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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1907)
7. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. ' PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENINO. MARCH 83, 1807. PC Toivn Topics . tOBIOBT'S AMUSEMEaTS. , . . . Allce-Slt-by-tha-FIre" ..'NlunnnB ut tbs rllith" Maker.,., " r.uiplre. ' l-rrle rtraiid Dur.,.u . .'"lbs Mng of Tramps" ...... ."sllufcaal Ulnwuf" VseilcTllle ."Deserted at the Altar" ' The' news nature of tho Butte Boys Conaolldated Mining company's adver tisements cauaes them wide pernsal, aalde from the commercial .Interval manlfeated in them. Tomorrow's ad. '. will ill readers. of The Sunday Journal something about newly developed mine at Ooldneld that Is sacking- the richest ore ever taken from the "earth. Hereto fore the Mohawk had the banner, re ceiving $674,(68.3 from the Belby smel ter for two carloads 47 tons) of rock. but .that being .takaa, Irani ths new alne makes the aloha wk appear like a enuu '.' in short trousers. And best of all. thla latest producer Is in the same district as that of the Butte Boys, the stock of ' which Is now selling at 18 cents per " share, at the company's offleee. ground floor, Weatberly building. 60 Bast Mor risen street, t Shares la-this prpperty will doubtleae soar skyward, also, with . in a short tuna. . . - . - - A. C. Hooper, manager of the Mount Pitt Mining company, haa returned from the company's property sear Grants Pass and announced that he has ' decided to Install a 26-ton cyanide plant ev-erarku In connection with their Bve- stamp mill. . Mr. Hooper reports great progress at the mines and says mat a ; crew of miners is at work and has ' take out hundreds of tons of ore run ''.' nlng from 121 to Hi a ton. ' Mr. Hooper says that a ledge two feet thick was discovered a few days ago which will be on of the richest sssets i of the property, ,(...,.- .';.o'V r? -1 .. Special lot of extra fine Weaselton tine- white diamonds. - Quarter . carat ' stsea mounted In fancy . 14-carat gold rings. J out what you want and priced ' at ISt. The continual advanca la the diamond market makes thla an attrac tive investment This is a Saturday special. See them at U. 8. Ball Son's jewelry store. No. US Morrison street, ,, bet, First and .Second, oily. v. . ' Light grays are agoing to be very ' stylish, and you can make no mistake ' la .selecting one If you select from aa up-to-date stock. All of our spring . suitings have been reoeived and wo are , selling them rapidly.. Wo make any suit ' ia tho house to order Cor It.- No mors no less. Place your, order tor your Easter suit now. - Unique Tailoring Co., Ut. Stark,, near Sixth. .: .., , ; ..j t . , J Ladles VTaJthara 10-year gold flUed watches, 111.7s. . Ladies' J6-)eweled 10 year gold filled watches, lit. Gents' American evenvjeweled nickel watches, strong, durable. Just tho thing for hard , knocks., Saturday only. No. Ill Morrison street,' bat. First and Second, city. H. S, Bail sk Son, jewelers. - Berkshire apartments, suites of four rooms and bath. Just completed. Con - venlently arranged, desirable . location, .' Seventh and Jefferson streets. Provid ad with- heat, telephones, hot and oold water, - gas ranges and refrigerators, v Apply to Janitor la building , or tele , phoae Main it 08. ; v .K ,t, : Tho Sellwood - Republican club will - hold a meeting la the firemen's hall at Sell wood tonight at I o'clock. All are welcome, members especially, providing a friend la brought along.. Peter Hume is president and , A,, Austin Is seoro- tary. - Cboag fchoong. Loo 6um. Henry Lee. W. Hutohlnga and J. F. Chllooto have Bled artlolea of Incorporation for tho Q rest . Amen can Mining company with ths county dark. Tho capital stock of ths new company ia 09,06 and Its Ufa ' Patronise . tho ' aew , store. . ' BotUr, cheese, eggs, honey, cured meats, tea. ooffee, ate. The manager. Ja. & Kooin isoa. Is tho bast-known ohess man oa IV. mtimmt . Th. flM.nn eamnaev. lit nttn street, Swetlaad block. , Dr. A. A. Lindsay, principal St. Louis Collegs f Suggeetlon, lectures aa The Chemistry aad Psychology of tho Emo tions; at i fll Aiisay ouuaing aunaay ll ' av m. Publio Invited.- - , v .' "A.; Country ' Worth Saving." and "Tho Reward of Bool Wbming'' will bo tho subjects treated at tho First Coa " gregatloaal ehureh, by Jter. C F, Clapp, Sunday morning and evening. ' Professor J. B. Horner, who will lec ture tonight before tho Wood la wa Push club, will tell of his recent travels in Europe and his vlarlt to the various -capitals v-aavojtliient.