage and pair: borse ana ouggy horse and cart: pony and cart, . four wheels; pony and cart, two wheels; sad dle horses, couple; saddle horses, tan dem; saddle ponies, couple; saddle po nies, tandem; saddle pony; oicycia Best decorated city block, both sides or street, rirst pnss, viuu; second, iv. .Best decorated building, first, 1 160; second, 1100. Best decorated store front, first, 1100; second, $60. ' - Best decorated window, first, 176; sec ond, $60. ' . . svr achool children's narade. five solid liver cups; for schools making best ap pearance. ' , . ... . Parade rules and regulations are: Nothing of ail advertising character will be allowed in the parade unless it Is a creation of flowers. r No contestant can enter the same ve hicle, horse, pony or rioat, in competition for more than one prise. ; . Each 'and 'every contestant for orlse honors will be assigned to a position in the parade and -must be at. the point desla-nated by the parade committee at 1:20 o'clock ahara. The Judges awarding prlsea win re view the pageant in its entirety . from different plaoes along the route, and mark noints of merit which are to be compared when the awarding committee reassembles. . The peristyle at the Lewis and Clark fair grounds will be the grand review ing stand berore wnicn au contestants for prise honors must pass for Judgment before disbanding the parade. After passing the grandstand ins en tire parade will be arranged in semi circle at the court of honor and sunken aardtna. where a historical photograph will be taken the Government building and Guild's lake forming a picturesque background. The luda-ea will score points favoring decorations of natural flowers over the artificial ones. - . - That the lirhtin effects win ibe a suceeas is assured By the following let ter, which also - shows how firms of Portland are taking hold and doing all in their cower to make fiesta the great est thing of Its kind ever known on the Pacific coast: "Portland, Or., June Mr." S3. W. Rowe, President Rose Carnival and F1 est, 120 Swetland Building, City -Dear Bin Confirming my telephonic commu nication of this afternoon, I bee to say. that the Portland Railway, Light & Power- company stands ready1 to assist the rose carnival with illumination at MAIL n MS .-'V'. .'f ft, yt .f v A '! I " . y .".-t... . .jf . . . . ' . the Forestry building, in any way with 1 in Its. power, absolutely free of charge. '-Mr. Biaaen was out inert mis arter I noon with you and he Is Instructed to proceed with the work of placing the streamers in the building. If there Is anything further whlfth we can do for i ycu, m trust mat you win not nesuaie to cau .upon us. xours very truiy, "x: u. hiiuu), uenerai Manager." AOVE ORCHARD SPY I ; a1samsBBaBt,' N.'"' : '' i. (Continued from Pag One.) At ter Receiving Xoy to. .City From 3Iayor Lane - Rural Letter Carriers Discussed Good Roads, Salaries, Ben efits and Other Matters. Delegates to the annual convention, 'of tha Oregon -tural Letter-Carriers as sociation were riven the keys of Port land by Mayor Harry Lane when they convened .this morning at tha Commer cial club. 1 Then the members got down to work and dlscusled the problems they meet in their dally work. All the tnomlnf was taken ud In the discussion of good roads, salaries, oene fits and other topics mat lie close to ances of the coal miners?" asked Rich ardson. 