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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. TOIiTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 13. 1807. Toivn Topics j TOlTiaHT'l AMUSEMEBT. Biker .tilr.,,.. if lie. lU. ..."A Bl-k Sheep" "Lost la No iork" Vsode.llle .'The Pari. fiiwt" . I udf Two rus" George W. Bever, vice-president and manager of Uia Uutte Boys Consolidated Mining company, has rcturnad from Ooldneld, brimming over with enthusi asm In regard to tl prospects of tba properties owned by the company. While In Goldneld Mr. Bever let tha contract for completion of tho frhaft of tba mlna to a depth of another 109 feet, with crosscuts, eta., and, a a the contracture are the gentlemen who dlacovered the property, the work will not be har raaaed by the labor troubles In Gold (laid Jar. Bever report the Butta Boya proa peets surpaselng alt expectations, and la confident that within a. few month ore-wtlt "be-taken from the shaft that will equal any of the great producer of that district, the rlcbeat In gold ever dlacovered. On February of tola year the leases of the Mohawk, a mine' In the a me dlatrlct a the Butte Boya. re ceived from the Selby amelter of San Francleco 6T4,B68.I for two carload of Ita ore. yielding lt.l to the ton. and atandlng beside Mr. Bever, at. the mouth of the Butte Boy abaft, on of the Mohawk leases aald: "Mr. Bever, your showing at thla stage of develop ment la fully a promising a waa our mine when almllar development had been accomplished. -1 - eonalder your proa pecta moat excellent." Assays of quarts brought home by Mr. Bever are being made today, the reault of which will be found In The Sunday Journal. Watch out for thecompany'0 half-page adver tisement, y . ' The Ladles' Auxiliary of Hlbernlana met at their ball In the Alisky building Monday night and received 10 members. Applications for membership were band ed In by lit othera. The contest for a gold medal, for bringing In the largeat - number of -new members was closed, , and Mlos Sallle Madlgan, whe had se cured ft, was awarded the medaL It Is a gold one, given by the chaplain Of the order. Father D. P. Cnrley. A second prise, a gold pin. was given by the presl dent. Mies Marl Chambers, and wai won by Miss Agnes Glnty, who brought -in i. .,-.r... ... f Everything Is - ready for the"blg show," If the papers of Incorporation filed by the Multnomah Club-Third In- fnntrv Circus association with the eoun- : tv recorder this morning make it The capital stock ot the new organisa tion, which was formed for the purpose of giving an Indoor circus at the Third ' regiment Armory In April, - will be ,t2.oo. divided hi to too shares with a value of $10 each. The incorporator were C. E. McDenelL T. N. Dunbar and J. C Muhe. ' ; ' . Tou won't Und - any Caws la the clothes we make, nor will your friends. Men who demand perfect fit and high class workmanship above all else, and -our work baa always - satisfied thera. W have built up our business purely by merit. Have u make soar Easter suit , W make any suit ti the houee Nrvar 2,000 different patterns to select ronfc Unique Tailoring Co., 101 Stark street, between Fifth and Sixth.. " The regular monthly meeting of trie Oregon State Academy of Sciences win! be held at the city half Saturday even- Ing, March 16, at t o'clock, - The city , physician. Dr. C. H. Wheeler, will give , a paper on "Municipal Sanitation. "V - Many new member were Initiated at the meeting of the Ladles auxiliary of the A. O. H. Monday evening. Tba con . test for tha gold medal given by Rev. Father Curley closed at that time and - was won by Mis Sadie Madigan.- A special meeting will be held tonight by the Salvation army at Its hall, Iti Davis street. A feature of the meeting will be "A Tradee union Meeting." Mr. Zackman of Chicago will take a promt 4Mnt part. ; " ' ' Steamer ' Jesse Harkln. for Camas. Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leave Washington street . dock 2 p. m, .' Julius Bllvestone has resumed the practice of law exclualvely, tf CSiant ' bar of Commerce, ; f ' Woman' Exchange, lit Tenth street 'lunch list to t business men' lunch. Aetna OH Co. sell the best safety eoal eil and fine gasoline. Phone East Tit- Why pay eyes for 11. moreT Metsger fits your ill Bixtn street. , ' Rerger Signs tt4 .TamhIU Phone. COMPULSORY FEDERAL V INSPECTION DESIRED - Government Inspection of all meats placed on sale In the retail markets of Portland Is favored by the Portland Re tail Meat Dealers' association, - which nVld a meeting last night Efforts will be made te pass a city, ordinance com pelling federal Inspection en local trade. The association voted for the enforce ment of the pure food and full weight laws. AMATEUR RACES ; Oaks Kink TooJs-ht Also lr Special ' '' v.: : ' V-' '? and. . NToo many compliments cannot be I TJen to the big 10-member band at the Oak Rink now. ' . Every akatlng number Is a concert Jtaelf. Tonight will be amateur race nlfrht.' If you don't skate, come out and watch the race and hear the mualo. , , 1 ' ref erred Stock Canned woods. Allen Lewis Best Brand. . , . F.V.BALTES MAIN 160 INVITE YOUR iriQuiniES for PmtlTKJG FinsriMO cax streets' i 1 X In paying four per cent on savings accounts we are pay ing all that any conservative, well-managed bank can af ford to pay. If you have decided to deposit your money in a bank ours or any other be sure to inves tigate it carefully. Consult your neighbors or v business friends, and be certain that you have made a wise selec tion. ' .;' . We Pay 4 Interest Wrlta for our rree Booklet. , Banking t Han." Oregon Trust & i Bank Sixth Mid TTashlnjrtoa Streets, Portland, Or. ' Resources $1,900,000.00 T. II. MOORE, President. T K. E. LYTLE, Vice-President. ' W. COOPKK-MOUKIS, Cashier. ROSENTHAL A MAGICIAN 'By O. t " Moris Rosenthal painted wonderful ton picture last night. on a splendid piano on the Helllg stage. .The great audience literally ruse to do Rosenthal honor last night, and wltlf the ease and indifference of a man to whom his art is natural toe performed the most won derful and seemingly Impossible feats. With lightning speeded he asoandsd and descended the scales, built up vast chords of strength merely to tear then down again, tore off brilliant arpeggios, and flitted swiftly from heaviest and most relentless fortissimo to daintiest pianissimo. ' Amaslngly . brilliant waa hi work, and all, and mora particularly those who understood In detail the mechanism of his almost limitless art, watched him with bated breath and a smile between satisfaction and wonder. After- all It la to the bead rrathor than to the heart that Rosenthal play a XX-1 a marvelous thing .to bear him repeat his own numbers and one could listen to him replay his whole program without feeling -a sense of monotony. There I the wish to see how differently he wilt do it. Last night he repeated two of his numbers, and It was a mat ter of amazement after hearing him play the work In the swiftest conceiv able tempo te hear him double on him elf. V " 1 ! Beetaorea, Then Ohopla. - The great Beethoven Sonata tin pa a-I sonata opened the program with its giant conceptions and demonstrated the Intellect of the man as well aa tha technical capabllltlea - of the player. The . Chopliv-atonata, opus- -tt, followad with amazing brilliancy and lucidity, Three Chopin preludes were given In pendent candidate for mayor on a r encore and were followed by three Cho- form policy, challenge the admlnlatra pln numbers, a nocturne, scherao and tton or anyone else to meet him la open waits, all well known. The - impas sioned scherao was so splendidly done and with . such relenuess force that It seemed nothing could excel it, ; But tbe 1 A flat waits , in Rosenthal's . own ar rangement so won the audience with It Ineffable clearness wd apwkUnc va riety that it was repeated. Tbe Sohubert-Lumt "Llndentree" was followed by his - own composition, "Paplllona," . the daintiest imaginable conception of butterflies' ' airs and graces. And its fleetness so aznased its hearers that thejr demanded Ks repe Utlon and It was given with even Incon ceivable swiftness. ' He might have re peated it again had he wished, fdr the audience asked, 'though there waa al most a canny feeling as they feared he might do it with even more superhuman swiftness. . - Interpret Strauss' The climax came In the wonderful Strauas-Rosenthal number a transcrip tion on themes by the. "revolutionary composer. There can be no Interpreter or transcriber better suited to Strauss' music Rosenthal Is the counterpart of Strauss. There are no words " to de scribe hi work In that number. On could only lt and wonder as the player with lucid reasonableness built up huge embankments and armaments of music and thundered volleys ef tone upon