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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING? MAY 15. 1CC7. DEFENSE IS raid of Actions of Court Show Haywood Will , Be Treated Fairly Lit tle Excitement dlnlodge Juror Samuel" Win gafe for 1m piled bias without having to exercise peremptory challenge. Tea men had been pained aa possible juror to heat the Pettlbona ease when court adjourned last i.Uht. and although these men are subject to dismissal, ret eaon aide .caving a number of neremp' tory challenges it la probable that the jury wui te , oompleted within a very abort time, The Jurors temporarily passed are: ; A. J Kwlng, carpenter; William . Van Oradale, grocer; Samuel D. Oilman, farmer; Walter Shaw, far mer; Allen Pride, farmer; D. W. Hen ry,' carpenter; George h. Mclntyre, far. mer: w. N. Rud .a, farmer; Orrlce Cole, mining man. and W. W. BUby, real es- tate and Inauranoa agent. Aa there are till SO namea on te (pedal venire Juet ummoned la confidently believed that the Jury will be selected without draw- mg a second. ATTACK IS MADE As Trial Progresses Downright ' Indifference of People - of 8o!se and Ada County Is Man ifestedSocialist Campaign " Without Effect - ' XBy Hugh CNein. Special Comlmaaloner for the Denver feat.' and Oregon ; V- Journal.) ' V ' "' v Boise; Ida, May 11. The examination ,cf jurora for the trial of Moyer, rata bone and Haywood ia showing mora ' clearlv every da the downright indlf- 'ference of the people of Boise -and Ada .county to the iasues f the ease. Not ,a little hag been said and written about . the feeling exlaUng againat the Western Federation and the iwum.1 men. ,. Counael on both sties solemnly cuee tloned and cross-ouestloned Jurors con cerning what they bava read and said about the issues, and the almost un varying replies have made It quite dear that the men summoned by the sheriff , have given bo thought to the case at all. The bulk of the venire are farmers and ranchmen; they seem to seldom go . to church; they read little of the news' papers and pay no attention to what they read; they have paid no attention to the views of President Roosevelt or -' Governor Gooding or . Secretary Taft; they seemed to have lived "the world '. forgetting, by the world forgot" And i the long, patient. ' utterly , wearleouie . examination of jurors has been carrtel . on aa much for the purpose of ,"luit ;lng" them as for any other purpose, and the only campaign of prejudice the. , examination has discovered' has been . ' that carried on by the Socialists. f : ' A Three Cornered SntL t There baa not been lacking from that i campaign a certain sort of humor. It 1 has been a kind of three-cornered duel. ' The campaigners have all proclaimed a great love for bs accused men and a , deep hatred and ' cntempt cf , each - other. They represent, or misrepresent, ,. the Socialists of the east, the Socialists rof the middle west, sndjthe Socialists of the Faclflo coast. They despise each -other and denounce the prosecution. . They each proclaim . that their own , brand of Socialism Is the only true brand, all other brands are sham. Add ; they have beenworkjng for a year with great assiauiiy na no result wnucvtr, Their campaign has been chaff in the wind. ; 'w:f:- .: .;.,'-. It has cost apparently a lot of money, .The gentlemen carrying it . on have threshed themselves Into a f earn of paa- alon snd excitement Ana the silent. Industrious farmers of Ada county have gased on In smiling wonder or listened iin amused tolerance, to the very fervid .gentlemen who proclaimed that unless 1 their views were adopted tha union of these states would toboggan to tha devil. Ho Campaign by State. 