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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1907)
1 THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. MONDAY , EVENINQ, FEBRUARY 15. liSECTS TO COVER BREEDING PLACE OF COUNTLESS MILLIONS OF PESTS FIVE ACRES 1D37. , , ' S':1 - Progeny of One Female San Josa ,','Scafe During a Single '' ::''' ; Season.; : : INSPECTOR WAGING I UNRELENTING WARFARE Fruit Trees Infected With IVst AM . lining Cn Down Whrnevrr the .' Owner Kef uses to Kill Off the Scale, . . . r Fratt Inspector Richard Delch, who U 1 eonduotlng a war on tha Ran Joe acala 'In .the. hopes of leseoning tha Tutura ' damage to. b dona by tha microscopic pt, finda many district on both aides . . of tbe city Infected br tha minute in- j aect which multiplies with astounding rapidity. J , Out on Eaat Twenty-ninth and Twin-ty-eeventh streets between Eaat Ash , and East Ankeny. and on Eaat Pine I -. Oak and Stark between Twenty-sixth andThlrty-eeoond streets, tha little lnsectlsT ' directed toward eradicating tha evil from then districts. . ., : Basing their estimates npon close ob. , eervatlona. Dr. Howard and Dr. Per ganda of the bnreau of plant Industry hire shown that It possible . under favorable circumstances for tha progeny of a alngla female scale to reach tha astounding number of l.Jli, 010.400 Individuals in. a alngla season, should each of these scale reaeh tha Inrareet else, one tenth of an Inch., and r 1 We have Storm-Proof Cloth ing to keep yon dry from cel lar to roof.' ' 11 " Waterproof Shoe, Rainproof Hat, ) And a" Coat that will let water run harmlessly from your backj .' j ,:, ' Special this week: ' Raincoats which" were $12.50 'and $15.00, now..... ,.4.f 8.65 ' Men's Shoes In Patent Leath er, wert 15.00, mow S3.8&- Men's $3.00 and $3.50 Velour and Box Calf Shoes, now f 2.35 m m -i Men's and Boys' Outfitters, Mohawk Building. 166 and 168 Third Street. fills; loininpu) - GaJKuhnHoo iFfr-'S' -1 - "J. ' i. 'nil""''"1'""' 173-17G FIRST STREET Unkempt were all placed aid by Ida, touching each other in all direction there would be enough of them to cover spproxl mately tlva acres of surface. Tha sea. Infects fruit- trees and thrlvea as well on mountain ash and hawthorne. Hero In tha city both fruit and ornamental tree are affected and Inspector Deich la laying plana to stamp out tha evil by cutting down tha tree on wnicn. tha. insect la round, osage hedge are also - favorite breeding grounds for tha peat. . Inspector Delch la spending consider able time among property-owner, both la and put of tha city, urging them to pray tneir trees ami Hedges when found Infected.- and notice 1 to be served soon on many peraona that trees on their premises will have to be out down. This Is being dona In accordance with tha law. tha courts having upheld tnanoet or la other countlea when they found It neoeaaary to out down trees -to pre vent a spread of tna scale. From tha time tha Insects are born until they Anally destroy a - tree con aumes a period of three or four years, Tha little particle of animal Ufa. can be deatroyed If a llme-sulpbur spray Is nsed when they first appear, but after few billion have taken up their abdde on a tree it la considerably more dltr floult to get rid Of tha unwelcome via Uors. v.,, I ABDUCTS AND WEDS FEEBLE-MINDED CROESUS . " '' Jest liMelal S-i-rW. .1, Vfeadvllla, Pa., Feb. St. Emma Dara, a pretty, buxom woman of 15 yeara. la under arrest hero on a charge of kid naping an aged -millionaire. The war rant charge merely kidnaping, but tha relatives of George Rbodlua that la tha old man's Mm-make what they consider a more serloua allegation. They Bay tha fair Emma Dare married tha octogenarian, who has tha misfortune to be feebleminded. 