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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING,- FEBRUARY 13. K27. FORCE FAIR SERVICE FROM THE RAILROADS Vyhat Approval of Commission Bill by Governor Will Mean V ' to Shippers. .' NO DISCRIMINATION V AND NO REBATES Tariff Brhfdtilrt - Mast ; Jk ' PC-ted Ulm PnMh fan Sm Thnu ' Xegtlgra. Shipper W ill Abo Be " Compelled to Do Bis Part, , .... If the Chapln railroad commission bill la approved by Governor Chamber . Jain, aa la generally expected, railroads ' will b regulated In Oregon In a man ner similar to the control exercised by the states of Texas and Wisconsin. lrnvl1on rgsrdlng--mDilcHjr ;jf rate schedules are similar to those of" fhe Interstate commerce" commission, and have already been complied with by the Southern Pacific and O. K. A N. com- - panlea In Oregon In conformity with the federal law effective .. since last August. Many other interesting "frro- viajuni vi me rcKii w -win ev i w u effect as aoon as the coventor's slgna ture Is attached. On application of a shipper or- oa the Initiative of the commission, a rata may ., ba reviewed and changed pending ap peal by either partyto the -Malta. A demurrage charge of 12 per day may - ba collected by a ahlpper falling to re ceive a car within the legal time, or a railroad may collect the same fins from - a ahlpper falling to load a car on time or from a consignee who is similarly delinquent. - .' ."' : Waat Hew taw Oorers. -All hearings will be open, and any person may attend and be heard, or may appear by attorney. A railroad in me nanaa oi a rvyviwr w i " Ject to all the provisions of the law the same as II owned by a corporation er-indivldttalr thla prior to the first day of April of this year.' All schedules and rates of charses for every kind of 'transports tlon, and for switching, "transfer, stor age and all other services by the rail roads snd their subsidiary companies. muat bs displayed in a pubiio place in every station where an agent Is main tained. Joint rates whenever made with any connecting company must also be slmllsriy posted, and In a manner con venient for the public's Inspection. Ten dars' notice must ba given of any chance tn existing schedules, by ths fil ing of the new schedules in a publlo place at every atatlon, unless tna com mission shall on, hearing prescribe a less time. -..-..' i i The railroad companies or aubsldlsry companies are prohibited from charging or collecting front sny person any greater - or less compensation for the transportation of passeogers or freight or for any service, than is printed tn the schedules wnicn may do 11 ins time in force and posted for publlo In spection in tha stations of the company. aVebatea prohibited. Under tbs law a railroad muat fur- nlah-tflhe shipping publlo JJeaeonablsl? " ZlZZZnZZL ZZ suatervioe, eVuWsnt and facll- tV0??"!?: Itlea for the moving of tna commerce or the state, and the transportation of all passenger. All "rebates to shippers, or discrimination between shippers or pas sengers Is prohibited. The charges maae by ths railroad or aubsldiary companies for carrying - peasengers ana ior- an services In tha receiving, switching, storing, transfer and refrigeration of freight, aball ba ."reasonable and Just, and every unreasonable charge for such service Is prohibited and declared to be unlawful." . Thla is th language f tha. Ur, and pursuant to It tha eommlsston, on bear ing cdmplaitrt of any person aggrieved. may abrogate or moairy tna umawrui rata rule or practice -of . th railroad company, or impose a fin of not less than. 1100 nor mors thsn 1 10.00 for each offense, to be paid by the railroad company into the state treasury. I of or persona engaged In work of hos pitals, iliarluble ami eleemosynary in stitutions, officers and agents of Incor porated relieves, destitute persons, em ployes of car lines snd telegraph or tel ephone companies. United Btatea recla mation service and livestock industry, United States lnsDectors. newsboys on trains, witnesses in any legal Investlga tlon tn which the railroad la Interested, persons or attendants In cases of rail- road wrecks, and la cases of epldemlo or calamity. Free transportation may also be given a shlppper for any man h may desig nate to accompany a -carload of live stock, fruit or property requiring an at tendant, provided there be no discrim ination between shippers. ltnst JTovid Oood raolUttes. Adequate sidetracks, spurs, depots. buildings and terminal facilities must be built and maintained by railroad com panies to render reasonable servlo to shippers - and nubile. On complaint or any person interested, tha commission msy order such facilities put in. ca tion houses and connecting tracks at railroad crossings msy be required by the commission. toT be Tullt"and-mahi- talned at Joint expense by th railroads, for convenience of passengers and for ths receiving and