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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENINQ. FEBRUARY 5. 1C37. IITE'S DEATH 10 M MIICED : Brother Sty He Will Take Law In His Own Hands if Thaw ' Escapes the Chair. , - SEATTLE MAN MAKES v ' - THREATS AGAINST THAW " V . Prisoner Spend Very Unhnpny Day, as th Fear of Incarceration In an Asylum for the- Insane Is Con stantly on His Mind. (Joaraal SpecUl Servles.l - JOnr-Tortq- Feb.- 2. Richard Mans field Whit of Seattle, brother of the lain architect. Is due to arrive from Kurope today and his return will be watched with interest, as when he came , here to attend Stanford Whlte'a funeral he declared In substance that he would take the law Into his own hands If the district attorney did not hare Thaw punished, and that hla brother's mur der should nof ro unavenged. He baa been absent from New Tork during all this period si nee the funeral. 1 George Pollock, a, fanner elevator boy at the Ban Jacinto apartment house, has made affidavit that Stanford White. ... up to a few month betas Thaw shot ' him, endeavored several ,Ume to again iret on friendly terms - with Evelyn . Nesblt Thaw. M lea Hat tie Forsytlie had an apartment Jn- his house, and , Mre. Thaw vlqlted ,her. Through her "White"" sought ; to secur a reconclll a Ion with Mrs. Thaw. He. was admitted to Miss Forsythe'e apartment only once when Mra. Thaw waa there, and that waa an occasion when -Malne Elliott and ' other actreaaea were . Miss For . sytha'a guests. Mra. Thaw avoided him "an left early." ... ' On a subsequent occasion when ah was there word was sent to White when " he called that Mlaa Foraythe waa not at home. A carriage wae then called for Mrs. Thaw, and she left by a side door. Whit became angry whan "h found out h had been tricked and told Mia Foraythe over the telephone he would . send her to California. - Pollock waa at .the switchboard and overheard the tele phone talk. - hip Xer to California. ' To appease him Mis Forsyth sent Evelyn Nesblt Thaw a large baaket of flower which. Whit had ordered, and ah attached to tta card Inscribed "From your friend, Stanford White." White failed, however, to meet Mr. Thaw, and still vexed at Mis Forsyth, sent her to California. These occurrences wer . la. March, list. .Miss Forsyth returned after, the hooting- 1 t The district attorney ha three alien ists in court, Dr. McDonald, Flint and Mahon, and when Dra, Deemar and Blngamap and the Tomb physician, Dr, Magulre, give the evidence that the de fense I . still to present .concerning Thaw's mental condition. Jerome' ex perts will not what they aay and. It 1' understood, that the question of Thaw' , sanity I such at present that a com mission should examine him. v " Mrs. .William Thaw, the prisoner's mother. Is to be the last wltneva for the defense, and. walla her testimony will probably serve to Increase the sym pathy which the presentation of Thaw's ras has aroused it may also serve to fasten on her on the etlgma pf Incara bl hereditary mental disease. , . s ThaW Most Unhappy Bar. ' Prison keepers say that not sine Thaw' arrival In the Tomb hov they seen him so downcast as h was on Sunday. He ha no fear of oonvlctlon of -murder and hi worry was due to re port that District Attorney Jerome would aak for a commission In lunacy and have htm sent to an asylum. . Ha had been confident of acquittal on the homicide charge, and had been hop ing to go free at the close of hi present trial. Consequently th thought of In' definite confinement a a lunatla wa Intensely displeasing to him. Thaw, anxious to know how far Je rome could go to have the trial Stopped and to bring about hla Incarceration In an aaylum. summoned Lawyer Hart rldg and O'Reilly and aaked them many questions. They assured him that Je rome would be defeated on this line. Thaw wanted to consult Delmaa, but Delmaa had gon out of th city for a Sunday rest. On of th stories which reached Thaw was that hla mother had aent an Intermediary to confer with the dis trict attorney end 'that an agreement had been reached wberaby an applica tion waa to be made for a lunacy com mission. Tbw took no atock in this story, which, like many othera told In connection with the ease, lack Con firmation. . It waa reported that Jerome might In terrupt Mra. Evelyn Thaw"a cross-ex amination for the purpose of lntroduc-H Ing evidence to ley the foundation for asking for a commission In lunacy at once, but Attorney Hartrldge. said ' It had been agreed by both aides to rinisn with her before calling any other wit nesses. .... . .. - Mra Evelyn Thaw .rested all day In her apartment. Thaw lawyers aay that out of