0n the other hand It Is proved every ay that tna prosecution baa attempted ,no campaign at all againat these, men. - Comments of the newspapers have been almost Invariably discreet Neither po- t liucai party baa made the case an Issue. At tha last election Governor Gooding did . not make It a political Isaus either. The answers of the Jury men being examined Indicate quite clear. ly that tha Western Federation of Mln- , ers will not be "on trial in this ease; t trades unionism will not be ' on trial; f socialism will not . be on trial. i! Any . statement to tne contrary may be ac cepted as misleading and unnecessary,1 . Ths charge la murder and the trial r will be a trial for murder conducted by ' a sound lawyer and a man of Independ ent character and courage. Whatever has happened previously to Moyer, Hay. wood and Pettibone, It Is ; becoming clearer every aay tnatr from Judge Fre- mont wood they. will. get a aquaxe deal. of 'fx , LOSING CONFIDENCE. ; ' " ;' : ' " " '". ; Y': : Y '-(X X 1 JProsecution a Kofi- As ' Confident ' r -, Winning as Formerly. - (Journal Special .Barrios.) . Boise, Idaho," May 15.-ln connection with th report .that the state Is not , confident of winning ? the Mover-Hay- wood-Petti bona case aa has been pur ported In the past,, those closest to the , prosecution discuss among : themselves - the changed attitude cn all alda since one year ago. Governor Gooding : no longer openly proclaims his belief that the prisoners will never leave the state alive. Counsel for the prosecution like I Wise are : no lunger openiy aeciaring they are sure to win the ease, but de clare, when tha question is bluntly put to them. "It is mighty hard sometimes to convince It men where the punish ment is death." '"1, - Jt became evident early In today's proceedings that ths defense wanted to , v (Continued from Page One.) ;: the courthouss stair-" daily by kindly hands and it was for attempting to render this assistance, it Is alleged, that tha two persons were roughly bandied by tha guard. , " .The affair created great excitement and there would no doubt . have been trouble precipitated had not the de tectives and : special officers quickly sprung to ths spot and scattered tna mob that began to gather. : Tha two men assaulted disappeared in the con fusion and could not be found, though a, Vigilant aearcb was made. ,.y;. .f ;;;.. . An Jraks f oolalbrts. ! It la now believed that the affair was started through the collusion of the guard and two men for the purpose of Inflaming the passions of Socialists and union men. - This belief is still - further emphasised by the fact that many strange persona era wearing" Socialist buttons and are parading around pre tending to ba Socialists. These Individ, nala are indulging In "war talk" and are evidently trying to induce members of the Socialists' party to commit them selves against the trial of Haywood, either verbally or by action. : j. It la believed by well known Social ists of Boise that Plnkerton detectives art visiting Socialists headquarters la ths disguise of Socialists and that the "war talk" Is made by such disguised Plnkertons for the purpose of precipi tating trouble, .-.,. .;:..V..4 r '-I.. ' The courtroom escapade, it is thought, was pulled off by the Plnkertons In tha hope that true and sincere Socialists, might thoughtlessly spring to tha as sistance of their supposed comrades and thereby start a riot. . , Well-meanlhg Social Is ta. who desire a fair trial and have tha Interests of ths federation leaders at heart denounoe the "war talk" of tha unknown Social ists, and assert that they will have nothing to do with any of those who might try to mar tha serenity of ths session in Boise, y , , , ' Proletarian Belegases. Two more "proletarian delegates." commissioned to watch the progress of ths federation . trials arrived and made their appearance in court yester day afternoon. These men are accred ited delegatea of labor organisations In Industrial centers and their duty is to render a verdict upon the conclusion of the trials. They will assist the local union men and Socialists in putting down radical talk that may bo circu lated by Irresponsible persons. A story was started this afternoon that the civic federation bad appointed man to attend the trials of Haywood and his associates for ths purpose of writing them up for a combination of email daily and country weekly papers through the south and east Wilabtres New Tork magaslna now baa two expert writers on tha ground. A.;.:...; ; Good progress was made yesterday in the work of scouring a jury to try ths Haywood case. The