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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
THE OHEGON -DAILY .jOUaNAU rOKTLANU fATUuDAY, EVENING, MZEUAIiY 1907 r .- i i . , V , in4, ... "" .. . ' Tit WAUBUH-NIN&-GOO-SEE OUTSIDE! VWII IU or- A. IS TA VTM1I or Lm 1 1 y i vv , j,;. i ,. ? 4 I ' vv y ' r - ft, i - y AKEtf W NOKOMIS SHOWED ME HOW TO MAKE CORN CAKE I (ami i Aif n a wtr it im Tur l . Wi WILL. V V U l-wnvu, it in mi. , " f If J ( 4 I . .1. . . . m ' K, i , , , , , id i' ' W '' 'J ' ')' t .A".WS i v z: m KAYOET-YES1 THAT BEST VWY! THERE MUKOONS WHAT -VYANT- LITTLE BEAR? XTTP77' ...t A, W,, " 'J' J. ', A 'V ' ' . 'A 'A. ' A 7,.'. v.", 7. V "TV. S. op t flBELtEVET I HEAR BIRDS:,' CHIRPINO SOMEWHERE! .' 1 1 I. J A 1 It cHSpiviEWHEREl am k JSI f&PEAK UP .v&NOWWKpl 1 DON'T BE AFRAID ) YOUK FRIEND Pt-r4AY. THE. l ru i i IS BURIED tJNDCR THt arrow- , . CRUST ANO ' ' L---,r70 ( JTMI5 la FINE -Vj HrlVi uien AND warm ; . r I mrr I 'I f 1 V 1 OH. LOO rS AT THE WHJT BIRDS WW)IJK - J THEMSELVES 'AT OURM iP.HIMMEY? - v I I -xry . . r . One Aqr Lnti Orowlinf Bird and Puny Ytilow Hair (houht they would try toiMthinf ipwUl in th tray et cookmt their Bk SneWTUyboute, - YcSow Hair bad oim helped Nokoenia make Indian breada kind 0 cornmeal cake baked in the , . . aahea and wu aura aha eeuld bake eeme heraelf. .So Growlinj Bird brought a (reahaupply of com and borrowed the woodtn " , corn nuD from Nokomii with which to cruih th hard (run. Now. in thoae daya, the Induin did not have any "grinding" ma ri? chinca: Inatead, they pounded the coca in a "mortar" made by cutting aection from the trunk of a hardwood tree and hollowing it out fbottf half ha length. A few handful of cot new ere then thrown in the hollow, and another piece of hard wood waa uaed to While Orowling Bird pounded the corn in the "Poo-Uh-gun" Yellow Hair mined water and aalt with the meal and kneaded boar4-rWWle4haywmworkint;away AundaJi auddenly coc . l near wroaciurpingr nay aoring r Juat then Mukoonc. the Little Black Bear, popped hie head through the entrance ma cneoi Blrdl . There'a little white bird on the roof who want ta apeak to yogr" The children ran otitaide iu wanted. Gathered eround the chimnry o( lhair Snew House wu a amiil flock of Unle whKe bird warming . "Your Inend, Peenay, WHAT! HUNGRY Tle naiilhaocaUad "Pcah.IuCwhicHJjr,Mnjr''-'" rr,:t1fnc.malcing-mt.i'. . J , iRlCrHT UNPER , Itvit air. oimc- " 7 IS WHERE WE SAW PARTR1D0E DROP INTO THE , MEBBE YOU CAN SMELL PLACE WHERE' PE-NAY I IV6URIEP?- VVOhr'T CORN CAKc : BURN UP'"-'" WHILE WE -ARE AWAY? "7 - ,-":' W-. 1 - f : . 1 at ur M l -Snvr-,-: . r.a -7 -v.'., - - r Vi.,'-!. "XawrTghVlJWrSr Tie Heidi V y' I lataboanL-WMli I w.JJ. "Surely U can't be "T r,'. . VHey. there. OrawUngBt ; . ' . ' . ince to tec what be want l ' K ' Uiaraelvi ' They ware "Snowbinla," and WaubulHuu-foo. their chief, bopped forward and chirped 1 "Your 1 . tVe " burled under the mow enntr Wont too plute brt Tour enow ehovel nd "' nim 'l V )P0OR PARTRIDGE! 1 MUST Be ALMOST I STARVED! - ' WOn YYAUOnr ' 1 HUW.f t-XftY J t - lUiiwriiK f,FT : 4Y0I1 Till RlfMT - I ; 1duckw&. this ImrsogNiJ, ' j j ft kLi(''V: "; - l m.: -sr. fCAW! CAWt , YOU ARC.THfWWINOr '7i'-', .Aa aeon aa Orowling Bird heard what had befallen bia friend Peenay, the Partridge, he ariacd hi enow ahovel and cricd ' ."Howhl Mah-jah-dab. duahr "Cornel Let u etartr. Off tbeyran on top of the hard enow, cruet. Snowbird perched himeelf : . L-r-t W -VeQow rtou'a tamd. arA at went aJeot began to ten - ', - " i i t'' "Lonr ai. h the Beriiuibtc of Hunn." d Snwird. rv ancestor belonged ta the' Finch femilv. - There are manr ' ,i " , different branch to our family tree, but I am descended from the Oray Finche., One, when Necbin. the Summer, had gone ' v 1 ' - South on viajt. Ft-boan. the Winter, came out af hia ice-cave m the North and roamed all ewer the land. He carried a beg of ,.,, .