'Nothing., answered Orchard frankly. ' "What interest had tha western Fed-I eratlon?" . , : - "'Non." i'i'i, . "Don't you know that Gregory was not on the' stand in the cases against the union coal miners?" ... - "No. I. onlv know that Fettlbone told me 'he .wanted -to get Gregory because ne was against the union men. ' Orchard aspires to be an author, for. not minting to oiners,, ne be his own biographer. ' t .' ' . Vrlttaa; Itwy f .:Xlf; ' "For a year I have been the sto?y of my- life." - he answered Richardson, . "I. have rewritten It many times so as to be -sure It Included all BIDS ncpcmcn t ,. in it i ii .LULIULU ropofl to ;,l ;:iy V m at work on '-" J i SiSKT. ' raJJa'aoVionl "wKn Street : Committee . Will Con vona ana reiuoone. , ve jireparea i l - ' . - v siaer. cwer ana ,j(oauway Improvements , and.Con VV M VWVU MM.K?V SM ;,a6, taSS ; f oughfares; Affected. , K. P, Loop. McMlnnvllle, ; Oregon, President Rural Letter , Carriers' Association. A; ..,i'::'tV . , , ,, .... ; i Among , the many who have, been i'beneItea by : tha work of the Fer-Don Medical Experts, .who have off ices at 8624 Washington atreet, none have - .'more reason to be thankful for a com plete restoration to health than Mrs. -Viola , Mercy. . This . lady had long . .suffered with a complication -of . ail- : ments which had baffled several phy ' siclans. . an examination by the medical experts, 'that she had a tapeworm, doubted, hut on being given one dose of the peculiar . i remedy which is used In ,. , expelled from her system lit less than , 'four hours a monster parasite, or tape fWorm, over 70, feet in length.; In apeak ' lng Of the case Mrs. Mercy said: I ' have been suffering for a long time. yfty nights were sleepless, the least ex ertlon tired me and I lacked ambition; ' i 'had sharp pains in my ckVTlly , spell and. black spots before my eyes. Also . my appetite was Irregular and 'there was a thick coating always on my tongue; When X heard of the Fer-Don Medical Experts I thought it would be '. worth tar while to try them anyway, J v and I am glad to say that results have proven Ifto bea wise action on my park for I have found the cause of all vay suffering.' have gotten rid of rt and am feeling almost well already." , Cases like this seem to be a dally .4 occurrence with ; the Fer-Don Medical f(. Experta A visit to their office re- , -vealed the fact that they are doing , a ' good work in Portland. Rich and poor ' " eat side by, side in the!. offices await- v lng their opportunity to receive , con : saltation and treatment, and 'on all - sides -was expressed complete natlsfac . V Won y those who had begun treatment , and complete confidence for those who were ' making their first visit. The remarkable demonstrations made nightly by Fer-Don at his . free show , ... grounds, Williams avenue and Knott ; street, are attracting widespread atten tion. Three thouaand people last night - witnessed the application of some - secret preparation of the Medical Ex perts which baa the. power' .of restoring hearing la about three minutea. Julius ' Rothchild, (21 Kingman street, deaf for .seven years tn f the, left' ear, wasv so reaUy benefited that he heard a-whis-per. snd when Fer-Don etopd a distance " of 50' feet away Mrr Rothchild plainly beard him speak In aa ordinary tone. 1 Bo pleased was he that he told the peo ple "that although lie had tried several . doctors, never until now had tie received ." any: benefit' whatever.-.-v;KV-ry-i' Mrs. Johnson. V Division street, was tera saw Haywood, and told him of the arrest of Moyer at Telluride. The Question of the killing of Pea- body came up at : headquarters, ' Hay wood, accoraina to urcnara. telling mm he must kill the governor. , He said Haywood told him he ought to kill him with a shotgun. 1 . ' He spent a week trying to land Pea- Doay. - tie could not say wny tne op portunity did not present itself, as the a-overnor waa attenaina- receDtions. A week later urcnara. went to urippie Creek to get Steve Adams to help .him do the Job. He knew Adams only slight ly, he said, and denied absolutely that ne and Adams had been close friends Adams came to Denver, he paying his sxpenses with money furnished by Hi wood. . - '- " . , xius Zyt Gregory. . Pettlbona -told r him to abandon his attempt on Pea body until the executive board adjourned and .suggested that .'