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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
TIIC OREGON " DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 15,-1907. .. v:egster ai:;.ed at It) BILL v 1 ...... County Juds to Ca Shorn of . Power as Result of Old Political Fiht. NOTHING BUT PROBATE . BUSINESS FOR HIM Wing of Republican Party la Molt Bomah I'slng Machinery of lgta; . laturo to Pay Off Debt That Are Long Overdue, (Br ifsff CorrMpoadent.1 . Sclera, Feb. , IS. It the . senata con tun In the decision of the house, upon tb recommendation of the Multnomah delegation. County Judas JU R. Webster 11 b deprived of whatever power and uthorltv he heretofore baa held In the administration of oountjr 'business, and wlU be separated' from the board of county commissioners and hla Jurisdic tion limited to probate work alone. The 'Beat gun bill, together with much other "Multnomah county legislation, pasted the house last night . : According to the term of tn,nw bill, which - hag gone to the senate, .Judge Webster Is to have no part n the bualneaa administration of the county. He la to be severed from all work that ' he lias done or waa planning; to do In the construction of roads and highways In the county; he will have no more power or authority at the rock quarry t Kelly Butt, no voice in the appoint ment of any deputy sheriff or other county of Dotal; be Is In fact to be limited to the routine of the probata ',. court. ' ."'.' The Beutgen measure ha been in course of Incubation lor several months. It creates one new county commissioner, who will be named by the legislature on . the recommendation of the Multnomah delegation. It is the Intention of the delegation to name some west side, man, provided the senate pa"e the bill. -The 'appointee Is to hold office until after the election In June, 108. and Is to be 7ths chairman of the board. - AH county commissioners are to receive $7 a month. .? The proposition Is a political move dl ' reeled at Judge Webster and hi wing of the Republican party In Multnomah county. , Its real purpose I to deprive . him of all patronage and deplete hla In fluence as much as possible-. - It Is lso one result ' of the old - feud between Sheriff Btnven and Judge Webster, and one step more toward the entire soo . cess of the sheriff In securing every thing he -want regards the entire -elf-management and perquisites of hi 'office. ., , . 1 A matron for the county jail at a sal-: ry of 190 a month was also provided ' In a bill passed at the night session, ' which wa largely beneficial to Multno mah officials. The -county had It In nings, and on the recommendation of the delegation the house paased a bill rais ing the salary of the county surveyor to $150 per month and allowing him mileage at the rate of 10 cents a, mile for all traveling. don Jn tb discharge , of hi duty, ... , . . . s Salaries of tb deputies In the eher , Iff office were -raised and fixed as follow: . Chief dsputy, . 11.800 a year; 'three assistants at $1,100, thffe other deputies st II.I40; six deputies at $1,080 ' In the tax department, and five In the . asccutivo department at 11,100. Jt I further-provided that the sheriff may ; bav the authority to appoint a many ' extra deputies a may be deemed neves ' ary at any time, the compensation to be paid a that of the other deputies I paid. The bouse also fixed the salary of the county treasurer at $$,$00 a year. rid granted nlm one deputy at a salary not to exceed $71 a month." The sal- ' ary of tb county superintendent of In struction was fixed at $1,100 a year. CANDIDATES' EXPENSES -. Wduld-Ue Senator May Only Spend 5. Two Thousand Dollars Bcrr-after. . (By etsrf Oerrsped-nt.) ' - Salem, Or., Feb. 15. A corrupt prac : tlce apt, waapassed by the senate yes Tterday. Tha'bill paaaed wa framed by - th Judiciary committee by combining 'the bill Introduced by Senator Blng ! ham andXoshow and providea 4hat th treasurer of every political committee 'and every candidate must file with the secretary of state a detailed account 'of all expenditure Incurred on account ' of any campaign. The statement must be filed wltbln 10 days after each