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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 7, IDOL ORCHARD TELLS HOW HE TRAILED STEUNEHBERG j "Wholesale Murderer Calmly 5 i. Eccitcs list of Blood j , Curdling Crimes. J BORAH TURNS PALE J AT nORRTBLE , RTORY D Arrow SKs Crumpled Up In Chair, Vhfle Haywood Shrinks Into III : Clothe When Accused of Partlc- ' lpatlng In Foul Deeds. J;V- (By .Hugh CNafl," Special Commissioner xt ths Panver Post and Oregon JournaL) Bolsa, , Idaho, June - 7. These en trance g .and exlta of "Harry .Orchard" from the courtroom are always dramatic. guard of armed men bristling In bright nnlforms clanking with steal, tramping heavily into the courtroom and flanking the high witness chair with gun bolts Rattling on the floor, could not be more Impressive. Before he comes In the Judge and counsel are seated. The paked benches of spectators have been Jtoirned to "keen their seats." . The clsckettlng of voices has ceased. Feet ; ; . ,am y V l t' . " ' ; , - y WEIGHT AND HEALTH TSZir, PIOPXB WEED TEJB - TQSXO WUBATMTST. " . The Late Frank Steunenberg. g on the floor. The sheriff .'.I oieunenoerg. narwooa ana his "Hear ye" once more. Pettlbone had made final arrangements. with htm,' helping to carry bis trunk. That was ' In September of 1906. He went to Caldwell, fiteunenberg was not there. - He went to Boise. Steuaenberg was at the Portland exposition. ,. He went to Seattle to locate a ranch. -The ranch was to be a place of refuge for members of the federation the. law wanted. Haywood and Moyer and Pet tlbone had thought of .that. , -li st and most modest gunflghter Di f,ilSy ?7" Ttuiiad a. triaamv.-Thara la a. statement here, you underetand, not In- e WurVlSWe sVrprlse'of XL?" Vn&-VJ?l is. unceasing and b climbs ? "fTTS JK2 stop sciapln lias cajiea And a alienee falls upon the place. The green elms and walnuts outside on the ' green lawn rustle gently In the wind. The patient electrlo fan SDlns la the celling. And. "Bring In the witness." says ths court. In tramps - "Kaaa" Beamer, the big drooping deputy sheriff, a man Indif ferent to fear. Orchard fellows him, walking upright -and seeming self-pos- , sessed. Bob Meldrum follows Orchard, . t no muaesi ana most modest that ever low ripple urcnara lowly Into the witness chair. ;' . Arabia Might of Crime. y - we are in a condition of always think ' Inc when Orchard la callaA that ha will not appear. When we are not looking I "la. - The French revolution was not as Moyer and Pettlbone ana not murderers but madmen. Secret assassination never has brought liberty to any people, or achieved empire for any despot. It has railed In Ireland.' It has failed In Rus at him, and listening to him he seems to I "aaslnation but civil war. Caesar Bor - ' tia tha anectre of a. drum, an imnnaal. I Sia and hla dear slater tried wholesale , We man reciting Impossible borrora. poisoning and the scheme crumbled to 7 But when he begins talking he la a sub- I Pieces. .And no man or men, being quite vstantlal reallty.vjt man telling In a calm If" would ever attempt It l America. ; voice the Inconceivable evidence la an 1 'f Moyer and Pettlbone and Haywood . Arabian night of crime. I did these things that Harry Orchard said At half paat 1 yesterday afternoon I ney aia men tney are paranoica, prim be took up again the story of the killing I meiv drunk with power, Imbecile ' Xayweod (brinks. As Orchard added, fact to fact In his story of the killing of Steunenberg Hay wood seemed to shrink into his clothes again. Darrow sat cram pled up In bis chair his neck rest against the top of me cnair oaca. Haywood s mother, i well conditioned old ladv In black, wear. Ing gold spectacles, became pale In the face. Mrs. Haywood sank down Into the cuaniona or ner invalid chair. Richard son'a objections were made in a weary. plaintive tone, and became less frequent Edgar Wilson, the , typical "good - cltl- sen ' of the defense, mopped hie flushed face Incessantly and at 10 minutes past t o'clock Orchard had got back to Cald well with Jack Blmpkins on the still bunt lor Frank Bteunenberr. They found him then, sitting to the lobby of the Saratoga hotel and set the first bomb In the sidewalk that Bteunen- Many Person . Regain Health and Happiness Throng. . the Treat ment,. of, Fer-Dona 'Med . Jcal Experts, ; CAME FROM MISSOURI I j berg would have to -cross on hla, way home. But an accident happened to the wire and Steunenberg passed home in safety. Orchard and Blmpkins took that oomo -sway. r. ; . - ..