-- T. p. . .... Steamer Jesse Barktna, for Camaa, Washongal aad way Isndlngs, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington etreet .dock t P. m., . v.- .... (;.-'.;. ' Womsa's Cxchango. Ill Tenth street lunch tl:IO to 1; business men's lunch, 'Acme Oil Co. soils tho best safety coal oil and fine gaoollna. Phono East Tip. -1 Why Py . more? Metsger fits yof ayes for L lit Sixth street. . ... , . . - . x-n1 , j Bergar Blgivs--H4 TamhlU Phono. ; jay H. Upton, 101 SwetlaBd bids. PERSONAL Benjamin Markta, a noted baritone of Qulacy, Illinois, will Sing Tho Palms" at ths Hawthorns Park . Presbytsriaa church tomorrow morning. , ,, Bohllllng's Best Is the coffee and tea. In order to accumulate a fortune it is necessary to take fJt advantage of every legitimate opportunity to !VfS(fr!40y earn money, to' be industrious4 and economical C iu r ana men to use every precaution 10 saicguara v u h$ vhat vou have made. , This bank . was estab- Cm 1 "ir i j9 v , y f usnea to assist you a. .Ill a a tm m Will syj vtuc tui jcuui uiuiitjf tiiai 11, is-ctusu- lutely secure and you can have it whenever you want it. It will assist you wijh good ad vice in business matters and, if you join its financial family, it wiljl prove your good friend in time of need. It insures you the best serv ice and convenience. Make Aa deposit today. Every fortune has grown from L til. f t ABB MUTT QTJTTX.BA Better (or blia that be had owned a laundry and )irl ss a. mast Ufa. we rrura tint we ars what we ere. There la satlsrscttoa In the Uionahi that we aiaks others hsnpr and da Hit rub tl em. Phone oa and bars oar wagon mil .an Moods?. We'll do 7 war waaolas IJKM aiti.ll .r1.-M , IHOXMA tTASCHKD. DiMta If rT.anaa loe Blip tcftklrta .-..Itto Rprrada toWalats He t alilrclotha . .. -4 to Curaat Corara 8a Rollers yeCbaoilsa $t Towela .. ltrawara ........... s Kapkine 1 ...... k Haudaarrhfefa ... .. le W rapuars ..10 Ilandkarcblcra, allk. Vaproas ....14 Raga 1 Pillow mima....10 Bond Corara. ., st Child's Ftana U HOT nOXXB. EXTBAg. ' Orarablrta a Blankata, wooi, Nlclitahlrta ........ He pair ...Boo 1'uderalilrts a Blankata, eottan, rr. wara e pair ,..,........ Hock , ScQallia Mr Hon ...... se - . Pajaaias ..........l'Ni . , t..' S ; Cnloa , ..lie " :. " teetear Taata....... le ; ' :-. " ' 1 Child's Oraralla..... t . . , . - No ahirta. eollara. caffa. vaata. evarallai at luaipera dona la this aapartmsnt. h basdle was than . aeond and Colambla eta. Talephone afala ges. HAVILAKO CHINA : SOLD AT AUCTION Golden Eagle Closes Big Deal for ; ' Bankrupt Stock. . - One of the most, sura proofs that -The Golden Eagle, , Portland a youngest de partment store, is rapidly taking .Its place In the front ranks of . this city's great mercantile enterprises, Is tho re cent purchase closed by them of a solid oar of the famous Haviland china which Mr. leOwlt. the manager of this popular store, secured at the bankrupt sale of a largo Boston house, which recently was closed by the sherllf. This purchase was mads at a. most ridiculous figure 4a fact, at fees than the price i of tho com monest china, and the sals which Is an nounced for Monday should be one of the most Interesting ever held In this eity, especially to all lovers of fine china, as Havlland Is and has been known for years aa tho world's best, snd this event will give those who. hereto fore have not been able to buy this fine dlnnerwaro on account of its extreme cost, an opportunity to secure a set at prices that will make this tho moat talked-about sale over held la this city. SALEM CAPITALISTS MALI ARE PURCHASERS Buy Lot k at JTehth . : and CHsan Streets for Fifteen Thou , s&nd Dollani,..'!;!'' D. B. Mackle sold yestordsy tho lot at tnaKBorthwest . corner or Tenth and GUsaa streets to a syndicate of Salem capitalists for 118,000. . The lot Is ooc pled by a two-story business house aad two email residences, . Tho same party of Salem investors has bought .several pieces of property lately through ths Mackto agency.. , , , ... . , Margaret Dosscho has purchased from Arthur and Joale Prior a 10-aoro tract in sactlon II en tho peninsula near tho (joiumioa Douievara. ; - - Louis a. Clarke snd William F. Wood ward oold yesterday to a party of local Investors a lot . oa tho west aids of Union avenns between East Ash Bad East Ankeiiy streets for 11,100. B. T, Daly made the sale. t ' , ' - RABBI WISE SPEAKS V, ON SHACKLES OF FREEDOM Rabbi Jonah B. Wise delivered a ser mon last night at Temple Both Israal, choosing for bis subject The Shackles of Freedom,"' In which ho