.he kui -iyte urea-onr. we-had never' seen Gregory before, but knew all about him. The nronoaltinn waa. nut to him at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and the killing was accompiisnea peiore mianignt. wnen anicea ir ne neeaea - neap 10 lay- kill Peabody, he could not explain, more tnan as am not - want . to ao the iod alone.. He arot a : coUDle of shotmns jdra. Mercy, wnen toia rter I irom t-ettiDone to ao tne jod witn, out Save up tne snoigun, Decause ne xearea lscovery, and then decided to resort to a bomb to remove Peabody. - He got $100, after filing, from Hay- such' eases I woo& but- later corrected and said . he bui it i rum rwua, avrm jniynara- son demanded; How long did Foster MUlburn stay in Denver after killing Gregory?" KUlbvxB With Xlm." ' i 'Millburn is the man you've been claiming was Mlldrin who you say was with you when you did the killing, isn't her : . The wuness hesitated a moment and finally said possibly he ' was the same man and that he stayed some time in Denver. . , .'' ' 4-.: you have written and rewritten your1 statements maae on your direct ex&min atlon many times, have you not?" - nave. - . -.i. "And when Hawley told you to re sume in narrative form your story he had reference to what you 'had written ana . wnat tie haa read, did he not?" "I don't know. ,?; I have written the story of my - life. I began it a, year ago. . I went over it time end time again so - as - to have it properly written. Did JTot Changs STtory. The witness then' denied .that he changed the atoTy- on the suggestion of Detective McParland or that it had been chana-ed so that Mover. Havwood Pettibone and Slmpkins would be im plicated in his crimes. He admitted telling Eimpklns that If tsteunenoerg naa not Deen instrumental in driving him out of the Coeur d'AIene be would be a rich man, as all his for mer partners - were now rich. Ques tionlna- along this ' line. the Independ ence explosion was resumed, Richard son ' trying to get the witness to tell lust who ne saw in tne CriDDle Creek aistrict wnen . ne reiurnea in oraer to call them in rebuttal. He named half a dosen men that he saw,, out absolute ly denied seeing either the mineowners or-the latter's detoctivea " He , admitted helping John i Neville burn up his saloon to collect the in surance and get money for a prospect ing trln after exDlodinr the mine un der the depot He was still on the independence matter when - court ad journed for the day. ' . ""v GENERAL BOOTH TO VISIT QUEBEC ARMY (Journal Special Senrlee.) Seattle. Waeh Juns a General William Booth, head of the Salvation Army,- arrived from the orient on the steamer Minnesota renterdav and left 'lollghted to find he, could hear again VVKT lu tor wueoec.- ,rtr one application, and declared : her 1 , Monday positively the last day ot dls-' t. varU.g to be much Improved, t ,. Jount of west side cae-bUla, - . the hearts of the rural carrlera Many visitors were present during the. ses sion, including D. M. BrodecV, ln charge of special events at the Oaks, who gave the delegates paases to the amusement park and a cordial invitation to attend this afternoon. George Royer, secretary of the Mitchell. Lewis sc Staver aom- pany, donated a box of cigars to the carriers and haa arranged a visit for them to i the company's warehouses. This afternoon's session will be taken up with the election of officers, speeches and discussions. Among - those wno have - been Invited to speak., are Gov- prepared In hahk form." .'I ' suppose Detective Mcranana nae em tea your worK-uggesisa wom you should include or omiti' ' "- r No. he has not; it i was my own i .,tki , mt toryt" no -one. else has helped ma" SirUCUOU lilSl 01 lUOr f or just .a moment tiicnaraaon touched the motive for the Mssasslna tlnn of Iteunenberaf. calculatlna to ln sinuate that Orchard