eleo . tlon. Tb amount that may be expended ' for campaign purposes by candidate ' are fixed by the bill a follows: United ' State senator, $3,000; congressmen, dls- ' trlct attorneys, state and district offl t oera $1,000; members of the legislature land county officer $J0Q; all other pffl ' eers, $t$. ; MONEY FOR EDUCATION ' Orrgtm AtrricaUorat College Gets a Larjfcly Increaard Appropriation. ' (Br a ttsrt Cnrrospoaaent.) Salem, Feb.: It. Senator Johnson t t succeeded In getting nl bill for $80,000 a year for the maintenance of ;the Oregon Agricultural college through ; the senate. ' Th college ha had only '$15,000 a year for th last 19 year. t though the- Institution ha grown rap- - Idly. - Johnson's bill originally drawn ' called for an appropriation of $50,000 a .year, but Senator Kay aucceeded In hsv--ln It reduced to $57,500. When th " bill cam up for final passag yesterday I Johnson amended It y reinserting the . $$0,000, and the bill passed. 1 Multnomah Fall will not be robbed 'of their beauty by water being tsken for ; modern industries Senator Blchel' 1 bill providing that th water of Mult nomah creek may not be taken for power or te develop mineral resource, or for - any other purpoee, wa paased by th senate yesterday without a dissenting ,vte, and sent to the hous. where It la prlieved there will be no difficulty la getting th bill paased. ' STATE LIGHT PLXNTn , Nottingham' Bill Provide , for . .- LlRhtins; State Instltntlona. (f Htsff OamxeeavWst.) -' Sdtem. Or., Feb. It. An appropriation Of $!5."9 fr state lighting plant for th various state institutions Is pro vided In a bill by Senator Nottingham. It I practically th report of th spe cial commute on lighting, of which : Nottingham I chairman. It I left in th discretion of the state board Of con- ' trot whether the state khall erect It own plsnt or renew the contract It now i lnn w,". - -" - , company , cf Pilcm. . -I ... Reconsider Vote by Which There Will Be a Chance to Get FreVTransportation. (By BUff Coiresri1nt.) ' Salem. Or.. Feb. 15 When It wa fully realised by the member of the senate that. they were likely to bar to pay railroad fare to get home, as a re sult of defeating the Freeman compul sory pass bill, thereby making operative the rigid anti-puss provision of the Chapln commission bill, energetlo steps were taken to change the objectionable condition of affairs. Home active work was done among the senators who had voted sgalnat the compulsory pass bill, and when the sen ate oonvened In the afternoon enough votes had been changed to reconsider the vote of the morning and pas the bill. ' . - The Chapln bill bad been amended to harmonise with the compulsory pasa bill by excepting from Its restriction -t-these public tmclula-ta.wliDinthe gtv- Ing of passes should be required by law. It was Intended that the roe men bill should be the law which should require the giving of passe to. public officials. But when the Freemah bill was defeated by. the senate it meant that there would be no such law, and that the legislators -would have to com ply with the anti-pass clause of the Chapln bill at once, which, because of Its emergency clause, will become op erative as soon as the governor sign It. This would prohibit the legislators from using passe they now bav to get bom from Salem. Th Freeman bill wa defeated at the morning session by the vote of 11 to It, a follow : .. - , ---' Ayes Bailey, Beach, Bowerman, Cole, Hodson, Laughary, Mslnrlcey, McDonald, Miller of - Linn and Marion, ' Blchel, Wright. . ' Noes Bingham, ' .Booth,, Caldwell, Coshow, Bart, Hedges, Johnson, Kay. Laycock. Miller of - Linn. Bcholfleld. Smith of- Marion. Smith of Umatilla. LWhealdon, Haines. ... , . Aoweni con, ueye, itoiungnam, . AfterTwa-hours - -work- by Senator Wright and Representative Perktn the following five senators who bad voted against th bill were persuaded to vote In favor of It: Caldwell, Johnson, Bcholfleld. Smith " of - Umatilla : ; and Haines.