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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 25, 1S07.V W" si TOBIOHTS AMUIEXZBTS. Halllf..... B.kar . Kinplre.... ....... ...,TM Ctot.W ... . . it ..... .....,...,, mifm Mimwi "Ta rt Mall" "Struck Old" I.yrie..., Mar iraad... The Little Church Arocnd th Cornet VeudaTlll MIbs Alloa Robblns Col. s, eontreJto of Boston, will be given, a. hearty wel come Thuraday evenlns of thta veek whan aha gives bar racltal at Murlarh hall. 8ha haa hoats of friends and ad rolrara in Portland who will ba out In force. Since singing here In 101 Mlaa Cola haa had great auocaaa in the east, return engagements being; usual v?hr ver aha haa sung. Bba haa a round, full eontralto of unuaual range, which can ba at time deep and reeonant. and at othera light and effective in eome i dainty eong. A. recital by auch a alngar trained in the art of program-making ' la a lesson to student. Tickets are tl and are now selling at- Gravee. Wood-ard-Clarke'e and the Woman's Ex change. - . , . x -IJlfa axe doing good, lively work now In dreaalng up gentlemen lor me balmy. dave of spring. Our Mr,- J. C. haefer. for alx yeara eutter lor isiooii the Tailor, ia togging oat hie old rrienaa to beat the band. Ha U greatly de lighted to meat their pleaaant eounta- unn. In and to bear their cneecv voImb the aaleot their clothe. Of course, ha guarantee complete flta , couldn't have tt any other way 1 wouldn't If ha could. Tou know, we have bought out Armstrong the Tailor, . roome 19-11 Raleigh building. Sixth and Washington.. TeL Pactflo till. ; .', Oeorga C. Flanders. B. Labbe and J. A. Curry, tha committee) appointed at the special meeting of, the Portland ; Helghta Improrement aaaoclatlon to wait upon tha Curran Sign company In an effort to Induce tha Utter eompany . . . i . - . . a I 1 1 lt..a Ot .,. th. , 10 tajie u u w n I La ' i helghta. will perform Ita work In thai inioreata or civio wauiy mis iuu. In tha event the request made upon tha algn company proves unaauaiacwrr am Improvement aaaoclatlon will hold m '. second meeting to determine what atepa are advlaahla. , . riir ithlL a-raaa ant$ clover seeds are at this season engaging tha attention of the public X J. Butser, the seedsman. 18 Front street, has a tidy little booklet ha malls free to any person applying for It. and this gives all necessary Information concerning any seed, plant or shrub ever called for. It la a little encyclopedia of Inform a . tlon about thasa things.. Mr. Butser has a most complete and fully stocked needs house, and his prices are Butser'a Nearly every seeds .buyer knows what that means. . . ... ' i -. , The monthly meeting of the Holiness aaaoclatlon, which waa- to have been held Tueaday, tha lath, has been changed to Wednesday. February 17, at tha United Evangelical church, cor ner East Tenth and Mherman, Rev. A. A.. Winter, pastor. Rev. Joseph H. Smith f Redland. California, wno conauoiea servloe in the Taylor street a, a, eurcn. and tha White Temple, last win win hi. ihun of tha meetlnar. -Services at 10:10. 1:10 and 1:S0. Theae meetings are interdenominational;, av larybody cordially Invited. The. following"' civil service examlna ' tlons were announced for Portland to- day: . Veterinarian. March IS. salary tl. 100 a year: scjentiflo asulatant in vetert ' nary boology. March 10-tl. salary M48 a' year; draftsman and avrveyor, March SS-tl, salary 16 a montn; lypograpmo and cartographlo draftsman, March II 14; lary 1.000 a years railway mall clerk, stenographer and typewriter ex amlnatlonar blackamlth's helper, March 10, aalary t00 a yeart marina steam sn glneer,' March .6 aalary tttO a year. '' Eddie Barger, tha 4-year-old child . who was struck and seriously Injured r by an eaatbound Montavllla ear -on tha eaat and of tha Morrison street bridge . Saturday afternoon, Is reported to ba I toting easily at SU Vincenrn hospital, la1 Oiere he was removed after the aeci- r - - aw. iit.u l- oeni. Jl waa xearva in. tt, lowhad sustained a fracture of tha skull and possible internal Injurlee. but the Improvement in his condition leads ' the surgeons to believe that tha child ".will recover,, ...