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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 15. IS07. 1 Trrrn Trnrr--; I TOMIOHTM AMUSiMEJITe. H.ikrr... I'-inpIr. , ISiar. , , Iftie..., "At Vule" .'If I Wr Klaa ''Human Ilrtf . .."Isnt la Bllrla "A Bunch kri" VaudxTllI WOODEN MAINS ARE . .-. , OF LITTLE USE J, Aua-uit Hendrirkson. aired J6 - yam who wu admltttd to Bt. Vincent's "hos pital on January 29, died at that Instl. tu(ln last night, following an opera' tlon for appeniilcltla. It ha heen learned that Hendrickaon had been employed on the north bank, road and waa In the hospital at The Dalle, but absolutely nothina la known ol hla family. - Prior to coming to Portland Hendrickaon e- rured employment In a logging camp on the river, but owing to hla ailment waa compelled td give up Ms poKltlon at the end of the first day. It la thought that the young man had relative In this vicinity and the hospital authorities are making an effort to locate them. . Dr. H. VT. Co. D. D. ' Clarke. A. H. . Harding,-J. A. Lyman. K. I Thompson, i K. W. laickey and Mrs. I. P. E. Key- nolds constitute the committee of seven - which waa elected at the weekly meet TM or the First Cnnrrearatlonal rhurch evenlnc to consider the annllcants for the p a st ore f rnf -the t panares i Hon, I Push club that the water iruni wnicn vr. js. u. House naa re. signed. A committee of three will be appointed to draw up resolutions of ap preciation to be presented to Dr. House : before he leaves for Spokane to take up hla work there. The latter commit tee will report at the meeting to be held next Thursday night. ' Just look through other clothing stores . . examine their goods - and learn their prices then ooma to either of our etorea ... and compare them to ours. We are Belt ing men's and boys" right up-to-date suits and overcoats worth flS, $20 and ' S3 it S7-S3. 19.45 and 112.85; IS and W pants at 1X45, $2.75 and 13.76; hut worth U and IS at 75c S1-2S and 11.11; shirts, tl and (tea grade, at Sso and c; shoes for ladles, misses,' men and boys. II, Sl-uO, IJ and S3 grades, worth double our price. ' Trunks, suit cases, blankets and com - t orters at balf of their value. John Del .. lar, 181-183 First street, oorner Yamhill, and U-ttf Third street, corner Davis. .. . The state toard of medical examiners -ha flnlihad marking the papers of the - i applicants who took the ezamlnatlonJ January- r ' and" lOrand-found that Just balf the class, the following IS ap plicants, had secured the required per centage: Lk A. Boll man, Vf. E. Caas, ti. P, Edwards, 3. C. Evans, C. E. Fow ler. H. D. Qold, II. W. Hecate. U. W Jonaa, WC Jiirt1. H JCoJJopen.. Jf. t Pae,T. 3. Parisekv P. J.- Payne, O. A Potts, B. .F.8calfe, C. 8. See, A. B. , Starbuck, R. 8. Stearns, 8. M. Stro hecker, C. M. Buttner, C. E. Templeton, 3. T. Titus and A. K. Turner. ' - George W. NeaJ died of cerebral men ingitis yesterday at the home of W. Q. " Morgan, bis father-in-law, at 222 Union avenuev south. He was U year old and a natlTa of Oregon. H laava a wtfa. father, mother, four - alptera and ten brothers. The funeral will be held from inning's undertaking - parlors. East fitath - street, v as -soon - as - the father." .Thomas NeaJ, who la now in San Fran Cisco, can be heard from. . ;. ' - Rev. Clarence True 'Wilson; pastor of Oraee Methoalat church, left yesterday afternoon for a week's visit and rest in southern Oregon. This 1s the first vaca tion that be has- had In more than year, and a hla 'health has not been of the best lately he found that a short recreai.on was albaolutely necessary. ' The regular monthly meeting of the Oregon State Academy of Soiencea will be held at the city hall, Portland, Ore gon. ' Saturday. February II. gt S p. m. Dr. Ernest- UartSn will present a psper on "Dust as a Factor In Our Civiliza tion.". Vre pgbllo Is invited. , . - If you are troubled with a stubborn sough er coldU. ge a bottle 'of Kenyon's Cough Remedy from Albert Bernl, the druggist. 