consideration for her there must be no postponement of the cross examination, with th dread of renewal of the ordeal tinging over her and when the torture I over with ah will begin to feel better. . v CONTRADICTS . ; i . , ' ' (Continued from Page On.) Jerome was Implacable and relentless In hla cross-examination, but - th wit ness kept her wit about her. . - "What waa th cause of th trouble between you and your mother. In Alle gheny t". ws th first question. - 'Ther wss no trouble." "White placed a sum of money to your credit In a bank, did he notT" "1 did not see any." Then Jerome sought detail of, her ac quaintance with France Belmont, the present Lady AshburtOn, and questioned her about' parties she attended with Frances. He read from a atatemant made by Mrs. Holman. She whispered th name of two men who, Evelyn eald. attended omjpirttalthoughtheydld not escort her. Jeroms" asked, "Do yflu remember about a party yon attended on February fi liOJT" , Tee. I went to that party that night," - - meads Mother' Statement. Jerome wa surprised. . Reading from Mra. Holman's statement, he asked If France Belmont had not wanted her to go, but that she had refused on ac count of bronchltla. and that White had telephoned her order to stay at home. "It ia not true." said Evelyn; "I went to to party." Jerome Took a irew Tack. - "How long were yon In th Florodor company," he aaked. "I think from the summer of 1101 to January, 1901." '. i . "How long war yon out of a posi tion r , T don't remember. Mother and . I went to Philadelphia for a while." Jerome seemed anxious to establish th date whan sh secured her - next place, where sh lived In th mean time and the circumstances surround ing White's weekly payment. Met first Meeting With Thaw. Evelyn said that shortly after' meet ing Thaw he sent her 150 with a box of flowers, but -tbat she returned the money. Sh met Thaw at a. dlnnel ha gav at Rector's and that Thaw seemed rational at dinner. . Sh wa accustomed to pea other girls get money -with flowers and .did not think it Improper to continue going abont -with Thaw after sh had returned hla 150. - .., Jerome turned to Hummel' part in th affair and, aaked: - "Ton were shown a paper In ' Rum mer officof "I wa shown a signature said th witness. . Jerome offered the paper, and Evelyn said ths name waa th asm s th sig nature, but that aha could not swear It la the same a ah had been shown. Evelyn aald ah had been told "some thing" about Ethel Thomas, whos name figure In th story of Thaw's alleged cruelty. , ; . , . - Evelyn aald Thaw showed no Signs of being Irrational up to February, not. She aald George Lederer got her a po- SEIIJITE ADOPTS AOENDLiEHT . OF SEHMOR fULTOn Takes Creating of Forest Re serves From President and Give It to Congress. scku:.ia:::m;ei::xs hubby a head mm Threatens to Knock Upper Story Off a Flutist Who Discon certed Prima Donna. (Wsnhfsfftna limii ef Ths Jeerael.) - Washington, Feb. IS. Th amend ment of Senator Fulton to th agrlcul tural appropriation bill wa adopted thla afternoon.. It nrovlde that' here after no forest reserves shall be created In Oregon, Washington. Idaho, Colorado, Montana or Wyoming without an bet of congress.. Ther la much question a to It chance of passing th house or being reported from the conference commit? tee when the bill' goea to conference. Thla Is regarded as en of th most radical acta of th senate t this ses sion, as It Is distinctly antagonistic to th policy of th administration as to the disposition of th forest area or th public domain. ' . ' Heretofore reserve have been crested by executive proclamation with no limit on th authority, of the president, who ha 100,000,000 acres now In forest reserves. ANOTHER MAN FINDS - THE GARDEN OF EDEN (Jeerssl Special Service.) Jackson. Mis., Feb. IS.T-Th garden of Eden originally wa located In Yasoo count, thl state, according to Profes sor Clinton McMlcklc, a Kansas scient ist, who Is organising a atock company to excavate on the farm of W. A. Henry, a well-known lawyer and planter, about seven miles south of Yasoo City, la the hope of unearthing th ruing of a one splendid city erected shortly after the expulsion of Adam and Eve. Professor McMlckle addressed a letter to Gov ernor Vardaman setting forth his .theory and asking to b furnished with a map of that portion of th Delta country. The governor referred the writer to Major Latnir Fontaine of Lyons, Mls-leslppU-c1y11 engineer explorer and centlet, who mad an Investigation and expressed confidence .in McMlcklc's theory. Have you got your eye opnT Schil ling Beat. - , . ., . AX IN HER HAND (Continued from Page One.) evidently