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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENTNO. MARCH 23, 1907.' CHURCH FEDERATION EXPERIMENT THAT SUCCEEDED AT SUNNYSIDE FOalTlAIIffS mi DEaTAnniniT 5TCHE - 1 1 None but Good Results for Com V. munlty and Prosperity ; " fro Churches. .'' DLANDD SEGREGATED IN LETTER ' V BUT UNITED IN SPIRIT ' Three ot Six Denominations, Once Weak, Now Withdraw, but Only T ' Because' 0f6flcf4tloirrTTnWleld- . V - ' : -it- ? - lnees Through Growth. ' 7Hint iL0c oh YAMJiiu.rROH 2nd to jRaJ MA mmmmmmmmm V-,- ' Be" Rev. Charles H. Porter. 1 ' ' What was possibly on of the most unique church organisations in in woria ' hu just passed Into history, and the Federated church at' Bunnyside, Wash f lngtsn. la a thins of the past. The final dissolution meeting was held ' ' In th Federated church oa the night of ,v March It. 1(07. Addresses were mad thy minister and laymen setting forth the history,' growth, and" Influence Of . th organisation, and giving aa account - " of what led up to Its formation. ' - While it had an . exlstenoe of about six years, yet It had a moat-salutary effect In breaking down sectarian preju- ' die and ta drawing to th community a moat deslrab'e olss of cltlsens, both '- morslly and Intellectually, and by v combined and unbroken front, kept th : town ire from those vices and . vll : Influences so manifest la many other communities, especially In th new and i , growing towns of th west. ; Bat Its work Bad Ba Boa. Many, however, felt It had served Its ' day and accomplished Its work, and that th lira had com for separate organ! satiMi; henoe th dissolution,, which be- , , Iran some months ago with th with' . ' drawal of th Methodists, followed later by th Baptist and Christian people; but , wnicn. owins to Its articles of fedara ,' Won, could not be consummated until the latter Urn. .?.,- ; .' Th institution la th result of the surrounding conditions existing at th Urn of its organisation. It grew out y r';'-' -A: Rev. 8. J. Harrison, Chief Promoter v ot the Federated Church at Sun- nyaide, Washington. Federated Church at Bunnyside, Washington, In Which 8U Christian Do- LnpniluaUoBlWorBJtipedorYeaj4n Perfect Harmony. - Rev.' Charles ' H. ' Porter, Pastor -of the M. E. Church at Bunnyside, Washington. " ? It Cf the need for a house of worshp and a ballet on the part of many composing , th- severs! denominations - that they war, not sufficiently ' strong to build separately.' -It seemed th child ef ne cessity, but that necessity hsd vanished with th passing of th conditions that brought It Into- being. .. ; , : . , Methodist th Pioneers. , -' Then th country was new and ther war but few people. r Most of the sur rounding country, and wher th flour ishing town of, Bunnyside now stands, was In wild sere end th coyote and ";-'-.''' tVlBTU ' . snd remember the nest time yon suffer from pain caused by damp weather when your hea: nearly hursts from neu ralgia try Ballard's Snow Liniment It will cure you. A prominent business ' man of Hempstead. Texas, writes: "I hav used your- liniment Previous to using it I wss a great sufferer from Rheumatism snd Neuralgia. I am pleased to say that now I am free from these complaints. I am sure I owe this to your liniment' , Sold by all drug glsta - .... . Jackrabblt were In evidence. Few were th dwellings In th town and few In th country surrounding and th people were - forced to worship In th village aohoolhouae. There were than nine de nominations dividing th time and wor shiping together. .. ... Th Methodists 'had early , sent preacher who organised a class and took It Into th Frosser circuit. Th'Con- a: re Rationalists were also early on th ground, then th Presbyterians,, and la' ter cam th Dunkarfls, Brethren. Bap tists, Christians, Episcopalians and Fro Methodists. .'. - Unsnuoessful Bfforts to Vnit. : Th schoolhouse becoming toe small, was soon realised that they must have a house of worship. This natural ly led to many plana and suggestions. Th people, having had a test of union worship, war not altogether loth to Its continuance. . -, A- -union churca ' was not 'considered advisable, and the Episcopa lian people then mad a proposition that If th others would aid in th erection of an Episcopalian ehurch, all might use it la common- untU dedicated: th Epis copalians . reserving . a , fourth ot th time.'' -.'".'' .