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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
TIJIT OUCG ON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, . FEBRUARY 15, 1S07. I VJ1LL RMSE FRUIT III OLD UEXICO I m- i-v-:--.:- .. - - . '; ' r:'--:'v-' Spring Topcoats and Cravehettes , Group of Portland ITnd Seattle CapitaUaU Who Hays Bought ExtenalT Tract. : .,.'" 'J'v'. . ' ' ''r''' " ' 'v ''"''''.'' ''T-.' ; -" : '' r "':'' ! Th bor group la composed of Portland and KatU men who hare entered opon a, l&rre frult-growln and trana- , . -w - , , . v ' - y ym ' j ' ,- "'' ' portatlon project in the Acapuleo dtatrlct. Old Mexico,- where they hare purchased 100,000 acres of land containing- ' ' eL. i I ' " ' ' - ' .J J jb . 4 " .. karaka and cocoanut trees, and will build a railroad and steamers to operate to the aea. .n the party aret Morlta ... 1 V - Jy, 3rS- J&S f ' " Thomaen.' president Centennial Milling- company; J. D. Treholme, Northwestern Steamship company; T. F. Ryan, a ' ' -V. 1" "' I ' I - 3 -XybirV JF M W fW Mt QAVf ' ' promlnsnt Seattle fruit commission man; Frank Stevens, Portland; Oeorae Campbell, Portland; Oscar Brown, Via- l I I I MW WrM Mm rrM M 'jW J M MjW mMJMfJP courer, B. C; E. A. Barnett, Beattle. . .. ... . . " ' J J - ' , Vltl '- fMBE PROMOTED , Chicago ' Judge Spoken of Successor. toOne of the' , Supreme Justices ; v as HARLAN MAY RETIRE - S00N4N HIS FAVOR Change in th Fenonnel of the Coart Dlscnssvd, ' a Ftro of IU Members An Eligible for Rtlre meat at Anr Moment. ' 4 rWsaalaitaa Boreas ef The Jearnal.) "Washlngtpn D. C. Feb. IS. Probable change ia the makeup of the supreme court occupy the attention of politicians and the bar. Chief Justloe Fuller and four of the associate Justices are eligi ble for retirement. President McKinley appointed one of these. Justice , McKenna, and the three- remaining Justices, Holmes, Day and Moody, were appoint ed br President Roosevelt - There ' yet remains ' more than twe years of Roosevelt's administration, During that time it would not be at all suhpiistng it anyone of the-fir older Justices who now constitute a majority Of tn eourx anouia oetermine io reiire. and In the ordinary course of events it would not be extraordinary if - death ahould lay its hand on any on of them. It to natural for the gossip to picture Harlan a deciding to retire, parttca. lr Interest la the Harlan story arises m the fact that it I associated witn the movement looking to the promotion of Judge Peter 8. Oroaseup efrChleagot , This is the season you will need 'em, and we, "hope ; you .will. We bought 'em to sell,:and should feel awfully dis appointed if . you didn't need them. SPECIALS FOR FRI-. )AYand SATURDAY- Men s , $3 Cassimere -and Cheviot Trousers Special $2.35v - ; ; .,. ' .; v.v '"" Men's $4.00 and $4.50 Worsted and Cassimere Trousers Special $3".45. ... - i , Men's fine Worsted Trousers, $5 and $6 grades Special $4.35. N :" I ' . ' $5 Peg-top Corduroyi Special $3.85. ClothinnCo CnsKulmPaUO Men's ind Boys' OutflttersV Mohawk Building. 1C3 ani 1C3 Third Street WOUNDED, TREES MAY BE HEALED . -my J im V - : " " .. - . 1 : : : ' A number of piteous pleas hare come In- front people who formerly owned queenljr weeDinc tree . bat now own merely poor, denuded trunk. The all. rer thaw was beautiful while It lasted; but It struck hard and tree after tree la bleeding- to death. - '. One woman with tears la her rolce said today that she had a beautiful sti ver larch, the pride of her home, but the ice storm had broken' og hu( llmfee and left poor bruised scars open to the elements. And now the warm weather haa loosened its life blood and 'It bleeding to death. "Is there anything to sare it before PORTLAND DENTIST IN RUSSIA ZSTELLSlOrTHEJNTENSECOLD William D. Carlyle Of Portland, whe Is How practicing hla profession, dent istry, tn St Petersburg,-Russla,-wrltee to his mother In this city of tb Intense ly cold westher there. . At tna time tba letter was written the thermometer ranged from IS to tt de grees ' below . all the time enoaga to "make one's hair freese." lr. Carlyle eays "they burn fires in the streets when it Is more than 10 