131 , Washington street. It quick relief when others fail. Walter Thomas Mills, editor of the Saturday Evening Tribune, a Socialist newspaper of Seattle, -will lecture to morrow night at the T. M, C. A. audi torium. Admission will be free. ...,. j -The ttattarlan Woman's alliance will give a parish social this evening In the church parlors at Seventh - ana Tam il 111. ' There will be a good program and all are cordially Invited. D11YI iSK CITY TO WATER SYSTEM Wood I awn People Request Water - BoarrJ to Purchase It at ' - Actual Value. " j , T. Gregg Elects President f Iosb Club Councilman Vaughn lieporis . on Progress Made by Committee Dpvlalng Tax Syslenx ' i i . . ' ' -. ' f Decided action was taken last, night by the Woodlawn push club-regarding the purchase of the . Woodlawn ' and Piedmont water systems by the city and the following resolutions adopted: ' "Resolved. That It is the sense BT ADE FOOTPAD BY 11IS IIUilGER Sixteen-Year-Old Boy Declares . He Has Had to Subsist by ' -Begging. . . 7 ' , . - . SNATCHES PURSE AND RUNS DOWN STREET W. P. ilonoyman Overtake Voung strr After He Had Grabbed Iteo tlcule pf Mrs.. Clinton, Director Manager, on Twelfth Street.'' , Driven by the pangs of hunger, he says, to commit a crime; Lionel Long ford, who give his age as It years, turned highwayman last' bight and aa a result la In the city prison and facea a terra In the penitentiary. ' The young footpad accosted Mrs. E. J. Clinton of 737 llovt street. Portland board pur6TiaseC6oaTawhnna and Washington streets at 1:30. o'clock mont plants at their actual value to the city." Then It was ' undertaken to Dlaoe a value on the Woodlawn plant and con siderable difference of opinion was re- rordedv However, It 'was finally sxreed thst the plant la practically valueless but that the money value of what was left of the Woodlawn water works, in cluding machinery, could be placed any where below 11,000. The Woodlawn plant Is an example of the.une of wooden mains; which are completely worn' out. An attempt .has been msde to replace them - with two-Inch Iron pipes. The pipes are of no value whatever to the city and they agreed that the system should be condemned. Councilman W. T. Vaughn, member of the committee appointed to draw- up an equitable plan of taxation for the exten sion of water mains, reported on tbe progress being made and said that noth ing had been, definitely decided upon bv the committee. But he stated that an amendment would, probably ba-arf but, bei gested that would put a light tax on the attutttng property where mains have al ready been laid ana where the-new one are laid. ' To . this foot frontage tax win be added the consumers rate that will be correspondingly lowered - and they also favor tbe gradual adoption of the meter system to lessen waste. ' The annual election -cf ffleere-was held and-the -following were -elected:! President, J. T. Gregg; vice-president; C. I. Boselle; secretary, C A. Ambrose, and treasurer, C.' P. Hollo way. ADMEN PLAN A ' . CL-UB BANQUET Full Posititon, Head of Table, Twenty-Fry Per Cent 'Extra, Is Burlesque Quotation.. .. l Portland Academy. The opening -hae been postponed until Monday, . February 15. in the interval tbe principal may be found at the office from a. m. to II m. and from to 4 p. m. " y -f. i - "'''Trotef Houston, new frlck.