waa actuated by ffTl0VIIl aAvMUV Rt" W m I '" ' " ' MMMMMM-MB ' ' KOYVritOr,' Mi,' .. ..... ... "Did you npt teirJack Slmpkins that if It had not Deen lor uteunenoerg you could have been richT asked Richaiu son. " " ' i "I did not answered Orchard." ' "Did vnu not tell filmnklns that you had . - been driven out of the - Coeur d'Alenes by Steunenberg; and that all your partners were rtohr' ; - j V- . r Murderer's , Partners ; Bloh. "I told him all my partners were rich, but I did not say I had been driven Bide were opened .by ..the executive board yesterday afternoon, for the con struction of sewers and ; roadway im provements ., for- fourteen city ' streets and ' all but one - were " referred to , the street committee for consideration. The one rejected 'was for Nebraska street and contained no signature although a certified check hearinc tha name of W. Mr. .Richardson quickly vnaraea oac tt PatUron accompanied the tender. ' , 1 i s 1 lull, au v a aau aiww out,", said Orchan. Mr. Richardson a Crlnnla r!reek and 1804. Mr. Richardson endeavored to show that there was no act of violence In Cripple Creek from the explosion In the Vindicator mine late In 1001 up to the time of the convention of the Western Forfar tlnn in June. 104. -"As a matter of fact there was more violence in Denver by thieves during the time than there was by miners in Clippie Creek. . was there not?" asked Richardson. ,- r '. A , f . ' 'Yea. there was, out no more tnan usual," said Orchard. "Is It not a fact that men were being robbed every night tn Denver r i tnina so.- , i , : Waa Too reaoefuL "At the tlma of the convention at Denver in Juna 1004. dld you not pro pose to pull something off so they would keep the rallltla up at Cripple Creek? Wasn't it too peaceful to suit you r "I sooke to Davis and Easterly about doing something, but not , because I wanted the mllltla retained. Davis and Parker talked to me about blowing up the Independence , depot back In the winter." . "When thev ure-ed vou to blow UD the depot you .were having dally talks .1.1. O .. a o..lln vmi Willi !9.Vlb SHU DWIUM n V ww mw., asked Richardson. . ,:.,. "v." mm orenara.- ."And you went to A.' E. Carleton, (resident of the Mineowners sssocla- ion. didn't your "Tea." ? "And Nelson Franklin, ex-presldent. did you notr' -iea at rire to Saloon. Orchard said a day or two before the Independence depot explosion he set fire to Johnny Neville's saloon, using "Pet tibone done" to collect the Insurance. Neville gave him $100. he said, out of the jeuo, wnicn ne proiitea. , Mr. Richardson tried to show mat nis reason for leaving Cripple Creek was not fear of arrest for the Independence! depot exploit, but apprehension because I cWd'pSrel.t.d I, howJvthat h; h&m9nmlt1 i because he waa afraid of arrest for ""5?"'n this taoralna ... . dynamiting the depot Again Mr. Rich' Certain portions of the street are to be improved lit various ways with hard pavement, stone , and ' dirt The streets for which bids were submitted are: - .- East Twenty-fifth street O'Neill A Co.. $2,691.11: Gteblsoh Joplin. II. 127.9$; Conorete Construction company, f2,S46.62. - -,' . ' East Twenty-third street Concrete t;onstruction company, fs.siu.vs; vie blsch A Joplin, $$,614.10; O'Neill Co., $3,604.88. - 1... - Nebraska - street W. ' H. Patterson, $4,060 (rejected for not being signed). Blandena street Charles E. Pottage, $6,684.25 ; John Keating, $6. 804.$ J. East Twenty-second street O'Neill A Co., $4,708.28! concrete construction company, $4,411.11; Qleblsch Joplin, $5,193.1$. ' East Twenty-fourth street O'Neill Sk Co., $$,$$$.06; Gleblsch eV Joplin, $3,- 484. 1, Concrete Construction company, Lexington avenue Keenan Brothers. Belmont street Conorete Construe tlln company, $3,184.$0. . Leo avenue Keeaan . Brothers, $$,- I62.15. - :- - ' , Nelsoa street O'Neill CO- $4.Blg.