-,- -,( ... ,. . . ,-t- jiawiey aat. targe and seir-possessea. Orchard In stolid tones to "de- sklnr scnoe the . bomb," Borah stood up And Finds ' Relief From Through the Use of Fer ' Don's Preparations. A" LIBERAL OFFER near Hawley, one foot on his chair, his nana on nis Knee, nis race gray with nausea, nis eyea waicnrng vrcnard Witn dull innr ; 14a - 1lfilrAil mm (hnni Deafness 1 wanted to spring on Orchard and choke mm to aeaio, ; - . t. ,. , Steunenberg and Borah Meads. I remembered vividly that Prank Rteu. nenberg and William Borah were sreat friends. Steunenberg was German. Bo-rah-V father was German, originally that race of Deborah Germans of which was Martin Luther's wife. Steunenberg ureaieu uoran as a son. xne arrection I between them was deep, " Borah has consistently refused to talk with Or rharil alnoa hla ffrat IntavlMW hM thm The first evenings of Fer-Don's stay confession was being recited. And the In East Portland, at Williams avenue (steady, quiet impersonal rental of Or aA K-rtntt (. nni)l -MnMnaivai I chard s perseverance In aeeklng the " ... : ' , 1 . death or Hteunenberg. troubled Borah that he will entertain even larger au- greaUy, , He sat down at last, heavy ' dlenoea than when on Washington with sadness, burdened with suppressed street More than 1,000 people greeted an ,mpoient rag2' it . . J"" """ "?vv f"u" cclcu orchard reached the narrative of Ms him both ' Tuesday snd Wednesday attempt to shoot Steunenberg with a 'evenings and found pleasure and reorea- sa wed-off shotgun on Christmas night .tlon in the yery excellent band con- f"n AS'S.YSZ certs, snd were mads to marvel by the SamtogaStel St ""'" l th" 4inlqu flemontratloDi by ' which the went tup to my room," h said in leven tones."nd aot the bomb. -i v .rM-fci-" ijLI .. lV- " " "? wrapped it up in paper. I wen down stairs. Mrs, Hteunenberg was still sit Una- there. I went to bis houaa and fixed the bomb. When I was returning i paiBra Air, oieunenDerg going nome, i ran oaca to tne hotel as last as could. - 1 Fause of Sonor. ' There was a pause of horror In the court room. Mawiey-gulped in his throat and drank a glass of water. There remedies. Nothing like has - ever before been, seen In Portland, and - the 'deaf, the lame and the paralytic come . for miles' to 'test "for- themselves- the power of this man's peculiar' prepara : tlons. And they coma not in vain, for - ths remedies which Fer-Don Js . intro ducing, while he does not claim them to be cure-alls, certainly do the work I was the noise of scraDlna- chal'ra. for wThloh they were Intended.- Theyl Then came the telegram that Orchard Amalr.- tlia itaaft tA hear, tha l.m. i Ws arrest, "I object" said I rT. .r" " . . , . I Kicnardson, - unless the telegrai 4 walk, and the Sick well. I produced." . . Frank Hay, who lives ; at Carthage, 1 M "We will produce the original of the , Missouri, who 1. vising in the city. m $&ES& ass oeen resiorea n nearmg nywie that and Orchard went on. The Fr-Doit remedlea Deaf for 15 years Icelpt of an unsigned letter while Or he now can .hear the ticking of a cnia a in Jan. 4 watch or a Whisper. , 8 B. Beddiok, U(t Knott street, deaf for. 10 yars, after1 one application of " Fer-ion's remedy, was made to hear a 'wh'lspsr -1 " ' , r , The wonderful power of ths Magic , Belief was shown In the case of F. M. Austln, 6l Rodney avenue, who has for months suffered ; from rheiimttlsm in ths right arm, and lately has not been I chard back to Colorado and the death . abls to use .his right hand on eccountioi Anur uouin Hawley asked . t - tt thia affliction.