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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTL'AND. THURSDAY EVENING, .MAY 1 80, 1807. ATTACKS UPON LANE BY DEVLIN ARE UNFOUNDED CUy. Officials Who Are Connected With Street Improve- ment Work Eefute Charges Made by Devlin That Lane Is Responsible for Condition of Streets. The Modesty of Women jfatturally makes them shrink from the Indelicate questions, the obnoxious ex aminations, and unpleasant Iooai treav ments, which soma physicians consider essential in the treatment of diseases o! women. Yet. If help can be had. It Is better to submit to this ordeal than let the disease grow and spread. The trouble is that so often the woman undergoes all the annoyance and sham for .nothing, ThowandsNjf women who have been cured Dr. rterce's Favorite Prescris tlon write. InjfWeclatlon ef the -eura which dUMtstvwJih the examinations and local treatment ThcttJajQflLfli (?fn ur and mfn fnr AelWjL rnrdlc ' Absolute refutation of the campaign ' attacks made by City Auditor . Devlin . upon the administration of Mayor Lane because of alleged mismanagement or neglect of the street work of the city is made by various men in position . to : know, the inside conditions existing In the street work. The charge that Mayor Lane la responsible for the bad condition of many of the pavements is shown to be unfounded and misleading . toy the statements of City Engineer P. W. Taylor, who haa charge of the work. "It , la true." said M. -. Taylor, this morning, "that here and there are some . defects In the hard pavements Just at , present, but the streets In general are - In good condition. The holes. -however have been caused by conditions over which the department has had no con trol and it Is now working and has been for months to urge the Immediate repair of an defective places..' . - -The whole trouble haa been caused by the fact hat the paving plant of the Asphalt company has been out of com' . mission for several months and has only been repaired within the Dast few days. I - ftpme two or three months ago the Star VErnd company, on whose property the r paving plant was located, served notice mai xney aesirea me ground occupied by the plant and It was forced to movu to the east side. It takes some little time to dismantle, move and again aet . up a paving plant , , ' Bspalz Work Ssinr Don. M have been urging the necessity for baste and the workof removal has been carried -on as rapidly aa possible. The plant la now set up and for several days the work of repairing . the streets has been carried on. It will be but a short time until alt the breaks are repaired and the streets are In perfect condition. "The council and the street railway company are responsible jointly for de lays, in other parts of the city. On Burnslde street and on First street where bitullthlc pavement is being, put down the delay was caused by slowness In decision and delay in commencement of the work until after the rainy season had set in, when It was impossible to lay bltulltblo pavement successfully. On of the street railway company la estab lishing its tracks haa held back the re pair of the streets. The pavement of these streets cannot be done by the en gineer's department until -the railway company has finished its work there, Oonnoll Caused Delay. : "On First street north of Washing ton, the council Is derectly to blame for the coalition of the street The engi neer's department submitted estimates for stone-block pavement' and was ready to begin tho work long ago When it waa stopped bv the council, which rescinded Its perminion with the intention of put ting down bltuHthle. The council has decayed further action, and the prop erty-owners have finally taken the mat ter up and have laid and are now laying stone-block pavement under special per mits. Had the council not changed front on the Imorovement, the street would now have been paved with atone blocks on : a ' concrete foundation, the same pavement that they have allowed prop erty-owners to lay in patches under spe cial permission. ; . - : Other men, both those in close touch with the street department and Others, who. are Interested aa