- Senator Nottingham, who was absent when the bill waa voted on In th morning,- Joined th force who were working to secure the passage of th measure; and th vote waa thu brought up to 18. . r Senator Johnson moved for th reoon. slderatlon, which aroused the opposition of Hedges,, who has been fighting th compulsory pass bill all through th session, He declared that th Freeman bill wa unconstitutional. Immoral and wrong. Senator Booth said that when he first heard of tb Idea of compelling the railroads to Issue free transporta tion to public officials he thought It wa a Joke, and was sorry that it waa not. On reconsideration the bill was passed wit two vote to spare, Th vote fol low: - - - . .... . .i Aye- Bailey," Beach.' Bowerman. Caldwell. Cola, Hodson. Johnson, La orn ery, Malarkey, McDonald, Miller of Linn and Marlon, Mullt, Nottingham, Schol- rieia. Michel, Bmlht of Umatilla. Wright. Haines.:.. j ...-i... w. , . Noea- Bingham, Booth, Coke, Coshow. Hart, Hedge. Kay, Laycock, Millar oi Ltnn. Smith of Marlon, Whealdon. . ' -It I generally believed that th 'ef fort of th men who brought about the reconsideration of th vote aad th final passage of the bill hare been In vain, a th governor I expected to veto th Freeman bill a oon as It get Into hi band, and In such a case th legislator wurvnav to pay. their far bom any way,. -, , NEW DESKS FOR SENATORS Appropriation for Nearly a Minion r ' and Quarter Dollar Paaaes. - ' : (By" atsff rmresnnndeetl Salem. Or., Feb. 15. The general ap propriation bill for $1.J3.J70 for atated expense of th atat government baa passed th senate. The only oDonsltlon It encountered ws met while It wa being considered by th senatf a a committee of tb whole. Senator Beach endeavored to have th appropriation for traveling xpne for the various tat officials stricken oat, but waa un- auccesarui. . . . f. . New desk are sought by the senators, and an amendment ts the general bllL wa made oy which their purchase ts authorised. . Senator Johnson wanted new chair also, but was voted down. There wa no Increase In th amount of th appropriation on account .of th desks, which are to be paid for out of a fund of $11,000 for repair and Im provement In th capltol building. .- - - Traveling expense for th attorney general were reduced rrotn . $3,000 to $1,000. An appropriation of $5,000 to pay expense of litigation that the tat may become Involved in waa struck at by Senator Johnson, who wen ted It re duced to $2,500; bis motion wa de feated. Th appropriation for th labor commissioner, which had been Increased from $5,300 to $5,(00 In the house, wa reduced to th original figure by th senate. The appropriation for th board of horticulture waa' reduced from $1,000 to $8,000. ' ,-. - . j NEW OREGON CODE r Made Necessary . by San Francisco Fire, Which Destroyed Plate. 1 . fir Itsff rnrMnuil l ' .' Salem, Feb., It. Th secretary of state's meager supply of Oregon codes I exhausted and the San Francisco publisher of th cod have only 18 copies on hand, as th plate were de stroyed by the San Francisco fir. A additional volume cannot be printed, th available supply w1Ub exhausted very soon. ". - To relieve this condition Senator Col Introduced a bill providing for a new compilation of th cod, th supreme court to appoint two commissioner for this purpoee. It Is directed that they shall Include th law passed by thl legislature and thatsth new codee shall be ready for distribution November 1, 108. They ar ito b printed by th tat printer. , The bill rarrle an appropriation . of $18,000. If th bill doe not pea there will be a code for general distribution nor to supply th members of th next legislator. ' ( POSTPONED IN SENATE BUI ' to Pertare Associated . Pre -i Common Carrier Falls. f (By tart (Virrese 1t. Salem. Feb. It. Hodaon's bill to de clare the Associated Preea a Anmmn carrier wa killed 'ba- th process f n- derinlt poeiponement in the Hentthl morning. The Judiciary committee made aa adverse report on th bill. Who 1 Metxrert He lit yeur ye for $1.00. 111 Sixth street COULD HOT '.HUE JOKER SUCK Freeman Charged With Under taking to Legislate Through House Clerk. 