-' No satisfactory, working- basis was reaohed. however, and the Episcopalians began th erection of th first church In Sunnvsld. - . About th sam time, however, th Dunkard began th erec tion of their church, and th Free Meth odists built theirs later...... . . . ' rdrettoa Then ngeet, -'--.-V A. federation was then suggested by Rev. 8. J. Harrison.-pastor ot the Breth ren church, who became its ehlet pro moter. This was deemed advisable by many. A number of good men, however, opposed It. : ;, j . In November. 100, .8. J. Harrison called a meeting, th matter was dle oussed and a committee consisting of 8. J. Harrison, . J. K. Laird and Dr. J. R. Harvey was appointed to formulate a written statement of th plan. After much labor they . finally reported. In the spring of 1101. a constitution and by-laws, which were ratified by a ma jority of each of th six denominations federating, namely: Methodist, - Presby terian, Congregationalism Baptist .Breth ren, and - Christian, and thus was launched the "Sunnysld Christian Fed ration with a membership ef IIS. -In the autumn following its organ isation, a ehurch 40x70 feet was built J SXJi ve ;;i;Ft Free To Weak Men Hi Uv..w Jl ' Te the man who wants gain his youth, who wants to feel Ilk he did when he was budding Into manhood, X offer a book ' which will shew him the road te " happiness a book ef one hun dred - pages, which Is brimful of the things he likes to read, which will give him coo rag and " en lighten him aa to th cause and sure of his troubles. It will point ' - : out the pitfalls and guide him safely to a future of strength and vitality. It Is beautifully illustrated. It tells what other men hav suffered and how they - hav cured themselves. It Is free. I will send It closely sealed, without marks. If you will send this i coupon. If you are , not the man yot-ght to be, send for It today. . . Electro-Vigor Dry Cell Body Battery Builds up broken-down men. restores youth and v1 tor and makes men 'look and feel strong. It will cure every ca of Rheumatism. Nervous Pebinty, Weak Stomach. Kidney and Liver Troubles. Lame Back. Sciat ica, Varicocele, Loss of Power and every evidence of weaknee In men and women. It will not fall; it cannot fail, as It Infuses In th weakened parts th force of life and strength. - Send for f This Book To-day Cut out this coupon and mail It te ma .today. X will send you my IsO-page book, together with prjc list, prepaid, free Pont watt a minute, out out the coupon now.' S.A.Hdll,M.D. ' ,13 vuimore sTtreea, ... . abt rmAjroinoa , Pleas eend me, prepaid, your free 100-pag Illustrated book. , :.- i-I-7 ; ' Nam . . . ................ Address ..'.. ...... . TPawBasswaWswBxB "'' "fmm m - 1 ii -! i i - - ; ' at a eost ef 11,100, : and three years later, In order to accommodate th rap Idly growing community, th building Was enlarged to accommodate fully 100 people. This addition was-140 and 11x10. Aside from an enlarged audi torium, this gave three additional rooms for Sunday school. Its present prop erty valuation is between 17.000 and 1,000. -' Tbe conditions ef federation wr such that ne one ef th denomination federating could withdraw within five years ef th Urae of organisation, and than, with - such withdrawing member mnst give a days' notice with a proposition to sell Interest or buy property..: : -v-'S . . 'v ;' - '-:" Tew ef ta rederaUoaw ' . - "A president, vice president secretary and treasurer, elected by , th vote of th entire body, and one ' trustee, and one spiritual adviser elected from each of th denominations, constituted th official of the federation these ware elected annually. ' - - ' mart mam m qitibiuq vk i-iiuo wta uj, i several pastors took their turns at j morning and evening preacmng. ' Jiacn denomination supported Its own pastor and also supported and held Its relation to th general organisation of tne church of which they were a part But the prayer -meeting. Sunday school. Young people's society. Ladies' Aid and I ether work was te he in common and the general expenses war to be met by all. -.:-. v m , i v . From lit members the organisation grew la six years to about (00. The Sunday school numbered about the same and a congregation ot (00 to TOO greet ed th preachers. Bow Tederatloa ef Three. The Methodists will soon begin th erection of a handsome church edi fice. The Baptist will foUow later. The Presbyterians, Congregatiohalists and Brethren' have organised a new federation to expire- In three years. - The - moral tone of the oommunlty Is very high, in ail tne west mere is possibly ne community that will .com pare with Bunnyside In the percentage of people belonging to the church end who attend publlo worship. Few places have such morals' and there has never been a saloon In the town. ' During the writer's pastorate here he does-not remember seeing mora than on drunken man.