property-owners and- otherwise, .Join , in the statement that neither the Lane administration nor any other,- could have. kept , the streets in better condition under . the existing circumstances than they have been kept- In addition to the work men tioned by Mr. Taylor, the department is now overhauling and reroiung the mac adam pavements throughout the resi dence districts, and these are being put in condition as good as new as rapidly aa the work can be done. .' r.; women as "favorite Preprint on " aires deblllUling4raTni. Irregular I jr end female weakness. It always helps. It almost always cures. It is strictly ncn- alcoholio, noa secret, all Its Ingredients being printed on Its bottle-wrapper con tains no ' deleterious or habit-forming rats, end every native medicinal root entering Into its composition has the full endorsement of those most eminent In the several schools of medical practice. Boms of these numerous and strongest of pro fessional endorsements of Its Ingredients, will be found la a pamphlet wrapped around the bottle, also In a booklet mailed free on request, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. These professional en dorsements should have far more weight than any amount of the ordinary lay. or non-professional testimonials. . The most Intelligent women now-e-days intist on knowing what they take as med icine Instead of opening their months like a 'lot of young birds and gulping down whatever is offered them. "Favorite Pre scription Is of xxow coMPoemoa:, . It makes weak women strong and sick women well. -'.-' - ; Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sent frte on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. -. Bend to Dr. R.V. Pierc, Buffalo, N. V., SI one-cent stamps for pa- per-coverea, or si stamps tor cioin-oounu. If sick consult the Doctor, free of chares dt letter, ah seen communications arc held sacredly confidential. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Invigorate ana regulate siomaca, liver ana Doweis, FRUIT CROP IN SOUTHERN OREGON WILL BE LARGE A. R. Carson, frUlt commissioner for (he third district, comprising the Rogue River valley and a large portion of southern Oregon, has made an estimate of this year's fruit crop in his district Me says that grapes look the mast prpm lsing, while the prune Crop and straw berry crop will yield only about T5 per cent of the normal yield, having been injured by .frosts, r. os-?: Mr. Carson estimates that the apples, pears, , grapes, blackberries, raspberries and. loganberries will yield a full crop. The peach crop la estimated at SO per cent and the prune and strawberry yield la placed at 71 per cent " Frost In jured the prunes In Douglas county and a few apples in Josephine. Thla report is only specific, for the three counties Douglas, Josephine and Jackson and la on file as an official estimate with Secretary Williamson of the state board , of horticulture. Mr. Carson had Just ' returned . from a trip through these counties before sending in tne aDove estimate. As other parta of the state are slower, the estimate for the whole atate 4cannot yet be had. ANOTHER VENIRE WILLBENEEDED Attorneys in Haywood Case Think the New 'Outfit of: Talesmen Insufficient. DUNCAN IDENTIFIED;, . SUPPOSED HARMLESS Arrested Man Supposed to Be Harm less Speculation Itegardlnir De- tails or Orchard s Confession If Known, It Came From Adams. GOULD DOES NOT LIKE HIS r WIFE'S- APPETITE FOR BOOZE (Joernal Special Service.) WeW Tork, May 30. Although How ard Gould himself la not talking for publication, statements on , his behalf are being given out through , friends. After Gould had a conference with At torney Delaney Nicoll, a friend who waa . with him aald: ;: " "Mrs. Gould Is a fascinating woman, but when she has been drinking her manner changes. Mr. Gould will, in STRIKERS ENJOINED BY SEATTLE COURT . Seattle, May SO. A temporary injuno ' tion restraining the striking machinists and Iron moldera from interfering with the workmen at the Moran company, the Washington Iron . Works and he his answerdescribe how liquor affects her. He pleaded with his wife to give up drinking. Things , got so bad . that one day' he. told