mads refer ence to the day in the Jewish calendar known aa ths "Great Sabbath." ' Ho said in part: -v Tbs Great Sabbath, tho last In Egypt and tho first of liberty, oommom orates the beginning of freedom. It Is best described by a reading ot tho Torso of Exodus, -which tails of the last supper to bo eaten hurriedly, girded and shod, with tho wanderer's staff In hand. Such has been tho attitude of the Jew,' ever prepared to wander on to seek a new homo In tho search for liberty. Tho liberty . ho wanted la the liberty we should seek the opportunity to develop. "No man is free whose mind is bound only to tho sordid rut. He Is a free man whose efforts Increase his powers of happiness, -whoso Increased mental life givea aim mora joy in living, whose spiritual growth lifts him out of tho Egyptian bondage of tho sordid to the boon of free, un trammeled Ufa" - - yr ef erred Btoak Oaaaad Oooda, Allen Lewis' Best Brand. ITS CHEAPER TO BUTtDew HOSE, CITY PARK. ..... i..:u' ti in ouuaing a ionunc. ji a . tm ... M A , . .a m m 1. a bank account QUIT MiWO RENTJ, CHURCH SERVICES BAPTUZ. r " Arleta Ba. oha HeaUlra. paator. cbool, 10 a. ai.j iuulu Union. I s. Boailay an. ( U. I. r. v.. d.SO a. di.j pmohlas. 11 a. m 'taadfutneaa" 7:80 p. ., by A. I Johoatoa. lhlrdVaoontiTer aana and Kaott etraat; Baf. a. at. Bllaa. paator. iiuada araool. 10 a. m.i prca'hliic at 11 a. m. aud T;W p. w by Kranifellat H. Wyaa Jonea. KlKlilaoid alberta and elitk atraata SarvWe at -J. M aud I;W p. at.. BomUr acboul, : p. m. SUwood Taooma and Blaaentb streete: Bar. Gaorira A. tears. Sunday school, 10 S. praarolns. 11 a. at., a ad T:0 e. bv talarj Eaat EluhU and Ormnt atraeUJ Kav. A. La wren r Black. Blbla aeuoal, 10 a. BV preaehuig at 11 a. at. and T;0 p. av laimaaaal Reeoad and Maade atreatst Bav Oaoraa W, QrUXIa. Praacblaa at 11 a. m. aad Oraca-liontamaT.'nmaTTMtarrTt serrleas at 10 a. m. and t:so p. m. i lopica, momlD(, "Ths Drrlne frMance and the Or eat Temptation"; srmtns, "tlow to tie Strong In ChrlaUaa Charactar." ' . . Oantral Eaal Twentieth end Aakanr atraataj W. T. Jordan. At 10:30 a. as. 0. A. Weoddr will epeak oa "Homa at laalona'N Yoonf ra- la'a Diectlnc, .o0 p. m.; Sunday aehool at I as. TO p. ., evaacallatlc eerrloe. UnlTeratty f ark RT. A. B. Walts. Soaday achool at 10 a. m. worehlp at 11 a. , aei aubleet. "Wltn a. x. r. u., v:o p. I evening service, , T:80 a'clecnV "The Great Trafady." . rirat The White Temple, eoraar Twelfth aad Tawta ateaete. M. . J. Wliitmmb UnmCD. D. D., paator. Prayer tnoetlnf for personal worker, 10 a. a.i aMrutns worahlp,- 10:110 o'clock. The Triumphant tkriar'i Bioie acaooi, H:10 p. an.) B. X. P. U. aerrlrea. e lojp. n. pnpahir- eTcnlna- aenrtca,' T:30 e'elock, Thtoga Voe Han Lammed rtam Kobla Ueo and Women Outaids the Blbla." The Templa qoartat aad choir will render apeclal sinale. Lenta At Baaldeuca ot Willi BJ Kaaelaad. Ninth aranua. Addraaa at 140 p. m. by A. L. lnl.n.tM . , Barter -Street Between . Twaaty-Srat aad Twantyaoood a treat a. gaaday achool. I p. a.j preachlnt at 7:30 p. n. by Bev. Joha Baatatae, 'The L'npardonakla 81b." - ' . ' annnjalde 11M Fiat Balmoa street, et boete at Mra. BUjby., Addraaa at S. . by Bav. . 0. Laphaut. . . '' Bt. iohas . A. Laeaard. paator. krneday achool, 10 a. aa.; aenuon. 11 a. .; . a. I. tJ.. 0:80 p. ra.i aanuon. T:B0 P. . . , Chlnaaa allaaW-b2 Oak e treat. Bandar school, Ik a praachlng la Chinas. Ik rirat Oeraua fourth aad Mill atraets; Bav. t. Kratt, paator. Bnaday achool. . ! freechlBC, 11 a, tn. Xsuag feople a psastlna, p. aa. I svaalng preaching. T:S0 a' clock. Bacoai Gertuaa MorrU atrset and Bodney avsnaei Rev. T. Bueermann, pator. Bandar arbost, a. si. preaching, 11 a. Xouac Paopla'a ataetlsg. T p. n-i eraniag preaehuig, t:W a. s. -- '. ' . , ... yBZBBYTXBlAsT. Mlapah East Thirteenth sad Pewali atreeta; Bav. J aroma E. McOlade. 1. D. Beroaoa at 10:30 a. si. ' Calvary Clsmth aad Clay atreau;- Baf. Baa-Kara Btllea Bly Jr.,,D. U. BeTTicea, 10:M a. av aad 1:30 p. a.' Sunday school, IB au goertb rirat and dlbbs atreeta; Bav. Joha B. Wales. Barvlosa at 10:0 a. su, Battkt siaota for the Boor'j T:0 p. su. The Blf aldcance et the Crcaaf ' Busday achool, II m.) X. V. 8. O. B., S:oO p. m. Hawthorns-Park Twelfth aad Kaet Taylor atrssui He,. B. Nelson Alias. Bandar .school. U m.i ersschinr, W:ttO a. m.f semoa t t:S0 p. a. S. P. 8. 0. .. : p. aa. yartaa Bcllwood atrset aad Oaateabsia are mat Bsv. Harry 11. Pratt. Preachlug, 11 a. as. aad T:80 p. SLI Bunday school. 