'The alleged crime was committed In Louisville, Kentucky, a month ago. Tha woman la said to have abducted Rho- dlua here and fled with Mm to Ken tucky, where a wedding, ceremony was performed, after which tha couple dis appeared. Mrs. Rhodlua or Dare will be tried In Indianapolis. ALL ABOARD FOR THE TRIP TO PANAMA (Jesrasl BmcuiI ServVe.) " Washington. D. C, Feb. IS. A party of half a hundred or mora senatora and repraaentatlvea, . consisting mainly of those from tha middle western states, will leave New Tork March 0. to exam the price the present will prevail. GreatEclipse Steel sands sold order now. week will r 1 and Ungprajed -Troll Trees onEagt AGED MAN SMOKES IN BED Through tha" prompt action of De tective Price and Patrolman Wanleaa, John HeCuUeg, an aged man residing la a junk atore at Clay and Water streets, was saved from 'death In tha flames laat night Tha fir which gutted tha building broke out about I o'clock and spread with 'ereat rapidity; - McCulleg, who sleep la the place, la said to have been in a drunken stupor and out xor tna timelv arrival of the policeman, who carried him tb a place of aafety. would have been burned to a erlsp. - The de partment responded to a H11 ' alarm and the bias was quickly extinguished. ine tha work dona on tha Panama can al. Tha party, will arrive at colon March It, and begin the .return jour ney March 1. All will b granted free round trip transportation. Including berths and meals, and free -transportation on the lathraua- The only necessary expenses will be hotel accommodations for the five days they are In the canal gene. UMATILLA INDIANS - ' TO FILE GRIEVANCES ' (Spertal Dispatch t The Jo-mak) Pandelton. Or, Feb. . . Chief No- Bhlrt and Umaplne, Amoa Pond. Ta ktma George and Kaap-Kaap, prominent members of the Umatilla tribe, have eaUedy-a vauaett of the entire Umatilla tribe of Indiana, to be held at the agen cy this, week, for tne purpose of pre senting th grievances of the Indiana to Inspector. Davis, who la now here for the ' purpose ef making an investi gation of charges against Superinten dent O. C Kdwarda. The Indiana will present their statements on all subjects which have been In controversy between them and the superintendent. , MANY SEVERE QUAKES ' SCARE JAMAICA PEOPLE - -' (Jeenel Beeehil Ser-l-a,) f Kingston, Jamaica, Feb. St. Five men were killed and many Injured by a se vere "quake" that was followed by two mild onee. The walls of damaged build ings were shaken down on four negroes who werqe eaught In the debris and We have received notice of another advance In the -price of the "Eclipse Steel Ranges. After the first of May will be much higher. While., stock lasts the old price A w-hole "G series. Range !''...- S . This is the full size, stendard Eclipse the range ' with a record for baking and durability; It is"V5ie quickest and ' surest baker on the market. ' Thou- in Portland. Get in A $1 down and a $1 a psy for it. :QEURT Side Property. AND SETS FIRE TO HOUSE All of the hair waa burned from the top of McCulleg-, head nd his faoe waa blistered from the fire. He waa sent to the station owing te his Ine briated condition but Captain Slover allowed bun his-liberty. This morning McCulleg waa found in a auoon ai fToni ana uijp streets surj faring excruciating paJn, from his bqrnj ajvd waa -removed to the Good Samaritan hospital. An investigation by Patrolman Wanleas shows that Mo Culleg evidently -waa smoking In bed and upon falling asleep the bedclothes were Ignited by his pipe. ' Detective Price also rescued av horse from an ad- Joining stable. .. ... killed; halt a dosen ethers were more or less covere)y Injured One . white man. who was driving through ' the atreets, was killed by a damaged build ing collapsing and burying him and his team. The people -were thrown into a panto and all made for the parks. Tbs renewed shocks caused the1 greatest alarm, many persona who had decided to stay In ths city and reestablish their fallen " fortunee have 'now decided te leave for aome place which glrea pros pects of being more stable. - WHEN ILLINOIS NEARLY . LOST THE WINDY CITY (Joaral Special Servlai.) Chicago, . Feb. ; IS. The proposed formation of a new state oomposed ef tha eastern portions of Washington and Oregon and the northern part ef Idaho recalls' an -early eVempt to divide HI, nols which if it had euoceeded would have put Chicago la Wlaconarn. About 140 , the northern; 14 countlee ofl Illinois, disgusted with the enor mous debt contracted by leaders from the southern part of the state with wblch they then had very little in common voted to aeeede and become part of Wisconsin. The balance of the state did not permit this, however, and thus Illinois la more prominent than It might have been had Chicago been lost to the state. . To Visit Southern .Institutions.' (Joenl SpmW Service.) New Tork, Fab. It. Men and women Interested in the southern Institutions conducted