Imagined that at a whiff of the drug their victim would simply toppl over lnser.sible. The fact wa that th Qulner did not know th chloroform had been poured on their plllowa until after th plot of th burglara waa discovered. They left the sitting-room' at about 10:10 and went to another room. The attack on the door of Mrs. Elvtn was mad at about 11 and th Qulner had not ret prepared for bed. Upon entering their bedroom shortly aftef the excitement Qulner realised that th powerful fumes that assailed him wer those of chloroform. He opened th window and door and changed th pillow, ao no evil resulted from th bungling trick 'or 'in ,tnnga. , t ; si.f,ait' 1 w,W rMa 'OMAa.' ''' ' Allen t Lewis' Best Brand. - (Jownsal Special Service.) f Philadelphia, Pa., Feb.. 21. Frit Bcheel' collapse waa th Indirect cause of an unpleasant experience for Unit Schumann-Hefnk. when here. August ft edema nn. flutist, waa expected to take Behcet's place a Reader of th Phila delphia .. orchestra, but Leandro Cam penarl waa engaged, and Rodemann stirred th Oermsn element In the orchestra to revolt. Friday night when Schumaiin-Helnk aang at the orches tra's publlo rehearsal her accompani ment was played o badly that she be came perplexed andthen Indignant. Notwithstanding enthusiastto applause she refused to sing again with such muslclana. . 1. . J ' . Kodemann assured hsr It was Cam- panari's fault, but ah knew better. - Saturday night ah sang -again to a crowded house, ..but without orchestral accompaniment, a pianist having been engaged. Kodemann wanted - her to apologia to the orchestra, and became ao trouble some that aha telegraphed to New Tork for . her husband, who Informed Kode mann he would get his head punched If- he 'continued his annoyance.. Now Kodemann, who wa - Bcheel' favorite. I out of th orchestra, th manager having discharged him to avoid trouble hereafter. DRAIN ROAD (Continued from Page One.) sltlon In th . "Wild Roa' company, and took her to- supper at least 10 times. Her mother was present nair tne time. Evelyn never ate with him except whan other wer present. Her Xaew TOai, Evelyn said Barry more never took her to Dr, Flint nor to any other qoc tor. At this, point Dr. Flint wa brought Into th courtroom and stood close to Evelyn, and . gased directly at her. "Did you vr see thl man before?" aaked Jerome..- . y ..No. ' - . "Tou absolutely certain!- "I do not remember ever having aeen him before." There Flint retired. Evelyn eald her mother disliked Bar rymora. She declared she never waa alon at night with Barrymore. Disso luf ioil of Partnership Greatest Cut in Piano Prices ' On April 1 two of the Soule brothers, Messrs. Charles R. and Buell S. Soule, will retire from the firm of Soule Bros. Piano Co., and' it is necessary to convert the entire stock of over 100 instruments into cash or contracts by that date. : In order to accomplish this' we fully realize that we must cut prices as they were never cut before on instruments of like grade. PIANOS, "INTERIOR-PLAYER PIANOS," PIANO-PLAYERS AND OR- . : GANS-7ALL TO BE SACRIFICED. - TTo Piano frtunity of Your Life Is, Now ! Before You If you have the cash to spare you can get nearly double value for your money here now. Oppo Eg I PABbsiy" ' If you are not in position to pay all cash now, we can arrange .time pay ments, but on account of the "great discount we are giving during this sale we do not care to accept payments of less than $10 per month. Why no save the cost of an ordinary piano by purchasing here now? " OPEN EVENINGS J . ; . .V'.Y - f o 372-374 Morrison Street, Corner Morrisor. and West Park tunnel machinery which .he haa not paid. Beside th amount owing ' by the company to Sweeney Cole, there are open accounts of about $36,000, and notes ot th C E. La company for 112,000. . ; "Th open accounts ar for purchases of' supplies nd -nlr kinds- of "thing bought by T. J. Tobtn, who ha been In charge of th work. Th commit sary haa been run on a very wasteful plan. ' Several days ago I wa advised that Holland, a bookkeeper, had been given an Involuntary vacation, and sent to southern California. I sent for him, and h brought m an abstract of th book which . on examination did'' not compare favorably with the reports that have been furnished from Drain. Detective Held Tfp. "On Saturday I employed a Plnkerton detective and sent him with Holland to Drain to secure posseaaioa of th book of th C K. Loa company. Tbey war armed with a written order from m for the) book. Instead of being pro tected and aaalsted by local authorities at Drain, they were actually held up and arched themselves and prevented from getting away with the