-.. Ladles Frse Tonight. The Oaks rink -management announces that tonight will ' again be free night for ladlee. Tonight ia also Society night, and a pretty pro gram haa been arranged. Thejadlea ' will be furnished admlsaton and akatea free. It, will no doubt ba a pleaaant evening. . t- 'The "pupils of tha Rock Creek public school, under tha direction of Principal Ramsey, held Washington's birthday ex ercises last Saturday evening. After a number of aongs, recitations and dia logues, refreshments , were aerved and 114 was taken In for the benefit of the ' library. . .:- . .'. One of the" most efficient cough prep arstions In the market la the one pre pared snd sold by Albert Bernl, the druggist tSt Washington street, under " the name of Kenyon's Cough and Cold Care. Prompt reaulta follow Its ussand tha price Is only to cents a bottle. Mary J. P. Falrchlld of Portland filed a petition In bankruptcy in the United Rtstes district ourt-4hls morning, giv ing her liabilities at 13,300 and her as sets st tto. Shs gave her occupation aa a houerkeepcr. . - ' : WJotel Houston, now brick, high elass, ' . iTii fnrnlahad: call balls, hot and V old water and steam heat In every room. Sixth and Da via. Tel. Mam ittx. ' Steamer Jaaaa Harklns. for Camas, Waahougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leeves Washington street dock I p. Pa. . ; '. : Arguments were beard In the bank ruptcy case Of Wolfe aV Wicker In the federal court today, when J. B. Wolfe, F.U.BALTES &G0r.1PANY MAIN 105 INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES FOil PRlHTiriG FI.1ST AID Ckl STREETS Jumping into proper ty is the good fortune of the favored ones, but for the man who has to carve his own way in the world, it can only be done by the practice' of self-denial in youth, and by economy , in saving from your income." We Pay 4 Interest -" x Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Sixth and Washington Streets, Portland, Oregon. Resources, $1,900,000.00 W.'H. MOORE. President. - E. E. LYTLE", Vice-President. W. COOPER MORRIS. Cashier a son of one of tha membere of tha de linquent Arm, put in a preferred claim of f 1,000 for wages. The ease is an old one, a receiver having been applied for in 1800. The IlablllUea of the Arm were placed at $260,000. and it ia esti mated that creditors will reoelve fS cants on ,th dollar. Woman's Exchange, Its Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to It business men's lunch. Acme t" Co. sells the beat safety coal ell and fin gasoline." Phone East tit. Why. pay moref Metsger fits your eyes for. tl- 111 Sixth street DESCRIPTIONS OF OREGON'S GREAT RESOURCES Annual Number of Board of Trade Journal Rich in Val uable Information. The annual taumber of the Portland Board of Trade Journal, containing an elaborate and axhauativa compilation of tha resources of ths entire state has been Issued. The Introductory article; "An. Epitome fef Oregon's Resources and a Resume of Facte and Flgurea That 8hqui ConYlnce," by Charlea B. Sawyer, la an excellently prepared statement, aivlng valuable and instructive Infor mation about tha atate. Tba political history and geography of the atata ia set out with tha minutest detail. In giving . tha atatlatlcs of production of livestock, .wool, lumber, agricultural produota, flatteries