-Mgh claaa, - elegantly furnished; call belJs. hot and solsl water and steam heal In every , room. Sixth and .Davis. Tel. Main 1461. sjtesmer Jess Hsrklna, for' Camaa. Waahougal. and way landings, dally ax eept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock t p. in. (-: -. -. . '( .! s . D W. A. Wise will shortly leave for Alaska, and those who -want to see him " "before be goes kindly tak notice. , , ' Woman's Exchange, ill Tenth street, lunch 11:30 to 1; business men's lunch. . Acme C " fcasells the besTsafsty c'oal oil and. fine gasoline. Phone East ti. '(Why pay tnoret Metsger fit your .eyes for tl. Ill Sixth street Dr. K. C Brown, Bye-Ear. ' Marqnam, I mu TlsfbU tad Xnvlsibla.o V Stereoptlcon lecture tonight showing .man's Invisible bodies which are the regular habitation of the soul . after dojtth of tbe physical body. . Allsky haL Admission 26 cents. i ' ' fref erred Stoek Oanned ttooda. ; Allen T-ewln' Prunii F.V.BALTES &C0nPflNV 'MAIN. 105 . INVITE YOUR- iriQumiES Fon Fir.STIKDCU STREETS Borne of thetound!ng things which lit happen at the banquet of the Admen's league the evening of March It are those which are not now to be mentioned. Plates' will be spread st the Commercial dub, where between 110 and 200 publlolty men will congregate. One surprise after another will be spruna; on those In attendance, but the utmost secrecy will" be maintained until tbe evening - In question. Members . -and others Invited are expected to respond to the following invitation: , ' . Mat Card. i, In Effect Only Tuesday. March If, 10?. Portland Admen s Annual Banquet.. -Evening Edition? - Publication Offloe Portland Commercial Club. Forms close St Patrick's day. Edition goes to press, T p. m. on night of ban quet. i Rate Open Space Per agata Una, IBe. -Minimum apore "Bold. 14 llnee to the seat.: ' - - ' - .-' Five per cent discount for cash before forma close. ' :.' Cost per Seat No extra charge for plates '-'Fourteen lines at lie. ...... ...11.10 Less oah discount .-4 .10H last night while she' was returning from the White Temple In company with her daughter and Mr. and Mra. Runyan, and before his purpose could be divined grabbed Mrs. Clinton's reticule. With the purse clutched tightly In his hand he took to his heels and would have made hla escape had not Walter B. Honeyman, who waa walking along the other side of the street, set out In pursuit. 1 After a chase covering sev eral blocks Langford was overhauled in an alleyway near Eleventh and Alder street. . Juat before- the purse snatching Lang ford was walking along Twelfth atreet with another boy, whom he says he ap proached for alms. Aa he reached Mra. Clinton's side he suddenly darted for ward and wrenched the satchel from her grasp with such force as to break the chain. ' . ' Mrs. Clinton called to Mr. Runyan, who waa walking slightly in advance, but before he could comprehend1 "what had transpired Walter Honeyman started after the fleeing thief. Patrol man Carr arrived at this Junctors and the highwayman was given into his cus tody , ' ' After being brought back to be identi fied by. hla victim, Langford doffed his hat with his manacled hands and begged Mrs. Clinton's pardon for hla unseemly conduct! Notlnghla- youth,-ehe waa at first reluctant to have the-lad arrested, bat from his subsequent remarks It was evident that he was not a novice in the art of (stealing and the patrol wagon was called.--"-Unit of the money,-the keys and papera contained In the stolen Satchel were -found. In the" municipal court this 'morning the prisoner through - Attorney - King, waived preliminary examination and waa bound over to the grand Jury wtth bonds fixed at $760. The youth stated that he had been in Portland about one month and managed to eke out an existence by begging. He saya hla parenta are dead and -that he came nere from Seattle. He tells several conflicting stories about' hla movements and it is the opinion of the police thai this Is not his first of fense. The only explanation that Lang ford gives for committing the crime waa the fact that he was hungry. Ha la well clothed and doea not appear to have suffered for the want of food. LINCOLN ANNIVERSARY BY GEORGE WRIGHT POST Lincoln anniversary evening will be given by George Wright post No. 1. O. A. R at the Western Academy of Musld hall, corner Second and Morrison, this evening. February 14, to which the public la invited. Following ia the pro gram: Vocal solo, Mr. L. M. Bowman: read ing, O.' Lester Paul; address, "George Waahlngton," Hon, C. U. Idleman; vocal solo. Professor J. Adrian Kpplng; read ing. MUa M. M. Bode; address. "Abra ham Lincoln." Professor W. M. Raamus; vocal solo, Mlsa Mae Celllna. Position "Charges Full position, head of table. It per cent extra. .