10 a. sa. Cbrlatlaa Badeaeor. S:W p. si. ' ' - Pledarant Clsvelaad avtaae and J strati trsstl Be. L. llyraa Booser. Preaching at U a. aad 7:0 p. aa.; Besday school. 12:13 9 Wsstmlnater Kaet Tenth and Waldlar atreeta Bev. Henry U atareotta. Ssrrteae at 11 a. am, aad T:80 p. m.; Sunday school. 12:80 p. m. X. P. 8. C. B., 0:80 p. . rirat TwaUtk and Alder atreeta; Bev. WU Dam Hiram (cm Ikes. At 10:80 S. Di, 'Ths Expectant Cbrlsfl T:50 p. aa, Baal Thirst tor Ood. ..-.!. - rolu Bav. A. H BarltBoldar. . Bnaday school at 11 a- m.i Cbrlatlaa Knssror, T p. as., servicer T:s8 p. aa. : ' '' .' afarahall-Strest Marshall and Korth asva tesath arrests ! Ba. O. . Haya. Bandar aoboal, 10 a. a4 praaeblag, 11 a. aad 1:10, s, at.; X. P. B. O. E.. e:e p. as. lioant Tabor Belmont snd Pratlyamaa Bev. Edward M. Baarp. Servleae at 11 a. and T:80 p. Bs. - Anahel Rev. Oae.- W.- Arsss, Jr. Snnday achooL 10:80 a. su; preaching, 11:80 a. a Bellwoed Corner Baat SeTenteratb aad Bpe kaee arenas: Bev. D. A. Tbompaoa. paator. Sabbath school. 10 a. m-1 swrrteaa at U a. m. and 7:80 p, si. Thirds aat Thirteenth sad Pins streets: Bev. Andrew t. Montgomery, pastor. Services at 10:80 a. as. end 7:s p. m, "Habits snd Don Ma." ' - Vernon Cast Twentieth aad Wygant. Freeea Ing at It a at. snd 7:80 p. aa. by Bev. a. A. Blslr; Bnnday achool. Urn. liontavllla Odd rsllosrs hall; Bev. I. A. P. MeGaa. tMnnay achool at 10 a. m.t preaching aarvlees at U a.-as. and 7:80 a. aa. . t r isooAaV. i Pro-Cathedral of Be. Btapbea the MsrtrT Tbtrtseatb and Clay atreeta; Bev. U. U. Bsa. aay, vicar. Holy eommaniaa, r:so a. m.i Bua- dar acnoot. v:ao a. ss. St. David'e Eaat Twelfth and Belmoat streets; Rector. Bsv. George B. Vaa Waters, D, O. Holy oom m union. 8 si aM aenltaa at i s. ss.. Bt. Bev. Char las Bcaddlns. blshon of Oragoa, will administer the rights ef com punction; sserore oa saemu mum isiej WarfsaBdsv avaabur at 8 o'clock. Monday. yeast of the Annaaeiatloa ef the Biassed Virgin Mary ; holy eeamonloa at 10 a. m.; evensong st 4 o'clock. Tuesday aad Wednesday, boly eommttnloa it 10 . a, Wednesday evening e a n sa leetnra bv ths Mshon. Ulnatrated with stereopttcoa vhtwe, ea "Americsa Church H la tary. Tharaaay, noiy onaiumi icoorsu, in . , a o'clock. Good rrtdsv. mJ antahornman1on It I I. m. : VThS-1 Three Honrs- verotion, is n. w y. aveneoas. 7:80 e'elock. Baste erasing, sate- eemmenlon, 10 a. m. svaaanng. 4 e'elock. su siainta Twvatr second and Bead streets. Bnndsy achool. 10 a. m.t evening aerviea, 7:30 o'clock. Blenop ocauaing win preacn. 7 gt. Msrk'a Nlnetseatb aad Vrlehy streets; R... X. E. H. Blmneoa. Holy eommanloa. 8 a. m.i Suaday achool, 10 s. m-S blaming of palms and boljraotamunloa, 11 a. svi evensong, T:80 ""st. Aadrew'sBivaralty park; Itevi W. B, Powell, sarvles aad aermoa, 7:80 p. m.; Sun day school. 8 p. m. Bible elase, f p. a. Good fUiepberd Pellwood street ead Tarn Alblna: Bev. Jobs Daweon. Boly communion, S a. m. Sunday achool, 8:U s. m.; sal aitea as ta a. na. , .ew f- St John's Memerlsl Sellweod; Bav. W. B. Powell. Banday school, 10 a. m. S eermoif, 11 a. m.; Sunday school. 8:48 a. nr. Daring hole week eervlces at S a. m. en Tnesrlay and Tharadsy; st 10 a. m. ea Wednesday aad 'm.B.mfm Wnerlmere! A. L. Parker. .. lay rsadsr la char as. Berrnoa, 11 a. m.t service of song, 8:80 p. m.; during lent. Friday at S:o p. m. , . - i Trinity Cbnrcb KlaetaeBta,-' sad Bvarett atreeta Holy eommunloa at 8 a. m. I Boadsy achool, B:4S a. " i morning prayer and ante commnnloa aervtre at II e'elock; evening prayer and addraaa at 7:80 o'clock, tne rector. A, A. Morrison, Ph.D., Will preach at the morning service and Rev. F. C Williams et the evening eervtee. Daring ths week there will be evening prayer to the chapel at 4 o'clock every day except Friday and Saturday. Sir Matthew a First aad Ceratbere etreete; Bev. W. A. M. Brock la eherge. Holy corn mnaloa at 7:80 e. m.1 Seaday achool. 8:40 a. m.1 aarvlees at 11 a- end TjSOp. m. n,. r-hnrch nf One Ssvlor Woonetock. 8 ices every Bnaday at 11 a. m.1 Bands school, io s. -- - t' - , btxtkosisx. v.. ' Tsrler -Street Dr. . Fraacbi Rnrgette Short. Cusses. 0:80 a. m.t aermoa. 10:30 a, Ss.. by Ber. Josep Bolllngshesd, auhiect- "Uoo Mlndfnl of Mrs"! Banday school. 1:1B P M Frwortt tmrnm. S:0 p. -vi st 7:80 p. i., aermoa oy major Two African Klnge." ' ' Bcllwood fifteen i h and Taroma tresta; Bev. A. D. Vagnev. Sunday echooi, 10 a. as. 1 nreaehlne. I I. m.. by Ms tor O. H. Behoof; class' meeting, 13:18 pi Junior ktegas, :M m.; Bpwortb Metne, in p. m. aarwm, do p. at. Snnnysids Kaet Tamhllt afreet, between Baat Thlrty.fifth aad Thlrty-aUth atreeta! T. B. rord, pssror, rrsaesmg, a a. aa. mm i . p. m. j Sunday ernooi, li a. aa. , eises ssswune;, 13:18 P. m.; Junior league. 