- II. llhl.H a JTnnlln tl . East ..Washington from East Sixth to East EighUi Paclfio Bridge' company, t Following were the bids submitted for the constructlln of sewers: Elisabeth street George -Gordon. $60$; E. T. Johnson, $586.10. . ' v i East Eighteenth street George Gor don. $79 60; O'Neill Co, $$!$.$$. East Taylor street George Gordon. $1,0$0.60. f , v , ; ' 1 LIQUOR; 3IEN (Continued front Page Ona) . J. H. Golns, Albany, Oregon, Secre tary-Treasurer v Rural : Letter ; Car rlers' Association. ' - - ernor George H. Chamberlain. Postmas ter John W. Minto, senator m, a. hau ler. Tom RlchardBon, W, F, Brock and Postoffice Inspector E. C. Clement, ; The delegates : met at me imperial hotel last night and adopted a consti tution and set of by-tawa The follow ing commitees were appointed - last night: - Resolutions H, M. cumming tcnair- man), J. E. Holt, W, H, Boyd and JC 1 T1AuditlnawA. Parker chairman). B.' B. Cornett and William B.i Eoerhart. , The officers of ene association are; President. K. P. Loop, McMlnnvllle; first -vice-president, W.-H.Beyd Bea- verton; second vice-presiaenv m. a. Grant, Dallas; secretary-treasurer. J.. H. (Joins. Dallas: organizer; J, H. Schram, Cleone; National deleeate, J. H Golns, Albany; alternate, rans .raxoerger. R a,'. Allen'of Bilverton. James 8. Al berts of Salem and A. Parker of Inde pendence compose the executive com mittee. f..,.)!,vv., Vi,M!;.i.- The association maintains a funeral benefit fund and has for its purposes fraternal conditions and to Study .and secure improvements In the service. This evening the city carriers wilt be the guests of the rural carriers at the Commercial clUDrooms. - ORCHARD ALWAYS (Continue from Page One.) ardson digressed suddenly In the effort to erusn urcnara. v "You have sent money to yonr first wife - since you have been In Jail, haven t your- ne asKeo.,' , "Tea" said Orchard. ' h ."Wjiere did you get ItT . Sold SU Jrwslry. "The liauor dealers will observe the law when they know what the law re quires," said this man. "No one,- nei ther Mr. Manning nor anyone else, will be more prompt In bringing to book any member of the association who .violates the law than will the association itaelf. But first it would Mke to knew what the law is. It Is believed by the liquor Interests that the provision of thecbar- declde the question as speedily as pos "If It Is decided by the courts that there Is a law covering tne eunnay clos ing of saloons In Portland, and -If the charter provision Is Illegal or not Dina ing, then the saloons of Portland will nhwrv thft letter and snlHt of the law It will make no difference whether the otner provisions - or tne ouuuiriuaiui law affwctlng other forms 'of amus- m.nt ami hiialnflBH be enforced Or. 10t, the saloons will bow ( to the law and make no resistance. t :. , ' .- . .. ,. Will Ask. fo a Tote. "On' tha othes hand, if the courts de cide that there is no law covering nun day , closing in Portland, then the liquor interests in rortiana. . win bbk mo cuy council to submit the question of -Sunday closing to tha people st .the first opportunity, ir It is decided mat a sneclal election Is necessary to validate the bond Issues, - the council will be asked i to - submit the Sunday-closing question ' at ' that election. If 00 spe cial election' Is held, the matter will be set over until the next election at which the people of Portland will have an op portunity to vtfia t The .voice oOthe people will be the .final' arbiter, so far as the saloon interests are concerned." V, 2Sffect to Be rex-aohlBgv . Char Us- Klrchnev; president of the Retail Liquor Dealers' association, agree with the plan of the wholesale dealera He states that the power of the district attorney, in Portland will be Seated as soon as possible. -If It is decided by the courts that the state law applies to Portland,-then the deal