first Juror for ex amination by the defense was excused by reason of an unresisted challenge. The second juror as challenged by the state, but was resisted by tha defense. Judge Wood allowed the challenge, Both theee talesmen were excused for actual and implied bias. . ' Two Acceptable Jurors. During the - examination of Allan Pride, the next Juror, trade union and Socialist' questions figured largely. He was passed for cause by the defense. Three mors jurors were examined and discharged before court adjourned for noon recess. In ths afternoon tha ex amination continued and it la believed that tha afternoon's T ' examination brought out two Jurors who will be ac ceptable by both sides for the perma nent jury. Court adjourned at :8Q p. m. and reconvened this morning at 19 o'clock. ;;"A-rV : ni. Exer.ijtTi;,'G One-Third of Patients Cured and " v Nearly Two-Thirds Radl-A . 'cally Benefited;; U (Jcmnul Special Service.) 'AY.':'.1 Berlin, May H Following a Visit from Dr, y Alexander Mermorek, . the noted Trench bacteriologist, ' Who baa delivered before the Association of Ber lin Physicians a lecture on serum treat ment for tuberculosis, local medical cir cles are actively discussing tha status of this branch of curative science. , . v Professor Franenkel and Or. Klrsoh- ner of the medical denartment in tha ministry of . education, ' have V Issued statements showing the results Obtain' ed from sclentlflo methods of hygiene, sanitation and diet In a Berlin sana torium. - Of S.SSi consumptives received in mis institution in ths sis yeara fol lowing 1100, about tOO were cured and 1.400 showed marked improvement One third of the patients who entered dur ing ths first stages of the disease were cured, and nearly two thirda radically improvea. , y ?:i '.... .""Within the next SO or IS years eon sumption will ba practically obaolata in uerman cities,- said an . experienced American observer of sanitary eonol tions, whd'ls now visiting In Berlin, YALE ATHLETE BREAKS STRIKES-FOR A LIVIH6 Edwin L Reed Who Won Fame on Football Field Makes a Bus , Iness of Defying Unions. Life V '. V' - ' OF Sensible Advice to Women from firs. Henry Lee, firs. Fred Certla and firs. PJnkham. (Joeraal Speelal Berries.) v Chicago, May 1 .Ed win U Reed. Tale athlete, who won . honors with "Pudge" ' Hef felflnger on the football neia during his college days, mages struts breaking bis busiaasa Reed la tha man who was hired by tha employ ers la 1191 at a salary of 11,000 a year to neip cruan tha - teamsters' strike, which spread riot and bloodshed through tne streets or Chicago. Hie suooasa la that venture bss led him to enter Into a broader field and furnish men to com bat strlkss In every part of tho coun try. Ho weighs over 100 pounds, la wall proportioned, and lives evldenoe of keepm himself la good physical con dition at all tlmea ,-;,-.;.-.,.,;,,.. .."'-.' "Boss Farley is not tho only man who can break strikes," declared Raed today. "la view of my training, I be lieve that I am fully aa well, if aot better equipped to undertake the work. Wo are ready to furnlah men for strikes to any part of tho country," f 7 FREE. WATER ' 4 (Continued from Page One.) To feel Stronr. have arnnA enntit nA digestion, sleep soundly and enjoy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, the great system tonic and builder. INDiCT FURNITURE TRUST (Continued from Page One.) . . Opring : Ailments rimplea, boils, ectenas and other sjrnptions, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, flta of . bilionsnega, indigestion and be&dacbe, are gome of them. They are all radically and perma nently enred by Hood's Sarsaparilla. . m.:. . iikiIIaIiii i thnmiiorhlv AiUe . "-KICM Mivwv".