It, and doubled upon himself until It seemed that be must lose bis own fin gers In tbe work. There is poetical skill In his mechan ism. Were Rosenthal a literary poet he could never have written Wordsworth s "Daffodils" er Shelley's aoud." but Browning's "Ring and the Book and William Morris' "Siegfried. - the : Vol sung" would have been child's play te ntra. He le big, and after searehing tbe whole English vocabulary for an ad jective te describe hlra, one will, com back to the same word big. No wonder he I termed a giant, even though he 1 only five feet two. and no wonder that those who have not seen him have an impression of great stature, for even a he stands before you with hie ab breviated Inchea, you must try to per auade yourself that ho Is not large. ORGANIZE GROCERS OF - HOOD RIVER DISTRICT .' ... '. e v Members of Portland Associa tion Co to Watco Town to . Get Things Started. . Two dosen member of the Portland Retail Grocers' aeaoclatton left at t:IO o'clock thla morning for Hood River, where a local branch of the atat asso ciation will be formed. Local grocers were carried te- the town of fruit In a special Pullman and will spend the day and greater portion of the night there perfecting the new orfranlaatlon. Offi cers win no elected and plans laid for mutual cooperation. " " Local dealers win return to . Port land early tomorrow morning. Branches of the association will be formed hence forth In many other towns throughout the state and. Portland will make regu lar trips to different points until the organisation Is made a complete a pos sible. t The STw Tor Trains ! of the jpennsylvanla Short Lin from Chloairo are rrnd for convenient leavtnir and ' arrlvln honra. Their equipment anil service eould not be btt-r. 0t Information about It by ad vi uuJ, Cra, Hi LiaiI aUaet. THREE TICKETS ARE EXPECTED Citizens Caucus of St. Johns In dorses K. . Couch for Mayor. WAS NOMINATED BY THE REPUBLICANS Down Wants to Debate) Aof Repre sentatlvo of Adminlatratlon a to ' Fropriet . of FrrWnt . Manage ment of the City. - ... The political -situation In St.' Johns la becoming more complex as the election approaches.' ; Several m secret caucuses have been held and the whole neld seems to be honeycombed with a number of factions, yet all endeavoring to unite la some manner so as to eject their men to offices. So far no combinations have been successful. . - 1 ' j It Is thought quit likely that there! will not be leas than three tickets on the ballot, although but one ticket has' been filed with tbe recorder. This i K." C. Couch,' Nominated 1y Hepub i Ilea a of St. John for Mayor. - ticket Is the Republican ticket and baa nominated K. C. Couch for mayor, W. L. Thorndyke for recorder, C. XV, Potter for treaaurer, B. T. Legxett, W. H. King and Charles Linqulst for coun cilman at large, Henry C. Hunter and A. R. jobes for counollmen from the first and W. W. Raser and L. E. Walker tor councilmen from the second ward." Cltlsens caucts was held on the secret or sem l-secret order and Indorsed Couch and Thorndyke but differed on the others. They have not filed a ticket. Another eanens was held Monday night and nominated S. C Norton for mayor. George U. Hall for treasurer and in doreed A. M. Esaon for recorder. . Downey, the lone Democrat, 1 - atUl - la the race for councilman rom the second ward. O. R, Downs, lnde- debate before the people of St. Johns and refute the issues aa he haa enu merated them.: that the present officials have not done their duty by not de manding financial reports from the re corder, treasurer and water company, as be aileges the charter provides. As a taxpayer of St. Johns Downs demand that the taxpayers ahould know what ha become of their money, CLUE TO THE MURDER . . ' OF REHO iTCHISSOH ' ' ' ' ! ' ... , " ' Widow Receiving Mysterious Letters From Man In Tennes- . see WhorVrites Strangely. ; ' Word from Spokane show that de tective are working on the clue, fur nished by Mrs. Rene Hutchinson, to the murder of her husband last falL Let. tera have been sent them by Mrs. Hutchinson which she has been recelv lna for some time pest from a man In Tennessee who signs himself John Masten. These letters came some time ago and were seat to the detectives but their existence haa .just been made public. Reno Hutchinson waa formerly religious director of tbe Portland T. M. ' William V. Spencer, the father ef Mr. Hutcblneon,' with