- Tha orenaratlon n. Question. Orchard anawered. Richard -. applied to the arm and hand, and al This Woman Took Br. Williams' rink Fills, (lalned Thirty rounds and ; Has Beea Well Zrer Haoe. How many ' women and men too are suffering from a general decline in health . which , the ordinary remediea seem unable to check I How many hus bands see their wives -wasting away, steadily losing - health and beauty, nnd are powerless ' to help! Consumption and other germ diseases .find in these debilitated systems easy prey, for the lowered vitality la unequal to the task of fighting off the infection - of these diseases to which most of us are almost dally exposed. v Tne symptoms indicating tne aecune which may have results so fatal could scarcely be better described' than in the statement of Mrs. William' Mnnley, of 93 Court street Uttca, N. V, Her case IS a typical one. - She says: For. six months after tha birth or my baby. I suffered from sick, dlxzv head aches, whlch seemed like a, rush of blood to my forehead. Just back of m eyea. Some days rliev - twitched so could hardly s and black spots floated before them. -The leaat exertion brought on this sicknesa - My appetite waa poor snu i waa oTtn aick to my stomacn "If I tried to work my feet soon be came swouen.i naming me terrioiy. had sinking spells and grew pale and nervoua I was so thin that I weighed oniy us oounda - , "One day when at the drug store to get headache powders I decided to tr Dr. WU.ams' Pink , Pills instead. soon noticed that my headache waa dis appearing and,,, my nerves gradually grew stronger. The plus gave me a hearty appetite ' and X now weigh over 180 pounds. I believe the pills to be the Deai . lonio ana ouuaer a woman can take, aa they certainly helped me when my condition was critical and I have never- been seriously ill since." The great value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lies In the fact that they actu ally make new blood and this carries health ana strength to every portion oi the body. The stomach Is toned up, the nerves are strengthened, every organ is stimulated to do its worx. If you are ill and the treatment you are taking does not cure you, write for proor or wnat w. wiuiama . rinx mil have done in similar eases. Tour druggist sells them or they will be sent by mail,' postpaid, on receipt of price, do cents per dox, six ooxes ror $2.60, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. T. - times he did not know. . There was nothing evasive about Orchard. ' His occasional lack of knowledge seemed quite reasonable. Then ' Orchard told Richardson he married at the age of 22. That waa In 188S. Then he admitted a child born In 1895." He was a cheese maker working "In one place and an other. : Then he became the manager fcf a cheese factory. He went away and left his wife In Canada. Rlohardaoa raised his voice fiercely. "And that wife Is living in Canada and you have another In Cripple Creek T" ne Doomea. . -Ana you are a Digamist.' ,' "Tea sir" said Orchard Quietly. ' Richardson dealt In railroad schedules, IF YOUR HAT BEARS THIS LABEL" IT BACKED WITH OUR PERSONAL, UN QUALIFIED GUARANTEE IS "Ar Style ' ''3yf ' 'A A : and , "QJi. rTv I Quality ImsmSM yf 7 ( r MV J Peer : of All $3.00 Hats EXCLUSIVE SUMMER . NOVELTIES AND SMART SHAPES IN FINE STRAWS AND PANAMAS .'" . . ..-1 " - . i. ','.: ,i . . :v. J vt : .'.' . ' - .'I , . ,l.l- "Tea air," said Orchard quietly. after "In whose handwrltlnr waa tha let. "We oblect." aald Rlnhardann. "Objection overruled," aald the court "You may 'state In whose wrltlnr that unsigned letter was," said Hawley. And again "we object,'' said Richardson, and "ODjecuon overruiea," said, the court A Pettlbone's Handwriting. Tt Was In the handwrltin of flmtrn A. Pettlbone," said Orchard, Thereat Immediately Hawley took Or son wanted a I court . denied yes or no" reolv. Tha It Richardson . objected most instantly the pain 'departed and I that anything" Haywood said about Austin was able to use ths hand I"e,.aaA5 -na nothing 1 fWlth eai. Without doubt the noblest , work that say anything about the shooting of Col- roan can -do, is to bring happiness Into I "";: :P?1. "rcnara recited that. Hay- ,k. k..... ,ntm a. woD no tsieve Aaams . ... l and ".ia - Minster to assasalnate Brad- tit Work tha Sreat .lPer-DAll la mmmbinm I lav fnrmav manner rt ,h t)nnlr utlf ,to tvX Portland and Ws success is "i 5u,llJnvni,n,e?;i.fiay.W0l"a,a they J:-v;w;,w if. - ewu ws . - . . v. y s 011U1119 - va aj v nuuiuq j X V?V ICtiU again regaining health have been cured to throw ureex nre