and , minerals, tha fla-ures of 1006 are used. Following tna Initial article, tha 14 eountlea in tna atata are taken up in alphabetical order. and their resources development, ell mats, aoil and topography set out In an interesting - and Instructive way. Aa article on Tha united states ideo logical Survey. by J. C Stevens, din trlct hydrographer at Portland, contains a large amount of instructive informa tion on the work of tha geological sur vey In Oregon. s Tha Board of Trade Annual contalna Just ths kind of information that la needed by the aaatern homeseeker, and should ba very generally dlatributed throughout tha aaat and middle weat, HANDSOME PROFIT FOR HADLEY OF TILLAMOOK TB.awieea4wr4w.aV 1 KA A A ft fftP M III V Salt ED A lit hs. aa ma sxtsifi him moi. th.n 120. 000. la th fttunt which a E. Iladley Of TUiamOOK. wno m K. AmpwrisnA noittlg nan pt-rxonneja in inw yuv 4awa Tha slawgtl Wa. In tf TTt rVolP lAnflS 111 TllUmook county and tho men who pur aaraaai1tiv fiatn ITra ncttHHt tlADitallflta. who favA up in iov.vvw tor wtsj wu w- C IVB I III ! aV a alVSws 4MaaHuva of Hobaonrillo, a smali coast town of a-Mana a. a 1 Wa TaiiAk-aa I ,m r.ak Mmnsni Connected with ths Hadlay timber tranaacuon ia a aiory wu hm nw good fortune seem so eaay that every body want a to try his sohema after hearing tha yam. About sight yeara ago Hadley commenced buying quarter .Mtinn. a lan I. frtr which he eald anv- where from $500 to U.100. Theae claims, about JO la au. went into mo sale the other day at as.ouv apieoo. . DIES AFTER. COMING ' HERE f OR HIS HEALTH Sebulon Holllday, who died at hla home in Woodlawn, February tO, waa a charter member of tha lodges or Odd Follows and Modern Woodmen of Amer ica of Hurdland, Missouri, and filled all ths chalra of both lodges. ' He was also a prominent member of tha Methodist Episcopal church, and took an active In terest in Sunday school and church work. -. - . " Mr. Holllday was born In Ohio In 1S6I. In lttl he was married to Miss Rosalia Haner, and six children were the result of ths unions Four ars 'living Earl C, Ralnh. Eva O. and Charlotte. Mr. Mol 1 War leaves nvs sisters and one brother, who reside in. tho eaat . ' , Mr. Holllday cams to Portland lor the benefit of hla health two years ago. Hs Improved greatly altar his arrival, but last summer began to sink and ba soon became a hopeless invalid. ' . PERSONALS : Count" Morris Renoeky will' leave Wedneeday for a trip through southern California Th trip la to be made for tha combined purpose of business and pleasure and will Include several days of recreation at Los Angeles. The Iennsylvaula tnvert'Xalaes .-- From Chicago faat trains through Pittsburg to New York, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Intermedi ate points without changing cars. The Chlcaao-New York aervlce includes the pioneer H-hour train between thoae rltlea. "The Pennsylvania Special," also tha famous "Pennsylvania Limited" and other high-speed traina limited as to time, but unlimited In luxury. Address F it. Kollork. Diet. Agent, Portland, Oregon, Its Sisrk street. . preferred gtoox Canned ends. Allen A Lewis' Beat BtaaoV . . DDITE AUD BURY THE HATCHET Two Rival Push Qlubs of Monta villa Expect to Work in . .. Harmony, -- -v HAVE FOUGHT ONE ANOTHER BITTERLY Committee Are Now Conferring; on Consolidation And Report of Their r , Progress Will Soon Bo Announced New Organization Probable. aaat aide Senartsasm. a kM,ft 1 m Kinr tnaite to merare k . n xrrfaiT1a nnaH oluha 1ha. been opposing one another for so long and tna aommuteea urn nave iue prv posa, under advlaement ' have met to gether and a report of their aucceas will ba made tomorrow night There are two clubs in Montsviua v wA .e Ir.d. m nA th