-"- - . ' Thus th curtain falls on aa organi sation which I believe has been an In strument for much good and the draw ing together ef a eelect class of peo ple, both morally and Intellectually. , That Ever Startled the People of Portland Our Dig Ad in Sunday 's H A V I LAND Monday Morning at 9 Paper Tens the Ut ie tnan the cost of I This Greatest of Particulars EVERYONE At less ' t nan the cost of : ; common cHlna r Soles Begins CAN AFFORD HAVILAND CHINA Think of it, only one fourth and some pieces as low as one fifth price. ' $1 buys $3, $4 and $5 worth. What ever you do, read our great ad of Bankrupt Haviland China in tomorrow's paper, and made arrangements to be here at 9 sharp Monday and get your share of this never-to-be-forgotten bargain. DR. BR0UQHER INTENDS V TO ANSWER CRITICS Dr. Brougher states that he has re ceived a number ef Interesting letters from Christian ' Bolentlsts . this week. Most of them have been -anonymous, but that has not made them any th less Interesting. ' ' Preliminary te his sermon Sundsy morning th doctor will reply to bis critic. - He invites them to be present so that . they can receive his answers - direct, and ' not second hand. V Sunday night he will discuss the Interesting tople '"Fighting the Blues," or - "The Struggle with Doubt, Despon dency and Despair." - Those who are possessed with -'"blue devils" -end most people have . one or more to destroy their happiness can no doubt get some good pointer by bearing the sermon. Th music Sunday at th Whit Tem ple, both morning and evening, will be appropriate to Palm -Sunday. . MAIL ORDER DEMAND FOR SAN CARLOS SEATS Orders by mall for eeate at the Ban Carlos Opera company performance are now being received In quantities by th Helllg management Tuesday night, April S. "La Gloeando" will be given) La Boh erne" will be the bill at the mantne. - Wednesday ' afternoon, snd "Carmen" Wednesday night. Order will be filled as they are received, but season orders take preference ever alngle performance , orders. Letter hould be addressed and cheeks made ?ayable to W. T. Pangle, manager, Hel Ig theatre. ' Bon office sale opens Thursday. March IS. Oa Bseaaslon Broad war Oa Use. Lot 78x100. on - west side ef - East Twenty-fourth street, between Hancock and Tillamook, surrounded by large houses t street extra width and graveled; gas, water, sewer, cement sidewalks, shade trees. Prlo 1,00. ' B. M. Lom bard, corner Twenty-fifth snd Hancock, or room 11. Third and Madison, north east corner. , , , , sale: 'starts at 9 MONDAY The CpoMen Eagle; sale; starts at 9 MONDAY WOULD LABOR LIKE SAILORS Passenger ". Besiege Steamers for Transportation to Points' '- In California. ' LUMBER DROGHERS HAVE ; NO LICENSE FOR TRAFFIC vessel. She has been receiving cargo for the past two month off and on, the delays having been caused by the shortage ef care end consequent Inabil ity to get the necessary grain e the water front. . . ALONO THE WATERFRONT The steamer -ADIanee cleared today for Cooe bay-X; .'-- " The derelict - bark Melanope win be towed from Astoria to Puget sound by the tug Tatoosh. v The steam schooner Thomas I Wand leaves Llnnton this afternoon for San Francisco with a cargo of lumber. ' - The schooner AJvena will load lumber at Stella for San Franc! soo. Sh reached Astoria yesterday. .... The' steam schooner Anrelia cleared at Astoria yesterday- for San Francisco with 610.000 feet of lumber loaded at Vancouver and Rainier. , . The barkentlne Wrestler cleared at Astoria yesterday for Baa Fran ol soo with 4(0,000 feet of lumber. - Colonel 8. W. Roessler, United Statee engineer, returned from a tour of In spection at Celllo falls, where work on the new canal Is going on, - MARINE NOTES Astoria, March JJ. Condition of th bar at I a. m. very rough; wind south; weather cloudy. - ' i Ban Francisco, March 11. Sailed at 1:10 p. aw steamer Colombia, for Peru land. .