her plainly she either must give up liquor or give him .up. Her reply settled the case. -Mr. Gould la willing to provide lib erally for his wife, but will not give me ridiculously large- amount or ali mony she demands. He would not ob ject if she would go to another atate and get an absolute divorce." - Variety Iron Works plants was granted by Judge Albertson In the superior court yesterday. The . restraining order will continue in force until the cases can heard on their merits, which will argued (By George H. Shoaf, Staff Correspond ent Appeal to Reason.) Boise, Idaho, May SO. C H. Duncan, who waa arrested here Tuesday even ing, charged with carrying deadly weap ons, has been completely Identified by several Socialists now in Boise. It is now learned that Duncan is a leading member of the Socialist Laor party, wlHi headquarters in New York nty, and Is Well known for his radical and revolutionary tendencies. He is aald to be a university graduate and obtained his working - class Ideas from books written by. men who evolved their prin- cipiesthrough theoretical speculation. While"" here Socialists consider him harmless, the police are holding him pending developments. Another Tenlre Heeded. By many persons, it is believed that the attorneys in the Haywood trial will be unable to complete the jury from the 61 veniremen who have been or dered to appear Friday morning. It is that Tourtellotte will be ex- not be until the September term court. '- .... J ; ;. . - - i ' '' Preferred Stock Canned Oooda. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. Of, ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AVgelabkrVeparallonCrAs slmllarlnt tteFbodantlRwula ttogdieSiDinadisandBowusar o) 111 . 'Of Promotes Di JcsttonJCk crfi nessaisiRestjContainsncfiiKT Opiuiulorphlnc narMiactaLI NOT NARCOTIC. .AcMtUtt- Anerfect Remedv forConslija- . . r ri r-1 U m.pwn ' Worms Convulsions jcmisa- ness and Loss or smr. lacS'imtle Siltnarart of . Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have , Always Bought Bears the Signature -.. of J II If 11 VXII Exaa Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years iiil vns eirru nv, mm eea onr. cused by the court because of his oppo sition to capital punishment; that Burns 111 be excused because of ill health. and thaf the lawyers will exercise every one of the three remaining perempto rles. These, with the chair now vacant, will make six Jurors yet to be secured before the Jury will be complete. It la believed from the record already made that fully 100 men will have to be sum moned to guarantee the establishment of the permanent Jury. "Much speculation Is being Indulged regarding the nature of -'Harry Orch ard's testimony. Several newspapers have .asserted that the , defense Is at last in possession of a copy of bis fa mous -"confession." That thla is a pure supposition and might not con tain a word . of 'truth is a statement made by one of Haywood's attorneys. Learned Tvom Adams. ' Of course it is unreasonable to as sume that Darrow and Richardson are in the dark concerning what Orchard will have to say when he takes the wit ness stand. Since" last summer they have been In correspondence with Steve Adams, with whom Orchard spent sev eral months In the penitentiary and it is a safe bet to infer that, if Orchard divulged anything to his fellow-prisoner during that time the attorney Jor the defense re 4n possession of it now. And they didn't ascertain the facts of this "confession" this' week, or last either. If they know anything they learned It rom Adams last summer. JOSEPH TO SUBSTITUTE NEW CHARTER FOR OLD (Special Dlipatcb to The Journal.) ' Joseph. Or., May SO. At the annual election of officers of the Joseph Com mercial club the following ere chosen: Walter L, Mulkey, president; B. T. Roup, first . vice-president; Ed Eben, second .vice-president; S'A. Hannawalt, secretary; F. F. Scrlbner, treasurer; as the board of managers, to act with the president, F. D. McCully, A. Wurswetler, F. F McCully and C. R. Eberhard. The membership of the club is increasing steadily.;. -Among the Important features' of the meeting was the appolritment of a char ter commission