Unnt.viiia Tmnrovement leaaue. . Any thing Uiat one organisation prupoaw the improvement of. the suburb ths . . v. MU,ajri.nH nnnniu 1 1 . aiattera have reached auch a condition that It has become tmpossibis to secure any thing for Montavllla, either through one i t AM i.t .Hi., Th. tnm Ul W1IH11UU w . bars of each of theae clubs have come to the oonclualon that ir aacn ia ainoera in their efforts to better conditions . id Montavllla a merger is neceaaary. tt.k nla ttnn haa annolnted bom- mltteea. John Miller, C. T. Evans and Henry Free borough represent tha board of trade, and H. 1. Dickinson, EL Bpton and O. E. Carter wers appointed by the Improvement league. Laat Wedneaday night tba two committees met and tha . ih mutin will h renortad gv mjotnt meeting iwnnirrvw"...iis' A wholly new organisation win am i footed under a new name entirely. Feel- i.. ki kn Vilttr between tha constit uents of each of the aaaoclatlona, and, while aoma .doubt Is expressed aa to tha success of a consolidation, all have vowed to keep down old differences aa much aa poasibls and create a new spirit of loyalty devoted solely to tbs inter- eits or Moniavuia. 8o tomorrow evening It Is expected ih. th if AntAvlllm. lmnrovement leaaue and Montavllla board pf trade will be declared defunct and the members of tha two Tarring factions wll$ sit at . . 1 fr... .Km katnK.I peace vim ont siwiuvr, . and take a few puffs from tha long stem of the small red-stone bowL A. T. Buxton, master of tha State Orange. Patrona of Husbandry, will in spect thS granges Ol wuiinoman wumjr for "the first Urs on the following dates: . Evening 8 tar, March t; Wood- Uwn, March ; Russell vine. March 4: Columbia, March Falrview, March ; Rockwood. March ;' Multnomah, March T: Pleaaant Valley. March Ir lnta, March t; reanam, auca v. im ing time In the evening will be T:S0, in .k nn,.i. r H ID o'clock. Mr. Buxton la required to make two datea in a day on aoma nays on account ox we op i. ,. n vaiiava tha eonaeatlon Of pupils in ths Highland school ths board of education naa eecurra oiuca, i ua In the Vernon tract. 480 by ISO feat, be- . , .A Hnln, .frt. An iwevu. East Twenty-fourth street, on which will be erected a modern puoiio acnooi building. The board paid 14,000 for ths block and. will erect- an eight-room achoolhouai on tha site within tho year. Tha Vernon addition haa grown so fast . .... .... - MMtka .hat lha Hlarh in .. -" "," land school, ths targeat achool in tha city, is unaDie .to nanoie a puiin Many have been transferred from time to time, but still th enrollment con tinues to- Increase. A temperance rally will oe neia wea .mmAmv nie-ht ii Lotui hall. Grand ave- nue and Eaat Washington street. B. Iee Paget, Rev. John Ovall and Francis J. M?Henry will speak. Clarence Mo- Henry Will te preaeni wivu a, wngp. tloon c-tflt and will Uluatrats aeveral songs. WILL MAKE HER HOME IN PORTLAND ... ; . . trv Widow of Dr. Johnson, Victim of Thug-V Will Return Here Thit Summer. Mra. Laura Hoadley Johnson, wlfs of Dr. Phillip Edward Johnson, who waa robbed and then murdered - by being thrown from ths Ford-street bridge on Portland Helghta the night of January 1. will return to Portland and make her residenca here' this summer. Since ths burial of hsr husband's remains st Staten Island, New Tork, sh has remained with relatives in ths seat. Mrs. Johnaon is tha daughter of the lata Governor Hoadley ox Ohio and was married to Dr. Johnson in Cincinnati, October I, 10. They came west and lived for a time at Seaside and then took up their residence at tha Nortonla, fourteenth and Washington streets. where they wer living at ths time of Dr. Johnson's muraer. JOSEPHINE COUNTY , TAXES NOW PAYABLE ' - - n4a.s. taw That JrwBPtltif.) i nuua