into a train carry - ouraMe. when treated by ; the scientific I nr us the xlacklegV? -went to Tellur- ? ' rnet hods or tne er-j-on meaioai ex-1 iae wn me money ana got married. ' nerta i .Kv''v''S,.::;. iv-fWii-a;A;', I There was a long -pause before the next v :. i. . ,.w I question, uawiey ana iioran conferred. ' - ' i Atcumiwvn aiiu uinvw . auu nugvni trJ, offer , to the people In regard to I grouped their heads together. And then t. e-e.XDeclal: treatments. .:' Hs has la- suoaeniy nawiey saia: atructed. hisv physlclsns ' to make a charge only sufficient to' cover the cost "Tou may cross-examine." : ' Blchardaoa Blsseota Orchard. ,.; T. - 1 1. iiuv.l.. l.i, -of -medicines -to- make a oomplets ehr! orchard out on tho dissecting table. 9 , xnis oner is sireaay neing taaen aa-iiie addreesea him Deiiigerentiy. or- ;'vanUge of by many sufferers who arechrd turned and answered him softly I material Questions . about hla olac of I Dirt n. ana acnooiing ana tne geography being treated for cancers, tumors, rheu tnaOsm and all chronic dlseasea As no . i spsclal ilms has been set for the" tetml-1 of the province of Canada where Or V nation of this coffer whereby the 'alek ftnif.Vi11? l?" csn be cured for tha price of the roedl-1 Richardson took Orchard from Can . :pltia alnna It ivntiM aeem rood rollcv I ada to-. Michigan. Then he -discovered .( " ., , , . th.lthat Orchard had one brother and six Z. I .c uT . . Z .1 sisters. Were they married. What 1 ofces at !52H Washington street as WFre their married namea. Where did ivvi as fOi-alUa, I they live, Eometnes he knew, some- shouting unnecessarily. - Orchard ad mitted frankly that he changed ; his name from Horsier to Little when he went to uerroit, . . "wayr'aaia Richardson. : ; Amothsr Xan's Wife. . ) "Because -1 was with, aifbther man's wire.'" said orchard. . The crowd lauah ed. ' ' , - - ' -- . Richardson trailed Orchard S long way witn "tne other man's wire." He was trying first to discredit Orchard as an immoral man. It was peculiar that 'Orchard did not hesitate la an swering questlona Hs was apparently fearlees and truthful. It waa noticeable that while Richard son shouted question after queation at Orchard and faced him steadily with unwinking eyes that Haywood leaned forward, nis head dropping. He con stantly avoided Orchard's eyes. ' Dar- row bobbed about in his chair restless ly ' f reouently interruntlna Richardson to whleoer suggestions. Haywood lean ed back In the shadow of Richardson's head, seeming to droop dejectedly. Rich ardson taiaea on in mgn, strident notes trying, as he once explained to the court "to find the history of this man's life.' and by nan paat three orchard had told Richardson that In 1899 he took work In the "Poor Man's mine," In Coeur d' Alene and joined the miners' union. Richardson bad proved that - Orchard was an immoral man and sometimes untruthful but no one exnected the confessed assassin to prove a saint And Orchard proved a much more capable witness than Richardson proved himself cross-examiner. ' . . FINE NEW- SHINGLE HfTTJi KOOtf TO 7?TTT (Special Dispatch te TluT joamtl.) CattU Boek, Waab., Jobt 7-The Black Dltmood Bhlngle Maaafacrsrbig , company plant Is sew completed and will be pat I operation la a few ,- daya, : The first drive ' bolts U coming into the boom. Tbeie twits, together with tho rcaeaed from tbe Island after Uat November's flood, will be sufficient to keep tbe mlu In operation for some time. Tbe Black Diamond 1 tbe most complete and no-te-date ablnsle mlu ef Its atee In the state. and Is the second one In Caatle Boek to recovw from damage of tbe flood. Monday positively last day of dis count or west siao gae Duia. MAN FALLS TO EAETH - FEOM HIGH BALLOON flonrnal Boeclal Berrlca,! Barcelonla, June 7. While a balloon was passing over this city at a height of nearly 3,000 feet a man fell from It and was ' smashed to pieces on the itrMt. Ma nroved to be ; a workman. who got entangled In the ropes when the oauoon startea. in occupants tried to get him into the car but he lost con aciouwneaa una ten. IfRNITURE:: TRUST eOMED TH FEDERAL .GRAND JUR.Y INDICTED THC FURNITURE TRUST WEDNESDAY HISTORY YilLL ve. REPEAT ITSELF I mTm V mW SV I V SJ . i . ' ,.! . . r, , THE MASK OF HEALTH Few People Are Really as Well as Ther Look. Cause and Remedy. t Many people ' In Portland, both men and women, who believe themselves to be in perfect health, are often In the greatest danger. vvi-.j-V'.v i;' . Indigestion. t which ' is so common trouble, ia the principal cause of the greater share ' . of the general poor health. 