ers will' observe it provisions without further agitation. . ' " The 'far-reaching effect of Mr. Man- nlna-'s "decision to enforce the Sunday closing law is jusi oeginning to oe un derstood. It reaches to such plsces as the Claremont tavern, the Twelve-Mile house and other establishments of tmi lar natura It puts the ban on these cafes and restaurants where liquid re freshraents that inebriate are sold. In short, extends to every place where liquor is furnished for a money con. sideratlon, and, under this construction may even arv up tne Arlington and Commercial clubs during; the Sabbath oay. ,, , i . . - . , v ..: Monday positively the last day of dls count or west siae gas mils. BOILED TO DEAT1T , , . IN MOLTEN COPPER V;.'1'.:. s ''v (Speelal Pttpetcfe to The Journal.) . Great Falla Mont. June $. The breaking of a chain in the Boston A Montana smelters released a molten mass of copper on the floor, into which Peter J. McCallum fell while trying to escape, cooking mm to aeatn. - Monday nositlvely the last dav of dis count of west siae gae eiua AOTVVUM ...... , - - ifMr..l sneelal amlea.t ' Tacoma Wash.. "June 8. Fire ' last nlsht destroyed the plant of the Demp sey sawmill, the damage amounting to $100,000, -v .,: : ... ..l . s Mondav nositlvely last day of dlS' count of west side gas bllla ' " -r : j -; r 1 v f.; .-.. Dredger Seattle) Burned. . . ; Tina Reach: Cal.. June s. The dredg er tieaiue purneo iiib mornini. wna owned bv Ban Francisco peopla , The toss Is 1 110.000. , j t . , ' uronda nositlvely the last day of dis count of west side gae bllla CAiAf-I Of .Canham ,& Williams, . Grocers, .' Portland, I On, '" ' ': ;.1 says:' ; 'v . Zi fAm. i eM ter exempting Portland - from the ,8un f"??" na had. . , ,' I day-cloalna- law Is constitutional and ef- ' """o fO'd " IOTJT?"I.l, Al 2? feetlve. and the -courts will be asked to oujTvrniicuuoiiv niutuci awj vneii a fji pobir coffee isso good, how zogd do you think; gfobd coffee fe?;;.!vf - .?yMtraer fetsros year oieaey yea deal ' like tckUUog'i Best; we pay bloa. " v -"' , t . MM the of them'. " .-f - -s - "Do "you know where he monevT ' - .inrt ' k . "From Governor Goodlna-.. he said.' - "How much money have you received from all , sources slnoe you have been In Jail?" v i "About $115." ""Have you sent all that to your wife in Canada T" - '. "pearly ail. yea ,' f. -.-n Bought Vow Suit, " f Tou've- got some clothes latelw have you notr' asxea Ricnaruson, nagging the witness.. j 4 e,, : "Yes."., ;. . W'.rf" V 4 '"And as soon as you got the new suit you sat for your picture and re ceived the reporters, didn't yoUT" T had aome photoaraphs taken and X saw the reporters, but I had the suit some time before." . Orchard has preserved tne entity or his original testimony against the attack up to 12 o'clock, when Judge Wood thought enough work had been done, and adjourned tne session tin monuay. . CONFESSES TO CRIME ' (Continued irom Page One.) v iMMMM. MHtttT himself to a date, for he scented the manifest intent to bring an array, of contradictory circumstances to oppose every fixed statement of his. Therefore Richardson could iret 'him to be no more precise than, within the range of a month, - ." '-v. - r Lyte Gregory, Orchard said, was shot because "Pettibone wanted him killed on account of his testimony aaralnst the coal miners at Idaho Springs." 5, , Had To flrlevanca ;'. '"What had you to do with the grlev- Body well nourished On POSTUM ! FOOD COFFEE "There' Reason M the Paris police so Interested in - the case that when the news of her. mur der In Baden-Baden reached them they at once pounced upon the hoax tele gram which lured Frau Molltor to Paris as ah Important bit of evidence against the criminal. ... Then Frau Molltor's constant street companion, a huge St: Bernard dog, was mysteriously - poisoned. The evening that the dog aiea irrau Moutor received a -can in a man's voice on tne phone to come to the Doatoffice for a valuable package. J : ,'...