degree below, so that the people can get warm. The poor cabmen hare a hard time ef it but they don't seem to -mind tt much; they can stand a much aa a home.. The poor horses are covered with frost - too." H speaks of the suffering of the peasantry in PARENTS PUT CHILDREN TO WORK INSTEAD OF: IN SCHOOL Twe thousand ehtldrea, la round num bers, are being kept from attending school by their parent. The children, aocordlng to report received, are be tween 1 and. 11 yeara of age. and they are at 'work in factories. All of them should have reported at their respective school when the term opened Monday, but ap to today none of them ha made a - appearance. -. The truant officer PLAYGROUNDS ' Bill HAS so opposmoa. , Will Be Amended to Give Y. M. , C. A. Representation on , i- . the Board., r:i ; -8y a Stff errpeoet.l ' Salem, , Or, Feb, 16. The , senate passed the bill creating a playgrounds board for Portland this morning with, out amendment. When It get to the house committee It will be amended to give the T. M. C. A. membership en the board. ' , . The Kay bill 'appropriating 130,000 to buy additional ground for the capltol building passed ; also the committee bill requiring - that wage be paid in cash or negotiable Instrument. ' Of a total of 140 bills Introduced In the senate all but (0 hare been dis posed of. It I expected that most of these will be either passed or killed during the afternoon and the attention of the senate during the remainder of the sssslon will be devoted to bouse bilk .". DEATH IS BETTER . , (Continued from Page OpeJ cry that the death chamber wis prefer able to tne miuinouae. His attorney hare been compelled to ue the nicest finesse to prove 'him in sane -at the time of the shooting and sane now, to secure hi absolute free.. dam. '. " - ---- In making this effort It la likely they may have overreached, and given the prosecution the weapon by which It can"! aecur hi lire Imprisonment In an asy. lum. -when the confinement with other Insane would probably acgravat his nervous ailments and preclude the pos- ibliity of his ever being declared cured. Although., the Jurors were dismissed upon hono. It Is significant that Dis trict Attorney Jerome tailed practically the entire county deteetlre force to the rrlmliml courts building. ... It Is believed every Jurnr will be shudowed carefully until thsy are reassembled.' ' When the matter under discus- tt begins to shrivel upT she asked. -Tea, the remedy Is a simple one. the nurserymen ear. William Slbeon of the Rose nurseries on the &r side "says the wounda must be sealed up at once and the trees will be aa good as new. "All the broken limbs must be trimmed oft first," he said, "and the ex posed place must be cut smooth and close. Then paint this prerwltbwbltaJ iead-andthe sap cannot penetrate the lock thus formed," So there Is no necessity for losing U kone's trees through "loss of blood," for wrMie Hf a is aa easy punwicf to piv euro. ! , - the Interior of Russia, where the tem perature la 40 degree below and there is no straw for fuel. The famine this year ba oaased - terrible suffering among the poor peopl. Dr. Carlyle says that the English' and American clergy are willing to- help in distributing supplies and money, and that a lady in St Petersburg is willing to distribute grain to at least IS towns near her estate. What money and re lief are contributed to the famine fund wtll be handled by private persona, not by the government and he 1 oertala that every oant will reach the spot . . The doctor was for aome time a resi dent ef Portland. - -. have been notified ef the dellnquengy ef the parent, and the little boy and girl will be "rounded up" for the school session Monday morning. - " "The totat attehdanct&aay Wai"nearly 1S.000. This i greatly la excess ef the attendance for the same period la 101. The highest daily attendance during the September term was only lf.tOt. Ion Jerome addressed the court, speak ing sympathetically on Bolton' loss, and requesting adjournment until Mon day. He suggested that to keep tb Jury segregated until the trial was resumed was a greater obligation than the etate had a tight te demand.. - Hart