booka." Attorney A. C Emmons, who at th request of Mr. Loss went to Drain on th late train Saturday night, to look after the Interest o'f th company and aircx ins movement of Holland and th detective, wss arrested by the town marshal before be could get breakfaat at the Drain hotel Sunday morning. He succeeded In Satisfying th justice court that n had committed no crime, - but Just a he waa entering the dining-room for dinner he waa arrested again, thla time by a constable from the Justice court On being taken to th court It waa 'proposed that h b Marched, United maUway Vet Affected, 1 never before knew how helpless a stranger la In a town where he 1 arrested accused of a crime," aald Mr. Emmons, who returned thl morning from Drain. "It waa Sunday, and I didn't know a soul tn Drain. I took th juatlco out and after a talk with him It waa decided that If I would arrange with th cashier of th bank for a bond of flat I would be at liberty.. -W went over to th bank and It wa soon arranged. If I had been unable to leave ther and reach Portland thl morning It would have complicated Other Important business that I had coming up at my office." . jL-i XmmotM Cndigaaat. Owens, a subcontractor, charged that th agents of sir. Loss, In getting pos session of th book and paper In th company's office, took away a payroll list that waa being made out. Mr. Em mons waa Indignant at th arrest and treatment he received, and demanded that apectflo charge be mad. " Owen wa unable to specify which payroll he had missed, and on examination It wa found that bla January and December payrolla wer In hi Ceak, and that th February payroll waa not yet mad out by th bookkeeper. In spit of protests from Attorney Emmons, himself arid his companions wer eearohed. Nothing pertaining ' t th ease -waa found on them. Th jus- Mo of th peace, with charaoteristlo caution, bound them over In th re spective sum of f 1.000 each. C. K. Loa said today that th af fair of the Loss company war In no way connected with the United Rail way company In Portland, and that th Portland project of that company would go forward now planned and financed. . Th principal creditor are: Giant Power company, SMtO; TVadhams A Co., I7.tst Baker A Hamilton, tl.tK; K 11 gore Petler Co., $1,190; Marahall Wells Hardware company, Honeymta Hardware company. Armour at Co., M. Seller A Co., Allen a Lewis, Meier and Frank, Flelschner. ' Mayer aV Co., Lang A Co.. Hexter, May A Co.. and a dosen other having small elahns of 1100 t 1800. - . -. , .. fiTOMBM m mm. mm mm Beautiful residence lots near three carlines, school, and churches, for. These lots will be wcrth J 6C0 telofe Ihe year Is Cat. We will build you a house sn3 you may pay for 11 by &encnth Are you afraid of the word "speculate?" It means -you can get in on the right side of the ledger. whole lot tp you if It takes a nervy man. thoueh. to buy mlnine stock way off In some other man's country or to shut his eyes and see the wheel of fortune go around a wheat market, or a cotton market or a copper mine. :' Sometimes he wins and sometimes he doesn'tthe trouble with these speculations is, they never give one ' a chance to pass judgment oiTthe thing for himself you ve got to take tne outer- leuows word tor it; ana sometimes TtdMiQesn t leu uie iruui, or topuvii mora charitably, he doesn't always know. : ' . .. . Real Estate is the safest speculation in the world you can see it ill th time, and it Can never get away. You KNOW all the conditions In and around it, and you KNOW what there is back of it. There are twenty acres just east of the Southern Pacific carshops, between ' East Twenty-third and East Twenty-sixth streets. This property was owned for years' by one man, but he always refused to sell it; we knew its real value. He made a price and we took itand yet the land is -worth more than he asked for it, because it lies beautifully it is accessible it is convenient to churches, schools, ' and neighbors. Lots much farther out and not half so desirable are selling for : 'twice as much. v-:,.';i.