to prepare a draft of a new charter for the city, as the pres ent one is outgrown. WOMEN'S COTTON STOCK- ' : INGS 12i. n ; ' Women's fine fast black cotton stockings with double heel, toe and sole; . regular .i 2Sc values. Oa special sale Bargain Fri- , e Hi day... .....IZaC WOMEN'S HAND EMSKC : DERED HOSE -3. Women's fine .. embroidered fit black lisle thread hose,' in large variety" of pretty designs, extra good values at 75c. Special , j o Bargain Friday Bmth B AR "Robert s.BroSe ' Friday Matchless HePaTi tvmm elmk lC1- JL Tonorrow is again one of onr matchless "Bargain Fri- IUJC&JL&L JU.JUL .ilJ V VOilli lb days, -and a day we are offering values that excel any .-... 13 that we ever had in the Dast A trio to our store will prove that to your great satisfaction and profit.C-,This ad gives you only an inkling of tiie hundreds of bargains in this great store Ordinary stores don't offer such values it requires leadership. Learn to do your buying f - here and learn the full meaning of the wholesome word Satisfaction." 1 l-'it Black keeps gaining in favor, especially this spring, more fashionable than ever. No lack of variety here, either, even In blacks. ; .v ; ', ". . tittt are off enngs in botn woolen and silk fabrics that are matchless. - v;; v". FIVE RAILROADS ASK TAC03TA CONCESSIONS 1 (Bpeclal rjlipatPh to Tbe Joarotl.) 1 ' ' . Tacoma. May JO. There were five franchises before the city- council last night, creations. 6t five different rail road companies who. want concessions from, the city. .Two of these were the Milwaukee and the Union Pacific rail roads' franchises and the other three were from street car companies. " BLACK FRENCH VOILE, $1.00 Values, Bargain Friday 75o Yard Black All-Wool French Voile, 46 inches wide, warranted fast p lack, acid-proof, hard-twisted, crisp finish, regular ?1.00 val- es. Special Bargain Friday, per yard i.. M XJS SILK FINISHED MOHAIB, 50o Values, Bargain Friday 42o Yard 38-inch Black Silk-Finished Mohair, hiirh lustcous finish, i beautiful black, fine weave, crisp dust-shedding material. Spe- A. cial Bargain Friday, yard .'. eTiafV BLACK CREp VOILE, Bargain Friday at 19 Cents 36-inch Black Crepe Voile, beautiful finish, rich deep. black, very popular, bit values at 35c a yard. Special Bargain Fri day, yard 19c 45c CREAM SILK-FINISHED MOHAIB, GOo : Values Bargain Friday 45 o Y 38-inch Cream Silk-Finish Mohair, very suitable for summer suits, waists or separate skirts: in both plain and small fig ured effects, good 60c values. Special Bargain. Friday, yard.., SPECIAL TAFFETA SHOWING, 75-Cent . Values, Bargain Friday 59c Three thousand yards Plain Taffeta Silks, over 60 shades to select from, all the staple and new eveningshades, also cream and black, fFfV warranted purest silk, good durable quality, will not crack or f break, sold elsewhere at 75c. Special Bargain Friday ....... .t-J-ZW BLACK TAFFETA SPECIAL, 85oValues, Bargain Friday 69o ; ; V 27-inch Black Taffeta Silk, warranted spotless black, excellent chiffon-finished,; rich and lustrous, real 85c values. Special Bargain rnday .................. 69c BABGAIN FBIDAY In the Domestic Section Bargain Friday in the Housekeeper's Section again presents its usual quota of surprising values and meritorious merchandise, which makes It THE HARVEST DAY FOR THE THRIFT Y HOUSEWIFE. , Dress Ginghams, Best lOo Quality, 7e 3,000 yards of best Standard Dress Ginghams all wanted styles and colors, this season's most desirable patterns.. stripes, small and medium checks, plaids and plain colors in shades of pink, blue, gray, brown, tan, etc., etc. Sold all over the city at 10c a yard. It will pay lg you well to get a whole year's supply at Bargain Friday's price..; I 2C 36-Inch Camhrio, Best lie Grade, 8Mo Or 12 Yards For Sl.OO. White Cambric Muslin just what many women are particularly anxious IU Sk Hi IIIIS IHUC VUUUl W JttlUa lli L i IV lUl. 1UII tJ IIIVUV. fllUVf nice soft finish, extra good value at 11c a yard. Specially priced Qg for Bargain Friday at...... ". 