- . O J peered yesterday afternoon and told tha jurymen what he knows of tha trust ' . Trust Methods Are Simple. Y The methods of the combination were very simple after the compact had been entered into. A dealer not on the in side was refused goods when ba ordered them of tha wholeaalera If he had a customer for a certain make of furni ture which was handled exclusively by a member of the trust, be could not get the goods.' Y . Y;.Y-K4;; ... :,.; , It Is said that one out-of-town dealer sent in a special order for a carload of tables which he needed to comoleta hie biock ana was turned down by the wholesalers belonging to their associa tion, tie anally . secured . the tables through one of the four jobbers on the coast who r not in tha mnbinatlosw Hundreds of like instancea are aald ro be In possession oC-Mr. Cole and be will prosecute the offenders with vigor. For several months rumors bava been going around to .the effectthat trans gressors of the interstate raw would bs Investigated by tha govsrnmont, but to day was the first time that It was eon- flrmed. ' -. -. . The section under which the furni ture men will be indicted provides that all. persons - who conspire to form a combination In restraint of trade shall ba guilty of a misdemeanor and shall Jrbe punished by a fine not exceeding ,uuu, or a sentence , of on year, or totn. - as it is probable that all parties indicted will be indicted on. two counts, the penalty could be doubled. acting within Its power when it passtd tha ' resolution of April IT, di recting tha auditor not to place tha amendment on the ballot, after having passed a resolution submitting ths amendment to a vote of the people. Judge Cleland held tha omission of ths provision of the charter relating to tha J-min bridge tax levy as Import ant -matter. He said In part: "The present city charter was passed by tna legislature in JIOI. In the orig inal charter the taxing power of tha city council wag limited to .7 mills. In 1905, because it was not deemed equit able to tax property - owners in the different localities for tho cost of bridges across tho gulches, the legisla ture amended the charter, authorising the council to levy a I-mlll tax for a bridge fund. Batiflaa by tho Toiera. 'This, amendment was submitted to tho vote of the citlsens of Portland in June, 1105, and was ratified by them and has since been the law. A careful examination reveals the fact that all of the amendment of 1905 relating to the bridge fund tax was omitted with tho exception of a very few words, and the part authorising the council to levy ths i-miii tax was repealed. ' . Tha discussion of the . proposed amendment seems to bavs been confined to free .water, and this Important piece of legislation was not a matter of dls ousslon. How the omission of tho bridge tax came about is Impossible for the court to aay.r It waa thought at first that someone had Inadvertently used a copy of the original charter, passed in isusy wmcn aid not contain tha bridge tax amendment, but this explanation be comes untenable when it is seen that the amendment alludes in set terms to tho amendment of 1901 and mentions ths date when it was f lied in ths office of tha secretary of state. This proves conelu slvely that whoever prepared the Waa non amenament nan before him a conv of tho charter containing the act of 1905. "I do not believe that the oouncil in tended tha repeal of this provision when tney submitted the Wagnon amend ment to a vote by the resolution of April . a, and it appears to tho court that tho council bid splendid reason to cnange its mina. ' -I cannot agree with tho contention that when tha council passed tho first resolution it exhausted its power. The council has authority, under j the law, when petitions have, not been filed 90 days preceding the election,, to deter mine what It . shall submit and what it shall not submit to tho vote of the people. K x "If, after expressing an opinion by resolution or ordinance or other appro priate means, they change thejr opin ion, ma court oenevea mat ine council may express that change of opinion at any time it sees St, by such mean as a may ceem proper, ' . ne common council bad full power na numoniy to pass tne resolution forbidding ths auditor to de what they naa previously Dy resolution ordered him to do, and the demurrer to the writ or mandamus will be sustained." x7-r-& W '-' .. 