transfer of passen gers, bagKags and freight,1 and ade quate service at such places. .. - ' Grade crossing disputes may, be settled by the commission, and it may designate safety appliances to be constructed and maintained. The commission is empow ered to Impose and collect Into th treas ury of th stats a fins of I30O per week The transportation of passengers snd . property, .... receiving .and - delivering freight, -refrigeration and icing. Pwr ago and transfer, and all charges in connectionwith These services, -nrs-stttv Jct to control byth commission. It will also have jurisdiction in th regu lation of practices snd 'eharg'v of ter , mlnal companies, tanR 11ns an ajjilt eom panlea, sleeping csr companies private car companies, express companies, fast freight lines, so celled, and any asso . elation or corporation assuming duties of a common carrier on any railroad , within th stst of Oregon. This In cludes lnterurban electric roads, but not companlea that do an exclusive street car -business, on city streets. . zveiuier aoes n innuu iuiiiiiwu that are not doing business as .common carriers. 1 rest Bat Sehadal. - The rallrosd - freight iramo oepart ments, snd also th passenger depart- menta. will immediately prepare to eon enra , the law's nrnvialon reaulrlng the posting In all railway stations of schedules f charges f of th carrying of freights an' passengers. It is mads the fluty of every railroad company to do postal Bates Wermieslbla. ' Nothing in ths act is meant to be construed to prevent concentration, commodity, transit and other special contract rates, provided all such rates are open to all shippers for a Ilka kind of traffic, under similar conditions ana eiroumetaneea. out fcuch rates shall be sivede- t ths rommlwiilofi'i orders un der this head and covered by ths Iaw7 Wuppt Also BsgnJated. In th furnishing-of ears to shippers on demand no discrimination can be made in favor of any person or place or for any commodity, excepting for livestock or perishable property. If the application 4s for five cars, thsy must be furnished within five daya: If for more than five and not sxeeedlng M care, the railroad company has 10 days; if for mors than 10 cars and less than JO cars, the - railroad company baa IS days; If for 10 or more cars, they must be furnished within 20 days. Ths application mnst ba mads tn writ ing by tha owner, manager or shipper of the freight, and th cars must be fur nished at a place convenient for loading, at the point required by th shipper, but must be at some switch or siding on the line of th road to which ap plication Is made. Any application for cars must be mad to th railroad on which ths shipment originates. The ap plication must state the number ot cars wanted, the time and place desired, and the kind of freight to be shipped and Its destination. But wo to ths shipper who calls for more cam -than hs can -load- wlthla 48 always under supervision and regulation , i , ... . . i uiurv cars uraii Ma can .van- wniim to States, or to the state of Oregon, or any municipality, or for any charitable pur pose, exposition or fair, or for property or commodities of railway employes. K educed rates, commutation tickets r mileage may be sold to anyone, provided all persons applying therefor under sim ilar conditions ar given th same rates. That la to say., a special rat to any convention, or. a low excuraion rate.., or a cheap mileage book or, commutation ticket. sold -to any person -under certain provisions, most be sold to-anyone will ing to comply with th same conditions, -jrr-f T&s Iossibls rree Ust, . . . . f . Free transportation or reduced rates may be given employes, officers, sur geons or attorneys of th company, and members of their families, or .to former railway employes who msy hsv be come Incapacitated for service, and their families, or to stats or district officers, county Judges and sheriffs, -ministers, railway T. M. C A. secretsrles. Inmates he begins paying S3 per day demurrage per car not so. loaded to the railroad company. If ths railroad company, on th other hand, falls to deliver to him at the time and" place- desired -toe-number of cars applied for in writing, h may' collect from th company fcf per day for each absent car. Tha tlm In each case begins to ran from T o'clock a. m. th day following receipt of ap plication or car. The shipper who falls to receive a can. or cars on-time, may also hold tha railroad company liable for actual damages sustained by reason of Inability to ship his commodity. The shipper. In sul lg to recover- damages, must show that hs bad on hand at th tlm th ,klnd and amount of freight for which th cars were required by him. No car demurrage can be collect ed from a railroad company when de livery of the cars "was prevented by strikes, wsshouts. accidents or publlo calamlty--But lack ot sufficient motive powsr, cars, equipment, terminal facili