- . . . Full position, fifth drink time, under table next to floor, free. ; General Information Only advertised food win be served at the banquet. - Re port-promptly at p. ro.. ask no questions and take your ehaneea. Important RervM space at once by notifying the - aeoretary.' aa we must know the number of seata to provide for. Remit $l.Vi to he secretary for each 14 lines not later than St. Patrick's day. Admission by ticket only. . Light face, bold face, black faco and red Ink stunts Included In prloe. ' Guaranteed paid circulation. 8,000400. No returns taken. WILLIAM. X HOFMANN, President, ' SCOTT BOZORTH. Secretary. The committee In charge of the even-i fug's entertainment constats of E. R, Helllg. Bury I. Daaent R. M. Hall, a CJ Chapman. w. cooper Morris, oeorge Klelaer, Panl Custer, H. C. Whlttler, Scott Bosorth, George Kstes and W. J. Iofmann. ',- ' " AGED MAN WANDERS ' . ABOUT STRANGE CITY G. R. Edmunds, sged (1 years and of feeble mind, arrived In the. city yester day on the steamar Alliance from North.; ttena, nouna ror in v;ainoiio noma or the -aged at Sunnyklde, without escort and .alone. He was not met at tho wharf and wandered off to the eaat aide rn search of a Methodist mlnlater and waa Anally. directed to tho Cente nary church and found Rev. H. W. Heppe, tot East Oak atreet. . Hla son was notified : and arrangements were made for hla care-. It waa very hard to' get any ejus as to who" Edmunds waa, as he wae so feeble thst he did not even know ho waa In Portland.- , Exposition Rink Tomorrow." ' Tomorrow Is the big day of the week at the Exposition rink and there's greet wholesome sport for all who participate at any of the three sessions morning, afternoon or evening. - Jolly crowds sre a feature at the Exposition rink on Saturdays and the 0ns weather la aura to ' place . tomorrow's attendance at, a high mark. " , It la reported that Will T. Cary. Amertra' foremost" fancy and trlr skater, will bo seen In Portland soon at this rink. ' . .' . ' Hub Reopens tomorrow. V We are cloaed today 'marking and ar ranging the second big shipment of suits, top ooats, panta, ahoea, hat, fur- l.niehjngjv t4i. f rem h Lindenthal stock-which. -aa-nanageo y amoke and water In the fire of December, tth last, when the two upper floors of the firm's building of the city of Chicago were damaged . considerably. Forty-three thouaand dollara worth of good are represented- In thla shipment, and It la the cream of the firm's mer chandise. Tboao who - have been" de tained from attending the aala by the Inclement weather will have an oppor tunity, to secure the grandest bargalna ver offered in tho world. , 1 PAUL-STRAIN. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? . . SUBJECT OF SPEAKER Tha fifth lecture In the library lee ture course will be given Tuesday even'. TiMEIER & FRANK STORE e ea ForWorasn New; arrivals in fine Em broidery - Turnovers, Stocks, Lace Stocks and Windsor Ties. The Windsors are in plaid and checked effects ; also plain col oring.' Xew jMidget Four-in-Hands, in plaids' and checks.'; New Embroidered Stocks,' in tailored effects. Great Bargains In the-Art" Department Special lot of stamped Corset Cov ers in eyelet embroidery effects, .assorted designs; 50c vl.S3 Women's Stamped Waist Patterns, 3-yard lengths, on fine imported lawn; regular (1,15 val- OQ. uet, on tale at low price. Women's and children's Stamped Hats, assorted, patterns; great special values, on sale, each. 43 , - Stamped Turnovers in endless C assortments; great , vals, st. JC Ecru Tinted Linen Centers," in 1 con ventional and floral ' A ff designs; vals. up to 8Sc..rft C e'--Meier:F '4u jrrT" BoysS-SMtsSelS Sale extraordinary of Norfolk Suits for boys 8 to 15-years of age Gray and brown mixed chcviots-also blue cheviots- Straight cut knee trousers All good service- able school Suits, selling regularly at $4.50 and $5 eachYour choice at this low price Boys' Reefers at $3.85 Each Special offering of Boys' Reefers for spring Medium weights of lieht-colored materials, rray cheviots and tan coverts Nicely made and finished- i$3.85 -Ages V to 10 yeat Regular $5.00 values ' Special values in young men's Suits, ages 14'to 20 year; inide or double 7.. breasted coats, wool cheviots and fancy tweeds, in dark and brown shades; all good materials; handsomely tailored through- QQ OQ -gt-tmr-msrveiougiy . low" prier. r V "tmt 15'vatnesMJrt sate- Leather Goods Special lot of women'-Handbags in : black, brown and tan, fitted with coin purse, leather-lined, strap or Vienna handles; $2.50 to $3.50 values. on C 1 QQ ssle, eacK ...,yl70 Women's and misses' "Peter Pan" coin purses, in alligator. ALf .at calf; assorted. xoIor.lSavt Special lot of women's Belts, silk pleated and stitched effects; blue, gray, green, tan, black and brown; vals. to "5c, .J Tarawlj Great special lot of women's Cambric and Nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed in embroideries, OI : laces, tucks, headings and ribbons; blouse fronts, all sizes; $1.25 and $1.50 values, today at, ei .OJU Special lot women's hand-made Chemise, embroidered eyelets, drawn with ribbons and'em-' Qf broidered scallops around neck and arms; pretty Styles, selling at $10 each. Sale price,yrd..i,lJw Special Infants' Nainsook and Cambric Dresses, trimmed in dainty embroideries, laces tucks and beading, made yoke style; full skirts and wide hems; - 1 JO -- regular $2.00 values, on sale at this unusually low price, each .. ., V A nilWrrntT in-litOlinMocSkirti, made waist style, trimmed with dainty laces fLCif JJUI lllilS III and embroidery and tucks; regular 85cyalues,-on-salaMhr low price ..VJ-U --J nf ant's' Flann et Birrow Coats, hind-herrinboned ; very neat and pretty-! Q styles. Regular 85c values, on sale at this special low price, each .U7w ; Infants' white Cashmere Nightingales, embroidered in pink, blue mww mnd and white and ribbon bows;regular $1.75 values, on sale at, each, VV Car-Floor InfantB-kantl-eroeheted Sacqnes. wiih silk ' crocheted yoke and 51CQ ,., ..... m. " cuffst-vory-pretty styles.-yegr'$2.30' values,"at this lowprice, each V ow-r Infants- $1.29 Great Sale of Women's ICnit "Underwear Special ' lot of women's Swiss .Ribbed .Jfestsr high neck and long sleeves, silk and lisle jna teHal, pink and blue; all sixes, regular $1.50 values, for.. 84 Women's fine ribbed mercerized Undervests, pure white, high . neck . and long sleeves; all sixes; regular 75c values. 47 Women's medium weight Cor- set Covers, high neck and long sleeves; all sizes; best 35c val ues, oa sale at, each ...,274 Special lot of women's fine j-ibbed-whita -lisle- Union- uits; high neck and long sleeves, an kle length; best 75c vals..S3 " 'vTe are sole Portland arenjs for ' the eeUbratrt - "Ramie ' linen -mesh Underwear tor men and women. . ..:' Two extraordinary values in the men's clothing departmentStylish apparel-- Suits and topcoats at a pnee far below the manufacturing cost aloneThe great' est bargains in men's apparel we ever offered await the shrewd buyerSecond Floor. ; - Men's Topcoats in black Thibets, tan coverts and fancy mixtures; all the best fashions and - materials; just the style jffij and weight garment you want for immediate wear $15.00 values at $Bo(S5 Men-s high-grade, hand-tailored suits in all wool fancy worsteds, cheviots and tweeds, America's leading, makes in de