02C White Lawn, 12o Grade, at 9c Fine White Lawn full 30 inches wide, made of select, even thread cot ton, bright, hew and clean. Specially good value at 12c a yard, ft on sale forgone day only. Bargain Friday, at .....eC Greatest Towel Bargain We Have Ever Offered :8S1S&;8 Cents Each : This Domestic Section of ours has had some wonderful offerings of late. But here is an unusually interesting item a special lot of WHITE HUCK TOWELS that by, merest' accident we snapped up below the usual wholesale cost AS WE BUY, SO WE SELL. TOMORROW YOU MAY BENEFIT. About 500 4ozen White Huck Towels, good large size, 17x34 inches, excellent wearing quality, neatly finished with fast, colored borders in shades of red, neatly hemmed and sold everywhere at 12c each; spe cially priced AS LONO AS fHEY LAST. That a greater 'number of people might share in this extra ordinary offering we have placed a limit of one dozen to each customer. ,' Bargain Friday, at, each. , 8c ; :, ANOTHEE GKEAT S AXE OF CURTAIN CORNERS SOME ESPECIALLY GOOD VALUES. ABOUT 500 IN THE LOT. Quite a large lot of Manufacturers' Sample Curtain Ends arrived here .. J... I.... 1mm (a. 1?1m 13rra. C1a B1.Art ImiIi. tst III. lUUtt'-JUSi XII iuti ivi A . luajr a.ii inip-wuvi i ..ii luo, v. huv newest, most fashionable patterns fend designs of the season. These curtain ends are extremely desirable for sash curtains, small windows, transoms, glass doors, hall windows and panel effects; they come lfi and 2 yards in length, good wide width. 'in an unlimited assortment of fiatterns in both white and ecru; samples of curtains that would sell rom $2.00 to $4.75; specially arranged fn three great lots to insure easy selection. ." - - LOT 1 LOT 2- QC LOT 3- J- k CHOICE AT.Z3C CHOICE AT.OJC CHOICE AT.49C Women who have attended our former' lace "corner" sales were de liehted with the extraordinary values those who come tomorrow .will find even better and grander values tjian. everbefore-those- who ap preciate first .choice - max - shop early positively none reserved, none serin e. O. D.; mail or phone orders cannot be filled at these prices. ' UNUSUAL VALUES FOR FRIDAY IN NECKWEAR, LACES and EMBROIDERIES The increased business done in a our Fancy, Goods section every week doesn't come by chance. The discerning women of this city know full well where their dimes and dollars do greatest duty. ; But here are double values, to astonish even those who know us best, . .'.; "'" BOX RUCHINGS 35c VALUES AT 23 BOX. , Bargain Friday we offer a special line of 500 boxes assorted neck ruches. Six dainty patterns in neat box, no two pieces alike. Regular 35c yalues Bargain Friday at..... ....23 EMBROIDER COLLARS AND STIFF TURNOVERS 15 EACH. A rare assortment of season's pretty stiff Turnovers, about 50 dozen in the lot; many beautiful embroidered patterns; all sizes; well worth 25c. Specially priced for Bargain Friday....,.....,..,., .......15 ELABORATE SHOWING OF COLLAR AND CUFF SETS. JJJany novel conceits in collar and cuff sets. Three beautiful lines on sale Bargain Friday at great reductions; note prices: Regular 50c values, Bargain Friday........... ..,21 Regular 85c values, Bargain Friday............. .48 Regular $1.25 values, Bargain Friday..... ,...85i TORCHON LACES, REGULAR 7J QUALITY, 4 YARD. . Excellent showing of delightful new patterns in torchon laces. One to three inches wide, the best wash lace on the market Regular 7c quality, Special Bargain Friday. ,4e WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, REGULAR 5c QUALITY 3 EACH A line of plain white hemstitched Handkerchiefs, M and J-inch hems, regulation size, made of good grade Hamburg, the kind that always sell at 5c. Special Bargain Friday, each.... ................... .....3 " 4 A Great Economy List of HOSIERY and " " KNIT UNDER WR To bring these departments prominently before the public, to have their importance and worthfulness at once understood and appreciated, means to invitingly tell of their merits and their merchandise, and to offer values that will at once appeal to and captivate those interested in the goods represented. The following offering for Friday reflect broad economy: EXTRA SIZE UNION SUITS. Women's fine lisle thread ecru col or union suits, sizes 7, 8, 9, nicely trimmed neck and front, made of selected yarn. Regular 75c val ues. Special Bargain n" INFANTS' LISLE STOCKINGS Infants' ' fine mercerized lisle thread hose in pink and red, ex tra fine wearing quality; fast col ors, fa Good ; 35c values. Special Bargain Fri- 1 ' 10- day...... ILC WOMEN'S SHAPED VESTS 16 . Women s fine bleached cotton shaped sleeveless vests, yoke prettily trimmed witn suk Drata, an sizes; regular ode quality special Bargain Friday.... 