1 EASY ENOUGH IF ONE i LITTLE WORD LEFT IN SUU Land Board Would Uav Beea Compelled Instead of Merely Per . mitted to Take Important Action la Tainted Land Tltleg. ' ' (Br a atsff OorrespoaOeat.1 - Salem. Feb; If. Frank Freeman of Multnomah nearly slipped a Joker into I the state land code yesterday, and bad liui iwtn lur me wul( nxuineas VI Diavt Land Agent Oswald West, the amend mont offered would have passed unno ticed and th whole Intent of th new land coda might have been' perverted. Aa it was, the bill had to be called back from th engrossing- committee and rec tified. ' . . Th Incident occurred when th land cod was before th committee of the whole. There waa no opposition to th code a presented, until section $5 waa reached. . when Freeman Offered amendment to the -provision that where persona have purchased lands on fraud ulent certificate or forged applications, Ignorant of th nature of the prior transaction, the board might either re fund .the money paid or Issue deed to the land. Freeman pffered th follow ing amendment: - "Said board may (shall) en full oom pllanc by said Innocent bolder with the law. Including full payment of purchase price and surrender of said certificate and assignment thereof to aald board. Issue to the said Innocent certificate holder a deed from th atat for tb land Included In aald certlflcat aa pro vided by" law. - Freeman attacked tb governor and tb land board In defending hi amend ment. He aald that under th provision of the law as it waa intended tbe power of refunding was discretionary." Cham berlain, he said, had voted to issue cer tificates and deede? to some Innocent purchaser and had by the earn token refused them to others Just as aeserv Ing. He had discriminated, h said. McCua opposed, saying it would make It mandatory upon th board to refund all money paid or Issue deed and would give them no discretion. - ? The amendment waa lost. ' Freeman then asked that b might change th word "shell" to "majr." thu making it discretionary, and attach the amend ment to the and of the section. Th hous consented to thl and ' Freeman cent the amendment to th desk. II ex plained that th lnteat of hla clause waa to giv th board power to return either gnoney or land If It deemed th bolder of, fraudulent certificate entitled to th treatment. A soon aa th amend ment was adopted and Incorporated In th bill by vote of the house. Freeman went to th desk, and told th dark to retain the word "shall. " which wa atlll on th paper sent up by bbm, contrary to th Intention and expectation of the house. Th amendment went to th en grossing committee, where West found It-and had th bill brought back to tb hous for correction. - Th amendment offered by Freeman la the first Instance was ' In tin with the bill offered by him In th Interest of a wealthy, family of Portland, and th effect ef th amendment would havri been to place command upon tb state land board to pay not only that par ticular elalm. ttut hundreds of other. ' Th bill finally paaaed, with no nega tive otea. - . .. . FIGHT ON SALMON KING Speaker- Davey Join in and Make ' . .; Attack on Vawter. ... ' (By Btsff Onmspendest.l ' ' Salam, Or Feb. It. R. D. Hume, the salmon king of th Rogue river coun try.' wa mad th pivot of a bitter fight In the house over, the regulation of the salmon fishing in th Rogue river and It tributaries. Vawter called up bouse bill No. tt. Jewell ef Joseph! n In sisted that hi bill. No. 144. should rj taken up first. " Th chair ruled with Theb'lliraMMmtlitrr-TnrTawtef bill does net. change the existing law as to th mouth of th river, where the Hum-eannerle- are while the Jewell bill regulate these a well as the upper river, ' .- ' , Personalities wr thick. Jewell aaM h and Vawter bad drawn No. -$0, but R. L. Hume had heard of It and after he had reached the seen Vawter had doldd th bill would not do, and ao hsd drawn "another, leaving out- the THLSL $20 SUITS CLOSING OUT SALC- SALLM WOOtxif MILL STORL C I'M HMMy Hume Interests from all regulation. nwi.