rid ire an nounced that the defense wa willing to permit the Jury to disperse. - The Judge sppealed to the Juror net to read anything In the newspaper 1n connection with the case, to speak to no one, nor permit any ene to apeak to them concerning it. , - - - tf . - -WIU Abide by Yerdlo. During the confusion of a temporary recess O'Reilly, one ef the attorney for the defense, aald: ' "We agre te any plan the district at torney may suggest, tn view of Mra Bolton's death, and consent to sa ad journment of several days to allow Mr. Bojton te recover from the blow, or we are ready to continue Monday. In mak ing this offer we are alncere. In the event that the verdict Is unsatisfactory to us. If the trial is continued, we will not raise the question of Mrs.-Bolton's death nor say Bolton' mind was not In receptive condition to give . full con sideration to the evidence." The attorneys agreed it wa Impos sible to entertain the auggestlon of con tinning with an incomplete Jury. SHONTS HOLDS ON , -: , UNTIL, EARLY MARCH J nut l-dil I W.l "Washington, Feb. li. Although Theo dore P. Bhonts has resigned, bis name was among those sent te the senate for eonflrmatlnn as Isthmlsn canal commis sioner. The president ha nominated the following: -Theodore P. Bhonts, chairman; John P. Stevens, chief engi neer: Brigsdler-Oeneral Peter C Hainea. retired, civil engineer: Mordecal T. En. dlcott Benjamin Harrod. Carrol W. Oorgaa, U. 8. A., and Jackson Smith. Shnnta does not retire until March 4. Mr. Steven I slated for the chairmen ship. . CSOVP v Is a violent Inflammation Of the mucous membrane of the wind pipe, which sometimes extends to the larynx and bro nchlnl ttibenj and la rm ft the most dins-emus dlsenses of children. I al most at ays come on In-ihe -ntght. (live frequent small doses of Ballard's Horehound fcyrup and apply Ballard's now- l,lninwv ally to- the throat .eo. q and 11.00. Sold by all druclts. , r Collars i Tacr eoarr eaaea so omea Bare-UIOCOim"evelM eas 1 ri.xioie a. uarable. eae.r.ies aoesufeM. , Taer,M.v . HITCHCOCK'S RULInG PUT 9 -TO ONE -SIDE - & President Modifies Laws to Ben- v ' efit Homesteaders and Tim " ber Entrymen in Oregon. ' (Jearaal floeelal get Washington, Feb. , If. The president ha practically revoked Secretary Hitch cock's order su-pend!ng all public land entrlea until they can be examined by special agent. Homestead and timber entrlea may now pass to patent when tb entrymen have compiled with' the law and submitted proof thereof, and examination 1 unnecessary. . The modlncatioa follow suggestions mad by Senator Fulton and removes the objection that hav been made by timber entrymen la Oregon. In the fol lowing classes no examination by a spe cial agent I required:: 1. Final fire-year homestead entry hereafter made, where proof le satisfactory-end complete.1 - 1. Final cert iflcatea and receipt tn final 11 re-year homestead proof here tofor or hereafter, made, when proof la satisfactory and complete. . S. Homestead entries commuted en eeded Inland land en which annuel pay ment are required. - - 4. Entrlea where the claimants com pliance . with the law haa been estab llshed by contest or other regular ad verse proceedings. ' y, ; . Entries confirmed which msy have been confirmed by virtu of any act ef oongrea. ; 0. Selection and entries in which no residence or improvement 1 required by law when land embraced therein I situ ated In non-mineral localities a shown by records of the geological survey, when, the eharaoter ha ' been fixed by Investigation and classification mad in accordance with law. T. Reissuance ef patent because ef some clerical error occurring la patent heretofore laaued. ; (. . Military bounty land warrant and ether similar warrant when request for proof has been made. , r Where tltmber lands are sltusted In "mineral localities"' referred I to In sec tion there may be some posrlhlllty of delay) examination might have to be made, . SADDLERY MEN ; ' : ELECT THEIR OFFICERS The annual convention of the Pacific Coast Saddlery association came te a close yesterday with the election ef of ficer to serve for the ensuing year. Ueorge Lawrence jr. ef Portland wa