by the American Missionary association left New Tork today to vlalt For the Small Sum ol We Will Place Either of These Ranges in Your Kitchen & SONS I ssaaBBammmaWBsmw - i We are tion.4" tvs a right fov the Peeplel Against afo opolyl a Beta Against Plsiaai aa4 ruth, for vmeie rcrrnerr ,Our i"s Tjupeetioa ef . A carload of bulls came into Portland last week, consigned to a certain market in our city. Wonder if such weapons as "bull-beef are to be used in the fight against the people and their favorite market? We wonder how many people got "delicious, tender and juicy" beef from that carload. of "tuff stuff? You'd be sureof the best meats in OREGON and ORE GON'S best meats at lowest lMng prices, select from this list: "! ; v . . -;,. Prime Rib Roast Beef. . .10 Beef Sirloin Steak ...,124? Small Porterhouse ,,..12j4 Pancv Porterhouse Steak ..12. Fancy "T"-Bone Steak. 124 lSoUeLRibJRo5t:Ja.l2 Beef TUVSteak 77.r.x2X4 Beef Loin Steak ...... 10s Best Round Steak .....124) Beef Shoulder Steak . , .12 Beef Shoulder Roast. ;,124 Pot Roast Beef 8s Rumo Roast Beef ..... 8 Hamburger Steak THE HARRY WOOD MARKET CO. Jl The Meat Shop on the Corner With Prices on the Square Corner First and Alder Streets - even' of the schools eoadueteA by the aasoelatloA, Piedmont, Atlanta, Talla dega, Straight, Tougaloo, l Moyne and Stak will be visited. . The Itinerary calls for the traversing ef 11 statea PERSONALS Jl. B. BUlnbaeh of A. B. Btetnhaeh Co.. reached home Saturday night after an absence of six weeks In New Tork and other eastern commercial centers, It being; an established custom of Mr. Btetnbaoh to spend a goodly portion ef each seaeoa with his manufacturers, at tending te the selection of his mer chandise. 5 To meet the demand for m low-priced steel range, we placed an Order with the "Eclipse" Stove Co. for a special range. The first shipment has just been received. Series "K" Eclipse. -' This Range Costs You Only It is made after the regular "Eclipse" pattern and Is warranted to give satis faction to those who desire a smaller ; range. The same easy terms' of pay, ment prevail. $1.00 Down, $1.00 a Week "Whom the gods would, destroy they first make mad." Monopoly has stepped ' forth from be hind the mask of deceit, and dispelled the clouds of illusion which have heretofore surrounded and enveloped it I , Monopoly that a few, days ago petition' 'now declares a "fight" against what?- indeed flattefed tQ .be at last For "competition is the life :,r , TO.TH E PUBL1C; , The. Harry Wood Market has tfeeh in and of Portland since 1889. and Harry Wood is here to stay at First and AWcr DN the fiprKt is the heoole's arainst clean, fresh, wholesome, healthy OREGON GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS! : ; "-' Corned Beef 6e St 4e Oxtails, per pound.;..-. Choice Brisket Beet-. Beef Necks to Boit .... Beef to Stew ' M 8e 5e Beef Tripe 4 ft 4 Beef ' Kidneys- ......... Beef : Brains i'JTtlT. . . Veal Shanks for Broth . Veal for Stewinr 6 8e Breast of Veal ........ lOat Veal Rump Roast .... .12 Leg Roast of Veal . .. .124 f Shoulder Roast Veal . . 10 Loin Roast Veal ...... 15e Rib Roast Veal ....... 121 Special Prices Given to Hotels and IVT PJ7 Can be repaid in monthly install lytKJLSL X mcnt. if desired. $21.24 per TO LOAN Columbia. Life s5c Trust Company 01 si T-imtka TTwll fsjar T)llll4l M aV fiaWaN9 St enl fisaa1s C-e 1 " shftWUVV SiMevaasiuas) V mmnmiibi WVrrWaVAV SaMataB W WaaV am WasVe - ' BelUkle Afsnts waatod to sen ear "THasple Safe woUey. Tha heet and ebaasesS) . goaraateea life eoaciaet la eaUteaee. , 219-227 YAMM IlL, ST. The Fight Is Onl These ate Oar weapeasi Oood, Olaaa. Healthy, Covernnenl Inspected . Meals 7 "had no com- i and whom? , recognized as, "Competi of trade." attemoted monooolv for Loin Veal Cutlets ..... 15s Rib" Veal Cutlets . . . . V.12 Legs of Pork ..12e Pork Chops 12 Pork Loin Roast ...... 15e Pork Steak ........... 15a Side Pork ............ 12e Pork Shoulder Roast V.12e ' Pork Mixed" Sausage . , 10s? Pork Hocks T7.T. . .".V.'.'r 8 Pigs' Feet 5e. Leaf Lard ........... .12 t Pickle Tork ........... 12H Delicious Breakfast ' Bacon . . . . ... . . . . ,.17yit Hams ;17 Restaurants month will repay a $1000 1 principal and interest, in 6( months. -Longer or shorter time if . desired Call on 'us . for full particulars. ;- r- ;,. t ' '