aa.jr -- aa w K... lr kah 11. Tha tax books for Josephine county have been opened again and payment of taxes Is now on. Th Isvy for Josephlns this year Including ths city tax Is tlVs mills. This Is lower man any oiusr 7 i mo paat 10 years and is due to th good work of th county asseasor in raising property values by higher asseesmente. Thla levy la out a lew mine mora tnan v.i .. aaA In 1901. All who HIT before March II will be allowed s, re bate of I per cent. If half tha tax la paid befor April t th other half can stand till October 7. tThs roll amounts tn ti fit. tto. Th amount of taxes to be collected is 191.000. . After a heavy meal, take a couple of Doen'e Regulete, end give vour etomach, liver and oowela the help they wilt need. Reguleta bring easy, regular paeeages Of ths bowsla ' v .- WILL PUMP TO WATER ORCHARD IN JOSEPHINE : (Special TMspateh te The Jearaal.) Grants Pasa, OrH Feb. It. -A. Hamlin of Oregon City haa pnrohaaed ths Ham ilton farm, near Grants Pasa on Rogue river, for M.OOO end will spend t.0 more In planting It in appl treea. He wtlMnetail a pumplrg plant to Irrtgat ths big orchard that hs will sst out . . union no loogeii KEPT A SECRET Telegraphers Will Soon Ask for Official Recognition of Their ' Organization. . MEET IN PUBLIC FOR FIRST TIME Members Will Not Tolfrata Any Dis crimination ' Because of Union Membership Names of. Officer of Local Branch Are Announced. Beginning today Portland telegraph operatora will wear thelt .union buttons on ths outslda 'They will make no secret of thelr union affiliations snd will resist in a body any attempts that may ha made to break up their organisation or to discriminate agalnat any of the men because of hla membership in ths union. While the companies are not ex pected to make any . trouble, there haa ' been discrimination asalnat) union mem bers in the psat and tha telegraphers announce that they will not tolerate It In the future. . " Local 03, Commercial Telegraphers' union, held' sn enthualaatlo meeting at Drew hall yeaterday afternoon. Thirty five new membera were taken in and the body nnanlmoualy, resolved to be here after a labor anion in fact a a well aa in name. While no attempt will ba made at thla time to Snforee the union ahop rule or to secure any other concessions from tha companies, ths men unani mously decided that from now on they will make no secret of their union af filiations and will reetet any discharging of their memberahtp In the nnlon or for any other reason which tho nnlon deems to bo unjust. war ktemher Joining. -r The meeting 'was a direct result of tha victory scored last week by the Chi cago operators over ths Western Union. The victory has given a powerful im petus to organisation of operators sll over the country. A wire rrom uon Angeles lsst night, for example, advised the local unionists that 71 out of a pos sible 7S operators in that city had filed application for membership in ths union. About SO teiegrapnera were prvrem at yesterday's meeting, including employes of ths Postal, ths Western Union, the Aaannlatail Praaa and the talesraDh de partment of ths railroads. : In ths past the men have made a secret of their union affiliations, bnt on account of tha large accession or new memoera, ine union decided that it is now strong enough to unfurl Its colors to the world. Every effort will ba made toenroll every telegrapher In the city and mem bers will be taken In aven from the smaller towns along tho railroad lines.. Want Union meoognissd. It ts only a question of time, the unionists say, before they-VIll make a formal demand for recognition of tha union and a Btrict union ahop. " Speeches were made at yesterday's raeetlng by A. O. Sinks of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers aad by Secre tary Burdette , of the Carman's -union. Mlaa Laura Hall I naa sang, aooampaoled by Miss . Gallagher. The president of ths union Is W. C Moors, an employe of the Postal Talegraph company. . Tho secretary la Percy Morgan, an Asso ciated Frees operator. . mmm Olds, Wortman A King U a bussing eenter of busy shoppers lust now, much of ths now spring goods being in place, and th woman having found It out, lit tle more-need be aaio. Mr. xoung, buyer for th lac' and embroidery de partment, has Just returned irom iew York with news of great things yet to ooms in th way of neckwear, gloves, lace, embroidery . and trimmings, - Tha selection of embroideries would be a credit to any atore in a city many times th alx of Portland and la th raault of careful buying. Thla firm orders thess goods direct from tbs factories almost a year ahead of time, principally from the famoua embroidery houses of St Gall, Swltssrland, the moat noted in the world, which gives them the advantage of exclusive patterns shovif- nowhere else In th city. . This is to bs a great embroidery year, and th variety af fords ths greatest range In lingerie, white waists and whit rfults. There are heavy, rich patterns to. English and blind embroidery, sets for shirt waist fronts, collars and cuffs, and the filmi est of batistes and nainsooks. A fea ture appreciated by th women In thla new assortment of embroidery is ths matching of patterns for all purposes. In one design thar will b two or three widths of edgings and insertions, pro viding for svery article of underwear. , Aprellm!nary showing of spring dress fabrics is now in progress that Is at tracting th ltvallsst Interest, th ar rangement of th ledg and counter die- f lays being unusually artistic, and tha hre large windows on Fifth and Wash ington streets are triumph in the window-deeorators's srt Many new gar ments hsvs already arrived In the suit department, showing pleasing changes in th season's styles. Miss Bernard, manager of thla seotton. has ben In the eaat nearly two month. A new eatabllshment to make its bow to ths publlo Is the Rose City Millinery company, 'the houss of satisfaction." R. Hallberg. manager, at 401 Morrison street. This estabUshmsnt. has already made a favorable . Impreaalon among discerning shoppers by reason of Its ex tremely stylish and artistic crettlona. and ita popularity with Portland women who like something different, something out of ths ordinary, will be but a matter of acquaintance. Mr. Hallberg. manager. Is from Germany, where he was sn gaged in this business, and he haa also had experience In th eastern cities of our country. His trimmer. Miss Kun '.e, Is slso directly from the millinery cen ters of th east snd ths hats certainly bear ths stamp of sxpert work. Among ths lovelleet er the mushroom effects -drooping brims, with long streamsrs, snd ths frowns flower leden. Thsre p peara i t b a decided return -to the dainty womanly stylea. such ss esrly colonial snd Dolly V-rden shspes. In sll their bewttohlng coquetry. Few violets are seen, msny lilacs, and a quantity of fruit for early wear, -.easier diob rair ts bs ths gayest season for many a Xmm TOSV Save This List for EiIdDisetoM. Sippsss -Starts Tomorrow Housedeanlnj, time is near at hand and with'it comes tfje demand for new fixings for the home. Our annual sale of household supplies start tomorrow morning. -s Extraordinary bargains in Table Linens, Towels, Napkins, Fancy Linens, Crashes, Sheets and Cases, Bed spreads, Comforters, Blankets, Pillows, .Curtain Swisses, Lace Curtains, etc., etc Spe - cial attention given to'out-of-town orders. Read the following carefully:. , Tafrle, Linens Reduced The Good, Reliable Kinds That You Hsvs Always Bought. 