-"v : .'"v-'-:'. ''--w": .?r'U. .' We want every lot sold before March 15VComt Intfj ourj?fucj(ground floor) Commonwealth Building, Sixth Zand Burn side, and we will take you outtcjthe v property. You can select the lot"tr lota you want, and pay us $10 a month. . . ' If you buy one or more of these lots before the 15th fef March, and make your cavments reeularly for six months., and then decide you have not made a first-; class investment, we will return your money with 10 per cent interest We do this because we have confidence in the property ourselves and w want small Inf vestors to have confidence In our ability to select a first-class investment. Here's Our Proposition Choice Resi dence Lots $300 . $10 a Month SLL US TODAY Here's ; Our c Guarantee Your Money Back With 10 Per Cent ; Interest : ..' RESIDENCE LOTS OUR SPECIALTY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING SIXTH AND BURNSIDE TOBIN . MAKES , STATEMENT He Bart Mr. Long Neglected the ' -'.' Drnla Work.. ,: ) (Jnarntl ttiH,l Serrle.t ' : Drain. Or.. Fab. IS. Regarding the eharg of C. B. loss of gross mls msnagament of affairs here by T. 3. Tobtn. Tobln stats that Loss I not sufficiently conversant with hi work her to Justify him In making any neb char. Tobln resigned from th Loss company th Utter part of October, on sreonnt tt not being furnished with auf. Give Dr-Graves Tooth Powder one trial and vou will m nr. other. Makes yellow'teeth white, .1 ' j i fir- . Clean ana Dcatuuut. nocieiy und your health demands its use twic-a-day"; so the dentists say. In fcaady aal n or hsttlss. Sd D' GraYes' Tcalh Pct!:r Co Sclent fond ana outfit t carry tn work property. After bis resignation, Mr. Los had vral manager and finally aaked Tobln to return, which t did. Mr. Lose ha never been In Drain but twice and did not go out of th town limit lthr time. On of his Visits hsr wa for th purpose of getting Tobln to return to hi employ, guaran teeing him financial aupport In carry ing on th work properly. Thl k haa not furnished. . 8om Of th aubcontraetor hav not been paid any money for several month past. Lobs hsd approximately g-'mil-ilon-dollar contract her. Tobln nay hi action ar open to Investigation by any person properly versed In railroad construction work and Is willing to have all of-hla affair fully Investigated. He say h I only trying to preserv th book and paper of th C K. Loss com pany for any benefit they may b to all creditor of th work here, or until th legal owner or proper authorttfe get them. Subcontractor Sweeney, who ha two tunnoj on thla work, atatea that hhs not seen any mismanagement on To bin's part Similar sentiments wer voiced by Thomaa Owena, who bos a subcontract on a large tunnel. Includ ing Some masonry and concrete work. VICTOR B. D0LLIVER . .SUDDENLY CALLED " .' (Journal Sseelsl Service.) ' ' Fort Dodge, la., Feb. II. Victor B. Dolllver, aged It years, a brother of Senator J.' P. Dolllver, wa found dead In hi bed - yesterday morning. Hki death waa due to heart trouble, com plicated with a bad cold. Hi wife, who waa a daughter of - former Governor Larrabee, died within a. year after her marriage. Six month ago. he mad a donation of $10,000 to th Mornlngntd college at Bloux City. A an orator and public speaker he wa a brilliant aa his brother and hsd been prominent In state and national politic. He I survived by two sisters, on: of them dean of Mornlngsld college. Th new of th death Of VfT Dolllver will be received with sincere regret by many people here. He is remembered In this city, as a eharmlng man.' In 1(00, In McKlnley' second campaign for ths presidency, Mr. Dolllver wa sent to this stat by th national com mittee and made a thorough canvas of th principal cltlaa. He wa In Oregon for som time Immediately after th earn pa lam and during hla stay hers mad many t rinda ELECTRICITY LEADS TO THE HIGHER LIFE ' (Jeornal Speck! gervtct.) Ossinlng. N. T.. Feb. 25. George Granger wa electrocuted thl morning for , th murder of Charle Luti, a dairyman, to get money to go on th tag. Ha professed faith In Christian Brtenc after his confinement In Plug ging. He aald hi electrocution would be the mean of. transition to higher real ma 1 1 mmmmmmtamtmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmm FIRE DESTROYS DESKS V AND HOTEL BUILDING (Jearnsl (perls! Servles.) Pittsburg. Pa Feb. II. Fir started this morning In th Mare building on Liberty avenue, occupied, by the Derby Desk compsny. The ftevanth Avenue hotel was Ignited. Th lot was :t0, POO befor noon. ' Pay Llttlti Down, Then Unta At Tim Let Us Telf Yoi 'About the quality of our clothing and our easy payment method of selling." There's nothing equal ' to a persona) interview and inspection of the goods .in a business transaction. Step in any time. ' No trouble to show the goods. You'll find our suits to be of the very best materials, made up after the ' latest styles. They are genuine .woolens and the 'workmanship is of the highest order, The pay ments will not be burdensome and you 'are ai sured of good goods moderately priced. You pay no more than you would at cash 'clothing stores.' -Everybody welcome to credit. " VURTZ tS SONS 173-175 FJfft St. 219-227 Yamhill' We Do a Mail Order Business Catalog Free s eTl I