8 p. m. Grace Twelfth and Taylor atreets. Clarence True Wilson, D. D. Serrlcea at 10:80 a. ss., topic, "Ths Barren Fig Tree," and at 7:80 ta.; niinoay ecnuot as a , ifiiwi. ague, 6:30 p. m. Lsurelwood Chariea It. wooiny, paator. . ai 10 a. m.. Buaday school; 11 a. m.. sermon; 18:18 P. St.. elsaa sheeting; I a. a, Bpwoetb Uesgna; t:v dj m rerricsa. St. John's r. I,. Vormg, paabW. Sunday school, 10 a. ra.; preacbliig. 11 a. m. aad 7:30 p. m t Bwwerth Leagne.. 8 80 p. m. . rpworio -irriug sua iweni-iuiru, sj, r. Brrsnl. psatof. Preaching: at 11 a. as. aad t:8" p. m. j Trinity t orasr ar .sai J en is ana vans, 'wis I. Smith, pastor. Bnndsy school, id a Lew It m.i sermon, 1 1 a. anhject. "Miracle et Dlrlne Muitlplleatloa,'' , sad Io p. svt a t Epwortk Uasea, B-tXJ p. BU, Centensrjr ninth and Pins, W. B. Happa, psator. a. m. snd T an p. m. Csutral Klrhr and Kuasell, . t. Aobatt. p.u.r. Preaching at lo.HO a. at. by Hav L l. Lirlrer. and at T HO p. as. by Bev, W. B. Holilngahrad; Epwortk league. 0:110 p. su.; Bund, j achool at IS Si. (Ulnes allaalus L'haa ting ' Kai,, asstor. Pres.-lilug. U a. ta. and T:SO o. SB. Lenta W. K. Ingslls, pastor. Praacblag St 11 a. tn. and T:W p. m. VI cm U rill a Oregon and Bobbard, Bf Obarg, ps.ior.- Preschlng 11 a. m. aad T:80 p. m. Mount Tasor James Moors, pastor. Preach, lug at 11 a. at. and 1:80 p, as. Ps t ton Mich Igaa avenus. and Carpenter, If, T. Wlra, paaiuf. , rraachlag at 11 a. aa. aad T SO p. a. ,. - VaacotiTar Arsaue Praachlng it 11 t, a and 7:80 p. aa. Voodlawa a. H. Dew art, paator. iPrssehisg a, 11 a. m. and 7:110 p. as. Woodstock W. T. Kerr, paator. r ranching at 11 a. a. and 7. 0 p. an. Korweglaa-DauUb Thirteenth and Davts, C. I. Laraen, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. Bk aad 1:80 p. ra. SwedLb Borthwlck aad Beech. Bav.' John, aoa, pastor. Prssching at 11 a. av. aad I:M P- BJ. I rirat Oermam rirtsmrh mmA a. A. Wsasa, pastor. Preachlijg at 11 a. as. aad FJE Hscoad flarmsni StsnSfMt eS aefteea- W n. afasa, paator. . Prssching at 11 a. at. and T:aO p. m. . Japaasaa Mission m ' Worth " Flfteaatb. Prssching at 11 a, as. and T0 p. at. ' 00B0KXOATT0WAI. ' .' ' Cnlveralty Para Arttaaaa' Uaipla: Bav. D. B. Uray. Barnoa at 11 a. a. tiuaday school at 10 a. m. Mlsslaalppi-Avaaue Mlsslaalpnl , arenas ' and r re moot atrset; Her. William L. Upshsw. Sun. dsy achool, 10 a. aa.) seriooa, 11 a. m.. "Our Ulsrh Calling"; Carlatlaa Endesror, :80 p. m.; Mrmoo. 7:80 p. m., "What Pota It Maes to Be Bora Agalnr Sunnyside Corner of Bast Taylor aad East iiurti-iria streets) use. 4. i. Btaub. pastor. Morning aarrlcea at 11 a'clock, "Chrlat'a Trt anipual Entry" ; srenlng aarrlce, 7:30 e'elock, "How to DeUcf tbs True Curlstlan" Sunday ""' a. ss, aaparratenoaat, a. U. Pier; eunlnr Christ Isa Endear., 8 p. as.. - Laurslwood Arista Ball; Bsv. is, B. Gray. Sunday achool, 10 a. .; T. P. B. C B 80 p. m. ; aennoB at 7 :80 p. at. Haass lo-8trt Baat Elevantb and Haass lo; Paul Usdsr, pastor. aWrtosa at 10:80 a. as. and 7:S p. m.; Soaday school, IS ai.; Cbtrkrtiaa BndeaTor. :S First Madison and Park; Bav. Daniel Stavsr. aasUUat pastor. Morauig sermon br Bar. a r. Clapp, "A Coon try Work Bavtng." 10:84 o'clock; erenlng sermon, T:80 o'clock. "Tha Baward et Houl Winning"; Sundae school. IS: 18 p. m.i T..P. 8. C. B S:80 p. m. Hlghlann Bsst BUtb street Borth aad Pres. eott; Bsv. E. S. BoQiagsr. Sasday achool, 10 a. nj.l morning sereic. 11 e'elock. "Vtsjoa and Enthnslaaaa"l Janlor Endeavor. 8 p. ai.l X. P. 8. C. .. S:M p. at.; srvnlns- sen lea, T:80 o'clock, "Opaa Poors tor the -King." i:' .'a.".' CHalBTIAB'. .-' ' ' f ;. Central Baat Twentieth aad Baat Salmon atraets; Bev. J. T. tihorulay. D. P. At 10:48 a. n.. preaching, "Tha Eternal fitness et Things"; Sunday achool,' 13 m.; Senior In dearor, 0:8O s. m.i at 7:41 a. m., sermon. BodneyAvanae Rodaey arenas and Keott etieet: Rev. P. Blma Bablnaoa.- At 0:4(1 a. si., Blbla achool; 11 a. at., earmoa; 0:48 p. m.. T. P. 8. O. B.1 7:80 p. ss., ssrmoe, "Tha Peril at Proeraattnatioa.'' - . . Mooat Scott SerTlcra In tail at Sera Park. 0 p. m t Sunday school. 8:80 p. ss. " WoodlawB Saadsy school. IA a. SLI pessea lag. 11 a. m.i Cbrlatlaa Endeavor, f p. as. serrlrea at 0 p. m. First Corner Park and Colambla atreeta; Bav. B. 8. Mucklcj, minister. At 10:80 a. m.. The Mystery Among tha Gentiles"; 7:80 p, m.. "Ths Psonla Whs Da No H.rrn", RlhU a cbool.. 