16xl6-inch Loom Dice Ni IT)-, kins. i!5c value. Dozen.. 60 -18x1s-Table?Japk.hs, good $1.35 quality. Per down." 20x20-inch Napkins, .extra heavy, $2.00 quality. ..) 22x22 Table Napkins. fine quality, $2.00 grade.. ,.fl.4T Towel Specials 13x24-inch Hemmed Huck Tow els. ' Special, each 17x34-inch Hemmed Huck Tow els, 10c grade. Each T 17x35-inch 'Bleached Turkish Bath Towels. Special 18x36 Hemmed Huck Towels. fast selvage, 18c grade lie) 20x50-inch Unbleached Turkish Towels. Special .2J. 22x40 Bleached Turkish Towels, extra quality ........ ...,.Tf Crashes 18-inch Russia Crash, very ab sorbent, linen, regular 10c BrJ, limit 5 yards. .v 16-inch Bleached Toweling - ia dice pattern,, good 10c grade. Special ...,TJ.f 18-ln. Pur Linen Crash, brown, extra heavy . and regular 15c grade st M IS m i M ) W Damask Squares. 44-inch Damask Squares, reg ular price $1.00. Special T3f 35-inch Fancy Damask Squares, 75c grade. Sp1.49Ti 24-inch Hemstitched Damask Squares. Special. ...v..35f 18x27-inch Hemstitched Trsy Cloths. Special 18x27-inch Fringed Momie Tray Goths. Special.... f a S M M Hi I IS 1 w m m m HJ t il ,M HI M Bureau Scarfs and CURTAIN ENDS 15cH17c 19c 23c to 75c EACH. ra M M tr 't m M M ta 11 The Shine That Shines Quickest year, with th ladlea bonnta rivallns Portland's flower sardens. , ( Ths Soul Bros.' Piano company, 174 Morriaon atreet. whll . undrs;olns ohanee necessary for tha eomlnr ia solutlon of partnership, offers piano op portunities that ahould make a, piano s possibility la svSrjr home in th city, h moat expensive thins f"1' 5 do la to o without a piano. The affeot of a muslotees home Is felt Ions yeara away past. Mualo heard any place, any . ! . - t w . .iaaJ n mannHl, time. Dnnna - ' . . ; ; arifl Ita influence should be sdded t ths iiht side or livins r,ni.. ... economies must bs prstlcsd In Other quarters. ' The player pianos s popular naw make the very hlsheat elaas of muale possible In every home, without waiting tilt a beslnner shall becom proficient enough to gtv a creditable perform snre. Stanley S. Soule will be th sols pra- . . .w. A 4a aa futlira MIS I two retiring brothers, Basil S. Beule J.t ' v Taista m1v J I ,T saaie. A4dreDe.S.w far st. ' a taai.l,iiW.CKa.TSiaiiaS.l t Qli,a 1-uat Uo - AS WWltl 111.. Future Reference It Will Annual Sale 58-lnch Bleached Tsbls Damask, extra heavy, double warp, 40c grade. Special ,9 58-inch Turkey Red Damask, fast color and best 45c grade. Spe cial .... 9f 58-inch Silver Bleached Damask, splendid wear ing quality, 50c 66-inch Bleiched Dam ask, wears and washes well, regular 60c value. Special .......... 72-inch White and Sil ver Bleached Damask, extra aualitv and 75c value. I. Special . ..-w.6 60-inch Satin Finish Damask in beautiful floral designs, reg ular 75e grade. Special.. 72-inch Pure Irish Linen Dam ask, a beautiful smooth surface and a standard $1.00 value 7BV Bargains in Curtains Hundreds of money-saving chances throughout this popular department. Bring this list with you for reference. Plain Ruffled Swiss Curtains. 2Vl .yards long, good width. Special. 38f Ruffled Swiss Curtains, fancy stripe patterns, 24 ysrds long. A pair 60 Ruffled Swiss Curtains. 3 yards long, fancy stripe patterns, $1.50 value. 9 Ruffled Swiss Curtains in fancy stripe and dot patterns. : Special. ...f l.ll Ruffled Bobbinet Curtains, linen lace : -:n .j mJkiwm 9ui nrdi lnnr. white and Arabian, $2 vaL Pair , f Bobbinet Curtains, -with -Bat-tenberg insertion and edf e, white and Arabian. Pair f . Scotch Lace Curtains, full 3 yards long, 60 Inches wide, regular $2.00 grade.... f 1.4T Corded Arabian Curtains. 