- '.,,; She dressed herself hurriedly for the street and bidding hsr young unmar ried daughter to accompany her, set out for the postof f lea - It was to. go to her death. ;;. ; ';- Y.S-v.f " -,: i ;v..'; i :. . ; . tmot by 8oa-ln-law.' . ':'? It was now quite dark, and the quiet street through which Frau Molltor and her daughter approached the postofflce was only dimly lighted. ' Suddenly there was the sound of a nlstol shot behind them. Miss ' Molltor saw her ' mother fail dead, shot through the back. The assassin's bullet had found her heart ' The place and the hour had been well chosen, but nevertheless there - was - a witness of the deed. This witness a tradesman, sitting at his window wait ing for his wife' summons to the even ing meal had a good view of the man who raised the pistol and fired and then hurried away down a dark cross street He was of medium height under middle age, had noticeably projecting jaws, and wore a beard that was so palpably false that this witness at once' went out and notified the police. He was traced and arreaiea in uunuvn ac iu nviiu iecii, Monday positively last day of dis count of west side gas bills. - r. -V. PORT OF COLUMBIA CASE ARGUED AT LAST Judge defend Presided at Hearing Asking Well Known'Act De- dared Lrnconstitational. : - . All Diseases of Men, Women , and Children WilbUedlclnes Eleetrlolty, a 1 e e trio Vibration, Eleotrio Massage, . XUectrld &adttors, -SleeSrle xarbi . O m r e, OsteopatMo and Vataropatbie Treatmenta - given with aU of the latest remediss, , ;;. , .;-'l'- T ; : i HVe Curjj. rtf a1 ' AH tliseases of the tyt, r, tar, nose, throat and lungs, heart, kidneys, ' bladder, - brain and stomach, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Indi gestion and Con stipation FERMA . NENTLY cured." . The doctors who are in charge of the different departments of this institution . are . graduates, of the best colleges of Europe, or America and have credentials from the 'highest medical boards in the . United States. " - i We cure with the same success all Chronlo Diseases of Men, such as Kidney and Bladder Trouble, ' Rupture, Ulcers and, Skin. Diseases, Eo- sema. Rheumatism, Locomotor Ataxia, and all Nervous, Chronlo and Snecial Diseases of Men. X We cure every case that we agree to t take of OATJJUUE, ' BXO T CSTZXS, ASTHMA JLbTD sjczuxatzsx. j v ; Tumors and Blemishes Removed aii pnvate ana wasting aiseasee promptly cured and their, effects permanently eradicated from the system.- Diseases of women and children given special attention. . Nervous diseases and nervous prostration made a specialty. Eczema and all skin diseases promptly cured. I Consultation snd Examination Free snd Strictly Confidential - . ii pauem innui tin i me mauiuit, wnio ior lull insirucuona - AI1 medioiaes are furnished to patients from toe laboratory of the institute. , - . - . Office Hours to 11 am., 2 to 5 p. m. and 7 to I p. ro. Sundaya 10 to 12 a., m. '.."'.. . v New York Surgical and fJedical Institute . Permanently XMcatea w xaieure uuainr, at cue corner of Sixth and (323H) WasMngtoa Streets, tione Mala t93, ; FOBTXtASS, OSBOOW. reeee4w4 The1 cereal; health' coffee, tastes like 45c per pound Java coffee. -We use it ex- clusively ? in my ) family.' sell a big: package? for 25c. If your grocer has not got Golden , , Grain : Granules, i the 4 pilre .health building " cereal coffee, "tell him to order a case from ' Allgn Lewis , Lang & Co. Mason & Ehrnian . Wadhams'a:Co. .. ':..'. ' - '.'.or " .'