12 avf Cbrlatlaa. Jlndsasor,-S:0 a, at. Adrsnt Heonnd street, betweea Hall and Ltnenla. Services at 11:80 a. an. and a. m. by Bev. H. 8. Rtartevant; Bun day school, 10:80 at.; j. r. as. at i a, as. - ItrTHZBAaT, Bwedlsh Tmmaaeel Nineteenth end trvtng atreeta. Berrleea. II a. aa. aad B, as.; Sunday achool, B:4S a. St. Norweriaa Synod East Tantb and Brant atreeta, Bev, O. Hagoaa. Bandar achool. 8:80 a. m.; ssrrloes at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. X. P. S. meets Tharadsy erenlng at 8:111 e'elock. Beteala Danish llnlon arenne and Mnrrla street; Bav. Csdmnnd OrtlL Senday school. ix:io p. as.: saaaay aerviea. 11 a. aa, aad 8 "a . ... bu Janrea" Engnan west rare ana Jerree. sob atreeta, I. Allea Lees, pastor. Seniles at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.i Lot her Issrua. 7 p. ra.; aondsy school at 10 a. aa St. Paal'a Osrmsn Bast Twelfth and tftnfaw, atreeta; A. Kranse. pastor. Morning aerrlce. 10:30 e Clock; ercning service.., T :80 e 'clock; sanaar scooot v:ou a. ss. - St. Johns Penmsalar seen OS and KiTpatrVfe atrset; C, Buecben. pastor. Berrleea at 10:S a. m., Germsa; T;B0 p. m Eagusb; Banday acooot, w.mi a. as. , . '- - UB1TIS yTAitorxiiAL. rhrst Oomer Bsst Tenth aad rThermaa atrssrs. Bev. A. A. Winter, Sender achool, ) s. m.i nreacbing at 11 a. U. and 7:R0 p. si. br Rev. H. U Pratt; a. u, ef C. JS. me tins,. tM p. m. - Secrmel rarge aad Berby atreeta; Bev. J. Bewaraoa. At rao p. , s.; Banday school at II a, m.i il. u. v. ., i p. ak Bt. lobe's Its shoe and John everts; Bee. B. B. Mc victor, srmosy. echooi, to a. m l nreacbing. 11 a. m.; J. K. C. B-. 1:80 a. m.i t K. Ia.1V BV 8 80 p. st. areachlsg. 1M p. ra. Ockley Green Rev. . TMrlne. peetor. At II a. m. aad 7:80 p. m sal !: Bnaday school sr lit a. m.i a. s u. st. av o :m p. at. star Frsnk Phelna- will nrssch at 11 a si Memorial East Elrhteenth and Ttbbetts: L. C. Hoorer. pastor. Preaching at 11 a. st. and B p. m.; rnnoiT ecnooi, ju a. m.; loang Pee. pie a ssevuaa. r p. m, x.'. ,. $ i,iToixiaTs. ;'.' Ths First wnirlrnal rVKetr Artrasns' hafl. Ablngtnn tmildlna. Third etreet, near Wash rssr- toa. wuson rrttca. r-a.l)., si Bosom, alaaes. ehaaetts. win lecture at 11 a. n. oa "What te Oodr and at 7:45 n, m. oa "The Lew of Spirit Communication," followed by Mrs. Drew (moraine! ana Mra. Myaoids event ne). iat. eenm at 12:80 s. as. W. O. W. Hall. Eleventh street. Betweea Waehlngtoa and Alder, under the susnlces of lke.MlntstestUsffMl W.MliiH,1 SnMtw.H,, mM- elation. Bev. Dr. Dickey will lecture en the enhject. "The story ot the nood and Jonah aad the Whale. servicaa com me ace at 7:80. '.'' ?" " ryABGEtlCAt ABBOCTATTOir. " First Engllsb East Birth and Market streets; a. a. niewen, pasior. rresrnmg ai u a. m. and T:4B p. as.; mtnaay acneni at IO a. m.; Xonng Pecls'sllsnce at 8:48 p. m. Theodore Sena osr. pastor. Banday aehool at 8:80 a. m. : eermon. 10:45 e. , m. and 7:48 p. m.t r. a., i p. aa. w . . jJL-. ' . Tvrrxn pbxsbttkbiaw. Cbarck et the Btrsngere Wssco etreet sad Oraad a Tense; Bee. 8. Sari PsIVris. Mornlna aerviea. 10:48 e'elock. with eerssoal Baaday school,-IS m.i sermon. 7:80 p. m. rtret Slvth end Montgomery streets; Rev. A. W. Wllaoa. Mornlna esrmoB. 10:80 a, m. Ssnday echooi, M svi serssoa, 7.80 p, ss. VBITED BBZTBaZaT XV CUB(BT. Pint Eaat rifteentb end Morrhna streets; Bav. H. C Shaffer. Bible achool at 10 a. m. sermon at 11 a. m. aermoa at T:8S p. am.; X. P. S. O. B., t a. m. Badleal Slitb and Ueebaale atreeta; Rev, ft P. aUaachanL Sunday school. 10 a. m. sermon, 11 a. m. sad 7:30 p. m. , .-' " saeam-eweas '''.."' ' "'"' V - ..-.; .'.....:.;.; y, M. C A, T. K. C A. eorner Pvsrrrh and TamblTI itreets. Greater mea'a sssstlng st 8 p. as. Orchestral and vocal moale. Bev. I. D. Driver will apeak ea .-Marriage, aaa uieoreo." eraep classes aad fellowship tancbeoa. All ' men Invited.; ,-, ' , ;. t , .. r ::- '' CHBISTIAB ' ortsTCB, ' rirat Cbarck ef Christ. Scientist BeorHah Rita cathedral. Morriana aad Lowaadale atreeta. Dr.Brouflher '.- B7JNDAT AT THB i While Temple Twelfth and Taylor Btreets. ' . . vtao a. x.. ... x Tbe, TrInmp!ianl Chrtsf . Palm Sunday Iduslo aad Serrloa. Christian Science Letters A'n swereo). .' TiSO r. XC . . "FIGHTING TCE EllES" .."v. or -; .. ;'-- Tha Strogfle with Doubt, De spondency ' and Despair. BOX.OB, QUAJBTBT AJTO CX0BVS Miss Lawler. Mrs. Walter Reed, Mr. Roblneon and Mr. Belcher . Bins. aTTXXTBOOT WXXOOata. , ' class atestlng, 13.1S p, "Ji Contmrpatlv Cuatodlan" SAVCiGS BAKK 4 Per Cent OPEN For the convenience o! Ju. customers. jmJatxirr day evenings from 6 to 8 114 Second St. ' Corner iVashiastoa ' PORTLAND, OR. Cal yary Presbyterian ; Church v RaTv-. B. B. S. tXT JR. D. D, :' f i raator., Kcv.Howard Agncw Johnston D. D. .' 