1 , t: K ?f yv ,:;',,, xx-y -v. tu ' xx-x:..:,y yy. .:yy-' x(x MRS HENRY; UEE ,' Owlnf to modern methods of living sot one woman In a thousand ap proaches this perfectly natural change without txpsrienolnfc a train of very annoying and sometimes palnfal symptom. .: . Yy.!:,;Y ' This i the moat critical period of her wholo existence and every woman who neglects the care of her health at this time invites disease and pain. When her system is In a deranged eondltlon or she la predisposed to apoplexy or congestion of any organ, the teadeaoy is at this period likely to become active and with a host of nervous Irritations make life a burden. . 4t this time also cancers and tumors are more liable to form and begin their destructive work, , Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot fleshes, headaches, backaches, melancholia,, dread of lm- Kndlngevtt, palpitation of the heart, egularltles, constipation and dirti ness are promptly heeded by Intel ligent women who are approaching tha period of life when this great change may- be expected. . Mrs. Fred Certla, 1014 So, Lafayette Street, So. Bend, Ind., writes; , Dear Mra Plakham s "Lydla B.' Plakham's Vegetahle Com pound is ths ideal medicine I or women wne fiukham's Vegetable Compound, my symptoms Ceased, and it brought me ily. through ths aanger period, trallt ny rrstera and I am in sxoallent health. MRS. f RED CERT! A are passing through Chang of .Life. For several months I au ffared from hot Baabea. extreme nervousness, headache and sleep lessness. I had no appetite and could not sleep. I bad. made up my auna there was no help forms until I began to ass Lydla js, ruunanvs vegexaoie vompouna. my bad safely an mvavstem I ooaelder Lydla JB. Fiukham's Vegetable Compound unsurpassed for woman ouruig this trying period of Ufa" ... . ' Mrs. Henry Lee, eo Winter B treat, STew Haven, Conn., writeat ... Dear Mrs. Pinkhseai - ; - ' J 'After suffering an told misery for Ahree years during Change of life I heard of Lydla X. Pink ham's Ve(? table Compound. I wrote you of bit condition, and began to taxeLyllatH. Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound and followed your advioa, and to-day I am well and happy. I een now walk any where and work as well as anyone, and for years previous I bad tried but could not get around without help, I consider yoor medi cine a sovereign balm for suffering women," Women passing through this critical Kriod should rely vpoa Lydia K. nkham'a Vegetable Compound. If there la anything about your case yon dont understand write to Mra. tMstlrrt em ws T a vt we jf mmm 7sai sa T4 A iuauaui aJHi ewaeaenes. ivi ituriVwi'Af la free and ba guided thouaanda to health, ;,:'. :' ',; . V:,; yr YOU ' Y. I Yi -i y :"t i Y f '', vy v " the "fact that well; orjanlred ; and managed Trust; Company offen facilities for properly and economical 5; ly caring for your business; b what It may?.'.. ;- ;piy:r P" Company, can look after your estate for you , u , while you live' allow you interest on your unemployed ; "m)ney while not in use, and as Trustee carrj out thai : XX provisions' of your bequests after your decease. ,;v:'T'i','',"!''"','-''':'r"'!',t " '.( ' ' ).,' Yi ',:' ?,'' 'y'-"'X Y4;rPf'.faciJities'are unsurpassed. i.r;; - We pay 4 per cent on Savings Accounts and term ; , ' "..... . , Y ' ' H..1 i" ".l :tj- .' --i i ceruncates, receive oeposita budjcci to cnecK ana ao a 1 general banking busmess. ;Y' (,;-;;l;' '' l:r 'xxx MercMntSj Savings Trust Co 247 WASHINGTON STREET, xfl: Capital fully paid $150,000.00 J. FRANK WATSONS Urwt. R.' U DURHAM . i , . . . . . Vice-Prcst, W;' H.; FEAR iU t' VV ; ' i iV .: l Secty. ; O. Wi T. MUELLHAUPT. . , . Cashier When a medicine has been successful in restorintr to health. actually it. "I said family to try Lydla iC. lnkham s Vegetable Uompo r thorisands of women, you cannot well say without trying NORTHERN PACIFIC Through Vestlbuled Trains, each way be- S TEPUEIISOil IS NEXT SENATOR Former Congressman Will Prob y ably Be Elected by Wiscon sin Solons This Evening. (feeraal Speelal Service.) . Madison, Wis, Max 15. There is lit tle doubt. but that. Jaaao .Stephenson, former congressman, will be elected United States senator to succeed John (X flpooner. : The last ballot laat night gave Stephenson 4s votes and if bis friends had not . overestimated his strength they could have forced an all night session and placed him in office. Stephenson has pledged himself to be content with filling the Unexpired term of. Senator Soooner and will not be a candidate for re-election. He la being strongly backed by Senator La Follette's constituents. - - There are reports of attempted bribe ry by certain candidates in the "Wiscon sin race and a special investigation will be held to ascertain the truth of these rumors. - ; '-..-. . RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS EAST FOR INFORMATION X'-X X' , . t y ;vX7XX-:r: (Special Dtapatch to Th. JoarnaL) Olympla, Wash- May 15. H. X. Fair. child, chairman, and C O. Calderhead. aeoretary, of the sute railroad commis sion left laat evening for St. Paul and Chicago, where they go to collect infor mation to be used in 'Connection with the hearing to be held next month to fix the valuations of railroad properties in the state Of Washington. Mr. FalrohUd will return in about two weeka, but Mr. Calderhead may -not be back for SO days or more.- .- r .-z-s-c, Commissioners J. C Lawrence and Jesse 8. Jones will leave tomorrow for eastern Washington on , oommlsslon bualnaas, to be absent two weeks. The commission offices will be in charge of J. W. Lysons, former, secretary, during ui aoeenoe oi wev memDers or tne commission. , , - - VICTORIES FOR rifle nnfnta. carrv tha latest atvlea of through Pullman standard1 and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Dining Cars, and handsome Day Coaches. Dining Cars run through and meals are served at regular hours each day. .',' '.. r i , LIIIGSMEL1EII - J ; . '. ':-. ". New York "NORTH COAST LIMITED" f Strikers Gain Two Points and Believe They Will v Win Out by Friday. Daily ia each direction Steam Heated; Electric Lighted i Librtry, Buffet ; Baths and Barber Shop ia lu unique Observation Car. v Send for North Coast Limited Booklet (Toeraal Special Berviee.) New Tork, May 11 Following two big vlotorlea today, the longshoremen claim that before the end of the week every steamship line wlU be whipped into line and glad to gat men back at I the Increased wagea demanded. The surrender of the Italian line, which took its men back at ths new scale, and the signing of an agreement with Patrick Twomey, Ho largest stevedores of in coming vessels, are two victories which havs encouraged the strikers, . ? The Philadelphia longshoremen have given assurance they will not unload veaaels usually docking at New Tork if fhey are sent to Philadelphia, The In coming fleet of liners due Friday is the largest since the beginning of the strike. IRICKMAKER INTERESTED IN CLAYS OF ASTORIA. (BMeisl Dtspates ta Tne JoeraaLt -jxy "if XX J . -x A m rx X V." i ' , ' , A. D. CHARLTON, xx Aislstant General Passenger Agent y r ' Corner Third and ' Morrison Streets, Portland,- Oregon. Or ley 15. a J. Plant of ABERDEEN BUYS BLOCK FOR NEW HIGH SCHOOL CHILD RESCUED FROM i. GYPSIES AT DENVER ALBANY TO BEAUTIFY ITS CEMETERY NEXT yyxzxyx : ; "";"" ' xxxXjfj'', (BpeeTarDtapateh W MjMrML Albany, Or- May lO-Albany has formed a City Improvement association and last evening a puniio meeting waa held In the parlors at W. a T, U. hall to formulate plana The work om' im proving the city burial grounds will re ceive its share of attention, as part of the general systom lately adopted : to make and keep the city clean and beau tlfuL , ? Officers were elected and committees appointed totake charge of the ceme tery work, and they will bo given every assistance possible by the cltlsenshlp. The officers are U JB. Hamilton, presi dent: J. E, Cooper, secretary! -1 B. Blaln, treasurer; directors, I B. Ham ilton, J. E. Cooper, I K. Blaln, Dr. W. H. Davis. Mra U E. BUln. Mrs. AYHY Martin and Mrs. Virgil Parker. -Y - Astoria. Estacada, a practical brickmaker of long experience both in the east and west, is in Astoria making tests of vari ous samples, of clay for tha- purpose of rinaing it posibie a suitable location and supply for a brick plant The chamber of commerce is now making a test of various clays, and some of these sam ples were shown to Mr. Plant, with! wnten, be expressed no