-. - Wadhani & Kerr Bros. All boys and girls, will get ' money to ' spend for r ourin, oi j ui y u iney reau myjdwhich:! lished June 1 inlThe'Jpur nal. The same "ad" will be publisher) in The- Jour rial Saturday V June 22. From 10 cents to $5.00. to all cbildren.pAVttWexcepT tion of 'boys who ' smoke 1 fi cigarettes; :?tc;;r; j ",'. i4 ""'t; M f dohnnv 12 FRONT ST. v-. '-': ; , -a t- PORT- t;)jS Every wcnian : iTOAraA ItiBtertitod end aheaJd know filial MAkmSSSr '.vJt sV-MoC6irealn, feeaILW miZs-r, nweaanataamlytbe V ''k,. J . iAavBi ao :Nu4iV nlhar. bat Mod Mama far - A -mM. TtttTM y ! m. MiaviL ML. Ml'nm,Mt lUumwd foil parUwilan nliwbl. to ladl a. 4 stM aiaw toaH. WOOSABS, CtAaaX CO.' aro tATMATai BLOOD H tbe wont disease ea - earth, yet tbe lst to ears WHEN VOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Mtnr bar pimpira, epou on ids sklo, sores i thml tarrb. and don't know It IS BUHIU poison. sne to UK. uauwn. B8B Arrh St.. Phl!dlDb1. fniu for BROWN'S BLOOD CURB, 12.00 per bettl: lasts one montb. Sold, la FortlaM ooly tT wooaware, Clark a CO.T P08 sTl R 1 sku 111 mootb, alaais. Pill I " wau un Arguments in the sui"t tf Sylvester Farrell .against tbe Port of Columbia, by which it is sought to have the Port of Columbia act declared unconstitu tional, were heard by' Judge cieland in the circuit court yesterday -afternoon It la contended that the direct primary law which 'deprived the legislature of the power to form municipal corpora tions took from it the power to 'form the Port of Columbia, which is alleged te be a municipal corporation, ' , , - The defenders of the Port of Colum bia commissioners contend -that the leg islature, by. virtue of Its power to cre ate counties, .retains the power to form a corporation of three count la, as was dons In this easa -Judge Cieland has taken the case under advisement and will announce -bis decision later.. - .. . i No Uqaor en the Gromii ss 'Open 10 ! a to 11 p. bi. GRAND SACRED AND CLASSICAL r CONCERT ; . .. .. ' tDIDATi 9XJMM lt IT TXM . ; T f Incomparable .Hussars, . arusio noaxAic. " "' o'Olook, ' March, The Conciliation ...... toutan : Festival March from Tannhauser.. ,-, , - ........... Wagner v .Beethoven i Prayer and Chorus of the Turks. . . ' ................. . ; ...Doppler : Die Ehren Oottes in der Natur.,.. . ... . . s . .. .... .Bethoven - (The Towers of God tn Natura) . ,, . - . 3 140 o'Clook. " Grand American Fantasia. Bendlx The Lost Chord. . t. . ..........Sullivan f Cornet Solo by Mr. Sen war ta Btabat Mater. ............ .. , .Rossini .. 8olo by -Mr, Arena . 'S6ng, "On the Ocean",,...... . .Schubert i Coronation March ......Meyerbeer Ti45 o'Olqek.1 March, Doppeladler (Double Eagle) .Wagner Walts, Lustige Bruder (Jolly Fellow) : ..... i .......... . . Vollstedt Medley Overture. .. t . ; . . . . Harris 1 tong. .. "Goodnight, . Brtoved". .; , .Ower ; Cornet Solo by Mr.' Schwarta Selection, "Babew in Toy land". Herbert :40 o'Clook, ... ..... Kremer's Popular Melodies... . .Krempf ' The Forge In the Forest., ..Mlchaelis The Capture of. Santiago.... ... .Petera Romance, "Floating" . ... . . , Buf fin gton American (Patrol. . . ( , . . ,. . ..Meacham ' TAKOtrs snur - or un." SXTXX, TABUiAUZ ' A WD ' : raowxB or oou." 'Beautiful girls; , eight tons of Imported scenes; beautiful Maids of the Phos ' phorescent Fountain, Clean, moral, mys- , terloua r ' "v BIO rBATPM 10 CBWTat. r . ' , .X' - '' i - .. ' I . I ' ' ' . ? i - , , J l. : t- - - ....-.. .V ,M ...i..vK J t f wxajto-ko .Remarkable Historic t' War Junk. , t ' i SHOW " . Snake. Farm and Teddy ' i Bsara - ' 90WVXUM OPBSAB. Special - program Tues day evening; " 1 rasa ? '" I Bumps, Hide and Seek -, House, etc. r. RBSTAtnaAHT ' 10-cent aandwichea . and ' 85-cent meals, - X) AKCS VATZXiZO: -Big Orchestra. Professo ( Myers in cnarga xanc " Free admission; ' 25-cent Skatea . essSTM1, BOWUHO AUBTI Hale's - Toura -. Figure Eight . 1 ,l , 'I soira i" . PICTURES. O0 KOIk l CHTTTBS. DAizuna ' SLEoni. . r OAIi BTTSCTS, Cars, First and ' Alder; Boata, foot - TamhilL WXSITBSSAT D a r : Devil Dttvenports-Free f f Act. ' '. V