9W MMW TO: Will preach at 10:1 a. m. tomor ' At T:tO p. m. ths pastor will deliver. tha fourth Bunyan lao , turo on THS WICKET OATB AND ' THB HOTJ8E OT IN TEKPBETER." , 'v ; Set i Use at 11 a. m. sad p. si- sabjeet, "Beauty"; Baaday achool at close et morning aarTlce. Wednesday erenlng, 8 O'clock. Second Church at Christ, aVtenUst Elks' temple. Stark aad Seventh atreeta. Swaday eerrloee at II a. m. aad 8 p. s eubteet, "Beauty"; Sunday achool, 11 a. bu Wedoaa. day sieatlng, S p. Bs. " ---v"- ITBTTABIAst. '"' V . X Chares ef Osr pathsr Corner of TeataiTI aad Savasjta strsetsl Ks. w. O. Bltsc Jr.. mrskv tart Bev. T. t.. Bitot, t. D aalnlatar amarlt . Servless at II a. as., "Mas and Church ) or ths Cost of Progress"; Bandar achool. 0:45 a. as.; kindergarten, 11 a. aa. 1 adult class, 11:80 p. at.) X. P. F., 0:80 p. su Biles Ions rlea from China, will bave eaarge ef the am rites both swralBS sad evening. They are ea then? return trio te Chins, it will ba a general missionary day. All Friends of tha city eepedally fesvltad. Lewis 1. Uadley, paator. ..'' 'V'V TaTtTRsALIR.' ' , - Chtrrcti of the Good Ttdlnve Esst Caeeh end Baat Klghtk atreeta; Rev. J. D. Oerbv, mrale. tar. Sunday school at IS aa. preaehuig, 10:48 a. be.. "The vaioe ef Baa uette attar liaye far People Who Work Hard." CHBISTIA ABB MIbSIOBABT ALUARCZ. The Carlatlaa aad Missionary Alllaace Slith and Mala etreata; Bev. C D. Saw tails, super intendent. Prssching at 10:80 a. m-t Baaday achool. 13:18 p. m-l Xoung People's aervlcs at S Bw BS. e , " . D1V1SE TRUTH CZRTXJL Ball 801, AUsky bonding; T. M. Mlnard. At 11 a. a. A. A. Uadsay, M. D., will give aa addrees ea "Tbs Chemistry aad pay cholegy ef the Eosotlons"; SujuU aoboal at 13 BU OKmCK 0 ITEST 0RB. ' '' ' . ' Drew hall, 103 Sscoad street, st 7:80 o'clock. Rev. R. B. Coos will lectnre, . "What Baa Splritnallam Done te finllgbtea the World," followed by spiritual mssssges. . , RTXTR0OIST. BOVTat ' rtraslTlM Bscead atrset. Foresters' hall; Rev. B. H. Mow re. Sondar ecbeoL 10 a. aat Bpwerth Leagaa, 8:10 p. m. prseebag, li a. aa. ssd 7:80 p. Si. .... . First Osrmaa Tssth aad Star atreeta: Rev. S. Hefner. Servloea .st 10:48 a. at. sad 8 J. m. i. r. a. u. a, i a, m.; soaoay acbeal, :80 a. St. . ,. ; . : BWTDEBbOBGIAJI. Raw ' Chirr eb Society Eleventh and Aide etreata; Bev. Btram roaansa. Swiliaa at 11 e. au, "Wsat is BaUgisar'; swaday acaeel. IS B. Bs.. - . ... ' lATTZB-SAT lIsTTB. Hair 400 A 1 lake belldteg. Third ssd Morrison. Services at 11 ae a. as. ana I p. as.; Soaday acbool. 10 a. as. iaixx3rsTXAX. tuvw. At O. A. R. hall, aertheaet ee aad Mstrison streete. . Services et 8.80 a, m. FISH, WHISKEY, HEAT . ALL DAMAGED AT 01E Fir Breaks Out In Rear of Hut Saloon ' on . Fourth ; Street. Flrebroke out ta the rear of tho Hut saloon, on Fourth street, between Alder and Morrison, Just before S o'clock this morning, and -was not under control until SO minutes ' later. Patrolmen Phillips and Bales were standbier at the corner Of Fourth and Morrison streets when they saw smoke Issuing from tho front- ef the bttlldlne.-njtd 1m rood lately turned in an alarm. The blase waa quickly communicated to tho part of tho bulldlnej occupied by Johss' meat market and Mace's flab and poultry stand. Af. J. Jonee, who owns tho bulldlns, estimatea tho demasa to It at from. 11,008 to 11.600. Tha damace to his meat market ho plaoes at about 1S0O. Tho fish, fruit and poultry stock of M. C Mac waa damased to the amount of probably Itoo. Frasll a Co. fix tho damace to't&eir stock of liquors, clears and bar f Ixturee at 11.080. The! cause of tho fire has not been as certained. Tho employes of the meat and fish market asert that nd firs waa In that part ef tho batldinr when tho place was clossd last night. Tho heavl est damage to tho building la la tho at tic over tho rear of tha Hut saloon. The building Is one of tho oldest in Port land, having been built aa a parsonage for the old Baptist church which stood whsro the Honeyman Hardware com pany's building Is, nearly 40 -years ago. The principal damage to ins stocks or goods and fixtures waa caused by water. Milwaukle Country Club.' ' Ksstern and California laeaa. Take Sell wood and Oregon City ears at Viret and Alder. - , , Mauser flts your eyes for It, tit Sixth street, near Washington, Gives More Liglii at-i m t r v r nr r t i.iivmgn.L,n ILlectric ', - This new Iins of High Candlo-Powsr Laoips signalises an im portant development la the use of electric light and