16c EXTRA GOOD Values in Men's Wear OF THE BEST SORTS. Our Men's Section has always been considered one of Portland's ne cessities; it is more so this season than ever. The following group of interesting values tor i-naay a great saie is -a practical demonstration why: . . . Men's Elastic Ribbed Shirts and Drawers in plain blue, made form fitting, fine summer weight, good wearing "garment, worth QQ 50c Special, Bargain Friday.. OVQ Men's White Negligee Shirts Made from very fine quality cord ed madras, all sizes, a good $1.00 garment. Special for Bar- E gain Friday only, at .i..,,.valt Men's Cotton Hose, of fine mer cerized 'yarn, in several shades of tan and brown, An extraordinarily good 25c value. Bargain I Q Friday, per pair .1C Boys' Blouse Waists, in.-all sizes; colors, white, tan, blue and lage assortment of fancy patterns'; of good Quality madras and percale; neatly and durably made; real 35c .values. bpecial, Bargain Friday , 29c Two G&BA? EMBROIDERY BARGAINS FLOUNCINd EMBROIDERY 18, 22, 24 INCHES WIDE, 48 YARD This is the best offer we, have ever. made bf'wide flouncing embroidery. Remember )ur past ; sales and the 'great bargains given, those offered Bargain Friday eclipse them all. 18, 22, 24-inch flouncing embroidery that sells: regularly at $1.00, $125, $1.50 Special at, yard... V. . . . 4Sf FLOUNCING EMBROIDERY, 9 to 18 INCHES WIDE, 214 YARD. Many beautiful patterns of Swiss,; Nainsook, and Hamburg Flouncing embroideries, (each pattern has insertion to match), 9 to -18 inches wide. . Best 35c. and 60c values. On sale Bargain Friday at, yard. .21 ECONOMICALLY PRICED. Notions and Art Goods What follows will interest you. A lot of Hand Ban. Purses. Mirrors. Combs, Brushes, Cushion Slips and numerous other articles . will say farewell tomorrow. That is, if half and quarter prices prove interesting enough to you. The goods are bound to interest, for they're newahd stylish. ' $125 Shadow Embroidery Corset Cover Patterns, very pretty . design, thread for working same. Regular selling price $1.25.- '-IIQ Special, Bargain Friday , ; , . .'. , .U JC 25c Cushion SlipsPretty line of tapestry cushion slips,; made of good quality Roman stripe tapestry. Regular 25c qualities. . 1Q special, bargain f riday, each. Ji w 75c Hemstitched Squares Good quality linep hemstitched squares. Our real 75c values. Special, Bargain Friday, AO - each ........ ; tOC 75c Laundry Bags Large size," best quality fancy sateen laun- A dry bags. 75c values. Special, Bargain Friday ...tIOC 35c and 50c Belts Pretty display of Silk Belts, black and colors,' IQ, 35c and 50c qualities. Special, Bargain Friday, each ......,1C 20c Whisk Brooms Best 9-inch whisk brooms, our regular 20c 1 A values. Specially priced Bargain fr riday, each .............. 75c Coin Purses Men's and Women's seal and Morocco grain yfOfT coin DurseS. Regular 75c qualities. Special, Bargain Friday ....... TC $1.50 Hand Bags Women's seal grain hand bags, in black and lifiht shades, neat coin purse fittings. Regular $1.50 values. . . ISQ Special, Bargain Friday'.'; i-.. ..:. . . . V. . . . . . .......... jJO C 75c Hand.. Mirrors Best quality French ptate glass, ebony ' r. Jf back. . Special Bargain Friday ......... ... , . H t c $1.00 Hand Mirrors Extra good quality; real $1.00 grade. . ' 7Q Special, Bargain Friday ... . v. , . . V. . . . . ; . . . . . . .- j ..... i ..... . .1 J C 50c Back Combs Good heavy shell back combs, heavy gilt " ; mountings, latest designs. Special, Bargain Friday v ............. ju', Z 35c Hair'Brushes Good quality, ebony and foxwood backs. trir Regular 35c grade, special,; Bargain r riday, each jL . $125 Needle Book This neat little book contains 10 pacers test ' eyed needles, 2 bodkins, 1 paif embroidery scissors; $lu .value, especial, bargain r riday . . . . ... . . , . , . f.