-, i, V.' Reindeer akin in which, he kept Koon, the Snow Spirit.' Www always VyMf t (et-au tqhrntbthejrmh air nd look irmimj. r 1 - - . .T a. . . 1 1 'V' r: ,1 ' -.'.lCCflN CASE' J,'?S - : if';i, i.!;-' ..V:. ..r-rr-"-- ;;w -When Pe-boan at Ust let him out he amused himeelf blowing hie brtath. Kk a cloud of steam, away up into the sky. Soon Xawaynlin. the North Wind, came bowling around and from Koon' breath into mnilona el little whit. w um i 7-1-: j '"' wh they saw thie fiew .way to the South-to Snd Neebin. the Summer. - But Owl and Partridge end a few other stays Denmo. my ancestor, tne bray pinch, waa so frightened that he flew right Into the open mouth of the beg of RoikW : r altin. Then Koon quickly made frienda with the little bird, and, breathing an turn, turned hi plumage ta beautiful white! Ha named Mm "Waubuh-riin-goc-eV the Snowbird. , And ever since our people and Koon have been the beat of friend. P ; " . : In a little while the children came to the Mara whar titiir t,a a- k,. v ue..i l HnWfmi UMBAY NEEJE' - ft wfllliw i'''M'd'i PRETTY SNOW BlflD Mf( I Ia'.v' '"y PAT T WITri PT-NAY w Sfoi Ill l1' ,ii't) n"'N bOUINJ . I U P 1 STUPID BIRDS! I r ( I rtrru ivir r-rru ivir . 1 wn J I GETTttMO STUCK I I C3 A fa1 (7 UiMULI -1 Ul IkL I I,,,,,,,' XT'--, BIT OP SNOW - - im'BM'Vj;& ' CD ICTI . 1 1 tilt, u ; I. I ! A" .J 1 I. ,11 r . 1 IT " .,') 1 I: It' I ' vv- ' WHITE IM WINTER( a mr mv rr at w r r s;t I eswv e( its WYitfW miiaama ijHii, AW JauA' i .t'' -'-'trV . ... T- 1 7 w'sra Partridge waa mighty glad t be reecued. and toid int thilexen erf the way back to the Snow Ldugt how he happened to ret Into such t fa. - The Other evening," taid Peytay,."J waa going to aleep among the branchea of big pine tree, whan I thought-"' ,.---1-I heard an eld hooting I Owt can see in the dark, and I was airod he'd And me before morning and EAT met So I folded my . '"' wings tight and dropped straight down, plump, mto a big snowdrift I knew Owl couldn't tee me there, and went to aleep quite '. ' ' comfortably. Jt bad thawed during the day. but at night the wind blew cold and a herd crust lormed. When 1 woke up 1 knew ; . 7 by the light it waa morning, but although I pecked and pecked away at the bard cruet I couldn't break through. I must have , , V atarved there H Snowbird badnt hoard enav I'm aogdyoo cama.aaid PartrMga, "becaua IM .''.; 1 M . . t- j .:",'".'',,'' r.. : 4 When fhey get beck to the Snow Lodge they invited an the other snowbird Inairta m ihi.. te ti.. w.a atayed beside the warm chimney aa the time.) The oMIwiake waa toon belted, and some mora corn parched, and then they Ked . regular playhouse dinner pertyt Ivefy one enjoyed It eacept, perhape, Aandak. who was a wee bit Jeeloua because the chit. " ' ' dren made ao much of Partridge and the Snowbird People. V ' ii . . 'j. Some cold winter day you mey tee a flock of the Utile whit snowbirds flitting sbovcand if you ksten very carefully you may hear them chirping: "Pee-depo! Pee-depoT which. In their language, mean "T HER I It A SNOWSTORM COMIMCf ; . . V , ; ,,OTyomaytyo4iraiadieady.beaiiaatlie A.IU ' ' V' ! .1 - . f. . ....... ... . . ....... 4. .t-.w.- . t . . . X . . i 'i al 'j