ties, terminals or repair shall not exon erate tna railroad company from fur nishing cars to the ahlpper. nor for pay ment of demurrage or damages. The railroad commission Is given the power, on hearing, to suspend for con tlnuous periods of 30 days those sections of the act relating to demurrage, but no part of the law shall be suspended unless good and sufficient cauas is shown. It Is on this provision that the mull railroads of tha state will hang their hopes. In order to receive sny consideration from tha commission, they probably will first have to get a reason- abls amount of equipment to carry on Independently the business of their lines. Irrespective of the equipment that has heretofore been furnished by th trunk lines. - After thsy have secured reasonable and adequate equipment, and should their cars be drawn off ot their lines In ths service of the shippers of ths state for transcontinental or state traffic, they will bavs under th suspension section of ths law a protection from unreason able demurrage penalties, aa It Is . be lieved they will not be held to pay de murrage under conditions that ejrould b ruinous to a small railroad that Is ade quately equipped. .-- - ' Most Bspoct Aoddeats. A shipper who may by any untoward event bar been rendered unable to meat th law's requirements aa to load ing or unloading also has recourse to ths commission to absolvs him from paying demurrage charges and for sus pension of til provisions of this sec tion of th law for a period of 30 days. o m Junction eaa Issus staying -as- suspending any order of tbs commission. except n.fronppltcat1un to clrou't court, notloa to th commission, and a hearing, and ths furnishing of adequate bonds executed In fAVor nf th -nMamls, Ion. ' Either party In any suit lnvolv-1 ing th commission may, within 0 days after the entry of any decree, tak aa appeal ,to the supreme court of Oregon, and the case shall have precedence over all other civil suits of different " char acter. ' . '; .. ' In eases of accidents in which human Ufa or limb ar lost, or involving seri ous damage tor property, the- railroads are required to make an immediate and detailed report of th accident and- Us causes to th commission. . CHILLED EYES IN DAKOTA TURfl TOWARDS OREGON Commercial Club Receives Nu merous Inquiries From Sec- tions That Feel Winter. 1 v In its first delivery of tnali yesterday morning th Portland Commercial club received 11 S letters from 10 -different statas and three Canadian provlncea. - Among th inquiries 18 were from Min nesota and 12 from North Dakota, in dicating tbat tha severe winter had had tha effect of stimulating tha deslr for Information about a milder climate. -; " 11 .i 1 . . . , We're Bought Ott. Armstrong Th tailor. Us's going to get rich in Iowa. We're going to make Portland man look rich in swell garments cut by our Mr. Schaefer, for aLx and a half yeara cutter for "Nicoll th Tailor. He ought to know how. 4. C Bchaefer 4k Co, Raleigh building, Blxth and Washington.;- . ;,-7:-;, .. - ...... WxefsiTe Btook Caaasa Ooods. Allen Lewis' Best Brand, , -.. ; a i as JllllA 'II1: .iliiixJ I! Provides for heating your Kitchen in the same manner thatyou do your Dining Room. Do away with coal stoves altogether; install a Gas Range A GREAT DEAL" CHEAPER BY FAR THE CLEAFtER CONSIDERABLY ORE HANDY , t a - ! Many people believe that qwcll warmed Kitchefl canbej3btained"oriiy byusing a coal stove. Fal lacy, pure Das so Many Advantages In GjoMn;, that Furnace, Hot Water or Steam Heat coal 1 be put in the Kitchen very profitably. Gas is clean; is always reay for service; is easily 'regulated ; is economical; is convenient; is re liable; saves dust, ashes, soot, stove pipes, coal bins and many other nuisances. ;- - EOR-WIMlR-OIa-SUrXIEa-USE FBTTHand YAMHILL FIFTH and YAMHILL v. nctioin.' If I: were permitted to tell you what will tran : sleep before you would buy all the lots in that vicinity you could'carry. 1 . . . : N r - You might take a hint from the fact that I sold lots in South Omaha about the time the packing houses located there, for $500 each, thatsoldwithinihreeyeare after for $10,000 each. Study the picture. ' Another hint might be found in the experience of persons who bought lots at' St Johns about the time the O. R. CSi, N. branch en tered ;there for $500 each, that cannot be bough t to-" day for ; les'sthan $10,000 each. Study the picture ' -A .1 SHOWING UNIVERSITY PARK AND VICINITY UNIVERSITY PARK: surrounds McKENN A - JUNCTION and we are selling lots in that vicinity for $20 0 for 25x 1 0 0 f eet, ; -ten per cent cash, balance $5 . monthly on each lot No interest if all payments be paid on or before due. Prices subject" to advance ; any day. Francis I, Mc v Kenna, . agent office at University ; Park Station on St Johns car line: Phone Woodlawn 239 out of order as usual. ' No up town office. . - - .V -. ' ,'l ... i i t t'., a . t ., . t