whom she has been living since Mr. Hutchinson's death, spoke today of the letters which began te come some time ago, following the murder. - He waa much eurprised that the detectlvee had made the facta public sine they are etlU working at the clue. "While we have not yet formed a theory we think that thea lettere must have some beerlng on the ease and I am surprised that the detectives should have said anything about it, for such a clue should be worked out quietly. We have been following the matter unceas ingly ever since the murder and we bop that we may find out aometblnaT from this circumstance. " The letters were sent from . various towns in Tennessee and' were signed "Jno. J. Masten." "John K. Masten' and "Rev. Jno. J. Masten." Mrs. Hutchin son says that she has never known or beard of this man, or ot one answering to the description of him given by the police In Harrttnan, Tennessee, where he Is known ss a Baptist minister giving lectures on the Holy Land and selling photographs. The letters address Mrs. Hutchinson by ber Christian name and refer to Mr. Hutchinson as "one of Ood's noble men." . Twice erasure ' snow that ne spoke of Mr. Hutchinson ss Rob or Robert,' the name a neighbor heard called out at the time of the murder. He sweo speaks of "the murderers" in the plural. ..In one letter he said he would ' send a photograph but It was never received. ' Mr. Hutchinson, while he had been south, waa never In Tennes see. -The letter ere In the hands of Detective Alex McDonald of Spokane. A speed way SO y wide and three ,naitn mile Ions' at Boss City . ark. See pas' 11, . f New number, Qoveriimen f. : The Harry Read These Prices Choice foiling Meat Plate, Flank or Brisket...... Tlvl ' THESE MEATS ARE AND HEALTHIEST MEATS ON EARTH GOVERNMENT; INSPECTED UNITED STATES GUARANTEE OF HEALTHY FOOD TO LECTURE OH THE ANCIENT PETRA RUIXS ' ill Or. Hoskins Has Mads Va!uabls cArcheologicat, Researches in ; ; ;. th Jordan Valley. An interesting vent of thl week will be the lecture to be given Friday even ing at the rirat Presbyterian churrh bv nv. Frank E. Hoakina, D. D. tr. iioeklns Is known both opon the lecture platform a a forceful speaker and a . r wide learnlna. snd In the lit erary world s the author of several work and "as "the editor of the Arablo press at Beirut, Syria. . - One of his principal works 1 that In two volumes called "The Jordan Valley and Petrs," in which be and rrereseor Llbbey of Princeton oollahoratea. ana Which Is Spofcen OT as one 01 me valuable addlUons to erehsologlcal reo- orts of reoent years. - 1 The Jeeture te be given Friday even ing Is along these lines and deals with Dr. Hoskins travels and original re search in the valley of the Jordan. s. nectally his discoveries at Moab and Petra, a city carved front rock and one of the most Interesting and lst known of ancient ruins. Thl lecture has been delivered befowe the National Oeograph Ical society, at Waahlngton, and before Institutions of learning In the eastern ettlea, and la spoken ef In terms ef the was something te recorded In the snnala ef history. Herblne haa been acknowledged the greatest of liver reg ulators. A poeltlve cure for Blllmie headaches. Constipation, Chllle snd Fe ver, and all liver complaints. J. C. Pmlth. Little Hock, Ark., ,rlte: Herblne le the rreateet liver medlcln known. Have e1 it for yeere. It does U wotk." f 14 aa drua(lta. PIANO HOUSE, BLTTLR, BUSIER' AND JJIGGLR rr "T7" OURSELF and friends are cordially v Y invited to attend the" reopening of Vj I Eilers Piano House on the afternoons . and evenings of tomorrow and Fri- ' if, , day, March the fourteenth and fif i teenth. in their new and .elegant home at the corner of Washington and Park streets. This event not only marks the re-entrance of the house of Eilers into the active retail field but also sig nalizes the opening of the largest, most modern,' ; complete, and finest music' emporium in the West. .The new quarters are handsomely and elaborately decorated, gorgeously equipped, and no doubt will be a source of pleasure, admiration, and pride, to their many friends and patrons, and. every lover of the beautiful as well. Eilers Piano House desires that you felicitate with them and ; grace this auspicious occasion with your presence. . In addition to Parsons'. Orchestra; elaborate programmes will be rendered in the many different departments throughout the big new' establishment during both days of the opening terminating with a grand concert on Friday evening. Everybody welcome, ''-:'tv ;;;,': ': "; v : ';'; . ; i ' SPECIAL ART SOUVENIRS FOR THE LADIES. : NOVELTIES FOR THE CHILDREN; Eilers piano house 353 Washington street. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN t Inspected : (Select) Meats Wood Southwest Corner First and Alder on the Best Meats Select Juicy and Choicest Pot Roast " Beef, 7c RAISED AND DRESSED IN Men's arid Youths Suits, Overcoats, Hats,; Pants, Shirts, a general line of Shoes, big se- . . lection,' at 20 per cent less in price compari son to other stores prices. Also good as sortment of Trunks and, Suit Cases. . It is ' ' '' to your interest to visit us. JOIraN DELLAK 181-183 FIRST ST COR YAMHILL hlfheat praise No admission will be eharged.' hut an offering will te taken for mission work. . Dr. Koaklns will be heard Friday even ing, and en Sunday will preach at tVeat- ralnnter church in the morning and will occupy the pulpit at the First Pi-eariy. terlan church In tbe evening with Itev. William H. Foulkea Dr. Ilosklne wae one nt those making the trip tnronch the fknly Land laat year, with lr i:. P. Hill and H. C. Camphe.ll an 1 i r party of this city. II will be Mr. ItuU's guvst lu.e la Ivii.c i, f C IBSfiui'i i V.) .Carter's' . : Ml f jLittlo Liver PUls. i ; Must Bsr tlgnaturw ef (- 'T'' 'MtAx See Fee-Si art Wrspper Bilsw. THAN LVLR Stores Everywhere Streets Money Can Buy: Round Steak gp Tender OREGON THE BEST A.J.BRAULT rJcrdianl TcCsr Invites yonr lnivctlon ef a much Urser st' H of 11 "e oolena at Ms rew location, N. E. Co it. 1 1 1 1 A STARK 8 IS. lUUUUlorciBiznxus.' s . .-. ItAI . I ' lire en ?r I ir 4iTT IE fcfce. : v : 1 1 IvFli rciTcsnauYui. i r - pi its rci csxnifATisi. ' I l J" rcitAuewsui. .r. , j Ircamcsanmsi II a-iiij I ftiKMm sis w a. " If ejTliretyTrrtaje.Mbv ; : . . I CUR t SICK HCAOACHt. . - ilia i av. a sw - i n-' r ' 1 Z4f IVIiarket (Tin, LarrrrnffCIILtSASSI. I . II II I i i i Your Bottom Dbllar a - .n ,mi, ton one. will realise tha fullest value in hardware quality here, and the variety of our stock permits the eatlsrylnf er your every wan on that plan. ..; v.1, Avery J Co. TEETH Comd at once and have free QTsmlna- tlon. Ti. rsJ wavwfc a sejsf) awewyTryew w Wvj T"! e MIT w j. innv,i itvc i n r nc-wi ca- VFR FILLINGS, S6o UP: GOLD FILL- t'i1tl ITD. aVW AV P'I7Crralw 1 ft I AA Vr, PC V JT , D1V 1 VA7 A J ui 11 W -m-vv. SPIENDID SET. I0; GOLD CROWNS lioa TO $.0; WHJf E CROWNS, All work guaranteed for ten year. ' Lady attendant always present All work done sbsolutely without pain by specialists of from 11 to 10 years' ex perience, ,.; ' .'. Boston Dentists . none Kate tOM, ' . M1V Korrlsoa 9t On Vostoaee. w'i'U Heillg Theatre; JST, Tksra.. m., Sat KliAta. Mareh 14. U. i. Seseisl Price alstlnee satareay. The Favorite Actor, , : . CkESTOW CLABKE hi m BAeOES MthkiHOrX" vealng Prloss Lower Ploer. 10 row 1 Sfti e rew U Baicoey,' 11. TBe. BOs. Osll, SAe, 2Be. Mi tin Prices Me to II. Beats fiow Bellla at Theatre. . to Me Pboae t. Oreaoa Tbestr fVk.. o. L. Baker, Mgr. .. ... m LI .VI. aMMlM.MMj SM. tn All Thla WHk Tbe Bkr Theetre BlecS iVi. fee, 1 aad Uaahter tra beclnalna te eee. Ker Hert Urea amis better thsa tae Urt. Tbe wte sua bars bis aesta far la eaeare at tbe Bekar. Matlaee aetnreay. Bvenlnra-StV-. .V. M.Mn- JJfiJ EMPIRE THEATRE nMt - am tea W. Beawaa, ktsaatar. ' . ti. fnw laitun Rneif Attrsennwa. Tenlltbt ill Thla Week alsttoees Wdiweflr aad Bstvnl.r The noeel and a'artllng aMta SramT -LOaT KW TOBJL" . nlnA uJ MaUstle aeaerv. Tbe kind ef a la; every ene llkee. Reavlar Rmplre prices. ' ai. aaa -The Kla af Traatpa. THE STAR EMS ' Tae Allaa Iteak Ooipasy himk UNDER. TWO FLAGS OnMa'e starterpleee. u.Hmm Tuad.ra. Tbarara. Batanlara end Bawtaye a : . s.t a"' ja a a i. RMMt. aeata br ahoaa. Mala MB, for all erotaaBes. ' The Grand aadevUle ae Um Xally aad Baee. The Kea With the CUhm." O'M'l Kalaetle atla- strsla, Oaetta, teUy A Ethel BasaU M'.tok.U b tera, Fieak teeta vly.. BanU Mtt. OraaaJaasye, LTBIO TVXATBK, Pertlaaa'e PWiUr i-k Koaee. Ivr AfUrneoa an !'' Week. Imuw4 trrle teoh Coanoeay la tbe reaaeue Puteral Plar. TBI FABIM TtHi." Bian ea eaa eew be aeere In 4 eaaee fmai 1 a. M It f" r StllWM et wul UM. keealas Kr tnrm at III. ftararda. ad SiimM "V leas: rtrrt pertnrnuaf st T I9. L . . . ' That I f To'i i 1 - It 1' r 1