chosen president; R. J. Van Voorble of Sacramento wa elected vice-president; T. W. Armstrong of San Francisco, sec retary; H. 8. Stewart. San Francisco, treasurer. The member decided to meet In Lo Angela next year. The principal toplo be tore the con vention yesterday wa the discussion by member on the securing ef carload rate for saddlery supplies from the railroads. '-' CUTTING THE PIE (Continued from Pag Ona) aad Marlon; Mnltt of Jackaon, Demo cratic; Schol field of Clatsop; Smith of Umatilla, Democratic It has been stated that the organisa tion will be fully perfected and the plans for the next csmpalrn for the presi dency all arranged before the present session adjourns. There's nothing so good for a sore thr-er- as in-i-Thomnir xrlectrtc Tjir. Cures It In a few hours.- Relieve any i mi- la an -art. . " V n leaaeles-ll II II Ire i FORTEN DAYS-ONLY ' . OUR- , $18.00 ftATI3S - 38.CK) OOLD CROWNS --. -33.00 UT ATTLNSANT 391J MorrUon Opo.Psttoflkt mi TAmmm OTTriTTmo coiPATs-Ar-xm-r ouuiumo oosrFA-nr tbiC 1 REaSOLVED I HE AEVER TOLD A LIE 77 and we!5hould m. be jTU W Tne Smz. a Successtvl II mS$& lcwAfO"OOTArpoiZDT6 Sr." I MISREPRESENT AND A jaeaTL - THE GREATEST THlNff 6EoR.dE WAJrT- , FATHER THAT HE CUT:- DOWN THE s v CHER.R.Y TREE. HE 5ET A 600D EX AMPLE. IT IJ EA-5Y TO TELL THE TRUTH WHEN TELLING THE TRUTH ' WILL Do YOU NO HARM. BUT ARE THERE NOT MANY WHO TELL FALSE HOOD. roR . IMMEDIATE BENEFIT ; RATHER. THAN THE TRUTH? WE CHALLENGE ANYONE To .SHOW WHERE THIS -STORE EVER MAKES A WRONG - STATEMENT ABOUT THE QUALITY OF oUR-GOODS.-;rT---'r-y--;T . We are offering the best bargains in Petticoats ever 1 known in Portland. They come in all colorslight ' and dark green, light and dark blue, brown, gray, pink. ' changeable and black. Cut very full, full silk top, 12 inch dust ruffle, accordion pleated, all sizes. (J r . 7C '' Well worth $8.50 our pnee.. ............ e)Ue f O . - , i . Every section of this beautiful new store is abloom with the choicest Spring goods. Your early inspection is invited. Yet us tell you how One Dollar a week ; will dress you in, the height of fashion. ' Eastern Outfitting Co, Washington 111 ifoii wsiii t o .rranci tlarMh'wto a Just been-eieoled for tha fourth time to rep Fesent Wyoming In the Cnlted Ktates s.nats, 1 a native of Mew England and UR early showing of Men's Spring Toppers will be sure to ,5? interest you. Four different lengths are pi distinguishing mold and exceedingly graceful lines. The clotlv patterns and color effects in gray are distinctively new. You know our label and what it stands viz.Superiority: of Styles, Fit; Y; ' and Quality. : :; : v i 'Y v : II a. and Tenth T v M I5 va 011 1 1 1 is eoos 1 civil -war veteran. - Like mot mu toraJie .ln.a tnnn. ol .rtat.. e::u. II. meet pf v'-'i-n t e ttn nm 'e t a t'nrK raJswr In : . ''' ' ' ' "' ; i - -1 "' THIS 50c NLCKWLAR 35c CLOSING OUT SALE, SALLM WOOLEN MILL 'STORE, THE "KAMTSTOOP 1 Shoulder Eracc and Suspender "Strong " . iirctiv ; Simple Only Braee That Positive) v cures the habit of Stoon- I " In g.' Pnxtuces that military effect so mucn desirea. women a, uina' and Boy', all sisea, Men', all slses, SXSS. Only the following dealers sell eur goods: Kyssell's Pharmacy. 117 Morrison at.( Woodard, Clarke aV Co., Fourth and . Washington streets; Plummer Drug Co., Third and Madison street. m XAITSTOOP BIACS OOh and Maonf aetarsra, -OAILAVO, CAIb SICK IIEnDAGIIH Positively caroJ j these JUttle rule. CARTERS They also relieve Dat tres from Dyspepsia, In digeaoi and Too Beartr Katlng. A persMt tea edy lor Dtzdnees, Itaosea, DrewylTxea. Bad Taste tn the lonuw Coated Tnurae, Pain tn tb Ski, torpid UVXB. near regnjatetli Howele, Purely VeretaU. SKAUPILL SKaLLCSSE. s'-ir.:x CARTERS ' Cemilns Miat Bear Fac-Simils Signature BEFUSE lUJITITUTII. TJiiTTie MVER I PILLS. YOUR GLASSES DO THIT mi tf vt ft At 'FLY rlrht. It Dak fhm v iin w at r. at y.a r a 1 1 . I.irig v Ikriiic, n-r, r i , t'rto iiririit fH th P-. '--,l hifW. le-le imriiiie tn iortw. ,v u tej IH, O'lf i a rrrt (.;-! e ' ehu rr t ii ( it ft is) g , Of UrU, J-neeir I ( j . I b '". se.'lp g ... , R.I'lM wild f' l.r'i ft. .tt. c . 1 v V J? I five pin