1 It has misleading symptoms that seem to have no reference to the stomach, such as headache, sleepless ness, specks before ths eyes,. pains in the back and side, sto. :' ' V . The success : of physicians every where with - the prescription that IS new embodied In Mi-o-na stomach tab lets has made this remedy In ths last few ' years .the : acknowledged speoiflo for the treatment of stomach dlseasea The -secret of this success lies In ths fact that Ml-o-na is prepared, expressly td strengthen the digestive organs and Its use for a few days puts ths whole digestive .system In - such shape that It can care. for all of the food that Is eaten Without pain or dlatresa 1 ; ,. Simply take a Mi-o-na stomach tablet before each meal and on retiring, and It will so strengthen the stomach that Sou can enjoy a hearty meal without He least fear of distress or suffering. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 50 eent box of Mi-o-na stomach tablets and not be satisfied with the-results. Mi- o-na Is sold by druggists everywhere, or will be sent by mall on receipt of price, 50 centa Booth's - Mlona com pany, Buffalo,' N. T. Forty day Goliath came forth, and threatened the opposing army. Less than forty days ago (April 21) we advertised .the above cut of "The Furniture Trnst Doomed'" and lesi than forty daya ago (April 22) the Secretary of the Oregon , Retail Furniture Dealers' ; Association came into our store and threatened to "fix us.", He immediately nsed the influence of the entire organization to put us out of business. 7 But, ..thanks to the support of ur many customers, we are still in business m fact, our business has Increased so largely that we have just rented the entire building adjoining ours, which is proof that the people of our city are alivelo the fact, that OURS IS THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE FURNITURE STORE WHERE CAN BE HAD (FOR CASH OR CREDIT) ' FURNITURE AND HOUSE' FUNISHINGS AT, LESS- , THAN "TRUST" PRICES. . . , Al David slew Goliath, so have we assisted our Government to bring to Justice the Retail Furniture Dealers' Association, which has for , ?-years compelled the eeople ta pay exorbitant prices. t 1 - , ' - ".' DO . NOT BE DECEIVED B Y OUR NEIGHBORS WHO ARE ADVERTISING "FAKE TRUST PRICES." THESE POOR FELLOWS CANNOT MAKE THEIR LIVING HONESTLY. , . . " BELOW ARE A FEW OF OUR PRICES ENAMELED IRON BEDS, any size full size, three-quarter size or single the same quality as the "Trust" advertises at "Trust Price,", $5 but WE SELL THEM AT -ONLY.... ,...f2.25 IRON ENAMELED BEDS, br knobs, brass head and foot; brass urns; Trust price, $7.50; our prite fS.SO IRON ENAMELED BEDS, with brass knobs, any size and a variety, of colors; Trust price, $4; our price. ,...?3.25 OUR ENTIRE LINE OF BEDS ARE PRICED IN PROPOR TION. SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE. " When yu want Furniture, Stoves, Rugs, Linoleums or. House Furnishings, come, see us, and we will convince you that you can save 25 to 50 per cent on most everything to furnish the home, store or office. Trade at our store, where you are assured of right prices and fair treatment. Trade at the store that is not in the Trust or any. other, combination. ' INDEPENDENT FURNITURE COMPANY GREEN FRONT BUILDING 104-106 FIRST STREET Between WASHINGTON AND STASX CASH OR CREDIT STRAWS INDICATE WHICH WAY THL WIND BLOWS Your Straw HatfWith This Label , ;."-.'! S. 5 r'tV; t.-.-v-.. - . v''sVi J Vi- V"; . Indicates the BEST $3 ;HAT in the World BEN SELLING Leading Clothier SMMTfflSMEG Sterling Silver Thimbles 10c Ea. Diamonds, Waters Jewelry ON EASY PAYMENTS STANDARD JEWELRY STORE 189 THIRD STREET, Oct ttohtil ad Taylsr J Western' Elevating Grader. Ditcher and Wagon ,uoacier , J Western 1 . " Irn wnifcaails dirt fur So par yard. T(A OB tr';. L Crushers, Pump Cars, sea us. For rooJernearth a i EIr