-r SMtd the glllnvtters and sein ers had ruined the Kogue river; they flatted under the spillways of the dams. He also said Jewell was the treasurer of an association of these men, who bad violated 'he law. Davey ook the floor In defense of the Jewell bllL He roasted ft D. Hume, as "this man who has inspired, blouked r defeated legislation, and ha then gone away and boasted that he could do as he pleased with the Oregon legislature. Had there been nothing in th Jewell bill which touched the Hum Interests there would have been no second bill Introduced here." . Vawter said Davey' remark were balderdash. - - - - - Davey replied ia th moat caustlo manner, referring to th disappointed speakership hopes of Vawter a a mo tive. Th colloquy showed In tb open for tbe first time the faot that tb old organisation sore bad not healed during the busy time of tb session. Tb Jewell bt was passed.' TWO NORMAL SCHOOLS . Uoiuo Paase Smith Bill, Which la Now In Ooveraor' Hand. (By a Btsrf Oorrespeaaeat.) ' Salem, Or., . Feb. 16. Oregon . I to have two normal choola. The house fcaa paased the Smith bill providing' tor th schools, granting s ppropriatlona fof two from July 1. 107; until th next session of th legislature, and th meas ure la now up to tbe governor. What hla action will be ts unknown, though It is common report that th Smith bill waa drawn. In th Drat plac. "to put th governor in a hoi." ,. It I th sense of th hous that ap propriation be triad for all th schools to cover th i erlod extending from Jan. uary 1, t.i ttm that th last appro- ANY REASON WHYTHERE SHOULD NOT BE? Right now there is offered an ex traordinary opportunity, for you to select a "Piano of the. Highest- Quality" at price - that is lower than the small dealer pays to the factory. The CO-OPERATJVE PIANO WERT CLUBS. V .... . . -rr..,- EILERS PIANoTkoUSE are heretofore unheard of occa sipns. , Just. think of the induce ments that are held - out to the buyer ' . "' '' $225 Piano to Club Members - for -:. ....l..:.-......?137 S275 Piano to Club Members for 7 . V. . .77.7V. .. : . . . S178 $325 Piano to CIuo Members - for . . 7 . . . . . ... . . . . . .V. 8218 S400 Piano to Club Members for .; ................$258 $475 Piano to Club Members ' - -' for 7 J'7,... .".. . . ,8312 $550 Piano to Club Members for ..... v........... 8368 Terms are made easy enough for everybody. , No man, or woman who earns a weekly, monthly or yearly salary gets so little but what he or she can easily have a piano of their own and pay for it without noticing the slightest in-convenience,- N need to-chooss a low grade piano, either.... Make your selection from any one of the following celebrated TnaResT dickering, Kimball, Steck, Has elton, Haddorff, Bush ' & Gerts, Htnze, Whitney, Schumann, Ho- fbart M. : Cable, Crown, Pease, Bailey, Story & Clark, Haines Bros., Marshall & Wendell, Ellen Bros., Clarendon, Cook, Stuyve- sant, Wheelock and many others. PAY DOWN $7.80 or up, according to the price and grade of the instrument that you select. ' .s '; :-.' ( ; ' r WEEKLY PAYMENTS r- from $1.25 to $3.00, according to the club that you join. Ttiu.1. n ln.,lf tmm .' ... . a ti.i 9 iiiiviaiiuu . - . - There are no T monthly . ;; ' dues. ; ;'."'; . , ''.. There's no red jape. Simply drop in at EILERS PIANO HOUSE a today ; say that you are going to buy a piano; make your selec tion; have it delivered . to your home and pay for it upon terms that will fit your pocketbook. This, in a nutshell, shows the ex ceeding simplicity of buying a piano at v ' - ' -EILERS PIANO HOUSE 1 Through one of the CO-OPERATIVE PIANO BUYERS CLl'BS ; Do It TodayDo Not Delay AT YOUR MOB. prtatlon ran out, until July, tb date s-t In th ttmlth bill for two of tbe schools to go out of distance. The fight In the house wss an ssy one. Vawter led the opposition to the Smith bill and headed the forces of the combine working for four-schools. He lot out on every proposition, however, andthe bill waa sent back to the house from the committee of the whole prac tically aa It cam from th senate. Those voting In favor of two normals were: Adams, Barrett of Washington, Bayer, Beals, Belknap, Beverldge, Brlx. Brown, Beutgen, Burns, Campbell, Chase, Coffey, Crawford. Donnelly, Dye. Far rell. Freeman, Hendrlck, Holt, Huntley, Jone of Claokamaa, Jone of Lincoln and- Polk. Knowles, McCallon. Merry man, Newell. Northup, Purdy, Raekleff, Reynolds, Rodgea, Bettlemler, Simmon. Upmayer, Washburn, Wilson and Da- . .... '.