- .. '. - .. ' ' Astoria,' March 31. Arrived down at :U p. Bk, British steamer Agspanthus. Barkentlne Amaranth arrived off Co lumbia river and was ordered to Puget sound. . Xjost and roeaa. Lost, between t:10 a. m., yesterday and noon today, a bilious attack, with nausea and sick headache This loan was occasioned by finding at the Red Cross Pharmacy a box of Dr. ICIng'a New Life PI 11a Guaranteed for bilious ness, malaria and Jaundice, "bo. Disappointed Travelers v Offer to Work Their War bat Are Turned ; Down by Skippers, Who Do Not Believe la-Taking Cbancee. . - , Charter Day at Berkeley. , feTsMsTsMl PpHt swefw1.l ' Berkeley. Cal March II. Many visi tors of note partlolpated In th charter day exercises today at th University of California. Th principal address was delivered by Dr. Nicholae Murray But ler, president ef Columbia university.- ; QUIT PAWNO RENTj ITS CnEAPBRTOTOTTlD-. Rosc City park - People wanting te go to Baa Fran clsoo are besieging the various steam boat offlcee In hopes ef finding some boat bound south before the sailing ef the regular liner Columbia next week. Many of them hav been marooned her for a number of days by th washouts on th Southern Paeifle and are anxious to continue their Journey. The ateara schooner Redondo left down this morn- In j bound for Monterey with a earge of lumber, but she has no passenger li cense and hence those who applied for paasage were turned away disappointed. Several applicants were willing to work their way If only permitted to come en board and la addition te their service pay the regular fare, Evan this tempting offer was refused, how ever, because tt might have brought th skipper Into trouble with th Inapeciors. The Harriman liner Costa Rloa sailed th ether night with a full Hat of pas sengers and more than 100 war left behind. Th interruption of th train aervlo has thrown all th traffic to th water route and a dosea steamers could be filled with passengers ware they available. . The steamers Columbia, Roenok and F. A. Kllburn are du to arrive here Monday and that will aerv greatly to relieve th situation, aa com bined these three steamer will be able to handle at least too passengsrs. Up to a few month age most of the lumber carrying steam schooners car ried passengers but alnoe freight be came high and profits enormous the business was abandoned In order to save time and space, v , ., CRAFT FINISHES LOADINQ Steamer Armerio Hay 811 for North China Tomorrow. - The British steamer Aymerle shifted from Montgomery dock No. t to the Alblna doc', thle afternoon te finish loading for north China. Sh has only about (0 tons more to take on and will probably get ready to sail tomorrow morning. The Aymrios earge la valued at about IIJS.000 and consist princi pally ef flour. The British steamer Quite shifted from th coal bunkers at Davldge's dock this morning to th Portland Fleurlnt mills where she will load flour for ports In north China, the Quito being ached nled to follow (he Aymerle. Th French bark Aal will finish load ing wheat for Europe next Monday and thereby bring to a close on . of th Jongest stays In th port by a ouartered Nine blocks cast of Twenty-eighth street and Holladay Park Addition l is the place for your ; A:' '""v : ;' " V ''y;A'. 'r AA :::A' -x -':' N and health for vour Familv. IOSblM '..', ' , . w 7 .. . er . . . .. , , .-.'., '. Will have the same high grade improvements as the famous Holladay Park Ad dition, where lots are selling as high as $1,800, where but a few years ago sold for $600 and a purchaser paid all street improvements. In ; Home l&iliiill You can get the same sized lot, same improvements, on. car line and near school, for $400 to $600, improvements paid by us. . One tenth cash, balance monthly pay ments. .' V ;-:"'-V -? , Is close in the city of Portland, the best city on the coast. COME AND TAKE AN AUTO RIDE and see the property and judge for 'yourself..' '.';', '..' ' V,:. .:;'- .' v-.V ;, '.'-. The Title Guarantee and : : AA A- Trust Gompaisy : PHONE Private Exchange 30. ' V : : 240-244 WASHINGTON STREET !'