marks a notable advance la the betterment of tllutnlaatioa. Tho actual gain is 20 per cent better efficiency than is st -present obtained , from the hlghest-efflclencw iacandeacent lamps,' . CIsli EHIdency lsp IVKh Clslrlistlng Ecncclor ' Appreciatinf the great fain in lighting secured by the use of proper reflectors, there has been designed for use with the new lamp n special line of Holophane Pagoda Shades, which form a .' brilliant and highly' effectiTe lighting combination. . ' Two forms of reflectors are provided thr distributing or "D form, which is shown above, and which Is recommended where' . wide areas are to be illuminated, and the concentrating or "C form, of reflector, which ia admirably adapted for use in show-window lighting or wherever a concentration of light is desirable. V . . .The GEM Lamp, with its Holophane Glass Reflector, merits the attention of storekeepers and all those Interested In the improvement .- vof lighttaf fadlkiea.' :;-v r:s:;:': . ' ; On exhibition at our Supply Department, 147-149 Seventh street. CALL TELEPHONE MAIN 6688 FOR INFORMATION.. Portland Railway, - Light & Power Co. first and Alder Sts. aUKTSianJrTaV I ark and ' ear It l THC8TPIS ' WassUngtaa UtlUU 1 UUIl rsi. utn A , IA8T TDCB tOirxeXt. . ROBSIXa' SV0TT ' la X, M. Barrie'e Cosssdy-Drsma, . , . sxjcz arc bt thb xtrx." yreeatns Piltee Lower Floor, 10 rows, tl.80; last 8 rows, 1; Baloasy. l. 78a, sue; OaUary, sec, aoe. t BAKER THEATRE STSSS;- Heme ef the raabJoaahie Baker isearxe a coca T Compsny. . ' tAST TlkfB TONIOHT, S:IS 0CtKnC le The Oreat Angle-India MIlltaryDraaia, "BSVaVBSua wa iu aiiin. Stage' tJnoer Dlrectlos Mr. Arthur Mach-hrT. ' rirat lime Is Pertbead. Immeaes Baat era suoeeea. oeuui s enn so unv.. Bvenmg Prleea, We. See, JOc. Met,J8c. 8e. 'AS A BLAX BOWS." sfsas wees, Ota 8B4 EMPIRE THEATRE rtWBt afala B7 Btutoa w. ' - ' Only Kaarera Read Attracrleaav " Last Tims Toslgri t the Seeeie Bad Hinaetlonsl Comedy- Drams. " kibo or num." - Regalar Itetntre Peerabv Prleea. , Rest Attract Ion, StarHag Toasevrew stitraaa "A OOWROrS 8HU-" ' The Grand Weak stank IA aadeviOa s tase. tiaa Smith OWa, nv Jeha M., Osesar, Deaay. Chase aad Adair, Run aad Kra. Walter X. Beeves 0a. fa "Marry THE STAR SrS Tbs Alba ateok Ooaspaay rressats ' DESERTED AT THE ALTAR e iir. Fbrtaa Rrseslsv. afstlnee Taeeday. narsrlay, Salidey aad laday at S:80 a. eh. Prtoss Ue is) . rsrr svasmg st 8:18. Frlcee lOe, S0e aad Sue, eserva seats by phone. MaJa Ma, ail par. Grand Central Hotel " Isaaraaetlaa atsrset. Talk sad VetUts. , BAV fRAVCISOO. OALZT. A sjodera hostslrv. coats In Irnr SOS sarbrMs 88 prtvata bathe, telephone a saca rooas, visum aeai, ess. .. NowOpenforGuests Reraoaea . Plea.- . ', Rates ' ; ' aiga Warrea Reeper, Prep. ' reraserly proprietor Tbs Occidental Hotel. 170'.1AH A SPECIALTY MRS. 8. Km CHAIN Ths sal Oblseas siaii msdlosl doctor ha this el'y. She baa cared sssny afflicted en free re. Cared private aad remals la, sine asthma, thesat aad ha Kg trrmolee: atorsaoh. aladdee and kidney and dleeassa ef all ktada that the hemae flesh la hour as. Cared by t uineee sefe and roots, stemediea hsrmleea, he eore I tons. I ' ',t tr-.tmeat. 1 A.AT.V.'4 rais. tat Cir bireet. istsw laird. L ' . o lciency Lamp WRITE YOUR EjUTERN FRIENDS toCOMt WEST via SPECIAL LOW COLONIST RATES xrtUsTO aXAJsCa AJTO ATa, From Bt Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth. . Omaha, St. Joseph. Kanens City 'j snd other Missouri river points to Portland and Ashland. Or., and in termediate points sa&oo From St. Louis to Portland. Ash land. Or., and intermediate ' points . SStVOO From Chicago to Portland. Ashland. : Or, and intermediate points 834.00 8Imilar low ratss from other oast am points to the west. Send mo full - name and addrees Of your relatlvee nr friends in the east that are thinking of coming to the Pcclflo Northwest, and I will have them furnished with literature and full Information, or if you wish to psy tho fare of any one. the money can be depoelted with any agent of tho Northern Pacific Rail way and tickets will be promptly furnlehed. - For ear additional Informal lea wanted, call oa or address A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent, SOS Wsrrtsoa St, Ootv Third. Portlaad, Or. TEa Portland 1 PORTIeANIX ORCOOIC v -EUROPEAN rUAN ONLY HRADQTJ A RTFRaj rOR TOURISTS ANX CO MMr, HCLAIe . , ...... TRAVALJeKa, ... rverytrilng to eat and drtak, Sad it eoeta no more la tho rorllan Hotel Rsdisksaar than elsewhere la the city, stvery weekday nlgbt from 8:18 to It. . at, & BOm Btasaeae. (tllli mm