3 yards long, 45 Inches wide, regular $2.50 grade.... f 3 Sheets andXases Linen Finish Sheets, 72x90, ex tra heavy, reenforced 60 Extra Quality Seamless Sheets, 72x90. Special, each e5 Extra Quality Seamless Sheets, 81x90, Special, . each....... TOf Pillow Cases, extra heavy, size 42x36. Special ... Pillow Cases, extra hesvy, 45x36. Special ......,..ZJ.f Squares, 435c to 50c Values, Special 25c Each CORNER THIRD AN0, MORRISON STKttTS - !. -t :! !: I t t - ! I . ... mm, vne Wsaktecta UULIU IUUIIKI. Mala a. ADOUSTIlt r-tt MTniCaL COMFANT. TO.VIOXT t0-t010-r VTOaTX 'The Cingalee" wzxantaxr Miart nvuprt xnsanr is A Country Girl raaMM baa4aa aa4 Haw Tork Maaleal CeeMd Boccese. - Oaaisaay f Tt reeple-Jre. Aarawatea Orahaltn. PEICt" Lewer Floor: rirst Jiewa, t; lnt rowa. fl.KO. Bakaar. 1. Toe. - Katkte Oallerr. 0. . Baits aew stlllne ar ttMMtre fur entteateat. Daher Ttcalrc naae Mala 1S0T. Oraene ."baatra Co.. Bee. LV Baker. Ugt. Xoata of Baker Thaatre Stock Oastpaay. AO Tale Woaa. PraaMtlns imm k. JeceeM'S faaioaa rir-a-t UsaMdy. . KT8S HOBSS," ' ' Sli-a Dtrartloa Arthur Mactnav. Oae el the brlahtMt. ttorrt enmadtas at the eosse. The caltbratad autbat'e SryMt tn a kamar. MaUnae Batnroar BTsatas arlcee See, Soo, tde; Mtlaaa lBer B9e. Bast Waak MXZrAK.- EMPIRtl THOATRB Koae Mate HT. Mlltoa W. aaaai.a. Mrr. PlarkiS Only Saatara Boa 4 Aitraetlniw. Tealakt, All Tkla Waak tJaeola 1. Carter's . . Orattast Searaaa, THS BAST B ail. " . Oerl-eS ef eoaaie erfata. Twe tralmv Iriafara rails at elfht, Araat st"baa atpkaiVia. Ia. ante ra I laan. M.Unaas VI oaaVr aaS Satur. Say. BstiI Fiarlra rrta . Boat Attraatlott "the BtlaMari S)M.- Sll L 1. .. 1J ...... 1 . 1 J snd Charlea B. Soula, will sack inte different llnee-of bssiaess. . Save Yea r::n:y Curtain Swisses 38-inch Lace Stripe Scrim, 10c quality. Special ........... It 40-inch Striped Swiss, white only, YlVxC grade. Special.. 7e 36-in. Dot and Figured. Swisses. 15c and l8c grades...... 28-inch Woven Dot Swisses for sash curtains. Yard ..... ..lO 36-inch Oriental Madras 20c quality. A yard...........3f Bed Spreads Full Siie Hemmed Bedspreads in good quality, regular $100 value ... ..T5 Hemmed BedspreadsJull sire and $1.35' quality.. wSf Fll Sixe Hemmed Spreads, Marseilles patterns, rtg. $1-50 grade. Special r ......... f 19 Full Size Fringed Spreads, extra quality. "Special 1.35 1.3 WTiita Nnttinirliam' Curtaina. 2A yards long, 30 inches wide. While they last. pair...3S Scotch Lace Curtains, 3 yard long, 40 inches wide, regular $1.00 quality. Special . T5 . Scotch Lace Curtains, fine se lection of new patterns, best $1.50 values. A pair.....95et 'Comforters Full Size Comforters, white cotton filled, light and dark colors, $1.50 grade.; ...f 1.15 Full Size Extra Heavy Com forters, a limited number only' at this price. Extra sp'l 1.29 White and pray Cotton Sheet Blankets. Special, each.. 65f 18x25-inch Feather Pillows, 2tf lbs, $1.00 grade 75v CURTAIN ENDS 15c 17c 19c 23c to 75c. EACH. tit' Tt"t7 i ) THE STAR SSfiSi- -" Weak ef takreary IS.' ' To Alias Stnek Cotapaay Prasaats , Tao Uttle Ckanh ArsaaA tte Oaraar." Ia rear Acta. MattaeiS Twedsrs. Tkaradaya ataTaye as4 Saa4rs at S:I3. Prtraa 10 and SO east, awry eraalnc at S:1S, prlraa 10. 20 aad SO eaau. . Baaarred easts by Tskpfeaae Mala . The Grand Vk ef Bak. SS Ltnta Bvaaa aad J.ffarwm Lloyd. , "The Old lava" WIT( OTBTSm. 4 oorws soa SHOW .tuda Harksrt WI1W lima, . ta Aaalia, Badd St Wayae. , Baietd B.fT. Sraadiis UYRIC THEATRE Bertland'a Booalar Staak Kaaaa. WTEK CCMBISCLMO MONDAY. FIB. SS. laeoei parable LjrK Stoik Cmpny la tha Ft-aaaa Clrll War iomaljr Uri, 'STRUCK OIL" la Thrao Aria. Bos erne eera at 10 a. a., to 10 ,. a, la IS am be raaarrad by Pboa Mala 4uA. 1 UHlbll i Sochtyrr-M oaks air::: TOBIOHT aVAPTTI T " 1 Zatals. dmlBSt"1 fr. I " Oantlairiati, m -' i 1 , f. .l . '. . .r