small satisfac tion. Manager Whyte of the chamber of commerce ha made arrangements to I test about e different samples of clays ireo various -pari or me territory ad jacent to Astoria, and thess testa wlU also be demonstrated for Mr. PUnfc. A For-Sole A , few , sUghUy. , marred Stagera, Savia, Wlieeler k Wilson, snaadards an White Sewlag Machiaes. ; The White Scving Machine J Office M. Jt. JOITJSS, S80 Tamhin, eor. eta. ATTORNEY'S REPORT IS' FOUND AND PUBLISHED vX-X- ; " ' :-,, ,' v. , (Joornil gnaeial ImvIm.1 . . Washington, May 16. Jt -was stated toaay at the offices that the interstate commerce commission has not yet act ed upon the recommendations made to I tne commission in the report of Attor neys Keuogg , and Severance, extracts or which were published at New Tork today.., Tha attorneys had copies print ed for. prtvateerasaL-oX.the oommls- J sioners, but IS waa supposed they. took every safeguard against publicity. s Ten Cents, They act like Exercise, WW lv r x v v j mi v t - j -for , the Bowels All Tenure of Health Officer. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) ' Aberdeen. Waah Mav IS Th KnmrA cleanfles the blood and restores health of education has purchased the block oounaea or xioron ua oroaaway and Third and Fourth streets a the site of a new mgn scnoot ounamg. it is one Of the most desirable in the city. The proposed high school building is to be of brick or stone and will eventually be a large building, 'modern-in every re spect. Plans are to be called Tor im mediately, and - a structure sufficient for the immediate needs of the district wUl probably be ; erected during - the coming school year. ; It is Intended that the building to be erected now will be but a part of a much iarger building to be' completed' la -harmony aa the dlsV trlct aemanda it : . - ' , fanctlonal actirity to tha whole syeteA; It makee peopia weu. ' ' jr . 'I bava been Using Hood's Sartapa rilla a a spring medicine for ten yearrf, and hate neyer found anything better." John Flemings, Campbell Hall, N. Y. ., Accept no gubetitute lot . i t!ccd'G Carsaparilla lnrf.i on having Ilood'a, .Get Jt today, U I or Ubtet form, 100 Doeei L ' (Jonnul gpceial Serrlre.) . , -Denver,. May II. Martha Wooten, aged II. who was stolen a year ago at Jjutte, nas seen rescued from a band of gypsies, sue claims she was held as a slave and forced to believe she was married to a iz-year-oid boy. - She will be returnea to ner parents, HUGHES IS NEW YORK'S 7r-PRESIDENTIAL TIMBERI 'Xxyxyy- " . . t fS- Xr-. v.v;. Jrsl anealal Sm-tW.) Albany, March 15. Governor Hughes' public utility bill was ' unanimously passed by the" assembly today, which undoubtedly means that Hughes will be New Tork's candidate for president. . Next week the publid utilities bin will1 come- the senate an ia as1 sured ef passage there, . : y ' , hi '' (Special Dispatch to The Journal) ' Y Salem, Or., May 16. Dr. J, IX Baker or sfcMinnvmo, health officer for Tarn- ftill county, has asked the opinion of I tne attorney-general as to the explra tloh of his term of office. Baker was elected' July g, isos, and since the law says ths secretary of ths county board or naaitn snau serve ror two years from July 1 next ensuing his election, the attorney-general advises ha will hold omcs until July l, 1908. , . . i Folger's Golden Gate Baking: Powder Infallifile ! !7 ':x4xmm No prizes no, coupons no crockery ' J. A. FOLQER & CO i Saia Francisco Started 1867 Still Hearo 1907 Painless Extraction 50c, Plates $5 Up . From this date Drs. W. A. and T. ip. Wise will wait on as many patients, as they can themselves. There are no others employed here, except Dr,' H. A. Sturdevant. wtf vnas cnarge oi tne laDoratory, worK, Upen , eVeninM and bundays by appointment only.: Particular attention given ' to nervous people. . . . , v W. A. WISE, DENTIST Rooms HI to 210 Failing Bldg, Third and Washington Sta. ' "Haw N, t.m iiii)Mil-.JJM-j'-:r '4 'AijLi BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND IRON FENCING Barbed Wire, Wir'e and Lawn Fencing, f Poultry Netting, Etc PORTLAND VIRE AND IRON WORKS Phone Main 2000, ' . ' ' . SECOND AND. EVERETT STS. 4