sirable styles and patT terns$20 and $22:50 values at the suit m mm Ins at I o'clock in the Bellwood Uetbo dlst Episcopal churchy corper Saat Fif teenth street and Taooma, avenue. Kev. Ben-Esra Stiles Ely Jr., D. wUl speak, his theme belna- "Is Life Worth Urlnx " - The musical prosxam will be In charge of Mrs. D. D. McCutcheon. number of changes era being- made Itch! Jfh! Itch flrsth! Keratch! Prrtchf The snore yon eerstnh the worse the Itch. Try Drain's Ointment It curee piloN, wwrin, any akin Itching. All druglsta aeli It. ; . We have direct connection in foreign countries wtth 1,000 cities and towns. ' : 1 ' ' Our Letters of Credit are the safest form of carrying money. In case of loss the credit can be cancelled and the money refunded. They also serve as a personal introduction to the Banking Houses where presented. : , '' , , ' Our correspondents in Paris are: The Credit Lyonnais, Capital . Frs. 250 Millions, and The Societe Generate, Capital Pra, 300 Mil- . lions, with staffs in Paris only of 3,000 to 4,000 Officers and Clerks. Both banks have specially and beautifully arranged drawing, rooms, provided with your home papers, magazines and latest, " books from your own country, and the latest important telegraphic ' news from all over the world. . i ' . ' v The Officers who attend yon are men of achievement speaking many languages, who will gladly give you any information or eoun-. sel required, not only regarding your business, but also your pur. chases, pleasures, studies or travels. . . .'.';... , , ' . - - 1 Wcjay 4 Per Cent Intcrtist . . : Orcnon Trust & Savinfls;Bank Sixth and Washington Sts., Portland, Or. DZMoroms aitb orrxosmi T. It MOOBE. President. E E. I.TTLE. Vlre-rrsdnt W. COOPER MORRIS. C ashler. LEO fTUEDE, Director- H. A. MOORE, riractor. In the library room at sit Vmatllla ave nue, la view of the larrer work con templated. The building will be paint ed, tbe shed ove the door will be re moved, two windows will be added, book shelves to hold the ' 1,000 new volumes will be put In on the west side and tbe floor covered wtth linoleum. I THLSL 75c SHITATS 39c CLOSING OUTS ALL SALLM WOOLLN -MILL STORE, Exposition Rink Xttk aad wasOOartos ana. '' R0U.ER SKATDiG mil Bssnoirs touobbow. ' .. . . Be Sure to Attend. , BIO FLOOR. '' ' BEST SKATES. GOOD vrnir. rREU INSTRUCTION. No admission charsvd morn inga. Ladles and children ad mitted free afternoons. t. OAKS RINK Muelc dally t to I p. m. Even ings 1:10 to 10:10. Special matl. nee Saturday afternoon. mrmc o simA-r , ( - At t a. sa.. , . ... Skate at the OAKS RINK The Grand Vtvn e Ivm. frank Contk imi alurial Stoa The tut f , Tmp." tU Dm XmU sad Irtin .. yrWs hi "Tke Tw kubt," Air. Holt. ClurlM Ihie mn. Wfc'tnr sn4 D.t. Dol.X n Mil. tr Hral4. AruiMf. "Ua Wuu," LYRIC THEATRE wtrit sroikiniio ruacaay it. A Clinch of Kcv.i Asrvsrarxarrs. wAbTto. KEILIG THEATRE Paso 'Mats U Bprtt-rrt lUt. Tcawrrew ... riBEOaJtT IS AMD IS. , - , ' .- la Hi romu Collt Plr.' v "AT YALE" Prtntnt Prtra... .. .$l.SO. SI, T.V, Sflr. -Vi. S.V MatlM Frlce-. Sl ue. Tie. x. u '&U HEILIG; THEATRE u,Z7 SmrSAT, MOsDAT A WD TUI8DAT KIOKTf, .j . ropular-Fria Matin Ia.lar. , TUB ill Hie At, CAHTIMIM tOiitOT. ", : MBUSTCR BROUN'V ' ' ' 30 mc few HIM- -jo. 9 Brr,-"l lg" mn4 lnch. Erliit lrir si.on. T. 0. iic, tie. Matin Prtcn lie, Sr. Ddher Ttealrc Ptioi Vml9 I SOT. Orire Ttr t 0u. U SaA, Mat- Uo t the rm fukm Tkeatfe Start Seros4 Wk nf rk iimiiHl-M't )nmmn Sere The Mvrnlthwt I'mOaciloe. "ir i wsat aio." kfMt4' On Mar n hoi. k. UallnM atMr. If To CoaM t (! St U't Wt, 0t Thi Snr. tmhi Prior Mr, S4. DOe. . Httkm, 1 Vi S4 31r. Vxt Was-"Brtkr OfrMtra." Empire Tbealre uTz MILTON W. Ur Awk V. TiUt AH lb I. WwH -VUiHw V')fvM fMriiv-.-1 "HITMAN rlFAHTl' KtT rttlff iti I'optt "-it , A f -a v flar. p;r"oTaf, bttrr 'Iusjo V.- t t Will ft 1 111117." '1.0 T ! P A rCa il 4 r-y-i t-r l a i't. -I t-T I