-. SHEEP INSPECTION Houao Passr Bill Providing for aa ' Inspect or and Dipping. (By atsff Osmeeseosat.) -. Salem, Feb. - It. Th atat sheep In spection bill passed th hous yesterday without opposition. ' Objection to th meaaur jtrom Washington waa removed by the elimination of th tO-dsy quar antine clauaethus allowing! ouL-of-stat holder of leased lands In the Stat to EtentaTs Removal Sale ' Crowd 'of peopU r availing themselves ef thl rare opportunity ot "buying Standard Footwear at removal price. W ar fully determined not to move a pair of Shoe contained In our present quarter to our new store, aad ' we hay reduced . v Call and investigate any time. See our fine Cravenettes, Overcoats, .Topcoats and Suits to fit any shape. Latest styles direct from New ' York. . No interest charged on time accounts. V J::yyy . & yyyy fyyy 5 y, week Sr weelt A .small cash payment is all that's required, no embarrassing condi tions, no red tape. You are charged no interest and our prices -for good goods' will be found a little lower than the- regular dealers', for the reason that this clothing department is conducted with very little additional expense.) ; c " ';: 7:v ri,..i0'y .,'y' ':,"''- ':y v We CAVORT? . - - - , . i 173-175 "FIRST" STREET bring their sheep Into their holdings without delay. . Th bill provldee for the appointment of a state Inspector and authorises th dipping of sheep. The measure ha been demanded by the sheep growing Interact and the, Uma tilla county delegation wa sleeted upon th platform that" it would ocur ade quate sheep legislation. POrtT OF COLUMBIA Clatsop People Fight lU bat Council ' of Columbia Support. . ' " (By s Staff Cortespoadeat) ' Salem, Or., Feb. It. Clatsop eduaty doe not want to come- Into th Port ef Columbia, and ha filed a minority re port In th hous asking that th Port of Columbia bill do not pass. Th Clat sop county people bsve stuck on tb pilotage provision of th chamber of ooramerc measure and look at th bill a simply a measure to take away from Astoria and giv to Portland th pilot age business of. the Columbia river. "The pilots, said McCue, who signed th minority report, "have don th beat they can. That the service at th bar 1 not all that could be desired la th fault of th Oregon Navigation company and Us tugboat service." Connell - of Columbia County ha wung Into tin with Multnomah. H ha heard from th sawmills of Rainier, which max up th commercial interest .of Columbia county In large paCTheee vary article contained la our promts. This la a harvest for th Portland people, Read on:' Laird. Bchoeber Co.' fin patent calf band sewed Oxford; also French calf and kid; vain MM; now .,...;:f $,fiS l.fiOO pair fin kid and hex calf Mlases Lao Shoe, welted soles; slsea from II to tH: vain to It.tO; sow .......... ...... ....... -1.8S 'to pair Boys and Toutha box calf Bluohara, oak-tanned aoli ' slsea from XI to t hi i value to ; $t.00l BOW ..4--. a..0O Men's bos calf and Viol kid, Lac and Bluohers, welted olea(-Tjralea ad valu 11.11; . now .. '-..w;.T.Tv2aaS Hanaa'a, Boyden'a Patent and Enamel Lao and Bluchers: regular prlc t.00; now f-i.1.5 Ranaa's Men's finest Patent Colt Blucher and Lao; valu M.Onowj $S.8S Credit Everyb & SONS 219-227 YAT.IIIILL CTRI".' ;T d'Slre the Port of Colmnhls. Conn. I ! also practically a Portland mn s-ij i friendly to l,rtland Interests. C0RVALLI3 BILL THROUGH Houao Give Agricultural .Collcgo ' Hundred and Fifty Thousand. (Br a Btsft Csrrspeadeat. Salem. Feb. 16. The house pasd yesurday th appropriation of 1 110,000 asked for by the Agricultural college at Corvallla. Considerable opposition de veloped against th bill on acoount of th large else of th appropriation and It waa only saved from defeet by tlie hurried entrance of several members who bad gone into tb eorrldore before th voting began. LABOR IS SKEPTICAL i, W es-ssi swaasi n . Boyer BOJ May Bo la Interest of - Corporation, la Charged." (By Btaff Oerrsepeadsstj . Salem, Or Fab. It. Th house passed ' Boyer's bill which make It unlawful. ollclt damage suit at hospitals, fac tories or Institution - where accident may occur. It haa been alleged that the bill ws drawn ta th interest of employer and (Continued on Pag Six.) o dy rxy